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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Urban Mining in Malmö - An Investigative Study to Identify the Potential of Urban Mining

Anesie, Laura Noemi January 2018 (has links)
This master thesis depicts the topic of urban mining and its possibilities and challenges in the city of Malmö. Because of present day’s high consumption and construction our resources are becoming scarcer. In order to continue to build and consume the way we do, we need to look at other alternatives to obtain these resources. One sustainable alternative is urban mining which is based on society as a resource base where material accumulating over time is a metal storage that can be used through reuse or recycling. This thesis is limited to one type of urban mining which refers to unused cables and pipes that lie underground, so called hibernating cables. The purpose of this thesis is to explore the possibilities and challenges with urban mining in the city of Malmö and to research the Kabel-x urban mining method and its implementation possibilities. To successfully understand the challenges and possibilities a qualitative approach was taken where semi-structured interviews were conducted to see attitudes towards urban mining as well as to identify stakeholders who would work with an urban mining project in the future. The qualitative approach was complemented by a literary research which built the theoretical framework with theories like urban mining, urban metabolism and material flow analysis and sustainability assessments. The empirical discoveries depict topics such as ownership, knowledge-gap or skepticism when it comes to urban mining as well as methods of extractions, but also point to high interest and economic incentives with are in concordance with sustainability aspects. This lead to the conclusion that urban mining shows both possibilities and challenges in Malmö, which proves a challenging but worth implementation. Regarding Kabel-x method, its sustainability aspects and challenges with its implementation, it was concluded that on account of mostly skepticism and knowledge-gap stakeholders proved its implementation challenging but also interesting for urban development.

Influence of Energy Benchmarking Policies on the Energy Performance of Existing Buildings

Hamad, Samar 01 January 2018 (has links)
Energy benchmarking and disclosure policies exist in several local and state governments to manage the energy consumption of existing buildings and encourage energy efficient retrofits and upgrades, yet little is known about whether these efforts have improved overall energy efficiency. The purpose of this repeated-measures study was to examine the influence of New York City's (NYC's) Benchmarking Law (LL84) on the energy performance of the city's existing commercial buildings through investigating whether the energy performance of the city's existing commercial buildings significantly improved after the implementation of this policy. The study was based on Ostrom's institutional analysis and development framework. Paired-sample t tests were performed to statistically analyze the annually disclosed energy benchmarking data for 1,072 of NYC's existing commercial buildings that were benchmarked in both 2011 and 2016. Compared to 2011, the study results revealed statistically significant improvements in the energy performance of NYC's commercial buildings by 2016. On average, their site energy use intensity (EUI) significantly reduced by 5%, source EUI significantly decreased by 10%, greenhouse gas emissions significantly dropped by 12%, and ENERGY STAR performance rating significantly improved by 5%. However, these improvements were primarily achieved in 2012, 1 year after the city's energy benchmarking data were publicly disclosed. Additional measures should be considered to maintain continuous energy savings and greenhouse gas mitigation patterns. Positive social change implications include the potential to promote energy-efficient upgrades and inspire the adoption of sustainable building concepts.

To Cities in the Global South, From Sweden with Love

Runsten, Simon January 2017 (has links)
Rapid urbanization and limited resources is creating enormous challenges to cities in the global South, which has been increasingly acknowledged as a motivation for international cooperation in recent years. Both theory and practice have however paid little attention to how differences in geographical contexts and views on what sustainability is play out in such cooperation. This study therefore explores how Swedish actors have sought to contribute to urban sustainability in low-income countries in the Global South. These efforts are traced through a case study of the Swedish SymbioCity concept by using an actor-network theory approach. Policy mobility theory is used to discuss how the transfer and translation of policies between cities takes focus away from their contested nature. Concepts are then drawn from socio-technical transitions theory to discuss what this specifically means in transitioning towards sustainability. Data is gathered through review of written materials and semi-structured interviews with actors in the case study. In following the evolution of the Sustainable City concept, I argue that it has managed to mutate so well “from trade to aid” due to its “fluid” and lovable qualities and a notion of Swedish urban sustainability which can be flexibly interpreted. In tracing the networking of Swedish sustainability, I argue that SymbioCity has followed a previously observed pattern in which the approach has been adapted to travel and the recipients have been prepared to receive the approach. In considering how the approach has impacted its recipients, I argue that although its applications seem to have been appreciated, the translation of urban sustainability throughout the network has turned focus away from the issue of what urban sustainability is by coordinating activities and by educating the recipients’ attention towards techno-managerial problem framings. I conclude that Swedish actors have managed to carefully adopt a commercial model of urban sustainability to the purposes of development cooperation and its geographical contexts of application. While this mutation has given rise to a network of somewhat disconnected practices, the efforts of both branches have nevertheless contributed to establishing sustainability as being fundamentally uncontested in its nature. This view of sustainability can be said to be permitted by certain interpretations of the Swedish experience of becoming more sustainable. From this I conclude that to ensure that international cooperation for urban sustainability takes place on equal and fundamentally democratic terms, Swedish actors (and sustainability transition theorists alike) would do well to also encourage and facilitate inclusive and critical discussions of how urban sustainability can be understood, in the North as well as the South. The main limitation of this work lies in the actual engagement with the targeted cities, which prevents a thorough understanding of both the perceived and the actual impact of the export of Swedish urban sustainability. Further research should therefore pay attention to how it has affected the targeted cities.

Compromise or Preserve the Green Characteristics? : Densification and green spaces in Eriksberg, and the impact on residents’ well-being

Balasingam, Melanie January 2024 (has links)
As Uppsala’s population is in constant growth, Uppsala Municipality has designed a plan to densify Eriksberg and provide more residential homes, while localizing facilities for essential services and social infrastructure (Uppsala kommun, 2017:4). This will affect various green spaces in Eriksberg, which are an important part of the district and have long characterized the area (Lagergren et al., 2015:17; Uppsala kommun, 2017:19-32). Ample research suggests that green spaces offer various benefits to well-being, therefore, this study aims to analyze the effects of urban densification on green spaces in Eriksberg, with a focus on well-being (Kim et al., 2023:2; Coombes, E. et al., 2010; Guttman et al., 2021:2; Apkinar, 2016:76; Lee et al., 2015:132). The chosen method is a content analysis, consisting of a document analysis and a news media analysis. The results of the study illustrate that both the psychological and physical well-being of Eriksberg’s residents could, in several ways, be impacted by Uppsala Municipality’s development plans and efforts to densify the district. Moreover, many Eriksberg residents are concerned with green spaces being replaced or compromised in the development process, which the development plans suggest will happen in certain areas. However, the municipality has made some efforts to take residents’ opinions into consideration and, in certain instances, adhere to their wishes.

The Blooming Factory : restorative habitats and cultivation of resources

Lundgren, Nike Erin Cassandra January 2022 (has links)
The Blooming Factory is a proposal to restore and care for the abandoned Nitrolack-factory and the surrounding industrial site of Lövholmen in Stockholm. The aim is to protect the character of the building and the site while transforming the program into spaces that support the city long-term as a neighboorhod of care that align with the cycles of nature and its use of natural resources.  The project developed from the overall principle of Care and Bengt Warnes ‘Naturhus’ typology where the green house function as a structural framework for working with natural cycles in the built environment. Through cultivating the flow of resources such as energy, water, and food we also create pleasurable habitats for ourselves (and other creatures.) In the Blooming Factory, the existing building and the green house extension support each other as well as the neighbourhood. By extending the western brick façade with a greenhouse, the façade character is protected, and the material re-used both as structural support, isolation, and heat storage. The cultivation and harvesting of produce in the greenhouse support the existing building as well as the neighbourhood with food, energy, financial revenue, and knowledge.

Sustainability of Urban Agriculture: a comparison of Dakar and Amsterdam

Oost, Franciene January 2013 (has links)
This paper discusses urban agriculture in Dakar and Amsterdam and its contribution to urban sustainability. Therefore, it establishes an operational definition of urban sustainability, which is comprised of economic, social and environmental dimensions. It gives an insight in urban agriculture in both cities, and it analyzes its contribution to urban sustainability by examining the economic, social and environmental issues which are related to urban farming. Furthermore, it gives an insight in the differences of urban agriculture in the global South and the global North. Its findings suggest that although urban agriculture has potential for creating more sustainable cities, there are several constraints which need to be overcome. Keywords: Urban agriculture, urban sustainability, global South, global North, Dakar, Amsterdam

Uma análise dos fatores que interferem no crescimento da agricultura urbana e periurbana na cidade de São Paulo / An analysis of the factors that interfere in the growth of urban and peri-urban agriculture in the city of São Paulo

Sellin, Victor Bueno 11 June 2019 (has links)
O mundo passa por um acelerado processo de urbanização marcado por desequilíbrios sociais e ambientais. As cidades concentram parte relevante do impacto ambiental e consomem recursos e geram resíduos a uma taxa muito maior do que seu território pode absorver, fazendo com que as áreas urbanas sejam cada vez mais importantes na busca pela sustentabilidade. Nesse contexto, a agricultura urbana e periurbana (AUP) surge como uma alternativa para a urbanização sustentável, devido, principalmente, à sua contribuição para o aumento da segurança alimentar, redução de impacto ambiental, reutilização de resíduos orgânicos, revitalização de áreas, desalienação dos moradores e aumento do bem-estar físico e psicológico. Além da falta de dados, a análise da AUP é dificultada pela sua heterogeneidade, nos mais diversos ângulos de análise: interpretação de seus significados, local, forma de governança e técnicas. Esta dissertação propõe sua divisão em quatro tipologias: (i) fazendas urbanas; (ii) terrenos intraurbanos vazios sem interesse imobiliário; (iii) telhados com produção intensiva; e (iv) residencial e institucional. São Paulo é a maior cidade do Brasil, com 12 milhões de habitantes e, apesar de a AUP acontecer no município em diversas tipologias, são escassos os dados sobre a quantidade de alimentos produzidos atualmente e o crescimento dessa atividade na cidade. O objetivo desta dissertação é, por meio de revisão bibliográfica e de estudos de casos, identificar e analisar os fatores que interferem no crescimento da AUP na cidade de São Paulo. A AUP é aqui interpretada pela lente teórica da teoria das práticas, destacando-se as relações recursivas entre seus agentes e as estruturas, por meio dos recursos, normas e esquemas interpretativos. Conclui-se que são onze os principais fatores que interferem no crescimento da AUP na cidade de São Paulo: (i) acesso à terra; (ii) acesso a equipamentos manuais, insumos e máquinas; (iii) acesso a conhecimento técnico e mão de obra; (iv) capacidade de cumprir normas de viabilidade financeira e regras de mercado/empresariais; (v) capacidade de obtenção de certificação; (vi) presença em leis de ocupação da cidade; (vii) poder de mobilização social e audiência nas mídias sociais; (viii) capacidade de gerar atividade profissional com geração de renda; (ix) capacidade de gerar empreendedorismo social; (x) capacidade de desempenhar produção ecologicamente correta; e (xi) capacidade de engajar e promover o ativismo de ocupação do espaço público, senso de comunidade e desenvolvimento de relações não capitalistas. Nota-se que a importância de cada fator é diferente entre as tipologias, conforme demonstraram os estudos de caso. Destaca-se que para as três primeiras tipologias, apesar de seus benefícios ambientais e sociais, a AUP está inserida em normas de mercado tradicionais, e sua possibilidade de crescer e produzir alimentos em quantidade relevante depende do atingimento de viabilidade financeira. Para isso, a AUP se vale de seu discurso pautado pela sustentabilidade para obtenção de cessões de terras, doações de recursos, leis de incentivo e valores de venda acima de mercado. Para a última tipologia, seu crescimento está sujeito a uma mudança mais radical na lógica de consumo e na disseminação do ativismo e de relações não mercantis / The world goes through an accelerated process of urbanization marked by social and environmental imbalances. Cities concentrate a significant part of the environmental impact and consume resources and generate waste at a much higher rate than their land can absorb, making urban areas increasingly important in the pursuit of sustainability. In this context, urban and peri-urban agriculture (UPA) emerges as an alternative to sustainable urbanization, mainly due to its contribution to increasing food security, reducing environmental impact, reusing organic waste, revitalizing areas, de-alienating citizens and increasing physical and psychological well-being. In addition to the lack of data, analysis of UPA is hampered by its heterogeneity, at the most diverse angles of analysis: interpretation of its meanings, location, form of governance and techniques. This dissertation proposes its division into four typologies: (i) urban farms; (ii) empty intra-urban land with no interest of real estate development; (iii) intensive production rooftops; and (iv) residential and institutional. São Paulo is the largest city in Brazil with 12 million inhabitants, and although the UPA happens in the city in several types, data on the quantity of food currently produced and the growth of this activity in the city are scarce. The objective of this dissertation is, through bibliographical review and case studies, to identify and analyze the factors that interfere in the growth of AUP in the city of São Paulo. The UPA is here interpreted by the theoretical lens of the theory of practices, highlighting the recursive relations between its agents and the structures, through resources, norms and interpretative schemes. It is concluded that there are eleven main factors that interfere in the growth of UPA in the city of São Paulo: (i) access to land; (ii) access to equipment, supplies and machines; (iii) access to technical knowledge and labor; (iv) ability to comply with financial viability standards and market / business rules; (v) ability to obtain certification; (vi) presence in occupancy laws of the city; (vii) power of social mobilization and audience in social media; (viii) ability to generate professional activity with income generation; (ix) ability to generate social entrepreneurship; (x) ability to perform ecologically correct production; and (xi) ability to engage and promote the activism of public space occupation, sense of community and development of non-capitalist relations. It is noted that the importance of each factor is different between the typologies, as the case studies showed. It should be noted that for the first three typologies, despite its environmental and social benefits, the UPA is embedded in traditional market norms, and its ability to grow and produce food in a relevant quantity depends on the attainment of financial viability. For this, the UPA relies on its sustainability-based discourse to obtain land assignments, resource donations, incentive laws and above-market sales values. For the latter typology, its growth is subject to a more radical change in the logic of consumption and the spread of activism and non-market relations

Retrofit urbano: uma abordagem para apoio de tomada de decisão. / Urban retrofitting an approach to support decision-making.

Iara Negreiros 07 December 2018 (has links)
Acomodar adequadamente uma população urbana crescente terá implicações maiores não só para a indústria da construção, empregos e habitação, mas também para a infraestrutura associada, incluindo transporte, energia, água e espaços abertos ou verdes. Limitações da infraestrutura geralmente incluem o envelhecimento, subutilização e inadequação, assim como uma ausência de integração das estratégias de planejamento, projeto e gestão para o desenvolvimento futuro da cidade, em cenários de longo prazo. A exemplo do retrofit de edifícios, em que as intervenções ocorrem no âmbito do edifício isolado e seus sistemas constituintes, o retrofit urbano pode ser entendido como um conjunto de intervenções urbanas com vistas não somente à adequação da área urbana para atingir a sustentabilidade no momento presente, frente a problemas e demandas atuais, mas vislumbra a adequação para população e demandas futuras, fazendo a transição da situação atual da cidade para sua visão de futuro. Esta transição, o retrofit urbano em si, apresenta caráter abrangente e de larga escala, natureza integrada e deve ser mensurado por meio de indicadores e metas claramente definidos para monitoramento. Portanto, esta tese apresenta um método para implementação de retrofit urbano, na escala de cidades, para auxiliar a definição de metas de longo prazo e a tomada de decisão em processos de planejamento urbano. Utilizando as metas dos ODS - Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, os \"indicadores de serviços urbanos e qualidade de vida\" da NBR ISO 37120:2017 (ABNT, 2017a), análise de tendência por Média Móvel Simples e benchmarking por análise de agrupamento (clustering), o resultado é um painel visual (dashboard), adaptável e flexível, passível de agregações e filtros, tais como: seções e temas da ISO 37120, classificação de indicadores, diferentes escalas temporais e espaciais, entre outras. O dashboard é interativo e amigável, traz informações e resultados desta pesquisa e pode ser totalmente acessado em https://bit.ly/2EDnZ4J. Sorocaba, município de grande porte do Estado de São Paulo, é utilizada como estudo de caso, evidenciando os desafios e oportunidades gerados pelo rápido crescimento populacional e auxiliando a priorizar intervenções de retrofit para o desenvolvimento urbano na direção de cenários futuros. / Accommodating growing populations in cities will have major implications not only for employment, housing and the construction industry, but also for urban infrastructure including transportation, energy, water and open or green space. Infrastructure constraints currently include ageing, underutilized and inadequate existing built environment, as well as a lack of integration in planning, design and management strategies for future infrastructure development in long-term scenarios. As building retrofit, which interventions take place in isolated buildings and their constituting systems performance, urban retrofitting can be understood as a set of interventions designed to upgrade and sustain an urban area by providing a long-term practical response to its current problems and pressures. Such interventions must take into account the future population´s needs by ensuring that the present urban infrastructure provides a firm basis for launching and achieving a city\'s ambitions for the future. One of the main requirements for urban retrofitting is a clearly defined set of goals and metrics for monitoring purposes. This thesis presents a method for urban retrofit implementation at city scale using a visual tool to support decision-making and urban planning processes. Using Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, the 100 ISO 37120:2014 \'indicators for city services and quality of life\', Simple Moving Averages (SMA) trend analysis, clustering and city benchmarking, this method proposes creating an adaptative and flexible dashboard, that could aggregate and filter data, such as: ISO 37120 sections, indicators classification, time and spatial levels, etc. The resulting dashboard is interactive and friendly, and can be fully accessed in https://bit.ly/2EDnZ4J. We use Sorocaba, a medium sized, well-located city in São Paulo State in Brazil, as a case study, focusing on the challenges and opportunities arising from exceptional urban population growth, and ranking key retrofit interventions in Sorocaba as possible forerunners of future urban development scenarios.

As intervenções das políticas urbanas na morfologia das construções e sua relação com a sustentabilidade da cidade: estudo de caso no bairro da Mooca

Vitiello, Soraia Cristina Barroso 28 February 2018 (has links)
Submitted by Nadir Basilio (nadirsb@uninove.br) on 2019-03-18T18:08:51Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Soraia Cristina Barroso Vitiello.pdf: 15997770 bytes, checksum: e64ab34151d0d384474af03f4444ce73 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2019-03-18T18:08:52Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Soraia Cristina Barroso Vitiello.pdf: 15997770 bytes, checksum: e64ab34151d0d384474af03f4444ce73 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2018-02-28 / This dissertation focuses on the political aspects of the Paulistan Urban Legislation and its relationship with the City's Sustainability, having as a case study the Mooca neighborhood. Divided into four chapters, part of the historical analysis of urban development, showing an overview of the phases of the Industrial Revolution to the Architectural and Urbanistic Styles associated with the discussions on Urban Sustainability and its applications in Urban Policies, especially in the city of São Paulo, in order to establish a diagnosis about relations the Morphology of Buildings, Urban Policies and Sustainable Development. / A presente dissertação tem por abordagem os aspectos políticos das Legislações Urbanas Paulistanas e suas relações com a Sustentabilidade da Cidade, tendo por estudo de caso o bairro da Mooca. Dividida em quatro capítulos, parte da análise histórica de desenvolvimento urbano, demonstrando um panorama geral das fases da Revolução Industrial aos Estilos Arquitetônicos e Urbanísticos associado às discussões sobre Sustentabilidade Urbana e suas aplicações nas Politicas Urbanas, sobretudo da cidade de São Paulo, de modo a estabelecer um diagnóstico sobre as relações de Morfologia das Construções, Políticas Urbanas e Desenvolvimento Sustentável.

Retrofit urbano: uma abordagem para apoio de tomada de decisão. / Urban retrofitting an approach to support decision-making.

Negreiros, Iara 07 December 2018 (has links)
Acomodar adequadamente uma população urbana crescente terá implicações maiores não só para a indústria da construção, empregos e habitação, mas também para a infraestrutura associada, incluindo transporte, energia, água e espaços abertos ou verdes. Limitações da infraestrutura geralmente incluem o envelhecimento, subutilização e inadequação, assim como uma ausência de integração das estratégias de planejamento, projeto e gestão para o desenvolvimento futuro da cidade, em cenários de longo prazo. A exemplo do retrofit de edifícios, em que as intervenções ocorrem no âmbito do edifício isolado e seus sistemas constituintes, o retrofit urbano pode ser entendido como um conjunto de intervenções urbanas com vistas não somente à adequação da área urbana para atingir a sustentabilidade no momento presente, frente a problemas e demandas atuais, mas vislumbra a adequação para população e demandas futuras, fazendo a transição da situação atual da cidade para sua visão de futuro. Esta transição, o retrofit urbano em si, apresenta caráter abrangente e de larga escala, natureza integrada e deve ser mensurado por meio de indicadores e metas claramente definidos para monitoramento. Portanto, esta tese apresenta um método para implementação de retrofit urbano, na escala de cidades, para auxiliar a definição de metas de longo prazo e a tomada de decisão em processos de planejamento urbano. Utilizando as metas dos ODS - Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável, os \"indicadores de serviços urbanos e qualidade de vida\" da NBR ISO 37120:2017 (ABNT, 2017a), análise de tendência por Média Móvel Simples e benchmarking por análise de agrupamento (clustering), o resultado é um painel visual (dashboard), adaptável e flexível, passível de agregações e filtros, tais como: seções e temas da ISO 37120, classificação de indicadores, diferentes escalas temporais e espaciais, entre outras. O dashboard é interativo e amigável, traz informações e resultados desta pesquisa e pode ser totalmente acessado em https://bit.ly/2EDnZ4J. Sorocaba, município de grande porte do Estado de São Paulo, é utilizada como estudo de caso, evidenciando os desafios e oportunidades gerados pelo rápido crescimento populacional e auxiliando a priorizar intervenções de retrofit para o desenvolvimento urbano na direção de cenários futuros. / Accommodating growing populations in cities will have major implications not only for employment, housing and the construction industry, but also for urban infrastructure including transportation, energy, water and open or green space. Infrastructure constraints currently include ageing, underutilized and inadequate existing built environment, as well as a lack of integration in planning, design and management strategies for future infrastructure development in long-term scenarios. As building retrofit, which interventions take place in isolated buildings and their constituting systems performance, urban retrofitting can be understood as a set of interventions designed to upgrade and sustain an urban area by providing a long-term practical response to its current problems and pressures. Such interventions must take into account the future population´s needs by ensuring that the present urban infrastructure provides a firm basis for launching and achieving a city\'s ambitions for the future. One of the main requirements for urban retrofitting is a clearly defined set of goals and metrics for monitoring purposes. This thesis presents a method for urban retrofit implementation at city scale using a visual tool to support decision-making and urban planning processes. Using Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) targets, the 100 ISO 37120:2014 \'indicators for city services and quality of life\', Simple Moving Averages (SMA) trend analysis, clustering and city benchmarking, this method proposes creating an adaptative and flexible dashboard, that could aggregate and filter data, such as: ISO 37120 sections, indicators classification, time and spatial levels, etc. The resulting dashboard is interactive and friendly, and can be fully accessed in https://bit.ly/2EDnZ4J. We use Sorocaba, a medium sized, well-located city in São Paulo State in Brazil, as a case study, focusing on the challenges and opportunities arising from exceptional urban population growth, and ranking key retrofit interventions in Sorocaba as possible forerunners of future urban development scenarios.

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