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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

N fertilizer source and placement impacts nitrous oxide losses, grain yield and N use efficiency in no-till corn

Mendes Bastos, Leonardo January 1900 (has links)
Master of Science / Department of Agronomy / Charles W. Rice / Agricultural lands receiving N inputs are considered the primary source of N2O, a potent greenhouse gas. N fertilizer management has shown variable effects on both N2O losses and corn grain yield. The objectives of this study were to assess the impact of N source and placement on N2O emissions, fertilizer-induced emission factor (FIEF), corn grain yield, yield-scaled N2O emissions (YSNE) and N fertilizer recovery efficiency (NFRE). The experiment was conducted from 2013 through 2014 at the Agronomy North Farm located at Kansas State University, Manhattan, KS. The soil was a moderately well-drained Kennebec silt loam. The treatments were broadcast urea (BC-Urea), broadcast urea ammonium nitrate (UAN) (BC-UAN), broadcast coated urea (BC-CU), surface-band UAN (SB-UAN), subsurface-band UAN (SSB-UAN), subsurface-band UAN + nitrification inhibitor (SSB-UAN+I) and a 0 N control. In 2013, SSB- UAN emitted significantly more N2O (2.4 kg N2O-N ha-1), whereas control (0.3 kg ha-1) and BC- UAN (0.6 kg ha-1) emitted the least. In 2014, most treatments emitted between 3.3 and 2.5 kg N2O-N ha-1. Only SSB-UAN+I (1.03 kg ha-1) and control (0.26 kg ha-1) were significantly lower. The use of a nitrification inhibitor decreased N2O emissions by 62% and 55% in 2013 and 2014, respectively. BC treatments had cumulative emissions significantly higher in 2014 compared to 2013. Only SSB-UAN+I had a significantly lower FIEF (0.4%), and 2013 FIEF (0.68%) was significantly lower than that of 2014 (1.38%). In 2013, banded treatments had significantly higher grain yields (from 9.1 to 10.5 Mg ha-1), whereas in 2014 fewer differences among N treatments were observed, ranging from 7.2 to 8.6 Mg ha-1. Banded treatments had significantly lower grain yields in 2014 compared to 2013. Only BC-UAN and SSB-UAN+I had significantly lower YSNE, and 2013 had lower YSNE than 2014. In 2013, SSB-UAN had the greatest NFRE, whereas BC treatments had the lowest. In 2014, N treatments did not differ in NFRE. SSB-UAN and SSB-UAN+I had significantly lower NFRE values in 2014 compared to 2013. Fertilizer source and placement have the potential to mitigate N2O emissions and promote high yields and NFRE in corn, however, the response is dependent on the rainfall pattern after fertilizer application. The option of banding UAN without any additive promoted higher N2O losses on a year when precipitation was well distributed, but also enhanced grain yield and NFRE. On the other hand, under the same precipitation conditions, broadcasting N fertilizer promoted lower N2O losses, grain yield and NFRE, but those were all improved in a wet year. Therefore, the subsurface band placement would be the best option under a normal year, whereas broadcasting fertilizer would be the best option under a wetter year. Further, the use of NI with subsurface band UAN provides the most sustainable option, since the NI decreased N2O losses compared to UAN alone in both years. Further research should evaluate N source and placement combinations under different environments in order to better understand how they impact crop performance and the negative environmental aspects of N fertilization. It is important to test those treatments under different precipitation scenarios and look for trends that indicate the best N management option at the local level.

Urea Formulations on the Productivity of Bermudagrass and Bermudagrass-White Clover Pastures

Timberlake, Caitlin 01 January 2015 (has links)
Bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon L.) is a perennial warm-season grass that is very responsive to nitrogen (N) fertilization. Excessive N applications have negative environmental consequences and make maintaining mixed swards difficult. This study determined the effects of enhanced efficiency (EE) N fertilizers and fertilizer rate on bermudagrass yields, nutritive values, and white clover persistence. Nitrogen sources included urea, urea formulated with Agrotain® (U+A), urea with Agrotain® and dicyandiamide (SuperU), a polymer-coated urea (ESN), ESN+urea (75% ESN, 25% urea), and methylene urea (MU). In the urea formulation trial, SuperU and U+A maximized forage yields at lower N rates. The dicyandiamide in SuperU did not increase yields over U+A. Highest production efficiency was achieved at lower N rates. ESN had the lowest relative stimulate growth, which may increase clover persistence. In the clover persistence trial, the addition of N fertilizer began decreasing clover populations after 112 kg N/ha. Slow-release fertilizers (ESN, ESN+urea, MU) had higher clover percentage at the final harvest. Crude protein and in vitro digestible dry matter increased, while neutral detergent fiber and acid detergent fiber decreased with the addition of white clover. SuperU and U+A were more efficient and ESN had lower relative stimulated growth beneficial for mixed pastures.

Evaluation of the effects of an orange-oil based soil ameliorant on soil water management

Wright, Nordely 03 1900 (has links)
Thesis (MScAgric)--Stellenbosch University, 2013. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: Soil amelioration and conditioning is desirable and in many cases essential, due to increasing food demand and the deterioration and exhaustion of soils. A new soil ameliorant, consisting of orange oil as a base and a mixture of surfactants, is on the global agricultural market. Use of this soil ameliorant by farmers has made an impact on crop production and plant growth on many farms. The effects of this soil ameliorant on selected soil properties as well as plant traits were evaluated by a field trial, a pot trial and a Water Characteristic Curve experiment. A field trial was performed in the Firgrove area near Somerset West, Western Cape (South Africa). It entailed the evaluation of the water content and lateral movement of water in a sandy soil after the application of the soil ameliorant. The field was already planted with Capsicum annuum crop at the initiation of the trial. The trial was performed in a drip irrigated field by taking soil water measurements using a Diviner 2000 probe over a nine week period. The trial showed significant increases in water content on the plots treated with the soil ameliorant. These increases are indicative of an increase in the lateral movement of the soil water, as the measurements were taken between two drippers. On average, the ameliorant treated soil had 17% higher water content than that of the control. A Water Characteristic Curve (WCC) experiment was conducted, which entailed establishing the WCC for a sandy soil treated with the soil ameliorant. The Sandbox apparatus, from Eijkelkamp Agrisearch Equipment, was used to perform the experiment and provides suction values of 0.1 to 10.1 KPa. The WCC showed that the ameliorant application increased water retention over all suctions, especially for the 10 l/ha ameliorant application. This substantiated the Field trial where water retention was increase in a sandy soil. A pot trial was performed in a greenhouse to evaluate the effect of the soil ameliorant on selected soil properties and certain plant traits. This experiment consisted of an ameliorant treatment and a control with a combination of four different Plant Available Water Depletion (PAWD) regimes namely, 10% depletion, 50% depletion, 80% depletion and 50%C depletion, where “C” refers to covered. The trial layout, with five single pot replicates per treatment combination, was according to a randomized block design. The surface covering of one of the 50% PAWDs was a plastic sheet which to prevent evaporation from the soil surface. The ameliorant treatment resulted in significant improvements in overall plant growth, total biomass production, especially dry root biomass. Leaf Area Index and plant height were also improved. The Biomass Water Use Efficiency was improved with the ameliorant application, especially for the 50%C PAWD illustrating the beneficial use of a mulch. Bulk density was decreased with application of the ameliorant but this difference was not statistically significant. Aggregate stability for the moist soils (10% and 50%C PAWD) was significantly improved with the ameliorant application. The application of this soil ameliorant made significant improvements in various facets of plant growth and certain soil physical properties. Especially water holding capacity in sandy soils and the overall improvement in plant growth. There is still much opportunity for research in this field and many questions remain, especially those pertaining to the mechanisms involved in the workings of a soil ameliorant containing a mixture of ingredients. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: Die bestuur van besproeingswater en die optimisasie van gewasproduksie is `n studieveld wat baie aandag verg, aangesien varswater bronne bedreig word. As gevolg van die stygende vraag na voedsel en die agteruitgang en uitputting van die grond, is grondverbetering en-kondisionering aanbeveelbaar en in sommige gevalle noodsaaklik. `n Nuwe grond verbeteraar, bestaande uit lemoen olie as `n basis en ‘n mengsel van benattingsmiddels, is beskikbaar op die wêreld landbou mark. Die gebruik van die grondverbeteraar deur boere het ‘n impak gemaak op gewasproduksie en plantegroei op baie plase. Die effek van die grondverbeteraar op geselekteerde grond-eienskappe sowel as plantkenmerke is geevalueer deur ‘n veld proef, ‘n pot proef en ‘n Water Karakeristieke Kurwe eksperiment. `n Veldproef is uitgevoer in die Firgrove omgewing naby Somerset Wes in die Wes-Kaap Provinsie, Suid Afrika. Die veldproef het die evaluasie van die grondwater inhoud en die laterale beweging van water in `n sanderige grond behels. Die gewas Capsicum annuum was alreeds in die veld aangeplant voor die begin van die proef. Die proef was uitgevoer in `n drup besproeide veld deur grondwater metings wat geneem is met `n Diviner 2000 peilstif oor `n periode van nege weke. Die proewe het `n beduidende verhoging in die groundwater-inhoud getoon waar die grond met die grondverbeteraar behandel is. Die verhogings was `n aanduiding van `n toename in die laterale vloei van grond water, aangesien die lesings tussen twee druppers geneem is. Die grond, wat met die grondverbeteraar behandel is, het gemiddeld 17% hoёr groundwater-inhoud gehad as die kontrole. `n Water Karakteristieke Kurwe (WKK) eksperiment is uitgevoer, wat bestaan het uit die opstel van die WKK vir `n sanderige grond behandel met die grondverbeteraar. Die “Sandbox” apparaat van Eijkelkamp, Agrisearch Equipment is gebruik wat negatiewe druk waardes van 0.1 tot 10.1 KPa toon. Die WKK het getoon dat die toediening van die grondverbeteraar die water retensie verhoog het oor al die drukke, veral in die 10 l/ha toediening. Dit staaf die resultate van die Veld eksperiment waar water retensie verhoog is in die sanderige grond. Die pot-eksperiment is uitgevoer in `n tonnel om die effek van die grondverbeteraar op geselekteerde grond eienskappe en verskeie plant eienskappe te evalueer. Die eksperiment het bestaan uit ‘n grondverbeteraar behandeling en ‘n kontrole met ‘n kombinasie van vier verskillende plantbeskikbare wateronttrekkings naamlik, 10%, 50%, 80% onttrekking, en ‘n 50%C onttrekking, waar “C” verwys na “covered”. Die proef uiteensetting, met vyf enkel pot herhalings per behandeling kombinasie was volgens ‘n ewekansig blok uitleg. Die oppervlakte dekking van 50%C plantbeskikbare waterottrekking was `n 60 μm plastiek-vel wat verdamping vanaf die grondoppervlak verhoed het. Die grondverbeteraar behandeling het `n beduidende verbetering in algehele plantgroei, totale biomassa produksie en spesifiek droё wortel biomassa getoon. Die blaararea indeks en planthoogte het ook `n verbetering getoon. Die biomassa-watergebruiksdoeltreffendheid het verbeter met die toediening van die grondverbeteraar, spesifiek vir die 50%C plantbeskikbarewaterottrekking wat die voordele van die gebruik van oppervlakdekking illustreer. Die brutodigtheid is verminder deur die toediening van die grondverbeteraar, maar die verskil was statisties nie wesenlik nie. Agregaat-stabiliteit vir die grond met `n hoёr vogregime (10% en 50%C plantbeskikbare waterottrekking) is wesenlik verbeter met die toediening van die grondverbeteraar. Die toediening van die grondverbeteraar het wesenlike verbeteringe in verskeie plantegroei- en grondfisiese-eienskappe getoon. Spesifiek laterale beweging in sanderige grond en die verbettering van algehele plantegroei. Daar is nog baie geleenthede vir navorsing in die veld en baie vrae bly onbeantwoord, veral in verband met die meganismes met bretrekking tot die werking van die grondverbeteraar wat uit `n mengsel van bestandele bestaan.

Ecosystem Net Primary Production Responses to Changes in Precipitation Using an Annual Integrated MODIS EVI

Ponce Campos, Guillermo January 2011 (has links)
In this study, the relationship of above-ground net primary productivity (ANPP) with precipitation using the enhanced vegetation index (EVI) from satellite data as surrogate for ANPP was assessed. To use EVI as a proxy for ANPP we extracted the satellite data from areas with uniform vegetation in a 2x2 km area for the multi-site approach.In the multi-site analysis in the United States our results showed a strong exponential relationship between iEVI and annual precipitation across the sites and climate regimes studied. We found convergence of all sites toward common and maximum rain use efficiency under the water-limited conditions represented by the driest year at each site. Measures of inter-annual variability in iEVI with rainfall variation across biomes were similar to that reported by Knapp and Smith (2001) in which the more herbaceous dominant sites were found to be most sensitive to interannual variations in precipitation with no relationships found in woodland sites.The relationship was also evaluated in the southern hemisphere using a multi-site analysis with information from satellite TRMM for precipitation and MOD13Q1 from MODIS for EVI values at calendar and hydrologic year periods. The tested sites were located across the 6 major land cover types inAustralia, obtained from MODIS MCD12Q1 product and used to compare the relationship across different biomes. The results showed significant agreement between the annual iEVI and annual precipitation across the biomes involved in this study showing non-significant differences between the calendar and hydrologic years for the 24 sites across different climatic conditions.At the regional scale we also assessed the ANPP-precipitation relationship across all of Australia. Precipitation data from TRMM was obtained at 0.25x0.25 degrees spatial resolution and monthly temporal resolution and EVI values were obtained from the CGM (Climate Grid Modeling) MOD13C1-16-days and 5.6km temporal and spatial resolutions, respectively. Our results were in fair agreement with those from our first two studies and previous research and provided specific insights regarding the use iEVI as a proxy for productivity over extended regions as well as its combination with data sets from TRMM sensor for precipitation data.

Sequential Agroforestry systems for Improving Fuelwood Ssupply and Crop Yield in Semi-arid Tanzania

Kimaro, Anthony 03 March 2010 (has links)
Promotion of agroforestry practices in sub-Sahara Africa may help sustain subsistent food and wood production by integrating trees and crops on farmlands to replenish soil fertility and improve crop yield. Using rotational woodlot and pigeonpea intercropping systems in semi-arid Tanzania as case studies, my research screened suitable tree species to increase fuelwood supply and examined mechanisms for reducing tree-crop competition. By adopting nutrient use efficiency (the ratio of biomass yield to nutrient uptake) as a criterion, I found that selecting tree species of low wood nutrient concentrations would minimize nutrient exports by 42 – 60 %, thus reducing soil nutrient depletion while concurrently sustaining local fuelwood supply harvested from rotational woodlots. Currently smallholder farmers cannot afford to replenish soil fertility because of high fertilizer costs. However, 5-year tree fallowing raised soil N and P levels for maize culture as high as those from recommended fertilizer applications. Post-fallow maize yield was also increased significantly over natural fallow practices. Apparently there is a trade-off between yields of maize and fuelwood under rotational woodlot culture providing farmers the choice to proportion tree and crop composition based on priority demands. An alternative practice of intercropping pigeonpea with maize may also rapidly replenish soil fertility as well as enhance maize yield when competitive interactions between trees and crops are controlled. Vector analysis revealed that such interactions suppressed biomass yields of maize and pigeonpea by 30 % and 60 %, respectively, due to limited soil nutrients and/or moisture. Optimizing yields of both crops would require prescribed fertilizer addition when intercropped, but dose rates can be lowered by half under the improved fallow system due to alleviating interspecific competition. My findings form the basis of a plea for greater use of rotational woodlot and pigeonpea intercropping systems in semi-arid areas. I conclude that smallholder farm management of rotational agroforestry systems can be significantly improved by refining tree selection criteria and mitigating nutrient competition between trees and crops to maintain food and fuelwood production.

Multiscale remote sensing of plant physiology and carbon uptake

Atherton, Jon Mark January 2012 (has links)
This study investigated the use of optical remote sensing for estimating leaf and canopy scale light use efficiency (LUE) and carbon exchange. In addition, a new leaf level model capable of predicting dynamic changes in apparent reflectance due to chlorophyll fluorescence was developed. A leaf level study was conducted to assess the applicability of passive remote sensing as a tool to measure the reduction, and the subsequent recovery, of photosynthetic efficiency during the weeks following transplantation. Spectral data were collected on newly planted saplings for a period of 8 weeks, as well as gas exchange measurements of LUE and PAM fluorescence measurements. A set of spectral indices, including the Photochemical Reflectance Index (PRI), were calculated from the reflectance measurements. A marked depression in photosynthetic rate occurred in the weeks after outplanting followed by a gradual increase, with recovery occurring in the later stages of the experimental period. As with photosynthetic rate, there was a marked trend in PRI values over the study period but no trend was observed in chlorophyll based indices. The study demonstrated that hyperspectral remote sensing has the potential to be a useful tool in the detection and monitoring of the dynamic effects of transplant shock. Relationships between hyperspectral reflectance indices, airborne carbon exchange measurements and satellite observations of ground cover were then explored across a heterogeneous Arctic landscape. Measurements were collected during August 2008, using the University of Edinburgh’s research aircraft, from an Arctic forest tundra zone in northern Finland as part of the Arctic Biosphere Atmosphere Coupling at Multiple Scales (ABACUS) study. Surface fluxes of CO2 were calculated using the eddy covariance method from airborne data that were collected from the same platform as hyperspectral reflectance measurements. Airborne CO2 fluxes were compared to MODIS vegetation indices. In addition, LUE was estimated from airborne flux data and compared to airborne measurements of PRI. There were no significant relationships between MODIS vegetation indices and airborne flux observations. There were weak to moderate (R2 = 0.4 in both cases) correlations between PRI and LUE and between PRI and incident radiation. A new coupled physiological radiative transfer model that predicts changes in the apparent reflectance of a leaf, due to chlorophyll fluorescence, was developed. The model relates a physically observable quantity, chlorophyll fluorescence, to the sub leaf level processes that cause the emission. An understanding of the dynamics of the processes that control fluorescence emission on multiple timescales should aid in the interpretation of this complex signal. A Markov Chain Monte Carlo (MCMC) algorithm was used to optimise biochemical model parameters by fitting model simulations of transient chlorophyll fluorescence to measured reflectance spectra. The model was then validated against an independent data set. The model was developed as a precursor to a full canopy scheme. To scale to the canopy and to use the model on trans-seasonal time scales, the effects of temperature and photoinhibition on the model biochemistry needs to be taken into account, and a full canopy radiative transfer scheme, such as FluorMOD, must be developed.

Latitudinal gradients in tree ring stable carbon and oxygen isotopes reveal differential climate influences of the North American Monsoon System

Szejner, Paul, Wright, William E., Babst, Flurin, Belmecheri, Soumaya, Trouet, Valerie, Leavitt, Steven W., Ehleringer, James R., Monson, Russell K. 07 1900 (has links)
The arrival of the North American Monsoon System (NAMS) terminates a presummer hyperarid period in the southwestern United States (U.S.), providing summer moisture that is favorable for forest growth. Montane forests in this region rely on winter snowpack to drive much of their growth; the extent to which they use NAMS moisture is uncertain. We addressed this by studying stable carbon and oxygen isotopes in earlywood and latewood from 11 sites along a latitudinal gradient extending from Arizona and New Mexico to Utah. This study provides the first regional perspective on the relative roles of winter versus summer precipitation as an ecophysiological resource. Here we present evidence that Ponderosa pine uses NAMS moisture differentially across this gradient. C-13/C-12 ratios suggest that photosynthetic water use efficiency during latewood formation is more sensitive to summer precipitation at the northern than at the southern sites. This is likely due to the fact that NAMS moisture provides sufficiently favorable conditions for tree photosynthesis and growth during most years in the southern sites, whereas the northern sites experience larger summer moisture variability, which in some years is limiting growth. Cellulose O-18 and C-13 values revealed that photoassimilates in the southern sites were produced under higher vapor pressure deficit conditions during spring compared to summer, demonstrating a previously underappreciated effect of seasonal differences in atmospheric humidity on tree ring isotope ratios. Our findings suggest that future changes in NAMS will potentially alter productivity and photosynthetic water use dynamics differentially along latitudinal gradients in southwestern U.S. montane forests.

The Genetic Architecture of Water-Use Efficiency Within and Between Two Natural Populations of Foxtail Pine

Harwood, Douglas E 01 January 2015 (has links)
The goal of this project was to determine the genetic architecture of water-use efficiency (WUE) for foxtail pine, which included genomic loci, and effect sizes of this trait. Foxtail pine is a subalpine endemic conifer that inhabits two distinct regional populations separated by 500 km in the mountains of California. In order to achieve this goal, a robust linkage map containing thousands of genetic markers was created using four megagametophyte arrays ranging in size from approximately 70 to 95 megagametophytes. Quantitative trait loci (QTL) discovered for WUE were mapped along the linkage map using linear mixed models and five half-sibling families grown in a common garden. Effect sizes of these QTL were tested for differences between the two regional populations of foxtail pine.

Analys av olika metoder för att uppskatta olika livsmedels effekt på kvävecykeln / An analysis of different methods used for estimating different food products effect on the nitrogen cycle

Abrahamsson, Kristina January 2019 (has links)
Intensifiering av jordbruket globalt har lett till förhöjda halter reaktivt kväve (Nr) i omlopp på jorden. Användningen av stora mängder av framförallt handelsgödselkväve har rubbat balansen mellan reaktivt kväve och icke reaktivt kväve i kvävecykeln, vilket orsakar stora problem i form av övergödning. För att motverka denna negativa miljöpåverkan är det viktigt att uppmärksamma både makthavare och konsumenter på problemen och redovisa vilken påverkan som sker vid produktion av olika livsmedel. Detta så att konsumenter har möjlighet göra hållbara val vid köp av livsmedel och så att ett hållbart jordbruk kan utvecklas. För att beräkna ett livsmedels påverkan på kvävecykel kan flera olika metoder användas. I denna studie analyseras indikatorerna kväveffektivitet (NUE), kvävefotavtryck samt övergödningspotential för att undersöka vilken av indikatorerna som lämpar sig bäst för konsumentvägledning. NUE definieras som Nut/Nin och beräknar hur stor andel av inflödet av N som kommer ut i slutprodukten. Kvävefotavtrycket beräknas som (Nin-Nut) per kg produkt och övergödningspotential som utsläpp av olika övergödande ämnen per kg produkt. Indikatorerna applicerades på olika svenska livsmedel samt sojabönor från Brasilien och resultatet visade på att högst övergödningspotential och kvävefotavtryck fås för kött från kyckling, gris och nötkreatur. För samma indikatorer beräknades lägst potential och fotavtryck för gurka, tomat och morot. NUE beräknades vara högst för gurka på 0,90 och lägst för hallon och jordgubbe på 0,05 samt 0,08. Vid jämförelse av indikatorerna fastställdes att kvävefotavtrycket är bäst lämpad för konsumentvägledning eftersom resultatet är lättförståeligt och det kan kopplas till specifika miljöproblem så som övergödning. Övergödningspotentialen är också en lättförståelig indikator men N som resurs analyseras inte. Indikatorn kräver också mycket data som kan vara svår att få tag på för produkter som produceras i andra länder. Resultatet av NUE är lite mer komplicerat och indikatorn kan passa bättre som ett mått på hur kväveeffektivt en gård eller land är och därav lämpar sig indikatorn bättre för bönder och makthavare än konsumenter. / The amount of reactive nitrogen in the environment has increased as food production has intensified. A disrupted balance between reactive and non-reactive nitrogen can lead to a destabilisation of the state that the earth system is currently in. In order to create a sustainable agriculture, it is important to inform politicians and consumers about the impact on the nitrogen cycle associated with different food products in order to enable sustainable food choices. The objective of this study was to find an indicator that present the effect on the nitrogen cycle in food production and can be used for consumer guidance. The indicators evaluated in this study were Nitrogen Use Efficiency (NUE), the nitrogen footprint and eutrophication potential. NUE is calculated by dividing Nout by Nin. The nitrogen footprint is defined as the amount of reactive nitrogen released to the environment per product unit and is calculated as (Nin-Nout) per kg product. The indicator eutrophication potential calculates the amount of substances that can lead to eutrophication and is expressed per kg product. The results show that chicken, pig and beef have the highest eutrophication potential as well as nitrogen footprint. The lowest eutrophication potential and nitrogen footprint was found for cucumber, tomato and carrot. The highest NUE was calculated for cucumber with a value of 0,90 and the lowest was found for raspberries (0,05) and strawberries (0,08). The indicator that is recommended for consumer guidance after analysis is the nitrogen footprint because it is easy to understand, and the result can connect to specific problems such as eutrophication. The eutrophication potential is also easy to understand, however the use of nitrogen as a resource is not considered and it could be a problem to find data for products produced in other countries. The result from NUE is a bit more complicated for consumers to understand and the indicator might be more useful for politicians and farmers than for consumer guidance.

Respostas do tomateiro a diferentes lâminas de irrigação, doses de potássio e cobertura do solo em ambiente protegido / Response of greenhouse tomato crop to irrigation levels and potassium doses grown under mulched soil conditions in São Paulo, Brazil

Kalungu, Jokastah Wanzuu 11 February 2008 (has links)
O tomate (Lycopersicum esculentum Mill) é um dos vegetais mais populares e amplamente consumidos e que faz parte importante na dieta diária. A maioria das áreas cultivadas com a cultura é usando irrigação por sulcos e com menor proporção irrigada por gotejamento. Além de baixa eficiência no uso da água, o sistema de irrigação por sulcos possui impacto ambiental negativo, tornando assim o gotejamento um sistema alternativo viável. O experimento foi conduzido com o objetivo de se avaliar o efeito de quatro lâminas de irrigação por gotejamento, três doses de potássio e a presença de cobertura plástica sobre as características agronômicas do tomateiro L. esculentum, cultivar Débora Plus. Foi utilizado um delineamento experimental inteiramente casualizado, em um esquema fatorial 4x3x2, com três repetições. Os tratamentos consistiram de lâminas de irrigação equivalentes a 125, 100, 75 e 50 % da necessidade hídrica da cultura, com doses de potássio de 208, 416 e 624 kg ha-1, com e sem cobertura do solo ("mulching"). A lâmina de irrigação foi aplicada mediante sistema de gotejamento quando a tensão da água no solo estava entre 10 e 15 kPa. As lâminas de irrigação afetaram significativamente os parâmetros de crescimento vegetativo e produtividade. O potássio, o mulching, as interações de irrigação e potássio, de irrigação e mulching, de irrigação, potássio e mulching influenciaram a altura das plantas aos 90 dias após o transplante (DAT), a massa de matéria fresca das plantas e a produção. A eficiência do uso da água (EUA) diminuiu com o aumento das lâminas de irrigação, sendo que a produtividade máxima foi obtida com a aplicação de 0,57 L.dia-1.planta-1. As maiores produtividades total e comercial foram de 86,20 e 79,73 Mg.ha-1, obtidas da combinação de 54,36 L.planta-1. ciclo-1 e dose de potássio de 416 kg.ha-1, sob condições de solo coberto com mulching. / Tomato is one of the most popular and widely consumed vegetable which forms a major part of daily diet. Most of the crop is irrigated by furrow irrigation system with fewer experiences with drip irrigation. Apart from low water use efficiency, the main irrigation system posses negative environmental impact thus making drip irrigation viable alternative. The objectives of the study was to evaluate the effect of four drip irrigation levels, three potassium doses and the presence of plastic mulching on water use efficiency and the agronomic characteristics of tomato, Lycopersicon esculentum Mill, variety, Débora Plus. The experimental design was a randomized complete design in a 4 x 3 x 2 factorial scheme with three replications. The treatments consisted of irrigation water levels equivalent to 125, 100, 75 and 50% of crop water requirement with potassium doses of 208, 416 and 624 kg ha-1. Irrigation was applied through drip irrigation system when soil water tension was between 10-15 kPa. Irrigation water levels significantly affected crop development parameters and production. Potassium, mulching, interactions of irrigation and potassium, irrigation and mulching, irrigation, potassium and mulching influenced plant height at 90 days after transplant , fresh plant mass and production. Water use efficiency decreased with increase in irrigation levels with daily recommended irrigation water of 0,57 L plant-1 cycle-1. The highest total and commercial yield were 86,20 and 79,73 t ha-1 both obtained with 54,36 L plant-1 cycle-1 and potassium dose 416 kg ha-1 with mulching.

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