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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Realizace a uplatnění počítačových her v soudobé didaktice

Šlesová, Iveta January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with designing a suitable methodology for the creation of educational computer games, based on an analysis of the current state of teaching computer games.


Gabriel Alejandro Castro Aguayo (9768428) 17 December 2020 (has links)
<p>Technology evolves at such a rapid pace nowadays, keeping up with education on cyber security tends to fall. Even with the rising threats, people put their personal information in their computers without knowing who could access the information. Many people keep their personal information online when they do shopping, banking, or on social media. These online activities attract adversaries that may have malicious attentions. The lack of cyber security practices is evident as we often hear the news of large-scale cyberattack incidents against financial institutions that leads to breach of personal information of their users. Cyber-attacks can have long term damaging effects. Cybersecurity awareness is necessary to start at an early age. If this subject is delivered to young users as an interactive tutorial, using game-based principles, then it is more likely to be learned in an entertaining manner. Hence, this thesis project focuses on a framework development for interactive and engaging cybersecurity education and its evaluation. </p> <p>The framework is developed to educate the users various cybersecurity related topics, such as malware, web security, and network security. It consists four stages for each topic: information, interaction, explanation, and assessment. In the information module, the user is presented details related to the topic. To maintain users’ interest, interaction module allows users to interrelate with common hacking attacks from real life situations. Explanation module provides the discussion of interaction module and introduces defense techniques. The users are tested in the Assessment module to measure their learning to be able to advance to next levels within the same topic. The developed framework is customizable since more modules can be integrated and existing modules can be swiftly modified. In addition, multiple surveys were conducted to analyze whether this framework explains the cybersecurity topics easily. </p>

Frågespel : Mobilapp med server

Sedin Hälldahl, Stefan January 2019 (has links)
Detta projekts huvudsakliga syfte är att skapa ett frågespel där användare samtidigt kan spela mot andra genom att använda en mobil applikation. Den som startar en spelomgång får välja vilken kategori av frågor som ska ställas och ger därefter ut erhållen kod till vänner som i sin tur kan ansluta till spelet. Därefter exekveras spelomgång varpå resultat erhålls och vinnare utses. Teknisk lösning för detta projekt använder Unity3D för presentation av spelet på de mobila enheterna vilka sedan kommunicerar med en server som exekverar på plattform utvecklad med Microsoft .NET Core och SQL Server. För att administrera de kategorier och frågor som spelarna ställs inför används ASP.NET MVC på samma plattform. / The main purpose of this project is to create a quiz game where users are able to simultaneously play against others using a mobile application. Anyone who starts a game session can choose which category of questions to ask and then send out received code to friends who in their turn joins the game. A round is then started where players will answer questions, after which they obtain results and a winner is selected. Technical solution for this project uses Unity3D for presentation of the game on the mobile devices which then communicates with a server that executes on a platform developed with Microsoft .NET Core and SQL Server. ASP.NET MVC is used on the same platform to manage the categories and questions faced by the players.

Rozšířená realita pro Průmysl 4.0 / Augmented Reality for Industry 4.0

Kruták, Tomáš January 2021 (has links)
The goal of this diploma thesis is to explore possibilities and principals of virtual and augmented reality, especially in relation to use in the factories of Industry 4.0. Introduce also a optical location systems VICON and OptiTrack. . It also studies the possibilities of 3D visualization of technical objects using viewing glasses and selects a suitable framework for creating an augmented reality focused on the environment of MS Windows, UNITY 3D engine and the C# programming language. Last chapter designes and developes software solution depicting an artificial scene in viewing glasses.

3D autoškola / 3D Driving School

Langr, Petr January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with 3D Driving School simulator development, especially with control compliance of traffic rules. Thesis introduce game engine Unity 3D, which was the key factor of creating simulator. Game development in thesis begins with model and ends with scripting object behaviour.

3D Autoškola / 3D Driving School

Řeháček, Prokop January 2014 (has links)
The main topic of this thesis is to create a simulator for educational purposes, which is able to simulate the traffic situations and to control the compliance of traffic regulations. Modern game engine Unity 3D and development of simulator in C # for this engine are introduced within this thesis. Creating a simulator or computer game in general, imposes multiple requirements in different disciplines, and therefore, this work deals with themes such as the creation of 3D models, work with audio content, design of virtual city model, etc.

Virtuální svět / Virtual World

Kováč, Robert January 2016 (has links)
The goal of this thesis is to describe the issue of computer game creation and to develop a race game for people connected to the Virtual World using Unity 3D game engine. The first part of this thesis is dedicated to the history of video games, platforms and to describing of development processes and development tools. The next part is about Unity 3D game engine, which was used for creating the game. The resulting application is described in the last part.

The collider tool project

Hedén, August, Wessman, Emil January 2023 (has links)
The emphasis on making game development more accessible to novice users is becoming increasingly more common. Gone are the days when game development was a pursuit only available for those with a broad programming background or extensive technical skills. Today, game development has become much more approachable, with a wide variety of tools and resources targeted at both novice and experienced users. Despite being a focus point for many game engine companies, there is still a lot of work that needs to be done to fully democratise game development. How could a tool for the adjustment of complex colliders’ shape in the Unity3D game engine targeted at game developers with little to no programming proficiency be designed and implemented? In this research study we delve into the process of creating a tool that enables adjustment of complex mesh colliders in Unity 3D's game engine, with an aim of making it accessible to users regardless of their previous experiences. A prototype of such a tool is developed using a design science strategic approach, which is later evaluated through interviews and thematic analysis. This study presents an exemplary approach to address the aforementioned task by providing the reader with an understanding of the tools used, how they were presented, and how the resulting prototype was perceived by its test users. The findings of this research study provides a framework for developing a tool that enables the adjustment of mesh colliders, while highlighting the significance of a comprehensive design process required when developing tools for novice users, and serves as a practical example of such a tool and how it could operate. Future research on the topic should focus on refining the design and features of the developed tool to further enhance its user friendliness.

A 2D video player for Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality / En 2D-videospelare för Virtual Reality och Mixed Reality

Filip, Mori January 2017 (has links)
While 3D degree video in recent times have been object of research, 2D flat frame videos in virtual environments (VE) seemingly have not received the same amount of attention. Specifically, 2D video playback in Virtual Reality (VR) and Mixed Reality (MR) appears to lack exploration in both features and qualities of resolution, audio and interaction, which finally are contributors of presence. This paper reflects on the definitions of Virtual Reality and Mixed Reality, while extending known concepts of immersion and presence to 2D videos in VEs. Relevant attributes of presence that can applied to 2D videos were then investigated in the literature. The main problem was to find out the components and processes of the playback software in VR and MR with company request features and delimitations in consideration, and possibly, how to adjust those components to induce a greater presence within primarily the 2D video, and secondary the VE, although the mediums of visual information indeed are related and thus influence each other. The thesis work took place at Advrty, a company developing a brand advertising platform for VR and MR. The exploration and testing of the components, was done through the increment of a creating a basic standalone 2D video player, then through a second increment by implementing a video player into VR and MR. Comparisons with the proof-of-concept video players in VR and MR as well as the standalone video player were made. The results of the study show a feasible way of making a video player for VR and MR. In the discussion of the work, open source libraries in a commercial software; the technical limitations of the current VR and MR Head-mounted Displays (HMD); relevant presence inducing attributes as well as the choice of method were reflected upon. / Medan 360 graders video under senare tid varit föremål för studier, så verkar inte traditionella rektangulära 2D videos i virtuella miljöer ha fått samma uppmärksamhet. Mer specifikt, 2D videouppspelning i Virtual Reality (VR) och Mixed Reality (MR) verkar sakna utforskning i egenskaper som upplösning, ljud och interaktion, som slutligen bidrar till ”presence” i videon och den virtuella miljön. Det här pappret reflekterar över definitionerna VR och MR, samtidigt som den utökar de kända koncepten ”immersion” och ”presence” för 2D video i virtuella miljöer. Relevanta attribut till ”presence” som kan appliceras på 2D video utreddes sedan med hjälp av litteraturen. Det huvudsakliga problemet var att ta reda på komponenterna och processerna i den mjukvara som skall spela upp video i VR och MR med företagsönskemål och avgränsningar i åtanke, och möjligen, hur man kan justera dessa komponenter för att utöka närvaron i framförallt 2D video och sekundärt den virtuella miljön, även om dessa medium är relaterade och kan påverka varandra. Examensarbetet tog plats på Advrty, ett företag som utvecklar en annonseringsplattform för VR och MR. Utveckling och framtagande av komponenterna, var gjorda genom inkrementell utveckling där en enklare 2D videospelare skapades, sedan genom en andra inkrementell fas där videospelaren implementerades i VR och MR. Jämförelser med proof-of-concept-videospelaren i VR och MR samt den enklare videospelaren gjordes. I diskussionen om arbetet, gjordes reflektioner på användningen av open source-bibliotek i en kommersiell applikation, de tekniska begränsningarna i nuvarande VR och MR Head-mounted displays, relevanta ”presence” inducerande attribut samt val av metod för utvecklingen av videospelaren.

Agent-Based Simulation of SARS-CoV-2 Spread in Supermarket Checkout Areas / Agentbaserad Simulering av Spridning av SARS-CoV-2 i Mataffärers Kassaområden

Forsberg, Nils, Lerjevik, Dina January 2022 (has links)
The outbreak of the coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) has seen the world scramble for effective countermeasures to limit infection spread in society. Understanding how infection spreads in places where strangers meet in relatively high numbers and proximity to one another is especially important. Supermarkets are one such place where strangers inevitably gather in close proximity indoors. In particular, the checkout area where people queue up to pay tends to be densely populated, making it especially hazardous. One approach to understanding the infection spread is to use agent-based computer simulations to model different scenarios. This paper describes one such simulation of a supermarket checkout area using the Unity 3D engine, including the effect of checkout types and quantity, customer load and COVID-19 countermeasures, i.e., masking and distancing, on infection spread. Using the results from one default scenario and eleven variations, the relative impact of aforementioned factors on exposure in the simulation is discussed. Results indicate that for this simulation the most important factor is preventing queue buildup via having sufficient customer throughput capacity, with potent effects also resulting from operating service registers in such a way that the distance between each queue is maximized as well as increasing distances between agents within queues. Including a self-checkout area was found to be a viable approach to reducing queue times and consequently exposure rates. Comparatively, masking did not yield as notable reductions in exposure rates in the simulation. Similarities in exposure patterns to previous work in the context of supermarkets are discussed, as well as limitations of simulations in capturing the real world. / Utbrottet av coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) föranledde införandet av smittskyddsåtgärder världen över i ett försök att begränsa smittspridningen i samhället. Särskilt viktigt är att förstå hur smittspridning äger rum i trånga utrymmen där ett förhållandevis stort antal främmande människor samlas. Ett exempel på en inomhusmiljö där stora folksamlingar oundvikligen uppstår är mataffärer, där kassaområdena är högriskområden för smittspridning eftersom kunder köar för att betala i dessa områden. Ett tillvägagångssätt för att erhålla kunskap kring smittspridning är att använda agentbaserade datorsimuleringar för att modellera olika scenarion. Den här publikationen beskriver en sådan simulering av en mataffärs kassaområde i spelmotorn Unity 3D. Simuleringen används för att undersöka betydelsen av kassaområdets utformning för smittspridningen, samt inverkan av besökstryck och smittskyddsåtgärder, härvidlag användning av munskydd och social distansering. Som diskussionsunderlag för att fastställa vilken effekt dessa faktorer har på smittspridningen används ett grundscenario och elva simuleringsvarianter. Resultaten visar att den enskilt viktigaste faktorn i denna simulering är att hålla tillräckligt många kassor öppna, vilket förhindrar kötillväxt. Att hålla maximalt avstånd mellan öppna kassor, samt anamma social distansering mellan köande agenter bidrar också påtagligt till minskad smittspridning. Vidare förefaller inkludering av självskanningskassor vara ett effektivt tillvägagångssätt för att minska kötid och därmed även smittspridning. Användande av munskydd har jämförelsevis en mindre påtaglig effekt i simuleringen. I publikationen diskuteras även likheter i exponeringsmönster gentemot tidigare forskning rörande simulering av smittspridning i mataffärskontext, samt vilka begränsningar simuleringar kan uppvisa när det kommer till att replikera verkligheten.

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