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Terrestrial vegetation-water interactions in observations and modelsLi, Wantong 08 November 2023 (has links)
Im Zusammenhang mit dem globalen Klimawandel ist die Vegetation besonders wichtig, da sie die anthropogenen CO2-Emissionen aufnehmen und den Wasser- und Energiekreislauf regulieren kann. Während frühere Forschungsarbeiten wertvolle Einblicke in langfristige Veränderungen des Grüns der Vegetation und in Bezug auf die Reaktion der Vegetation auf steigende Temperaturen und atmosphärisches CO2 lieferten, sind die Wechselwirkungen zwischen Vegetation und Wasser noch immer nicht vollständig verstanden. Tatsächlich hat die Dynamik der Bodenfeuchte in der Wurzelzone einen grundlegenden Einfluss auf die Veränderung des Grüns und die Produktivität der Vegetation. Dennoch sind weder die die Empfindlichkeit der Vegetationsproduktivität gegenüber der Bodenwasserversorgung noch die funktionelle Reaktion der Vegetation (d. h. Photosynthese und Transpiration) auf Bodentrockenheitsepisoden auf globaler Ebene vollständig geklärt worden. Forschungsengpässe sind fehlende globale Beobachtungen von Vegetationsfunktion und Bodenwasservariabilität. Außerdem werden die statistischen Instrumente für die Analyse umfangreicher und vielschichtiger Daten nur unzureichend genutzt, was ein besseres Verständnis der globalen Reaktion der Vegetation auf Wasser verhindert.
Gleichzeitig trägt eine bessere Kenntnis der Reaktion der Vegetation auf die Wasserversorgung zu einem besseren Verständnis des terrestrischen Wasserkreislaufs bei. Hydrologische Extremereignisse schädigen die Infrastruktur, können das menschliche Wohlergehen beeinträchtigen und treten Berichten zufolge in vielen Regionen der Welt immer häufiger und intensiver auf. Während ein Konsens über die Bedeutung meteorologischer Faktoren für die Regulierung des Wasserkreislaufs und der damit verbundenen Extremereignisse besteht, ist die Rolle der Vegetationsdynamik und -eigenschaften noch nicht ausreichend erforscht. Ihre stärkere Berücksichtigung in hydrologischen Studien bietet das Potenzial, die Prozesse, die hydrologische Extreme antreiben, genauer zu verstehen. Dadurch kann ein besseres Verständnis der Wechselwirkungen zwischen Vegetation und Wasser im Hinblick auf die Wasserempfindlichkeit der Vegetation und die Rückkopplung der Vegetation auf Klimaextreme die Genauigkeit der Landoberflächenmodellierung verbessern, was für die Verbesserung der Klimaprojektionen unerlässlich ist.
Dank der jüngsten Entwicklungen im Bereich der Erdbeobachtung und der Anwendbarkeit leistungsfähiger statistischer Analysewerkzeuge ist es nun möglich, globale Wechselwirkungen zwischen Vegetation und Wasser mit noch nie dagewesener Genauigkeit zu untersuchen. In diesem Zusammenhang stützt sich diese Arbeit insbesondere auf (i) neuartige Datenprodukte wie sonneninduzierte Chlorophyllfluoreszenz oder globale Bodenfeuchte und Evapotranspiration, die aus der Hochskalierung von Stationsmessungen mit Algorithmen des maschinellen Lernens gewonnen wurden, (ii) längere Aufzeichnungen und aktualisierte Aufbereitungen etablierter Datenprodukte wie Blattflächenindex und terrestrische Wasserspeicherung und (iii) die Entwicklung erklärbarer Methoden des maschinellen Lernens, mit denen Informationen effizient aus multivariaten Datenströmen abgeleitet werden können und die darüber hinaus leicht implementier- und in ökohydrologischen Studien anwendbar sind. Basierend auf diesen Datensätzen und Werkzeugen, wird in dieser Arbeit die Empfindlichkeit der globalen Vegetation gegenüber der Bodenwasserversorgung über Raum und Zeit hinweg neu untersucht.:Summary 7
Zusammenfassung 11
1 Introduction 15
1.1 Motivation 16
1.2 Terrestrial vegetation and its relationship with water supply 18
1.2.1 Vegetation functioning 18
1.2.2 Hydro-meteorological drivers of evaporation and vegetation productivity 19
1.2.3 Vegetation structure and physiology 21
1.3 Terrestrial water cycle and its relationship with vegetation 24
1.3.1 Water balance 24
1.3.2 Vegetation regulating the water cycle 26
1.3.3 The relevance of vegetation on hydrological extremes 27
1.4 Advances in observations and models 30
1.4.1 Spaceborne remote sensing 30
1.4.2 Data-driven and physical-based models 34
1.5 Research questions and thesis outline 37
1.5.1 What is the relationship between vegetation productivity and water supply? 37
1.5.2 Can vegetation regulate hydrological extremes? 38
1.5.3 Can land surface models capture vegetation-water interplay? 40
1.5.4 Thesis outline 40
2 Global vegetation controls using multi-layer soil moisture 41
2.1 Introduction 42
2.2 Data and methods 43
2.3 Results and discussion 45
2.4 Conclusions 53
2.A Appendix 54
3 Widespread increasing vegetation sensitivity to soil moisture 70
3.1 Introduction 71
3.2 Data and methods 72
3.3 Results and discussion 78
3.4 Conclusions 85
3.A Appendix 86
4 The drought effect on vegetation physiology inferred from space 101
4.1 Introduction 102
4.2 Data and methods 104
4.3 Results and discussion 111
4.4 Conclusions 122
4.A Appendix 123
5 Drought propagation into the terrestrial water cycle 136
5.1 Introduction 137
5.2 Data and methods 139
5.3 Results and discussion 145
5.4 Conclusions 155
5.A Appendix 157
6 Drivers of high river flows in European near-natural catchments 171
6.1 Introduction 172
6.2 Data and methods 173
6.3 Results and discussion 179
6.4 Conclusion 184
6.A Appendix 186
7 Synthesis 193
7.1 What is the relationship between vegetation productivity and water supply? 194
7.2 Can vegetation regulate hydrological extremes? 197
7.3 Can land surface models capture the observed vegetation-water interplay? 199
7.4 Limitations 200
7.4.1 Difficulties in predicting SIF in tropical regions 200
7.4.2 Observing terrestrial photosynthesis and evaporation 201
7.4.3 Methods related to variable importance quantification 202
7.5 Outlook 202
7.5.1 Vegetation sensitivity to soil moisture and its implications 203
7.5.2 Vegetation functioning and related structure and physiology 203
7.5.3 Extreme events: floods and drought 204
References 206
Statement of authorship contributions 238
Acknowledgements 239
Curriculum Vitae 241
Scientific publications 242
IMPRS certificate 244 / In the context of global climate change, vegetation is particularly relevant as it can take up anthropogenic CO2 emissions and regulate water and energy cycling. While previous research provided valuable insights into long-term changes in vegetation greenness and in terms of the vegetation response to increasing temperature and atmospheric CO2, vegetation-water interactions are still not fully understood. In fact, root-zone soil moisture dynamics have a fundamental influence on modulating vegetation greenness and productivity. Nevertheless, neither the sensitivity of vegetation productivity to soil water supply nor the vegetation functional response (i.e., photosynthesis and transpiration) to soil drought episodes have been fully resolved at the global scale. Missing global observations of vegetation functioning and terrestrial water variability are bottlenecks, and statistical tools for analyzing large and multi-stream data are poorly exploited, preventing a better understanding of global vegetation water response.
At the same time, a better knowledge of the vegetation response to the water supply in turn advances the understanding of the terrestrial water cycle. Hydrological extremes are damaging infrastructure and can affect human well-being, and have been reported to become more frequent and intense in many regions around the world. While a consensus exists regarding the importance of meteorological drivers for regulating the water cycle and related extreme events, the role of vegetation dynamics and characteristics is understudied. Its greater consideration in hydrological studies offers the potential to more accurately understand the processes driving hydrological extremes. Thereby, a better understanding on vegetation-water interactions in terms of vegetation water sensitivity and vegetation feedbacks on climate extremes can advance the accuracy of land surface modelling which is essential to improve climate projections.
Thanks to recent developments in Earth observations and in the applicability of powerful statistical analyses tools, investigating global vegetation-water interactions is now possible with unprecedented accuracy. In this context, this thesis builds particularly on (i) novel data products such as Sun-induced chlorophyll fluorescence or global gridded soil moisture and evapotranspiration products obtained from upscaling station measurements with machine learning algorithms, (ii) longer records and updated processing of established data products such as leaf area index and terrestrial water storage, and (iii) the development of explainable machine learning methods which can efficiently derived information from multivariate data streams, and are furthermore implemented and readily applicable in ecohydrological studies. With these datasets and tools, this thesis revisits the sensitivity of global vegetation to soil water supply across space and time.:Summary 7
Zusammenfassung 11
1 Introduction 15
1.1 Motivation 16
1.2 Terrestrial vegetation and its relationship with water supply 18
1.2.1 Vegetation functioning 18
1.2.2 Hydro-meteorological drivers of evaporation and vegetation productivity 19
1.2.3 Vegetation structure and physiology 21
1.3 Terrestrial water cycle and its relationship with vegetation 24
1.3.1 Water balance 24
1.3.2 Vegetation regulating the water cycle 26
1.3.3 The relevance of vegetation on hydrological extremes 27
1.4 Advances in observations and models 30
1.4.1 Spaceborne remote sensing 30
1.4.2 Data-driven and physical-based models 34
1.5 Research questions and thesis outline 37
1.5.1 What is the relationship between vegetation productivity and water supply? 37
1.5.2 Can vegetation regulate hydrological extremes? 38
1.5.3 Can land surface models capture vegetation-water interplay? 40
1.5.4 Thesis outline 40
2 Global vegetation controls using multi-layer soil moisture 41
2.1 Introduction 42
2.2 Data and methods 43
2.3 Results and discussion 45
2.4 Conclusions 53
2.A Appendix 54
3 Widespread increasing vegetation sensitivity to soil moisture 70
3.1 Introduction 71
3.2 Data and methods 72
3.3 Results and discussion 78
3.4 Conclusions 85
3.A Appendix 86
4 The drought effect on vegetation physiology inferred from space 101
4.1 Introduction 102
4.2 Data and methods 104
4.3 Results and discussion 111
4.4 Conclusions 122
4.A Appendix 123
5 Drought propagation into the terrestrial water cycle 136
5.1 Introduction 137
5.2 Data and methods 139
5.3 Results and discussion 145
5.4 Conclusions 155
5.A Appendix 157
6 Drivers of high river flows in European near-natural catchments 171
6.1 Introduction 172
6.2 Data and methods 173
6.3 Results and discussion 179
6.4 Conclusion 184
6.A Appendix 186
7 Synthesis 193
7.1 What is the relationship between vegetation productivity and water supply? 194
7.2 Can vegetation regulate hydrological extremes? 197
7.3 Can land surface models capture the observed vegetation-water interplay? 199
7.4 Limitations 200
7.4.1 Difficulties in predicting SIF in tropical regions 200
7.4.2 Observing terrestrial photosynthesis and evaporation 201
7.4.3 Methods related to variable importance quantification 202
7.5 Outlook 202
7.5.1 Vegetation sensitivity to soil moisture and its implications 203
7.5.2 Vegetation functioning and related structure and physiology 203
7.5.3 Extreme events: floods and drought 204
References 206
Statement of authorship contributions 238
Acknowledgements 239
Curriculum Vitae 241
Scientific publications 242
IMPRS certificate 244
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Dynamic minimum flows in the bypass reach of Juktån : A post-implementation evaluation of the effects on riparian vegetationGezelius, Walter Gezelius January 2024 (has links)
The purpose of the paper was to evaluate the effects of the restoration efforts in Juktån on the plant species richness and composition, vegetation zonation and soil composition. The restoration involved implementation of a dynamic flow, in addition to hydro-geomorphological alterations. Three sites were inventoried in the bypass reach, representing one reach affected only by flow restoration and two reaches affected both by flow and morphological restoration, along with an upstream reference reach unaffected by regulation. Inventories were conducted along an elevational gradient perpendicular to the water and involved occurring species, plant cover, bare ground and soil composition. The results showed a change in species composition after restoration. Riparian associated species were more common after restoration and the proportions of herbs and graminoids increased. Higher flooding caused a change in zonation, increasing the graminoid, riparian forest and amphibious zones along the riparian habitat. Species richness, as well as soil composition remained largely the same. The effects of the hydro-geomorphological alterations were hard to interpret due to lack of data. The results indicate a positive effect of the new flow on the plant species community in the bypass reach, whilst also highlighting the hydro-geomorphologically altered locations as biodiversity hotspots. Time-delay in ecological response is acknowledged as driving factor for the indifference in species richness and soil composition. The hydrological restoration is concluded to be an effective way of simulating natural flow regimes, improving ecological integrity of riparian communities and structural vegetational patterns in the riparian zone of bypass reaches.
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The effects of crude oil on terrestrial vegetationBrown, Si January 1974 (has links)
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The stability of the Niagara Escarpment is of critical importance to residents of Hamilton, Ontario as it bisects and divides the lower downtown core from upper residential and commercial areas. The frequency of large rockfalls and debris slides from the exposed escarpment face has resulted in reoccurring road closures that connect these two areas and has prompted the city to seek information on the processes affecting escarpment erosion and slope stability. The research reported here examines the relationship between tree and plant growth on bedrock stability by investigating relationships between species abundance and slope profile, and the potential movement of tree roots growing in rock fractures.
The contributing factors of tree growth to physical weathering processes on highly fractured bedrock remain largely unknown; however, plants are suggested to play a key role in weathering processes in the critical zone. Bedrock structure and lithology influence the establishment of vegetation, and vegetation in turn exploits bedrock joints, fractures, and bedding planes, exacerbating physical and biomechanical weathering processes. In this study, vegetation characteristics observed on different parts of the escarpment face were documented and categorized into three distinct biophysical zones: upper and intermediary plateau, bedrock face, and sloping talus. Tree growth, with the potential to enhance bedrock disaggregation through the transfer of tree bole movement to roots exploiting bedrock fractures, was particularly prevalent on areas of sloping talus. To document the potential for bedrock disaggregation through tree bole movement, triaxial accelerometers were mounted on the boles of three different tree species growing along the escarpment in Hamilton. Sampled trees varied in geographic location to allow identification of the relationship between tree bole movement, wind speed, and dominant wind direction. Both deciduous and coniferous species were monitored to determine the impacts of canopy architecture on tree sway in response to wind. Monitoring took place over several days in the months of March, May, September, and November. Recorded tree bole movement (tilt) varied between deciduous and coniferous tree species; wind speed was strongly correlated to tilt of the coniferous tree, and wind direction was strongly correlated to tilt of the deciduous trees. Overall tree bole movement was strongly influenced by diurnal cycles of air movement and was greatest in the hours around mid-day.
The outcomes of this research will form an integral component of an erosion-risk assessment study conducted, in part, for the City of Hamilton and will facilitate the design and development of vegetation management strategies for the Niagara Escarpment that may reduce erosion processes and potential damages to impacted citizens and businesses. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc) / This research examines the impact of vegetation growth on erosion processes on the Niagara Escarpment in Hamilton, Ontario. The slope of the escarpment face exerts an important control on vegetation growth which in turn affects slope stability. Documentation of the dominant vegetation species at two research sites allows the identification of three distinct vegetation zones on the upper plateau, bedrock face, and sloping talus. The movement of tree trunks in response to air movement was also measured for several days in the months of March, May, October and November. Results show that the movement of two monitored deciduous trees was most strongly correlated to wind direction, while the movement of a coniferous tree was strongly correlated to changes in wind speed. All monitored trees were strongly influenced by daily cycles of air movement which were greatest around noon. This research identifies factors that influence both vegetation growth and slope stability on the Niagara Escarpment and may be used to develop effective erosion protection and mitigation strategies.
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δ<sup>13</sup>C of Cave Speleothems Located in Kentucky and Ohio, U.S.A.: Implication for Paleovegetation and Paleoclimate StudiesMiller, Brett Alan 23 March 2008 (has links)
No description available.
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No description available.
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Factors that Influence Plant Species Richness on Habitat Islands of Sand Pine ScrubConnery, Cindy B. 01 January 1984 (has links) (PDF)
No description available.
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Post-Fire Chronosequence Analysis of Peatland Bog Vegetation Communities Across Hydrogeological SettingsHousman, Kristyn 06 1900 (has links)
Canada’s Boreal Plains peatlands comprise 2.1% of the world’s terrestrial carbon store and are vital water supplies for adjacent upland ecosystems in this sub-humid climate. Projections indicate that future drought and wildfire events will be more frequent and severe, enhancing moisture deficits and threatening the functional role of peatlands as net carbon sinks. Peatland margins existing at the peatland-upland interface have been identified as deep smouldering hotspots on the landscape, where margin carbon loss accounts for 50 to 90% of total peatland carbon loss, dependent on hydrogeological setting. Previous chronosequence analysis of peatland bog recovery from wildfire disturbance has chronicled a return to carbon sink status within 20 years, but has not included margins nor peatlands located in coarse or heterogeneous-textured hydrogeological settings with varying degrees of groundwater connectivity. This analysis identifies and describes margin vegetation communities and recovery trajectories with time since fire and across hydrogeological settings. No significant differences were identified in margin area over time or margin peat depths across hydrogeological settings. Margin canopy composition consists of mixed coniferous and broadleaf deciduous species, with enhanced litterfall characterizing the dominant early to mid successional ground layer composition. Both peatland bog middle and margin vegetation communities were found to be dominated by feathermoss growth ~60 years following wildfire, which represents an accelerated trajectory from previous chronosequence analyses. Increased peatland and margin fuel loads with time since fire are also demonstrated using aboveground biomass calculations. Restoration practitioners can use this study to identify recovery milestones and altered trajectories, with their associated feedbacks, that perpetuate a broadleaf canopy and limited Sphagnum moss paludification. Fire managers should include confined peatlands in coarse-textured hydrogeological settings with deep smouldering margins in their management considerations and consider intervention (forest treatments) to open the canopy and prevent legacy carbon losses by severe wildfires. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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Evaluating shrub expansion in a subarctic mountain basin using multi-temporal LiDAR dataLeipe, Sean January 2020 (has links)
High-latitude ecosystems have experienced substantial warming over the past 40 years, which is expected to continue into the foreseeable future. Consequently, an increase in vegetation growth has occurred throughout the circumpolar North as documented through remote sensing and plot-level studies. A major component of this change is shrub expansion (shrubbing) in arctic and subarctic ecotones. However, these changes are highly variable depending on plant species, topographic position, hydrology, soils and other ecosystem properties. Changes in shrub and other vegetation properties are critical to document due to their first-order control on water, energy and carbon balances. This study uses a combination of multi-temporal LiDAR (Light Detection and Ranging) and field surveys to measure temporal changes in shrub vegetation cover over the Wolf Creek Research Basin (WCRB), a 180 km2 long-term watershed research facility located ~15 km south of Whitehorse, Yukon Territory. This work focuses on the smaller Granger Basin, a 7.6 km2 subarctic headwater catchment that straddles WCRB’s subalpine and alpine tundra ecozones with a wide range of elevation, landscape topography, and vegetation. Airborne LiDAR surveys of WCRB were conducted in August 2007 and 2018, providing an ideal opportunity to explore vegetation changes between survey years. Vegetation surveys were conducted throughout Granger Basin in summer 2019 to evaluate shrub properties for comparisons to the LiDAR. Machine learning classification algorithms were used to predict shrub presence/absence in 2018 based on rasterized LiDAR metrics with up to 97% overall independent accuracy compared to field validation points, with the best-performing model applied to the 2007 LiDAR to create binary shrub cover layers to compare between survey years. Results show a 63.3% total increase in detectable shrub cover > 0.45 m in height throughout Granger Basin between 2007 and 2018, with an average yearly expansion of 5.8%. These changes in detectable shrub cover were compared across terrain derivatives created using the LiDAR to quantify the influence of topography on shrub expansion. The terrain comparison results show that shrubs in the study area are located in and are preferentially expanding into lower and flatter areas near stream networks, at lower slope positions and with a higher potential for topographic wetness. The greatest differences in terrain derivative value distributions across the shrub and non-shrub change categories were found in terms of stream distance, elevation, and relative slope position. This expansion of shrubs into higher-resource areas is consistent with previous studies and is supported by established physical processes. As vegetation responses to warming have far-reaching influences on surface energy exchange, nutrient cycling, and the overall water balance, this increase in detectable shrub cover has a wide range of impacts on the future of northern watersheds. Overall, the findings from this research reinforce the documented increase in pan-Arctic shrub vegetation in recent years, quantify the variation in shrub expansion over terrain derivatives at the landscape scale, and demonstrate the feasibility of using LiDAR to compare changes in shrub properties over time. / Thesis / Master of Science (MSc)
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Investigation of the sediment transport capacity in vegetated open channel flowHuai, W.-X., Wang, X., Guo, Yakun, Sun, Z.H. 22 March 2022 (has links)
No / The suspended sediment transport capacity is important for estimating the suspended load concentration and the ecological environment of the river. So far, few studies have been conducted to investigate the suspended sediment transport capacity in the vegetated sediment-laden flow. In this study, a new formula is derived to predict the sediment transport capacity in a vegetated flow by considering the absolute value of the energy loss between the sediment-laden flow and the clear water flow. Finally, the formula is expressed in a practical form by using the logarithmic matching method.
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