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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Slovesná valence v srovnávacím pohledu / Verbal Valency in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective

Šindlerová, Jana January 2018 (has links)
Verbal Valency in a Cross-Linguistic Perspective Jana Šindlerová Abstract In the thesis, we look upon differences in argument structure of verbs considering the Czech language and the English language. In the first part, we describe the process of building the CzEngVallex lexicon. In the second part, based on the aligned data of the Prague Czech-English Dependency Treebank, we compare the valencies of verbal translation equivalents and comment of their differences. We classify the differences according to their underlying causes. The causes can be based in the linguistic structure of the languages, they can include translatological reasons, or they can be grounded in the character of the descriptive linguistic theory used.

Konfrontace českých a německých valenčních slovníků / Confrontation of Czech and German valency lexicons

Dušek, Ondřej January 2013 (has links)
This master thesis deals with a comparison of the most common German and Czech valency lexicons, focusing on the dictionaries E-VALBU and VALLEX in particular. It employs two different methods: a confrontation of selected verbal translation pairs using corpus analysis and taking the introspective valency tests of the individual dictionaries into account, as well as qualitative research among the linguists - the authors and users of valency dictionaries. The thesis proves the usability of corpus analysis for this kind of research and shows that most differences in dictionary entries are not caused by a different behavior of the respective verbs in both languages, but rather by divergent theoretical bases of the dictionaries. The interviews with selected linguists confirm the theoretical discrepancies, but also show many similar opinions and experiences, in particular those regarding practical work with the dictionaries: a stress on the user-friendliness of the dictionaries and the use of real language data from the corpora.

Lexikálně-sémantické konverze ve valenčním slovníku / Lexical-semantic Conversions in the Valency Lexicon

Kettnerová, Václava January 2012 (has links)
In this thesis, we provide an adequate lexicographic representation of lexical-semantic conversion. Under the term lexical-semantic conversion, the relation between semantically similar syntactic structures which are based on separate lexical units of the same verb lexeme is understood. These relations are associated with various changes in valency structure of verbs - they may involve a number of valency complementations, their type, obligatoriness as well as morphemic forms. These changes arise from differences in the mapping of situational participants onto valency complementations. On the basis of semantic and syntactic analysis of two types of Czech lexical- semantic conversions, the locative conversion and the conversion Bearer of action-Location, we propose to represent lexical units creating syntactic variants in the relation of lexical semantic conversion by separate valency frames stored in the data component of the lexicon. The special attribute -conv whose value is a type of lexical-semantic conversion is assigned to relevant valency frames. Then the rule component of the lexicon consists of general rules determining changes in the correspondence between situational participants and valency complementations. This proposal is primarily designed for the valency lexicon of Czech verbs, VALLEX....

Les verbes intransitifs primaires et dérivés en géorgien : description morphosyntaxique, sémantique et dérivationnelle / Primary and derived intransitive verbs in Georgian : morphosyntactic, semantic and derivational description

Gérardin, Hélène 10 December 2016 (has links)
Cette thèse a pour objet le classement et la description des verbes intransitifs monoactanciels en géorgien, dans une perspective linguistique typologique. L’analyse comporte deux phases : d’une part un classement des verbes, et d’autre part une réflexion critique sur la complexité du système mis en évidence ainsi que sur la notion d’intransitivité en général. Le classement proposé commence par séparer les verbes non dérivés d’autres verbes (‘intransitifs primaires’) de ceux dont la morphologie indique un processus de dérivation détransitive (‘intransitifs dérivés’). Les verbes monoactanciels primaires se divisent en deux classes, ayant chacune une unité à la fois sémantique et morphosyntaxique : les verbes téliques (comme ‘mourir’) et les verbes atéliques (comme ‘vivre’). Les verbes biactanciels sont ensuite brièvement décrits selon une échelle de transitivité. Puis sont abordés les verbes monoactanciels dérivés, qui peuvent avoir jusqu’à quatre interprétations : passive, décausative, autocausative et antipassive, et enfin les couples de verbes dont les deux membres transitif et intransitif sont marqués morphologiquement. L’intransitivité monoactancielle en géorgien n’a pas encore été traitée de façon globale, en particulier certains aspects comme l’antipassif, dont on propose une étude détaillée. Le présent travail entend apporter une contribution à la fois aux études kartvéliennes et aux récentes réflexions générales sur les concepts de transitivité, de valence et de voix. En effet, par son grand nombre de classes verbales et par le lien étroit qu’il fait entre morphosyntaxe et sémantique, le géorgien a des données de premier choix à fournir à l’étude de ces concepts. / The topic of this PhD thesis is a classification and description of one-argument intransitive verbs in Georgian in a typological perspective. The analysis consists of two steps: firstly, the classification of the various types of verbs and secondly, a critical investigation of the complexity of the system under study and on the concept of intransitivity in general. The proposed classification begins by separating verbs not derived from other verbs (‘primary intransitives’) from those whose morphology indicates a process of de-transitive derivation (‘derived intransitives’). Primary one-argument verbs, in turn, are divided into two classes, each consisting of verbs with the same morphological, as well as semantic properties: telic verbs (such as “to die”) and atelic verbs (e.g. “to live”). Two-argument verbs are briefly described according to a transitivity scale. Discussed next are derived one-argument verbs which may have up to four readings: passive, decausative, autocausative and antipassive, and finally, verb pairs whose members, one transitive and one intransitive, are both morphologically marked. One-argument intransitivity in Georgian has not yet been investigated thoroughly; this particularly applies to some of its aspects such as the antipassive, of which a detailed study is offered here. The present work is intended to contribute to Kartvelian studies and at the same time, to recent discussion in general linguistics on the concepts of transitivity, valency and voice. Indeed, owing to its large number of verb classes and the close connection between morphosyntax and semantics, Georgian offers excellent data for the study of these concepts.

The Morphosyntax of Tharifith Berber

Abdelhak El Hankari Unknown Date (has links)
Abstract: This dissertation investigates the syntax and also some aspects of the morphology of Tharifith Berber (such as, the inflectional classes of nouns and the Construct State) within the Distributed Morphology framework (Halle & Marantz 1993, et al.). One of its main objectives is to demonstrate how morphology could be brought within the range of syntax. This view becomes apparent when inflectional morphemes which project in the syntax are also used to derive words. Contrary to what has always been reported, that Berber is an unquestionable VSO language, I show that Tharifith has now shifted to a Topic-Initial configurational system. This claim is based on two pieces of evidence: (1) the SVO order is preferred over VSO, (2) when the object is a clitic both the verb and the clitic are required to be in the initial position of the clause. I propose an account arguing that the two alternations instantiate a Topic-fronting phenomenon, which requires the initial position of the clause to be filled with Topic. Of interest to word order is another property displayed by some WH- complex clauses which require Verb-First. A careful analysis of the structure of these clauses reveals that this is an instantiation of V-to-C movement, also known as the verb second phenomenon (V2). While the movement to the initial position in the main clause is argued to be motivated by Topic, I show that V2 is motivated by the feature Focus which needs to be checked in C. Due to the fact that this operation is sensitive to the phonological property of the complementiser, I make the claim that discourse features, at least in Berber, should be generated at PF. Despite the fact that the subject, object and dative clitics are often grouped under the ‘clitic – banner,’ I show that the first set displays the properties of agreement markers on the verb while the other two sets are claimed to be argument XPs. The approach takes an in-depth theoretical approach to the study of clitics. In a framework where syntax operates on purely formal features, and taking on board the view that clitics as arguments have the formal features required by the computation identical to the ones found with lexical NPs, it is argued that any other distinction between the two sets of arguments is made post-syntactically. Argument structure is then claimed to follow from a fairly small number of principles which govern their syntactic system. The study discusses the movement of clitics at length, and argues it to be phonological. Crucial to the analysis is the fact that this movement operation is not only dependent on the phonological property of clitics but is also dependent on the property of functional elements that host them. Evidence is provided which shows that only functional categories that are phonologically dependent can be hosts. I then conclude that cliticisation is in fact an attraction by the host, a process which occurs during the mapping of the syntactic output to phonology. I further argue that this type of PF merger which is claimed to generate the placement of clitics is constrained by an adjacency relation. Additional support to the claim that morphology should be subject to syntactic principles is found with valency. I show that the system, in many respects, treats the structure of verbs and clauses along the same line. Furthermore, the meaning which is traditionally claimed to be inherent to words is shown from the verbal system to follow from the syntactic structure the verbs project.

Grammaire de la langue mano (mandé-sud) dans une perspective typologique / A grammar of Mano (South Mande) in a typological perspective

Khachaturyan, Maria 16 December 2014 (has links)
L’objectif de ce travail est de présenter une description grammaticale aussi complète que possible de la langue mano (près de 400 000 locuteurs en Guinée et au Libéria) tout en la plaçant dans un contexte typologique, en comparant le mano avec d’autres langues mandé, mais aussi en distinguant des particularités typologiques à un niveau plus large. Le texte de la thèse est divisé en six chapitres: Phonologie et phonétique; Morphologie; Groupe nominal; Groupe verbal; Système prédicatif; Syntaxe de l'énoncé. Justifiant l'orientation typologique de la thèse, chaque chapitre se conclut par une section présentant des caractéristiques typologiques. Les thèmes suivants ont été examinés en détail: étude quantitative de phonotactique, étude de la catégorie du nombre, y compris l’expression du nombre et l’accord en nombre ; le système des quantificateurs ; la structure argumentale ; l’étude de corpus de distribution des marqueurs prédicatifs ; la syntaxe de l’énoncé, notamment la syntaxe de l’énoncé relatif. Les annexes à la fin de la thèse représentent des compléments d'information importants, notamment les paradigmes verbaux complets. Deux de ces annexes sont des textes glosés. / This work aims to present a grammatical description – as complete as possible – of a South Mande language, Mano (400,000 speakers in Guinea and Liberia), placing it into a typological context, comparing the language with other Mande languages and distinguishing general typological particularities. The text of the thesis is divided into six chapters: Phonology and phonetics; Morphology; Noun phrase; Verb phrase; Predicative system; Syntax of the clause. Justifying the typological orientation of the thesis, each chapter is concluded by a section providing typological particularities of the data presented in it. A detailed analysis was given, among others, on the following themes: quantitative study of phonotactics; study of the category of number, including its expression and alignment by number; the system of quantification markers; argument structure, corpus study of predicative markers’ distribution; syntax of the clause, especially syntax of the relative clause.The appendices at the end of the thesis contain some important complementary information, including, for instance, complete verbal paradigms. Two of these appendices comprise of glossed texts.


THAIS TIBURCIO DUQUE 26 May 2011 (has links)
[pt] Neste trabalho, foi realizada uma revisão crítica do tema na gramática de modelo tradicional, especificamente nas gramáticas de Cunha e Cintra (2001) e de Rocha Lima (2007). Através dessas análises, buscamos comprovar que o modo como o conceito de complementação verbal, bem como as noções de termo complementar e acessório e de transitividade, vêm sendo apresentados tradicionalmente em gramáticas e livros didáticos tem demonstrado algumas lacunas e incoerências que vem causando dificuldades ao ensino/aprendizagem da língua materna. Costuma-se relacionar a transitividade verbal à ideia de completude ou não da informação transmitida pelo verbo, sem levar em consideração a circunstância e o sentido nos quais o verbo está sendo empregado, tampouco a natureza do(s) elemento(s) a ele ligado(s). Observa-se, portanto, que aquilo que se apresenta aos estudantes como a gramática da língua portuguesa é um conjunto de regras que nem sempre leva em consideração a realidade dos fatos linguísticos. Com o propósito de encontrar um caminho de análise que ajudasse a solucionar o problema, foram examinados alguns trabalhos mais recentes que fogem em parte ou totalmente à orientação tradicional, como a Moderna Gramática Portuguesa de Bechara (edição a partir de 1999), a Gramática de usos do português de Moura Neves (2000), a dissertação de Mestrado de Maria Eliana Duarte Alves de Brito (1986) e a Gramática de Valências de Busse e Vilela (1986). Partindo de uma orientação funcionalista e tomando como base os princípios da Gramática de Valências, este trabalho tem por objetivo demonstrar que, no estudo das orações, é preciso que se levem em consideração dois pólos de análise: a sintaxe e a semântica. Sendo o verbo o elemento central da oração, é ele que determina o número de lugares-vazios, além das propriedades morfo-sintáticas e semânticas dos actantes que realizam esses lugares-vazios. Desse modo, a distinção entre objeto direto e objeto indireto da gramática tradicional mostra-se insuficiente, sendo necessário distinguir um número maior de tipos de actantes. Além disso, foi possível detectar, através da análise do verbo como elemento central, quais termos devem ser considerados como actantes (complementos) ou como circunstantes (adjuntos). / [en] This work carries a critical review of the traditional model of grammar, specifically the Grammars by Cunha e Cintra (2001) and Rocha Lima (2007). Through these analysis, we seek to prove that the manner how the concept of verb complementation, as well as the notions of complementary and accessory terms and of transitivity, have been traditionally presented in grammar and didactic books present a number of gaps and incoherencies that have been causing difficulties in the teaching/learning of our mother tongue [Portuguese]. Usually verbal transitivity is related to the idea if there is or not a completion of the information transmitted by the verb, without considering the circumstances and meaning in which the verb is being used or the nature of the element(s) connected to it. We can thus state that which is being presented to students as the grammar of the Portuguese language is a set of rules that often doesn’t take into consideration the reality of linguistic facts. Aiming to find an analytical way that could help us to solve the problem, we studied some more recent works that partially or totally escape from the traditional orientation, such as Moderna Gramática Portuguesa by Bechara (the 1999 edition onwards), Gramática de usos do português by Moura Neves (2000), the Master’s thesis by Maria Eliana Duarte Alves de Brito (1986) and Gramática de Valências by Busse e Vilela (1986). Departing from a functionalist orientation and taking as basis the principle of dependency grammar, the goal of this work is to demonstrate that two poles of analysis must be taken into consideration in the study of phrases: syntax and semantic. Being the verb the central element of a phrase, it’s the verb that determines the number of empty-spaces, besides of the morphosyntatic and semantic properties of the actants that convey these empty-spaces. In this way, the distinction between direct and indirect object of traditional grammar comes up as insufficient, being thus necessary to identify a greater number of types of actant. Besides, we were able to distinguish, through the analysis of the verb as central element, which terms must be considered actants (complements) or circumstantial (adjuncts).

Způsoby začlenění teorie valenční syntaxe do výuky českého jazyka na 2.stupni základní školy / Method of Integration of Valency Syntax into the Czech Language Teaching within Lower Secondary Education

Žiláková, Renata January 2016 (has links)
The dissertation called the Method of Integration of Valency Syntax into the Czech Language Teaching within Lower Secondary Education deals with the issue of valency syntax in relation to syntax teaching within lower secondary education. The main goal of the dissertation is to describe, specify and define the principles, which serve as the basis for the integration of the valency theory into the Czech language teaching within lower secondary education with regard to pupils' concepts of the structure of a Czech sentence. In its three main parts, the dissertation informs the reader about the development of the perception of the valency syntax as a scientific discipline in the Czech and foreign environment, as the didactic transformation of the curriculum must be always based on scientific theories and comply with them; the second part of the thesis analyses the didactically transformed curriculum of valency syntax in teaching materials intended for lower secondary education. On the basis of a practical quality research, the third part defines pupils' preconcepts related to the formal and semantic structure of a sentence. Among other things, the submitted dissertation points out to the necessity of monitoring the pupils' preconcepts in the Czech language teaching in order to ensure that the teaching is not...

A qualitative investigation into the relationship between self-concept and the propensity for role uptake in a small group

Du Plessis, Melissa 06 December 2011 (has links)
When regarding the history of role theory, one becomes aware of the fact that, although much knowledge is available specifically pertaining to roles in small group settings (e.g. expectations about behaviour, types of roles, flexibility of locus, appropriateness of the role system, dynamic nature of role formation and development as well as typologies dividing roles into categories), not much literature is available specifically pertaining to what the impact of an individual’s self-concept is on his/her propensity to either assume or avoid certain roles in such a setting. Accordingly, this study aimed to explore the above-mentioned aspect of role division in small groups. Research was done by means of a case study research design, with a constructivist/interpretevist meta-theoretical paradigm as research approach. This paradigm holds that there are multiple subjective realities involved when studying human interactions and the consequences thereof. The study was furthermore conducted from a psychodynamic and systems theory perspective. Data was collected from a sample of postgraduate students, who participated in a training group as part of their Industrial and Organisational Psychology master’s degree programme at the University of Pretoria, by means of three different methods, namely video and voice recordings, a document study, as well as semi-structured interviews. Data was furthermore analysed by Atlas.ti, a qualitative data analysis programme, according to the principles of constructivist grounded theory. When regarding current literature on the subject, it is implied by some that an individual will only allow roles to be imposed on him/her if he/she is predisposed to assuming such roles, and if he/she can accordingly integrate the responsibility somehow with his/her self-concept. Accordingly, the results obtained showed some connection between an individual’s self-concept and the role(s) that was assumed by the individual in the small group setting. More specifically, the results showed that an individual is more likely to change roles with ease should the alternate role requirements also be in line with elements of the individual’s self-concept. The results further indicated that it might be difficult for an individual to adapt and change to another role should the roles, which are required in the small group setting, be in conflict with the individual’s self-concept. These findings thus imply that an individual’s self-concept might have an impact on an individual’s propensity to either assume or avoid certain roles (role valency) in a small group setting. / Dissertation (MCom)--University of Pretoria, 2011. / Human Resource Management / unrestricted

La valence du ligand du récepteur à la transferrine 1 (TfR1) détermine son routage intracellulaire / The Transferrin Receptor 1 (TfR1) Ligand's Valency Determines its Intracellular Routing

Marchal, Michelle 18 November 2019 (has links)
Le récepteur à la transferrine (TfR1) est un récepteur très bien conservé au cours de l’évolution qui permet l’entrée du fer (Fe) lié à la transferrine (Fe-Tf) dans les cellules. Une fois internalisé, le fer se détache de la Tf et est exporté dans le cytoplasme tandis que le complexe Tf/TfR1 est recyclé à la membrane plasmique. Le TfR1 est internalisé par un mécanisme clathrine dépendant et peut être soit recyclé à la membrane plasmique par la voie rapide, soit être dirigé vers le compartiment endosomal de recyclage (ERC). Une fois dans l’ERC, le TfR1 peut être soit recyclé à la membrane plasmique par la voie lente, soit être dirigé vers les lysosomes. De nombreuses protéines régulent le routage des protéines internalisées comme les protéines Rab. Il s’agit de petites GTPases impliquées dans les échanges moléculaires entre les différents compartiments cellulaires.Etant la principale voie d’entrée du fer dans la cellule,le TfR1 est exprimé par la plupart des cellules et est surexprimé par les cellules hautement prolifératives dont certaines cellules cancéreuses. Le TfR1 est très étudié comme cible thérapeutique dans le développement de nouvelles stratégies anti-cancéreuses. A24 est un anticorps murin anti-TfR1 dont l’action anti-proliférative et pro-apoptotique ont été démontrées dans plusieurs hémopathies malignes.Nous nous sommes demandés comment la fixation de A24 sur le TfR1 peut produire des effets différents de la fixation de la Fe-Tf. En générant un fragment Fab, nous avons d’abord démontré que le routage du TfR1 dépend de la valence de son ligand. Nous avons ensuite démontré que la fixation monovalente du TfR1 par la Fe-Tf et le Fab induisent son recyclage sans passer par l’ERC. Nous avons également démontré que la fixation divalente du TfR1 par A24 induit son routage depuis l’ERC vers les lysosomes par une voie dépendante de Rab12. / The transferrin receptor (TfR1) is a highly conserved receptor that allows the entry of iron (Fe) linked to transferrin (Fe-Tf) into cells. Once internalized, Fe separates from the Tf and is exported in the cytoplasm whereas the complex Tf/TfR1 is recycled to the cell membrane. TfR1 is internalized by a clathrin mediated endocytosis and can be either recycled to the cell membrane through the rapid pathway or be routed towards the endosomal recycling compartment (ERC). Once in the ERC, the TfR1 can be either recycled to the cell membrane through the slow pathway or be routed towards lysosomes. Many proteins regulates the routing of internalized proteins such as Rab proteins. They are small GTPases involved in molecular exchanges between the different cellular compartments.Being the main mode of entry of iron into cells, TfR1is expressed by almost every cells and is overexpressed by highly proliferative cells including some cancer cells. TfR1 is extensively studied as a therapeutic target for the development of new anti-cancer strategies. A24 is a murine anti-TfR1 whose anti-proliferative and pro-apoptotic roles were demonstrated in several hematological malignancies.We wondered how A24 binding on TfR1 can produce different effects from Fe-Tf binding. By the manufacturing of a Fab fragment, we first demonstrated that TfR1 fate depends on its ligand’s valency. We then demonstrated that the monovalent binding of TfR1 with Fe-Tf or the Fab leads to its recycling without going through the ERC. We also showed that the divalent binding of the TfR1 by A24 leads to its routing from the ERC to lysosomes through a Rab12 dependent pathway.

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