Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ultrahigh bperformance"" "subject:"ultrahigh deperformance""
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Análise da composição de amostras de própolis vermelha do Brasil por espectrometria de massas com ionização por eletrospray e cromatografia líquida de ultra-eficiência (UPLC-ESI-MS) e avaliação da atividade antioxidante e antimicrobiana = Analysis of the composition of samples of red brazilian propolis by mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization and ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC-ESI-MS) and evaluation of the antioxidant and antimicrobial activity / Analysis of the composition of samples of red brazilian propolis by mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization and ultra high performance liquid chromatography (UPLC-ESI-MS) and evaluation of the antioxidant and antimicrobial activityLopez, Begoña Gimenez-Cassina, 1984- 02 April 2014 (has links)
Orientador: Alexandra Christine Helena Frankland Sawaya / Dissertação (mestrado) - Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Instituto de Biologia / Made available in DSpace on 2018-08-24T09:51:06Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1
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Previous issue date: 2014 / Resumo: A palavra própolis tem origem Grega: pro significa em defensa de, e polis significa comunidade. A própolis é usada pelas abelhas para fortalecer as paredes da colmeia e para cobrir as paredes internas e por devido a sua atividade antimicrobiana. A composição química da própolis é variável segundo a biodiversidade e a origem geográfica. A própolis vermelha, encontrada no nordeste e norte do Brasil, apresenta promissoras atividades biológicas: atividade antimicrobiana, antiparasitária, antioxidante, citotóxica, antiinflamatória, analgésica, efeitos antiobesidade, contra psoríase e hepatoprotetores. A composição química da própolis vermelha, relatada na literatura, parece variar qualitativa e quantitativamente, inclusive entre amostras coletadas na mesma região. Isto pode ser devido a variações sazonais, a flora direitamente ao redor das colméias ou aos métodos de análise. A maioria das classes de substâncias já identificadas pode ser analisada adequadamente por espectrometria de massas com ionização por eletrospray e cromatografia líquida. Os constituintes de média e alta polaridade (como fenólicos, flavonóides e benzofenonas) são responsáveis por muitas das atividades biológicas reportadas à própolis vermelha. A cromatografia líquida de ultra-eficiência acoplada à espectrometria de massas (UHPLC-MS) é um método moderno, rápido e sensível. Permite avaliar os perfis químicos das amostras e determinar sua composição qualitativamente, comparando os espectros de massas (MS/MS) dos componentes das amostras com informações na literatura. Portanto UHPLC-MS é a ferramenta mais adequada para a avaliação da composição de matrizes complexas como a própolis. A comparação do perfil químico de diversas amostras de própolis vermelha brasileira e a avaliação de sua atividade antimicrobiana e antioxidante permitirá identificar substâncias que possam estar contribuindo para sua bioatividade, e levar á identificação de marcadores químicos para o controle de qualidade destas amostras, bem como possibilitará definir se há um ou vários tipos de própolis vermelha / Abstract: The word, propolis is of Greek origin: pro means in defense of and polis means community. Propolis is used by bees to strengthen the hive walls and cover the inner walls for its antimicrobial activity. The chemical composition of propolis varies depending on the biodiversity and geographic origin. Red propolis from the north and northeast of Brazil shows promising biological activity: antimicrobial, antiparasitic, antioxidant, cytotoxic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic, antiobesity, antipsoriasic and hepatoprotective effects. The chemical composition of red propolis reported in literature seems to vary qualitatively and quantitatively, even between samples collected in the same region. This may be due to seasonal variations, the flora directly around the hives or differences in the analytical methods. Most of the compounds already identified can be analyzed by mass spectrometry with electrospray ionization and liquid chromatography. These compounds of medium and high polarity (phenolics, flavonoids and benzophenones) are responsible for most of the biological activities reported. Ultra efficient liquid chromatography coupled with mass spectrometry (UHPLC-MS) is a modern, fast and sensitive method. It allows the characterization of the chemical profile of the samples and determines their qualitative composition, by comparison of the mass spectra (MS/MS) of the compounds with data from literature. Therefore it is the most adequate tool to evaluate the composition of complex matrixes such as propolis. The comparison of the chemical profile of diverse red propolis samples and evaluation of their antimicrobial and antioxidant activities allow us to identify the compounds responsible for these activities, indicate the marker compounds and define if there is one type, or several types, of red propolis / Mestrado / Fármacos, Medicamentos e Insumos para Saúde / Mestra em Ciências
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Novel Hybrid Columns Made of Ultra-High Performance Concrete and Fiber Reinforced PolymersZohrevand, Pedram 26 March 2012 (has links)
The application of advanced materials in infrastructure has grown rapidly in recent years mainly because of their potential to ease the construction, extend the service life, and improve the performance of structures. Ultra-high performance concrete (UHPC) is one such material considered as a novel alternative to conventional concrete. The material microstructure in UHPC is optimized to significantly improve its material properties including compressive and tensile strength, modulus of elasticity, durability, and damage tolerance. Fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) composite is another novel construction material with excellent properties such as high strength-to-weight and stiffness-to-weight ratios and good corrosion resistance. Considering the exceptional properties of UHPC and FRP, many advantages can result from the combined application of these two advanced materials, which is the subject of this research.
The confinement behavior of UHPC was studied for the first time in this research. The stress-strain behavior of a series of UHPC-filled fiber-reinforced polymer (FRP) tubes with different fiber types and thicknesses were tested under uniaxial compression. The FRP confinement was shown to significantly enhance both the ultimate strength and strain of UHPC. It was also shown that existing confinement models are incapable of predicting the behavior of FRP-confined UHPC. Therefore, new stress-strain models for FRP-confined UHPC were developed through an analytical study.
In the other part of this research, a novel steel-free UHPC-filled FRP tube (UHPCFFT) column system was developed and its cyclic behavior was studied. The proposed steel-free UHPCFFT column showed much higher strength and stiffness, with a reasonable ductility, as compared to its conventional reinforced concrete (RC) counterpart. Using the results of the first phase of column tests, a second series of UHPCFFT columns were made and studied under pseudo-static loading to study the effect of column parameters on the cyclic behavior of UHPCFFT columns. Strong correlations were noted between the initial stiffness and the stiffness index, and between the moment capacity and the reinforcement index. Finally, a thorough analytical study was carried out to investigate the seismic response of the proposed steel-free UHPCFFT columns, which showed their superior earthquake resistance, as compared to their RC counterparts.
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Využití nanotechnologií pro betony ultravysokých pevností / The use of nanotechnology for ultra-high strength concretesŠindelek, David January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the concept of use of nanotechnology for cement composites and UHPC. In the theoretical part of this diploma thesis there are theoretical principles described for successful design of high performance concrete and characteristics of main feedstock and its production. Furthermore, there is a focus on nanoparticles, especially the ones with carbon base in the form of carbon nanotubes CNT, in addition to that, graphenes GN that are new on the market, moreover, graphene oxide GO and its application in cement composites to mechanical characteristics and its durability. The first part of the practical part devotes in trying to find out an optimal parameter for ultrasonic mix with a suitable surface active substance of three graphenes. The other two parts of the practical part are about influence of graphenes on mechanical characteristics, cement paste microstructure, and application in the mix of concrete C 35/45 and UHPC
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Balisticky odolné betony / Ballistic-Proof ConcretesKoutný, Ondřej January 2019 (has links)
Doctoral thesis „Ballistic-proof concretes“ deals with description, design and development of material based on ultra-high performance fibre reinforced cementitious composite with increased ballistic resistance i.e. increased resistance against high-strain rate dynamic loading induced by interaction of high-velocity moving objects. High mechanical properties, essential for such a material, are reached especially by maximal reduction of water-to-binder coefficient using high-range water reducing agents, high-strength aggregates and dense structure by precise selection and dosage of raw materials in the recipe. The main goal is to prepare a methodology for design of such a materials, observation of material behaviour on ballistic loading and quantitative description of material response for protective structures design. Properties of designed materials within this thesis are comparing with properties of commercially available and commonly used cementitious composites in order to create a concept for material limits in the field of ballistic protection. This concept enables to estimate ballistic protection of present or newly-designed materials and structures.
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Dimensionering av pelare och balkar i ett bostadshus med UHPC, respektive NC : En jämförelsestudie ur aspekten, en hållbar designPersson, Axel, Rautjärvi, Rikhard January 2021 (has links)
It is a well-known problem that concrete needs to be made more efficient and that it is the large consumption of cement that is the major contributing factor to the nearby need. There is a zero vision of a climate-neutral concrete where all CO2 emissions in the life cycle of the concrete are to be reset by 2050. It is a question of improving, above all, the process of handling CO2 in the production of cement. This study tackles CO2 emissions from the concrete from a holistic perspective, by exploring optimization possibilities when implementing a newly developed concrete in residential buildings, called Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC). While it should be a better alternative for the climate, it should also require less material consumption and be more cost-effective in order to create a competitive alternative to the conventional alternative today, called Normal Concrete (NC). UHPC is during a development phase regarding optimization opportunities and it has been proven in several studies to be able to relate better to a sustainable design, based on a total life cycle progression. This applies above all to large and robust bridge structures where large volume differences are available. The idea behind this study is to highlight the question of whether there is an opportunity to get similar results in the construction of less robust components in residential buildings, since the problem with the mix design for UHPC has been the overall high cost in relation to NC. In recent years, this cost has been reduced and now there are opportunities to effectively introduce UHPC into another segment.In this study, columns and beams were dimensioned in a residential NC building and a residential UHPC building with ETABS (CSI 2019). Furthermore, the components of the buildings were compared, based on the aspect of a sustainable design from a total LCA. What was investigated were the differences in total material consumption, CO2 emissions, and costs.The study showed that the UHPC components were better based on all aspects after its total LCA. The total cement consumption was larger, but the building received at the same time an estimated double the lifespan of the NC- building. The total material consumption in the form of total component volumes became smaller, the total annual CO2 emissions became smaller and the total annual costs became smaller as well. / Det är ett välkänt problem att betong behöver klimateffektiviseras och att det är den storacementkonsumtionen som är den stora bidragande faktorn till det närliggande behovet. Detfinns en nollvision om en klimatneutral betong där alla CO2- utsläpp under betongenslivscykel (LCA), ska nollställas fram till år 2050. Det är en fråga om att framför allt förbättraprocessen gällande hantering av CO2 vid produktion av cement. Den här studien angriperCO2- utsläppen från betongen ur ett helhetsperspektiv, genom att undersökaoptimeringsmöjligheter vid implementering av en nyutvecklad betong i bostadshus, kalladUltra High Performance Concrete (UHPC). Samtidigt som den ska vara ett bättre alternativför klimatet, ska den också kräva mindre materialåtgång och vara mer kostnadseffektiv föratt kunna skapa ett konkurrenskraftigt alternativ till det konventionella alternativet idag,kallad Normal Concrete (NC). UHPC är under en optimeringsfas och den har bevisats i flerastudier kunna förhålla sig bättre till en hållbar design, utifrån en total LCA. Det gäller framförallt stora och robusta brokonstruktioner där stora volymskillnader är disponibla. Tankenmed den här studien är att lyfta fram frågan om det finns möjlighet att få liknande resultatvid byggnation av mindre robusta komponenter i bostadshus, i ju med att problemet medmix-designen för UHPC, har varit den generella höga kostnaden i förhållande till NC. Påsenare år har den kostnaden kunnat reduceras och nu finns möjligheterna att effektivtkunna införa UHPC till ytterligare ett segment.I studien jämfördes pelare och balkar i ett UHPC- hus med motsvarande komponenter i ettNC- hus utifrån aspekten en hållbar design, ur en total LCA. Husen dimensionerades i ETABS(CSI 2019) utefter samma förutsättningar med hänsyn till kravet på bärförförmågorna. Detutgjorde skillnader hos volymerna på komponenterna, som således påvisade hurmaterialåtgången förändrades. CO2- utsläppen och kostnaderna påverkades avbetongkompositionerna och skillnaderna hos de materiella egenskaperna av respektivebetongtyp. I slutändan redovisades vilken betongtyp som genererade minsta och störstaårliga CO2- utsläpp och kostnader.Resultatet visade att UHPC- komponenterna minskade den totala betongåtgången underbyggprocessen med 27,1%, samt minskade armeringsåtgången med 12,0%, men attcementåtgången nästan fördubblades och motsvarade en ökning på 99,4%. CO2- utsläppenvart således betydligt större efter byggprocessen, men i förhållande till ett totaltlivcykelförlopp, minskade de totala årliga utsläppen med 18,8%. Det fanns en kritisk punktdär UHPC- komponenterna måste ha en LCA på minst 97,5 år i förhållande till NCkomponenternas LCA på 60 år, för att vara mer lönsamma utifrån totala CO2- utsläpp.Kostnaderna vart också betydligt större för UHPC- komponenterna efter byggprocessen,men efter en total LCA, minskade de totala kostnaderna med 39,0%. Det fanns en kritiskpunkt, där LCA- förloppet måste uppgå till minst 73,2 år i förhållande till NCkomponenternas LCA på 60 år, för att vara mer lönsamma utifrån totala kostnader.Enligt det framtagna resultatet fanns det goda möjligheter för pelare och balkar i UHPChuset att förhålla sig bättre utifrån en hållbar design, än vad motsvarande komponenter förNC- huset gjorde, efter en total LCA. Pelare och balkar i bostadshus kan bli ett nytt segmentatt introducera UHPC till, även om pålitligheten för studien är begränsad av betydelsefullafelkällor och tillgängliga kunskaper inom området för närvarande.
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Versuchstechnische Ermittlung und mathematische Beschreibung der mehraxialen Festigkeit von ultra-hochfestem Beton (UHPC) - Zweiaxiale Druckfestigkeit; Im Rahmen des Schwerpunktprogramms 1182 Nachhaltiges Bauen mit Ultra-Hochfestem Beton (UHPC): Arbeitsbericht an die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG) zum Forschungsvorhaben CU 37/6-1Curbach, Manfred, Speck, Kerstin 18 September 2007 (has links)
Der vorliegende Bericht beschreibt das Verhalten von ultrahochfestem Beton unter zweiaxialer Druckbeanspruchung. Bisher wurden ein Feinkornbeton und zwei Grobkornbetone mit unterschiedlichen Faserzusätzen untersucht. Die Zylinderdruckfestigkeiten nach 28 Tagen betragen rund 150, 160 und 170 N/mm². Besonders bei dem Feinkornbeton wurde eine überwiegend horizontale Ausrichtung der Stahlfasern festgestellt, die zu einer Anisotropie im Materialverhalten führte. Zusammenfassend muss festgestellt werden, dass die zweiaxiale Druckfestigkeit von UHPC nur geringfügig größer ist als die einaxiale. Für die Mischungen mit 2,5 Vol.-% Fasergehalt übersteigt die Festigkeit bei einem Spannungsverhältnis von Spannung 1 zu Spannung 2 gleich Eins die einaxiale Festigkeit um 7 bzw. 10 %. Bei dem Beton mit 0,9 Vol.-% Fasergehalt lag diese zweiaxiale Festigkeit sogar geringfügig unter der einaxialen. Bei der Bemessung von UHPC dürfen somit die vom Normalbeton bekannten Festigkeitssteigerungen unter mehraxialer Druckbelastung, wie sie z.B. bei reinen Druckknoten von Stabwerkmodellen angesetzt werden, nicht verwendet werden! Für die Beschreibung der Bruchkurve kann nach jetzigem Erkenntnisstand das Bruchkriterium nach OTTOSEN als eine gute Näherung empfohlen werden. Die Versuche haben gezeigt, dass sich UHPC in vielen, zum Teil sicherheitsrelevanten Bereichen anders verhält als Normalbeton. Für eine umfassende Beschreibung des Tragverhaltens sind weitere Versuche unter dreiaxiale Druckbelastung und kombinierter Druck-Zug-Belastung notwendig.
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Non-Waste-Wachsschalungen: Neuartige Präzisions-Schalungen aus 100 % recycelbaren Industrie-Wachsen zur Herstellung von geometrisch komplexen Beton-BauteilenBaron, Sarah, Mainka, Jeldrik, Hoffmeister, Hans Werner, Dröder, Klaus, Kloft, Harald 21 July 2022 (has links)
Die neuen 3D-Entwurfs-, Berechnungs- und Fertigungsverfahren in Kombination mit dem Werkstoff ultrahochfester Beton (UHPC) bieten das Potenzial, den Beton-Leichtbau zu revolutionieren [1]. Die Herausforderung bei der Herstellung von geometrisch komplexen und hochpräzisen UHPC-Bauteilen liegt dabei im Schalungsbau. Da bisher keine verfügbaren abfallfreien und somit nachhaltigen alternativen Schalungsmaterialien bzw. -systeme identifiziert werden konnten, wurde der Forschungsansatz entwickelt, frei geformte Schalungen für Betonbauteile unter Verwendung von CNC-gefrästen recycelbaren Industriewachsen zu verwenden. Die Erforschung dieses Ansatzes hin zu einer anwendbaren Non-Waste-Schalungstechnologie wurde in einem gemeinsamen Forschungsprojekt des Instituts für Werkzeugmaschinen und Fertigungstechnik (IWF) und
des Instituts für Tragwerksentwurf (ITE) der TU Braunschweig durchgeführt.
Im Folgenden werden die wesentlichen Inhalte des Vorhabens, ausgehend von der Auswahl geeigneter Wachse, über die Untersuchung der Zerspanbarkeit bis hin zur Betonierung und anschließenden Analyse der Schalungen und Abgüsse, vorgestellt und diskutiert. Grundlegende Erkenntnisse wurden u. a. bereits 2016 in [2]–[5]
veröffentlicht. Diese werden hier teilweise wiedergegeben und zudem mit zusätzlichen Informationen ergänzt. Die wesentlichen Erkenntnisse aus dem Forschungsvorhaben werden zusammengefasst. Ausführliche Informationen zur Entwicklung der Non-Waste-Wachsschalungstechnologie finden sich in der 2019 veröffentlichten Dissertation von Jeldrik Mainka [6]. / The new 3D design, calculation and manufacturing methods in combination with ultra-high strength concrete (UHPC) off er the potential to revolutionise lightweight concrete construction [1]. The challenge in the production of geometrically complex and high-precision UHPC components lies in formwork construction. As no available waste-free and thus sustainable alternative formwork materials or systems have been identified so far, the research approach was developed to use freely shaped formwork for concrete components using CNC-milled recyclable industrial waxes. The research of this approach towards an applicable non-waste formwork technology was carried out in a joint research project of the Institute for Machine Tools and Production Engineering (IWF) and the Institute of Structural Design (ITE) of the Technical University of Braunschweig.
In the following, the main contents of the project, starting with the selection of suitable waxes, the investigation of machinability up to the concreting and subsequent analysis of the formwork and castings are presented and discussed. Basic findings have already been published in 2016 in [2]–[5]. These are partly reproduced here and supplemented with additional information. The main findings of the research project are summarised. Detailed information on the development of non-waste wax formwork technology can be found in the dissertation by Jeldrik Mainka [6], published in 2019.
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The strain capacity of structures depends on the plastic hinge behaviour. There are different proposals in the scientific literature in order to improve this behaviour in reinforced concrete structures such as the following ones: proposals include the use of fiber reinforced concrete, very high performance concrete or replacing in the critical structure zone, the steel reinforcement with shape memory alloy and superelasticity bars (from this point forward SMA), among other solutions.
However, the strain capacity of hinges is dependent on the compressed reinforcement buckling, which means a drastic diminishing in the bearing capacity and ductility. This phenomenon happens due to the cover spalling or degradation, or due to an insufficient transverse reinforcement arrangement.
The design codes propose requirements related to the diameter of longitudinal bars and to the transverse reinforcement separation to assure the bearing capacity or to assure the hinge rotation without the compressed reinforcements buckle. Nevertheless, the aforementioned requirements are not valid in compressed elements made of new materials (fiber reinforced concrete, very high performance concrete or SMA bars).
This doctoral thesis analyzes the compressed steel or NiTi - SMA bars behaviour in elements made of conventional, high strength or very high performance concrete, with or without fibres.
Therefore, an experimental research has been carried out to study the local instability of the compressed bars (steel and NITI) in concrete elements. 32 columns subject to a bending-compression load have been analyzed.
An analytic model has been proposed to analyze the buckling critical stress and length in the compressed bars in concrete elements. This model has been calibrated based on experimental tests.
It has been performed an experimental and numerical research to analyze the behaviour of the NITI bars as isolated bars. It has been proposed an analytic model to calculate the relationship stress-strain of the compressed bars that includes the buckling effect. This model has been verified by both experimental and numerical results.
Finally, it has been proposed an expression to calculate the maximum separation of the transverse reinforcement according to the required limited stress, for both steel and SMA bars. In order to define that stress, two criteria have been proposed: one of them is based on stresses and the other one on strains. With respect to the concrete without fibres case, the proposed expression has been compared with the current code. / La capacidad de deformación de las estructuras depende del comportamiento de las rótulas plásticas. Para mejorar dicho comportamiento en estructuras de hormigón armado, en la literatura técnica se propone utilizar hormigón con fibras de acero en su masa, hormigón de muy altas prestaciones o sustituir en la zona crítica de la estructura las armaduras de acero por barras de aleación con memoria de forma y superelasticidad (en adelante SMA) entre otras soluciones.
Sin embargo, la capacidad de deformación de las rótulas está condicionada por el pandeo de la armadura comprimida, lo que supone una disminución drástica de la capacidad resistente y de la ductilidad. Este fenómeno se produce porque el recubrimiento del hormigón salta o se degrada, o por una insuficiente disposición de armadura transversal.
En las normativas de diseño se proponen requisitos acerca del diámetro y de la separación de la armadura transversal para asegurar la capacidad resistente o la deformación de la rótula sin que las armaduras comprimidas pandeen. Sin embargo, dichas expresiones no son válidas en elementos comprimidos fabricados con nuevos materiales (hormigón con fibras en su masa, hormigones de muy altas prestaciones o barras de SMA).
En esta tesis doctoral se analiza el comportamiento de barras comprimidas, de acero o de SMA en base NiTi, en elementos fabricados con hormigones convencionales, de alta resistencia o de muy altas prestaciones, con o sin fibras en su masa.
A tal efecto, se ha ejecutado un programa experimental para estudiar la inestabilidad local de las barras comprimidas (acero y NiTi) en elementos de hormigón. Se han analizado un total de 32 soportes sometidos a una solicitación de flexo-compresión.
Se ha propuesto un modelo analítico para determinar la tensión y la longitud crítica de pandeo de barras comprimidas en elementos de hormigón. Este modelo ha sido calibrado con los ensayos experimentales.
Se ha realizado un estudio experimental y numérico para analizar el comportamiento de las barras de NiTi como barras aisladas. Se ha propuesto un modelo analítico para calcular la relación tensión - deformación de barras comprimidas que incluye el efecto del pandeo. Este modelo ha sido verificado tanto con los resultados experimentales como numéricos.
Finalmente, se ha propuesto una expresión para el cálculo de la separación máxima de la armadura transversal en función de la tensión límite requerida, tanto para barras de acero como de SMA. Para la definición de dicha tensión se proponen dos criterios: uno basado en tensiones y otro en deformaciones. En el caso de hormigón sin fibras, la expresión propuesta se ha comparado con la normativa actual. / La capacitat de deformació de les estructures depén del comportament de les ròtules plàstiques. Per a millorar dit comportament en estructures de formigó armat, en la literatura tècnica es proposa utilitzar formigó amb fibres d'acer en la seua massa, formigó de molt altes prestacions o substituir en la zona crítica de l'estructura les armadures d'acer per barres d'aliatge amb memòria de forma i superelasticitat (d'ara endavant SMA) entre d'altres solucions.
No obstant això, la capacitat de deformació de les ròtules està condicionada pel vinclament de l'armadura comprimida, la qual cosa suposa una disminució dràstica de la capacitat resistent i de la ductilitat. Este fenomen es produeix perquè el recobriment del formigó salta o es degrada, o per una insuficient disposició de l'armadura transversal.
En les normatives de disseny es proposen requisits quant al diàmetre i a la separació de l'armadura transversal per assegurar la capacitat resistent o la deformació de la ròtula sense que les armadures comprimides vinclen. No obstant això, estes expressions no son vàlides en elements comprimits fabricats amb nous materiales (formigó amb fibres en la seua massa, formigons de molt altes prestacions o barres de SMA).
En esta tesis doctoral s'analitza el comportament de barres comprimides, d'acer o de SMA compost per NiTi, en elements fabricats amb formigons convencionals, d'alta resistència o de molt altes prestacions, amb o sense fibres en la seua massa.
A tal efecte, s'ha executat un programa experimental per estudiar la inestabilitat local de les barres comprimides (acer i NiTi) en elements de formigó. S'han analitzat un total de 32 soports somesos a una solicitació de flexo-compressió.
S'ha proposat un model analític per determinar la tensió i longitud crítica de vinclament de barres comprimides en elements de formigó. Este model ha sigut calibrat amb els assajos experimentals.
S'ha realitzat un estudi experimental i numéric per analitzar el comportament de les barres de NiTi com barres aïllades. S'ha proposat un model analític per calcular la relació tensió-deformació de barres comprimides que inclou l'efecte del vinclament. Este model ha sigut verificat tant amb els resultats experimentals com numérics.
Finalment, s'ha proposat una expressió per al càlcul de la separació màxima de l'armadura transversal en funció de la tensió límit requerida., tant per a barres d'acer com de SMA. Per a la definició de dita tensió es proposen dos criteris: uno basat en tensions i l'altre en deformacions. En el cas del formigó amb fibres, l'expressió proposada s'ha comparat amb la normativa actual. / Pereiro Barceló, J. (2017). INESTABILIDAD DE BARRAS COMPRIMIDAS DE ACERO Y DE SMA EN ELEMENTOS DE HORMIGÓN FABRICADOS CON NUEVOS MATERIALES. RECOMENDACIONES DE DISEÑO [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/90650
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Lateral stability of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete beams with emphasis in transitory phases / Instabilidade lateral de vigas de concreto de ultra-alto desempenho reforçado com fibras com ênfase em fases transitóriasKrahl, Pablo Augusto 04 July 2018 (has links)
The development of advanced fiber reinforced cement-based materials to provide higher strength, ductility, and durability, as ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC), enables the design of precast beams with thin sections and reduced self-weight to meet the required flexural performance. However, such slender elements when subjected to transitory phases, and possibly also in permanent stages, are prone to instability failure. So, the present study aims to provide experimental data and analytical solution for UHPFRC beams during the lifting phase, and studies about the other stages. This type of test is rare and was not reported for UHPFRC beams. For testing, the beams were lifted by inclined cables and subjected to a transversal load applied at midspan to induce lateral instability. The displacements of the beams were monitored with total station equipment. Also, a new analytical solution was proposed to predict the failure load of lifted beams and closed-form analytical solutions to predict the rollover load of beams supported by bearing pads and subjected to different loading conditions. Furthermore, there are limited data that characterizes the constitutive behavior of this material. In this context, the present research also focused on providing such laboratory results for UHPFRC with different fiber contents. Besides, analytical models for damage evolution and stress-strain relationship are proposed and applied in numerical simulations. From the results, the UHPFRC beams failed by instability with a load capacity 3.7 times smaller than the flexural load capacity. Furthermore, the analytical solution for lifting predicted the peak load of the experiment with great accuracy. Also, the proposed equations for beams on bearing pads accurately predicted the experimental results available in the literature. The analytical and experimental rollover loads differed by 4.37% and 13.6% for the two studied cases. From material, the stiffness degradation occurred rapidly in UHPFRC under tensile loading while occurred gradually in compression. Also, fiber content influenced toughness and degradation evolution significantly over the loading cycles. Proposed equations were utilized in the Plastic-Damage model of Abaqus that predicted accurately damage growth and cyclic envelopes during all the phases of the tension, compression, and bending tests. The calibrated numerical model also predicted the experimental results with the UHPFRC beams. / O desenvolvimento de materiais avançados à base de cimento reforçado com fibra para fornecer maior resistência, ductilidade e durabilidade, como o concreto de ultra-alto desempenho reforçado com fibras (UHPFRC), permite o projeto de vigas pré-moldadas com seções esbeltas e peso próprio reduzido que atendem desempenho estrutural requerido. No entanto, esses elementos delgados quando submetidos a fases transitórias e também em serviço são propensos a falhar por instabilidade. Então, o presente estudo tem por objetivo apresentar resultados experimentais e soluções analíticas para vigas de UHPFRC durante a fase de içamento e estudos sobre as outras fases. Este tipo de teste é raro e não foi reportado para vigas de UHPFRC. Para o teste, as vigas foram levantadas por cabos inclinados e submetidas a uma carga concentrada transversal aplicada no meio do vão para induzir a instabilidade lateral. Os deslocamentos das vigas foram monitorados com estação total. Além disso, uma nova solução analítica foi proposta para prever a carga de instabilidade das vigas içadas e soluções analíticas para prever a carga de tombamento de vigas suportadas por aparelho de apoio e submetidas a diferentes condições de carregamento. Além disso, existem poucos resultados experimentais que caracterizam o comportamento constitutivo deste material. Neste contexto, a presente pesquisa também se concentrou em fornecer tais resultados experimentais para UHPFRC com diferentes teores de fibras. Além disso, modelos analíticos para evolução de dano e relação tensão-deformação são propostos e aplicados em simulações numéricas. A partir dos resultados, as vigas em içamento falharam por instabilidade com uma capacidade de carga 3,7 vezes menor que a capacidade à flexão. Além disso, a solução analítica para içamento previu carga máxima do experimento com grande precisão. As equações propostas para vigas sobre aparelhos de apoio previram com precisão os resultados experimentais disponíveis na literatura. As cargas de tombamento analíticas e experimental diferiram em 4,37% e 13,6% para os dois casos estudados. Dos resultados do material, a degradação da rigidez ocorreu de maneira rápida no UHPFRC submetido à tração enquanto ocorreu gradualmente na compressão. O teor de fibras influenciou significativamente a tenacidade e a degradação nos ciclos de carregamento. As equações propostas foram utilizadas em um modelo de Dano acoplado à plasticidade que previu com precisão a evolução do dano e as envoltórias cíclicas durante todas as fases dos testes de tração, compressão e flexão. O modelo numérico calibrado também previu os resultados experimentais das vigas de UHPFRC.
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Lateral stability of ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete beams with emphasis in transitory phases / Instabilidade lateral de vigas de concreto de ultra-alto desempenho reforçado com fibras com ênfase em fases transitóriasPablo Augusto Krahl 04 July 2018 (has links)
The development of advanced fiber reinforced cement-based materials to provide higher strength, ductility, and durability, as ultra-high performance fiber-reinforced concrete (UHPFRC), enables the design of precast beams with thin sections and reduced self-weight to meet the required flexural performance. However, such slender elements when subjected to transitory phases, and possibly also in permanent stages, are prone to instability failure. So, the present study aims to provide experimental data and analytical solution for UHPFRC beams during the lifting phase, and studies about the other stages. This type of test is rare and was not reported for UHPFRC beams. For testing, the beams were lifted by inclined cables and subjected to a transversal load applied at midspan to induce lateral instability. The displacements of the beams were monitored with total station equipment. Also, a new analytical solution was proposed to predict the failure load of lifted beams and closed-form analytical solutions to predict the rollover load of beams supported by bearing pads and subjected to different loading conditions. Furthermore, there are limited data that characterizes the constitutive behavior of this material. In this context, the present research also focused on providing such laboratory results for UHPFRC with different fiber contents. Besides, analytical models for damage evolution and stress-strain relationship are proposed and applied in numerical simulations. From the results, the UHPFRC beams failed by instability with a load capacity 3.7 times smaller than the flexural load capacity. Furthermore, the analytical solution for lifting predicted the peak load of the experiment with great accuracy. Also, the proposed equations for beams on bearing pads accurately predicted the experimental results available in the literature. The analytical and experimental rollover loads differed by 4.37% and 13.6% for the two studied cases. From material, the stiffness degradation occurred rapidly in UHPFRC under tensile loading while occurred gradually in compression. Also, fiber content influenced toughness and degradation evolution significantly over the loading cycles. Proposed equations were utilized in the Plastic-Damage model of Abaqus that predicted accurately damage growth and cyclic envelopes during all the phases of the tension, compression, and bending tests. The calibrated numerical model also predicted the experimental results with the UHPFRC beams. / O desenvolvimento de materiais avançados à base de cimento reforçado com fibra para fornecer maior resistência, ductilidade e durabilidade, como o concreto de ultra-alto desempenho reforçado com fibras (UHPFRC), permite o projeto de vigas pré-moldadas com seções esbeltas e peso próprio reduzido que atendem desempenho estrutural requerido. No entanto, esses elementos delgados quando submetidos a fases transitórias e também em serviço são propensos a falhar por instabilidade. Então, o presente estudo tem por objetivo apresentar resultados experimentais e soluções analíticas para vigas de UHPFRC durante a fase de içamento e estudos sobre as outras fases. Este tipo de teste é raro e não foi reportado para vigas de UHPFRC. Para o teste, as vigas foram levantadas por cabos inclinados e submetidas a uma carga concentrada transversal aplicada no meio do vão para induzir a instabilidade lateral. Os deslocamentos das vigas foram monitorados com estação total. Além disso, uma nova solução analítica foi proposta para prever a carga de instabilidade das vigas içadas e soluções analíticas para prever a carga de tombamento de vigas suportadas por aparelho de apoio e submetidas a diferentes condições de carregamento. Além disso, existem poucos resultados experimentais que caracterizam o comportamento constitutivo deste material. Neste contexto, a presente pesquisa também se concentrou em fornecer tais resultados experimentais para UHPFRC com diferentes teores de fibras. Além disso, modelos analíticos para evolução de dano e relação tensão-deformação são propostos e aplicados em simulações numéricas. A partir dos resultados, as vigas em içamento falharam por instabilidade com uma capacidade de carga 3,7 vezes menor que a capacidade à flexão. Além disso, a solução analítica para içamento previu carga máxima do experimento com grande precisão. As equações propostas para vigas sobre aparelhos de apoio previram com precisão os resultados experimentais disponíveis na literatura. As cargas de tombamento analíticas e experimental diferiram em 4,37% e 13,6% para os dois casos estudados. Dos resultados do material, a degradação da rigidez ocorreu de maneira rápida no UHPFRC submetido à tração enquanto ocorreu gradualmente na compressão. O teor de fibras influenciou significativamente a tenacidade e a degradação nos ciclos de carregamento. As equações propostas foram utilizadas em um modelo de Dano acoplado à plasticidade que previu com precisão a evolução do dano e as envoltórias cíclicas durante todas as fases dos testes de tração, compressão e flexão. O modelo numérico calibrado também previu os resultados experimentais das vigas de UHPFRC.
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