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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Energieffektivisering av Byggnader : En kartläggning av energianvändningen på två förskolor och två skolor i Västerås med hjälp av timvärden

Al-Siyamer, Akram Dahham January 2017 (has links)
In the development of society towards renewable energy sources, the target in Sweden is 100% energy supply from renewable energy sources by the year 2040. This requires increased energy production from renewable, but also energy optimization of existing buildings. The housing and service sector which includes households and the public services account for about 40 % of Sweden’s total energy use. It is estimated that preschools and schools have an area of 35 million m² which have an energy savings potentials of 0,7-1 TWh in the electricity consumption and 0,9 TWh in energy use for heating. With regard to energy optimization, it is not only interesting to investigate a buildings total energy use on an annual or monthly basis, but also on shorter time intervals such hourly energy use, because of the uneven energy production of some renewable energy sources such as solar and wind. The purpose of this work is to study the energy usage for some of Västerås preschools and schools, and on the basis of it propose some energy optimization actions. To achieve this a literature study has been carried out to get knowledge about how energy usage is at preschools and schools, as well as to gain insight into what actions are appropriate to perform and how they savings look like. Other than that four objects has been studied, two preschools and two schools, one of each kind were chosen amongst those with the highest energy usage among Västerås city’s preschools and schools and one of each kind amongst those with the lowest usage. The annual energy usage have been calculated and been compared to the actual usage, and the monthly and hourly energy usage for district heating have been studied as well as the electricity usage along the day for different periods. The studied periods and energy usage shows that the energy usage, both for the monthly and hourly,  for the district heating moves with regards to the outdoor temperature with some exceptions. As for the electricity usage it shows that the energy usage is even with some exceptions and there is a difference between different outdoor temperature intervals. Some conclusions could be drawn among others that the objects with higher energy usage where older buildings and the objects with lower energy usage where newer ones. There are some energy optimizations actions for the objects which would lower the energy consumption, both for district heating and electricity usage.

Forms of address in Tshivenda

Matloga, Eric Matladi 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the use of address form in Tshivenda. Chapter one concentrates on aims of study, data collection and the organisation of study. Chapter two concentrates on various studies which deal with forms of address in different communities. They introduce forms of address as a routine between people who are embedded in the socio-cultural context of society. Chapter three deals with the informal use of forms of address. This includes names, pronouns and kinship terms. Different names deal with Tshivenda names and Non- Tshivenda names, and the way they are used in different context as a form of address. The controversial use of a pronoun as a form of address is also taken into account as well as kinship terms as a form of address in family where forms are applied in informal situation. [Where the place is unstructured and they are applied in the traditional way.] Chapter four investigates the formal use of address in a structured situation, this covers titles, occupations, special address forms and innovations. Titles are used in a more structured situation. They show social rank or official position such as Doctors, Professors etc. Occupational terms are connected with a person's job. These are terms like nurses, teachers etc. The special forms of address are used in certain occasions where the sender uses an unpopular form of address, uses new techniques and they are practised by elite class, who tries to change the status quo. Chapter five gives the main conclusions of the thesis. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die gebruik van aanspreekvorme in Tshivenda. Hoofstuk een konsentreer op die doelstellings van die studie, die versameling van data en die organisasie van die studie. Hoofstuk twee konsentreer op verskillende studies wat handel oor aanspreekvorme in verskillende gemeenskappe. Hulle sluit in aanspreekvorme soos gewoonlik gebruik tussen mense wat vas gewortel is in die sosio-kulturele konteks van die gemeenskap. Hoofstuk drie handel oor die gebruik van informele aanspreekvorme. Dit sluit in name, voornaamwoorde en verwantskapsterme. Dit sluit in Venda en nie-Venda name in verskillende kontekste. Die gebruik van 'n voornaamwoord in aanspreekvorme word ook belangrik geag sowel as verwantskapsterme in familie waar vorme gebruik word in informele situasie. Hoofstuk vier ondersoek die formele gebruik van aanspreekvorme in 'n strukturele situasie. Die sluit in titel, beroepe, spesiale vorme en innovasie. Titels word gebruik in In strukturele situasie. Hulle verwys na sosiale posisie of amptelike posisie soos dokters, professors ens. Die spesiale vorme word gebruik in omstandighede waar die sender die ongewone vorm gebruik vir die ontvanger. Innovatiewe vorme gebruik nuwe tegnieke en hulle word beoefen deur die hoer klas, wat probeer om die status quo te verander. Hoofstuk vyf gee die bevindinge van die tesis.

Ukucenga okujoliswe ekwakheni isimo somntu

Mantambo, Beauty Nomonde 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2004. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The focus of this study is to present an account of how Xhosa realizes premises and strategies of persuasion in authentic communication, assuming Larson's (1995) framework of Persuasion Theory, taking into account all the communicative information relating to environments. A comparison will be made between persuasion as communicative acts as represented in drama texts and persuasion in other communication data, which are concerned with interpersonal communication. The research aims to establish how empirical data on persuasion in Xhosa confirm or challenge current accepted principles and properties of persuasion theory, or how empirical data on premises and strategies used in persuasion in Xhosa necessitate the extension of principles of persuasion theory. Thus, the research aims to contribute to the development, modification of refinement of current theoretical models of persuasion within the global research community. The research aims to account for the social and cultural determinants that playa role in the premises and strategies used in persuasion communication in Xhosa. Thus, the research aims to make explicit the unique and distinct properties of Xhosa that need to be taken into account in initiatives relating to the advancement of Xhosa as official language. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die fokus van hierdie studie is die aanbieding van In verklaring oor hoe Xhosa premisse en strategiee vir oorreding realiseer in outentieke kommunikasie. Die raamwerk van Larson (1995) van Oorredingsteorie word aanvaar, met inagneming van al die kommunikatiewe informasie wat met omgewings verband hou. In Vergelyking sal gemaak word tussen oorreding as kommunikatiewe handelinge soos voorgestel in drama tekste en oorreding in ander kommunikatiewe data wat verband hou met interpersoonlike kommunikasie. Die navorsing het ten doel om te bepaal hoe empiriese data oar oorreding in Xhosa huidige aanvaarde beginsels van oorredingsteorie bevestig of weerle. Dus beoog die navorsing om by te dra tot die ontwikleling, wysiging en verfyning van huidige teoretiese modelle oor oorreding in die navorsingsgemeenskap. Die navorsing het ook ten doel om In verklaring te gee van die bepalende faktore van In sosiale en kulturele aard van die premisse en strategiee van oorredingskommunikasie in Xhosa. Dus beoog die navorsing om duidelik te stel wat die unieke en onderskeidende eienskappe van Xhosa is wat in berekening geneem moet word in die ontwikkeling van In teoretiese basis vir die verstaan van Xhosa kommunikasie in inisiatiewe vir die ontwikkeling van die taal in Suid-Afrika / ISISHWANKATHELO Ugqaliselo lolu phando lingobuchule bokucenga obusetyenziswayo kunxibelelwano kwimiba ngemiba kulwimi IwesiXhosa. Oku kuthi kuphononongwe ngokuqwalasela ubume bethiyori yokucenga kaLarson (1995). Diu phononongo luqhutyelwa phambili ngokuthi kuthelekiswe ukucenga njengezenzo zonxibelelwano njengoko kubhentsisiwe kwincwadi echongiweyo yedrama kaMayosi ethi Lanqum'inqatha kunye nonxibelelwano Iwemiba yasekuhlaleni. Uphando olu lolucela umngeni kwiithiyori zale mihla zokucenga ngokuthi luphande nzulu ngokuba ayikho kusini na imfuneko yokuba kwandiswe imithetho siseko yethiyori yokucenga. Ngale ndlela olu phando lujolise ekuphoseni ilitye esivivaneni ngokuphathelele kumba wophuhliso, ukuguqula kwanokuphucula iimodeli ezintsha zethiyori yokucenga kuphando Iwezizwe jikelele. Diu phando Iwenza amagqabaza nangendlela imveli nenkcubeko kaNtu enegalelo ngayo kwindlela ngeendlela zokucenga kunxibelelwano. Lilinge kambe elibaluleke ngokuncamisa ekukhuliseni ulwimi IwesiXhosa, njengolwimi olusesikweni

A pragmatic analysis of apologies in Xhosa

Mdemka, Xoliswa Leonora 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--University of Stellenbosch, 2001. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study investigates the speech act of apology in Xhosa. The main aim of the study is to examine some of the characteristics of apologies in remedial interchanges based on a Xhosa corpus within the field of pragmatics. The study is concerned with the expressions people use when they apologize in Xhosa, and the effectiveness of apologies in remediating the negative effects of transgressions. In order to examine the effectiveness of apologies in Xhosa, a questionnaire has been drawn up within which students of selected High schools in the Western Cape have completed the offence and the apology. Data was collected through the selection of four High schools in the Western Cape and Grade 11 learners were asked to complete the questionnaires. In this study, these questionnaires are analyzed and assessed. The findings based on this research are presented to identify the characteristics of apologies in remedial interchanges based on a Xhosa corpus within the field of pragmatics. The study is organized as follows: Chapter 1 features the statement of the problem and the aim of the study. Chapter 2 is concerned with an overview of the theoretical framework on which the study is based, i.e. pragmatics, and within pragmatics specifically the speech act and the theory of politeness. Chapter 3 examines the speech act of apology as indicated by the literature on this speech act. Chapter 4 investigates apologies in Xhosa with attention to the apology strategies and the analysis of the Xhosa data. Chapter 5 summarizes the findings obtained from chapters 2 - 4. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie ondersoek die spraakhandeling van Apologie in Xhosa. Die hoofdoelstelling van die studie is om die kenmerke van apologiee te ondersoek in die veld van die pragmatiek in remediale interaksie gebaseer op 'n Xhosa korpus. Die studie het belang by die uitdrukkings wat mense gebruik wanneer hulle apologie aanteken in Xhosa, en die doeltreffendheid van apologiee in die rernedierinq van die negatiewe effek van oortredings. Ten einde die doeltreffendheid van apoloqiee in Xhosa te ondersoek, is 'n vraelys opgestel waarin leerders van geselekteerde Hoerskole in die Wes-Kaap die oortreding- en die apologie-beskrywing moes invul. Data is versamel deur Graad 11 leerders van vier verskillende Hoerskole in die Wes-Kaap te vra om vraelyste oor Apologiee in Xhosa te voltooi. In die studie is die vraelyste ontleed en ge-evalueer. Die bevindinge wat op die navorsing gebaseer is, is aangebied ten einde die eienskappe van apoloqiee te identifiseer soos gebaseer op remediale interaksie soos dit gegrond is op die Xhosa korpus. Die studie is soos volg georganiseer: Hoofstuk 1 formuleer die probleemstelling en die doelstellings van die studie. Hoofstuk 2 bied In oorsig van die teoretiese raamwerk waarop die studie gebaseer is, dit is die spraakhandelingsteorie van beleefdheid binne die bree veld van die pragmatiek. Hoofstuk 3 eksamineer die spraakhandelingsteorie van apolcqiee soos dit verwys word in die literatuur. Hoofstuk 4 ondersoek apoloqiee in Xhosa met spesifieke aandag aan die apologiestrateqiee en die analise van die Xhosa data. Hoofstuk 5 gee 'n opsomming van die belangrikste bevindinge verkry uit hoofstukke 2 - 4. / INTSHWANKATHELO Esi sifundo sihlola isenzo ntetho sokungxengxeza esiXhoseni. Eyona njongo yesi sifundo kukuphononga ezinye zeempawu zezingxengxezo ekulungiseleleni utshintsho olubhekiselele kwingqokelela esiXhoseni kumba wePragmatiki. Isifondo esi sibhekiselele kwintetho esetyenziswa ngabantu xa bengxengxeza esiXhoseni, kunye nefuthe lezingxengxezo ekulungiseleleni iimpembelelo ezigqithisileyo ezingavumiyo. Ukuze kuphononongwe ifuthe lezingxengxezo esiXhoseni, kuye kwasungalwa iphepha lemibuzo apho kukho isono kunye nesingxengxezo. Eli phulo belisenziwa ngabafundi bezikolo ezikhethiweyo zamabanga aphakgmileyo kwiNtshona koloni. Ulwazi luqokelelwe ngokuthi kukhethwe kwizikolo ezine zamabanga aphezulu eNtshona Koloni apho abafundi bebanga le-9 bebecelwa ukuba bazalise amaphepha emibuzo. Kwesi sifundo, la maphepha emibuzo ayacalulwa kwaye ahlolwe. Iziphumo ezibhekisele kolu phando ziye zaziswe ukwalatha iimpawu zezingxengezo ukulungiselela utshintsho olubhekisele kwingqokelela yezibhalo ezithile zesiXhosa kumba we Pragmatiki. Isifundo sicangciswe ngolu hlobo: Isahluko sokuqala sibonisa intetho yengxaki kunye neenjongo zesifundo. Isahluko sesibini sinxulumene neridlela esisekelwe kuyo esi slfundo oko kukuthi, iPragmatiki yaye nalapha kwiPragmatiki ngokukodwa kwisenzo ntetho kunye nethiyori yentetho echubekileyo. Isahluko sesithathu siphonononga izenzo ntetho zokucela uxolo nje ngokuba zibonisiwe kuncwadi kwizenzo ntetho. Isahluko sesine sihlola izingxengxezo kwisiXhosa ngokunika ingqalelo kubuchule bokungxengxeza kwakunye nohlalutyo Iwezingxengxezo kwisiXhosa. Isahluko sesihlanu sishwankathela iziphumo ezifumaneke kwizahluko 2 uku ya ku 4.

The speech act of greetings in Tshivenda

Sibadela, Joyce Mukhethoni 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: The use of interpersonal verbal routines such as greetings is a universal phenomenon of human languages. All human speech communities have such formulas, although their character and the incidence of their use may vary enormously from one society to another. For several decades, greetings have been a recurrent object of inquiry for linguists and other human communication. Greetings are part of phatic communion, whereby people create ties of union and avoid silence, which is always alarming and dangerous. Communion among humans will often be marked in speech “phatically”. There is widespread evidence that greetings are an important part of the communicative competence necessary for being a member of any speech community. Greetings regularize patterns among members. Greeting has been often treated as if it was spontaneous emotional reaction to the coming together of people carrying overtly its own social message. Greeting expressions constitute an important part of the polite language. By greeting the speaker, indicates his attitude towards the addressee or starts a conversation with him. Greetings are often patterned expressions, which may vary among different nations. Most greetings perform primarily a phatic communion function; some greetings are used to convey information. Some culture does not operate non-verbal demonstration of respect of difference like bowing, or prostrating and kneeling, it makes up for this by insistence on the proper execution of verbal greetings, for example: Igbo culture does not operate nonverbal, whereas Japanese, Joruba and even Vendas they do practice these non-verbal demonstrations. Cultural performances are influenced by social variables such as the ages, sex and status of the interactants. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die gebruik van interpersoonlike mondelingse roetines, soos die handeling van groet, is ‘n universiele fenomeen van menslike taal. Alle menslike gemeenskappe het formules, alhoewel hulle karakter en die voorkoms van hulle gebruik, mag verskil van een gemeenskap tot ‘n ander. Vir dekades, was groet ‘n herhaalde onderwerp van ondersoek van taalkenners saam met ander aspekte van persoonlike kommunikasie. Die handeling van groet is ‘n deel van fatiese kommunikasie, waarby mense bande skep, en stilte vermy wat angswekkend kan wees. Kommunikasie tussen mense sal altyd na verwys word as faties in taalverskynsels. Daar is wydverspreide bewyse dat die handeling van groet ‘n belangrike deel van kommunikatiewe kompetensie is, wat noodsaaklik is vir 'n lid van enige gemeenskap geld. Groet reguleer voorbeelde van wedersydse verhoudings tussen groepelede. Groet is dikwels hanteer asof dit ‘n spontane emosionele reaksie by die saamkom van mense is wat hulle eie sosiale boodskap oordra. Die spraakhandeling van groet vorm ‘n belangrike deel van beleefdheidtaal. Deur te groet, bewys die persoon sy houding teenoor die ander persoon of begin om met die persoon 'n gesprek te voer. Die spraakhandeling van groet is dikwels voorbeelde van uitdrukkings wat verskil tussen verskillende taalgroepe. Die meeste groetvorme het ‘n primere fatiese gemeenskaps funksie, sommige begroetings word gebruik om informasie te verskaf. Sommige kulture maak nie gebruik van nie-verbale demonstrasies van respek of verskille soos neerbuiging of kniel, dit maak op vir die aandring op behoorlike gebruik van mondelinge begroeting, byvoorbeeld: Igbo kultuur maak nie gebruik van nie-verbale demonstrasies, waar Vendakultuur gebruik maak van hierdie nie-verbale demonstrasies. Kulturele belewenis van die groetvorm word beVnvloed deur sosiale veranderlikes soos ouderdom, geslag en status.

Umyalezo olukuhlayo ekuvuseleleni i-Afrika

Martins, Luvuyo Shaun, New Partnership for Africa's Development 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MA)--Stellenbosch University, 2002. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This study is about the persuasive message towards the Millennium African Recovery Plan, which is known today as New Partnership for African Development. It is divided into five chapters. The first chapter, which constitutes the introductory chapter, deals with the general introduction to the entire study, the scope of the study, statement of the aim and objectives of this study, also looks at the research methods. The second chapter provides a brief theoretical background to the study of persuasion, and the third chapter looks at various applications of persuasion. This forms the basis upon which the entire study will rest as it provides different theories pertaining to persuasion. The fourth chapter concentrates on a critical evaluation of persuasion messages. The messages, which are analysed in this study, are selected from the newsletter ANC Today. These 4 articles are: 1. Africa's people central to success of recovery plan. Vol. 1 no. 2, 2-8 February 2001. 2. One step to the birth of the African Union. Vol. 1 no. 7, 9-15 March 2001. 3. Important steps to deepen democratic practice in Southern Africa. Vol. 1 no. 16, 11- 17 May 2001. 4. Our commitment to Africa Vol. 1 no. 18,25-31 May 2001 The fifth chapter contains general conclusions drawn from the persuasive messages in chapter 4. Translations for terminology are provided and are contained in the appendix, which is found at the end of this study, which is followed by the bibliography. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Hierdie studie handeloor die oorredende boodskap gerig op die Millenium Afrika Hernuwingsplan, ook bekend as die 'Nuwe vennootskap vir Afrika se ontwikkeling'. Die studie is verdeel in vyf hoofstukke. Die eerste hoofstuk, wat die inleidende hoofstuk is, bied 'n algemene inleiding tot die studie as geheel, gee 'n oorsig van die omvang van die studie, bied die doelstellings van die studie, en gee 'n uiteensetting van die navorsingsmetode. Die tweede hoofstuk bied 'n kort teoretiese agtergrond tot die studie van oorreding, en die derde hoofstuk handeloor 'n verskeidenheid toepassings van oorreding. Hierdie hoofstuk vorm die basis waarop die navorsing berus aangesien dit 'n oorsig bied oor verskillende teorieë van oorreding. Die vierde hoofstuk konsentreer op 'n kritiese evaluering van oorredingsboodskappe. Die boodskappe wat analiseer word in hierdie studie is geselekteer uit die nuusbrief ANC Today. Die vier artikels is die volgende: 1. Africa's people central to success of recovery plan. Vol. 1 no. 2, 2-8 February 2001. 2. One step to the birth of the African Union. Vol. 1 no. 7, 9-15 March 2001. 3. Important steps to deepen democratic practice in Southern Africa. Vol. 1 no. 16, 17- 17 May 2001. 4. Our commitment to Africa. Vol. 1 no. 18,25-31 May 2001. Die vyfde hoofstuk bevat algemene gevolgtrekkings met betrekking tot die oorredende boodskappe wat ontleed is in hoofstuk 4. Vertalings van terminologie word in die bylae aan die einde van die studie gegee. / ISIXHOSA SISHWANKATHELO: Esi sifundo simalunga nomyalezo olukuhlayo ekuvuselelweni kwe-Afrika. Sahlulwe saba ziza hluko ezintlanu. Isahluko sokuqala, esiphawula intshayelelo yesahluko, sijongana nentshayelelo eqhelekileyo kuso sonke isifundo, umda wesifundo, ingxelo yenjongo yesi sifundo, kwaye sijonga kwizicwangciso zophando. Isahluko sesibini sinika imvelaphi yethiyori kwisifundo solukuhlo., kwaye isahluko sesithathu sijonga kwiindlela zokusetyenziswa kolukuhlo. Oku kwenza isakhelo apho sonke esi sifundo siza kuqwalasela khona njengokuba sinika iithiyori ezahlukeneyo malunga nolukuhlo. Isahluko sesine sizikis'ingqondo kuvavanyo olunzima Iwemiyalezo yolukuhlo. Imiyalezo, eboniswayo apha kwesi sahluko, ikhethwe kumaphetshana e-"ANC Today". La maphetshana mane ngala: 1. Africa's people central to success of recovery plan. Vol. 1 no. 2, 2-8 February 2001. 2. One step to the birth of the African Union. Vol. 1 no.7, 9-15 March 2001. 3. Impotant steps to deepen democratic practice in Southern Africa, Vol. 1 no. 16, 11- 17 May 2001. 4. Our commitment to Africa. Vol.t no.18, 25-31 May 2001. Isahluko sesihlanu siqulathe iziqukumbelo eziqelekileyo ezisukela kwimiyalezo yolukuhlo kwisahluko se-4. Isigama esitolikiweyo sinikiwe kwaye siqulathwe kwi-apendiksi, efumaneka ekupheleni kwesi sifundo, elandelwa yi-bibliyografi.

Bibliographical and textural information handling by research scientists : a study of the impact of information technology, 1992-1995

Davies, Mary January 1997 (has links)
No description available.

Welfare in zoo kept felids : A study of resource usage

Ahlrot, Ulrica January 2016 (has links)
Due to a large number of felid species being endangered they are subjects of conservation projects both in situ and ex situ. Keeping felids in zoos are problematic with stereotypic behaviours such as pacing and reproduction difficulties often occurring. The aim of this study was to review research and zoo husbandry knowledge about which resources are most important for the welfare of zoo kept felids, and in addition perform behavioural observations in seven felid species in four Swedish zoos to try to find an order of priority of resources. Observations were performed during opening hours in 36 sessions per species and zoo. The results showed that studies of felid resource usage are missing. Zoo husbandry practice is probably based mainly on traditions and anecdotal knowledge. The observations showed that except for minor differences felids behave similarly regardless of species but the use of resources varies. Small felid species seems to be hiding rather than pacing as a way of coping. Elevated resources and areas as well as numerous hiding places are important to felids but many factors might affect the choice of resting places. Therefore it is important to provide the felids with multiple choices. It is also important to evaluate both species and individuals when designing enclosures and providing resources. More multi-institutional studies with large number of individuals of all zoo kept felid species are needed to gather knowledge about felids needs and preferences of resources.

Mimosmluvní instituty užití autorského díla / Non-contractual legal institutions of the use of a copyright work

Ullmann, Alois January 2013 (has links)
- English The theme of my dissertation is non-contractual institutes of usage of author's work. These are cases where it is permitted to use copyrighted work without a contractual arrangement with the author. Specifically, I am talking about the use of free work, the free usage of work and lawful use of a legal license. Statutory licenses are analyzed in detail - the two major sub-sections are chargeable and free-of-charge statutory licenses. Also I pay attention to a so-called three-step test. Of course I do not forget to state the issue of copyright law in general.

Power Profiling of Network Switches

Chilukuri, Megh Phani Dutt January 2017 (has links)
Context In the present world, there is an increase in the usage of the telecommunication networking services, as there is a need of efficient networking services in various fields which can be obtained by using the efficient networking components. For that purpose we have to know about the components parameters. One of the most important parameter is the energy usage of networking components. Therefore, there is a need in power profiling of the network switches. Objectives The objective of this research is to profile the power usage of different network components(Switches) for various load scenarios. Power measurements are done by using the open energy monitoring tool called emonpi. Methods The research method has been carried out by using an experimental test bed. In this research, we are going to conduct the experiments with different configurations to obtain different load conditions for sources and destinations which will be passed through DUT(Device Under Test). For that DUT’s we will measure power usage by monitoring tool called emonpi. Then the experiments are conducted for different load scenarios for different switches and results are discussed. Conclusion From the results obtained, the Power profiles of different DUT’s are tabulated and analyzed. These were done under different ports and load scenarios for Cisco2950, Cisco3560 and Netgear GS-724T. From the results and analysis it can be stated that the power usage of Cisco 2950 is having the maximum power usage in all the considered scenarios with respect to packet rate and also number of active ports. The Netgear-GS724T is having the minimum power usage from the three switches as it having the green switch characteristics in all scenarios. And the Cisco 3560 is in between the above two switches as it is having energy efficient management from Cisco. From this we have proposed a simple model for energy/power measurement.

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