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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Verslo procesų, aprašytų BPMN notacija, transformavimas į PLA modelius / Transformation business process, described by BPMN, to PLA models

Slaninaitė, Lina 05 June 2006 (has links)
The notations of business processes can be used to design IT systems. If we want to reduce the expenses and the amount of mistakes of the bigger projects we need to create additional models, which can help us to find out whether the business processes are well understandable and correct. The question is how to reduce the expenses for creation of business process models. The purpose of thesis is to answer to this question: how to transform BPMN models to PLA method. The basic concepts was gathered and systemized, that will allow us to talk about business processes in a structured way. Also was made analysis of business process modeling languages (BPMN (Business Process Modeling Notation) and UML (Unified Modeling Language)). Also was described piece-linear aggregate (PLA) method, which is used for creation of dynamical models of business process. Was made BPMN model of ATM (automatic teller machine) business process, which was transformed to PLA model. The results of transformation was systemized and was made general requirements how to transform BPMN models to piece-linear aggregate.

Išplėstoji UML notacija verslo procesams modeliuoti ir specifikuoti / Extended UML Notation for Modelling of e-Business Processes

Pašilskytė, Inga 24 May 2005 (has links)
Visual languages are used for understandability of business analysis, modeling and computerization processes for business analysts as soon as system developers. The advantages of visual modeling are standard notation, unified concepts, and intuitive use. There is no single language suitable for all phases of business process evolution. Three languages were analyzed: UML 2.0, BPMN and BPEL4WS, with regards to their possibilities to represent and execute e-business processes. It is proposed to extend UML 2.0 with BPMN stereotypes for e-business process modeling with succeeding transformation to execution language BPEL. The exclusive feature of proposed way of modeling lies in integration of business process model with object types of problem domain. In order to test the proposed method, scenario for modeling was prepared and three models were designed: two models using UML 2.0 notation, and one model using UML extended with BPMN stereotypes. Models were compared to show new method advantages. For implementation of proposed method, UML CASE tool MagicDraw was extended with stereotypes required for the proposed method of modeling. Extended user interface was proposed for specification of business rules governing the e-business process.

Verslo procesų projektavimo būdų analizė kuriant informacines sistemas / Evaluation of business procesess design by creating information systems

Krupenkovaitė, Rasa 19 June 2008 (has links)
Siekiant maksimizuoti organizacijos pelną ir pagerinti jos veiklos rezultatus reikia efektyviai išnaudoti visus organizacijoje vykstančius verslo procesus. Tai padaryti galima naudojant įvairias verslo procesų valdymui skirtas kompiuterizuotas informacines sistemas. Projektavimo tikslas – sukurti ir aprašyti statinius ir dinaminius organizacijoje vykstančius procesus. Verslo procesams projektuoti ir analizuoti kuriant informacines sistemas, ypač jeigu jos didelės, reikia specialių projektavimo metodologijų ir priemonių, kurios šiuos procesus palengvintų, padarytų lengviau suvokiamais ir paspartintų darbą. Darbe išanalizuoti verslo procesų projektavimo būdai kuriant informacines sistemas: Petri tinklai, UML ir hibridinis Petri tinklų ir UML projektavimo metodas, pateikti jų aprašymai, savybės, galimybės. Taip pat išanalizuota organizacijose vykstantys verslo procesai. Bene daugiausia dėmesio skirta į rezultatyvumo ir žinių bei informacijos valdymo procesą, kadangi nuo jų priklauso organizacijos veiklos rezultatai. Organizacija projektuojama pradedant nuo bazinio - rezultatyvumo proceso. Todėl teorinių tyrimų aprašymo dalyje nagrinėjama pasirinkto rezultatyvumo verslo proceso projektavimas aprašytais Petri tinklų, UML bei hibridiniu metodais. Eksperimentinių tyrimų dalyje pasirinkta organizacija UAB „Proringas“, išanalizuoti joje veikiantys verslo procesai, sumodeliuotos skirtingų procesų valdymo sistemos, kurios sujungtos ir projektuotos trimis analizuojamais metodais. Metodai... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / For maximising profit of organization and increasing its efficiency of activities must be used all business processes used in organization. The purpose of designing – to create and describe static and dynamic processes in organization. For projecting and analysing business processes while created information systems it is needed special modelling methodologies and tools that would make easier and more understandable those processes and would increase efficiency of work. There is analysed business processes design in this work while are created information systems: Petri-Net, UML and hybrid Petri-Net and UML design project methods, listed their descriptions, characteristics and possibilities. Also there are analysed business processes that take place in organization. Specialized attitude to information resources managing suppose demand of business system information, its usage and value by addressing adequate order for software. According the management position it must be coordination of data and information processing capabilities with creative person capabilities and technologies. Organization designed starting from processes and from them must be designed efficiency process. So in theoretical part it is analysed by chosen efficiency business process design described by Petri-Net and UML methods. In the part of experimental research selected organization - Joint stock company Proringas, analised business processes in it, modelled business processes that takes part in it... [to full text]

Kritiniai sėkmės faktoriai verslo valdymo sistemos diegime: Lietuvos įmonių praktika / Critical Success Factors in ERP Implemention: Practice of Lithuanian Companies

Dijokas, Justinas 04 March 2009 (has links)
Magistro darbo objektas – verslo valdymo sistemos diegimas. Darbo tikslas – nustatyti verslo valdymo sistemų diegimo pagrindinius sėkmės faktorius atskiruose diegimo etapuose įmonėms Lietuvoje ir pateikti pasiūlymus didesnei VVS diegimo sėkmei užtikrinti. Pagrindiniai darbo uždaviniai: teoriškai išanalizuoti įmonės veiklą, išskirti ir apibrėžti jos funkcines sritis bei verslo procesus, išnagrinėti tarpusavio ryšius; išnagrinėti bendrus verslo valdymo sistemų bruožus, jų atsiradimo priežastis, raidą, išskirti pagrindinius diegimo etapus bei metodikas; apžvelgti Lietuvoje naudojamų verslo valdymo sistemų rinką; identifikuoti ir išnagrinėti pagrindinius mokslinėje literatūroje minimus VVS diegimo sėkmę lemiančius faktorius; kokybinio tyrimo būdu atlikti kritinių sėkmės faktorių analizę Lietuvos įmonėse; pateikti pasiūlymus VVS diegiančioms įmonėms didesnei diegimo sėkmei užtikrinti. Verslo valdymo sistemos diegimas yra pripažįstamas kaip problemiškas laiko ir biudžeto paskirstymo atžvilgiu. Šių sistemų diegimai yra sunkiau valdomi nei kiti IT projektai. Yra atlikta daug tyrimų, analizuojančių kritinius sėkmės faktorius verslo valdymo sistemos diegime. Vis dėlto dauguma tyrimų nagrinėjančių kritinius sėkmės faktorius apsiriboja pačių faktorių identifikavimu, o ne jų pritaikymu konkrečiam etapui ar tarpusavio ryšiais. Reikia pažymėti, kad Lietuvoje apie verslo valdymo sistemų diegimus publikuojami tik pavieniai straipsniai specializuotuose periodiniuose leidiniuose, o kritinius... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / The enterprise resource planning (ERP) movement has been gathering momentum for the best part of ten years and has now reached a global dimension, with companies across the world and, more importantly, across very different industries jumping on the ERP band wagon. ERP systems are integrated enterprise-wide software packages that uses a modular structure to support a broad spectrum of key operational areas of the organization. They are widely acknowledged as having the potential to radically change existing businesses by bringing imporements in efficiency and the implementation of optimized business processes. ERP systems link together an organization's strategy, structure, and business processes with IT system. Although the technical risk from developing software is considerably reduced, risk during implementation is associated with aligning the processes with those of the software package and the corresponding change management and software configuration issues. The analysis of the cases reveals that in addition to standard project management critical success factors, there are other factors that need to be taken into account in ERP implementation. ERP systems have become popular means for both large and medium-size organizations to overcome the limitations of alienated and incompatible legacy systems. ERP systems are designed as an integrated set of software modules, all linked to a common database, handling a host of corporate functions such as finance, human resources... [to full text]

E-verslo procesų nukrypimų valdymo modeliavimas darbų sekų metodu / Modelling of e-business process exception handling using workfow method

Vojevodina, Dovilė 06 February 2007 (has links)
The introduction of the dissertation gives a short overview of the scope of the research. The first chapter discusses the ways and methods of business process modelling and gives summary on exception types and their nature. The second chapter discusses in detail the exception models, occurring in e-business processes. The third chapter describes the results of the research on handling exceptions in B2C environment. The last, fourth, chapter discusses the method of handling exceptions in B2B environment. At the end of the research the general conclusions are made.

E-Verslo procesų nukrypimų valdymo modeliavimas darbų sekų metodu / Modelling OF E-Business Process Exception Handling Using Workflow Method

Vojevodina, Dovilė 02 March 2007 (has links)
The introduction gives a short overview of the scope of the research. The first chapter discusses the ways and methods of business process modelling and gives summary on exception types and their nature. The second chapter discusses in detail the exception models, occurring in e-business processes. The third chapter describes the results of the research on handling exceptions in B2C environment. The last, fourth, chapter discusses the method of handling exceptions in B2B environment. At the end of the research the general conclusions are made.

Išorinių išteklių nuomos galimybės Lietuvos smulkiajame versle / The possibilities of outsourcing in lithuania small business

Mickaitis, Audrius 23 June 2014 (has links)
Temos aktualumas. Lietuvos smulkaus verslo efektyvumo gerinimas naudojant išorinių išteklių nuomą. Tyrimo objektas – išorinių išteklių nuoma. Tyrimo uždaviniai: 1. Remiantis moksline literatūra pateikti išorinių išteklių nuomos atsiradimo prielaidas ir sampratą. 2. Išskirti išorinių išteklių nuomos panaudojimo tikslus ir tipus. 3. Įvardinti išorinių išteklių nuomos teikiamą naudą ir strateginius panaudojimo sprendimus. 4. Išskirti išorinių išteklių nuomos privalumus ir trūkumus. 5. Įvardinti pagrindines Lietuvos smulkaus verslo problemas. 6. Nustatyti išorinių išteklių nuomos taikymo galimybes smulkiajame versle. 7. Atlikus empirinį išorinių išteklių nuomos empirinį tyrimą ir įvertinus išorinių išteklių panaudojimo galimybes, pateikti rekomendacijas smulkaus verslo efektyvumui didinti, naudojantis išorinių išteklių nuomos paslaugomis. Išanalizavus išorinių išteklių nuomos teorinius aspektus, ją galima apibrėžti, kaip efektyvų metodą, kurio pagalba, perdavus trečiajai šaliai įmonės verslo procesus galima užtikrinti įmonės konkurencingumą, apsirūpinti ištekliais, optimizuoti įmonės veiklos vidinius procesus kurių pagalba užtikrinamas verslo efektyvumas. Išanalizavus Lietuvos smulkaus verslo problemas išsiaiškinta, kad, pagrindinės problemos siejamos su resursų stoka. Smulkaus verslo įmonių plėtrą stabdo finansinių išteklių trūkumas, žemas techninis potencialas, nepakankama žmogiškųjų išteklių kvalifikacija, dideli veiklos kaštai, partnerių suradimas. Taip pat nepakankamas... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Relevance of the topic. Efficiency improvement of the small enterprises in Lithuania using outsourcing. Research object – outsourcing. Research objectives: 1. Based on the relevant scientific literature to present the assumptions for the origin of outsourcing and its concept. 2. To display the objectives and types of outsourcing. 3. To define the benefits and strategic solutions of application provided by outsourcing. 4. To define the benefits and limitations of outsourcing. 5. To identify the main problems of the small enterprises in Lithuania. 6. To assess the possibilities of the practicing of outsourcing in the small enterprises. 7. Having conducted empirical research on outsourcing and assessed possibilities of the outsourcing practicing, to give recommendations for the efficiency improvement of the small enterprises by using services of outsourcing. Following the analysis of the theoretical aspects of outsourcing it can be concluded as an efficient method by means of which, under transfer of the business processes to the third party, the enterprise can ensure its competitiveness, provide itself with resources, and optimize internal processes of the enterprise activity. The analysis of the problems encountered by the small enterprises in Lithuania resulted in the conclusion that the prime problems are related to the lack of resources. Development of the small enterprises is impeded by the lack of financial resources, low technical potential, insufficient qualification of... [to full text]

Vaistinės verslo procesų automatizavimas panaudojant Navision / Business process automation of drugstore network using Microsoft “Navision” software

Ramanauskas, Edvardas 19 January 2005 (has links)
Urgency of research. Nowadays business competition is large. So if managements want to keep in the fight of competition, they must make decisions efficiently. According researchers about 80% of information needed for decisions making is obtained out of accounting. So data of accounting must be processed quickly and operatively. Such way to get information necessitates purchasing of computerized accounting system. Newness of research. The supply of computerized accounting systems is large in Lithuania, so it is difficult to choose the best computerized accounting system for management of company. Besides time in time there appear new products, new versions of programs. Choosing the system that meets the needs of company �� difficult task because there aren’t mucj information and experience on that situation Goal of research. We will analyze Navision Attain Business Solution possibilities for computerization of drugstore network. We will analyze Navision Attain Business Solution and compare it with other systems. Object of research. Preparation of the accounting system for drugstore network using Navision Business Solutions Tasks of research: • To present main principles of accounting • To analyze the peculiarities of computerized accounting system • To describe the possibilities of Navision attain Business Solutions Results of research: • Requirements for computerized accounting system Navision are analyzed • Posibilities of programming product Navision are analyzed •... [to full text]

Sprendimų procesų automatizavimo informacinėse sistemose tyrimas / A Study on Implementation of Automated Decision Process into the Information Systems

Šmaižys, Aidas 30 January 2012 (has links)
Disertacijoje tiriamas sprendimų modelių kūrimas verslo taisyklių ir procesų modelių pagalba bei šių modelių transformacijos į programų sistemų komponentus realizuojančius automatizuotus sprendimus informacinėje sistemoje. Analitinėje disertacijos dalyje apžvelgiami sprendimu modeliai ir metodai skirti intelektualizuotų informacinių sistemų kūrimui. Tolimesniuose skyriuose pateikiamas, remiantis analizės rezultatais, sukurtas modelių karkasas ir jo pagrindu sukurtas metodas skirtas sprendimų modelių automatizavimui. Baigiamajame disertacijos skyriuje aprašomi eksperimentai, kuriuose atliekamos sprendimų modelių transformacijos. Galiausiai pateikiami eksperimentų rezultatai ir galutinės išvados. / In the presented thesis we offer modernisation of information system development methods used for implementation of automated information-, rule-, knowledge- and model-based decision processes assisted by early separation and development of a business logic model and implementation of decision-making and knowledge discovery process models with further support to business people with suitable interfaces for modification of decision-making processes without involvement of software developers in later exploitation stages. In the analytical part of the dissertation, decision models and methods of intellectualised information systems are analysed. According to the results obtained during the analysis, investigation on the proposed framework and a decision model based method for decision-making process automation is carried out. In the final chapter several experiments are described in order to evaluate the proposed method, and the general conclusions complete the research.

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