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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Desenho urbano e revitalização na área portuária do Rio de Janeiro: a contribuição do estudo da percepção ambiental / Urban design and revitalization in Rio de Janeiro\'s port area: the contribution of environmental perception studies

Del Rio, Vicente Eduardo 24 July 1991 (has links)
Contribuição sobre a importância e a aplicabilidade dos estudos da percepção ambiental na revitalização da area portuaria do Rio de Janeiro. A primeira parte conceitua e discute o desenho urbano. A segunda parte caracteriza a area de projeto. A terceira parte desenvolve a pesquisa que inclui levantamentos de dados indiretos e diretos, atraves de extensa pesquisa de campo com aplicação de questionarios. A conclusão discute a validade dos resultados e desenvolve propostas gerais para a area de projeto. / Contribution on the importance and applicability of environmental perception studies for the urban design and revitalization of Rio de Janeiro\'s port area. The first part is a discussion on the concepts and potential of urban design and urban revitalization. The second part describes the area\'s conditions, its constraints and opportunities. The third part is the development of the research which includes an extensive field survey and questionnaire. The conclusion is a discussion on the validity and applicability of the resutls, including general urban design proposals for the area.

La fabrique des espaces publics : conceptions, formes et usages des places d'Oran (Algérie) / Making public spaces : Designs, forms and uses of Oran squares (Algeria)

Kettaf, Fadila 09 December 2013 (has links)
Les places publiques d’Oran sont des espaces d’identification et de symbolique de la ville coloniale. Elles se donnent à voir par leurs caractéristiques physiques et esthétiques propres mais aussi par leur participation à la vie urbaine. Cependant, la croissance de la ville a contribué à la redistribution des pratiques de sociabilité dans l’espace urbain. La recherche sur les places publiques d’Oran se doit donc de contribuer à une réflexion plus large sur la fabrique des espaces publics urbains et de s’inscrire dans l’actualité de la recherche urbaine sur le monde arabe et méditerranéen. Dans cette perspective se posent trois questions fondamentales. Celle des héritages d’un urbanisme issu de la culture européenne « exporté » vers la rive sud de la Méditerranée. Celle de la conception et de la gestion actuelles des espaces publics par les pouvoirs locaux, les opérateurs techniques, et les divers acteurs. Et celle enfin des usages contemporains de ces espaces par les usagers-habitants. Les usages des places et des lieux urbains à Oran sont réels, parfois même surprenants. Ils sont étroitement liés à leur position dans la ville, à leur configuration formelle et visuelle, et à la qualité de leur aménagement. Ils sont aussi inhérents à la place qu’ils occupent dans l’imaginaire collectif. Ces aspects essentiels à la fabrique des espaces publics ne sont pas, cependant, pris en compte dans les pratiques urbanistiques contemporaines. Le problème de la reconnaissance de l’espace public en tant qu’espace autorisant le vivre ensemble dans la grande ville, structurant l’espace urbain et accessible à tous, reste fondamentalement posé à Oran. / Oran public squares are identification and symbolic spaces of the colonial city. They are given to see by their physical and aesthetic characteristics but also by their participation in urban life. However, the growth of the city contributes to the redistribution of sociability in urban space. Research on public squares of Oran therefore has thus to contribute to a broader thought on making urban public spaces and to be part of the current urban research on the Arab and Mediterranean World. In this issue, three fundamental questions arose. That of legacies of town planning coming from European culture "exported" to the southern bank of the Mediterranean Sea. That of the current design and management of public spaces by local authorities, technical operators and various actors. And finally that of contemporary uses of these spaces by local users. Social practices of squares and urban places in Oran are real, sometimes surprising. They are closely related to their position in the city, their urban and visual form, and the quality of their installations. They are also inherent in the position they have in the collective imaginary. These important aspects in making public spaces, however, are not regarded in contemporary urban practices. The problem of the recognition of the public space as public realm, organizing the urban space and accessible to all, is fundamentally questioned in Oran.

Design urbain et tramway : recherche méthodologique autour de cinq villes moyennes françaises et tchèques / Urban Design and Light Rail : Methodological Research around Five French and Czech Medium-sized Cities

Zelezny, Richard 15 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse s’inscrit dans le champ de l’aménagement urbain orienté vers le transport collectif (TC). Elle focalise sur deux contextes culturels différents, celui de la République tchèque et celui de la France, au sein desquels, néanmoins, les enjeux de promouvoir les TC sont partagés aujourd’hui, dans le cadre de la recherche d’un développement urbain durable. A l’échelle de quartier urbain, le travail s’intéresse, à part la densité et la mixité urbaine, plus particulièrement à des caractéristiques de l’accessibilité piétonne aux stations. A cette fin, des démarches originales d’appréciation qualitative et quantitative sont proposées. Les points forts et les points faibles marqués dans chacun des contextes ainsi que les potentiels de transférabilité réciproque de bonnes pratiques sont enfin considérés / My work explores transit-oriented development within two different cultures, France and the Czech Republic, which nevertheless have significant factors in common with regard to the goal of promoting the modal share of mass transit from a sustainable urban development perspective. Besides the basic urban variables, such as density and functional mix, our work attempts to explore characteristics of pedestrian accessibility, all these at the neighbourhood scale around the stations. For the appreciation, original qualitative and quantitative approach to the appreciation are proposed. The strengths and weaknesses on each side and the potential for reciprocal transfer of best-practices are finally considered

O desenho urbano pautado pela infra-estrutura urbana / Urban design as ruled by urban infrastructure

Nico, Anna Paula Flaquer 14 April 2010 (has links)
As cidades superaram o campo. Motivo de celebração, afinal as cidades são e continuam sendo a expressão mais complexa da humanidade. Nunca acabadas, nunca definitivas, as cidades são a manifestação física de história e cultura, centros de crescimento econômico, inovação e talento. No entanto, o que se vê é um crescimento desenfreado de assentamentos precários e aumento da pobreza urbana. Como irão viver os mais de um bilhão de residentes urbanos estimados para os próximos 15 anos? É a crença deste trabalho que as infra-estruturas urbanas têm papel fundamental na regulação e no desenho do território, já que criam novas oportunidades de desenvolvimento urbano e interferem diretamente no ambiente construído e natural. / Cities have outgrown the coutryside. This could be celebrated, since cities were and still are mankinds richest expression. Never finished, never definitive, cities present history and culture in their most physical aspects, true centers of economic growth, innovation and talent. Sadly, what we see in our cities is an uncontrolled growth of precarious settlements and the increase of urban poverty. How will an estimated urban population of over a billion people live in the next 15 years? This dissertation believes that urban infrastructures have a pivotal role in regulating and designing territory, for they create new opportunities of urban development and they can interfere both on constructed and natural environments.

Le chantier comme projet urbain / Building site as urban design

Serra, Lise 02 April 2015 (has links)
En questionnant les relations qui existent entre chantier et projet urbain, cette thèse a un double objectif : contribuer à une meilleure compréhension des transformations concrètes de la ville et à une gestion des relations entre chantier et projet urbain, plus innovante et anticipant les exigences des prochaines décennies. Le chantier et le projet urbain sont souvent considérés comme deux étapes sans relation de la fabrication de la ville. Pourtant, l’étude de cinq chantiers d’aménagement et de construction à Lyon, dans le cadre d’une convention CIFRE, montre l’existence de relations complexes entre le chantier et la ville. L’observation des chantiers, les entretiens et l’analyse de réunions font apparaître les limites spatio-temporelles du chantier comme plus poreuses et plus vastes que les seules palissades et le contour des équipes de chantier comme allant au-delà des limites de corporations. Elles permettent d’envisager le chantier comme un projet urbain, dans le sens d’un espace-temps vivant en transformation permanente. Lieu de travail, de vie et d’imaginaire, il est la source de représentations multiples, par l’ensemble des acteurs de la ville en train de se faire : professionnels, élus et citadins. Cette relation est cependant marquée par une triple contradiction : entre l’exigüité des chantiers en zones urbaines denses et leur débordement sur l’espace public ; entre les images positives du chantier, symbole de progrès et de maîtrise des hommes sur leur environnement, et les nuisances qu’il représente ; entre la curiosité qu’il suscite et l’impensé de cet espace-temps lors de la conception des projets urbains. C’est à la condition que les acteurs de l’urbanisme, de l’aménagement urbain et du secteur du bâtiment, les représentants associatifs, élus et habitants prennent en compte ces contradictions que le chantier de la ville peut revêtir le sens de grand projet partagé, d’atelier à l’air libre et de construction en cours, dans une théorie orientée vers l’action. / By questioning the relationship between two related realities usually thought of as separate – building site and urban project – this thesis aims at contributing to a better understanding of actual changes taking place within a city, and managing the relationship between construction and urban design in an innovative manner, to meet the challenges of the coming decades. Building sites and urban projects are often considered as two unrelated stages of change in cities. The analysis of five building sites in Lyon, France, reveals complex relationships between building sites and the surrounding city. The observation of such building sites, along with interviews, show how the building sites’ spatial and temporal boundaries extend further than protective fences, and how the impact of building teams go beyond the confines of corporate staff. These allow us to consider building sites as urban projects in their own right, and as elements of space and time in constant evolution. A place of work, of living and of imagination, the building site becomes the location of multiple representations on behalf all stakeholders – professionals, politicians and citizens – of a city in the course of shaping itself. This relationship, however, is underscored by a triple contradiction: between cramped building sites in dense urban areas overflowing onto the public space; between positive images of the building site, as representative of technical progress and human control of the environment, and the public nuisance such sites present; between the curiosity they arouse and the fact that the true effect on a particular time-space is never adequately thought through. Only if those responsible for designing and building the cityscape - community representatives, elected officials along with residents - together take these contradictions into consideration, will city construction take on the character of a shared project, an open-air workspace, within the framework of an action-oriented theory.

Crime Prevention By Means Of Urban Design Tools: The Case Of Istiklal Neighborhood, Ankara

Kubilay, Ayse Belkis 01 September 2009 (has links) (PDF)
The objective of this study is to seek the reasons of both the actual crime and fear of crime on urban streets, to evaluate the relationships between fear and physical attributes and to find out how physical attributes can help to reduce this. The study aims at developing new urban design principles in order to decrease the crime risks for users in historic residential neighborhoods. To do that, the study identifies the risky and unsecure spaces and potential places with high crime rates in Istiklal Neighborhood. The study also explains the relationship between crime and the design of the built environment and the role of urban design tools in reducing the crime rate and creating safer places by the help of this case study, held in Istiklal Neighborhood, Ankara.

Increasing Walkability In Public Spaces Of City Centres:the Case Of Tunali Hilmi Street, Ankara

Ghadimkhani, Parisa 01 June 2011 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT INCREASING WALKABILITY IN PUBLIC SPACES OF CITY CENTRES: THE CASE OF TUNALI HILMI STREET, ANKARA GHADIMKHANI, PARISA M.Sc., the Department of City and Regional Planning in Urban Design Supervisor: Assist. Prof. Dr. M&Uuml / GE AKKAR ERCAN May 2011, 204 pages Liveability and walkability have recently become one of the major policy topics in the agenda of many cities all over the world because of the negative effects of car-oriented urban developments that have impoverished physical, social, cultural, economic and environmental values of cities. In Ankara, however, the urban development policies based on the decentralization of the city centre and inner city, the impoverished public transportation services and infrastructure, the increasing car-dependent development and the neglect of pedestrians accessibility within the urban public spaces in last twenty years have decreased the walkability and therefore liveability of the city center. This thesis aims to investigate the notion of &lsquo / walkability&rsquo / in urban space, specifically in urban public space, and to identify the measures of &lsquo / walkability&rsquo / . By employing a case study method, it examines how far Tunali Hilmi Street (THS) - one of the major high streets and public spaces of Ankara - is a walkable street and identifies the positive and negative factors which effect its walkability capacity. The analysis on THS is carried out through six measures of the walkability: safety, orientation, attractiveness, comfort, diversity and local destination. Based on the findings of the investigation, this thesis gives recommendations which are practical and which can be implemented on the design of the case study area, as well as on the public spaces that are similar to THS in Ankara or other cities. Key words: Liveability, sustainability, walkability, public space, urban design, Ankara, Tunali Hilmi Street

Urban Transformation Within The Interface Of Design And Administration: The Case Of Izmir Harbor District

Acar, Yigit 01 August 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Throughout the history, there had been continuous relationships between cities and their ports. These relations recently have been changing. In many port cities, while heavy industrial functions and freight harbors have been moved out of the former harbor districts, the resulting derelict spaces have been transformed to new waterfront quarters to accommodate commercial, tourism, financial, cultural, residential and public uses with high-quality public spaces by large-scale regeneration schemes through the leadership of public-private partnership to produce new identities for these cities, and ultimately to find new niches or to maintain their places within the global network of port-cities. This thesis, aiming to examine the city-port relation on the case of Izmir, specifically focuses on the recent transformation process of Izmir Harbor District. Based on cultural perspective put forth by Meyer, it first investigates the changing cultural definitions of both the city and the port in three major European cities (London, Barcelona and Rotterdam), as well as the prominent actors which were influential in the planning and design processes of these port transformations. The investigation of three cases with reference to their individual planning contexts and the actors involved in the planning and design processes shows that the possibility of implementation of design approaches is related with the planning culture specific to the context which the practice takes place. Based on this assumption, the investigation of the transformation process of Izmir Harbor District is carried out through Meyer&rsquo / s cultural context with reference to three major topics: development of planning practice, the planning structure and transformation process. The involvement of several actors in the planning and design process and their impacts on both the process and space are particularly examined. The investigation shows that the initial planning process in the district had been conducted with a particular emphasis on urban design issues. The urban design approach in the initial sta ges of the planning process could not be implemented due to a series of reasons resulting from the Turkish planning system. Finally, this research, comparing the case of Izmir with similar recent European examples, underlines the challenges, difficulties, and problems of the transformation process of Izmir Harbor District, and discusses the missing aspects in the Turkish planning system and culture with the help of the gained insights on Izmir.

Centers all the way down: a study of centrality in the modern city

Sewell, Patrick Dale 17 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis will empirically examine the distribution of centers of commercial activity in the modern city. Using measures of built space for different types of activity in Atlanta, we will map the distribution of activity in the city; then we will derive the system of centers distributed throughout the city. This system of centers will be sorted into scales, from global to local, so that the morphological properties of the street network associated with each scale may be analyzed using space syntax and other tools. We will then compare the distribution of centers in different portions of Atlanta, both qualitatively and quantitatively. Finally, we will compate the emergent distribution of centers to distributions proposed by Doxiadis, Alexander, Central Place Theory, and others.

Energy and environmental contexts of cities, transportation systems, and emerging vehicle technologies : how plug-in electric vehicles and urban design influence energy consumption and emissions

Nichols, Brice G. 19 March 2014 (has links)
This thesis is divided into two parts. The first evaluates the role of the built environment in life-cycle energy consumption, by comparing different neighborhood and city styles. Through a holistic modeling and accounting framework, this work identifies the largest energy-consuming sectors, among residential and commercial buildings, personal vehicles and transit trips, and supporting infrastructure (roads, sidewalks, parking lots, water pipes, street lighting). Life-cycle energy calculations include operational energy use (e.g., gasoline for vehicles, electricity and natural gas for buildings) and embodied energy used to produce materials and construct buildings and infrastructure. Case study neighborhoods in Austin, Texas, and larger-scale regional models suggest that building energy demands comprise around 50% of life-cycle energy demands, while transportation demands (from driving and infrastructure alike) contribute around 40%, across all cases. However, results also suggest that population density and average residential unit size play a major role in defining per-capita energy consumption. Operational demands made up about 90% of life-cycle energy demands, suggesting that v most urban energy savings can be obtained from reduced personal vehicle trips and more efficient vehicles and buildings. Case study comparisons suggest that neighborhoods and regions with greater density and higher share of multi-family housing units tend to reduce operational (and thus life-cycle) energy demands with less travel demand and decreased home and work energy use, per capita. The second part of this modeled plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) emissions impacts in Texas, by considering four possible vehicle adoption scenarios (where PEVs make up 1, 5, 10, and 25% of total passenger vehicles). The analysis anticipates PEV electricity demand and emissions rates, based on current Texas power grid data. Results indicate that PEV emissions depend significantly on which specific power plants are used to power the vehicles, but that PEVs' average per-mile emissions rates for NO[subscript x], PM, and CO₂ are all likely to be lower than today's average passenger car, when today's average mix is used. Power produced from 100% coal plants could produce 14 times as much NO[subscript x], 3,200 times as much SO₂, nearly 10 times as much CO₂ and CO₂eq, 2.5 times as much PM₁₀, and VOCs, and nearly 80 times the NO₂ compared to a grid with 100% natural gas plants. / text

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