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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Investigation of the mechanisms of ozone-mediated viral inactivation

Ohmine, Seiga 10 July 2005 (has links) (PDF)
Previous studies have established that ozone-oxygen mixtures can be used to inactivate a variety of microorganisms including bacteria, fungi and viruses. Ozone is a potent reactive oxygen species (ROS) that rapidly decays into a variety of additional short half-life ROS which have been shown to cause oxidative damage to biological molecules. I hypothesize that controlled ozone exposure and the subsequent generation of additional ROS would reduce viral infectivity by lipid and/or protein peroxidation. A proprietary ozone-oxygen delivery system was used to inactivate a series of enveloped [herpes simplex virus type-1 strain McIntyre (HSV-1), vaccinia strain Elstree (VAC), vesicular stomatitis virus strain Indiana (VSV), and influenza A strain (H1N1) A/WS/33] and non-enveloped [human adenovirus type2 (Ad2)] viruses. Plaque reduction and suspension-infection viral antigen assays were used to determine inactivation kinetics. After ozonation, HSV-1 and VSV lost up to 6 log10 infectious particles in 15 min, while VAC and influenza A lost up to 5 log10 in 40 min and 30 min, respectively. In comparison, the non-enveloped Ad2 lost up to 5 log10 in 60 min. Increasing amounts of serum supplementation in the ozone treated virus suspensions slowed the rate of inactivation in both enveloped and non-enveloped viruses, suggesting the protective effect of serum against ozone. Lipid peroxidation was determined through a chromogenic assay for malondialdehyde (MDA), a byproduct of peroxidation events. MDA concentrations were inversely correlated with virus infectivity, as MDA concentrations elevated with virus exposure time to ozone. Transmission electron microscopy images of Ad2, HSV-1, VAC and VSV confirmed the drastic morphological changes that resulted from ozone treatment. The ROS-mediated attack compromised the integrity of the lipid envelopes and protein shells of the viruses. These data suggest that a wide range of viruses can be inactivated through use of an innovative ozone delivery system, thus validating my hypothesis.

Investigations into the vaccinia virus immunomodulatory proteins C4 and C16

Scutts, Simon Robert January 2017 (has links)
Vaccinia virus (VACV) is the most intensively studied orthopoxvirus and acts as an excellent model to investigate host-pathogen interactions. VACV encodes about 200 proteins, many of which modulate the immune response. This study focusses on two of these: C16 and C4, that share 43.7 % amino acid identity. Given the sequence similarity, we explored whether C16 and C4 have any shared functions, whilst also searching for novel functions. To gain mechanistic insight, we sought to identify binding partners and determine the residues responsible. C16 has two reported functions. Firstly, it inhibits DNA-PK-mediated DNA sensing, and this study found that C4 can perform this function as well. Like C16, C4 associates with the Ku heterodimer to block its binding to DNA leading to reduced production of cytokines and chemokines. For both proteins, the function localised to the C termini and was abrogated by mutating three residues. Secondly, C16 induces a hypoxic response by binding to PHD2. This function was mapped to the N-terminal 156 residues and a full length C16 mutant (D70K,D82K) lost the ability to induce a hypoxic response. In contrast, C4 did not bind PHD2. C4 inhibits NF-κB signalling by an unknown mechanism. Reporter gene assays showed that C16 also suppresses NF-κB activity and, intriguingly, this was carried out by both the N and C termini. C16 acts at or downstream of p65 and the N terminus of C16 associated with p65 independently of PHD2-binding. Conversely, C4 acted upstream of p65, did not display an interaction with p65, and the function was restricted to its C-terminal region. Novel binding partners were identified by a screen utilising tandem mass tagging and mass spectrometry, and selected hits were validated. The C terminus of C16 associated with VACV protein K1, a known NF-κB inhibitor. Additionally, C16 bound to the transcriptional regulator ARID4B. C4 did not interact with these proteins, but the N-terminal region of C4 associated with filamins A and B. The functional consequences of these interactions remain to be determined. In vivo, C4 and C16 share some redundancy in that a double deletion virus exhibits an attenuated virulence phenotype that is not observed by single deletion viruses in the intradermal model of infection. However, non-redundant functions also contribute to virulence in that both single deletion viruses display attenuated virulence compared to a wild-type Western Reserve virus in the intranasal model of infection. Data presented also reveal that C4 inhibits the recruitment of immune cells to the site of infection, as was previously described for C16. Overall, this investigation highlights the complexity of host-pathogen interactions showing that VACV encodes two multifunctional proteins with both shared and unique functions. Moreover, their inhibition of DNA-PK emphasises the importance of this PRR as a DNA sensor in vivo.

Untersuchung von rekombinantem Vacciniavirus MVA zur Entwicklung von Impfstoffen gegen Infektionen mit Respiratorischen Synzytialviren / Evaluation and construction of recombinant modified vaccinia virus Ankara as candidate vector vaccine against infections with respiratory syncytial viruses

Süzer, Yasemin 08 January 2008 (has links) (PDF)
In dieser Arbeit wurden Vektorimpfstoffe auf der Basis rekombinanter Vacciniaviren hinsichtlich ihrer Eignung zur Immunisierung gegen Infektionen mit Respiratorischen Synzytialviren (RSV) untersucht. Hierfür standen genetisches Material und Viruspräparationen des Respiratorischen Synzytialvirus des Rindes (BRSV, Stamm Odijk) sowie des Respiratorischen Synzytialvirus des Menschen (HRSV, Subtyp A2) sowie rekombinante Vacciniaviren MVA-HRSV-F bzw. MVA-HRSV-G zur Verfügung. Rekombinante MVA-Viren, welche die Gene der BRSV-Oberflächenproteine G und F (MVA-BRSV-F, MVA-BRSV-G, MVA-BRSV-Gneu), sowie Viren in welchen die Fremdgensequenzen durch Deletion wieder entfernt sind (Revertante Viren MVA-∆BRSV-F und MVA-∆BRSV-G), wurden gentechnologisch hergestellt. Alle rekombinanten MVA-Viren wurden molekular-virologisch charakterisiert und dienten zur Gewinnung und Prüfung von Testimpfstoffen im Tiermodell. Die Untersuchungen zeigen: 1. Alle neu konstruierten rekombinanten MVA-BRSV-Viren produzierten nach Infektion von Zellkulturen die erwünschten Zielantigene, die BRSV-Glykoproteine F und G. Für das durch MVA-Expression hergestellte BRSV-F-Glykoprotein konnte außerdem die biologische Funktionalität in einem Fusionstest in infizierten HeLa-Zellen nachgewiesen werden. 2. Die Charakterisierung der Genome aller MVA-BRSV- sowie MVA-HRSV-Vektorviren bestätigte die exakte Insertion der Fremdgensequenzen im anvisierten Genombereich und zeigte die genetische Stabilität der Virusisolate nach Passagierung. 3. Bei der Untersuchung des Wachstumsverhaltens von MVA-BRSV-F und MVA-BRSV-G zeigte sich die eingeschränkte Vermehrungsfähigkeit des Virus MVA-BRSV-G. Die Konstruktion und Untersuchung der revertanten Viren MVA-∆BRSV-F und MVA-∆BRSV-G belegte die Koproduktion des G-Proteins als Ursache des verminderten Replikationsvermögens. Dieser für ein mögliches Impfvirus erhebliche Nachteil konnte durch die Verwendung eines moderateren Vacciniavirus-Promotors zur Fremdgenexpression (rekombinantes Virus MVA-BRSV-Gneu) behoben werden. 4. Die Prüfung von Testimpfstoffen auf der Grundlage der rekombinanten MVA-HRSV-Viren in einem Maus-HRSV-Infektionsmodell zeigte, dass MVA-HRSV-Impfstoffe, im Gegensatz zu Impfstoffen aus mit Formalin-inaktiviertem HRSV, Immunantworten mit einem ausgewogenen TH1/TH2-assoziierten Zytokinprofil induzierten. Eine infolge von Immunisierung verstärkte Einwanderung eosinophiler Zellen (Marker für Immunpathogenese) in die Lungen HRSV-infizierter Tiere, konnte nach MVA-Impfung nicht beziehungsweise in nur sehr geringem Ausmaß festgestellt werden (OLSZEWSKA et al. 2004). 5. Wichtige erste Daten hinsichtlich der Verträglichkeit, Immunogenität und Schutzwirkung rekombinanter Impfstoffe auf der Basis von MVA-BRSV-F und MVA-BRSV-G konnten in einem Kälber BRSV-Infektionsmodell erhoben werden. Die zweimalige Immunisierung mit MVA-Impfstoff verlief bei allen Tieren ohne feststellbare Nebenwirkungen und die Anregung Vaccinia- bzw. BRSV-F-spezifischer Antikörper bestätigte die Immunogenität der Vektorvakzinen. Schließlich belegten klinische Daten, insbesondere die fehlende Fieberreaktion bei Impflingen nach BRSV-Belastungsinfektion, die Schutzwirkung der MVA-BRSV-Impfstoffe. Insgesamt unterstützen die erzielten Ergebnisse dieser Arbeiten die weitere präklinische und klinische Untersuchung von MVA-Vektorimpfstoffen zur wirksameren und sichereren Bekämpfung von Infektionen mit Respiratorischen Synzytialviren. / This study investigated vector vaccines based on recombinant vaccinia virus MVA for their suitability to immunize against infections with respiratory syncytial viruses. Genetic material and virus stocks of bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV, Strain Odijk) and human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV, Strain A2) and recombinant vaccinia viruses MVA-HRSV-F and MVA-HRSV-G were provided and used in this study. The project work included the genetical engineering of recombinant MVA expressing gene sequences encoding the BRSV surface proteins G and F (MVA-BRSV-F, MVA-BRSV-G, MVA-BRSV-Gneu) and the secondary generation of mutant viruses in which recombinant gene sequences have been removed (revertant viruses MVA-∆BRSV-F, MVA-∆BRSV-G). All recombinant MVA were carefully characterized in in vitro experiments and served for generation of vaccine preparations being tested in animal model systems. The investigations demonstrate: 1. All recombinant MVA-BRSV viruses produced the target antigens (BRSV-F and -G proteins) upon tissue culture infections. Functional activity of BRSV-F protein was demonstrated in a cell fusion assay using virus-infected HeLa cells. 2. The characterization of the genomes of all MVA recombinant viruses confirmed the correct insertion of foreign gene sequences into the target site of the MVA genome and demonstrated the genetic stability of the vector viruses upon tissue culture passage. 3. In vitro studies on virus growth revealed a reduced replicative capacity of the recombinant virus MVA-BRSV-G. Construction and growth analysis of revertant viruses MVA-∆BRSV-F and MVA-∆BRSV-G demonstrated that over expression of BRSV-G protein caused this replication deficiency which could be avoided by using a more moderate vaccinia virus promoter for transcriptional control of recombinant gene expression (recombinant virus MVA-BRSV-Gneu). 4. Upon characterization in a mouse-HRSV challenge model candidate vaccines based on recombinant MVA-HRSV viruses, in contrast to formalin inactivated HRSV, and induced a well balanced TH1 and TH2 cytokine profile. In addition, none of the MVA-HRSV-F vaccinated animals and only two of the MVA-HRSV-G immunized mice showed low-level eosinophilia in the lungs after HRSV challenge infection (OLSZEWSKA et al. 2004). 5. Vaccination experiments in the calf-BRSV challenge model generated first relevant data on safety, immunogenicity and protective capacity of MVA-BRSV recombinant vaccines. The repeated application of MVA vaccine was well tolerated by all vaccinated animals and the induction of vaccinia- and BRSV-F-specific antibody responses confirmed the immunogenicity of the MVA vector vaccines. Moreover, clinical data (lack of fever response in vaccines) suggested the protective capacity of MVA-BRSV immunization upon BRSV challenge. The obtained results from these studies clearly support further preclinical and clinical evaluation of recombinant MVA candidate vaccines to immunize against disease caused by RSV infections in cattle and humans.

Activation and Role of Memory CD8 T Cells in Heterologous Antiviral Immunity and Immunopathology in the Lung: A Dissertation

Chen, Hong 09 December 2002 (has links)
Each individual experiences many sequential infections throughout the lifetime. An increasing body of work indicates that prior exposure to unrelated pathogens can greatly alter the disease course during a later infection. This can be a consequence of a phenomenon known as heterologous immunity. Most viruses invade the host through the mucosa of a variety of organs and tissues. Using the intranasal mucosal route of infection, the thesis focused on studying modulation of lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV)-specific memory CD8 T cells upon respiratory vaccinia virus (VV) infection and the role of these memory CD8 T cells in heterologous immunity against VV and altered immunopathology in the lung. The VV infection had a profound impact on memory T cells specific for LCMV. The impact included the up-regulation of CD69 expression on LCMV-specific CD8 memory T cells and the activation of their in vivoIFN-γ production and cytotoxic function. Some of these antigen-specific memory T cells selectively expanded in number, resulting in modulation of the original LCMV-specific T cell repertoire. In addition, there was a selective organ-dependent redistribution of these LCMV-specific memory T cell populations in secondary lymphoid tissue (the mediastinal lymph node and spleen) and the non-lymphoid peripheral (the lung) organs. The presence of these LCMV-specific memory T cells correlated with IFN-γ-dependent enhanced VV clearance, decreased mortality and marked changes in lung immunopathology. Thus, the participation of pre-existing memory T cells specific for unrelated agents can alter the dynamics of mucosal immunity. This is associated with an altered disease course in response to a pathogen. The roles for T cell cross-reactivity and cytokines in the modulation of memory CD8 T cells during heterologous memory CD8 T cell-mediated immunity and immunopathology were investigated. Upon VV challenge, there were preferential expansions of several LCMV-specific memory CD8 T cell populations. This selectivity suggested that cross-reactive responses played a role in this expansion. Moreover, a VV peptide, partially homologous to LCMV NP 205, stimulated LCMV-NP205 specific CD8 T cells, suggesting that NP205 may be a cross-reactive epitope. Poly I:C treatment of LCMV-immune mice resulted in a transient increase but no repertoire alteration of LCMV-epitope-specific CD8 T cells. These T cells did not produce IFN-γ in vivo. These results imply that poly I:C, presumably through its induced cytokines, was assisting in initial recruitment of LCMV-specific memory CD8 T cells in a nonspecific manner. VV challenge of LCMV-immune IL-12KO mice resulted in activation and slightly decreased accumulation of LCMV-specific CD8 T cells. Moreover, there was a dramatic reduction of in vivoIFN-γ production by LCMV-specific IL-12KO CD8 T cells in the lung. I interpreted this to mean that IL-12 was important to augment IFN-γ production by memory CD8 T cells upon TCR engagement by antigens and to induce further accumulation of activated memory CD8 T cells during the heterologous viral infection. This thesis also systematically examined what effect the sequence of two heterologous virus challenges had on viral clearance, early cytokine profiles and immunopathology in the lung after infecting mice immune to one virus with another unrelated viruses. Four unrelated viruses, [LCMV, VV, influenza A virus or murine cytomegalovirus (MCMV)], were used. There were many common changes observed in the acute response to VV as a consequence of prior immunity to any of three viruses, LCMV, MCMV or influenza A virus. These included the enhanced clearance of VV in the lung, associated with enhanced TH1 type responses with increased IFN-γ and suppressed pro-inflammatory responses. However, immunity to the three different viruses resulted in unique pathologies in the VV-infected lungs, but with one common feature, the substitution of lymphocytic and chronic mononuclear infiltrates for the usual acute polymorphonuclear response seen in non-immune mice. Immunity to influenza A virus appeared to influence the outcome of subsequent acute infections with any of the three viruses, VV, LCMV and MCMV. Most notably, influenza A virus-immunity protected against VV but it actually enhanced LCMV and MCMV titers. This enhanced MCMV replication was associated with enhanced TH1 type response and pro-inflammatory cytokine responses. Immunity to influenza A virus appeared to dramatically enhance the mild lymphocytic and chronic mononuclear response usually observed during acute infection with either LCMV or MCMV in non-immune mice, but LCMV infection and MCM infection of influenza A virus-immune mice each had its own unique features. Thus, the specific sequence of virus infections controls the outcome of disease.

Immunity, Pathogenesis, and Prevention of Poxvirus Infections: A Dissertation

Seedhom, Mina O. 15 December 2010 (has links)
Vaccinia virus (VAC) is the prototypical member of the orthopoxvirus genus of the poxvirus family and the virus used for smallpox vaccinations. The following describes the testing of VAC variants designed to have similar immuno-protective profiles with decreased pathogenicity, examines the immune response to VAC after lethal infection in wild type and lupus-prone mice, and describes a method that allows for the enumeration of VAC-specific CD8+ T in naïve and VAC-immune mice. The first part describes work examining VAC Wyeth (VAC-Wy) variants engineered to be less pathogenic in vivo. VAC-Wy variants included genes that code for three immunomodulatory proteins, an interferon-γ (IFNγ) binding protein (B8R), an interleukin 18 (IL-18) binding protein (C12L), and a complement binding protein (C3L, or C21L) or various combinations of the three knockouts, and a triple knockout (VAC-Wy -/-/-) in which all three genes were knocked out of a variant virus. The immunomodulatory effects of other IFNγ binding proteins on VAC-Wy pathogenesis in the mouse were also examined. Virus recombinants where the B8R gene was replaced with a truncated mouse IFNγ receptor gene or a gene that encodes a B8R/IFNγ fusion that allows for dimerization of the secreted IFNγ receptor were studied. As the knockouts and variants were made in the current vaccine VAC-Wy strain, only high dose (1x107 PFU’s) intra nasal (I.N.) infection of mice reliably resulted in detectable virus in the lungs. Further testing revealed that all knockout and variant viruses grew to similar levels after high dose I.N. infections. Protection induced by vaccination with the VAC-Wy variants was studied in comparison to immunizations with the VAC-Wy parental strain. Mice were immunized by tail skin scarification to mimic human immunizations, and this was followed months later by I.N. challenge with 20 LD50’s of VAC-WR. All VAC-Wy recombinants tested, including the VAC-Wy -/-/-, provided similar levels of protection as the parental VAC-Wy strain from a lethal VAC-WR I.N. infection. Mice immunized with the VAC-Wy -/-/- induced similar amounts of neutralizing antibody and similar numbers of CD8+ T cells specific to a subdominant determinant as VAC-Wy. While examining high dose, normally lethal, VAC-WR I.N. infections, a profound splenic CD8+ T cell immune suppression was noted that might have been caused by Fas dependent activation induced cell death (AICD). Using high dose intra-peritoneal (I.P.) and I.N. models of VAC-WR infection, decreased weight loss, decreased virus titers, and increased T cell numbers were found in Fas mutant (B6.MRL-Faslpr/J) mice in comparison to B6 wild type mice on day 6. It would be expected that Fas-deficient CD8+ T cells from B6.MRL-Faslpr/J mice (B6-lpr) would survive a high dose VAC-WR infection better than CD8+ T cells that could express Fas if T cells were being eliminated by Fas-dependent AICD, but co-adoptive transfer experiments using splenocytes from B6-lpr and B6.Cg- IgHaThy-1aGPi-1a/J (IgHa) wild type counterparts found no difference in the numbers or proliferation of donor CD8+ T cells at day 6. As the B6-lpr mice were better protected from VAC-induced weight loss early after lethal VAC-WR infections, it was possible that B6-lpr mice might be protected early in infection. In fact, Fas mutant mice had decreased virus loads in the fat pads, livers, and spleens in comparison to B6 wild type mice at days 2 and 3. In addition to the decreased virus titers, the severe splenic lymphocyte deficiency noted in B6 wild type mice as early as day 2 after high dose I.P. infection was ameliorated in B6-lpr mice. Further experiments demonstrated that uninfected B6-lpr mice had increased numbers of memory phenotype (CD44+) CD4+, CD8+ and γδ+ T cells, with an increased number of γδ+ T cells and NK cells in splenic lymphocytes in comparison to wild type B6 mice. Uninfected B6-lpr mice also had increased numbers of IFNγ+ CD8+ T cells after polyclonal stimulation with an antibody against CD3ε. In lymphocyte depletion experiments performed at day 3, antibody depletion of CD4, CD8, or NK or treatment with an antibody that was specific to the γδ+ TCR did not significantly alter virus loads in B6-lpr mice. In co-adoptive transfer experiments, splenocytes from wild type or B6-lpr mice survived high dose VAC-WR challenge similarly suggesting that B6- lpr splenocytes were not intrinsically better protected from lymphocyte depletion by lack of the Fas protein. On day 2 after high dose I.P. VAC-WR infection, B6- lpr mice had increased numbers of IFNγ+ NK cells, IFNγ+ CD8+ T cells, and IFNγ+ CD4+ T cells. B6-lpr and B6 mice treated with an antibody against IFNγ had significantly increased virus titers in the spleens and livers. Interestingly, there was no significant difference in liver or spleen virus titers when comparing anti- IFNγ antibody treated B6 mice or anti-IFNγ antibody treated B6-lpr mice. These results suggest that multiple leukocyte populations co-operatively or redundantly provide B6-lpr mice with increased protection from high dose VAC-WR infections through increased production of IFNγ. The third part of this work describes the enumeration of total numbers of pathogen-specific CD8+ T cells in a mouse through use of an in vivo limiting dilution assay (LDA). The extensive proliferation of virus-specific CD8+ T cells that occurs after virus infection was used to enumerate numbers of virus-specific CD8+ T cells in a naïve mouse. By transferring limiting amounts of carboxyfluorescein succinimidyl ester (CFSE)-labeled Thy1.1+Ly5.2+ heterogeneous CD8+ T cells into Thy1.2+Ly5.1+ hosts, CD8+ T cell precursor frequencies to whole viruses can be calculated. The calculations are based on finding the number of donor CD8+ T cells that results in CFSElo (i.e. proliferated) donor CD8 T cells in 50% of the hosts. Using probit or Reed and Muench 50% endpoint calculations, CD8+ T cell precursor determinations were made for naïve and immune states to a virus challenge. It was found that in naïve B6 mice, 1 in 1444 CD8+ T cells proliferated in response to VAC-WR (~13,852 VAC-WR-specific CD8+ T cells per mouse) and 1 in 2956 proliferated in response to lymphocytic choriomeningitis virus (LCMV) (~6,761 LCMV-specific CD8+ T cells per mouse). In mice immune to VAC-WR, the number of VAC-WR-specific LDA precursors, not surprisingly, dramatically increased to 1 in 13 (~1,538,462 VAC-WR- specific CD8+ T cells per mouse) consistent with estimates of VAC-WR-specific memory T cells. In contrast, precursor numbers to LCMV did not increase in VAC-WR-immune mice (1 in 4562, ~4384 LCMV-specific CD8+ T cells in a VAC-WR-immune mouse) consistent with the fact that VAC-WR provides no heterologous immunity to LCMV. Using H-2Db-restricted LCMV GP33-specific P14 transgenic T cells it was found that, after accounting for take of donor T cells, approximately every T cell transferred underwent a full proliferative expansion in response to an LCMV infection and a high efficiency was also seen in memory populations. This suggests that most antigen-specific T cells will proliferate in response to infections at limiting dilution. These results, which are discussed in comparison to other methods, show that naïve and memory CD8+ T cell precursor frequencies to whole viruses can be remarkably high. In total this work further advances knowledge of the immunity, pathogenesis, and prevention of poxvirus infections. This was accomplished by studying VAC-Wy recombinants as improved vaccines, by examining the mechanisms and cell types important in early protection from high dose poxvirus infections in B6 and B6-lpr mice, and by describing a method to enumerate total numbers of virus-specific CD8+ T cells in a mouse.

Studies of HLA-DM in Antigen Presentation and CD4+ T Cell Epitope Selection: A Dissertation

Yin, Liusong 09 April 2014 (has links)
Antigen presented to CD4+ T cells by major histocompatibility complex class II molecules (MHCII) plays a key role in adaptive immunity. Antigen presentation is initiated by the proteolytic cleavage of pathogenic or self proteins and loading of resultant peptides to MHCII. The loading and exchange of peptides to MHCII is catalyzed by a nonclassical MHCII molecule, HLA-DM (DM). It is well established that DM promotes peptide exchange in vitro and in vivo. However, the mechanism of DM-catalyzed peptide association and dissociation, and how this would affect epitope selection in human responses to infectious disease remain unclear. The work presented in this thesis was directed towards the understanding of mechanism of DM-mediated peptide exchange and its role in epitope selection. In Chapter II, I measured the binding affinity, intrinsic dissociation half-life and DM-mediated dissociation half-life for a large set of peptides derived from vaccinia virus and compared these properties to the peptide-specific CD4+ T cell responses. These data indicated that DM shapes the peptide repertoire during epitope selection by favoring the presentation of peptides with greater DM-mediated kinetic stability, and DM-susceptibility is a strong and independent factor governing peptide immunogenicity. In Chapter III, I computationally simulated peptide binding competition reactions and found that DM influences the IC50 (50% inhibition concentration) of peptides based on their susceptibility to DM, which was confirmed by experimental data. Therefore, I developed a novel fluorescence polarization-based method to measure DM-susceptibility, reported as a IC50 (change in IC50 in the absence and presence of DM). Traditional assays to measure DM-susceptibility based on differential peptide dissociation rates are cumbersome because each test peptide has to be individually labeled and multiple time point samples have to be collected. However, in this method developed here only single probe peptide has to be labeled and only single reading have to be done, which allows for fast and high throughput measure of DM-susceptibility for a large set of peptides. In Chapter IV, we generated a series of peptide and MHCII mutants, and investigated their interactions with DM. We found that peptides with non-optimal P1 pocket residues exhibit low MHCII affinity, low kinetic stability and high DM-susceptibility. These changes were accompanied with conformational alterations detected by surface plasmon resonance, gel filtration, dynamic light scattering, small-angle X-ray light scattering, antibody-binding, and nuclear magnetic resonance assays. Surprisingly, all these kinetic and conformational changes could be reversed by reconstitution with a more optimal P9 pocket residue. Taken together, our data demonstrated that conformation of MHCII-peptide complex constrained by interactions throughout the peptide binding groove is a key determinant of DM-susceptibility. B cells recognizing cognate antigen on the virion can internalize and process the whole virion for antigen presentation to CD4+ T cells specific for an epitope from any of the virion proteins. In turn, the epitope-specific CD4+ T cells provide intermolecular (also known as noncognate or heterotypic) help to B cells to generate antibody responses against any protein from the whole virion. This viral intermolecular help model in which CD4+ T cells provide help to B cells with different protein specificities was established in small size influenza virus, hepatitis B virus and viral particle systems. For large and complex pathogens such as vaccinia virus and bacteria, the CD4+ T cell-B cell interaction model may be complicated because B cells might not be able to internalize the large whole pathogen. Recently, a study in mice observed that CD4+ T cell help is preferentially provided to B cells with the same protein specificity to generate antibody responses against vaccinia virus. However, for larger pathogens such as vaccinia virus and bacteria the CD4+ T cell-B cell interaction model has yet to be tested in humans. In Chapter V, I measured in 90 recently vaccinated and 7 long-term vaccinia-immunized human donors the CD4+ T cell responses and antibody responses against four vaccinia viral proteins (A27L, A33R, B5R and L1R) known to be strongly targeted by cellular and humoral responses. We found that there is no direct linkage between antibody and CD4+ T cell responses against each protein. However, the presence of immune responses against these four proteins is linked together within donors. Taken together, our data indicated that individual viral proteins are not the primary recognition unit and CD4+ T cells provide intermolecular help to B cells to generate robust antibody responses against large and complicated vaccinia virus in humans.

Structural and Biochemical Studies of Protein-Ligand Interactions: Insights for Drug Development

Mishra, Vidhi January 2013 (has links)
No description available.

The Combination of Carboxylesterase-Expressing Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus and Irinotecan

Becker, Michelle Caitlin 14 January 2013 (has links)
This project combines oncolytic Vaccinia virus (VV) with irinotecan (CPT-11) for the treatment of cancer. VV can infect, replicate in and destroy cancer cells, yet leave healthy cells relatively unaffected. CPT-11 is a chemotherapeutic of which ~5% is converted to the more active chemotherapeutic SN-38 by endogenous carboxylesterase (CE) enzymes. SN-38 is a topoisomerase I inhibitor that induces DNA double strand breaks, leading to growth arrest and apoptosis. Consequently, VV has been engineered to express a more effective isoform of the CE enzyme. The virus’ tumour tropism should restrict enhanced conversion of CPT-11 to the tumour. Neither CPT-11 nor SN-38 interfered with VV replication or spread. Engineered recombinants expressed CE enzyme which, when combined with CPT-11, produced DNA double strand breaks and cancer cell death. In vitro, the combination of CE-virus and CPT-11 killed more K-562 cancer cells than its non-CE counterpart and CPT-11.

The Combination of Carboxylesterase-Expressing Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus and Irinotecan

Becker, Michelle Caitlin 14 January 2013 (has links)
This project combines oncolytic Vaccinia virus (VV) with irinotecan (CPT-11) for the treatment of cancer. VV can infect, replicate in and destroy cancer cells, yet leave healthy cells relatively unaffected. CPT-11 is a chemotherapeutic of which ~5% is converted to the more active chemotherapeutic SN-38 by endogenous carboxylesterase (CE) enzymes. SN-38 is a topoisomerase I inhibitor that induces DNA double strand breaks, leading to growth arrest and apoptosis. Consequently, VV has been engineered to express a more effective isoform of the CE enzyme. The virus’ tumour tropism should restrict enhanced conversion of CPT-11 to the tumour. Neither CPT-11 nor SN-38 interfered with VV replication or spread. Engineered recombinants expressed CE enzyme which, when combined with CPT-11, produced DNA double strand breaks and cancer cell death. In vitro, the combination of CE-virus and CPT-11 killed more K-562 cancer cells than its non-CE counterpart and CPT-11.

The Combination of Carboxylesterase-Expressing Oncolytic Vaccinia Virus and Irinotecan

Becker, Michelle Caitlin January 2013 (has links)
This project combines oncolytic Vaccinia virus (VV) with irinotecan (CPT-11) for the treatment of cancer. VV can infect, replicate in and destroy cancer cells, yet leave healthy cells relatively unaffected. CPT-11 is a chemotherapeutic of which ~5% is converted to the more active chemotherapeutic SN-38 by endogenous carboxylesterase (CE) enzymes. SN-38 is a topoisomerase I inhibitor that induces DNA double strand breaks, leading to growth arrest and apoptosis. Consequently, VV has been engineered to express a more effective isoform of the CE enzyme. The virus’ tumour tropism should restrict enhanced conversion of CPT-11 to the tumour. Neither CPT-11 nor SN-38 interfered with VV replication or spread. Engineered recombinants expressed CE enzyme which, when combined with CPT-11, produced DNA double strand breaks and cancer cell death. In vitro, the combination of CE-virus and CPT-11 killed more K-562 cancer cells than its non-CE counterpart and CPT-11.

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