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Étude de l'essorage en vue d'assister thermiquement le procédéLéger, Bérengère 19 December 2008 (has links)
Le couplage du procédé essorage séchage présente de multiples avantages : l’apport thermique pouvant aider les filtrations difficiles, le mouvement rotatif de l’essoreuse homogénéisant le champ électromagnétique et donc le chauffage. Nous avons retenu le modèle d’écoulement diphasique en milieu poreux le plus général et le plus complet, il s’agit du modèle de Darcy généralisé. Cependant, nous avons modifié la formulation du modèle proposée par Wakeman et Vince (1986). La formulation en pression que nous proposons respecte la cinétique de drainage et permet d’introduire deux paramètres importants dont l’un deux est la résistance hydraulique du média filtrant. Afin de vérifier la validité du modèle proposé, nous avons fait des essais expérimentaux sur une colonne de billes de verre en drainage gravitaire et sur une essoreuse instrumentée. Les cinétiques de drainage simulées et expérimentales sont en bon accord. Nous pouvons donc déterminer les cinétiques d’essorage et ainsi nous pouvons savoir à quel moment il est judicieux de démarrer le chauffage micro-ondes pour terminer la déshydratation. / Abstract
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Relación entre Estado Nutricional en niñas y niños menores de 5 años con el tipo de familia beneficiaria de un Programa Social. Distrito Baños del Inca. CajamarcaQuispe Casavilca, Yudi January 2015 (has links)
Introducción: La empresa minera Yanacocha e instituciones públicas y privadas llevaron a cabo el programa “Mejoramiento de la Seguridad Alimentaria como Estrategia de Superación de la Desnutrición Crónica Infantil” en familias rurales de influencia minera del distrito de Baños del Inca para contribuir a mejorar sus condiciones de vida. Se trabajó en cinco líneas de intervención: vivienda, prácticas, crianzas, cultivos y participación. Los resultados estuvieron orientados a salud, producción y participación comunal. Se efectivizaron dos de las tres fases del programa, la primera (2008 – 2009) fue gestión de actividades y productos (capacitación, implementación de huertos familiares, cocinas mejoradas, invernaderos, módulos de cuyes) y la segunda (2010 – 2011) fue gestión por resultados (vivienda saludable, prácticas saludables, familias productivas, familias participativas). El nivel de avance en la ejecución de las actividades por las familias beneficiarias hizo que al 2011 se clasificaran en “familias modelo” (FM) y “familias en proceso” (FEP). Objetivo: Determinar la relación entre estado nutricional de niños menores de 5 años con el tipo de familia beneficiaria del programa social. Diseño: Descriptivo de asociación cruzada, transversal, observacional. Institución: Distrito Baños del Inca - Cajamarca Participantes: 22 niños y niñas menores de 5 años de edad por cada tipo de familia. Intervenciones: Entre noviembre del 2011 y abril del 2012, y previo consentimiento informado, se aplicaron una encuesta de pesada directa de alimentos, mediciones antropométricas de peso y talla y dosaje de hemoglobina para valorar el estado nutricional de los niños menores de 5 años de ambos tipos de familia. Principales medidas de resultados: Relación entre estado nutricional de niños menores de 5 años según indicadores: consumo (energía, macronutrientes, hierro y vitamina A), antropometría (Peso/talla y Talla/edad) y bioquímico (nivel de hemoglobina) con el tipo de familia al que pertenecían. Resultados: Las medianas de adecuación de ingesta de energía, proteína, lípidos, carbohidratos, hierro y vitamina A de niños de FM fueron 90.1%, 113.7%, 73%, 83.6%, 60.1% y 26.4%, respectivamente, y de FEP fueron 78.4%, 91.9%, 69.6%, 83.6%, 67.1% y 19.2%, respectivamente. Según Peso/Talla, más de tres cuartas partes de niños de ambos tipos de familia estuvieron dentro del rango de normalidad, en estas familias también se halló igual número de niños con sobrepeso, pero un niño de FM tuvo bajo peso y 2 niños de FEP estuvieron obesos. Según Talla/Edad, la desnutrición crónica afectó a cerca de tres cuartas partes (n=16) de niños de ambos tipos de familia, sin embargo un niño de FM tuvo talla alta. Cuatro niños de FM tuvieron anemia leve, seis de FEP y dos de este mismo tipo de familia tuvieron anemia leve y moderada, respectivamente; el resto no presentó algún grado de anemia. Conclusiones: No se halló relación significativa entre estado nutricional según las valoraciones de consumo de alimentos (energía y nutrientes), antropometría (peso/talla, talla/edad), y bioquímico (nivel de hemoglobina) con el tipo de familia (“Modelo” y “En proceso”) beneficiaria de un programa social. / --- Introduction: The mining company Yanacocha and public and private institutions carried out the “Improving Food Security as a Strategy to Overcome Chronic Child Malnutrition" program in rural families influence mining district of Baños del Inca to help improve their living conditions. We worked on five lines of action: housing, practices, breeds, crop and participation, the results were oriented to health, production and community participation. Were effected two of the three program phases, the first (2008 - 2009) was managing activities and products (training, home gardens, improved stoves, greenhouses, modules guinea pigs) and second (2010-2011) was RBM (healthy housing, healthy practices, productive families, participatory families). The level of progress in the implementation of activities by the beneficiary families made to 2011 were classified under "family model" (FM) and "families in the process" (FEP). Objective: To determine the relationship between nutritional status of children under five years with the type of beneficiary family's social program. Design: Cross descriptive, cross-sectional observational association. Institution: District of Baños del Inca - Cajamarca Participants: 22 children under 5 years of each type of family. Interventions: Between November 2011 and April 2012 and prior informed consent, a survey by direct weighing of food, anthropometric measurements of height and weight and hemoglobin dosage were applied to assess the nutritional status of children under five years of both types of family. Main outcome measures: Relationship between nutritional status of children under five years as indicators: consumption (energy, macronutrients, iron and vitamin A), anthropometry (weight / height and height / age) and biochemical (level of hemoglobin) with the type of family they belonged. Results: Median adequacy of intake of energy, protein, lipids, carbohydrates, iron and vitamin A to children of FM were 90.1%, 113.7%, 73%, 83.6%, 60.1% and 26.4%, respectively, and were 78.4% FEP, 91.9%, 69.6%, 83.6%, 67.1% and 19.2%, respectively. According weight / height, more than three quarters of children of both types of families were within the normal range in these families equal number of boys was also found overweight, but a child of FM was underweight and 2 children FEP were obese. According height / age, chronic malnutrition affected about three quarters (n = 16) of children of both types of family, but a child of FM was high stature. Four children had mild anemia FM, six of FEP and two of this same type of family had mild to moderate anemia respectively; the rest did not show some degree of anemia. Conclusions: No significant relationship was found between nutritional status according to assessments of food consumption (energy and nutrients), anthropometry (weight / height, height / age) and biochemical (level hemoglobin) with the type of family ("Model" and "In Process ") beneficiary of a social program.
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Desarrollo, implementación y mantenimiento de un sistema de gestión del riesgo operacional en empresas del sector financiero.Heeren Cruz, Cesar Eduardo January 2013 (has links)
Comencemos preguntando sobre algo que está presente en cada actividad de nuestra vida, incluso cuando dormimos o no estamos conscientes de nuestros actos: El Riesgo. ¿Qué es el Riesgo? Lo primero que se nos viene a la mente es la “incertidumbre” de que algo va pasar y nos pueda afectar. En efecto, el riesgo definido a manera general es una acción que tiene la posibilidad de impactarnos, no dejándonos lograr uno a más objetivos determinados.
Hay muchas clases de riesgo, como los siguientes: riesgo de crédito, riesgo de mercado, riesgo reputacional, riesgo de liquidez, riesgo legal, riesgo estratégico y riesgo operacional. En el sector financiero estos son los riesgos en los que se tiene especial cuidado, priorizando el establecer un sistema de gestión adecuado para controlarlos a un nivel aceptable para la organización, porque ese es el objetivo de un sistema de gestión del riesgo: Controlar el Riesgo. El riesgo es inherente en todas las actividades de cualquier tipo de empresa, el nivel de riesgo nunca es cero, pero si se gestiona, puede llegar a tener un nivel en el cual la organización pueda convivir con él.
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[pt] Esta dissertação consiste em um estudo de caso da operação
da ONU estabelecida em El Salvador (1991-1995), que serve,
aqui, como referência para a discussão sobre os novos
propósitos desse instrumento ad hoc do sistema de
segurança coletiva das Nações Unidas. Voltadas para a
resolução de conflitos intra-estatais, as missões
apresentam uma atuação inovadora, a partir de 1989,
relacionada à consolidação da paz nacional.
De acordo com a abordagem político-institucional conferida
ao presente estudo, dentre as atividades desempenhadas em
campo pela ONU, especial atenção será dada aos esforços
para o fortalecimento do sistema institucional e
para o estabelecimento de um estado democrático de direito
no âmbito doméstico.Finalmente, com base na experiência
salvadorenha, o objetivo desta discussão é analisar a
contribuição das Nações Unidas, através do trabalho
desenvolvido pelas novas operações de paz, respaldado nos
valores democráticos e no respeito aos direitos humanos,
para a criação de um ambiente nacional pacífico e auto-
sustentável. / [en] This dissertation consists of a case study of the operation
established by the United Nations in El Salvador from 1991
through 1995, which serves as a reference for the
discussion on new purposes of this ad hoc instrument
of the United Nations' collective security system. The
peace operation missions present an innovating practice,
favoring the consolidation of a domestic preaceful
enviroment. According to the political-institutional
approach used in the present study, among the activities
carried out by the UN, special attention will
be granted to efforts for the invigoration of institutional
systems and for the establishment of a democratic state at
the domestic level. Finally, based on the Salvadoran
experience, the objective of this discussion is to analyze
the contributions of the UN through the work developed by a
generation of peace operations, which are based on
democratic values and the respect of human rights, for the
creation of a peaceful domestic enviroment.
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Dialectique et mathématique dans le Parménide de Platon / Dialectics and Mathematics in Plato’s ParmenidesMinesi, Gianmarco 29 November 2018 (has links)
Cette thèse de doctorat, intitulée “Dialectique et mathématique dans le Parménide de Platon” est une nouvelle lecture du Parménide de Platon, dont l’originalité réside essentiellement dans la tentative d’encadrer d’un point de vue mathématique la question de la « participation », qui est la question dialectique par excellence. Le but de la thèse n’est pas seulement de donner une interprétation cohérente et détaillée de toutes les parties du dialogue mais aussi d’aborder d’une façon atypique, via le Parménide, la problématique concernant la relation que la dialectique platonicienne entretient avec la mathématique. La thèse comprend huit chapitres et une introduction. L’introduction contient un état de la question et une panoramique générale des sujets affrontés. Le premier chapitre est un commentaire de la première partie de l’œuvre, le second est un commentaire de la partie intermédiaire, qui traite des indications méthodologiques de l’« exercice » effectué dans la deuxième partie. Le deuxième, le troisième, le quatrième et cinquième chapitre portent sur les trois premières « skepsis » (chacun sur une skepsis différent), et le sixième porte à la fois sur les deux dernières skepseis de la première hypothèse (si l’un est). Le septième chapitre, en revanche, traite des quatre skepseis de la deuxième hypothèse (si l’un n’est pas), alors que le huitième est une conclusion générale qui entend explorer d’une façon plus détaillée, à la lumière des résultats obtenus, la question des rapports entre Dialectique et Mathématique dans le Parménide, et introduire à la question du lien entre le Parménide et les témoignages indirects concernant les « άγραφα δόγματα ». / This Ph.d. Thesis, entitled « Dialectics and Mathematics in Plato’s Parmenides », is a new interpretation of Plato’s Parmenides, whose originality lies in the attempt to focus on the problem of participation, namely the ultimate dialectical problem, from a mathematical perspective. The aim of this thesis is not only to ensure a detailed and coherent interpretation of all parts of the dialogue, but also to approach the problem of the relation between Plato’s dialectics and mathematics via the Parmenides, therefore in an atypical way. The Thesis contains an introduction and eight chapters: the introduction deals mainly with the current state of the research and provides an overview of the subjects that will be treated in the chapters. The first chapter is a commentary on the first part of the dialogue, the second is a commentary of the middle part, concerning with the methodological pattern of the “exercise” performed in the second part of the dialogue. The third, fourth and fifth chapters shall examine the first three “skepseis” (one skepsis for each chapter) of the first “hypothesis” (if the one is), while the sixth deals with the last two skepseis. The seventh chapter comment on the four skepseis of the second hypothesis (if the one is not) and, finally, the eighth is a general conclusion whose aim is to explore more extensively, according to the obtained results, the relation between Dialectics and Mathematics in Plato’s Parmenides, taking also into account some connections between the Parmenides and the so-called άγραφα δόγματα.
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Young children's participation as a living right : an ethnographic study of an early learning and childcare settingBlaisdell, Caralyn Beth January 2016 (has links)
My doctoral research has explored how young children’s participation was put into practice—how it was ‘lived’ and negotiated—in the context of one early learning and childcare setting. The concept of children’s participation is rooted in large part in the UN Convention on the Rights of the Child (1989), which enshrines children’s right to express their views and have those views taken into account. However, young children’s participation rights are often overlooked. The more prominent discourse about young children has been one that focuses on early childhood as a preparatory period of life, in which adults must intervene and shape children’s development. My research has therefore focused on child-adult relationships within the early childhood setting, looking at how young children and early childhood practitioners ‘lived’ children’s participation and negotiated the tensions and challenges that arose for them. To carry out the research, I used an ethnographic methodology to study one fieldwork site in depth. ‘Castle Nursery’ was an early learning and childcare setting in Scotland, where practitioners professed to work in participatory ways with young children. The long-term nature of ethnography allowed me to observe how children’s participation was lived and negotiated at Castle Nursery over an eight-month period of fieldwork. The research found that practitioners challenged adult-led, ‘schoolified’ practices by foregrounding young children’s knowledge and contributions to the setting. Children’s participation was embedded into play-based pedagogy at Castle Nursery, with practitioners organising time and space to allow young children a great deal of influence over their daily experiences. Rather than planning adult-led learning activities, practitioners instead cultivated a rich learning environment for children to explore, through free-flow play. The thesis has also highlighted a variety of tensions and challenges that arose. Even at Castle Nursery, where practitioners were proud of the ways their work challenged conventional norms about young children, there were limits to how far practitioners would take a participatory approach. The thesis has particularly highlighted the importance of reflective practices about the ethical dimensions of early childhood practice. Uncertainty seemed to be an inevitable and enduring feature of living young children’s participation.
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AS ORIGENS HISTÓRICAS DO CONCEITO DE DESENVOLVIMENTO SUSTENTÁVEL SEGUNDO AS CONFERÊNCIAS DA ONU PARA O MEIO AMBIENTE / The Historical Origins of the Concept of Sustainable Development according to the United Nations Conferences for the EnvironmentBarreto, Chiara Laboissière Paes 02 February 2017 (has links)
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CHIARA LABOISSIÈRE PAES BARRETO.pdf: 832009 bytes, checksum: 52751ae2b94d565435e7e183e91ae425 (MD5)
Previous issue date: 2017-02-02 / This study analyses the contribution of the United Nations Conferences
for the Environment to the construction of the concept of sustainable
development, with an emphasis on the Stockholm and Rio Conferences.
The analysis of the historical formation of the sustainable development
concept is based on the theoretical principles of the History of the Concepts,
whose object of study is the investigation of changes on the usage and on the
meaning of concepts that have political implications and whose dynamics
demonstrate social changes.
Because of the rise of the environmental crisis in the end of the twentieth
century, the environment became a subject of international negotiations. The
concept of sustainable development arose within those negotiations, derived
from its original concept, the development.
In the Rio Conference, the concept acquired a liberal economic
approach, which conveys that economic tools that favor free market, along with
technological progress, are more efficient at the promotion of the environmental
sustainability. Social scientists have named this approach as ecological
modernization. / Esta dissertação de Mestrado aborda a contribuição das Conferências
da Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) para o Meio Ambiente para a
formação do conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável, com ênfase para a
Conferência de Estocolmo e a Eco-92.
A análise do processo de formação histórica desse conceito baseia-se
nos fundamentos teóricos da Histórica dos Conceitos, cujo objeto estudo é a
investigação de alterações no uso e no significado de conceitos que têm
implicação política, cuja dinâmica retrata mudanças sociais ao longo do tempo
Em razão da emergência da crise ambiental no final do século XX, a
questão ambiental passou ser paulatinamente objeto de negociações
internacionais. É no âmbito dessas negociações, caracterizado pelo conflito,
que surge o conceito de desenvolvimento sustentável, como uma vertente de
seu conceito originário, o desenvolvimento.
A partir da Conferência Eco-92, o conceito de desenvolvimento
sustentável adquiriu um viés econômico liberal, que pressupõe que os
instrumentos econômicos em favor do livre mercado, juntamente com o
progresso tecnológico, são mais os eficientes para a promoção da
sustentabilidade ambiental. Essa abordagem tem sido identificada por
cientistas sociais como “modernização ecológica”.
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FN:s förhållningssätt till brott mot mänskligheten : En kvalitativ studie om hur FN handlat i Srebrenica och varför folkmordet inte kunnat förhindras / UN’s approach to crimes against humanity: : A qualitative study on how the UN acted in Srebrenica and why the genocide could not be preventedSinik, Irena January 2019 (has links)
The aim of this study is to investigate how the UN has acted in preventive measures regarding the genocide in Srebrenica. However, the UN contributions in conflict has not always been successful nor effective regarding the prevention of crimes against humanity. Nonetheless, the conflict in former Yugoslavia and the genocide in Srebrenica constitutes a prime example of when UN failed in its role as upholder of human rights, peace and stability. The intriguing part in the case of Srebrenica was the international presence of UN peacekeepers that were situated in the village when the crimes took place. The substantial core of this study is therefor to determine why the UN failed so massively in protecting civilians in Srebrenica by preventing a genocide. Further, to examine the whys and hows, it is of considerable importance to clarify the structure of relevant UN-organs and conventions that holds authority in interventions. Therefor, the study mainly issues the UN Security Council, the UN Charter and the Genocide Convention regarding the structure and capacity in preventive measures. As for the empirical material covered, it is mainly retrieved from official documents and academic literature. The material presented is thereby analyzed in accordance with the theoretical framework to understand why the UN failed to prevent genocide from occurring in Srebrenica. The study draws the conclusion that the UN lacked extensive assessments regarding needed actions and misjudged the nature of the conflict.
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A concentração geográfica da sociedade civil global: análise da distribuição das sedes das organizações não governamentais credenciadas para as conferências sociais globais da Organização das Nações Unidas (1925-1996) e para as conferênci / The geographic concentration of global civil society: analysis of the distribution of the seats of non-governmental organizations accredited to the global social conferences of The United Nations (1992-1996) and the ministerial conferences of the world Trade OrganizationSilva, Vania Sandeléia Vaz da 04 August 2011 (has links)
Entre 1992 e 2005, representantes de 11.921 organizações não governamentais (ONGs) participaram de conferências realizadas pela Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) e pela Organização Mundial do Comércio (OMC). Tendo em vista que, tradicionalmente, apenas os representantes dos Estados-membros dessas duas organizações seriam admitidos, a crescente presença de atores não-governamentais nesses eventos foi considerada uma das evidências empíricas do surgimento de uma sociedade civil global. Contudo, alguns críticos afirmam que a sociedade civil não seria global, mas concentrada geograficamente em alguns países. Nosso objetivo é analisar se, de fato, existe tal concentração e quais suas principais características. Com esse objetivo, analisamos a distribuição geográfica das sedes das ONGs credenciadas para esses eventos, discutindo dois dos principais argumentos contrários à idéia de sociedade civil global: o primeiro afirma que a sociedade civil não é global porque seus atores estão concentrados em países do Norte (gerando um desnível Norte-Sul, com predomínio numérico e político de ONGs do Norte sobre as do Sul); o segundo, defende que a concentração das ONGs espelha as atuais constelações de poder em âmbito internacional (pois as ONGs seriam, predominantemente, de países localizados no eixo Europa-América Anglo-Saxônica). Considerando que todos seríamos parte da sociedade civil global, procuramos constatar de onde são as pessoas e organizações que efetivamente têm participado das discussões e decisões a respeito de questões que dizem respeito a todos (os habitantes do planeta). / Between 1992 and 2005, 11921 representatives of nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) participated in conferences held by the United Nations (UN) and the World Trade Organization (WTO). Given that, traditionally, only representatives of Member States of these two organizations would be admitted, the growing presence of \"nongovernmental\" actors in these events was considered one of the empirical evidence of an emerging \"global\" civil society. However, some critics argue that civil society is not global, but geographically concentrated in some countries. Our goal is to examine whether, in fact, exist that concentration and their main characteristics. With this objective, we analyzed the geographic distribution of headquarters of accredited NGOs to conferences, discussing the two main arguments against the idea of global civil society: the first asserts that civil society is not \"global\" because their actors are concentrated in North countries (creating a North-South divide, with numerical and political dominance of NGOs from the North on the South); the second claims that the concentration of NGOs reflects the current constellation of power in the international arena (as the NGOs would be predominantly of countries located in EuropeAmerica Anglo-Saxon). Whereas we would all be part of global civil society, we see where are the people and organizations that have effectively participated in the discussions and decisions about issues that concern all (the inhabitants of the planet).
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O fortalecimento das relações bilaterais e o apoio nos foros multilaterais: as relações Brasil-África (1995-2010) / Strengthening bilateral relations and support in multilateral forums: Brazil-Africa relations (1995-2010). 2014.Costa, Juliana Jerônimo 03 March 2015 (has links)
Essa tese tem como problema de pesquisa verificar se as estratégias de fortalecimento do relacionamento bilateral aumentariam o apoio dos países beneficiados ao país beneficiário nos foros multilaterais. Acredita-se, portanto, que uma das motivações para que os países fortaleçam as suas relações bilaterais seria a conquista de apoio no plano multilateral para com isso aumentar o seu peso e prestígio no sistema internacional. A literatura disponível responde a essa pergunta por meio de pesquisas sobre a ligação entre a ajuda internacional fornecida pelos países desenvolvidos, principalmente os Estados Unidos, e a convergência de votos em organismos multilaterais, não investigando se pode existir relação semelhante no caso de países emergentes. Dessa maneira, essa tese, por meio do estudo das relações Brasil-África entre os anos 1995 e 2010 - período em que o Brasil perseguiu um maior protagonismo no sistema internacional - busca tratar essa lacuna, objetivando verificar se o incremento das relações bilaterais gera a convergência de votos entre os envolvidos na Assembleia Geral das Nações Unidas. Para atingir esse objetivo, essa pesquisa foi dividida em quatro capítulos. No primeiro, são apresentados os principais estudos relativos à \"troca\" de benesses bilaterais por apoio nos foros multilaterais. No segundo capítulo, será feita uma análise das linhas gerais política externa africana nos governos FHC e Lula, por meio da análise da bibliografia nacional, de discursos e dados oficiais como o número de viagens presidenciais à região e a abertura de embaixadas variáveis. Na segunda parte, são apresentados os dados relativos às variáveis escolhidas como indicativos da estratégia de conquista de aliados no continente africano para as demandas brasileiras no plano multilateral - o fluxo comercial bilateral e o número de projetos de cooperação técnica entre o Brasil e continente africano. O último capítulo, quantitativo, está dividido em quatro partes. Na primeira, justifica-se a escolha da Assembleia Geral das Nações (AGNU) como parâmetro para o alinhamento no plano internacional. Na segunda é apresentada a metodologia a ser utilizada para revelar as possíveis relações entre as variáveis escolhidas, bem como o modelo a ser utilizado para a verificação da hipótese central de pesquisa. Na terceira, serão apresentados os dados recolhidos e a estatística descritiva dos mesmos bem como os possíveis resultados a serem encontrados por meio da análise quantitativa. Na última parte, serão apresentados os resultados encontrados na análise quantitativa dos dados e se a hipótese de pesquisa teria sido comprovada ou não. / This research aim to examine whether the strengthening of bilateral relations increases the support of recipient countries to the beneficiary country in multilateral forums. We believe, therefore, that one of the motivations for countries to strengthen their bilateral relations would be the support at the multilateral level in order to increase their weight and prestige international system. The literature answers this question through research on the link between foreign aid provided by developed countries, especially United States, and voting convergence in multilateral organizations, not exploring whether exists a similar relationship in case of emerging countries. Thus, this thesis, by studying the Brazil-Africa relations between 1995 and 2010 - a period in which Brazil has pursued a major role in the international system - seeks to address this gap, to check whether the increase in bilateral relations generates voting convergence in the UN General Assembly. To achieve this goal, this research is divided into four chapters. In the first, the main studies on the \"exchange\" of bilateral handouts for support in multilateral forumsare presented. In the second, we analysis the brazilian African foreign policy in FHC and Lula governments, through the analysis of national literature, speeches and official data as the number of presidential trips to the region and the opening of embassies. In the second part, the data on the variables chosen as indicative of the strategy to gain support to the Brazilian demands on multilateral foruns - the bilateral trade flow and the number of technical cooperation projects between Brazil and Africa - are presented. The last chapter, quantitative, is divided into four parts. At first, we justify the choice of United Nations General Assembly (UNGA) as a parameter for international alignment. The second presents the methodology used to reveal the possible relationships between the selected variables and the model used for checking the hypothesis. In the third, the collected data and descriptive statistics of the variavles and the possible results to be found by quantitative analysis will be presented. In the last part, the results in quantitative data analysis and research hypothesis are presented to prove or not our hypothesis.
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