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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Welfare state regimes in East-Central Europe : Western vanity or Eastern reality : a comparative study of the Czech Republic and Hungary

Lindberg, Gitte January 2003 (has links)
No description available.

Search, matching, intermediaries and growth

Murray, Daniel C. January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Zabezpečení v nezaměstnanosti a jeho právní úprava v ČR a zahraničí - komparace ČR a SRN / Welfare during unemployment and its legal regulation in the CR and abroad - a comparison between the CR and the Federal Republic of Germany

Tomčalová, Lenka January 2011 (has links)
The topic of this thesis is "Unemployment benefit and its legal regulations in the Czech Republic and abroad - comparison of the Czech Republic and the Federal Republic of Germany." Taking into account that the problem of unemployment is very complex and cannot be viewed apart, this thesis attempts to analyse this problem from different perspectives. In the first chapter the essential terms are explained in detail for the sake of better comprehension of the whole matters. A different section of the thesis is also devoted to a brief description of the impact of unemployment not only on single individual, but also on the society as a unit. Another part of this work is conceived as a cross - section of how the unemployment security was solved in a light of various historical events and related attitudes and circumstances in the past. The mayor emphasis has been placed on the key period of 1918 - 1989. Considerable part of this work is given to the topic of employment policy and its instruments. Considering the fact the thesis seeks to bring the most possible complex view of the issue of unemployment benefit, could not be leaved out the explanation of the key concepts such as right to work and right to employment. The main part of the thesis is focused on the dilemma of recruitment by both employment...

Zabezpečení v nezaměstnanosti a jeho právní úprava v ČR a zahraničí / Security in unemployment and its legal regulation in the Czech republic and abroad

Čupíková, Andrea January 2012 (has links)
The thesis deals with problems of unemployment and security of persons who have to face the difficulties of this social event. The decisive impulse for this topic's elaboration was particularly its high topicality and the effort to compare the regulation of the issues in terms of two different legal cultures. The aim of this work is to describe and assess the legal framework of the welfare in unemployment in the Czech republic and Great Britain. Taking into account that unemployment means all-society problem that need to be viewed comprehensively, the work is conceived to analyze the problem from the wide range of the perspective. The thesis is composed of the introduction, the main part and the conclusion. The main part is divided into eight chapters. Chapter One explores the conception and typology of unemployment, analyses its influence on individual and also examines groups of people who are at risk of unemployment especially. Chapter Two describes the evolution and possible causes of unemployment which can contribute to increased rate of unemployment in the Czech republic. Chapter Three is dealing with the concept of the right to work and its enshrinement in the international, European and national sources of law. Chapter Four examines employment policy and its measures which seeks to strike a...

Uchazeč o zaměstnání a Úřad práce České republiky / A Job Seeker and the Labour Office of the Czech Republic

Doušová, Jana January 2020 (has links)
A Job Seeker and the Labour Office of the Czech Republic Abstract The PhD thesis focuses primarily on the legal regulation of the Employment Act affecting the issue of job seekers within the activities of the Labour office, especially in the process of employment intermediation and in receiving unemployment benefits. The introductory theoretical interpretation of the fundamental social right guaranteed by the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Freedoms, i.e. the right to work, is followed by a treatise on unemployment and its development. A compact overview of this issue is given by a summary of the concept of employment policy in the Czech Republic and within the European Union and its state management within the Czech Republic. The main part of the thesis presents an analysis of individual provisions of the Employment Act from the practical point of view of the job seeker. It defines his rights and obligations starting by submitting an application for mediation of suitable employment to the Labor office register. These are discussed in detail in relation to the main instruments that the job seeker may encounter during registration, such as "appropriate employment", "serious reasons", "temporary incapacity to work", "non- conflicting employment", "illegal work", etc. The thesis contains a detailed analysis...


陳正鋒, Chen, Alex Unknown Date (has links)
任何一個制度或政策的形成,他國的實施經驗是相當重要的參考依據。我國就業保險制度從規劃至實際執行,加拿大就業保險制度的規劃方式與實施經驗一直都是我國重要的參考範例之一。本研究針對加拿大就業保險制度為研究對象,先探討加拿大就業保險制度形成之環境背景,研究該國失業狀況及就業保險制度之間的關聯,瞭解加拿大就業保險制度之發展過程,分析加拿大就業保險制度之運作方式及實施內涵,探討該國就業保險制度之實施對於該國人民以及經濟上的影響。並參考加拿大制度之實施經驗,比較分析我國新實施之就業保險制度,並觀察加拿大就業保險制度之優缺點,進而提供我國就業保險於未來可能之改進參考。 就目前加拿大就業保險制度之實施,本研究發現加拿大就業市場存在以下重要現象:(一)經濟景氣深受美國影響;(二) 勞動力老化與青壯年失業率持續居高不下;(三) 申請津貼者以部分工時者居多,以女性及初次就業青年為主;(四) 就業保險基金之帳戶餘額大幅增加。 加拿大就業保險制度有以下數點特色:一、在政策方面:(一)以特殊津貼的方式,加強對特定失業族群的社會扶助功能;(二)對詐領保險者的多重罰則,防止不當詐騙意圖;(三)嚴格限制津貼領取資格,強固就業保險基金之基礎。二、在執行方面:(一) 採用更準確的保險年資計算方式;(二) 更彈性的津貼申請與給付標準;(三)依據當地人口結構與經濟狀況規劃的行政組織;(四)獨立的保險督察機構。三、在財務規劃方面:(一)運用特殊基金創造就業機會;(二)保險費由雇主與勞工分攤,政府不另負擔。 而加拿大就業保險制度之優點為:一、就業促進措施發揮促進積極就業的功能;二、以工作時數為單位的保險年資計算,使投保資格更為公平準確;三、對於特定族群之特殊津貼給付有助於社會安定;四、因地制宜的行政組織,有效反映市場需求;五、由勞資政三方共同組成保險督察機構,可獨立且客觀的執行評估與監察功能;六、整合的資訊系統,使得就業資源的運用更有效率。缺點則是:一、津貼給付對象無法有效針對真正弱勢的失業族群;二、津貼給付對象過度限縮,就業保險基金大幅增加;三、保費僅來自雇主與勞工,缺乏穩定的支撐。 對加拿大之就業保險制度,本研究提出下列數項建議:一、放寬被保險人申請失業津貼的資格限制,造福更多失業者;二、修正津貼給付的方式,使資源集中在就業弱勢族群;三、修正保費支付額度與比例,以穩固就業保險基金來源。 同時,對我國就業保險之實施提出下列建議:壹、在制度方面:強化我國勞工行政體系,建立事權專一之就業保險制度;貳、在政策方面:強化就業保險之社會扶助功能、提高社會安定功能;參、在執行方面:一、採用更為彈性的資格認定方式,使資源有效分配;二、整合各部會機關之就業資訊網絡,使就業資訊更易於流通;三、避免過度限制津貼申請人的資格,以防止津貼給付之疏漏;四、強化就業服務機關的彈性,以利就業保險於各地之執行;五、持續就業保險的宣傳與教育。參、在財務面:調整現有的保費比例。

Možnosti uplatnění osob se záznamem v Rejstříku trestů na trhu práce / Employement opportunities of people with criminal record

Novotná, Anna January 2013 (has links)
This thesis' aim is to describe and assess employment opportunities of people with a criminal record. The theoretical part deals with the phenomenon of unemployment in general. The social and psychological aspects of the unemployment are described, as well as the possible impact of unemployment on society. Individual tools of social politics, which may be used to deal with unemployment, are discussed. The next part focuses on legislative features of the institution of Criminal record and on legislation that regulates the relationships between employers and employees. The practical part contains an analysis of job advertisements offering positions suitable for people with a criminal record. In the next chapter my aim was to analyse the situation of people released from prison; and to present opportunities for their support. The work of probation officers from municipal offices is described in detail. The thesis contains three case studies of people with a criminal record looking for a job. In the last chapter, organizations providing help and support for people with a criminal record during job searching are presented. Next chapter focuses on the international experiences with employing people with a criminal record. Key words Criminal record Unemployment Unemployment benefit Social benefit...

Sociální politika EU včetně komparace systémů Německa a Švédska / EU social policy including the comparison of the social systems in Germany and Sweden

Tůmová, Veronika January 2009 (has links)
The thesis describes the historical evolution of the EU social policy, clarifies the concept of the European social model and deals with characteristics of the basic models of the European social policy. The essential part of the thesis is devoted to the comparison of the social systems in Germany and Sweden from the point of view of the amount of taxes and social contributions, the structure of receipts and expenditure on social policy, the systems of old age pension schemes, the family policy and the unemployment benefit. The comparison shows some typical elements of the social state model that these two countries represent. The attention is also devoted to the contemporary challenges which the European social model has to face, especially the demographic development and aspects of globalization. The attitude and responses of the European Union to these challenges are also mentioned here.

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