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Suporte ao desenvolvimento e à integração de ontologias no domínio biomédico / Supporting development and integration of ontologies in the biomedical domainWaldemarin, Ricardo Cacheta 21 September 2015 (has links)
O surgimento e o uso crescente de novas tecnologias têm levado à produção e armazenamento de grandes volumes de dados biomédicos. Tais dados são provenientes de diferentes técnicas, armazenados em formatos de representação diversos e utilizados por diferentes ferramentas. Esta heterogeneidade representa um empecilho ao maior uso desses dados em abordagens integrativas de pesquisa como, por exemplo, a biologia sistêmica. Neste cenário, artefatos de modelagem conceitual, tais como ontologias, têm sido utilizados para organizar e integrar dados heterogêneos de uma forma coerente. A OBO Foundry representa, atualmente, o maior esforço no desenvolvimento de ontologias biomédicas de forma colaborativa. Dentre as ontologias desenvolvidas pela OBO Foundry, destaca-se Ontologia de Relacionamentos (RO-OBO). A RO-OBO provê definições formais para um conjunto de relacionamentos de propósito geral utilizados nas ontologias biomédicas e busca promover a criação de ontologias mais corretas e integráveis. Um perfil UML foi proposto para representar formalmente o conjunto de conceitos e relacionamentos existentes na RO-OBO. Este perfil permite desenvolver modelos UML utilizando os conceitos presentes nesta ontologia, bem como torna possível o desenvolvimento de suporte à validação sintática dos modelos criados em relação a um conjunto de restrições formalmente definidas. Adicionalmente, percebe-se na literatura que o suporte à integração de modelos UML e ontologias OBO, em particular as ontologias representadas na linguagem OBO File Format, é limitado. Neste sentido, este trabalho teve como objetivo geral investigar o suporte ao desenvolvimento de ontologias biomédicas na linguagem UML. De forma específica, investigou-se o desenvolvimento de um editor gráfico, chamado OBO-RO Editor, para o suporte à construção de ontologias utilizando o perfil UML proposto, bem como a integração de ontologias desenvolvidas utilizando UML e ontologias desenvolvidas na linguagem OBO File Format. De forma a atingir nossos objetivos, uma arquitetura de referência foi definida e um processo de desenvolvimento orientado a modelos foi utilizado. A arquitetura definida é composta por uma série de artefatos inter-relacionados os quais são transformados (semi) automaticamente em código de aplicação, possibilitando a obtenção de ciclos de desenvolvimento mais rápidos e confiáveis. O OBO-RO Editor disponibiliza um conjunto de elementos gráficos de modelagem definidos a partir do perfil UML proposto, bem como provê mecanismos para a validação sintática (semi) automática de uma ontologia desenvolvida segundo as restrições definidas neste perfil. Adicionalmente, o OBO-RO Editor também provê suporte à integração de modelos UML a outras ontologias da OBO Foundry, permitindo o reuso e o desenvolvimento menos propenso a erros de ontologias no domínio biomédico. / The development and increasing use of new technologies has resulted in the production and storage of a huge amount of biomedical data. These data are produced using different techniques, stored in different formats and consumed by different (software) tools. This heterogeneity hinders effective data usage in integrative research approaches, including systems biology. In this scenario, conceptual modeling artifacts, such as ontologies, have been used to organize and integrate heterogeneous data in a coherent manner. Nowadays, the OBO Foundry represents the most important effort for the collaborative development of ontologies in the biomedical domain. The OBO Relation Ontology (OBO-RO) can be considered one of the most relevant ontologies in the domain. This ontology provides formal definitions for a number of general purpose relationships used in biomedical ontologies, thus facilitating the integration of existing ontologies and the development of new ontologies in the domain. An UML profile has been proposed to formally define the different types of concepts and relationships provided by the OBO-RO. This profile enables the creation of UML models using such concepts and allows the development of support for the automatic validation of these models based on formal constraints. Additionally, the support for the integration between UML models and OBO ontologies, particularly ontologies represented using the OBO File Format, is limited. In this sense, this project aimed at investigating the support for the development of biomedical ontologies using UML. In particular, we investigated the development of a graphical editor, named OBO-RO Editor, to support ontology development using the proposed UML profile. Additionally, we also investigated the integration of ontologies developed using UML and ontologies developed using the OBO File Format. In order to achieve our goals, we have defined a reference architecture and a model-driven development process. The reference architecture consists of a number of related artifacts that are transformed to application code (semi) automatically. Such characteristic allowed us to obtain faster and more reliable development cycles. The OBO-RO Editor provides a number of graphical elements defined in the proposed UML profile for the modeling of biomedical ontologies and support the (semi) automatic syntactic validation of such ontologies against the contraints defined in the profile. Additionally, OBO-RO Editor also provides support for the integration of developed UML models and other OBO ontologies, allowing the reuse and the accurate development of biomedical ontologies.
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Vilka semantiska skillnader finns det mellan UML-A och UML med avseende på ECA-regler?Ågren, Peter January 2008 (has links)
Eftersom databaser blir allt vanligare och används mer och mer inom allt större områden är det viktigt att finna modelleringsspråk som kan modellera egenskaperna för databashanteringssystemen under analys och design fasen. Aktiva databashanteringssystem har egenskapen att automatiskt kunna reagera på händelser som uppkommer. Aktiva databashanteringssystem klarar av att hantera s.k. ECA-regler. ECA-regler består av händelse, villkor och handling. För att kunna modellera aktiva databashanteringssystem krävs att det är möjligt att modellera ECA-regler. Ett modelleringsspråk som anses kunna modellera ECA-regler är UML. Berndtsson och Calestam (2001) anser dock att det finns brister i UML och har därför skapat en extension UML-A som bättre klarar av att uttrycka ECA-regler. Detta arbete undersöker ifall det finns några semantiska skillnader mellan UML och UML-A. Jämförelsen sker genom att ett antal exempelregler skapas och att dessa modelleras i både UML-A och UML. Modellerna utvärderas både semantiskt och grafiskt för att se ifall skillnader kan påvisas mellan modelleringsspråken. Resultaten som kommit fram i detta arbete är att det finns klara semantiska skillnader mellan UML och UML-A när det gäller ECA-regler. De brister som funnits hos UML har inte kunnat identifieras i UML-A vilket tyder på att UML-A mycket väl skulle kunna användas för att modellera ECA-regler och därmed även aktiva databashanteringssystem.
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Spécification et animation de modèles de conception de la sécurité avec Z / Specification and animation of security design models using ZQamar, Muhammad Nafees 02 December 2011 (has links)
L'écriture de spécifications pour des logiciels en général et en particulier pour des applications sécurisées demande de développer des techniques qui facilitent la détection et la prévention des erreurs de conception, dès les premières phases du développement. Ce besoin est motivé par les coûts et délais des phases de vérification et validation. De nombreuses méthodes de spécification, tant formelles qu'informelles ont été proposées et, comme nous le verrons dans cette thèse, les approches formelles donnent des spécifications de meilleure qualité.L'ingénierie des systèmes sécurisés propose l'utilisation de modèles de conception de la sécurité pour représenter les applications sécurisées. Dans de nombreux cas, ces modèles se basent sur les notations graphiques d'UML avec des extensions, sous forme de profils comme SecureUML, pour exprimer la sécurité. Néanmoins, les notations d'UML, même étendues avec des assertions OCL, sont insuffisantes pour garantir la correction de ces modèles. Ceci est notamment du aux limites des outils d'animation utilisés pour valider des modèles UML étendus en OCL. Nous proposons de combiner des langages formels comme Z avec UML pour valider des applications en animant leurs spécifications, indépendamment de futurs choix d'implémentation. Le but de cette thèse est de présenter une approche pour analyser par animation des modèles de conception de la sécurité. Nous utilisons un outil pré-existant, RoZ, pour traduire les aspects fonctionnels du modèle UML en Z. Cependant, RoZ ne couvre pas la modélisation des aspects sécuritaires. Dans cette thèse, nous avons complété l'outil RoZ en l'associant à un noyau de sécurité qui spécifie les concepts du modèle RBAC (Role Based Access Control). Nous utilisons l'animation pour explorer dynamiquement et ainsi valider les aspects sécuritaires de l'application.Notre approche et les outils qui la supportent intègrent UML, SecureUML (un langage de modélisation de la sécurité), RBAC, RoZ, Z et Jaza, un animateur pour le langage Z. L'animation des spécifications prend la forme de scénarios définis par l'utilisateur qui permettent de se convaincre que la spécification décrit correctement ses besoins. Notre approche permet une validation dès la phase de spécification, qui prend en considération l'interaction entre les modèles fonctionnel et sécuritaire, et qui fait abstraction des choix de l'implémentation. Les éléments du modèle fonctionnel peuvent être utilisés comme contexte dans la définition des permissions du modèle de sécurité. Notre approche ne met pas de contrainte sur ce modèle fonctionnel ce qui permet de l'utiliser pour une vaste gamme d'applications. / Specifying security-critical software urges to develop techniques that allow early bugs detection and prevention. This is aggravated by the fact that massive cost and time are spent during product validation and verification (V&V). There exists a multitude of formal and informal techniques striving to confront the challenge of specifying and validating specifications. Our approach mainly concerns validating the security specifications by animating the formal models, which adds a new dimension to the state-of-the-art.Secure system engineering dedicated to tackle security features offers security-design models to sketch secure applications. Generally for these, Unified Modeling Language (UML) is considered a de facto standard along with a few extensions such as SecureUML and Object Constraint Language (OCL). OCL tends to add precision in design but yet it remains far from obtaining bugs free specifications. One reason to that is the inability of the OCL-based techniques to animate models before proceeding to an implementation.Combining formal languages such as Z with UML allows applying animation techniques enabling early validation of software design. The RoZ tool is capable of translating UML models into the Z specifications which further can be verified or validated. But RoZ is lacking to provide similar features for secure applications. In this thesis, we have upgraded this tool using an underlying security kernel backed up by Role Based Access Control (RBAC). Our approach not only allows validating the specifications but can animate the formal models. The animation also takes into account both the static and the dynamic aspects (i.e., session management) of RBAC-based security policies. Our unified approach and toolset involves a systematic usage and linkage of UML, SecureUML, RBAC, RoZ, Z, and the Just Another Z Animator (Jaza) tool. Using Jaza, the sort of validation we perform allows enumerating user defined scenarios to determine if the specification describes the intended reality. We emphasize on simultaneous consideration of functional and non-functional properties and consider functional models as contextual constraints over the security models. From a user viewpoint, our proposed approach can arbitrarily be composed with any functional model to examine an RBAC-based security policy.
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Proposta de método para gestão de requisitos de sistemas integrando modelagem de negócio e linguagens formais. / Proposal for management system requirements method integrating business modeling and formal languages.Oliveira, Valter Castelhano de 23 October 2008 (has links)
Apesar das novas e efetivas técnicas de engenharia de software, os projetos de desenvolvimento de sistemas estão propensos a ter os mesmos problemas que acometem o software de apoio à gestão. Entrega com atraso, acima do orçamento e não suprindo as reais necessidades dos usuários finais ou da organização que está financiando o desenvolvimento do sistema, são os principais problemas. Esse último problema é o que mais afeta o desenvolvimento de sistemas e é um desafio para que o desenvolvimento personalizado seja uma solução real para várias empresas. Este trabalho apresenta uma proposta de método de gestão que auxilie a comunicação entre as atividades associadas à engenharia de requisitos e as atividades associadas à modelagem dos processos de negócio. Essa abordagem concerne à gestão e tratamento de requisitos de sistemas baseando-se em técnicas de engenharia de processos de negócios e de engenharia de requisitos, no processo unificado de desenvolvimento de software e na utilização de linguagens semi-formais e formais de modelagem, UML e SysML respectivamente. O método pretende mitigar os efeitos dos problemas de comunicação existentes entre os diversos integrantes de um projeto, com especial atenção para a comunicação entre a equipe de requisitos do projeto e os stakeholders responsáveis pela aceitação e aprovação do sistema. A pesquisa, com o apoio da apresentação de dois casos que ilustram o método de gestão proposto, permite concluir que é possível tornar mais efetiva e produtiva a comunicação entre os diversos envolvidos com o projeto, podendo resultar em um processo mais eficiente para a aceitação dos requisitos junto aos stakeholders. / Despite new and effective software engineering techniques, system development projects are likely to have the same problems that affect the management support software. Delivery delay, above budget and not fitting the real needs of end users or the organization that is funding the system development, are the most common problems. The latter problem is the one that most affects the systems development and is a challenge for the custom development to be a real solution to several companies. This work presents a proposal for a management method to help the communication between the activities associated with the engineering requirements and the activities associated with business processes modeling. This approach, concerns to the systems requirements treatment and management, is based on business processes engineering and requirements engineering, in software development unified process and in the use of semi-formal and formal modeling languages as UML and SysML, respectively. The method seeks to mitigate the effects of the communication problems among the project members, with special attention to the communication between the project requirements team and the stakeholders responsible for the system acceptance and adoption. The research, supported by the presentation of two cases which illustrates the proposed management method, has concluded that it is possible to make more effective and productive communication among members related with the project, which may result a more efficient process for the stakeholders requirement acceptance.
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Ärendehantering i DHL expressKjellberg, Martin January 2005 (has links)
<p>Syftet med denna rapport är att analysera DHL express behov av ärendehantering. Unified process och unified modelling language har använts för att kartlägga vilka nyckelfunktioner som skulle kunna ingå och vilka krav som DHL har på ärendehantering. Utifrån resultatet av unified process har en prototyp byggts upp för att demonstrera hur ärendehanteringen ser ut praktiskt</p> / <p>The purpose of this report is to analyse DHL Express need for information management in Växjö. Unified process and Unified modelling language have been used to capture the requirements and to make an analysis in order to map key functions for an information management system. From the result of the Unified process a prototype has been built to demonstrate practically the functions in an information management system.</p>
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UML veiklos modelio generavimas veiklos žinių saugyklos pagrindu / Enterprise knowledge model based generation of the UML activity modelDanielaitytė, Daiva 28 January 2008 (has links)
Informacijos sistemos kūrimas, pradedant nuo vartotojo reikalavimų surinkimo iki IS diegimo, palaikymo ir reinžinerijos vadinamas informacijos sistemų inžinerija. Pastaruoju metu šio mokslo vystymosi eigoje formuojasi naujas etapas – žiniomis grindžiama kompiuterizuota IS inžinerija. IS kūrimo aplinka CASE yra papildoma veiklos žinių kaupimo posistemiu, intelektualizuojančiu informacijos sistemos kūrimo procesą. Veiklos žinių posistemio paskirtis teoriškai yra užtikrinti galimybę saugomų dalykinės srities žinių pagrindu generuoti IS konceptualaus ir detalaus projektavimo etapų modelius ir programinį kodą. Veiklos modelio panaudojimas gerina sprendimų kokybę ir taupomas darbo laikas, kadangi veiklos modelyje jau yra sukauptos formalių kriterijų atžvilgiu patikrintos žinios. Priešingai negu tradicinėje kompiuterizuotoje IS inžinerijoje, kur informacijos sistema kuriama empiriškai, pradedant vartotojo poreikių išsiaiškinimu, analize ir specifikavimu. Tokiu IS kūrimo būdu dauguma CASE įrankiams taikomų projektinių modelių yra generuojami tik iš dalies ir juos iki galo realizuoti gali tik sistemos analitikas neautomatizuotu būdu. Šiame darbe bus gilinamasi į galimybę panaudojant veiklos modelį, kurio pagrindu sudarytas dalykinės srities žinių posistemis, generuoti veiklos (activity) diagramos projektinį modelį. / The principles and major steps of enterprise Meta-Model (EMM) based development of Activity model in CASE system enviroment are presented in this paper. The Enterprise Meta-Model represents the key concepts of domain knowledge. The enterprise processes, management functions, and their interactions are concidered as a components of the domain knowledge accumulated as Enterprise model in the knowledge base of CASE system. The formal and practical background for generation of Activity diagram model is mapping rules of EMM constructs to constructs of Activity diagram meta-model. In this paper experimental Enterprise knowledge model is eveluated in order to find out with activity diagram elements we can‘t generate without adding aditional classes to Enterprise model.
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Verslo procesų projektavimo būdų analizė kuriant informacines sistemas / Evaluation of business procesess design by creating information systemsKrupenkovaitė, Rasa 19 June 2008 (has links)
Siekiant maksimizuoti organizacijos pelną ir pagerinti jos veiklos rezultatus reikia efektyviai išnaudoti visus organizacijoje vykstančius verslo procesus. Tai padaryti galima naudojant įvairias verslo procesų valdymui skirtas kompiuterizuotas informacines sistemas. Projektavimo tikslas – sukurti ir aprašyti statinius ir dinaminius organizacijoje vykstančius procesus. Verslo procesams projektuoti ir analizuoti kuriant informacines sistemas, ypač jeigu jos didelės, reikia specialių projektavimo metodologijų ir priemonių, kurios šiuos procesus palengvintų, padarytų lengviau suvokiamais ir paspartintų darbą. Darbe išanalizuoti verslo procesų projektavimo būdai kuriant informacines sistemas: Petri tinklai, UML ir hibridinis Petri tinklų ir UML projektavimo metodas, pateikti jų aprašymai, savybės, galimybės. Taip pat išanalizuota organizacijose vykstantys verslo procesai. Bene daugiausia dėmesio skirta į rezultatyvumo ir žinių bei informacijos valdymo procesą, kadangi nuo jų priklauso organizacijos veiklos rezultatai. Organizacija projektuojama pradedant nuo bazinio - rezultatyvumo proceso. Todėl teorinių tyrimų aprašymo dalyje nagrinėjama pasirinkto rezultatyvumo verslo proceso projektavimas aprašytais Petri tinklų, UML bei hibridiniu metodais. Eksperimentinių tyrimų dalyje pasirinkta organizacija UAB „Proringas“, išanalizuoti joje veikiantys verslo procesai, sumodeliuotos skirtingų procesų valdymo sistemos, kurios sujungtos ir projektuotos trimis analizuojamais metodais. Metodai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / For maximising profit of organization and increasing its efficiency of activities must be used all business processes used in organization. The purpose of designing – to create and describe static and dynamic processes in organization. For projecting and analysing business processes while created information systems it is needed special modelling methodologies and tools that would make easier and more understandable those processes and would increase efficiency of work. There is analysed business processes design in this work while are created information systems: Petri-Net, UML and hybrid Petri-Net and UML design project methods, listed their descriptions, characteristics and possibilities. Also there are analysed business processes that take place in organization. Specialized attitude to information resources managing suppose demand of business system information, its usage and value by addressing adequate order for software. According the management position it must be coordination of data and information processing capabilities with creative person capabilities and technologies. Organization designed starting from processes and from them must be designed efficiency process. So in theoretical part it is analysed by chosen efficiency business process design described by Petri-Net and UML methods. In the part of experimental research selected organization - Joint stock company Proringas, analised business processes in it, modelled business processes that takes part in it... [to full text]
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Dalykinės srities kalbų kūrimo UML MagicDraw aplinkoje metodika ir šios metodikos pritaikymas, kuriant veiklos objektų modeliavimo kalbą / The methodology of DSL development using case tool UML MagicDraw and it‘s application in the development of business objects modeling languageTamulis, Giedrius 04 March 2009 (has links)
Kuriant informacines sistemas (IS) susiduriama su viena svarbiausių problemų tai nesusikalbėjimo tarp IS ir dalykinės srities ekspertų. Dėl šio nesusikalbėjimo didėja IS kūrimo kaina bei ilgėja sistemos kūrimo laikas, nes reikalingas daugkartinis sistemos prototipų pristatymas, bei pakartotinis reikalavimų peržiūrėjimas. Vienas iš problemos sprendimo būdų yra dalykinės srities kalbų (DSK) kūrimas ir naudojimas įvairiose dalykinėse srityse. Bendros kalbos naudojimas palengvina bendravimą tarp DS ir IS ekspertų. Šiuo metu nėra dalykinių kalbų kūrimo metodikos MagicDraw UML aplinkoje. Šiame darbe pateikiama metodika DSK kūrimui MagicDraw aplinkoje ir sukuriama veiklos objektų modeliavimo kalba. Pasiūlyta kalba padarys klasių modelį suprantamesnį dalykinės srities ekspertams. / Within Information systems engineering process is a major problem – information systems and domain experts can‘t easily understand each other language. The reason is that the domain and IS expert’s uses the different terminology. Different terminology increases the information system development time, because there is a need to re-review the requirements and reassessment of the prototype. One of the ways of solving this problem is the Domain Specific Language development and use in various problem domains. Usage of common language facilitates the communication between IS and domain experts. There is no methodology of Domain Specific Language development by CASE tools. There-fore possible solution is proposition of this methodology. In this paper is described the solution of both problems (methodology of DSL development and proposed language of class model extension with enterprise model objects). Proposed language should optimize existing class model making it more understandable for domain experts.
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Intelektualių veslo sistemų modeliavimas / Business intelligence system modelingMaknytė, Lina 20 June 2012 (has links)
Pirmoje darbo dalyje yra nagrinėjamos organizacijų ekonominės problemos ir ieškoma kaip tos problemos gali būti pašalintos. Išanalizavus kokios gali būti problemos pradėta analizuoti intelektualios verslo sistemos, kaip vienas geriausių sprendimo būdų. Darbe taip pat nagrinėjama intelektualių sistemų apibrėţimas, paaiškinama architektūra ir išskiriama kuo BIS skiriasi nuo kitų informacinių valdymo sistemų. Antroje dalyje yra nagrinėjamos pagrindinės problemos susijusios su intelektualiomis verslo sistemomis ir jų diegimu organizacijose. Analizuojama šiuo metu labiausiai paplitusios technologijos OLAP ir QlikView, kurios naudoja atmintį duomenų krovimui. Analizuojami jų privalumai ir trūkumai taip pat skirtumai. Trečioje dalyje analizuojama intelektualių verslo sistemų projektavimo metodika. Keliami klausimai ką reikia daryti, kad gautume sistemą atitinkančią organizacijos lūkesčius. Analizuojama projektavimo struktūra naudojant UML diagramas, taip pat elementų svarba pačioje sistemoje. Ketvirtoje dalyje yra projektuojami intelektualių verslo sistemų modeliai, kurie yra tik pavyzdiniai, kurie parodo kokie privalumai ir kaip veikia intelektualios verslo sistemos vykdant pirkimo funkcijas panaudojant marketinginius principus. / In the first part of master thesis analyzing the main problems, which are in organization management. The main purpose of this part is to find a solution how can resolve this problems. Business intelligence systems are the best solution. In this part analyzing business intelligence systems definition, architecture and also analyze what is different in business intelligence systems comparing with other informatics management systems. The second part of work analyzes business intelligence problems related with creation, developing and using BIS. Analyze the most popular tools like OALP and QlikView. Compare the OLAP and QlikView. Analyze QlikView like data loading from memory. Explain the advantages and disadvantages of QlikView and OLAP. The third part analyzes designing and planning of business intelligence systems. Analyze what is the main purpose to create good system which will be useful in organizations. In this part also analyze the UML modems for BIS. In the last part is presenting solutions for problems which was analyzed in the second part. The examples are created using UML diagrams.
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Programos kodo generavimas naudojant UML veiksmų semantiką / Program code generation using UML action semanticsAblonskis, Linas 02 June 2006 (has links)
The recent version of UML 2.0 (in year 2006) specifies activities and actions, which allow describing low level behavior of software system being modeled, in implementation independent fashion. This work analyzes suitability of UML 2.0 activities and actions for generating full program code (or as many as possible). It also proposes a method for generating program code from UML 2.0 activities and actions, which consists of a way to express UML activities with concurrently executing actions in a sequential execution scenario and a way to determine the exact code template (among the few possible) for UML activity elements based on identifying the particular context of element in question.
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