Spelling suggestions: "subject:"valleys"" "subject:"alleys""
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Caractérisation géophysique (méthodes potentielles, imagerie sismique) de structures géologiques : des terranes panafricains de la chaine trans-saharienne, aux vallées-tunnel et incisions glaciaires de la Mer du Nord et d'Algérie / Geophysical characterization (potential methods, seismic mapping) of geological structures : from pan-African terranes of the trans-Saharan belt, to tunnel valleys and glacial incisions in the North Sea and AlgeriaBrahimi, Sonia 10 April 2019 (has links)
L’analyse des données magnétiques et gravimétriques de la partie nord de la ceinture trans-saharienne a permis de proposer une carte de compartimentalisation géophysique et rhéologique des structures crustales et de visualiser les terranes du bouclier Touareg sur plus de 1000 km au nord, sous les bassins sédimentaires sahariens et plusieurs aspects ont pu être discutés. Un pseudo réseau de quatre générations successives de paléovallées et incisions a été mis en évidence dans la succession glaciaire de l’Ordovicien supérieur au NE du bassin d’Illizi sur la base des données sismiques de haute résolution. Pour chaque incision, la géométrie ainsi que les faciès sismiques de leur remplissage ont été déterminés. Un parallélisme entre la distribution de certaines paléovallées et l'orientation des anomalies magnétiques a été observé, mais aucune relation stratigraphique entre ces structures n'a été identifiée sur les sections sismiques. Un réseau complexe de vallées tunnel glaciaires du Pléistocène en mer du Nord a été identifié sur la base de données aéromagnétiques à haute résolution. Une analyse magnétique détaillée a été réalisée en combinant plusieurs méthodes magnétiques. A la fin, des modèles magnétiques synthétiques 2D ont été calculés pour les incisions ordoviciennes, appliqué pour le cas du bassin d’Illizi. Les résultats obtenus montrent que leur détection magnétique est possible, si toutes fois un levé magnétique à haute résolution serait disponible. / The magnetic and gravimetric data analysis of the northern part of the trans-saharan belt allowed to propose a geophysical and rheological compartmentalization map of its crustal structures and to visualize the Tuareg shield terranes over 1000 km to the north, under the saharan sedimentary basins and several aspects have been discussed. A pseudo network of four successive generations of paleovalleys and incisions has been identified on the upper Ordovician glacial succession in the north-eastern part of the Illizi basin on the basis of high-resolution seismic data. For each incision, the geometry and seismic facies of their filling have been determined. Parallelism between the distribution of some paleovalleys and magnetic anomaly orientations has been observed, but no stratigraphic relationship between them has been identified on seismic sections. A complex network of Pleistocene glacial tunnel valleys in the North Sea has been identified on the basis of high-resolution aeromagnetic data. A detailed magnetic analysis was performed by combining several magnetic methods. Finally, 2D synthetic magnetic models were calculated for Ordovician incisions, applied in the case of the Illizi basin. The results obtained show that their magnetic detection is possible, if a high-resolution magnetic survey would still be available.
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Use and Abuse of Southwestern Rivers: The Pueblo DwellerDiPeso, Charles C. 23 April 1971 (has links)
From the Proceedings of the 1971 Meetings of the Arizona Section - American Water Resources Assn. and the Hydrology Section - Arizona Academy of Science - April 22-23, 1971, Tempe, Arizona / In response to the 20th century crisis of environmental destruction by unrestricted technological exploitation, some archaeologists are studying alternative modes of resource development as practiced by earlier men. The pueblo Indians of the arid southwestern deserts were basically upland corn farmers, who, after A.D. 1000, found it necessary to exploit their environment because of varying combinations of climatic change and increased population pressures. In the northeastern part of the state of Chihuahua, urban engineers, ca 1050, harnessed the entire Casas Grandes dendritic pattern by installing a set of linked hydraulic appointments which included various upslope protective devices such as linear border, check dams and riverside and hillside terraces. Not only were they able to visualize an entire dendritic pattern as the target area, but also they were able to conceive of rainfall and topsoil as a single factor in their control designs. Although large amounts of human labor were needed to construct and maintain these systems, few raw materials were needed. When the mountain-born waters reached the lower valleys, they were clear and sluggish, did not flood the bottomlands, and because of the reduced speed, could easily be diverted into canals and reservoirs, supplying the cities with domestic water and the farmers with irrigation water. Many further studies are needed of these pre-Columbian systems.
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Mapping of Massive Ground Ice Using Ground Penetrating Radar Data in Taylor Valley, McMurdo Dry Valleys of Antarctica / Kartläggning av massiv markis med hjälpav markradar i Taylor Valley, AntarktisDrake, Alexandra January 2015 (has links)
The distribution of massive ground ice in the ground in Taylor Valley of the McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica, is quite unknown, and could provide answers to questions such as where the ice comes from, if it has been affected and removed by proglacial lakes and how landscapes underlain by massive ground ice responds to climate change. It could also be a source for atmospheric information in the past and hence a key in climate research. The main goal with this project was therefore to map the distribution of massive ground ice mainly in Taylor Valley, but also in the adjacent Salmon Valley and Wright Valley, using ground penetrating radar to see how the distribution varied and if there was any spatial patterns. The technical computing programme MATLAB was used for editing of the raw radar data, merging of GPR profiles and digitalization of reflectors for possible massive ground ice and several compilations of different files. The data obtained from MATLAB was imported and interpreted using the geographic information system ArcGIS. A series of histograms showing the distribution of massive ground ice depending on the parameters elevation, slope and aspect were made by using the spreadsheet application Microsoft Excel. The results showed that the distribution of massive ground ice was more common at elevations up to 200 m, at the mouth of the valleys and also more frequent in Taylor Valley than in Wright Valley. There was a slightly higher amount of massive ground ice at northeast-east aspects, probably due to different incoming solar radiation. The lack of, or not that prominent, differences for slope and aspect can be due to lack of data, a not enough detailed digital elevation model or that it have existed for a too short period of time to display big differences caused by effects from these parameters. The higher frequency of massive ground ice in Taylor Valley can be due to a thicker sediment cover when compared with the situation in Wright Valley. The distribution of massive ground ice at different slopes seems to follow the distribution of radar measurements, whereas the origin of the massive ground ice and sediment cover can be responsible for the distribution across different elevations. The reason why massive ground ice still occurs despite the existence of Glacial Lake Washburn that previously occupied Taylor Valley could be that the glacial lake did not remain for a sufficiently long time to melt all the massive ice. Massive ground ice is very common in a zone that is believed to be very susceptible for future warming, which means that changes that already have been observed in areas rich in massive ground ice can continue to happen and changes in other areas with massive ice can be enabled. The ice can thus play a major role in the development of the landscape in the McMurdo Dry Valleys depending on the amount of warming. / Markis kan hittas i mark som har temperaturer under 0°C under åtminstone 2 år i följd och därav klassas som permafrost, skillnaden mellan markis och permafrost är däremot att permafrost inte behöver vara just is utan kan enbart vara kall mark. För att markis ska klassas som massiv is så ska andelen is i marken vara minst 250 % jämfört med vikten på torr jord. Utbredningen av sådan massiv is i Taylor Valley i McMurdos torrdalar på Antarktis är inte helt känd, och kunskapen om att veta vart den finns (om den finns) skulle kunna ge svar på frågor som vart den kommer ifrån, om den har påverkats och smält bort av isuppdämda sjöar och hur landskap som är grundade av massiv markis påverkas av klimatförändringar. Isen skulle även kunna vara en informationskälla för tidigare atmosfäriska förhållanden. Huvudsyftet med detta arbete var därför att kartlägga utbredningen av massiv is främst i Taylor Valley, men även i de närliggande dalarna Salmon Valley och Wright Valley, och undersöka hur utbredningen varierar beroende på olika landskapsegenskaper som påverkar dess förekomst. Datorprogrammet och programspråket MATLAB användes för att editera rådatat från radar-mätningarna i området, samt för att sammanföra och digitalisera horisonter för möjlig massiv markis i radarfigurerna och för ett antal sammanställningar av olika filer. Data erhållet från MATLAB importerades till det geografiska informationssystemet ArcGIS där det kunde visualiseras i kartor och tolkas. Ett antal histogram skapades i kalkylprogrammet Microsoft Excel för att visa frekvensen av massiv markis vid olika höjder, sluttningsvinklar och olika väderstrecksriktningar. Resultaten visade att det var mer vanligt med massiv is höjder upp till 200 m, vid mynningarna av dalarna samt i Taylor Valley jämfört med Wright Valley. Det var en aning mer vanligt med massiv markis vid nordöst-östliga sluttningsriktningar, vilket antagligen beror på olika mängder inkommande solstrålning till de olika riktningarna. Avsaknaden av, eller inte så märkbara, skillnader för olika sluttningsvinklar och riktningar kan bero på att mängden data var för liten, att höjdkartan inte var tillräckligt detaljerad eller att isen inte har funnits tillräckligt länge för att bli påverkad av dessa parametrar. Anledningen till att det finns mer massiv markis i Taylor Valley än i Wright Valley kan vara att det skyddande sedimenttäcket är tunnare i Wright Valley än i Taylor Valley. Frekvensen av massiv markis vid olika sluttningsvinklar verkar bero på det totala antalet mätningar gjorda, fler mätningar leder till en högre frekvens av markis, medan dess ursprung samt det antagna tunnare sedimenttäcket på högre höjder kan vara anledningen till de olika frekvenserna av massiv markis vid olika höjder. Anledningen till varför det fortfarande finns massiv markis trots existensen av den isuppdämda sjön Washburn som tidigare fanns i Taylor Valley, och att isen således inte helt har smält bort på grund av sjön, kan vara att den fanns under en för kort tid så att de långsamma termodynamiska processerna som skulle orsaka smältningen inte hann agera tillräckligt länge för att smälta all is. Den massiva markisen är vanlig i en zon som tros vara väldigt mottaglig för framtida uppvärmning, vilket betyder att landskapsförändringar som redan har observerats i områden med mycket massiv markis kan fortsätta att ske samtidigt som andra områden med massiv markis kan börja förändras. Isen kan därför spela en stor roll i landskapsutvecklingen i McMurdos torrdalar beroende på hur mycket varmare det blir i området.
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Structures de déformation induites par surpressions de fluide dans les environnements sous-glaciaires et marin profonds : implications paléoenvironnementales et réservoirs / Soft-sediment deformation structures induced by fluid overpressure in subglacial and deep-marine environments : palaeoenvironmental and reservoir implicationsRavier, Edouard 11 December 2014 (has links)
Les structures de déformation pré-lithification s’enregistrent dans les sédiments meubles. Ces structures sont abondantes dans les domaines sous-glaciaires et marins profonds en raison du développement de surpressions de fluide. A partir de cas d’études choisis dans ces deux environnements, leurs implications sur les (1)reconstructions paléoenvironnementales, leurs impacts sur la (2) morphologie glaciaire, et sur les (3) propriétés pétrophysiques ont pu être définis.(1) L’analyse de ces structures de déformation a permis de mieux contraindre les paléoenvironnements sédimentaires. Ces structures de déformation ont été utilisées comme des «proxy » permettant d’estimer les variations de la vitesse d’écoulement, de l’épaisseur de glace, de la production d’eaux de fonte et de la position de la marge glaciaire.(2) Les séries sédimentaires des vallées tunnels ordoviciennes enregistrent la mise en place de nombreuses structures de déformation liées aux surpressions de fluides. L’analyse de ces structures a permis de proposer un nouveau modèle de creusement des vallées tunnels induits par des pressions de fluides élevées. Ce modèle de creusement, lié aux surpressions de fluide, est favorisé dans les zones d’inter ice-stream. A l’inverse, sous les ice-stream, l’écoulement des eaux de fonte se produit à l’interface glace-substrat et favorise d’autres modèles de formation des vallées tunnels.(3) Les processus de remobilisation sédimentaire ont un impact sur les propriétés pétrophysiques des réservoirs sableux. Les études pétrophysiques menées sur des grès déposés en environnements marins profonds et glaciaires ont permis de mettre en évidence l’impact des surpressions de fluides sur les propriétés réservoirs des sables. Les processus de fluidisation sont capable de créer de bons réservoirs, tandisque les processus d’élutriations ont tendance a réduire la porosité/perméabilité. / Soft-sediment deformation structures (SSDs) occur in unconsolidated sediments, during or shortly after deposition. SSDs are abundant in subglacial and deep-marine environments because of the development of fluid overpressure. Case studies of these two sedimentary environments were used (1) to reconstruct palaeoenvironments from SSDS, and (2) to define the impacts of SSDS on glacial morphologies and (3) petrophysical properties.(1) Analyses of strain regimes, deformation mechanisms, and chronologies in SSDs served to improve palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. These structures were used as proxys to estimate variations of ice flow velocities, ice thickness, meltwater production, and position of the ice margin.(2) The sedimentary series of ordovician tunnel valleys record numerous SSDs induced by fluid overpressure. A new model of tunnel valley formation controlled by the increase of porewater pressure in the bed is proposed. This model of formation occurs in inter-ice stream zones, where meltwater is transferred to the substratum. In ice-stream corridors, meltwater circulates at the ice-bed interface and promotes the formation of tunnel valleys controlled by meltwater processes.(3) Remobilisation processes triggered by the increase of fluid pressure have an impact on the granular framework and on the geometry of reservoirs. Petrophysical studies of subglacial and deep-marine sandstones demonstrated the impact of fluid overpressure on reservoir properties. Processes of fluidisation are responsible for the increase in porosity/permeability, while elutriation processes lead to a decrease in these petrophysical properties.
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Assessment of the health needs of the communities served by Kaiser Permanente of RiversideVan Arsdall, Jennifer 01 January 1996 (has links)
The purpose of this community needs assessment was to explore the unmet health needs in some of the communities of Riverside County, to discover which populations are most adversely affected by these unmet needs, and to determine what barriers hinder individuals from getting their needs met. United Way of the Inland Valleys, in cooperation with Kaiser Permanente of Riverside conducted this study as part of their community based needs assessment.
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Snímač otisku prstu / Realization of fingerprint scannerKovář, Martin January 2015 (has links)
This master’s thesis deals with the issue of scanning human fingerprints, which is currently very topical and represents the most widespread biometric technology. The theoretical part of the work acquaints the reader with basics of dactyloscopy and biometrics and concerns technologies used for fingerprinting, image preprocessing methods and commercially available contactless optical scanners. The practical part is a realisation of a contactless optical scanner based on a Raspberry Pi minicomputer, implementation of preprocessing algorithms in Python and testing of the device from the perspective of image quality.
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Výskyt ochranářsky významných druhů PR Tetínské skály a jeho ovlivnění environmentálními faktory / The influence of environmental factors on abundance of conservation important species in Tetínské skály Nature ReserveAugustinová, Šárka January 2013 (has links)
Tetínské skály Nature Reserve is one of the major sites for the presence of protected species, which are Dianthus gratianopolitanus, Saxifraga rosacea subsp. Sponhemica and Saxifraga paniculata. My goal was a field survey and data collection about the incidence of these species on the surfaces of rock walls, followed by identification of key environmental factors and description of their impact on the species. Such survey has not been conduncted so far. I used mainly multivariate analysis, PCA and RDA and One-way ANOVA to determine the interrelationships. The analysis results showed significant differences in species abundances influenced by different combinations of environmental factors. The factors with significant influence include cardinal direction. The highest proportion of species abundances showed areas of eastern orientation. Another important factor was shading from vegetation, which proved to have strong negative impact on abundace, especially for species S.rosacea subsp. sponhemica and D. gratianopolitanus. These two variables indicate a preference for sunny areas. Other factors with a significant influence on the occurrence of species are also a presence of soil surface rock wall and a presence of gardens in the area over the rock wall, which greatly increased the proportion of...
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Chauffage au bois et qualité de l’air en Vallée de l’Arve : définition d’un système de surveillance et impact d’une politique de rénovation du parc des appareils anciens / Wood heating and air quality in the Arve Valley : definition of a surveillance system and impact of a renovation policy of old devicesChevrier, Florie 23 November 2016 (has links)
La combustion de la biomasse est l’une des sources majoritaires de particules atmosphériques en périodes hivernales dans les vallées alpines, et particulièrement en vallée de l’Arve où des dépassements des seuils européens sont très régulièrement observés. Ceci a conduit à la mise en place d’un large programme de remplacement des dispositifs de chauffage au bois les moins performants dans le cadre d’une des actions du Plan de Protection de l’Atmosphère, le Fond Air Bois. Le projet DECOMBIO (DÉconvolution de la contribution de la COMbustion de la BIOmasse aux PM10 dans la vallée de l’Arve) a ainsi été mis en place en octobre 2013 afin de mesurer l’impact de cette politique de rénovation des appareils de chauffage au bois sur la qualité de l’air. C’est dans ce programme que s’inscrivent ces travaux de thèse dont l’objectif principal est de valider les méthodologies mises en place en routine pour permettre une déconvolution rapide de la combustion de la biomasse et mettre en relation les éventuels changements observés avec les avancées des remplacements de dispositifs de chauffage au bois domestiques.Pour mener à bien ce travail, trois sites, représentant les différentes situations de la vallée de l’Arve, ont été instrumentés (Marnaz, Passy et Chamonix) afin de suivre en continu, et tout au long du projet DECOMBIO, l’évolution des concentrations atmosphériques du Black Carbon (BC) et des traceurs moléculaires permettant de distinguer la contribution de la combustion de la biomasse des autres types de combustion. Un important jeu de données a été acquis entre novembre 2013 et octobre 2014 grâce à des prélèvements réguliers sur filtre permettant une caractérisation très fine de la composition chimique des particules atmosphériques. L’utilisation de l’approche statistique « Positive Matrix Factorization » (PMF) a permis de mieux appréhender les différentes sources entrant en jeu dans les émissions de particules au sein de cette vallée avec notamment un intérêt particulier pour les émissions de la combustion de la biomasse. Le développement de cette méthodologie d’attribution et de quantification des sources de particules basé sur l’utilisation de traceurs organiques spécifiques, de contraintes particulières appliquées à ce modèle et de données de déconvolution de la matière carbonée constitue une avancée importante dans la définition des facteurs sources issus de ce modèle.Les méthodologies développées au cours de ce travail, permettant une amélioration des connaissances et des contributions des sources, constituent donc des outils directement utilisables par les Associations Agréées de Surveillance de la Qualité de l’Air (AASQA), notamment pour l’évaluation quantitative des mesures prises pour améliorer la qualité de l’air dans le cadre de Plans de Protection de l’Atmosphère, entre autres celui de la vallée de l’Arve. / Biomass burning is one of the major sources of atmospheric particles during wintertime in Alpine valleys, and more especially in the Arve valley where exceedances of the European regulated limit value are regularly observed. This situation led to the establishment of an important program of replacement of old wood stoves with new ones as part of an action of an Atmospheric Protection Plan (APP), the “Fonds Air Bois”. The research program DECOMBIO (“DÉconvolution de la contribution de la COMbustion de la BIOmasse aux PM10 dans la vallée de l’Arve”) has been set up in October 2013 to estimate the impact of this wood stoves renewal policy on air quality. This thesis works be incorporated within this program and have for main objective to validate methodologies used in routine to enable a fast deconvolution of the biomass burning source and to compare any observed changes with progress of wood stove changeout.To complete this work, three sites, representing the different situations of the Arve valley, were instrumented (Marnaz, Passy and Chamonix) to monitor the continuing evolution of atmospheric concentrations of Black Carbon (BC) and molecular markers enabling to distinguish between the biomass burning contribution and that of other types of combustion. A large dataset was acquired between November 2013 and October 2014 thanks to regular filter samples enabling a vast chemical characterization of PM10. The use of statistical analysis “Positive Matrix Factorization” (PMF) has led to an enhanced appreciation of particle emission sources within this valley with a focus on biomass burning emissions. The development of this methodology of identification and source apportionment based on the use of specific organic markers, specific constraints and data from carbonaceous matter deconvolution is an important progress in definition of factors from this model.The developed methodologies during this work, enabling an improvement of knowledges and source apportionment, are tools directly usable by French Accredited Associations for Air Quality Monitoring, especially for the quantitative assessment of actions introduced to improve air quality as part of Atmospheric Protection Plans, for example the one in the Arve valley.
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Genomic Analysis of Nematode-Environment InteractionAdhikari, Bishwo 15 July 2010 (has links) (PDF)
The natural environments of organisms present a multitude of biotic and abiotic challenges that require both short-term ecological and long-term evolutionary responses. Though most environmental response studies have focused on effects at the ecosystem, community and organismal levels, the ultimate controls of these responses are located in the genome of the organism. Soil nematodes are highly responsive to, and display a wide variety of responses to changing environmental conditions, making them ideal models for the study of organismal interactions with their environment. In an attempt to examine responses to environmental stress (desiccation and freezing), genomic level analyses of gene expression during anhydrobiosis of the Antarctic nematode Plectus murrayi was undertaken. An EST library representative of the desiccation induced transcripts was established and the transcripts differentially expressed during desiccation stress were identified. The expressed genome of P. murrayi showed that desiccation survival in nematodes involves differential expression of a suite of genes from diverse functional areas, and constitutive expression of a number of stress related genes. My study also revealed that exposure to slow desiccation and freezing plays an important role in the transcription of stress related genes, improves desiccation and freezing survival of nematodes. Deterioration of traits essential for biological control has been recognized in diverse biological control agents including insect pathogenic nematodes. I studied the genetic mechanisms behind such deterioration using expression profiling. My results showed that trait deterioration of insect pathogenic nematode induces substantial overall changes in the nematode transcriptome and exhibits a general pattern of metabolic shift causing massive changes in metabolic and other processes. Finally, through field observations and molecular laboratory experiments the validity of the growth rate hypothesis in natural populations of Antarctic nematodes was tested. My results indicated that elemental stoichiometry influences evolutionary adaptations in gene expression and genome evolution. My study, in addition to providing immediate insight into the mechanisms by which multicellular animals respond to their environment, is transformative in its potential to inform other fundamental ecological and evolutionary questions, such as the evolution of life-history patterns and the relationship between community structure and ecological function in ecosystems.
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Variable Denudation in the Evolution of the Bolivian Andes: Controls and Uplift-Climate-Erosion FeedbacksBarnes, Jason B. January 2002 (has links)
Controls on denudation in the eastern Bolivian Andes are evaluated by synthesis of new and existing denudation estimates from basin-morphometry, stream - powered fluvial incision, landslide mapping, sediment flux, erosion surfaces, thermochronology, foreland basin sediment volumes, and structural restorations. Centered at 17.5 °S, the northeastern Bolivian Andes exhibit high relief, a wet climate, and a narrow fold- thrust belt. In contrast, the southeastern Bolivian Andes have low relief, a semi-arid climate, and a wide fold-thrust belt. Basin -morphometry indicates a northward increase in relief and relative denudation. Stream-power along river profiles shows greater average incision rates in the north by a factor of 2 to 4. In the south, profile knickpoints with high incision rates are controlled by fold-thrust belt structures such as the surface expressions of basement megathrusts, faults, folds, and lithologic boundaries. Landslide and sediment-flux data are controlled by climate, elevation, basin morphology, and size and show a similar trend; short -term denudation-rate averages are greater in the north (1- 9 mm/yr) than the south (0.3-0.4 mm/yr). Long-term denudation-rate estimates including fission track, basin fill, erosion surfaces, and structural restorations also exhibit greater values in the north (0.2-0.8 mm/yr) compared to the south (0.04-0.3 mm/yr). Controls on long-term denudation rates include relief, orographic and global atmospheric circulation patterns of precipitation, climate change, glaciation, and fold-thrust belt geometry and kinematics. The denudation synthesis supports two conclusions: 1) denudation rates have increased towards the present 2) an along-strike disparity in denudation (greater in the north) has existed since at least the Miocene and has increased towards the present. Denudation rates and controls suggest that Bolivian mountain morphology is controlled by both its orientation at mid-latitude, and the feedbacks between uplift, kinematics, orographic effects on precipitation, glaciation, and the increased erosion that accompanies orogenesis.
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