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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Princípio da igualdade no direito internacional público e sua aplicação nas Nações Unidas / Principle of equality in public international law and its aplication at United Nations.

Ribeiro, Jeancezar Ditzz de Souza 14 April 2015 (has links)
A presente tese objetiva analisar o redimensionamento conceitual do Princípio da Igualdade no Direito Internacional Público, assim como a aplicação desse princípio na Organização das Nações Unidas, em especial no órgão judiciário, a Corte Internacional de Justiça, e nas Resoluções da Assembleia Geral da ONU sobre o princípio. A mudança mais relevante da sociedade internacional é a sua expansão horizontal de Estados, que impacta na validade das regras do Direito Internacional. A metodologia da escolha dos casos e das resoluções analisados serão precedidas por um estudo exploratório da doutrina sobre o princípio da igualdade. O novo entendimento sobre o princípio visa garantir uma igualdade material no plano internacional. Admite a possibilidade de buscar a realização da igualdade material com as desigualdades compensatórias ou vantajosas. O tratamento diferenciado ocorre apenas na presença de condições que são desfavoráveis na prática. Num primeiro momento, busca-se articular diversas teorias que explicam o princípio da igualdade na teoria do Direito e no Direito Internacional Público, para, num segundo momento, compreendê-lo a partir de um novo entendimento - uma igualdade solidária e pluralista. / This dissertation aims to analyze the conceptual dimension of the Principle of Equality in Public International Law, as well as its application in the United Nations, particularly in the International Court of Justice, in addition to the UN General Assembly resolutions on thhe principle. The most significant change in international society is its horizontal expansion of States, which impact on the validity of the rules of international law. The methodology for choosing the cases and the analyzed resolutions will be preceded by an exploratory study of the doctrine on the principle of equality. The new understanding of the principle aims to ensure a substantive equality internationally. The principle allows the possibility of seeking the realization of the fulfilment of material equality in counter or advantageous inequality. The differential treatment occurs only in the presence of conditions that are unfavorable in practice. At first, several theories that explain the principle of equality in the theory of law and public international law are articulated in order to develop a new understanding - a plural and a solidarity equality.

Pirandello \"novellaro\": da forma à dissolução / Pirandello novellaro: from form to dissolution

Degani, Francisco José Saraiva 08 December 2008 (has links)
Estudar a obra novelística de Luigi Pirandello é um modo de entender não apenas as razões que o levaram a ser um dos mais importantes escritores italianos do século XX, mas também o papel de cada um de nós no mundo e na vida. As novelas, baseadas em pequenos acontecimentos cotidianos, formam um grande mosaico da existência humana: uma nota no jornal, um amor acabado ou ainda nem começado, um simples gesto ou o apito de um trem, são situações que despertam a imaginação do autor e nas quais muitas vezes nos reconhecemos. Dramaturgo e romancista de sucesso, Pirandello nunca deixou de escrever novelas: foram 251 ao longo de sua carreira. Para ele, a novela era o espaço íntimo, insubstituível, reservado para a discussão existencial empreendida pelos seus personagens em uma época tão inquieta como o início do século XX. As novelas, reunidas no projeto Novelle per un anno, são de vital importância para se compreender a evolução das preocupações do autor e representam a base de seu pensamento. As últimas novelas, principalmente, trazem novas chaves de interpretação ao conjunto da obra e mostram um escritor novo e muito mais inquietante, que muitas vezes a crítica não soube reconhecer. Traçar a trajetória do Pirandello novelista, ou novellaro, como ele se definia, relacionando-a com os outros aspectos de sua carreira literária, de seu pensamento e da época que ele tão bem retratou, é o objetivo deste trabalho. / To study Pirandellos short story is a means not only of understanding the reason why he became one of the most important Italian writers of the twentieth century but also the role we play in the world and life. His short stories, based on ordinary events, make the great mosaic of our lives a piece of news, a love that has broken up or not even started, a gesture, a train whistle; situations that drive his thoughts, where many times we recognize ourselves. Successful play writer and novelist, Pirandello never stopped writing short stories: 251 along all his work life. According to Pirandello, a short story was the intimate, unique place, intended for the existential debates of his characters in the hard times of the beginning of the twentieth century. The short stories, brought together in the project Novelle per un anno, are of great importance to understand the evolution of the authors worries and represent the basis of his thought. The last short stories mainly bring new tools for interpretation to Pirandellos work and show a new, much more disturbing writer, many times not acknowledged by critics. To follow the course of the short-story writer Pirandello or novellaro, as he used to call himself connected with other aspects of his literary life, thought, and the time he described so well, is the focus of this work.

Wenn Kinder anderer Meinung sind - Die ethische Problematik von Kindeswohl und Kindeswille in der Kinder- und Jugendmedizin / If children have a different opinion - The ethical problem of the best interest of the child and child`s choice in Pediatrics

Peters, Sabine 12 November 2013 (has links)
In der Kinderheilkunde kommt es gelegentlich zu einem ethischen Konflikt zwischen Kindeswohl und Kindeswillen, wenn Kinder eine medizinisch indizierte Behandlung nachdrücklich ablehnen. Kann es in einer solchen Situation gerechtfertigt sein, das Kind zu einer Behandlung zu zwingen? Zur Beantwortung dieser Frage fehlte es bislang an medizinethischen Untersuchungen, die den Gehalt dieser beiden Begriffe sowie ihren Zusammenhang systematisch untersuchen.   In der vorliegenden Arbeit wurde eine solche systematische Analyse der rechtlichen und ethischen Voraussetzungen der Begriffe Selbstbestimmung, Kindeswohl und Kindeswille in der Medizin vorgenommen sowie eine qualitativ-empirische Untersuchung in Form eines Faktoriellen Survey durchgeführt, um die praktische Relevanz der Fragestellung zu prüfen. Dazu wurde in Kooperation mit der Ärztekammer Niedersachsen eine repräsentative Stichprobe niedersächsischer Kinderärztinnen und Kinderärzte befragt. Es wurde untersucht, ob die Problematik in der Praxis der Kinderheilkunde eine Rolle spielt und ob Kinderärzte der Ansicht sind, dass der Kindeswille berücksichtigt werden müsse und auch ausreichend berücksichtigt werde. Weiterhin wurde geprüft, welche Kriterien dafür als relevant angesehen werden.  Es konnte gezeigt werden, dass ein solcher Konflikt zwischen Kindeswohl und Kindeswille in der Praxis nicht selten vorkommt und von Kinderärzten als Dilemma wahrgenommen wird. Die Kinderärzte halten es mehrheitlich für notwendig, den Kindeswillen schon bei Kindern zwischen 8 und 14 Jahren zu respektieren, auch wenn dieser dem Elternwillen widerspricht. Dies wird bisher in der rechtlichen Regelung nicht abgebildet. Auch konnte als problematisch herausgearbeitet werden, dass die Selbstbestimmungsfähigkeit Minderjähriger bisher ausschließlich anhand der kognitiven Fähigkeiten und des Alters, nicht jedoch an Hand anderer Reifefaktoren beurteilt wird. Entgegen der bisher im Recht vertretenen Auffassung, dass Minderjährige unter 14 Jahren einwilligungsunfähig sind, wird es in Zukunft notwendig sein, den Kindeswillen in der Medizin stärker zu berücksichtigen. Dies wird auch gestützt durch das in Artikel 12 die UN-Kinderrechtskonvention festgestellte Recht von Kindern auf eine angemessene Berücksichtigung der eigenen Meinung. Die Achtung vor dem Willen des Kindes ist notwendige Voraussetzung zur Entwicklung zu einem selbstbestimmten Erwachsenen.

JT Žmogaus teisių taryba: veiksmingesnės žmogaus teisių apsaugos garantas ar iliuzija? / The un human rights council: a guarantee of a more effective human rights protection or an illusion?

Janušauskas, Andrius 09 July 2011 (has links)
Santrauka Bandant atsakyti į klausimą ar naujoji JT Žmogaus teisių taryba – veiksmingesnės žmogaus teisių apsaugos garantas ar viso labo iliuzija, šiame darbe yra aptariami Tarybos pirmtakės – Komisijos – istorija, raida, pasiekimai, trūkumai bei privalumai. Taip pat yra pateikiamas šios JT žmogaus teisių institucijos reformos įvertinimas. Darbe – aptariama pakitusi Tarybos vieta bei statusas JT sistemoje (nuo šiol Taryba yra pagalbinė Generalinės Asamblėjos institucija). Taip pat yra analizuojama Tarybos sudėtis, aptariant pakitusį narių skaičių bei geografinį jų pasiskirstimą. Detaliai analizuojama nauja rinkimų į Tarybą tvarka, kuri turėtų padidinti Tarybos atskaitingumą bei pakelti pasitikėjimą ja. Darbe taip pat nagrinėjami reikalavimai šalims, siekiančioms patekti į Tarybą, o taip pat papildomi bendradarbiavimo reikalavimai šalims, išrinktoms į Tarybą. Aptariamas padidintas Tarybos sesijų skaičius bei jų bendra trukmė, kas turėtų suteikti Tarybai galimybę greičiau, rimčiau bei nuosekliau reaguoti į žmogaus teisių problemas, staiga kylančias krizes, o taip pat užsiimti žmogaus teisių pažeidimų prevencija. Darbe – analizuojami Tarybos veiklos mechanizmo elementai – specialiosios procedūros, skundų procedūra, Patariamasis komitetas, bei naujoji Visuotinės periodinės peržiūros procedūra. Taip pat yra aptariamas kitas aspektas, nuo kurio didele dalimi priklauso Tarybos veiksmingumas – NVO vaidmuo Tarybos veikloje, kuris išliko beveik toks pats koks jis buvo Komisijos... [toliau žr. visą tekstą] / Summary In an attempt to answer the question whether the new UN Human Rights Council is a guarantee of a more effective protection of human rights or merely an illusion, the paper discusses history, development, achievements, shortcomings and merits of the Council's predecessor -- the Commission. The paper also presents an assessment of this UN human rights institution's reform. The paper discusses the altered place and status of the Council within the UN system (from now on the Council is a subsidiary institution of the General Assembly). The paper also analyzes the Council's composition, discussing the changed number of members and their geographical distribution. The paper also provides detailed analysis of the new rules for electing Council members, which should make the Council more representative and should increase trust in the Council. The paper also examines requirements set for the countries vying for a seat on the Council as well as additional requirements for the countries elected to the Council. The paper discusses the increased number of sessions and their overall duration, something that should help the Council to react to sudden human rights crises and to deal with human rights problems in a faster, more serious and more consistent manner as well as help the Council to be proactive when it comes to human rights violations. The paper analyzes the elements of the Council's work mechanism -- special procedures, complaint procedure, the Advisory Committee and the... [to full text]

Att resa hållbart på utlandssemestern - hur svårt kan det va'? : En studie om medias skildringar kring (o)hållbart semesterresande och dess potential att inverka på unga resenärers kunskaper, attityder och vanor / Travelling sustainably on holidays abroad - how hard could it be? : A study about media's descriptions about (un)sustainable tourism travel and its potential to influence young travellers' knowledge, attitudes and habits

Sandmer, Helena January 2014 (has links)
Hållbart semesterresande är en utmaning med flera dimensioner. På systemnivå finns det tekniska och organisatoriska utmaningar, och på individnivå handlar det ofta om psykologiska hinder för beteendeförändring. Men ytterligare en utmaning kan sägas finnas, och det på samhällsnivå. Det handlar då om hur olika sociokulturella strukturer och aktörer i samhället formar individers identitet, livsstil och normer. I denna uppsats har tonvikten lagts på den sistnämnda utmaningen, med media i fokus. Media i form av texter och bilder om resande kan vara till inspiration för många turister, och bidra till skapande av mer eller mindre miljövänliga livsstilar och konsumentbeteenden. Genom innehållsanalys av fyra svenska magasin och genomförande av en internetbaserad enkätundersökning bland ungdomar 18-30 år, besvaras följande frågeställningar: ”Hur skildras texter och bilder om (o)hållbart resande i rese- respektive livsstilsmagasin? Vilken potential har media i form av magasin att inverka på unga resenärers kunskaper, attityder och vanor kring (o)hållbart semesterresande?” Analysen visar att många texter cirkulerar kring aspekter som livsstil och rörlighet, transportmedel och miljöpåverkan samt framtidens teknikutveckling. Dessa skildras ofta på ett sätt som inte hävdas främja ett mer hållbart semesterresande. Texter om hållbar turism och alternativt resande är sällsynta, och enkäten bekräftar att många unga saknar kunskaper inom dessa områden. En viktig slutsats är dock att en majoritet av respondenterna har positiva attityder kring miljö, hållbar turism och alternativt resande, och efterfrågar mer information och inspiration om det. Således finns indikationer på att en positiv trend mot hållbarhet kan vara i antågande bland unga resenärer. Studien pekar också på att media i form av magasin inte används frekvent av unga resenärer som källa till inspiration för resande. Trots detta anses uppsatsens resultat som relevanta, och kan tillsammans med framtida forskning ge värdefulla insikter i hur media kan inverka på, och bidra till, resenärers inställningar och beteenden mot ett mer hållbart resande. / The challenge of attaining sustainable travel on holidays has several dimensions. Technical and organizational challenges are found at the system level, and at an individual level we have to deal with psychological barriers. But there is one more challenge, which may be found at a societal level. It is about how sociocultural structures and actors in society can shape identity, lifestyle and norms of individuals. In this paper, the emphasis is laid on the latter, focusing on media. Media in the form of texts and pictures about travel can work as inspiration for many tourists, and contribute to the build-up of more or less eco-friendly lifestyles and consumer behaviors. By using content analysis of four Swedish magazines and a web survey addressed youths 18-30 years old, the following research questions are being answered: “How are texts and pictures about (un)sustainable travel described in travel- and lifestyle magazines, respectively? What potential has media in form of magazines to have an influence on young travellers’ knowledge, attitudes and habits about (un)sustainable travel on holidays?” The analysis shows that many texts deal with aspects like lifestyle and mobility, means of transport and environmental impact, and future technological development. These are often depicted in a way which arguable not is promoting a sustainable holiday travel. Texts about sustainable tourism and alternative ways of travelling are rare, and the survey confirms that many youths have lack of knowledge in these topics. Nevertheless, an important finding is that a majority of the respondents have positive attitudes about environment, sustainable tourism and alternative ways of travelling, and ask for more information and inspiration about it. Consequently, there are indicators that a positive trend towards sustainability may be on the way among young travellers. The study also indicates that media in form of magazines, is not frequently used by young travellers as a primary source of inspiration. Notwithstanding, the results of this paper are considered to be relevant, and may, together with future research, give valuable insights to how media can have an affect on, and contribute to, the attitudes and behavior of travellers with the aim of reach a more sustainable travel.

Art. 6 EMRK und kantonale Verwaltungsrechtspflege /

Herzog, Ruth. January 1995 (has links)
Zugl. Diss. Bern, 1995. / Ed. commerciale de la thèse de Berne, 1995. Literaturverz.

Pirandello \"novellaro\": da forma à dissolução / Pirandello novellaro: from form to dissolution

Francisco José Saraiva Degani 08 December 2008 (has links)
Estudar a obra novelística de Luigi Pirandello é um modo de entender não apenas as razões que o levaram a ser um dos mais importantes escritores italianos do século XX, mas também o papel de cada um de nós no mundo e na vida. As novelas, baseadas em pequenos acontecimentos cotidianos, formam um grande mosaico da existência humana: uma nota no jornal, um amor acabado ou ainda nem começado, um simples gesto ou o apito de um trem, são situações que despertam a imaginação do autor e nas quais muitas vezes nos reconhecemos. Dramaturgo e romancista de sucesso, Pirandello nunca deixou de escrever novelas: foram 251 ao longo de sua carreira. Para ele, a novela era o espaço íntimo, insubstituível, reservado para a discussão existencial empreendida pelos seus personagens em uma época tão inquieta como o início do século XX. As novelas, reunidas no projeto Novelle per un anno, são de vital importância para se compreender a evolução das preocupações do autor e representam a base de seu pensamento. As últimas novelas, principalmente, trazem novas chaves de interpretação ao conjunto da obra e mostram um escritor novo e muito mais inquietante, que muitas vezes a crítica não soube reconhecer. Traçar a trajetória do Pirandello novelista, ou novellaro, como ele se definia, relacionando-a com os outros aspectos de sua carreira literária, de seu pensamento e da época que ele tão bem retratou, é o objetivo deste trabalho. / To study Pirandellos short story is a means not only of understanding the reason why he became one of the most important Italian writers of the twentieth century but also the role we play in the world and life. His short stories, based on ordinary events, make the great mosaic of our lives a piece of news, a love that has broken up or not even started, a gesture, a train whistle; situations that drive his thoughts, where many times we recognize ourselves. Successful play writer and novelist, Pirandello never stopped writing short stories: 251 along all his work life. According to Pirandello, a short story was the intimate, unique place, intended for the existential debates of his characters in the hard times of the beginning of the twentieth century. The short stories, brought together in the project Novelle per un anno, are of great importance to understand the evolution of the authors worries and represent the basis of his thought. The last short stories mainly bring new tools for interpretation to Pirandellos work and show a new, much more disturbing writer, many times not acknowledged by critics. To follow the course of the short-story writer Pirandello or novellaro, as he used to call himself connected with other aspects of his literary life, thought, and the time he described so well, is the focus of this work.

Perspective intermédiale sur le motif de la disparition : enjeux d’une poétique de la remédiation chez Perec, Modiano et Nolan

Routhier, Élisabeth 03 1900 (has links)
Cette thèse explore, selon une perspective intermédiale, le rapport entre les phénomènes de remédiation et le problème de la disparition à partir d’œuvres littéraires et filmique : Un cabinet d’amateur de Georges Perec (1979), Dora Bruder de Patrick Modiano (1997) et The Prestige, réalisé par Christopher Nolan (2006). Partant du postulat qu’il existe un lien signifiant entre l’hétérogénéité énonciative des œuvres étudiées – qui convoquent différents genres, modes d’expression et médialités – et le motif de la disparition qui s’y dessine, nous posons l’hypothèse que les œuvres produisent un métadiscours traduisant le fonctionnement d’un régime d’interaction particulier que la disparition aurait la possibilité d’induire : l’hypermédiateté. En tant que contrepoint de l’immédiateté, l’hypermédiateté qualifie ce régime où les seules relations possibles ont lieu par et dans la médiation, à la manière de ce qui se joue dans les œuvres du corpus témoin. La particularité de cette approche est de considérer la disparition comme ayant une valeur productive indissociable des valeurs négatives d’absence, de retrait ou d’effacement auxquelles elle est plus généralement rattachée. La première partie pose les bases conceptuelles du projet en revisitant les théories des médias à l’aune du tournant performatif qui détermine la période « postmédiatique » de l’intermédialité. Est alors explicité en quoi il est possible de concevoir les particularités formelles des œuvres du corpus comme informant une poétique de la remédiation. La deuxième partie s’appuie sur ce cadre conceptuel pour conjuguer le problème de la disparition à celui de la remédiation, et ce, dans le but d’articuler une définition de l’hypermédiateté. Finalement, des analyses en diptyques orientées autour des concepts d’authenticité, de survivance et d’institution composent la dernière section. Le corpus témoin participe d’abord à l’édification du cadre conceptuel, contribue ensuite à problématiser l’idée de disparition et permet en dernier lieu les articulations et approfondissements qui émergent des analyses. Trois buts sont ainsi poursuivis. La visée méthodologique, d’abord, est celle de diriger notre attention vers les actions et processus plutôt que vers les objets (ce qui favorise une pensée de la médiation au détriment de celle, plus figée, du média). Le but théorique consiste à revisiter les théories intermédiales dans le contexte épistémologique actuel pour produire un discours inédit sur le phénomène formel en tentant de dépasser les logiques de l’imitation, du transfert et de la représentation. Finalement, l’objectif général est de concevoir, à partir du motif de la disparition, le rôle de la médiation dans les processus dynamiques de singularisation des objets du monde, et ce, hors du paradigme de la représentation. / This thesis will explore, with an intermedial perspective, the relation between processes of remediation and the issue of disparition drawing on three literary and filmic works: Un cabinet d’amateur by Georges Perec (1979), Dora Bruder by Patrick Modiano (1997) and The Prestige, directed by Christopher Nolan (2006). Based on the premise of the existence of a meaningful connection between the heterogeneity of the examined works’ structure of enunciation – convening different genres, forms of expression and medialities – and the pattern of disparition they delineate, the hypothesis we propose is that these works give rise to a metadiscourse inferring a particular mode of interaction induced by disparition: hypermediacy. Conceived as immediacy’s counterpoint, hypermediacy refers to a mode in which the only possible relations occur through mediation, as played out in the works of the sample corpus. The distinctive feature of this approach lies in the interpretation of disparition as possessing a productive aspect, indissociable from the negative aspects of absence, withdrawal or obliteration, to which it is more commonly associated with. The first part establishes the project’s conceptual bases, revitalizing media theories in the light of the performative turn, which launched the post-mediatic period of intermediality. From there is explicated in which ways the corpus’ formal properties can be considered as informing a poetics of remediation. The second part builds on this conceptual framework to conjugate the problem of disparition with that of remediation in order to articulate a potent definition of hypermediacy. Finally, the last section presents three diptych analyses oriented around the concepts of authenticity, Nachleben and institution. The sample corpus primarily contributes to the enlightenment of the conceptual framework along with problematizing the idea of disparition. Lastly, it allows in depth articulations to emanate from the analysis. Three goals are thereby pursued. Firstly, the methodological goal is to direct our attention towards actions and processes rather than objects, favoring an idea of mediation over the more static perspective of media. Secondly, the theoretical goal consists of revising theories of intermediality in the current epistemological context to create an original discourse on the formal phenomenon, with efforts to overcome the logics of imitation, transfer and representation. At last, the general objective is to produce a discourse about the way mediation participates to the dynamic processes of singularization applied to people and objects. Disparition is the prisma through which these processes are conceived in a manner that is contrapuntal to the representational paradigm.

Rakhmaninov's "Corelli" variations : new directions

McLean, Florence Anne January 1990 (has links)
Only a few of RakJimaninov's compositions were popular with audiences during the lifetime of this Titan of the piano. Such youthful works as the Prelude in c# minor, op. 3, no. 2 and the Piano Concerto no. 2, op. 18 demonstrated only one facet of a creative process that evolved throughout his life. The purpose of this thesis, therefore, is to consider the extent of Rakhmaninov's stylistic evolution, especially the changes embodied in the large scale piano solo, Variations on a Theme of Corelli, written in the last decade of the composer's life. In the discussion of Rakhmaninov's lifelong stylistic development the author considers three distinct stages in his life as important landmarks. The first stage shows certain early influences upon the composer's creative powers, whether conscious, such as his acknowledged sensitivity to melody, or unconscious, such as medieval chant (Dies Irae), the sound of church bells, poetry and painting. The second addresses the question of the mixed legacy of Rakhmaninov's break with the past, when he left Russia in 1917 to re-settle in the United States the next year. On the one hand he never entirely broke his links with "Mother Russia," his fascination with the sounds of bells and chants, in his last decade of musical composition. For example, a comparison of the ancient Dies Irae theme with the La Folia tune that Corelli had used reveals striking similarities that Rakhmaninov undoubtedly found attractive, albeit unconsciously. On the other hand, he was inspired to seek a new conciseness of style and form in composition. The third stage relates to trends nurtured perhaps by his friendship with eminent string players and performers in America such as Fritz Kreisler. It is not surprising that Rakhmaninov's last two important works owe their themes to famous violin pieces: the Folia tune used by Arcangelo Corelli in the Corelli Variations and Paganini's well known 24th Caprice in the Paganini Rhapsody. These new directions in Rakhmaninov's music are most clearly present in the Corelli Variations, which are examined in terms of: (a) a new keyboard style; (b) string influenced variations; (c) elements of American jazz; and (d) a new clarity of structure. Finally, the writer examines similarities between the Corelli Variations and the Paganini Rhapsody that writers have sometimes touched upon. / Arts, Faculty of / Music, School of / Graduate

A Conductor's Guide to Un-Yung La's Choral Music as Reflected in Easter Cantata

Ryu, Hanpil 08 1900 (has links)
Un-Yung La was one of the first Korean composers of Western style choral music who used Korean folk elements in his composers. According to Un-Yung La's musical theory, which he demonstrated in Easter Cantata. Korean-style melody and rhythm were created based on Korean traditional scales and he also used Western-style harmonization. He attempted a new Korean style of expression through Sikimsae technique in Korean traditional vocal music genres: Pansori and Sijo. The purpose of this paepr is to discuss traditional Korean performance elements related to melody, harmony, and rhythm as employed in La's Easter Cantata. The study will increase the knowledge of western conductors who wish to understand Korean folk music in preparation for performance of choral works such as La's Easter Cantata.

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