Spelling suggestions: "subject:"urban stormwater"" "subject:"urban stormwaters""
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Residential Low Impact Development Practices: Literature Review and Multicriteria Decision Analysis Framework for Detached HousesSumaiya, Ummay January 2021 (has links)
Low Impact Development (LID) is a sustainable stormwater management approach that aims to control runoff close to its source, mimicking the natural hydrological processes such as infiltration and storage. It is being adopted by many cities, where its implementation is rapidly evolving. The LID practices are small-scale measures; therefore, they need to be widely implemented to impact significantly. The selection of LIDs depends on the land use and characteristics of the area of interest. This study focuses on residential LIDs. First, a systematic and bibliometric literature review is conducted on the residential LIDs articles published up to the year 2020; a total of 94 papers were found in the Web of Science. This review resulted that LID implementation in residential areas still needs to be investigated. To assist the City, engineers, and policy-makers in implementing the suitable LIDs for detached houses, a multi-criteria decision analysis framework incorporating a hydrological model is developed in this study. The commonly used LIDs were identified, which are rain gardens, permeable pavement, rain barrels, soakaways. Seven criteria were selected – runoff depth reduction rate, peak runoff reduction rate, installation cost, maintenance cost, retrofit cost, life cycle, and aesthetical view. For the properties of the single-detached house and LIDs, the standards of Credit Valley Conservation (CVC) and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA) were followed. The proposed decision-making framework also was applied to a case study. This framework is still in the preliminary stage, thus holds the potential to convert into a tool that will be handy enough for the homeowners and consume less time. / Thesis / Master of Applied Science (MASc)
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Implementering av Långsiktigt hållbar dagvattenhantering i kommunal planering i Bottenvikens vattendistrikt : Hinder och förutsättningarMikkola Bouvin, Johanna January 2021 (has links)
One of the challenges today ́s planners face with the urbanization is how to adapt the city to the climate changes, with the increasing precipitation that causes flooding. The concept of Sustainable stormwater management aims to prevent flooding and ensure good water quality, which complies with the EU Water Framework Directive. The aim of this thesis is to investigate how Sustainable stormwater management and climate adaption is implemented in municipal planning in the Bothnian Bay Water District and to map the prevailing conditions and obstacles that may occur. Semi-structured interviews were conducted with municipal planners in Luleå, Umeå, Haparanda, Kiruna, Boden, Piteå and Skellefteå. The answers were analyzed using a deductive thematic analysis method. The interview answers were coded at different levels with the research questions as a focus. This resulted in main themes and subcategories. The result shows that five of seven interviewed municipalities are in the process of implementing Sustainable stormwater management. The municipalities are aware of pollution in stormwater and the importance of good water quality, the goal is to achieve a natural flow of stormwater. Most of the municipalities work with the stormwater issue across administrative boundaries in collaboration. The climate adaptation work in the municipalities consists mainly of rainfall mapping and elevation of buildings. The greatest obstacles to the implementation are unclear division of responsibilities, lack of resources and knowledge and the question of land use. Regarding the municipality's size and geographical locations, factors such as terrain, watercourses / recipients, demographics, finances and human resources are of importance. / En av utmaningarna som urbaniseringen för med sig och som dagens planerare måste hantera är hur staden ska anpassas till klimatförändringarna; med den ökande nederbörden som orsakar översvämningar. Konceptet Långsiktigt hållbar dagvattenhantering syftar till att förhindra översvämningar och säkerställa god vattenkvalitet, vilket överensstämmer med EU: s Vattendirektiv. Syftet med denna studie är att undersöka hur Långsiktigt hållbar dagvattenhantering och klimatanpassning implementeras i kommunal planering i Bottenvikens vattendistrikt och att kartlägga rådande förutsättningar och hinder för denna implementering. Semi-strukturerade intervjuer genomfördes med tjänstepersoner i Luleå, Umeå, Haparanda, Kiruna, Boden, Piteå och Skellefteå. Svaren analyserades med hjälp av en deduktiv tematisk analysmetod. Intervjusvaren kodades på olika nivåer med forskningsfrågorna som fokus. Detta resulterade i huvudteman och underkategorier. Resultatet visar att fem av sju intervjuade kommuner arbetar med att implementera Långsiktigt hållbar dagvattenhantering. Kommunerna är medvetna om föroreningar i dagvatten och vikten av god vattenkvalitet, målet är att uppnå ett naturligt flöde av dagvatten. De flesta av kommunerna arbetar i förvaltningsövergripande samverkan med dagvattenfrågan. Klimatanpassningsarbetet i kommunerna består främst av skyfallskartering och höjdsättning av byggnader. De största hindren för implementeringen är oklar ansvarsfördelning, brist på resurser och kunskap och frågan om markanvändning. När det gäller kommunens storlek och geografiska läge är faktorer som terräng, vattendrag / recipienter, demografi, finansiering och humankapital av betydelse.
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Impacts of Climate Change on IDF Relationships for Design of Urban Stormwater SystemsSaha, Ujjwal January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
Increasing global mean temperature or global warming has the potential to affect the hydrologic cycle. In the 21st century, according to the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), alterations in the frequency and magnitude of high intensity rainfall events are very likely. Increasing trend of urbanization across the globe is also noticeable, simultaneously. These changes will have a great impact on water infrastructure as well as environment in urban areas. One of the impacts may be the increase in frequency and extent of flooding. India, in the recent years, has witnessed a number of urban floods that have resulted in huge economic losses, an instance being the flooding of Mumbai in July, 2005. To prevent catastrophic damages due to floods, it has become increasingly important to understand the likely changes in extreme rainfall in future, its effect on the urban drainage system, and the measures that can be taken to prevent or reduce the damage due to floods. Reliable estimation of future design rainfall intensity accounting for uncertainties due to climate change is an important research issue. In this context, rainfall intensity-duration-frequency (IDF) relationships are one of the most extensively used hydrologic tools in planning, design and operation of various drainage related infrastructures in urban areas. There is, thus, a need for a study that investigates the potential effects
of climate change on IDF relationships.
The main aim of the research reported in this thesis is to investigate the effect of climate change on Intensity-Duration-Frequency relationship in an urban area. The rainfall in Bangalore City is used as a case study to demonstrate the applications of the methodologies developed in the research
Ahead of studying the future changes, it is essential to investigate the signature of changes in the observed hydrological and climatological data series. Initially, the yearly mean temperature records are studied to find out the signature of global warming. It is observed that the temperature of Bangalore City shows an evidence of warming trend at a statistical confidence level of 99.9 %, and that warming effect is visible in terms of increase of minimum temperature at a rate higher than that of maximum temperature. Interdependence studies between temperature and extreme rainfall reveal that up to a certain range, increase in temperature intensifies short term rainfall intensities at a rate more than the average rainfall. From these two findings, it is clear that short duration rainfall intensities may intensify in the future due to global warming and urban heat island effect. The possible urbanization signatures in the extreme rainfall in terms of intensification in the evening and weekends are also inferred, although inconclusively. The IDF relationships are developed with historical data and changes in the long term daily rainfall extreme characteristics are studied. Multidecedal oscillations in the daily rainfall extreme series are also examined. Further, non-parametric trend analyses of various indices of extreme rainfall are carried out to confirm that there is a trend of increase in extreme rainfall amount and frequency, and therefore it is essential to the study the effects of climate change on the IDF relationships of the Bangalore City.
Estimation of future changes in rainfall at hydrological scale generally relies on simulations of future climate provided by Global Climate Models (GCMs). Due to spatial and temporal resolution mismatch, GCM results need to be downscaled to get the information at station scale and at time resolutions necessary in the context of urban flooding. The downscaling of extreme rainfall characteristics in an urban station scale pose the following challenges: (1) downscaling methodology should be efficient enough to simulate rainfall at the tail of rainfall distribution (e.g., annual maximum rainfall), (2) downscaling at hourly or up to a few minutes temporal resolution is required, and (3) various uncertainties such as GCM uncertainties, future scenario uncertainties and uncertainties due to various statistical methodologies need to be addressed. For overcoming the first challenge, a stochastic rainfall generator is developed for spatial downscaling of GCM precipitation flux information to station scale to get the daily annual maximum rainfall series (AMRS). Although Regional Climate Models (RCMs) are meant to simulate precipitation at regional scales, they fail to simulate extreme events accurately. Transfer function based methods and weather typing techniques are also generally inefficient in simulating the extreme events. Due to its stochastic nature, rainfall generator is better suited for extreme event generation. An algorithm for stochastic simulation of rainfall, which simulates both the mean and extreme rainfall satisfactorily, is developed in the thesis and used for future projection of rainfall by perturbing the parameters of the rainfall generator for the future time periods. In this study, instead of using the customary two states (rain/dry) Markov chain, a three state hybrid Markov chain is developed. The three states used in the Markov chain are: dry day, moderate rain day and heavy rain day. The model first decides whether a day is dry or rainy, like the traditional weather generator (WGEN) using two transition probabilities, probabilities of a rain day following a dry day (P01), and a rain day following a rain day (P11). Then, the state of a rain day is further classified as a moderate rain day or a heavy rain day. For this purpose, rainfall above 90th percentile value of the non-zero precipitation distribution is termed as a heavy rain day. The state of a day is assigned based on transition probabilities (probabilities of a rain day following a dry day (P01), and a rain day following a rain day (P11)) and a uniform random number. The rainfall amount is generated by Monte Carlo method for the moderate and heavy rain days separately. Two different gamma distributions are fitted for the moderate and heavy rain days. Segregating the rain days into two different classes improves the process of generation of extreme rainfall. For overcoming the second challenge, i.e. requirement of temporal scales, the daily scale IDF ordinates are disaggregated into hourly and sub-hourly durations. Disaggregating continuous rainfall time series at sub-hourly scale requires continuous rainfall data at a fine scale (15 minute), which is not available for most of the Indian rain gauge stations. Hence, scale invariance properties of extreme rainfall time series over various rainfall durations are investigated through scaling behavior of the non-central moments (NCMs) of generalized extreme value (GEV) distribution. The scale invariance properties of extreme rainfall time series are then used to disaggregate the distributional properties of daily rainfall to hourly and sub-hourly scale. Assuming the scaling relationships as stationary, future sub-hourly and hourly IDF relationships are developed.
Uncertainties associated with the climate change impacts arise due to existence of several GCMs developed by different institutes across the globe, climate simulations available for different
representative concentration pathway (RCP) scenarios, and the diverse statistical techniques available for downscaling. Downscaled output from a single GCM with a single emission scenario represents only a single trajectory of all possible future climate realizations and cannot be representative of the full extent of climate change. Therefore, a comprehensive assessment of future projections should use the collective information from an ensemble of GCM simulations. In this study, 26 different GCMs and 4 RCP scenarios are taken into account to come up with a range of IDF curves at different future time periods. Reliability ensemble averaging (REA) method is used for obtaining weighted average from the ensemble of projections. Scenario uncertainty is not addressed in this study. Two different downscaling techniques (viz., delta change and stochastic rainfall generator) are used to assess the uncertainty due to downscaling techniques. From the results, it can be concluded that the delta change method under-estimated the extreme rainfall compared to the rainfall generator approach. This study also confirms that the delta change method is not suitable for impact studies related to changes in extreme events, similar to some earlier studies. Thus, mean IDF relationships for three different future extreme events, similar to some earlier studies. Thus, mean IDF relationships for three different future
periods and four RCP scenarios are simulated using rainfall generator, scaling GEV method, and REA method. The results suggest that the shorter duration rainfall will invigorate more due to climate change. The change is likely to be in the range of 20% to 80%, in the rainfall intensities across all durations.
Finally, future projected rainfall intensities are used to investigate the possible impact of climate change in the existing drainage system of the Challaghatta valley in the Bangalore City by running the Storm Water Management Model (SWMM) for historical period, and the best and the worst case scenario for three future time period of 2021–2050, 2051–2080 and 2071–2100. The results indicate that the existing drainage is inadequate for current condition as well as for future scenarios. The number of nodes flooded will increase as the time period increases, and a huge change in runoff volume is projected. The modifications of the drainage system are suggested by providing storage pond for storing the excess high speed runoff in order to restrict the width of the drain The main research contribution of this thesis thus comes from an analysis of trends of extreme rainfall in an urban area followed by projecting changes in the IDF relationships under climate change scenarios and quantifying uncertainties in the projections.
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Modélisation distribuée à base physique du transfert hydrologique des polluants routiers de l’échelle locale à l’échelle du quartier / Distributed and physically-based modelling of hydrological transfer of road pollutants from local to city district scalesHong, Yi 03 January 2017 (has links)
Le développement des réseaux séparatifs entraîne le transfert fréquent de polluants urbains vers les milieux récepteurs (plans d’eau, rivières, etc.). La compréhension des processus de production et de lessivage des polluants dans le milieu urbain est pourtant incomplète à l’heure actuelle. Afin de répondre aux questions liées à la gestion des eaux urbaines, l’amélioration des connaissances des processus physiques est nécessaire, tant au niveau des surfaces urbaines que les réseaux d'assainissement. Pour cela, la modélisation du transfert hydrologique des polluants en milieu urbain peut être un outil précieux.Cette thèse a pour objectif de développer et d'analyser des modèles distribués à base physique pour simuler les flux de polluants routiers (Matières En Suspension (MES), Hydrocarbures, Métaux) dans un environnement urbain. Elle s'inscrit dans le cadre du projet ANR "Trafipollu" et bénéficie des résultats expérimentaux mis en œuvre dans ce projet pour la calibration et validation des modèles utilisés. Le travail de thèse s’articule autour de deux échelles de modélisation : l’échelle locale et l’échelle du quartier.A l'échelle locale, le code FullSWOF (volumes finis, schéma numérique d'ordre 2) couplé au modèle d’érosion d'Hairsine and Rose (1992a; 1992b) et des données géographiques très détaillées (résolution spatiale centimétrique) ont été utilisés et adaptés afin d'améliorer nos connaissances des processus physiques du lessivage des polluants sur les surfaces urbaines. La comparaison aux mesures en continu permet d’évaluer la performance d’une modélisation physique pour représenter les variations spatiales et temporelles des processus de transferts des polluants sur les surfaces urbaines. Les analyses des résultats obtenus permettent de constater la prédominance des effets d'arrachement liés à la pluie sur les processus d'entrainement par l'advection sur la majeure partie du bassin versant routier. L’utilisation d’un modèle d’érosion pour modéliser le transport particulaire en zone urbaine est une innovation importante de cette thèse.A l’échelle du quartier, la deuxième étape du travail consiste à coupler séquentiellement le modèle TREX (Velleux, England, et al., 2008) avec le modèle CANOE (Alison, 2005), nommé "TRENOE" plateforme. En changeant différentes options de mise en œuvre et de configurations du modèle, l’adaptation de la précision numérique et l’utilisation de données détaillées d’occupation du sol semblent être les facteurs clés pour une telle modélisation. Par ailleurs, ce couplage a montré des problèmes de fond tels que la modélisation du schéma numérique des flux en surface (seulement dans 4 directions), ainsi que l'utilisation de l'équation USLE pour simuler l'érosion en milieu urbain, ne comprenant pas d’impact des gouttes de pluie pour la modélisation.Pour remédier à ces défauts, la plateforme opensource LISEM-SWMM est développée en couplant le modèle LISEM (De Roo, Wesseling, et al., 1996), modèle d’érosion développé initialement pour le milieu naturel, et le modèle SWMM (Rossman, 2010). Pour la première fois, la modélisation hydrologique s’appuie aussi sur l’utilisation de sorties de modèles atmosphériques pour les dépôts des particules fines (PM10), hydrocarbures et métaux. Les résultats montrent que l’emploi de modèles totalement distribués peut arriver à reproduire de manière très fine les dynamiques des particules, des hydrocarbures et des métaux. Même si à ce stade la plateforme développée nécessite des améliorations pour adapter aux utilisations dans le champ opérationnel, ceci constitue une avancée pour le domaine de modélisation du transfert hydrologique des polluants routiers en milieu urbain / Nowadays, the increasing use of separate stormwater systems causes a frequent transport of urban pollutants into receiving water bodies (lakes, rivers). However, current studies still lack of the knowledge of urban build-up and wash-off processes. In order to address urban management issues, better understanding of physical mechanism is required not only for the urban surfaces, but also for the sewer systems. In this context, the modelling of hydrological transfer of urban pollutants can be a valuable tool.This thesis aims to develop and assess the physically-based and distributed models to simulate the transport of traffic-related pollutants (suspended solids, hydrocarbons, heavy metals) in urban stormwater runoffs. This work is part of the ANR "Trafipollu" project, and benefit from the experimental results for model calibration and validation. The modelling is performed at two scales of the urban environment: at the local scale and at the city district scale.At the local scale of urban environment, the code FullSWOF (second-order finite volume scheme) coupled with Hairsine and Rose model (1992a; 1992b) and detailed monitoring surveys is used to evaluate urban wash-off process. Simulations over different rainfall events represent promising results in reproducing the various dynamics of water flows and particle transfer on the urban surfaces. Spatial analysis of wash-off process reveals that the rainfall-driven impacts are two orders of magnitude higher than flow-drive effects. These findings contribute to a significant improvement in the field of urban wash-off modelling. The application of soil erosion model to the urban context is also an important innovation.At the city district scale, the second step consists of coupling the TREX model (Velleux, England, et al., 2008) and the CANOE model, named "TRENOE" platform. By altering different options of model configurations, the adequate numerical precision and the detailed information of landuse data are identified as the crucial elements for achieving acceptable simulations. Contrarily, the high-resolution topographic data and the common variations of the water flow parameters are not equally significant at the scale of a small urban catchment. Moreover, this coupling showed fundamental problems of the model structure such as the numerical scheme of the overland flow (only 4 directions), and the empirical USLE equations need to be completed by raindrop detachment process.To address these shortcomings, the LISEM - SWMM platform is developed by coupling the open-source LISEM model (De Roo, Wesseling, et al., 1996), which is initially developed for soil erosion simulations, and the SWMM model (Rossman, 2010). For the first time, the hydrological model is also supported by the simulations of atmospheric dry deposits of fine particles (PM10), hydrocarbons and heavy metals. The performance of water flow and TSS simulations are satisfying with the calibrated parameters. Considering the hydrocarbons and heavy metals contents of different particle size classes, simulated event mean concentration of each pollutant is comparable to local in-situ measurements. Although the platform at current stage still needs improvements in order to adapt to the operational applications, the present modelling approach contributes to an innovative technology in the field of modelling of hydrological transfer of the traffic-related pollutants in urban environment
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Omvandla Malmö till en "svampstad"? : En studie om sponge city-konceptet / Transform Malmö into a sponge city? : A study about the sponge city-conceptDracic, Melisa January 2021 (has links)
Förekomsten av vattenrelaterade problem som extrem nederbörd, översvämningar, torka och vattenbrist kommer att öka i urbana områden till följd av de globala klimatförändringarna. Sponge city-konceptet är ett urbant dagvattenhanteringssystem som lanserades i Kina och syftar till att förbättra vattenhanteringen i städer genom att återställa stadens kapacitet att absorbera, infiltrera, lagra och rena vatten. Den här studien syftade till att undersöka om sponge city-konceptet hade kunnat implementeras i Malmö genom att besvara frågeställningen ” Vilka möjligheter respektive hinder finns det för Malmö att implementera sponge city-konceptet?”. Genom en systematisk litteraturstudie och innehållsanalys i kombination med det teoretiska ramverket som baserades på konceptet sårbarhet för klimatförändringar visade resultatet på att det både finns en del möjligheter men också hinder. Det huvudsakliga hindret som identifierades är att en stor del av marken i Malmö består av täta moränleror vilket utgör ett hinder för de infiltrationsåtgärder som ingår i sponge city-konceptet. Några möjligheter som identifierades är att sponge city-konceptet kan minska känsligheten för skada som uppstår i förhållande till exponeringsnivån, samt att Malmös anpassningskapacitet är relativt hög. På grund av att den här studien enbart undersökte specifika fysiska/miljömässiga aspekter inom sponge city-konceptet krävs däremot fler studier som tar hänsyn till fler aspekter om en implementering av konceptet skulle bli aktuell. / The occurrence of water related problems such as extreme precipitation, floods, drought and water scarcity will increase in urban areas as a result of global climate change. The sponge city-concept is an urban stormwater system launched in China and aims to improve the water management in cities by restoring the city’s capacity to absorb, infiltrate, store and purify water. This study aimed to investigate if the sponge city-concept could be implemented in Malmö by answering the question “What possibilities and obstacles exist for Malmö to implement the sponge city-concept?”. Through a systematic literature review and content analysis in combination with the theoretical framework, which was based on the concept climate change vulnerability, the results showed that there are some possibilities but also obstacles. The main obstacle that was identified is that the ground in Malmö largely consists of dense moraines which forms an obstacle for the infiltration measures that are included in the sponge city-concept. Some possibilities that were identified is that the sponge city-concept can decrease the sensitivity to harm that occurs in relation to the exposure level but also that Malmö’s adaptation capacity is relatively high. However, because this study only investigated specific physical/environmental aspects within the sponge city-concept, more studies that consider more aspects are required if an implementation of the concept would become prevailing.
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