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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Ehrlichia ruminantium : genome assembly and analysis with the identification and testing of vaccine candidate genes

Liebenberg, Junita 06 January 2011 (has links)
A shotgun genome sequencing project was undertaken in the expectation that access to the entire protein coding potential of E. Ruminantium (Welgevonden) will facilitate the identification of vaccine candidate genes against heartwater. The 1,516,355 bp sequence is predicted to encode 888 proteins and 41 stable RNA species. The most prominent feature is the large number of tandemly repeated and duplicated sequences, some of continuously variable copy number. These repeats have mediated numerous translocation and inversion events and seem to be responsible for the generation of both new full and partial protein coding sequences. There are 32 predicted pseudogenes, most of which are truncated fragments of genes associated with repeats. Of the 13 members of the order Rickettsiales compared in this study, E. Ruminantium has the lowest coding capacity (62%), lowest GC content (27.5%), but the highest proportion of repetitive sequences, which comprise 8.5% of the genome. Metabolic reconstruction of E. Ruminantium revealed the metabolic and biosynthetic capabilities typical of an obligate intracellular organism. We identified a number of genes unique to E. Ruminantium, most of which are not functionally characterised in any organism, and those shared with 12 other members of the Rickettsiales. Bioinformatic tools were used to identify possible vaccine candidates from the annotated genome sequence. The protective properties of seven open reading frames (ORFs), which induced cellular immune responses in vitro, were tested in vivo Only 20% survival was obtained in sheep immunised with a DNA formulation consisting of three ORFs. We found that the levels of peripheral blood mononuclear cell proliferation and interferon-gamma (IFN-γ) production did not correlate with each other, nor with the levels of protection, suggesting that the current assays are just not reliable and that IFN-γ expression alone is not an indicator of protection. Therefore more cytokines and different assays will have to be investigated to define in detail what constitutes a protective immune response against E. Ruminantium infection. However, the data generated from the genome sequence will continue to facilitate novel approaches to study the organism and to develop an efficacious vaccine against heartwater. / Thesis (PhD)--University of Pretoria, 2010. / Veterinary Tropical Diseases / unrestricted

Assessing the immunogenicity of the major outer membrane protein porin B of Neisseria gonorrhoeae as a vaccine candidate

Le, TuQuynh Khac 22 January 2016 (has links)
Neisseria gonorrhoeae is a strict human pathogen and the causative agent of the sexually transmitted disease, gonorrhea. Gonococcal (GC) diseases remain one of the most reported sexually transmitted infections (STI) worldwide, representing a significant threat to reproductive health and burden on global health systems, accounting for 541,987 disability adjusted-life years in the year 2011. Infection by N. gonorrhoeae also increases the likelihood of patient acquisition and transmission of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV). Unfortunately, antibiotic treatment to gonococcal diseases is being threatened by the rapid spread of resistance to third-generation cephalosporins, the remaining treatment option used in clinics. The urgency of the situation is compounded by the relative lack of immunological protection conferred by previous infection by the bacterium. In response to the emergence of multidrug resistance, renewed energies are being directed towards the development of an effective, broadly protective vaccine. Difficulties in vaccine development arise from a lack of known correlates of protective immunity; there is no known broadly cross-protective immunity to GC and a truly reflective animal model has not been available. Nonetheless, previous studies have indicated that porins, neisserial major outer membrane proteins, are promising vaccine candidates. PorB makes up over 60% of the bacterium's outer membrane content and is involved in solute and ion exchange, invasion of target host cells, and evasion of host immunity. Porins from both the gonococcus and the meningococcus have been shown to have immunostimulatory activity, boosting B and dendritic (DC) cell proliferation and maturation in the absence of an exogenous adjuvant as mediated by TLR2 and MyD88. Importantly, as a potential vaccine candidate, PorB has relatively low antigenic variability, and can induce bactericidal antibodies. Gonococcal PorB was purified from a genetically modified strain, MS11delP3, which lacks another outer membrane protein, RMP, which is known to induce bactericidal blocking antibodies. PorB was formed into pure protein micelles, termed proteosomes, to protect the integrity of the native trimeric structure. Our study demonstrated that gonococcal PorB is able to stimulate both human embryonic kidney (HEK) cell line that overexpresses TLR2 and mouse primary macrophages (similar to the meningococcal PorB). To test PorB's immunogenicity, mice were immunized three times at two week intervals with PorB and porin specific IgG levels were measured. Unfortunately, PorB elicited lower levels of porin specific IgG than what was expected, which may be due to technical issues. We are currently investigating various possibilities. In addition, further immunization studies shall be carried out to better contextualize these results.

Développement de nouvelles approches thérapeutiques dans la lutte contre les infections à arénavius : vaccination et immunothérapie passive / Development of new therapeutic approaches in the fight against arenavirus infections : vaccination and passive immunotherapy

Zaza, Amélie 25 January 2018 (has links)
La famille des Arenaviridae comporte sept virus responsables de fièvres hémorragiques humaines. Ces virus représentent un risque naturel pour les populations vivant dans les zones endémiques, ou y séjournant comme les militaires français déployés. Ce risque peut également toucher des populations vivant en dehors des zones endémiques en raison du risque d'importation d'un patient infecté ou consécutivement à l'utilisation intentionnelle et malveillante de tels virus dans le cadre d'une attaque bioterroriste. Les fièvres hémorragiques humaines causées par les arénavirus sont relativement rares et les premiers symptômes, non spécifiques, sont souvent confondus avec ceux de maladies plus fréquentes dans ces régions, comme le paludisme ou les arboviroses. Par conséquent, le diagnostic clinique est souvent retardé, ce qui réduit l'efficacité du seul traitement étiologique actuellement préconisé, la ribavirine. Dans ce contexte, le développement de solutions prophylactiques similaires au vaccin Candid #1, protégeant contre l'arénavirus Junin, constituent une alternative intéressante. Dans le cadre du développement de candidats vaccins, la première stratégie utilisée dans ce travail a consisté à atténuer la pathogénicité du virus d'intérêt en ciblant une étape clé de la réplication des arénavirus. Nous avons choisi l'étape du bourgeonnement viral, dont l'acteur principal est la protéine Z. Une preuve de concept a été réalisée avec le virus de la chorioméningite lymphocytaire (LCMV). Pour cela, nous avons conçu un système de génétique inverse qui exprime un segment L viral où le gène de la protéine Z est remplacé par un gène d'intérêt. De manière surprenante, ce virus recombinant était capable de produire en culture cellulaire une progénie à un titre très faible sans l'apport en trans de la protéine Z. Nous avons identifié des domaines tardifs dans la séquence peptidique de la nucléoprotéine, motifs peptidiques permettant le détournement de la machinerie cellulaire impliquée dans la production d'exosomes et présents dans les protéines de matrices virales, comme la protéine Z des arénavirus. Nous avons observé que ces domaines pourraient partiellement compenser l'absence de la protéine Z. Des résultats similaires ont été obtenus avec deux autres arénavirus ayant une importance majeure en santé publique, les virus Lassa et Machupo, tous deux responsables de fièvres hémorragiques humaines. Cette suppression pourrait constituer une stratégie d'atténuation et semblerait prometteuse en vue du développement de candidats vaccins réplicatifs atténués. En effet, elle pourrait être utilisée sur plusieurs arénavirus responsables de pathologies humaines. Une approche complémentaire à cette stratégie vaccinale a été envisagée. Dans le but de développer un traitement d'urgence, utilisant des immunoglobulines équines hautement purifiées, les F(ab')2, selon la méthodologie de la société Fab'entech, deux études préliminaires ont été réalisées. La première a permis de vérifier la capcité des virus à se répliquer dans les cellules immunitaires circulantes de cheval. La seconde a permis l'évaluation du cahier des charges qualité de particules virales en vue de leur utilisation comme source d'antigène afin de produire les F(ab')2. Une seconde stratégie vaccinale a été envisagée, basée sur une modification du nombre de segments génomiques viraux. Des travaux précédents ont montré qu'un arénavirus à 3 segments, au lieu de 2, était viable et atténué, tout en pouvant exprimer 2 gènes d'intérêt supplémentaires. Cette stratégie a été utilisée sur le virus Machupo, responsable de fièvres hémorragiques en Bolivie. Ce virus recombinant devrait exprimer les glycoprotéiques tronquées des virus Chapare et Guanarito. Ce candidat vaccin a été caractérisé en culture cellulaire, et a induit une protection de 50% des animaux lors d'une administration en post-exposition [etc...] / The Arenaviridae family comprises seven viruses responsible for human hemorrhagic fevers. These viruses represent a natural threat to the local populations, healthcare workers and scientists, as well as to the French forces deployed in the regions where these viruses are endemic. This viral threat can also be intentional in case of a bioterrorist attack. Human hemorrhagic fevers caused by arenaviruses are relatively rare and the first symptoms, frequently non-specific, are often confused with more common diseases such as malaria. Therefore, their diagnosis is delayed, which reduces the efficacy of ribavirin, the only etiological treatment currently recommended. ln this context, the development of prophylactic treatments, such as the Candid #1 vaccine targeting the Junin arenavirus, are an interesting alternative. The first strategy developed in this work to produce a vaccine candidate relied on the attenuation of the virus of interest by targeting a key stage of its replication. We chose the egress step, in which the main actor is the Z protein. This work was conducted using the lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV). We therefore designed a reverse genetic system, and replaced the Z gene by the fluorescent protein eGFP reporter gene. Surprisingly, during its cellular infection, a progeny was detected in absence of the Z protein trans-complementation although the titer remained very low. ln this infectious model, we further identified late motifs in the nucleoprotein genome, comparable to those known in the Z protein. These NP late motifs seemed to play an essential role in the compensation of the absence of the Z protein. Similar results were observed using two others arenaviruses of medical importance, the Lassa and Machupo viruses, responsible of human hemorrhagic fevers. The strong diminution of the resulting vaccine candidate replication suggests that this strategy would render safe enough BSL-4 viruses to be used as a multivalent vaccine platform in humans. A complementary approach has been studied in this work. ln order to develop an emergency treatment, based on the production of highly purified F(ab')2 equine immunoglobulins, according to the Fab'entech technology. Two preliminary studies were carried out. The first one consisted in the study of the replication of arenaviruses in circulating horse's white blood cells. The second tested the specifications of attenuated viral particles that could be used as an antigen source to produce the F(ab')2 under good manufacturing practices. Another vaccine strategy was developed using the previously described duplication of the LCMV S genomic small segment in order to produce a tri-segmented recombinant virus. This genetic modification, known to attenuate the LCMV virus pathogenicity, allows the expression of two genes of interest. This strategy has been applied onto the South American Machupo virus, responsible for hemorrhagic fevers in Bolivia. A recombinant Machupo virus was designed to express the truncated glycoproteins of the Chapare and Guanarito viruses, two other New World mammarenaviruses responsible of human hemorrhagic fevers. This vaccine candidate was characterized in cell culture, and showed a 50% post-exposure protective effect in the animal model used. Taken together this work led to the development of two vaccine strategies and to the identification of a promising source of antigens to be used to produce highly purified F(ab')2 polyclonal immunoglobulin, which is the first step to the development of an emergency treatment

Molecular and Functional Characterization of Onchocerca volvulus Gene Products (Ov58GPCR and Ov-DKR-1) in the Control of Human Onchocerciasis

Adamu, Robert 20 December 2018 (has links) (PDF)
Onchocerciasis is a severely debilitating yet neglected tropical disease (NTD) currently affecting approximately 15.5 million people, including 12.2 million people with skin disease and 1.025 million with vision loss. The disease causes social stigma, generates and perpetuates poverty, and leads ultimately to irreversible unilateral or bilateral blindness if untreated. Consequently, onchocerciasis is a major impediment to socioeconomic development in addition to being a major public health concern in some African countries. Many control programs have been launched against the disease with moderate successes achieved in Africa. These limited outcomes are partially due to the unavailability of reliable, non-invasive and easily applicable diagnostic tools for mapping endemic regions, monitoring control program successes, determining treatment endpoints and post-elimination surveillance. The current WHO recommendations for certification of elimination include the use of the Ov16 antibody detection ELISA which is flawed by an intrinsic systematic error as 15-25% of infected populations may not produce antibodies against this antigen due to genetic restrictions. With the recent shift in the global health goal of onchocerciasis from control to elimination, there is a need for the development of novel appropriate tools. These tools include amongst others, drugs, diagnostics, and vaccines. In this work, bioinformatics analyses combined with immunological assays were applied in a bid to develop potential tools for the current elimination programs. With regards to chemotherapy, Ivermectin which has been the sole drug for onchocerciasis treatment for over 30 years kills only the microfilariae (mf) leaving the adult worms intact which continue to produce the mf. Moreover, there is a recent problem of development of parasite resistance to this drug. In addition, moxidectin which was recently approved for treatment is contra-indicated in pregnant women and children under 12 who could continue to serve as reservoirs for infection. There is therefore a need to develop new treatment strategies, preferably for macrofilaricidal drugs. For a total eradication of onchocerciasis, diagnosis and treatment must be complemented with vaccine development. The aim of this work was therefore (i) to characterise an O. volvulus antigen, Ov58GPCR and (ii) to design an epitope-based chimeric antigen, which we designated, Ov-DKR-1, within the framework of the development of onchocerciasis control tools. In order to achieve the first goal, towards diagnosis, synthetic peptides representing linear B-epitopes and the recombinant extracellular domain of a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) with diagnostic potential were tested for their immune responses using serum from onchocerciasis-infected individuals and various controls. The results obtained indicate that (i) the O. volvulus antigen, Ov58GPCR is a G-protein coupled receptor (GPCR) conserved in related nematodes, (ii) synthetic peptides predicted to be in the extracellular domain (ECD) of Ov58GPCR are indeed immunogenic epitopes in onchocerciasis-infected individuals, (iii) synthetic peptide cocktails discriminate between actively-infected individuals, treated non-infected individuals and healthy African controls, (iv) polyclonal antibodies against one of the peptides or against the bacterially-expressed ECD reacted specifically with the native antigen in O. volvulus total and surface extracts, (v) Ov58GPCR is transcribed in both larvae and adult parasite stages, (vi) IgG and IgE responses to the recombinant ECD decline with Ivermectin treatment. All these findings suggest that the recombinant extracellular domain and synthetic peptides of Ov58GPCR, as well as the specific immune responses generated, could be harnessed in the context of disease diagnosis and surveillance. To assess the potential role of Ov58GPCR in drug or vaccine target development, preliminary examination on the essentiality of the Ov58GPCR for parasite survival was evaluated through RNA interference. A short-interfering RNA (siRNA) sequence targeting the gene designed and tested by soaking with O. volvulus male worms resulted in a reduction in motility. Results indicated that the gene may be involved primarily in motility. Further investigations are recommended in this light. With regards to the second goal, towards the development of a potential immune-protective tool, many indicators reveal the possibility of the development of protective tools against onchocerciasis. Consequently, an immuno-informatics approach was applied to design a filarial-conserved multi-epitope subunit vaccine candidate consisting of B-and T-cell epitopes of proteins reported to be potential novel vaccine candidates. Conservation of the selected proteins in other nematode parasitic species and predicted epitopes suggests that the generated chimera protein (Ov-DKR-1) could be vital in cross-protection. The 3D structure was predicted, refined and validated bioinformatically. Protein-protein docking of the chimeric vaccine candidate with the TLR4 receptor predicted efficient favourable binding. Immune simulation predicted significantly high levels of IgG1, T-helper, T-cytotoxic cells, INF-γ, and IL-2 responses. Overall, the designed chimeric peptide demonstrated antigenicity superior to the current vaccine candidates. / L’onchocercose est une maladie tropicale sévèrement débilitante mais négligée qui touche actuellement environ 15,5 millions de personnes, dont 12,2 millions de souffrant de maladies de la peau et 1,025 millions de souffrant de perte de vision. La maladie provoque une stigmatisation sociale, génère et perpétue la pauvreté et finit par conduire à une cécité unilatérale ou bilatérale irréversible si elle n'est pas traitée. En conséquence, l’onchocercose est un obstacle majeur au développement socioéconomique en plus d’être une préoccupation majeure pour la santé publique. De nombreux programmes de lutte ont été lancés contre la maladie, avec quelques succès en Afrique. Ces résultats sous-optimaux (limités) sont en partie dus à l’absence d’outils fiables, non invasifs et facilement applicables pour la cartographie des régions endémiques, le suivi des succès des programmes de contrôle, la détermination des paramètres de traitement et la surveillance post-élimination. Les recommandations actuelles de l’OMS pour la certification de l’élimination incluent l’utilisation du test ELISA de détection d’anticorps Ov16, entaché d’une erreur systématique intrinsèque puisque 15 à 25% des populations infectées peuvent ne pas produire d’anticorps contre cet antigène en raison de restrictions génétiques. Avec l’évolution récente de l’objectif de santé mondial de l’onchocercose de passé de la lutte à l’élimination, il est donc nécessaire de mettre au point de nouveaux outils appropriés. Ces outils nécessaires incluent, entre autres, des médicaments, des diagnostics et des vaccins. Dans ce travail, des analyses bio-informatiques combinées à des tests immunologiques ont été appliquées dans le but de développer des outils potentiels pour les programmes d'élimination actuels. En ce qui concerne la chimiothérapie, l’ivermectine, qui est le seul médicament utilisé depuis plus de 30 ans pour le traitement de l’onchocercose, ne tue que les microfilaires (mf) laissant intacts les vers adultes qui continuent à produire le mf. A ceci joint, il y a le problème récent du développement de la résistance des parasites à ce médicament. En outre, un traitement récemment approuvé, la moxidectine, est contre-indiquée chez les femmes enceintes et les enfants de moins de 12 ans qui pourraient continuer à servir de réservoirs d’infection. Il est donc absolument nécessaire d’élaborer de nouvelles stratégies de traitement, de préférence pour les médicaments macrofilaricides. Pour une éradication totale de l’onchocercose, le développement du vaccin doit être complété par le diagnostic et le traitement. Le but de ce travail est donc de caractériser un antigène d'O. volvulus, Ov58GPCR et de concevoir un antigène chimérique à base d'épitope, que nous avons appelé Ov-DKR-1, dans le cadre du développement d'outils de contrôle de l'onchocercose.Concernant le premier objectif, des peptides synthétiques représentant des épitopes B linéaires et le domaine extracellulaire (DEC) recombinant d'un récepteur couplé à la protéine G (GPCR) présentant un potentiel diagnostique ont été testés pour déterminer leur réponse immunitaire en utilisant du sérum d'individus infectés par l'onchocercose et divers témoins. Les résultats obtenus indiquent que (i) l'antigène d'O. volvulus, Ov58GPCR est un récepteur couplé à la protéine-G (GPCR) conservé dans les nématodes apparentés (ii) les peptides synthétiques prédits comme localisés dans le domaine extracellulaire de Ov58GPCR sont bien des epitopes immunogéniques chez les individus infectés par l’onchocercose, (iii) les cocktails de peptides synthétiques établissent une distinction entre les individus activement infectés avec l’onchocercose, les individus non-infectés traités et les témoins africains en bonne santé, (iv) les anticorps polyclonaux contre un des peptides ou le domaine extracellulaire exprimé au bactéries réagisent spécifiquement avec l'antigène natif dans les extraits total et de surface d'O. volvulus, (v) Ov58GPCR est transcrit aux stades larvaire et adulte, (vi) les niveaux détectés d’IgG et IgE grâce à le DEC recombinant diminuent au cours du traitement par l'ivermectine. Toutes ces découvertes suggèrent que le domaine extracellulaire recombinant et les peptides synthétiques de Ov58GPCR, ainsi que les réponses immunitaires spécifiques générées, pourraient être exploités dans le contexte du diagnostic et de la surveillance de la maladie. Pour évaluer le rôle potentiel d’Ov58GPCR dans le développement de médicaments ou de vaccins cible, un examen préliminaire de l’indispensabilité du gène Ov58GPCR pour la survie du parasite a été évalué par interférence d’ARN. Une séquence d'ARN interférant court (ARNic) ciblant le gène conçu et testé par trempage avec des vers mâles d'O. volvulus a entraîné une réduction de la motilité. Les résultats ont indiqué que le gène pourrait être impliqué principalement dans la motilité. Des investigations complémentaires sont recommandées dans cette optique.Concernant le deuxième objectif, de nombreux indicateurs révèlent la possibilité de développer des outils de protection contre l’onchocercose. En conséquence, une approche immuno-informatique a été appliquée pour concevoir un candidat-vaccin des sous-unités de multi-épitopes conservées-filarienne consistant des épitopes de cellules B et T de protéines qui seraient de nouveaux candidats vaccins. La conservation des protéines sélectionnées chez d'autres espèces parasitaires de nématodes et d'épitopes prédits suggère que la protéine chimère générée (Ov-DKR-1) pourrait être vitale pour la protection croisée. La structure 3D a été prédite, raffinée et validée bioinformatiquement. La fixation protéine-protéine du candidat vaccin chimère au récepteur TLR4 prédit une liaison favorable efficace. La simulation immunitaire prédit des niveaux significativement élevés d'IgG1, de réponses T-helper, de cellules T-cytotoxiques, de INF-γ et d'IL-2. Globalement, le peptide chimère conçu a démontré une antigénicité supérieure aux candidats vaccins actuels. / Option Biologie moléculaire du Doctorat en Sciences / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished


Silva, Sara Campos da 09 December 2009 (has links)
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / Bovine herpesvirus 5 (BoHV-5) the agent of meningoencephalitis in cattle - is an important pathogen of cattle in South America and efforts have been made to produce safer and more effective vaccines. This dissertation relates an investigation of the virulence in rabbits of three BoHV-5 recombinants, vaccine candidates, defective in the glycoprotein E (BoHV-5gEΔ), thymidine kinase (BoHV-5TKΔ) and both genes (BoHV-5gEΔTKΔ). To this, four groups of eight rabbits each were inoculated intranasally with each recombinant or the parental strain (SV507/99) and monitored thereafter. At day 42 post inoculation (pi) the inoculated animals were submitted to dexamethasone (Dx) administration to reactivate latent infection. At day 70 pi, all animals were euthanized and the brain was collected for investigation of latent viral DNA by PCR. Rabbits inoculated with the parental virus shed virus between days 2 and 8 pi and all rabbits (n=8) developed neurological disease and died or were euthanized in extremis, between days 7 and 13 pi. Among the animals inoculated with the recombinants, viral shedding was detected between days 2 and 10 pi, in 7 out of 8 rabbits of the BoHV-5gEΔ group, in 6 out of 8 rabbits of the BoHV-5TKΔ group and in 3 out of 8 of the BoHV-5gEΔTKΔ group. In spite of variable levels of virus shedding, all rabbits inoculated with the recombinants seroconverted, developing virus-neutralizing antibodies in titers from 2 to 256 at day 42 pi. The rabbits inoculated with the parental virus showed a wide distribution of the virus in their brains, including the olfactory bulbs, cortices, medulla oblongata, pons, midbrain and thalamus. Three out of eight rabbits inoculated with the recombinant BoHV-5gEΔ developed neurological signs at days 10 and 15pi. A more restricted virus distribution, confined mainly to cerebral cortices and thalamus was detected in the brain of these animals. Rabbits inoculated with the recombinants BoHV-5TKΔ (n=8) or BoHV-5gEΔTKΔ (n=8) remained healthy during the experiment. Dx administration to rabbits inoculated with the three recombinants at day 42 pi did not result in viral reactivation, as demonstrated by lack of seroconversion or virus shedding. Nevertheless, viral DNA was detected in the trigeminal ganglia or olfactory bulbs of all these animals at day 28pDx, demonstrating they were latently infected. These results showed that the three recombinants were able to establish latent infection yet they were not easily reactivated by Dx administration. In summary, the recombinants BoHV-5TKΔ and BoHV-5gEΔTKΔ are attenuated for rabbits and constitute potential vaccine candidates. / O herpesvírus bovino tipo 5 (BoHV-5), agente da meningoencefalite herpética bovina, possui grande importância na América do Sul e tem motivado pesquisas para o desenvolvimento de vacinas eficazes e seguras. Essa dissertação relata a investigação da virulência em coelhos de três recombinantes do BoHV-5, candidatos vacinais, contendo deleções nos genes da glicoproteína E (gE) (BoHV-5gEΔ), da enzima timidina quinase (TK) (BoHV-5TKΔ) e deleção dupla nos genes da gE e TK (BoHV-5gEΔTKΔ). Para isso, quatro grupos de oito coelhos cada foram inoculados pela via intranasal com um dos recombinantes ou com a cepa parental (SV507/99) e monitorados nos dias seguintes à inoculação. No dia 42 pós-inoculação (pi) realizou-se a administração de dexametasona (Dx) para reativar a infecção latente e no dia 70 pi a eutanásia para a coleta do encéfalo para a pesquisa de DNA latente por PCR. Os coelhos inoculados com o vírus parental (SV507/99) excretaram vírus nas secreções nasais entre os dias 2 e 8 pós-inoculação (pi), e todos (n=8) desenvolveram doença neurológica e morreram ou foram submetidos à eutanásia in extremis entre os dias 7 e 13 pi. Excreção viral entre os dias 2 e 10 pi também foi detectada em 7 de 8 coelhos inoculados com o BoHV-5gEΔ; 6 de 8 inoculados com BoHV-5TKΔ e 3 de 8 inoculados com BoHV-5gEΔTKΔ. Apesar dos níveis variáveis de excreção viral, os animais inoculados com os três recombinantes soroconverteram, apresentando anticorpos neutralizantes em títulos entre 2 e 256 no dia 42 pi. Nos animais inoculados com o vírus parental, o vírus foi detectado amplamente disseminado no encéfalo, incluindo o bulbo olfatório, córtices, bulbo, ponte, mesencéfalo e tálamo. Dentre os animais inoculados com o recombinante BoHV-5gEΔ, três desenvolveram doença neurológica, nos dias 10 e 15 pi. Uma distribuição viral restrita aos córtices e tálamo foi detectada no encéfalo desses animais. Os coelhos inoculados com os recombinantes BoHV-5TKΔ (n=8) e BoHV-5gEΔTKΔ (n=8) permaneceram saudáveis. A administração de dexametasona (Dx) no dia 42 pi não resultou em reativação da infecção por nenhum dos recombinantes, demonstrada por ausência de soroconversão ou excreção viral em secreções. Entretanto, o DNA viral latente foi detectado no gânglio trigêmeo ou no bulbo olfatório de todos esses animais no dia 28 pDx (70dpi), demonstrando o estabelecimento da infecção latente. Esses resultados demonstram que os recombinantes são capazes de estabelecer a infecção latente, mas não são facilmente reativados pela administração de Dx. Em resumo, os recombinantes BoHV-5TKΔ e BoHV-5gEΔTKΔ são atenuados para coelhos constituindo-se, assim, em candidatos vacinais em potencial.

Synthèse et évaluation d’un candidat vaccin à 3 composantes (Agoniste TLR7-glycopeptoïde-OVA 323-339) dans le cadre d’une application en immunothérapie anti-tumorale / Synthesis and evaluation of a vaccine candidate (Agonist TLR7-Glycopeptoid-OVA 323-339) in the context of an application for anti-tumor immuno-therapy

Szekely, Thomas 10 July 2014 (has links)
Les antigènes saccharidiques associés aux tumeurs (TACAs) sont considérés comme des marqueurs de cellules tumorales. Le développement de candidats vaccins synthétiques capables d'induire des réponses immunitaires robustes dirigées contre ces TACAs est un vaste champ d'investigation depuis de nombreuses années. Dans cette optique, mon travail s'est principalement focalisé sur la conception d'un candidat vaccin à trois composantes qui peut activer spécifiquement les cellules dendritiques, les cellules TH et les cellules B. La première partie de la thèse consistait à effectuer une étude approfondie des méthodes submonomère et monomère en solution pour accéder à une plateforme β-tripeptoïde O-α-GalNAc (épitope des cellules B), servant de mime du cluster trimérique de l'antigène Tn (GalNAc-α-O-Ser/Thr). Pour renforcer la stimulation du système immunitaire, un agoniste du récepteur Toll 7 (TLR7) préalablement synthétisé (exprimé par les cellules dendritiques) a été ensuite couplé à cette plateforme par l'intermédiaire de l'acide amino-caproïque, pris comme espaceur. L'édifice candidat vaccin a ensuite été complété par conjugaison au peptide OVA 323-339 (épitope des cellules TH ) grâce à la réaction de cycloaddition 1,3-dipolaire CuAAC. Enfin, l'aptitude du candidat vaccin à induire une réponse anti-Tn a été évaluée par l'équipe du Pr. C. Leclerc de l'Institut Pasteur de Paris. En parallèle de ces études, nous avons mis au point des conditions de ligation multivalente par couplage thiol-ène (TEC) pour l'obtention de peptoïdes S-glycosylés. / Tumor-Associated Carbohydrate Antigen (TACAs) are considered as cancer cells markers. The development of synthetic vaccine candidates which are able to induce a robust immune response against these TACAs is a field of great interest since many years. In this context, my work has been focused mainly on the design of a three-component vaccine candidate with the ability to activate specifically dendritic cells, T H cells and B cells. The first part of the thesis consisted in making a deep study on the submonomer and monomer methods for solution-phase synthesis of a β-tripeptoid O-α-GalNAc scaffold (B epitope). Its role is to mimic the Tn (GalNAc-α-O-Ser/Thr) trimeric cluster which is naturally present on tumor cells surface. To strengthen the stimulation of the immune system, a TLR7 agonist (receptor express by dendritic cells) has been, firstly, coupled through an amino-caproic acid spacer. The vaccine candidate has been next completed by conjugation with the OVA 323- 339 peptide (TH epitope) using the Copper-catalized Alkyne-Azide Cycloaddition (CuAAC). Finally, the capacity of this construction to generate anti-Tn response have been evaluated by the groupe of C. Leclerc of Institut Pasteur of Paris. At the same time, we have also developed conditions for multivalent ligations using thiol-ene coupling (TEC) to obtain a β-tripeptoid S-α-GalNAc scaffolds.


Prabha K Bista (14206271) 02 December 2022 (has links)
<p>  </p> <p><em>Fusobacterium necrophorum</em> is a Gram-negative, anaerobic, opportunistic pathogen that causes necrotic infections in cattle leading to liver abscess, foot rot, and calf diphtheria. Particularly, liver abscess in cattle is reported at 20.7% annually, and leads to liver condemnation and an annual economic burden of about 62 million dollars to the feedlot industry. Antibiotic administration is the mainstay of treating these infections, but antibiotic resistance is unavoidable and demand for antibiotic-free, natural, and organic beef has demanded alternative therapies and preventatives. Vaccination is one of the best alternatives to prophylactic antibiotic administration. In this study, we have explored outer membrane proteins (OMPs) and outer membrane vesicles (OMVs) for potential vaccine candidates. OMPs and OMVs are vaccine targets because of their antigenic properties and host specificity. Additionally, we performed comparative genomic analysis of <em>F. necrophorum</em> species to identify additional virulence genes with vaccine potential, unique to the <em>F. necrophorum</em> and its virulent subspecies <em>necrophorum</em>. </p> <p>Protein- protein interaction investigation through binding assay and pulldown assay identified novel OMPs, namely 17kDa, 22kDa, and 66.3 kDa proteins, which were further characterized as OmpH, OmpA and Cell Surface Protein (CSP), respectively. In this study, these novel OMPs including previously characterized 43kDa OMPs were cloned, and recombinant proteins were expressed and purified. These recombinant proteins were used to generate polyclonal antibodies in rabbits, and their efficacy was studied using <em>in vitro</em> adhesion inhibition assays. The combination of two or more antibodies raised against the recombinant OMPs was significantly effective in reducing/neutralizing bacterial binding to bovine endothelial cells compared to individual antibody treatment. This suggests that a multiple subunit vaccine could be effective and provide sufficient evidence to perform <em>in vivo</em> studies. </p> <p>Similarly, we purified OMVs of <em>F. necrophorum</em> subspecies <em>necrophorum</em> 8L1 and analyzed its content using proteomics and lipidomics. Out of 342 proteins identified by tandem liquid chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS), OMPs and toxins were the most abundant. These included OMPs and toxins namely, 43 kDa OMP, OmpH, OmpA, CSP, FadA, leukotoxin family filamentous adhesin, N-terminal domain of hemagglutinin and other OMP transport and assembly factor protein. The presence of a subset of these proteins was further confirmed by western blot analysis. Lipidomics analysis showed that OMVs contained phospholipid, sphingolipid, and acetyl carnitine as the main lipid contents. Cytotoxicity assay on BL-3 cell line showed that these OMVs have a toxic effect on host immune cells and could impart immunomodulatory effect. All these findings suggest the vaccine potential of OMVs and demand dose-based <em>in vivo</em> study.</p> <p>In addition, we identified and characterized 5 clinical isolates of <em>F. necrophorum</em> using comparative genomics, UBCG (Up-to-date Bacterial Core Gene) based analysis enabled phylogenetic characterization of 46 <em>F. necrophorum</em> genomes into subspecies specific clades. The pangenome and recombination analysis showed the extensive disparity in accessory genes resulting in species divergence. Strikingly, we detected antimicrobial resistance gene for macrolides and tetracycline in one strain of <em>F. necrophorum</em>, a harbinger of the start of resistance and necessitating search for an alternative prophylactic method. We also noted common virulence genes, including toxins, outer membrane adhesion proteins, cell envelope, type IV secretion system, ABC (ATP-binding cassette) transporters and transporter proteins in <em>F. necrophorum</em> strains. A focused study on these genes could help identify the main genes of virulence and inform effective vaccination strategies against fusobacterial infections. </p> <p>Overall, the studies suggest adhesins and toxin and/or OMV-based subunit vaccine could be potential targets for vaccine development against fusobacterial infections.  </p>

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