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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
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我國電信業者行動加值服務的新產品開發之研究-以行動音樂服務為例 / A Study on New Product Development of Mobile Services of Tele-operators: Mobile Music

王鈴惠 Unknown Date (has links)
從1G、2G到3G,行動通訊技術快速發展,以往單純的語音通訊服務,逐漸演變至資料傳輸、多媒體應用,行動服務日趨多元,「內容」在行動通訊服務中所扮演的角色愈加重要。是故,電信業者無不積極發展內容相關商品。然而,這類產品的開發往往牽涉到不同領域的專業(如美工、音樂、文化創意、科技、社會、政治等),因此,吾人可以預期這些廠商勢必需要藉用大量的外部資源才能適時地推出內容商品。 在目前的行動內容服務當中,由於手機鈴聲能彰顯與眾不同的個人特色,且越來越多手機支援播放數位音樂的功能,因此,行動音樂一直以來都是最受消費者歡迎的行動加值服務,也是各家電信業者除了語音通訊之外最大的營收來源之一。然而,過去的研究重點往往著重在電信產業相關業者發展策略、關鍵成功因素等策略層面的探討,對於行動加值服務新產品開發實務歷程的研究則較少著墨。故本研究針對我國電信業者行動加值服務的「新產品發展」進行研究,以行動音樂商品為例,試圖以較為整體性的架構,探討其新產品發展之相關議題,期能對於「外部導向的產品創新管理」方面,提供一些實務上與學理上的貢獻。 本研究之研究問題有四:1.我國電信業者發展行動加值服務的策略性資源為何?2.我國電信業者在行動加值服務發展過程當中的價值網絡為何?3.我國電信業者開發行動加值服務過程中,運用內外部資源的機制為何?4.我國電信業者行動加值服務的新產品策略與開發流程為何? 透過深度訪談電信業者,並配合相關次級資料蒐集與整理,進行彙整及分析之後,本研究獲得以下之主要結論:1.就策略性資源而言,電信業者掌握行動音樂服務之通路。2.電信業者建構之策略性資源與原有資源具有相關性。3.就新產品發展策略而言,行動音樂發展重點仍在於「強化現有行動用戶忠誠度」。4.電信業者委外動機與型態會影響其新產品發展。 / From 1G, 2G to 3G, the technology of telecommunication developed rapidly. The voice communication service gradually evolved towards the data transmission and the multimedia application and the mobile content services become much more important and diversified than before. Accordingly, tele-operators develop content products actively. However, the development of these products involves with many kinds of knowledge, such as fine art, music, programming, etc. Thus, we would expect that the enterprises have to utilize external resources to develop products timely. Because many cell phones provide functions of digital music and ring tones can show forth users’ characteristics, therefore, the mobile music becomes one of the most popular service product. However, most of the past studies focused on strategy rather than new product development. Thus, we focus on the new product development of mobile value-added services in the research. The study aims to investigate the questions: 1. What are the strategic resources for developing mobile value-added services? 2. What is the value network to develop mobile value-added services? 3. What is the mechanism of utilizing external resources in the process of new product development? 4. What are the new product strategy and process of developing mobile value-added services? The study takes mobile music as an example to explore how tele-operators can accumulate enterprise resources and better utilize external resources for developing value-added services. This study applies the deep interview method of qualitative research and secondary data analysis to study tele-operators in Taiwan. The preliminary research findings include: 1.The major marketing purpose of tele-operators’ developing mobile music is to reinforce the loyalty of existing customers. 2. What tele-operators dominate in the mobile music business is the channel. 3. The new strategic resources which the tele-operators build in the mobile music business is highly related to those existed before. 4. What motivates tele-operators to outsource will affect their ways of new product development.
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曾繁庚, Tseng, Fan Ken Unknown Date (has links)
2006年第四季我國行動總用戶數已達2324萬戶,行動上網用戶則達914.7萬戶,其中PHS與3G數據用戶已達462萬戶,首度超過GPRS的用戶,佔整體行動網路用戶比率51%。目前我國行動上網用戶佔行動總用戶數之39.34%,但行動加值服務卻只佔行動通訊業者營收的5%~10%,相較於日本NTT DoCoMo 2006年行動數據服務營收占整體行動通訊營收的29%,我國行動加值服務仍有許多值得開發的市場潛能。 由於國內先前對於行動加值服務相關領域的研究主要集中在市場面與使用者面向的研究為主,較少電信服務業者角度出發,進行服務創新模式與價值網路的研究。因此引發本研究對此研究主題的興趣,希望能透過本研究探討行動加值服務產業的服務創新與價值網路,對電信服務業者提出產業策略建議,進而創造出良性循環的產業發展環境,提昇我國行動加值服務市場的發展。 本研究針對下列問題進行研究:行動加值服務產業是否存在創新模式,這些創新模式有幾種類型?行動加值服務創新模式的創新驅動因子有哪些,這些因子彼此的驅動形式又有哪些?行動加值服務創新驅動模式是否存在產業的價值網路,網路裡的價值交換有哪些形式?如何交換?從創新模式與價值分析的結論中,電信業者能否找到可以協助產業創新和產生良性循環的經營策略? 進而獲得下列研究結論: 1. 行動加值服務的三構面創新程度愈高,服務創新成果愈佳。 2. 組織調整、通路建置與行銷活動的配合有助於服務構面創新。 3. 行動加值服務創新驅動因子在創新過程中所扮演的角色不同,也影響了創新發展的形式。 4. 行動加值服務產業的價值網路包含電信業者本身、競爭電信業者、使用者、設備供應商、內容供應商、手機通路商、手機製造商等角色。 5. 行動加值服務產業具有良性循環的價值網路。 6. 行動加值服務的價值交換的形式包含經濟價值、整合價值與無性價值交換。 並進而對電信服務業者提出下列方向建議: 1. 電信服務業者與使用者之間。 2. 電信服務業者與服務供應商之間。 3. 電信服務業者與互補廠商之間。 4. 電信服務業者與其他電信服務業者之間。 5. 電信服務業者本身。 關鍵字:行動加值服務、服務創新、創新驅動因子、價值網路、價值交換 / According to the report by NCC (National Communication Commission of Taiwan), the number of mobile subscribers in Taiwan had reached 23.24 million at the end of 2006, and the amount of PHS and 3G subscribers was 4.62 million, which reached more than 51% of the total mobile internet users (9.147 million). As 39.34% mobile subscribers use mobile internet services, only 5~10% revenue of mobile operators came from mobile value-added services. Compared with NTT DoCoMo’s mobile service (which had) contributed 29% of the revenue in 2006, there is still a lot of room for mobile operators in Taiwan to improve their value-added services. Former researches in mobile value-added industry were mostly focused on the market and customer facets, and fewer on service innovation and value network from operator’s view. This research attempts to study service innovation model and value network of mobile value-added services industry, and tries to provide suggestions of industry strategy for telecom operators. In recent years, much research has been focused on customer demand of mobile value-added services industry; few have majored in service innovation and value network from operator’s view. Therefore this research attempts to study service innovation model and value network of mobile value-added services industry, and tries to provide suggestions of industry strategy for telecom operators. The focus of this study is to answer the following research questions: 1. Are there any innovation models in mobile value-added services industry? What patterns of service innovation are there? 2. What actors are there in those innovation patterns? And how about their roles in the innovation processes? 3. Are there any value networks of industry in the mobile value-added services innovation patterns? What categories of values being exchanged are there in the value network? And how do they be exchanged? 4. From the above results, Could telecom operator find out new strategies of services innovation and virtuous circle for mobile value-added services industry, which from results of above researches? The results are concluded as followings: 1. There are positive correlations between innovation degree of the four dimension model and service innovation results. The higher innovation degree of the four dimension model is, the better the service innovation results. The more innovative the four dimension model is, the better the service innovation results. 2. Coordination of organization development, distribution installation and marketing events serves for service innovation. 3. Innovation actors of mobile value-added services, who play different roles in innovation processes cause different innovation patterns. 4. Roles of the value network in mobile value-added services industry include telecom operators and their competitors, mobile users, telecom vendors, content providers, cellular phone distributors and cellular phone manufacturers, etc. 5. These are virtuous circles in the value network of mobile value-added services industry. 6. Exchange items in the value network of mobile value-added services are including economical value, integrated value and intangible value. The exchanges in the value network of mobile value-added services include economical value, integrated value and intangible value. Some further suggestions on strategies are proposed for telecom operator: 1. Telecom operator and mobile users. 2. Telecom operator and content providers. 3. Telecom operator and complementors. 4. Telecom operator and other telecom operators. 5. For telecom operator itself. Key words:Mobile value-added service, service innovation, innovation patterns, value network, value exchange
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蔡羽婷 Unknown Date (has links)
貿易向來為台灣經濟發展之重心,但近年來由於全球貿易自由化、台灣加入WTO、及科技進步帶來之資訊透明化及大陸市場之開放,在在威脅到貿易商之生存空間。在面對這些挑戰與威脅時,貿易商要如何創新經營模式,提升在交易中的附加價值,增強自我優勢,已成為現在重要議題之一。 本研究之主要研究對象為台灣中小型貿易商,並以Hamel經營模式為基礎,分析早期之貿易商經營模式,並歸結出其所面臨之挑戰與困境,進一步瞭解與探討未來貿易商唯有創新經營模式,轉型成為附加價值極大之服務提供者,才能永續經營,並以一成功個案來佐證本研究之主要論點。 因此,本研究以Hamel經營模式四構面歸納出:重新定位企業之核心策略、強化企業之策略性資產、鞏固既有顧客介面並適度拓展市場商機、在價值網絡中增加附加價值,才能使貿易商在艱困的環境中持續經營,並再造台灣貿易業之另一奇蹟。 / Trading companies are playing important roles in economical development in Taiwan. Because of liberalization of trade, advancement of technology, and many changes of internal and external economical construction, these factors made trading companies in Taiwan face more difficult environment recently. The most important issue for the trading companies in Taiwan is how to transform into the value-added service provider, innovate their business model and strengthen their competitive advantage. The research focuses on the small trading companies in Taiwan and is based on the theory of Hamel business model. We are trying to analyze early business models which were adopted by trading companies and find their challenges and difficulties. We conclude that the only way that trading companies can sustain in the difficult environment is to adopt innovative business models and transform into the value-added service provider. In the end of this research, we use one successful innovative business model case study to support the main argument. From the four dimension of Hamel business, we conclude that trading companies should reposition the core strategies, strengthen the strategic resources, maintain old customers and expand new markets and add value into the value network. In this way, trading companies can operate their business successfully and create other miracle of trading industry in Taiwan.
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中小企業服務創新價值網路模式設計:顧客導向與意象模式方法 / Value network design for cluster SMEs service innovation: a customer- driven and imagery based approach

謝沛宏, Hsieh, Pei Hung Unknown Date (has links)
Evolution of the global economic system has significantly impacted on customer behaviors. The service economy era has accompanied rapid growth of the service industry. This work focuses on service innovation enhancement for cluster SMEs, which play important roles in the global economic system. These SMEs, which have specific knowledge and capabilities, are keys to improving customer service experiences. However, the entire service system has evolved, as have customer behaviors. In addition to understanding how service value is created, interactions between economic, social, and environmental systems during value creation are also crucial for the sustainable development of service industries. For service systems consisting of SMEs, the design of a value network for clustered SMEs still faces huge challenges in finding key value propositions and assessments for value creation. To assess service value, relationships, and customer feedback from both economic and social psychology perspectives, this research proposes a novel service ecosystem for value creation in service dominant logic and customer-driven and imagery-based value network design approach (CIVNDA) grounded in service dominant logic and image theory. The CIVNDA (1) provides a framework for designing and configuring a service value network that can identify the roles and value propositions of each partner; (2) provides a novel service imagery representation to characterize services of businesses from a customer psychological perspective; and (3) generates appropriate partners for specific cooperation goals and service journey designs. Due to the importance of information technology in service innovation, integration, and provision, this research also implements an ICT-based service platform—uVoyage using color image scale and metaphor theory. Tourism is selected as the study industry to evaluate the effects of the CIVNDA and the uVoyage service platform. Interview and focus group results (1) show that four different evolutionary stages of tourism SMEs exist when adapting to the current service economy era; (2) indicate how the CIVNDA and uVoyage platform facilitate value co-creation for tourism SMEs during different evolutionary stages; and (3) demonstrate how the features of service imagery differ from brand images and can be utilized to bridge gaps between product design and customer-driven service design. This research can contribute to our understanding of service system ecology and service value evaluation in service value network designs consisting of SMEs in the tourism, design, cultural, and creativity service industries. The proposed concept of service imagery also guides future innovative research and outcomes of service value network design.
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