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Mudança política no Paraguai e as relações com o Brasil: o caso da renegociação do Tratado de ItaipuToledo, Sara Basilio de [UNESP] 27 February 2014 (has links) (PDF)
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000837946.pdf: 1071178 bytes, checksum: a70477321b183f227f4df29c18240dec (MD5) / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES) / In 2008 Paraguay was undergoing an unprecedent political scene composition, with the arrival of the former bishop, Fernando Lugo, to the republic presidency, breaking with more than six decades of the Colorado Party monopoly. Nevertheless, the long process of democratic transition initiated in 1989 showed the permanence of remnants that limits the democracy in the Guarani country, exemplified by Lugo's destitution in 2012. The Paraguayan foreign policy presents close relation with the domestic policy dynamics, such that the relations with Brazil, one of the main partners of the bilateral Paraguayan relations, ends up being influenced by the internal conflicts of the next door country. Moreover, these bilateral relations showed gradual approach, potentiates in continuum after the construction of Itaipu, which generated visceral linkages between the two countries. However, at the same time that Itaipu was a motive for approach, it was also configured as disagreement element contained in the history of such relations. In the wake of this process, the Brazilian chancellery has always sought to comply with the Paraguayan claims, aiming to ensure the Brazilian interests in the regional surrounding. Particularly, in the case of Itaipu, there were many agreements. However, the negotiations in 2009 that culminated in the alteration of annex C that referred to the financial bases of the Treaty, triplicating the value for the energy disposal paid for the selling of the exceeding part of the Paraguayan side, has a singularity: the marriage between the general line of Brazilian foreign policy of Lula's government and the model of regional insertion supported in the idea of solidarity, with interests of keeping Fernando Lugo in power, within the political domestic shocks in Paraguay. That's because the campaign promises of the former bishop had strong connections with Brazil, especially, regarding the renegotiation of the Itaipu Treaty, seen as...
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Critérios para análise de limites e potencialidades da sustentabilidade de fontes de energia: um estudo da cadeia produtiva das pequenas centrais hidrelétricas no BrasilNowakowski, Geórgia Alana Andréas 11 March 2015 (has links)
Esta pesquisa apresenta como tema de estudo as Pequenas Centrais Hidrelétricas (PCHs). O seu objetivo geral é identificar os principais limites e potencialidades da sustentabilidade da cadeia produtiva de PCHs no Brasil, ao contexto das dimensões ambiental, social, econômica e institucional. O referencial teórico contempla conceitos e questões referentes: a cadeia produtiva; a Teoria do Ator-rede; as fontes de energia renováveis, mais especificamente a hidroeletricidade; e aos fatores determinantes da competitividade. Para a identificação dos gargalos e potencialidades, foi realizado um mapeamento da estrutura da cadeia de produção das PCHs, assim como a descrição do panorama atual das PCHs no país. Em seguida, foram estudadas, de forma mais aprofundada, cinco etapas que compõem a cadeia: recurso natural; geração; transmissão; distribuição; e comercialização. Na sequência, foram utilizados cinco critérios (importância, probabilidade, temporalidade, efeito e abrangência) para classificar os fatores identificados em cada etapa. Por fim, através da multiplicação dos índices numéricos atribuídos aos critérios, foi obtido o Índice de Significância (IS. No que tange à metodologia da pesquisa, ela pode ser classificada como aplicada e exploratória. Os dados empregados são secundários e foi utilizada a técnica de análise qualitativa. Como resultado, foram identificados 20 limites e 17 potencialidades relacionadas com a cadeia produtiva das PCHs no Brasil, sendo que destes 37 itens, 8 foram enquadrados como muito significativos, segundo os critérios estabelecidos para o IS. No que se refere ao resultado principal da pesquisa, verifica-se que, apesar de existirem potencialidades significativas para o desenvolvimento das PCHs na matriz energética nacional (o potencial hidrelétrico das bacias hidrográficas, a sua capacidade de atuar como vetor de desenvolvimento regional, a consolidação dos fabricantes de turbinas e geradores, e o livre acesso), alguns gargalos existentes na sua cadeia de produção devem ser trabalhados, tais como a interferência na migração e reprodução da ictiofauna continental, a desigualdade na distribuição de energia elétrica, e os aspectos legais e técnicos relacionados com o meio ambiente e a comercialização de energia. / This research study has as a theme: Small Hydro Power Plants (SHP). Its overall objective is to identify the main limits and potential sustainabilities of the productive chain of power plants in Brazil to the context of environmental, social, economic and institutional dimensions. The theoretical framework includes concepts that concern: the production chain, the Actor-Network Theory, renewable energy sources (specifically hydroelectricity) and the determinants of competitiveness. For the identification of limits and potential, mapping of the production of SHP chain structure was carried out; as well as the description of the current landscape of the SHP in the country. They were then studied in more depth. The five steps that make up the chain being: natural resource, generation, transmission, distribution and commercialization. Next, five criteria were used: importance, likelihood, timeliness, effect and scope; in order to classify the factors identified in each step. Finally, by multiplying the numerical index assigned to the criteria; the significance index (SI) was obtained, which was used to frame the final significance of the aspects by: less significant, significant and very significant. Regarding research methodology; it can be classified as: exploratory and applied. The data used was secondary and was used as qualitative analysis. As a result, we identified 20 potential limits and 17 related to the production chain of power plants in Brazil, and of these 37 items, 8 were classified as very significant, according to the criteria established for the IS. With regard to the main search result, it appears that, although there are significant potential for the development of SHP in the national energy matrix (hydropower potential of river basins, their ability to act as regional development vector, consolidation of turbines and generators manufacturers, and free access), some hurdles in the production chain must be worked out, such as interference in the migration and reproduction of continental fish fauna, inequality in the distribution of electricity, and the legal and technical aspects related to the environment and the commercialization of energy.
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