Spelling suggestions: "subject:"2university admission"" "subject:"2university dmission""
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The Ball State University Directed Admission Student Experimental Program, 1968-1972Foster, Robert Oscel 03 June 2011 (has links)
During the summer of 1968, the Vice President for Student Affairs at Ball State University, established the Office of Special Programs. Personnel of the Office were charged with the responsibility for developing and providing special services for students with low academic records so that collegiate success and persistence might be enhanced. The Director of Special Programs was directly charged with the responsibility for providing academic counseling, advice relative to course selections, and for marshalling existing university academic and ancillary support systems as necessary to improve college persistence behaviors among students classified for "Admission with Warning."Personnel of the Office of Special Programs developed and implemented a program designed to provide special academic and supportive services to "Admission with Warning" students. The Directed Admission Student Experimental Program was implemented in the fall of 1968. The program included a remedial reading course, a remedial writing course designed specifically for students identified for the DASEP experience. Personal counseling and special Curricular Advising services were provided to all DASEP students. Over the period from 1968-1972 a total of 274 students were selected to be participants in the DASEP group, and a total of 273 students were identified for inclusion in a control group.The purpose of this study was to determine whether students admitted to the Ball State University Directed Admission Student Experimental Program (DASEP) during the period from 1968 to 1972, persisted to program completion more frequently than did similar students in an identical non-DASEP control group. If the null hypothesis relating to the major purpose was not accepted, differences among DASEP persisters and non-persisters would be investigated.A second purpose of the study was to collect and analyze evaluative perceptions from participants of the Directed Admission Student. Experimental Program relative to the special services provided.The research was planned to test the null hypothesis relating to persistence in the DASEP program and to secure evaluative perceptions about the services from 274 DASEP students.The investigator collected data on persistence in the DASEP program from 265 DASEP and 255 control group students. Data were statistically treated by means of the chi square statistic. The .05 level was used for hypothesis acceptance or non-acceptance. In order to secure evaluative perceptions about services provided participants in the DASEP program, a Likert type instrument was developed and sent to 250 participants in the DASEP program. Review of the data led to the following conclusions:There was no statistically significant difference found between the DASEP group and control group students in persistence to the completion of their individual educational program.Less than one-half of the DASEP students perceived the services provided by the Reading Clinic to be helpful.Slightly more than one-half perceived the services of the Writing Clinic to be helpful.Depending upon the service, about one-half of the students perceived the special Curricular Advising services to be helpful.About one-third perceived the subjects taught in the seminar class to be helpful.Slightly less than one-half of the DASEP students perceived counseling, provided by the staff of Special Programs to be helpful.In a summary question, 94 percent of the DASEP students perceived the DASEP program had been beneficial to them.
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Evaluation for Admission to the University / Evaluación para la admisión a la universidadTorreblanca Villavicencio, Alberto 10 April 2018 (has links)
The Admissions and Information Office of the Pontifical Catholic University of Perú, through its Evaluation Section, is responsible forthe design and application of tests that must be given by any applicant who wants to follow higher education. This article describes the process of developing these testing tools, and introduces a general reflection –based on gained experience– about the new challenges we face in the field of evaluation of skills in higher education. / En la PUCP, la Oficina Central de Admisión e Informes, a través de la Sección Evaluación, es la unidad encargada del diseño y aplicación de las pruebas que se aplican a casi la totalidad de los postulantes a los estudios universitarios. En el presente artículo se describe el proceso de construcción de estos instrumentos y se presenta una reflexión general a partir de la experiencia obtenida y los nuevos retos en el ámbito de la evaluación de habilidades en la formación universitaria.
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Effectiveness of a University Bilingual Degree Program Among Overseas ChineseLiu, Sherry 01 January 2018 (has links)
The language and communication skills of foreign students have long been a concern in
U.S. universities. The majority of U.S. universities require foreign students for whom English is not their native language to take English language proficiency tests such as the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) as part of admission requirements. Some universities have included interventions to increase the success of Chinese students against their struggle to understand English course content. One such program is the Gateway to Successful Tomorrow Bilingual Degree Program (GST). The gap to be addressed on this study was that the effectiveness of GST has not been formally evaluated among foreign students particularly overseas Chinese students studying at U.S. universities. The purpose of this study was to examine the effectiveness of the GST among overseas Chinese students studying at U.S. universities as measured through students' grade point averages (GPA) and TOEFL scores. The theoretical framework that guided this study was the Vygotsky's sociocultural theory. The quantitative study used a causal comparative design to gather quantitative data from student achievement records and TOEFL scores. Pearson's correlation analysis and analysis of variance were conducted to predict if underlying relationships exist among variables. Key findings of the analyses showed that GST students had a significantly higher GPA than non-GST student. However, results also indicated that there was no evidence that the GST program significantly improved TOEFL scores. The GST program had an overall positive impact on the international Chinese students' academic performance and with continued research international students stand to gain even more from this program.
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A Descriptive Study of Students Who Were Accepted for Admission at West Texas A&M University But Did Not EnrollBarton, Mary Edna 12 1900 (has links)
Each year, institutions of higher education devote valuable financial and personnel resources in the hope of enhancing student recruitment and matriculation. The purpose of this study was to examine the demographic characteristics, the factors that influenced students decisions to apply for admission to a university, their educational intentions, and their reasons for not enrolling after they had been admitted. The subjects of the study were first-time freshmen accepted for admission to a mid-size, public, southwestern university who did not enroll for the fall 1997 semester. Statistically significant differences were found when comparing no-shows and enrolled students by gender, ethnicity, age, ACT/SAT score, and distance of their hometown from the university. There were more female no-shows, and more males enrolled than females; a greater percentage of no-shows reported the distance of their hometown to be more than 200 miles; and the mean test score for no-shows was higher. Factors important in the college selection process found to be statistically significant among the groups were: a greater percentage of Minorities than Caucasians reported the importance of the financial aid award or a scholarship offer; students living within 100 miles of the campus reported the proximity of the university as important, advice received from current or former students and high school counselors was more important to those living more than 100 miles from the campus. Cost of attendance and scholarships were important to students with the higher test scores. Statistically significant reasons cited by the no-shows for not enrolling were more Minorities than Caucasians reported financial difficulties and job demands; students living farther from the campus reported attending other universities while those living within 100 miles reported attending a community college. Recommendations the university studied could pursue include: developing a program to follow-up on the no-shows, directing more energy at recruiting students living within 200 miles of the university, and increasing the availability of scholarships.
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The Predictive Validity of the Admission Criteria for the Counselor Education Program at Portland State UniversityBishop, Malachy Liam 22 May 1995 (has links)
The Counselor Education Program at Portland State University currently uses five admission criteria to determine the acceptance or rejection of applicants. These criteria include letters of reference, a panel interview, a writing sample, the applicant's undergraduate GPA (UGPA), and the applicant's score on either the MAT or the GRE. Scores on these measures are adjusted and combined to create a single total score upon which admission decisions are based. The present study attempts to evaluate the validity of these admission criteria in predicting success in the Counselor Education Program at Portland State University. For the purpose of this study, student success was defined in terms of both the GPA upon graduation from the program and ratings of student clinical counseling skills by program faculty. The subjects were graduates of the program who had been admitted between the years 1988 and 1991. Information collected for analysis included scores on the admission criteria and GPA upon graduation, age at admission, counseling specialization, and gender. A questionnaire was then developed which asked the program faculty to rate the students' clinical counseling skills. An analysis of the correlation between scores on the admission criteria and scores on the outcome criteria (graduate GPA and clinical skills score) was performed using the SPSS Statistical Package. Regression analysis showed that among the admission criteria only the MAT score significantly determined success on the outcome criteria. Gender was inversely predictive of graduate GPA (i.e., being female correlated with higher graduate GPA). Further research, using alternative measures of counseling skill, is indicated. These results suggest the need for such research, and for further evaluation of the current admission criteria.
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Finns det rättsligt hjärterum för att främja mångfald på universiteten? : En Critical Race-teoretisk analys av universitetens rättsliga utrymme att använda positiv särbehandling och breddad rekrytering / Legal Frames for Promoting Diversity at Universities : A Critical Race-Theoretical Analysis of the Universities’ Legal Frames for Using Positive Action and Affirmative ActionRohdin, Sofia January 2020 (has links)
I högskolelagen 1 kap 5 § stycke 4 finns bestämmelsen ”Högskolorna skall också aktivt främja och bredda rekryteringen till högskolan.”. Bestämmelsen infördes för att motarbeta den sociala och etniska snedrekryteringen på Sveriges högskolor och aktivt främja mångfald genom breddad rekrytering. Breddad rekrytering är olika slags aktiva åtgärder, bland annat användandet av alternativt urval i antagningsprocessen till högskolor och universitet. Under åren har det kommit ett antal rättsfall om användandet av positiv särbehandling vid antagning till högskolor och universitet, både baserat på etnisk tillhörighet i någon mån och baserat på kön, för att ge förmån till underrepresenterade grupper. I svensk gällande rätt står det numera klart att positiv särbehandling baserat på etnisk tillhörighet inte är tillåtet. Den här uppsatsen är indelad i två delar. Den första delen undersöker de rättsliga gränserna för jämlikhetsfrämjande åtgärder vid antagning till högskolor och universitet utifrån konstitutionell rätt, diskrimineringsrätt, utbildningsrätt och EU-rätt för att precisera hur ramarna ser ut enligt de olika rättsområdena samt klargöra vilket rättsområde som medger ett större utrymme och var det utrymmet åtstramas. Det framkommer att det konstitutionellrättsligt inte finns något hinder för att tillämpa positiv särbehandling för att främja underrepresenterade grupper. Enligt diskrimineringslagen är dock positiv särbehandling baserat på etnisk tillhörighet diskriminering eftersom det inte finns något undantag för att främja jämlikhet avseende etnisk tillhörighet (ett sådant undantag finns dock med syfte att främja jämställdhet mellan könen). Vidare medger inte heller högskoleförordningen, som har bestämmelser om antagningsregler, positiv särbehandling. I EU-rätten finns ett visst utrymme för positiv särbehandling, både avseende kön och etnisk tillhörighet, i EU-rättsliga direktiv. EU-domstolen har i flera rättsfall klargjort när positiv särbehandling är otillåtet, men har ännu inte uttalat sig om hur stor skillnaden får vara i meriter innan positiv särbehandling anses vara diskriminering. I den andra delen diskuteras om det borde införas en möjlighet att positivt särbehandla baserat på etnisk tillhörighet vid antagning till högskolor och universitet. I diskussionen används Critical Race-teori, vilket är en teori utvecklad i amerikansk kontext för att kritiskt analysera samhället och rätten. Med hjälp av Critical Race-teori kritiskt granskas argument för och emot positiv särbehandling, särskilt argument om rättvisa, jämlikhet och etnisk tillhörighet/ras. Jag argumenterar att det finns en tydlig dubbelhet i rätten, ställer visioner om faktisk rättvisa mot diskrimineringsförbud och diskuterar neutraliteten i dagens antagningssystem.
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