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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Modélisation numérique du comportement rhéologique du bois soumis à une large gamme de vitesses de déformation : application au liège et au balsa

Mairesse, Julien 22 January 2010 (has links)
Le bois est utilisé comme matériau absorbeur de chocs dans les conteneurs de transport du CEA. La simulation numérique des crashs tests de ces structures fait partie intégrante de leur développement et de leur validation. Il est donc impératif d’étudier expérimentalement les différentes essences de ces matériaux afin de mettre en évidence leurs caractéristiques et de déterminer leurs lois de comportement. En effet, ces données sont absolument nécessaires afin d’alimenter les modèles numériques retenus pour les simulations. A partir des modèles existants dans les codes de calcul ou par la programmation de lois de comportement spécifiques prenant en compte le paramètre vitesse de déformation, le comportement de ce matériau cellulaire a été simulé afin de participer à ce programme de validation produit. / Wood is usually used as material absorber of shocks in CEA’s containers. Numerical simulation of crash-test of these structures is an integral part of their development and their validation. It is thus imperative to experimentally study various type of wood to highlight their characteristics and determine their behavior. Indeed, these data are absolutely necessary to feed the numerical models chosen for the simulations. From the existing models in simulation tools or by programming specific laws, both taking into account the parameter strain rate, the behavior of this cellular material was modeled to participate in this product program.

Experimental and numerical study of the mechanical behavior of metal/polymer multilayer composite for ballistic protection / Etude expérimental et numérique du comportement mécanique de composites multicouches polymère/métal pour protection balistique

Francart, Charles 13 October 2017 (has links)
L’étude présentée porte sur le développement d’un modèle numérique destiné à évaluer les performances balistiques d’une structure multicouche polymère/métal frittée par procédé SPS. Les matériaux sont un alliage d’aluminium 7020 et un polyimide thermoplastique amorphe qui sont ensuite assemblés avec une résine epoxy. Le comportement mécanique de ces trois matériaux a été étudié sur de larges gammes de vitesses de déformations (de 0.0001 /s à 50.000 /s) et de températures (de -70°C à 500°C) correspondant aux conditions extrêmes rencontrées lors d’impacts à hautes vitesses. Afin d’améliorer la précision des résultats, des approches analytiques ont été développées autant pour la modélisation du métal que pour celle les polymères. Après la calibration des modèles, ces derniers ont été implémenté dans ABAQUS®/Explicit (éléments finis) via des subroutines VUMAT en code FORTRAN. Des essais d’impacts de billes à hautes vitesses ont été réalisés sur des cibles monocouches pour valider les modèles numériques. De nombreuses configurations de composites multicouches ont ensuite été étudiées numériquement et leurs performances balistiques ont été comparées. / The present study deals with the development of a numerical model to evaluate the ballistic performance of a polymer/metal multilayer structure sintered by SPS. The materials are an aluminum alloy 7020 and an amorphous thermoplastic polyimide which are then assembled using an epoxy resin. The mechanical behavior of these three materials has been studied over wide ranges of strain rates (from 0.0001 / s to 50,000 / s) and temperatures (from -70 °C to 500 °C) corresponding to the extreme conditions encountered during impacts at high velocities. In order to improve the accuracy of the results, analytical approaches have been developed both for the modeling of the metal and for the polymers. After the calibration of the models, these models were implemented in ABAQUS® / Explicit (finite elements) via VUMAT subroutines in FORTRAN code. Ball impact tests at high velocities were performed on monolayer targets to validate numerical models. Numerous configurations of multilayer composites were then studied numerically and their ballistic performances have been compared.

Intégration dans un code éléments finis d'un modèle de comportement en grandes déformations pour les polymères amorphes : applications à une large gamme de vitesses de déformation et à la mise en forme / Implementation in a finite element code of constitutive model for amorphous polymers : applications to a wide range of strain rate anf forming processes

Bernard, Chrystelle 16 June 2015 (has links)
De nos jours, de nombreuses pièces mécaniques sont fabriquées en polymères. Ces matériaux présentent un comportement complexe très sensible à la vitesse de déformation et à la température. De nombreux modèles de comportement mécanique, tenant compte de cette double sensibilité, ont été développés au cours des dernières années dans le but de décrire le comportement élasto-viscoplastique des polymères en grandes déformations sur de larges plages de vitesses de déformation et de températures. Afin de prévoir la tenue de pièces mécaniques en polymère soumises à un ensemble de sollicitations complexes, l'utilisation de méthodes numériques, telles que la méthode des Éléments Finis (EF), s'avèrent incontournables. Cependant, la qualité de la prévision numérique est fortement dépendante de la loi de comportement utilisée. Ainsi, nous proposons d'étudier deux modèles de comportement qui ont été introduits dans deux codes de calcul par EF : un modèle phénoménologique simple, introduit dans CAST3M, et un modèle micromécanique, introduit dans ABAQUS/Explicit. Le modèle phénoménologique permet de modéliser le comportement mécanique des polymères vitreux en petites déformations sur une plage de vitesses de déformation et de températures réduite. Un essai de compression reproduisant le dispositif des barres d'Hopkinson a été simulé pour plusieurs vitesses de déformation et températures. Une bonne corrélation a été trouvée entre résultats expérimentaux et les prévisions numériques. De plus, de rapides estimations du coefficient de Taylor-Quinney et de la contrainte à l'interface, liée au frottement entre l'échantillon et les barres de compression, ont pu être trouvées. Le modèle micromécanique décrit le comportement des polymères amorphes en grandes déformations sur de larges gammes de vitesses de déformation et de températures. Il a été développé au sein de notre équipe de recherche par Richeton et al. [Int. J. Solids Struct. 44 (2007) 7938] et propose une dépendance à la vitesse de déformation et à la température de différentes propriétés matériau (module élastique, contrainte seuil, durcissement structural). Afin de modéliser le comportement de structures polymères soumises à des chargements dynamiques ou à de la mise en forme, un sous-programme VUMAT est écrit. Après validation de l'intégration numérique du sous-programme sur des essais de compression/traction simple, deux applications ont été simulées. La première application a consisté en la modélisation d'un essai d'impact d'une plaque polymère par un projectile hémisphérique. La seconde application est un essai de forgeage à froid. Dans les deux cas, les prévisions numériques sont en accord avec les résultats expérimentaux issus de la littérature. / Nowadays, numerous structural parts are made in polymeric materials. These materials exhibit a complex behavior strongly sensitive to strain rate and temperature. Numerous constitutive equations have been developed during the last decades in order to describe the elastic-viscoplastic behavior of polymers in finite strain for a wide range of strain rates and temperature. To provide for the holding of mechanical parts polymer subject to a complex set of loads, the use of numerical methods, such as Finite Element (FE) method, is unavoidable. However, the quality of the numerical prediction is strongly dependent to the used constitutive equations. Thus, we proposed to study two models of mechanical behavior implemented in two FE softwares: a simple phenomenological model, introduced in CAST3M, and a micromechanical model, introduced in ABAQUS/Explicit. The phenomenological model allows simulating the mechanical behavior of glassy polymers in small strains over a reduced range of strain rates and temperatures. A compressive test reproducing the Split Hopkinson Pressure Bar device is simulated for several strain rates and temperatures. A good correlation is found between experimental results and numerical predictions. Moreover, an estimation of Taylor-Quinney coefficient and the interfacial stress, due to the friction between the polymer sample and the compressive bars, have been found. The micromechanical model describes the mechanical behavior of amorphous polymers in finite strain over a wide range of strain rates and temperatures. It has been developed in our research team by Richeton et al. [Int. J. Solids Struct. 44 (2007) 7938] and proposes to take into account the strain rate and temperature dependence of various material properties (elastic modulus, yield stress, orientational hardening). In order to simulate the mechanical behaviour of polymeric structures under dynamic loadings or during forming processes, a VUMAT subroutine is written. After validation of the numerical implementation of the VUMAT subroutine for simple compressive/tensile tests, two applications were simulated. The first application is a normal impact test of a polymeric plate by a hemispherical projectile. The second application is a cold forging test. In both cases, numerical predictions are in agreement with the experimental results from the literature.

A numerical platform for the identification of dynamic non-linear constitutive laws using multiple impact tests : application to metal forming and machining / Une plate-forme numérique pour l'identification des lois de comportement dynamiques non linéaires à l'aide d'essais d'impact multiples

Ming, Lu 28 March 2018 (has links)
Le travail principal de cette thèse consiste à proposer une nouvelle procédure d'identification inverse appliquée aux situations de mise en forme et d'usinage des métaux, qui peut fournir un ensemble de paramètres appropriés pour toute loi constitutive elastoplastique suivant le modèle de plasticité de type J_{2} avec écrouissage isotrope, en évaluant la corrélation entre les réponses expérimentales et numériques. En premier lieu, un programme d'identification a été développé, en combinant l'algorithme de Levenberg-Marquardt et des méthodes de traitement de données pour identifier les paramètres constitutifs. En termes d'expérimentation, des essais de compression et de traction dynamiques ont été effectués. La forme finale déformée des spécimens, qui repose sur une analyse post-mortem, a été choisie comme quantité d'observation. Comme pour la simulation numérique, des modèles numériques de ces mêmes procédures expérimentales ont été construits en utilisant le code éléments finis Abaqus/Explicit afin de fournir des réponses numériques. Un algorithme numérique a été proposé pour l'implémentation de lois constitutives elastoplastiques définies par l'utilisateur dans Abaqus/Explicit. / The main concern of this thesis is to propose a new inverse identification procedure applied to metal forming and machining situations, which can provide an appropriate parameters set for any elastoplastic constitutive law following J_{2} plasticity and isotropic hardening, by evaluating the correlation between the experimental and numerical responses. Firstly the identification program has been developed, which combines the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and the Data processing methods to optimize the constitutive parameters. In terms of experimentation, dynamic compression and tensile tests have been conducted. The final deformed shape of specimens, which relies on a post-mortem analysis, has been selected as the observation quantity. As for the numerical simulation, the numerical models of the same experimental procedure have been built with the finite element software Abaqus/Explicit in order to provide numerical responses. A numerical algorithm has been proposed for the implementation of user defined elastoplastic constitutive laws in Abaqus/Explicit.

A numerical platform for the identification of dynamic non-linear constitutive laws using multiple impact tests : application to metal forming and machining

Ming, Lu 28 March 2018 (has links) (PDF)
The main concern of this thesis is to propose a new inverse identification procedure applied to metal forming and machining situations, which can provide an appropriate parameters set for any elastoplastic constitutive law following J_{2} plasticity and isotropic hardening, by evaluating the correlation between the experimental and numerical responses. Firstly the identification program has been developed, which combines the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm and the Data processing methods to optimize the constitutive parameters. In terms of experimentation, dynamic compression and tensile tests have been conducted. The final deformed shape of specimens, which relies on a post-mortem analysis, has been selected as the observation quantity. As for the numerical simulation, the numerical models of the same experimental procedure have been built with the finite element software Abaqus/Explicit in order to provide numerical responses. A numerical algorithm has been proposed for the implementation of user defined elastoplastic constitutive laws in Abaqus/Explicit.

3D finite element model for predicting cutting forces in machining unidirectional carbon fiber reinforced polymer (CFRP) composites

Salehi, Amir Salar 04 January 2019 (has links)
Excellent properties of Carbon Fiber Reinforced Polymer (CFRP) composites are usually obtained in the direction at which carbon fibers are embedded in the polymeric matrix material. The outstanding properties of this material such as high strength to weight ratio, high stiffness and high resistance to corrosion can be tailored to meet specific design applications. Despite their excellent mechanical properties, application of CFRPs has been limited to more lucrative sectors such as aerospace and automotive industries. This is mainly due to the high costs involved in manufacturing of this material. Machining, milling and drilling, is a critical part of finishing stage of manufacturing process. Milling and drilling of CFRP is complicated due to the inhomogeneous nature of the material and extreme abrasiveness of carbon fibers. This is why CFRP parts are usually made near net shape. However, no matter how close they are produced to the final shape, there still is an inevitable need for some post machining to obtain dimensional accuracies and tolerances. Problems such as fiber-matrix debonding, subsurface damage, rapid tool wear, matrix cracking, fiber pull-out, and delamination are usually expected to occur in machining CFRPs. These problems can affect the dimensional accuracy and performance of the CFRP part in its future application. To improve the efficiency of the machining processes, i.e. to reduce the costs and increase the surface quality, researchers began studying machining Fiber Reinforced Polymer (FRP) composites. Studies into FRPs can be divided in three realms; analytical, experimental and numerical. Analytical models are only good for a limited range [0° – 75°] of Fiber Orientations , to be found from now on as “FO” in this thesis. Experimental studies are expensive and time consuming. Also, a wide variety of controlling parameters exist in an experimental machining study; including cutting parameters such as depth of cut, cutting speed, FO, spindle speed, feed rate as well as tool geometry parameters such as rake angle, clearance angle, and tool edge/nose radius. Furthermore, the powdery dust created during machining is known to cause serious health hazards for the operator. Numerical models, on the other hand, offer the unique capability of studying the complex interaction between the tool and workpiece as well as chip formation mechanisms during the cut. Large number of contributing parameters can be included in the numerical model without wasting material. Three main objectives of numerical models are to predict principal cutting force, thrust force and post-machining subsurface damage. Knowing these, one can work on optimization of machining process by tool geometry and path design. Previous numerical studies mainly focus on the orthogonal cutting of FRP composites. Thus, the existing models in the literature are two-dimensional (2D) for the most part. The 2D finite element models assume plain stress or strain condition. Accordingly, the reported results cannot be reliable and extendable to real cutting situations such as drilling and milling, where oblique cutting of the material occurs. Most of the numerical studies to date claim to predict the principle cutting forces fairly acceptable, yet not for the whole range of fiber orientations. Predicted thrust forces, on the other hand, are generally not in good agreement with experimental results at all. Subsurface damage is reported by some experimental studies and again only for a limited FO range. To address the lack of reliable force and subsurface damage prediction model for the whole FO range, this thesis aims to develop a 3D finite element model, in hope of capturing out-of-plane displacements during stress formation in different material phases (Fiber, Matrix and the Interface bonding). ABAQUS software was chosen as the most commonly used finite element simulation tool in the literature. In present work a user-defined material subroutine (VUMAT) is developed to simulate behavior of carbon fibers during the cut. Carbon fibers are assumed to behave transversely isotropic with brittle (perfectly elastic) fracture. Epoxy matrix is simulated with elasto-plastic behavior. Ductile and shear damage models are also incorporated for the matrix. Surface-based cohesive zone technique in ABAQUS is used to simulate the behavior of the zero-thickness bonding layer. The tool is modeled as a rigid body. Mechanical properties were extracted from the literature. The obtained numerical results are compared to the experimental and numerical data in literature. The model is capable of capturing principal forces very well. Cutting force increases with FO from zero to 45° and then decreases up to 135°. The simulated thrust forces are still underestimated mainly due to the fiber elastic recovery effect. Also, the developed 3D model is shown to capture the subsurface damage generally by means of a predefined dimensionless state variable called, Contact Damage (CSDMG). This variable varies between zero to one. It is stored at each time step and can be called out at the end of the analysis. It was shown that depth of fiber-matrix debonding increases with increase in FO. / Graduate

Applications of Cohesive Zone Models in Dynamic Failure Analysis

Li, Bo 07 June 2016 (has links)
No description available.

A Constitutive Model for Crushable Polymer Foams Used in Sandwich Panels: Theory and FEA Application

Tong, Xiaolong 25 August 2020 (has links)
No description available.

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