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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

The impact of an auditory task on visual processing:implications for cellular phone usage while driving

Cross, Ginger Wigington 03 May 2008 (has links)
Previous research suggests that cellular phone conversations or similar auditory/conversational tasks lead to degradations in visual processing. Three contemporary theories make different claims about the nature of the degradation that occurs when we talk on a cellular phone. We are either: (a) disproportionately more likely to miss objects located in the most peripheral areas of the visual environment due to a reduction in the size of the attentional window or functional field of view (Atchley & Dressel, 2004); (b) more likely to miss objects from all areas of the visual environment (even at the center of fixation) because attention is withdrawn from the roadway, leading to inattention blindness or general interference (Strayer & Drews, 2006; Crundall, Underwood, & Chapman, 1999; 2002), or (c) more likely to miss objects that are located on the side of the visual environment contralateral to the cellular phone message due to crossmodal links in spatial attention (Driver & Spence, 2004). These three theories were compared by asking participants to complete central and peripheral visual tasks (i.e., a measure of the functional field of view) in isolation and in combination with an auditory task. During the combined visual/auditory task, peripheral visual targets could appear on the same side as auditory targets or on the opposite side. When the congruency between auditory and visual target locations was not considered (as is typical in previous research), the results were consistent with the general interference/inattention blindness theory, but not the reduced functional field of view theory. Yet, when congruency effects were considered, the results support the theory that crossmodal links affect the spatial allocation of attention: Participants were better at detecting and localizing visual peripheral targets and at generating words for the auditory task if attention was directed to the same location in both modalities.

Vem omprövar nyttjandeperiod? / Who reviews useful life?

Ernhagen, Lovisa, Grundén, Johanna January 2016 (has links)
Inledning Deloitte gjorde 2013 en granskning av Jönköpings kommun som visade på att rutiner saknades avseende omprövning av nyttjandeperiod för materiella anläggningstillgångar. Detta skulle kunna innebära att det även finns brister i kommunala bolag, varför en jämförelse mellan kommunala och privata bolag görs. Syfte Syftet med studien är att förklara och analysera sambandet mellan ägaridentitet och omprövning av nyttjandeperiod för materiella anläggningstillgångar i svenska fastighetsbolag. Metod Studien har en deduktiv ansats och en kvantitativ forskningsstrategi. En tvärsnittsdesign har gjorts där datan samlats in i form av sekundärdata genom granskning av årsredovisningar. Datan, som utgörs av ett slutgiltigt urval om 405 bolag, har kompletterats med kvalitativa intervjuer med fem revisorer. Slutsats Den statistiska analysen visar ingen signifikans för sambandet mellan omprövning av nyttjandeperiod och ägaridentitet. Det som dock verkar påverka benägenheten att ompröva nyttjandeperiod är vilken revisionsbyrå bolaget anlitar. Bolag som anlitar Deloitte eller en annan revisionsbyrå än Big 4 är mer benägna att ompröva nyttjandeperiod än bolag som anlitar övrigarevisionsbyråer. / Introduction An inspection of Jönköping’s municpality made by Deloitte in 2013 showed a lack of routines regarding reviewing of useful life for tangible fixed assets. This could imply a lack of routines in municipal corporations as well, and because of this a comparison is made between municipal and private corporations. Purpose The aim of this study is to explain and analyze the relationship between owner identity and reviewing of useful life for tangable fixed assets in Swedish real estate corporations. Method The following is a quantitative study based on a deductive approach and a cross-sectional design. Data has been collected as secondary data through examiniation of annual reports. The data, which consists of a final selection of 405 corporations, has been complemented through qualitative interviews with five auditors. Conclusion The statistical analysis shows no significant relationship between reviewing of useful life and owner identity. However, a factor that seems to affect the propensity to review useful life is depending on which audit firm the corporation uses. Corporations that use Deloitte or another audit firm than Big 4 tend to review useful life to a greater extent that those who use other audit firms.

Implantation d'un E.N.T. dans l'enseignement secondaire, analyse et modélisation des usages : le cas lorrain / Analysis and understanding practices and uses of a VLE in secondary education : the example of Lorraine

Schneewele, Manuel 05 October 2012 (has links)
L'implantation par les collectivités locales d'un ENT (Espace Numérique de Travail) dans les lycées et collèges n'est pas sans conséquences pour le quotidien de la communauté éducative. Notre étude s'intéresse ainsi à comprendre les usages émergents en procédant à une décomposition du processus d'appropriation. Elle répond également à une commande institutionnelle dont l'objectif politique est tourné vers l'encouragement et la stimulation des usages de ce type d'outil. Par conséquent, nous avons cherché à créer un modèle permettant de comprendre qui sont les utilisateurs de l'ENT et comment s'enclenche le passage des usages prescrits par les concepteurs aux comportements d'usages constatés sur le terrain.Pour sa concrétisation, notre modèle s'est construit sur la base d'un ensemble de travaux préalables.- L'étude du cadre de fonctionnement, à partir d'entretiens auprès des prescripteurs et de l'analyse du cahier des charges de l'ENT lorrain.- L'étude du cadre d'usage, d'une part, grâce aux mesures d'audiences de la CDC (Caisse des Dépôts et Consignation), d'autre part, par des questionnaires chargés de rendre compte des premiers usages ainsi que de la représentation sociale de l'ENT et de son cahier de textes pour les élèves, leurs enseignants et parents.Le modèle ainsi formalisé, soutenu par une littérature déjà robuste, est nommé : DAME (Dynamic Acceptance Model for Education). Il a été élaboré sur une population de 3 100 élèves, 774 parents, 617 enseignants et 44 membres du personnel de la vie scolaire.Les résultats obtenus, témoignent dans un premier temps, de l'importance à accorder aux perceptions d'« utilité » et d'« utilisabilité ». Pour favoriser l'adoption d'un l'ENT et donc son acceptabilité dans le cadre des activités quotidiennes d'enseignement, il est essentiel que sa prise en main ainsi que sa plus-value liée à son usage soit pleinement perçue. Dans un deuxième temps, il apparaît nécessaire de tenir compte des personnes qui entourent l'utilisateur, ce que nous qualifions dans notre modèle de « pression sociale », les élèves et le personnel de vie scolaire y étant particulièrement réceptifs. Dans un troisième temps, nous observons que les propriétés de l'outil peuvent engendrer ce que nous désignons par une « pression instrumentale » qui agit de manière rétroactive sur les précédentes variables. Du fait d'un usage répété, une dépendance à l'ENT peut s'installer lorsque celui-ci devient essentiel au bon déroulement de son activité, qu'elle soit professionnelle ou d'apprentissage, ce qui est notamment le cas pour les fonctionnalités : cahier de textes et espace d'informations. Néanmoins, notre modèle met également en évidence que d'autres facteurs sont susceptibles d'intervenir pour expliquer les usages, de nouvelles perspectives de recherches sont par conséquent à prévoir. Enfin, il apparaît évident, sur la base de nos différentes enquêtes, que les principaux bénéficiaires des ENT restent incontestablement les parents et les élèves. Ils manifestent tous deux de forts intérêts pour son usage mais se heurtent à la résistance de certains enseignants dénonçant une charge de travail supplémentaire et une trop grande transparence des informations qu'ils y déposent. / The implementation, by local collectivity, of a VLE (Virtual Learning Environment) in secondary schools and high school is not without consequences for the educational community daily activities. Our study aims to understand emerging uses by carry out a decomposition of the appropriation process. It also responds to an institutional command whose aim is turned toward the promotion and stimulation of the utilisation of this type of tool. Therefore, our objective is to create a model to understand which are VLE users and how is managed the transition between uses prescribed by the creators and observed behaviors.For its concretization, our model is built on a set of preliminary work.- The operating frame study based on interviews with prescribers and the analysis of the Lorraine VLE project specification chart.- The use frame study, on one hand, through uses counter measures from the CDC (Caisse des Dépôts group), on the other hand, by questionnaires upon which functions we report first uses and social representation of a VLE and his book-texts by students, teachers and parents.The model pattern, supported by a robust literature, is called: DAME (Dynamic Acceptance Model for Education). It was applied to a population of 3,100 students, 774 parents, 617 teachers and 44 staff members of school life.The results show in a first step, the importance given to "usefulness" and "usability" perceptions. To promote the adoption of a VLA, and therefore its acceptability in the daily teaching activities, it's crucial that its handling and its added value were associated with its use are fully perceived. In a second step, it seems necessary to take into account, the social network of the user, what we call in our model "social pressure", students and staff of school life being particularly responsive to it. In a third step, we observe that tool properties can generate what we designate by "instrumental pressure" which retroactively impact on previous variables. Due to repeated use, addiction to ENT may be installed when it becomes essential for the quality of his professional or learning activity, which is notably the case for two functionalities: text-book and information space. Nevertheless, our model shows that other factors can be able to explain uses; therefore, new research prospects can be expected. Finally, it seems clear, on the basis of our various surveys, that the main beneficiaries of VLE are mainly parents and students. But if both show strong interest for its use, they are confronted to the resistance of some teachers denouncing an overwork and an excessive transparency of uploaded information.

A Study on Remaining Useful Life Prediction for Prognostic Applications

Liu, Gang 04 August 2011 (has links)
We consider the prediction algorithm and performance evaluation for prognostics and health management (PHM) problems, especially the prediction of remaining useful life (RUL) for the milling machine cutter and lithium ‐ ion battery. We modeled battery as a voltage source and internal resisters. By analyzing voltage change trend during discharge, we made the prediction of battery remain discharge time in one discharge cycle. By analyzing internal resistance change trend during multiple cycles, we were able to predict the battery remaining useful time during its life time. We showed that the battery rest profile is correlated with the RUL. Numerical results using the realistic battery aging data from NASA prognostics data repository yielded satisfactory performance for battery prognosis as measured by certain performance metrics. We built a battery test platform and simulated more usage pattern and verified the prediction algorithm. Prognostic performance metrics were used to compare different algorithms.

A robust and reliable data-driven prognostics approach based on Extreme Learning Machine and Fuzzy Clustering / Une approche robuste et fiable de pronostic guidé par les données robustes et basée sur l'apprentissage automatique extrême et la classification floue

Javed, kamran 09 April 2014 (has links)
Le pronostic industriel vise à étendre le cycle de vie d’un dispositif physique, tout en réduisant les couts d’exploitation et de maintenance. Pour cette raison, le pronostic est considéré comme un processus clé avec des capacités de prédiction. En effet, des estimations précises de la durée de vie avant défaillance d’un équipement, Remaining Useful Life (RUL), permettent de mieux définir un plan d’action visant à accroitre la sécurité, réduire les temps d’arrêt, assurer l’achèvement de la mission et l’efficacité de la production.Des études récentes montrent que les approches guidées par les données sont de plus en plus appliquées pour le pronostic de défaillance. Elles peuvent être considérées comme des modèles de type boite noire pour l’ étude du comportement du système directement `a partir des données de surveillance d’ état, pour définir l’ état actuel du système et prédire la progression future de défauts. Cependant, l’approximation du comportement des machines critiques est une tâche difficile qui peut entraîner des mauvais pronostic. Pour la compréhension de la modélisation du pronostic guidé par les données, on considère les points suivants. 1) Comment traiter les données brutes de surveillance pour obtenir des caractéristiques appropriées reflétant l’ évolution de la dégradation? 2) Comment distinguer les états de dégradation et définir des critères de défaillance (qui peuvent varier d’un cas `a un autre)? 3) Comment être sûr que les modèles définis seront assez robustes pour montrer une performance stable avec des entrées incertaines s’ écartant des expériences acquises, et seront suffisamment fiables pour intégrer des données inconnues (c’est `a dire les conditions de fonctionnement, les variations de l’ingénierie, etc.)? 4) Comment réaliser facilement une intégration sous des contraintes et des exigence industrielles? Ces questions sont des problèmes abordés dans cette thèse. Elles ont conduit à développer une nouvelle approche allant au-delà des limites des méthodes classiques de pronostic guidé par les données. / Prognostics and Health Management (PHM) aims at extending the life cycle of engineerin gassets, while reducing exploitation and maintenance costs. For this reason,prognostics is considered as a key process with future capabilities. Indeed, accurateestimates of the Remaining Useful Life (RUL) of an equipment enable defining furtherplan of actions to increase safety, minimize downtime, ensure mission completion andefficient production.Recent advances show that data-driven approaches (mainly based on machine learningmethods) are increasingly applied for fault prognostics. They can be seen as black-boxmodels that learn system behavior directly from Condition Monitoring (CM) data, usethat knowledge to infer its current state and predict future progression of failure. However,approximating the behavior of critical machinery is a challenging task that canresult in poor prognostics. As for understanding, some issues of data-driven prognosticsmodeling are highlighted as follows. 1) How to effectively process raw monitoringdata to obtain suitable features that clearly reflect evolution of degradation? 2) Howto discriminate degradation states and define failure criteria (that can vary from caseto case)? 3) How to be sure that learned-models will be robust enough to show steadyperformance over uncertain inputs that deviate from learned experiences, and to bereliable enough to encounter unknown data (i.e., operating conditions, engineering variations,etc.)? 4) How to achieve ease of application under industrial constraints andrequirements? Such issues constitute the problems addressed in this thesis and have ledto develop a novel approach beyond conventional methods of data-driven prognostics.

As conseqüências do assoreamento na operação de reservatórios formados por barragens / The consequences of silting in the operation of dam made reservoirs

Maia, Adelena Gonçalves 24 November 2006 (has links)
O assoreamento de reservatórios formados pela construção de barragens interfere inevitavelmente no seu volume útil. O volume útil é o compartimento responsável pelo armazenamento da água para o atendimento dos usos consuntivos e não consuntivos do sistema e a sua redução altera o atendimento das demandas. Nesta pesquisa foi investigada a interferência do processo de assoreamento do reservatório de Promissão, localizado no Médio Tietê, na geração de energia elétrica da Usina Hidrelétrica Mário Lopes Leão. A quantificação do assoreamento do reservatório nos últimos 30 anos de operação foi realizado pela comparação da topografia original do lago na época de seu enchimento, em 1975, com a topo-batimetria levantada no ano de 2005. O modelo RESSASS foi utilizado para a análise da variação do volume do reservatório de 1975 a 2005, bem como para a previsão do assoreamento do reservatório até os anos de 2055 e 2105. A redução do volume útil do reservatório foi de 4,14% de 1975 a 2005, chegando a 9,46% em 2105. O assoreamento do reservatório também foi estudado através da análise qualitativa dos dados, identificando os afluentes que apresentavam maior grau de assoreamento. A análise da interferência da variação do volume útil do reservatório na geração de energia elétrica da usina foi realizada com o modelo AcquaNet. O reservatório de Promissão foi estudado isoladamente. As simulações foram realizadas considerando as diferentes curvas cota vs. área vs. volume de 1975, 2005, 2055 e 2105, além da consideração de dois níveis mínimos de operação: 379,7 m, nível mínimo do reservatório, e 381,0 m, nível mínimo em que o reservatório é operado em função do seu uso para navegação. A interferência de 130 anos de assoreamento do reservatório na potência média mensal fornecida pelo sistema não foi significativa. No entanto, na análise do período de estiagem o assoreamento foi responsável pela redução em 321,90 MWh da energia média mensal excedente produzida, para o nível mínimo de operação de 381,0 m, e em 460,06 MWh, para o nível mínimo de operação de 379,7 m. / The silting of reservoirs formed from the building of dams interferes unavoidably in their useful volumes. The useful volume is the compartment responsible by storing water to supply consumptive and not-consumptive water uses, and its reduction changes the demands supply. In this research, the interference of Promissão reservoir (located in Middle Tietê watershed) silting process in the electric energy generation of Mário Lopes Leão Hydroelectric Power Plant was investigated. The quantification of reservoir silting in the last thirty years of operation was accomplished by the comparison of lake’s original topography in the reservoir filling period, in 1975, with the topobathymetry obtained in 2005. The RESSASS model was used in the analysis of reservoir volume change between 1975 and 2005, and to preview the reservoir silting until the years 2055 and 2105. The loss of reservoir useful volume was 4,31% between 1975 and 2005, reaching 9,59% in 2105. The reservoir silting was also investigated through qualitative analysis of data, identifying influents that present higher degree of silting. The interference of reservoir useful volume variation in the hydropower electricity generation analysis was accomplished by using AcquaNet model. Promissão reservoir was investigated isolately. Simulations were done considering differents stage vs. area vs. volume curves to the years 1975, 2005, 2055, and 2105, besides the consideration of two minimal operational levels: 379,7 m, minimal reservoir level, and 381,0 m, minimal operational level in which the reservoir is operated to allow navigation. The interference of 130 years of reservoir silting in the monthly average provided by the hydropower system was not significant. Nevertheless, in the dry period, silting was responsible by a reduction of 335,69 MWh in the monthly average electricity excess, in the minimal operation level 381,0 m, and 471,16 MWh, in the minimal operation level 379,7 m.

The spatiotemporal dynamics of visual attention during real-world event perception

Ringer, Ryan January 1900 (has links)
Doctor of Philosophy / Department of Psychological Sciences / Lester Loschky / Everyday event perception requires us to perceive a nearly constant stream of dynamic information. Although we perceive these events as being continuous, there is ample evidence that we “chunk” our experiences into manageable bits (Zacks & Swallow, 2007). These chunks can occur at fine and coarse grains, with fine event segments being nested within coarse-grained segments. Individual differences in boundary detection are important predictors for subsequent memory encoding and retrieval and are relevant to both normative and pathological spectra of cognition. However, the nature of attention in relation to event structure is not yet well understood. Attention is the process which suppresses irrelevant information while facilitating the extraction of relevant information. Though attentional changes are known to occur around event boundaries, it is still not well understood when and where these changes occur. A newly developed method for measuring attention, the Gaze-Contingent Useful Field of View Task (GC-UFOV; Gaspar et al., 2016; Ringer, Throneburg, Johnson, Kramer, & Loschky, 2016; Ward et al., 2018) provides a means of measuring attention across the visual field (a) in simulated real-world environments and (b) independent of eccentricity-dependent visual constraints. To measure attention, participants performed the GC-UFOV task while watching pre-segmented videos of everyday activities (Eisenberg & Zacks, 2016; Sargent et al., 2013). Attention was probed from 4 seconds prior to 6 seconds after coarse, fine, and non-event boundaries. Afterward, participants’ memories for objects and event order were tested, followed by event segmentation. Attention was predicted to either become impaired (attentional impairment hypothesis), or it was predicted to be broadly distributed at event boundaries and narrowed at event middles (the ambient-to-focal shift hypothesis). The results showed marginal evidence for both attentional impairment and ambient-to-focal shift hypotheses, however model fitness was equal for both models. The results of this study were then used to develop a proposed program of research to further explore the nature of attention during event perception, as well as the ability of these two hypotheses to explain the relationship between attention and memory during real-world event perception.

Sistemática para avaliação da substituição de ativos no setor aeroportuário

Beuren, Marcelo Müller January 2016 (has links)
O setor aeroportuário apresentou forte crescimento nos últimos anos, ressaltando as ineficiências na gestão de sua infraestrutura e de seus ativos, especialmente no Brasil. Assim, com a exaustão das técnicas tradicionais para a redução de custos, as empresas necessitam buscar melhorias apoiadas no uso de métodos mais complexos a fim de aumentar a produtividade de seus ativos. Desta forma, desponta a necessidade de modelos para a identificação da vida útil e análise da substituição econômica de ativos, uma vez que estas informações auxiliam na tomada de decisão e conduzem a melhores planos de manutenção, reduzindo as perdas do processo. Assim sendo, este trabalho tem por objetivo propor e aplicar uma sistemática para avaliação da substituição de ativos no setor aeroportuário, apoiado em modelos adequados às especificidades do setor através do estudo das suas variáveis. Para isto, são identificados os elementos que influenciam na vida útil dos ativos e, posteriormente, modelos de identificação de vida útil e substituição econômica de ativos são propostos e aplicados em um aeroporto brasileiro de grande porte. Pode-se concluir que a sistemática produziu resultados consistentes e que auxiliam a decisão de substituição de ativos de uma forma estruturada. / In the past years, an increase in aviation transport can be noticed and it highlights inefficiencies in asset management, especially in Brazil. Hence, the exhaustion of traditional techniques to cost reduction lead companies to seek improvements supported by more complex methods in order to increase productivity of their assets. Thus, it is crucial to develop models for useful life identification and economic replacement of assets, since these information assist the decision making process and lead to better maintenance plans, reducing wastage. As a result, the main objective of this work is develop and apply a systematic for evaluation of asset replacement in airports, supported by models that consider the specificities of the aviation sector and its particular variables. In this direction, elements that influence assets useful life are identified and, then, models for useful life identification and economic replacement of assets are developed and applied in an important Brazilian airport. It can be concluded that the systematic have produced consistent results and can assist in asset replacement decision in a structured form.

Uso e conserva??o do candomb? (Vellozia sincorana), planta end?mica da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brasil

Oliveira, Regina C?lia da Silva 31 July 2013 (has links)
Submitted by Ricardo Cedraz Duque Moliterno (ricardo.moliterno@uefs.br) on 2015-08-08T00:17:42Z No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??oFinal.CORRIGIDA.Regina.pdf: 7075716 bytes, checksum: 23fbdf64abf1f7854256e33234630f36 (MD5) / Made available in DSpace on 2015-08-08T00:17:42Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Disserta??oFinal.CORRIGIDA.Regina.pdf: 7075716 bytes, checksum: 23fbdf64abf1f7854256e33234630f36 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-07-31 / Communities living around the areas of access to natural resources hold important information about the use and potential of useful plants available, as well as the skills and techniques adopted for collection. However, overpumping of plants can modify their population structure and change the dynamics of the individual in the long term. Thus, this study collected data on knowledge, use and collection techniques of candomb? (Vellozia sincorana L.B.Sm. & Ayensu), an endemic plant of the rocky fields of Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brazil, used by locals as fuel to start burning in wood stoves, and evaluate their population structure in collection areas suggested by local collectors, whose populations are under varying degrees of accessibility. The study was outlined to answer the following questions: a) To what purpose the residents of local communities in the Chapada Diamantina use candomb?? b) The uses listed vary by occupation and gender of the informants? c) What are the most used categories of use in communities? d) What are the main sites for the extraction of the species? e) What are the techniques used to cut and plant selection? f) There are differences in the densities, heights and diameters of the individual populations of V. sincorana two operating environments? We interviewed 37 key informants in six rural communities in the Chapada Diamantina. The usage category "Fuel" was the most reported with 55 citations, followed by trade (12) technology (10) ritual (2). Both men (G = 14.1272, p <0.01), compared to women, as the ex-miners (G = 32.643, p <0.001) compared to other occupations seem significantly better understand the utility of the species indicating that probably the difficult access to candomb?, associated with its location in the vicinity of the old mining areas benefited men to better knowledge of candomb?. We sampled 814 individuals of V. sincorana the six populations studied. Environments more distant tracks presented density (ind.m?) is significantly higher compared to the environments closest track, indicating that the environments more accessible to the resource are more disturbed, but now seem to be being replaced by more distant areas, which can be found higher plant density and individuals with characteristics preferred by collectors. It can be inferred that currently candomb? has no economic importance, but has great cultural significance for human populations in rural communities of the Chapada Diamantina, which hold techniques and skills for collecting the resource that are relevant to subsidize actions management and conservation of V. sincorana, since this species populations showed changes in structure between different access environments the species. / Comunidades que vivem nos arredores de ?reas de acesso a recursos naturais det?m informa??es importantes sobre o uso e potencial de plantas ?teis dispon?-veis, assim como as t?cnicas e habilidades adotadas para coleta. No entanto, a extra??o exagerada de plantas pode modificar a sua estrutura populacional e alte-rar a din?mica do indiv?duo em longo prazo. Desta forma, o presente estudo le-vantou informa??es sobre conhecimento, uso e t?cnicas de coleta do candomb? (Vellozia sincorana L.B.Sm. & Ayensu), planta end?mica dos campos rupestres da Chapada Diamantina, Bahia, Brasil, utilizada por moradores locais como combus-t?vel para iniciar queima em fog?es a lenha, al?m de avaliar a sua estrutura po-pulacional em ?reas de coleta sugeridas por coletores locais, cujas popula??es est?o sob diferentes graus de acessibilidade. O estudo foi esquematizado para responder as seguintes perguntas: a) Para qual finalidade os moradores de co-munidades locais da Chapada Diamantina utilizam o candomb?? b) Os usos indi-cados variam de acordo com a ocupa??o e g?nero dos informantes? c) Quais s?o as categorias de uso mais utilizadas nas comunidades? d) Quais s?o os principais locais para extra??o da esp?cie? e) Quais s?o as t?cnicas usadas para corte e sele??o da planta? f) H? diferen?as nas densidades, alturas e di?metros dos indi-v?duos de popula??es de V. sincorana em dois ambientes de explora??o? Entre-vistaram-se 37 informantes-chave em seis comunidades rurais da Chapada Dia-mantina. A categoria de uso ?combust?vel? foi a mais reportada com 55 cita??es, seguida de com?rcio (12), tecnol?gico (10) e Ritual (2). Tanto os homens (G=14,1272; p<0,01), em rela??o ?s mulheres, quanto os ex-garimpeiros (G=32,643; p<0,001), em rela??o ?s demais ocupa??es parecem significativamente conhecer melhor as utilidades da esp?cie, indicando que provavelmente o dif?cil acesso ao candomb?, associado ? sua localiza??o no entorno das antigas ?reas de minera??o beneficiou os homens para melhor conhecimento do candomb?. Foram amostrados 814 indiv?duos de V. sincorana nas seis popula??es estudadas. Os ambientes mais distantes das trilhas apresentaram densidade (ind.m?) significativamente maior em rela??o aos ambientes mais pr?ximos da trilha, indicando que os ambientes mais acess?veis ao recurso s?o mais perturbados, por?m atualmente parecem estar sendo substitu?dos por ?reas mais distantes, onde pode ser encontrada maior densidade de plantas e indiv?duos com caracter?sticas preferidas por coletores. Pode-se inferir que atualmente o candomb? n?o possui import?ncia econ?mica, mas tem grande import?ncia cultural para as popula??es humanas de comunidades rurais da Chapada Diamantina, que det?m t?cnicas e habilidades para coleta do recurso que s?o relevantes para subsidiar a??es de manejo e conserva??o de V. sincorana, uma vez que as popula??es desta esp?cie apresentaram altera??es na sua estrutura entre os diferentes ambientes de acesso a esp?cie.

Of people and plants a botanical ethnography of Nokopo Village, Madang and Morobe Provinces, Papua New Guinea /

Schmid, Christin Kocher. January 1991 (has links)
Originally presented as the author's Thesis (doctoral)--University of Basel, 1990. / Includes bibliographical references (p. 327-336).

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