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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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A critical assessment at a local level of UNISA's virtual learning environment in terms of the pedagogical conversational framework.

Munyemana, Gilbert 09 March 2012 (has links)
Education delivered through the Internet known as E-learning is growing tremendously and attracts researchers’ attention in terms of its pedagogical merits. It is in that context of investigating the use of Information and Communication Technology (ICT) for efficient learning that the current research was carried out. This study consists of a critical assessment at a Local Level of UNISA’s Virtual Learning Environment (VLE1) in terms of Diana Laurillard’s Pedagogical Conversational Framework. It focuses on assessing how the E-learning platform (called SAKAI) used by UNISA supports the learning process of online students staying in Rwanda. A qualitative approach was followed and documentary analysis along with a questionnaire was used to collect useful data. Research findings are presented and discussed under two themes: the requirements for effective online learning and the use of the local UNISA’s VLE to support effective online learning of students based in Rwanda. It is revealed that effective online learning is a function of different aspects that can be grouped under three critical factors: Pedagogical, Technological and Managerial. Although, I have argued that the Pedagogical factor should be considered as the most important and guide all E-learning projects, the three factors mentioned are interrelated and interdependent. Findings about the use of the local UNISA VLE to support the learning process show that it provides sufficient tools to support all activities necessary for learning activities, as summarized in the Conversational Framework. However, the tools provided by the E-learning platform are underused by participants. Some necessary learning activities are not carried out, even though the E-learning platform used provides tools which could support those activities. The under usage of available tools is caused by two factors: inadequate consideration given to some necessary learning activities and the lack of skills on both usage of and information on the capability of UNISA’s VLE. These handicap the effective online learning. The gaps found in VLE used by UNISA are also mentioned. The research report ends with recommendations for more effective E-learning in local UNISA VLE. Further studies in related areas are suggested. 1

Die Universiteit van Suid-Afrika (UNISA) se musiekeksamen-sisteem : ʼn historiese agtergrond en kritiese bespreking van die klavierprogram

Grobbelaar, Margaretha Louisa 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MMus (Music))--University of Stellenbosch, 2011. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The Unisa piano examinations play a vital role in present-day South African music education. Results attained in the Unisa examinations can be used as subject marks at school, and could also give the pupil access to an audition towards further studies at a tertiary institution. While the examination body is of great importance, there is no literature to be found on the success of the system. The researcher firstly intends to establish to what extend the development of the piano has had an influence on technique and pedagogy. Educational philosophies that follow from this are discussed shortly, as well as beginner teaching methods by using four well known beginner books. The above aspects form the background used to understand the prominence and development of the examination system. Secondly, the components of the external examinations are determined and how holistically this approach is implemented in lessons. While keeping in mind that the 2010 syllabus consists of only four pieces, prescribed scales, aural tests, sightreading and practical musicianship, candidates are restricted with regard to repertoire knowledge, technical abilities and ensemble. Traditionally, great emphasis has been placed on the importance of external examinations. This places enormous pressure on the learner, resulting in added stress during the examining procedure. This is reflected in their performances, and therefore the pupil’s ability cannot be tested in an objective manner. Yet the result of external examinations is important to teachers, pupils and parents, and is used to evaluate the pupil’s skill and capability as a musician. Three research methodologies were used to ensure an accurate study. A literature review was completed to investigate the need that led to the development of external examinations. To place the research within a South African context, a survey of a quantitative nature was conducted by means of a questionnaire. The aim is firstly to ascertain what teachers use as teaching material and secondly the extent to which the external examination contributes to the structuring of the learning process. This empirical study focuses on the teacher and the examination experience of the learner as well as the role and opinion of the parents regarding the external examining system. Statistical models were created to represent the data captured. Data analysis shows that on average, most teachers are reliant on the Unisa syllabus for choosing repertoire and the structuring of their lessons. This implies that the learner is restricted to the Unisa syllabus and its requirements, which inhibit the development of further musical challenges. Due to the degree of difficulty of the external examinations, there is little room for additional works and therefore the learner is often limited to playing less than six pieces a year. In conclusion, the researcher suggests the following: to propose a new school of thought based on the development of musicianship rather than achievementorientated tuition. The playing of external examinations does not need to be the main object of music tuition; rather, external examinations should be used as a guide for assessment, which forms part of a holistic approach to music education. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Unisa se klaviereksamens speel ʼn belangrike rol in die hedendaagse Suid- Afrikaanse musiekopvoeding. Nie net dien uitslae behaal in ʼn Unisa-eksamen as ekwivalent vir musiek as vak in ʼn skoolopset nie, maar ook as toegang tot oudisie met die oog op toelating tot tersiêre musiekonderrig aan ʼn universiteit. Alhoewel hierdie eksamenliggaam soveel gewig dra, is daar geen literatuur wat dui op die geslaagdheid van die sisteem nie. Die navorser wil deur hierdie studie eerstens die ontwikkeling van die klavier en die invloed daarvan op tegniek en pedagogie bepaal. Die opvoedkundige filosofieë wat hierop volg, word kortliks bespreek asook beginnermetodes aan die hand van vier welbekende beginnerboeke. Hierdie aspekte verskaf die nodige agtergrond om die prominensie van en aanloop tot die eksamensisteem te verstaan. Tweedens word die komponente waaruit eksterne eksamens bestaan, vasgestel en hoe holisties die onderrig hiervan binne lesverband toegepas word. Indien slegs die eksterne eksamensillabus nagevolg word, het dit ʼn beperking tot gevolg in terme van repertoriumkennis, tegniese vaardighede asook ensemblespel, as in gedagte gehou word dat die 2010-sillabus uit slegs vier werke, voorgeskryfde toonlere, gehoortoetse, bladlees en praktiese musiekleer bestaan. Tradisioneel word daar geweldige klem op die belangrikheid van eksamenaflegging geplaas en dit het enorme druk op die leerder tot gevolg, wat groot spanning tydens die uitvoer van die program veroorsaak. Op sigself beïnvloed dit die leerder se spel, en kan sy of haar vaardighede dus nie objektief getoets word nie. Tog speel die eksamenresultaat ʼn groot rol in hoe die kind, onderwyser en ouer die leerder se vaardighede as musikant evalueer. Ter wille van akkurate navorsing is drie metodes gevolg. ʼn Literatuurstudie is gedoen om voldoende kennis in te win oor die behoefte wat gelei het tot die ontstaan en ontwikkeling van eksterne klaviereksamens. Om hierdie studie in ʼn hedendaagse Suid-Afrikaanse konteks te plaas, is ʼn kwantitatiewe dataversameling deur middel van vraelyste uitgevoer. Eerstens wou die navorser hierdeur bepaal watter onderrigmateriaal onderwysers gebruik en tweedens tot watter mate die eksterne eksamen bydra tot die strukturering van die leerproses. Hierdie empiriese studie fokus nie net op die onderwyser nie, maar ook op die eksamenervaring van die leerder, asook die ouers se rol en mening rakende die eksterne klaviereksamensisteem. Op grond van die versamelde data is statistiese modellering saamgestel om die bevindings uit te beeld. Die data-analise toon dat onderwysers oor die algemeen baie afhanklik is van die Unisa-klaviersillabus vir repertoriumkeuses en lesbeplanning. Daardeur word die leerder beperk tot die sillabusvereistes wat volgens Unisa bepaal word, wat verdere musikale uitdagings strem. Weens die moeilikheidsgraad laat dit min ruimte vir addisionele werk, wat die leerder se repertorium beperk tot gewoonlik minder as ses werke per jaar. Na voltooiing van die studie kan die volgende aanbevelings gemaak word: Die navorser wil aanbeveel dat ʼn nuwe denkrigting gevolg word, wat die bevordering van musikantskap tot gevolg het, eerder as prestasiegedrewe onderrig. Die aflegging van eksterne eksamens behoort nie die hoofdoel van die onderrigproses te wees nie, maar moet verkieslik benader word as ʼn hulpmiddel tot assessering wat deel vorm van ʼn holistiese aanslag tot onderrig.

Die bydrae van Unisa se Oorsese Musiekstudiebeurs vir Voordraers tot die ontwikkeling van musiek in Suid-Afrika

Rottcher, Janette 17 January 2012 (has links)
In hierdie studie word die invloed van Unisa se Oorsese Musiekstudiebeurs vir Voordraers op musiekontwikkeling in Suid-Afrika ondersoek. Ten einde hierdie doel te bereik, is twee navorsingsmetodes gevolg. Eerstens is ’n literatuurstudie gedoen. Daardeur is die loopbane van gevestigde en aspirerende uitvoerende kunstenaars ondersoek, die term ‘professionele musikus’ omskryf, die invloed van formele en informele musiekonderrig op jong musiekstudente bestudeer en ook die verhouding tussen ’n onderwys- en uitvoerende loopbaan bloot gelê. Tweedens is ’n vraelys aan al die beskikbare Unisa Oorsese Musiekstudiebeurswenners tussen 1970 en 2000 gestuur. Die doel van die vraelys was hoofsaaklik om inligting oor die persoonlike ervaring wat die persone in die steekproefgroep gedurende hul opleiding in die buiteland en daaropvolgende loopbane opgedoen het, in te win. Beide kwantitatiewe en kwalitatiewe data is deur die navorsingsmetodes bekom. Hoewel die responskoers redelik laag was, is waardevolle inligting ingewin oor die invloed wat Unisa se Oorsese Musiekstudiebeurs op die beurswenners gehad het. Die data het die hoedanighede van die beurswenners se loopbane asook die bydraes wat hulle in uitvoerende en onderwys kapasiteit lewer, aangedui. Die resultate het getoon dat die meerderheid beurswenners wel in Suid-Afrika gevestig is, terwyl die meeste van dié wat oorsee is, Suid-Afrika steeds besoek op ’n professionele basis. Die feit dat die meeste beurswenners suksesvolle musiekloopbane volg en ook meestal hoogs gekwalifiseer is, dui daarop dat Unisa se Oorsese Musiekstudiebeurs ’n integrale deel vorm van die ontwikkeling van Suid-Afrika se musiekbedryf. ENGLISH : This study examines the influence of Unisa’s Overseas Music Scholarship for Performers on the music development of South Africa. Two research methods were used to achieve this. Firstly, a literature study was conducted. This was done to obtain existing information regarding the careers of performing artists, define the term ‘professional musician’, study the influence of formal and informal music education on young music students as well as to uncover the relationship between teaching and performing careers. Secondly, a quesionnaire was sent to all available Unisa Overseas Music Scholarship winners between 1970 and 2000. The aim of the quesionnaire was to gain information regarding the winners’ personal experience of their education and careers. Quantitative and qualitative data was gained through this research method. Although the respons rate was low, valuable information was gathered regarding the influence that the Unisa Overseas Music Scholarship had on the scholarship winners. The data showed the capacity of the scholarship winners’ careers as well as the contribution they make in the performing and teaching environment. The results showed that more scholarship winners settled in South Africa, while many of those who settled overseas, still visit South Africa on a professional basis. The fact that most of the scholarship winners lead sucsessful music careers and are mostly highly qualified, indicates that Unisa’s Overseas Music Scholarship forms an integral part in the development of South Africa’s music industry. / Dissertation (MMus)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Music / Unrestricted

The development and implementation of an institutional tuition policy for an open and distance learning institution : a case study of the University of South Africa

Tshivhase, Azwinndini Christopher 22 October 2008 (has links)
This study explores the development and implementation of a tuition policy at the ‘single dedicated distance education institution in South Africa,’ which is the University of South Africa. The discussion focuses specifically on ‘how different stakeholders participated in the development and implementation of the Unisa tuition policy’. In this context, the author contends that the development and implementation of an institutional tuition policy is influenced by various factors relating to the determination of the roles to be played by various stakeholders in the process. A broader consideration is whether or not and how tuition policy development and implementation influence teaching and learning in distance education. The perspective taken in this study necessarily includes the different acts and policy documents that focus on the development of the higher education sector in South Africa, which consequently influence the practice and experience of distance education. The main findings of the study concur with the notion that there is contention in terms of Unisa tuition policy development and implementation, which leads to a measure of reluctance to implement the policy. Furthermore, the implementation has not been as effective as it might have been, and this defeats the purpose of the policy, which is to promote effective teaching and learning in distance education. The data derived from the investigation partly support this study’s concern that the development and implementation of this policy depend on participants’ and stakeholders’ mental models. The findings also show that the contention regarding the determination of roles in the development and implementation has negative impacts on the effectiveness of teaching and learning at Unisa, which may not be very obvious to the stakeholders involved. Crucially, it was also found that the stakeholders could not separate their institutional roles and positions from their roles in policy development and implementation. It is in the context of these findings that the author recommends that policy development and implementation for effective teaching and learning should critically define the institutional roles of those engaged in policy development and implementation in a distance education institution such as Unisa. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2008. / Education Management and Policy Studies / unrestricted

Exploring social workers’ integration of the person-centred approach into practice within different working contexts

Mbedzi, Rembuluwani Paul 21 September 2011 (has links)
The social work profession requires the accumulation of theory, knowledge, skills and their integration into practice. The department of social work at UNISA trains students according to the person-centred approach (PCA). The question thus arises whether the social workers trained in PCA at UNISA are able to integrate theory into practice in their different areas of employment. Exploring this would give the department of social work an opportunity to re-visit the teaching of PCA and make some improvements if necessary. The qualitative study was conducted with social workers employed in different welfare organizations in Pretoria. The following themes emerged from the analysis: the perceived significance of building relationship with clients, the organizational influence in counselling, unique experiences with regard to colleagues who graduated from other institutions, challenges in handling a conflict or crisis situation, and lastly the nature of statutory cases. The conclusions were drawn and recommendations were presented. / Social Science / M.A. (Mental Health)

Exploring social workers’ integration of the person-centred approach into practice within different working contexts

Mbedzi, Rembuluwani Paul 21 September 2011 (has links)
The social work profession requires the accumulation of theory, knowledge, skills and their integration into practice. The department of social work at UNISA trains students according to the person-centred approach (PCA). The question thus arises whether the social workers trained in PCA at UNISA are able to integrate theory into practice in their different areas of employment. Exploring this would give the department of social work an opportunity to re-visit the teaching of PCA and make some improvements if necessary. The qualitative study was conducted with social workers employed in different welfare organizations in Pretoria. The following themes emerged from the analysis: the perceived significance of building relationship with clients, the organizational influence in counselling, unique experiences with regard to colleagues who graduated from other institutions, challenges in handling a conflict or crisis situation, and lastly the nature of statutory cases. The conclusions were drawn and recommendations were presented. / Social Science / M.A. (Mental Health)

The viability of using non-standardised thematic projection media with young adolescents

Andersen, Surette Olivia 30 November 2005 (has links)
This study evaluates whether it is viable to implement non-standardised thematic projection media when dealing with the young adolescent. The selection was based on the results of a pilot study involving fifty young adolescents. The young adolescents chose cards that reflected salient issues in their lives. The sample responded positively and spontaneously to the non-standardised thematic projection media implemented. A review of the results revealed that non-standardised thematic projection media can be used effectively in diagnosis and therapy and thus has viability when used with the young adolescent. The clients chose cards that appealed to their frames of reference. The use of non-standardised thematic projection media enhances the counselling relationship. It increases the understanding of the client and aids the therapist in clarifying therapeutic goals. It allows the therapist to act as an emotional container. By including guidelines for the selection and interpretation of non-standardised thematic projection media the researcher wishes to make a contribution in the repertoire of the educational psychologist when dealing with the young adolescent. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed. (Specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

An investigation into the effectiveness of the staff development policies and programmes of the Unisa library

Ramalibana, Kataila M. 09 December 2005 (has links)
This study investigated the effectiveness of staff training and development programmes and policies at the Unisa Library. The aim of the study was to establish how staff training and development needs were met and also how staff felt about the centralisation of the Human Resources Department. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed among the Unisa Library staff including the Unisa Branch Libraries. Interviews with four divisional managers were also conducted. Staff development is an ongoing process that, by means of a systematic approach, serves to orient, train, and develop each member of the library staff to work together and to serve their customers with the skills necessary to deliver a quality service. As a result, training can be viewed as an essential vehicle to efficient and effective performance by staff and also as a process that develops the skills, awareness or expertise of staff. This is important for both professional and non-professional employees. Chapter one of this dissertation provided the orientation of this study. Chapter two looked at how the study was conducted, including the research design and methods. Chapter three provided information on the legal aspects of training and development in the workplace and what employees need to be aware of and to know. Chapter four dealt with staff training and development and a literature survey. Chapter five gave an analysis and interpretation of the research findings. Chapter six described the situation at Unisa with respect to staff training and development, while in chapter seven recommendations were made based on the findings of this study. It was found that the personal development of staff was hindered as only job - related training is supported by the Library's STD workgroup. It is recommended that a training needs analysis be compiled in the Library based on the individual staff training requirements expressed during annual performance appraisals. Fifty percent of the staff who were surveyed thought it was good to centralise the Human Resources Department. / Information Science / M. A. (Information Science)

An investigation into the effectiveness of the staff development policies and programmes of the Unisa library

Ramalibana, Kataila M. 09 December 2005 (has links)
This study investigated the effectiveness of staff training and development programmes and policies at the Unisa Library. The aim of the study was to establish how staff training and development needs were met and also how staff felt about the centralisation of the Human Resources Department. Self-administered questionnaires were distributed among the Unisa Library staff including the Unisa Branch Libraries. Interviews with four divisional managers were also conducted. Staff development is an ongoing process that, by means of a systematic approach, serves to orient, train, and develop each member of the library staff to work together and to serve their customers with the skills necessary to deliver a quality service. As a result, training can be viewed as an essential vehicle to efficient and effective performance by staff and also as a process that develops the skills, awareness or expertise of staff. This is important for both professional and non-professional employees. Chapter one of this dissertation provided the orientation of this study. Chapter two looked at how the study was conducted, including the research design and methods. Chapter three provided information on the legal aspects of training and development in the workplace and what employees need to be aware of and to know. Chapter four dealt with staff training and development and a literature survey. Chapter five gave an analysis and interpretation of the research findings. Chapter six described the situation at Unisa with respect to staff training and development, while in chapter seven recommendations were made based on the findings of this study. It was found that the personal development of staff was hindered as only job - related training is supported by the Library's STD workgroup. It is recommended that a training needs analysis be compiled in the Library based on the individual staff training requirements expressed during annual performance appraisals. Fifty percent of the staff who were surveyed thought it was good to centralise the Human Resources Department. / Information Science / M. A. (Information Science)

The viability of using non-standardised thematic projection media with young adolescents

Andersen, Surette Olivia 30 November 2005 (has links)
This study evaluates whether it is viable to implement non-standardised thematic projection media when dealing with the young adolescent. The selection was based on the results of a pilot study involving fifty young adolescents. The young adolescents chose cards that reflected salient issues in their lives. The sample responded positively and spontaneously to the non-standardised thematic projection media implemented. A review of the results revealed that non-standardised thematic projection media can be used effectively in diagnosis and therapy and thus has viability when used with the young adolescent. The clients chose cards that appealed to their frames of reference. The use of non-standardised thematic projection media enhances the counselling relationship. It increases the understanding of the client and aids the therapist in clarifying therapeutic goals. It allows the therapist to act as an emotional container. By including guidelines for the selection and interpretation of non-standardised thematic projection media the researcher wishes to make a contribution in the repertoire of the educational psychologist when dealing with the young adolescent. / Psychology of Education / M.Ed. (Specialisation in Guidance and Counselling)

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