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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

On Physical Relations in Driving: Judgements, Cognition and Perception

Eriksson, Gabriella January 2014 (has links)
Drivers need to make judgements of physical relationships related to driving speed, such as mean speed, risks, travel time and fuel consumption, in order to make optimal choices of vehicle speed. This is also the case for the general public, politicians and other stakeholders who are engaged in traffic issues. This thesis investigates how drivers’ judgements of travel time (Study I and II), fuel consumption (Study III) and mean speed (Study IV) relate to actual physical measures. A cognitive time-saving bias has been found in judgements of travel time. The time saving bias implies that people overestimate the time saved when increasing speed from a high speed and underestimate the time saved when increasing speed from a low speed. Previous studies have mainly investigated the bias from a cognitive perspective in questionnaires. In Study I the bias was shown to be present when participants were engaged in a driving simulator task where participants primarily rely on perceptual cues. Study II showed that intuitive time saving judgements can be debiased by presenting drivers with an alternative speedometer that indicate the inverted speed in minutes per kilometre. In Study III, judgements of fuel consumption at increasing and decreasing speeds were examined, and the results showed systematic deviations from correct measures. In particular, professional truck drivers underestimated the fuel saving effect of a decrease in speed. Study IV showed that subjective mean speed judgements differed from objective mean speeds and could predict route choice better than objective mean speeds. The results indicate that biases in these judgements are robust and that they predict behaviour. The thesis concludes that judgements of mean speeds, time savings and fuel consumption systematically deviate from physical measures. The results have implications for predicting travel behaviour and the design of driver feedback systems. / Förare bör göra bedömningar som relaterar till hastighet, såsom bedömningar av medelhastighet, risk, restid och bränsleåtgång. Dessa bedömningar är nödvändiga för att föraren ska kunna välja en optimal hastighet, men också för att allmänheten, politiker och andra intressenter som är involverade i trafikfrågor ska kunna fatta välgrundade beslut. Denna avhandling består av fyra delstudier där förares bedömningar av restid (Studie I och II), bränsleåtgång (Studie III) och medelhastighet (Studie IV) studeras i relation till faktiska fysikaliska mått. Tidigare enkätstudier har påvisat ett kognitivt bias i tidsvinstbedömningar vid höga och låga hastigheter som påverkar mänskligt beteende. Studie I visade att detta bias också förekommer i en primärt perceptuell motorisk uppgift där förarna i studien kör i en körsimulator. Studie II visade att dessa intuitiva tidsbedömningar kan förbättras genom att köra med en alternativ hastighetsmätare i bilen som indikerar den inverterade hastigheten i minuter per kilometer istället för hastigheten i kilometer per timme. I Studie III undersöktes bedömningar av bränsleåtgång vid hastighetsökningar och hastighetssänkningar, och resultaten visar att bedömningarna systematiskt avviker från faktisk bränsleåtgång. Ett intressant resultat var att lastbilsförare i allmänhet underskattade bränslebesparingen som kan göras till följd av en hastighetssänkning. Studie IV visade att subjektiva bedömningar av medelhastighet som avviker från objektiva medelhastigheter kan predicera vägval, vilket tyder på att systematiska fel i dessa bedömningar är robusta och kan predicera vägval. Sammanfattningsvis visar avhandlingen hur bedömningar av medelhastighet, tidsvinst och bränsleåtgång systematiskt avviker från fysikaliska mått. Resultaten har betydelse för modellering av resebeteende och design av förarstödssystem. / <p>At the time of the doctoral defense, the following papers were unpublished and had a status as follows: Paper 2: Submitted. Paper 3: Submitted.</p>

Why does a sleepy driver continue to drive?

Johansson, Joel January 2012 (has links)
Inom trafikforskningen är det allmänt känt att sömnighet är en starkt bidragande faktor vid trafikolyckor. Tidigare forskning har visat att sömnighet hos förare är närvarande i 16–-23 procent av alla bilolyckor. Inom flyg- och järnvägsdomänen har en metod, med en stark influens från human factors-området, kallad Fatigue risk management (FRM) använts för att undersöka hur sociala och organisatoriska faktorer påverkar personalens sömnighetsnivå. Dock har denna metod inte använts för att undersöka lastbilsförares sömnighetsnivå i någon större utsträckning. Studiens syfte var att undersöka hur lastbilsförare upplever, motarbetar och motverkar sömnighet i deras dagliga arbetssituation. Resultaten visar att lastbilsförare i sitt arbete möter en stor mängd trötthetsbidragande faktorer, som kan härledas både till organisatoriska faktorer och individuellt beteende. Möjliga sätt att motverka sömnighet bland lastbilsförare, riktade mot både individen och organisationen, föreslås. / In the traffic domain it is commonly known that sleepiness is a highly contributing factor in traffic accidents. Research has shown that sleepiness among drivers is present in about 16-–23 per cent of all car accidents. In the aviation and railway industry a method or framework with some shared influences from the Human Factors approach, called Fatigue Risk Management (FRM) has been used to investigate how social and organisational factors affect the personnel’s level of sleepiness. The overall aims of this study are to investigate how truck drivers’ experience, fight and counteract sleepiness in their daily work environment. The results show that drivers face a wide variety of sleep contributing factors, stemming from both organisational factors and individual behaviour. Possible ways of counteracting truck driver sleepiness, concerning both the individual and the organisation, are also suggested.

Eyes on the Road! : Off-Road Glance Durations when Performing Tasks on In-Vehicle Systems while Driving in a Simulator

Wahlberg, Linnea January 2013 (has links)
The 85th percentile off-road glances while performing three tasks on an in-vehicle system while driving in a simulator was investigated. The tasks were a radio task, a telephone task and a sound settings task which were performed at three occasions each. The distribution of 85th percentile off-road glance durations for each subject and task showed that durations differed between individuals rather than between tasks. It also turned out that durations longer than 2.00 seconds were not rare and 2 of 16 subjects had durations longer than 2.00 seconds in the radio task. Even though the distribution showed small differences between tasks on an individual level, differences on a group level were found between the tasks. A tendency of a learning effect was found, which implied a decrease in 85th percentile off-road glance durations as the tasks were performed at several occasions. A tendency of a floor effect in 85th percentile off-road glance durations, when the subjects are familiarized with tasks, was also found. Performance on a computerized trail-making test, measuring ability of visual search, motor speed and mental flexibility, was found not to be related with 85th percentile off-road glance durations.

Effects of hearing loss on traffic safety and mobility / Effekter av hörselnedsättning på trafiksäkerhet och mobilitet

Thorslund, Birgitta January 2014 (has links)
The aim of this PhD thesis was to investigate traffic safety and mobility for individuals with hearing loss (HL). Three studies were conducted: 1. a questionnaire survey aimed to evaluate differences in choice of transportation that might be related to HL, 2. a driving simulator study that looked into compensatory strategies and evaluated the efficiency of a tactile signal to alert the driver, and 3. a field study to evaluate these effects in real traffic and to evaluate a navigation system with a supportive tactile signal. The effects of HL discovered in this thesis add to the knowledge and understanding of the influence of HL on traffic safety and mobility. Differences found consistently point to a generally more cautious behavior. Compensatory and coping strategies associated with HL are bound to driving complexity and appear when complexity increases. These strategies include driving at lower speeds, using a more comprehensive visual search behavior and being less engaged in distracting activities. Evaluation of a tactile signal showed that by adding a tactile modality, some driver assistance systems can also be made accessible to drivers with HL. At the same time, the systems might be more effective for all users, since the driver can be more focused on the road. Based on the results in this thesis, drivers with HL cannot be considered an increased traffic safety risk, and there should be no need for adjustments of the requirements of hearing for a license to drive a car. / Syftet med den här doktorsavhandlingen var att undersöka trafiksäkerhet och mobilitet för individer med hörselnedsättning (HN). Tre studier har genomförts: 1. en enkätstudie för att undersöka skillnader i transportvanor relaterade till HN, 2. en körsimulatorstudie for att titta på kompensatoriska strategier och utvärdera effektiviteten i en taktil signal för att påkalla förarens uppmärksamhet och 3. en fältstudie för att undersöka effekterna i riktig trafik samt utvärdera ett navigationssystem med en taktil signal som stöd för navigering. Effekterna av HN som kom fram i denna avhandling bidrar till kunskapen och förståelsen för hur HN påverkar trafiksäkerhet och mobilitet. De funna skillnaderna pekar konsistent mot ett generelltmera försiktigt beteende. Kompensatoriska - och copingstrategier förknippade med HN beror på körkomplexitet och observeras när komplexiteten ökar. Dessa strategier innebär körning med lägre hastighet, mera heltäckande visuell avsökning och mindre engagemang i distraherande uppgifter. Utvärdering av en taktil signal visade att genom att lägga till en taktil modalitet kan vissa förarstödsystem bli tillgängliga även för förare med HN. Samtidigt kan systemen bli mera effektiva för alla användare eftersom föraren då kan fokusera mera på vägen. Baserat på resultaten i den här avhandlingen kan inte förare med HN betraktas som någon förhöjd risk och det bör därmed inte finnas något behov av att justera hörselkraven när det gäller körkortsinnehav.

A Gasoline Demand Model For The United States Light Vehicle Fleet

Rey, Diana 01 January 2009 (has links)
The United States is the world's largest oil consumer demanding about twenty five percent of the total world oil production. Whenever there are difficulties to supply the increasing quantities of oil demanded by the market, the price of oil escalates leading to what is known as oil price spikes or oil price shocks. The last oil price shock which was the longest sustained oil price run up in history, began its course in year 2004, and ended in 2008. This last oil price shock initiated recognizable changes in transportation dynamics: transit operators realized that commuters switched to transit as a way to save gasoline costs, consumers began to search the market for more efficient vehicles leading car manufactures to close 'gas guzzlers' plants, and the government enacted a new law entitled the Energy Independence Act of 2007, which called for the progressive improvement of the fuel efficiency indicator of the light vehicle fleet up to 35 miles per gallon in year 2020. The past trend of gasoline consumption will probably change; so in the context of the problem a gasoline consumption model was developed in this thesis to ascertain how some of the changes will impact future gasoline demand. Gasoline demand was expressed in oil equivalent million barrels per day, in a two steps Ordinary Least Square (OLS) explanatory variable model. In the first step, vehicle miles traveled expressed in trillion vehicle miles was regressed on the independent variables: vehicles expressed in million vehicles, and price of oil expressed in dollars per barrel. In the second step, the fuel consumption in million barrels per day was regressed on vehicle miles traveled, and on the fuel efficiency indicator expressed in miles per gallon. The explanatory model was run in EVIEWS that allows checking for normality, heteroskedasticty, and serial correlation. Serial correlation was addressed by inclusion of autoregressive or moving average error correction terms. Multicollinearity was solved by first differencing. The 36 year sample series set (1970-2006) was divided into a 30 years sub-period for calibration and a 6 year "hold-out" sub-period for validation. The Root Mean Square Error or RMSE criterion was adopted to select the "best model" among other possible choices, although other criteria were also recorded. Three scenarios for the size of the light vehicle fleet in a forecasting period up to 2020 were created. These scenarios were equivalent to growth rates of 2.1, 1.28, and about 1 per cent per year. The last or more optimistic vehicle growth scenario, from the gasoline consumption perspective, appeared consistent with the theory of vehicle saturation. One scenario for the average miles per gallon indicator was created for each one of the size of fleet indicators by distributing the fleet every year assuming a 7 percent replacement rate. Three scenarios for the price of oil were also created: the first one used the average price of oil in the sample since 1970, the second was obtained by extending the price trend by exponential smoothing, and the third one used a longtime forecast supplied by the Energy Information Administration. The three scenarios created for the price of oil covered a range between a low of about 42 dollars per barrel to highs in the low 100's. The 1970-2006 gasoline consumption trend was extended to year 2020 by ARIMA Box-Jenkins time series analysis, leading to a gasoline consumption value of about 10 millions barrels per day in year 2020. This trend line was taken as the reference or baseline of gasoline consumption. The savings that resulted by application of the explanatory variable OLS model were measured against such a baseline of gasoline consumption. Even on the most pessimistic scenario the savings obtained by the progressive improvement of the fuel efficiency indicator seem enough to offset the increase in consumption that otherwise would have occurred by extension of the trend, leaving consumption at the 2006 levels or about 9 million barrels per day. The most optimistic scenario led to savings up to about 2 million barrels per day below the 2006 level or about 3 millions barrels per day below the baseline in 2020. The "expected" or average consumption in 2020 is about 8 million barrels per day, 2 million barrels below the baseline or 1 million below the 2006 consumption level. More savings are possible if technologies such as plug-in hybrids that have been already implemented in other countries take over soon, are efficiently promoted, or are given incentives or subsidies such as tax credits. The savings in gasoline consumption may in the future contribute to stabilize the price of oil as worldwide demand is tamed by oil saving policy changes implemented in the United States.

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