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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Two Essays on the Value of Cash

Tippens, Timothy 2012 August 1900 (has links)
In the first essay, "The Source of Cash and Its Marginal Value," we study the relation between the source of firms' cash holdings and the value of the cash to shareholders. The marginal value of a dollar of cash holdings depends on the source of the dollar: $1.00 of cash has a value of $1.27 when it is from operations, $0.80 when from financing, and $0.46 when from investing. Within the same source, the marginal value of an added dollar of cash holdings is significantly higher than the absolute value of a subtracted dollar. Shareholders of financially constrained or distressed firms value incremental cash holdings from almost any source more highly than do shareholders of unconstrained or stronger firms, but differences in value remain across the sources of cash within each subsample. Agency costs and information asymmetry are two frictions that appear to have the largest impact upon the value of cash. In the second essay, "Explanations for Diverging Values of Cash," we further explain the differing values of cash found in the first essay. Intertemporal relationships among the sources and uses of cash provide a rational basis for shareholders to assign different values of cash based on the source. Sources of cash provide information about likely uses of cash up to two to three years in the future, and many of the intertemporal relations are statistically and economically significant. Likewise, prior uses of cash relate significantly to later uses of cash. Past sources of cash inform investors about likely future sources, even up to five years into the future. The fact that different kinds of cash flows have predictive power for future cash flows helps explain the wide range of the values of cash associated with different sources.

Stanovení hodnoty společnosti PARTR, spol. s r.o.

Holíková, Veronika January 2011 (has links)
No description available.

Corporate cash-holding decisions : Amman stock exchange

Al Zoubi, Tariq January 2013 (has links)
Using a panel data analysis of a sample of 80 listed non-financial Jordanian firms during the period from 2000 to 2011, we investigated the corporate cash-holding decision. The firm’s decision to hold cash has come to the fore in last two or three years as a result of the recent global financial crisis, and the impact that this has had on the firms’ ability to raise funds from external sources. There is evidence in the US, for example, that firms have increased their holdings of cash as a result of increasing constraints from external sources. This current study therefore examines this issue from the point of view of a developing economy. We started by investigating the empirical determinants of corporate cash holdings; the results showed that firm size and growth opportunities have no significant effect on corporate cash-holding decisions, while firm’s cash flow, leverage, and liquid assets substitute have a significant negative effect on cash-holding decisions, and profitability and cash dividends have a positive effect on cash-holding decisions. Then we investigated empirically how cash-holding affects the value of corporate firms. Based on Fama and French’s (1998) valuation model and Faulkender and Wang’s (2006) model, the results showed that the marginal value of each Jordanian Dinar (JD) is valued at a discounted value of 0.41 JD; with higher leverage the marginal value of cash is declining, with a higher level of cash the marginal value of cash is increasing and, finally, cash dividends have no significant effect on shareholders’ value. We also investigated empirically how a group of explanatory variables affect a firm’s debt ratio by focusing on the liquidity variable. Results showed that the total debt ratio is positively affected by firm size and is negatively affected by growth opportunities, profitability, assets tangibility and total liquidity, cash, and non-cash liquidity. The long-term debt ratio is positively affected by firm size, non-debt tax shield, asset tangibility, total liquidity, cash, and non-cash liquidity, while the long-term debt ratio is negatively affected by growth opportunities and profitability. For the short-term debt models, the debt ratio is negatively affected by firm size, asset tangibility, and liquidity in its different forms. An investigation into the speed of adjustment showed that Jordanian firms quickly adjusted the total and long-term debt ratio, while they do not have an optimal or target short-term debt ratio.

Oceňování podniku / Business Valuation

Pospíšilová, Jana January 2010 (has links)
The subject of the Master´s thesis is problem of the Estimation of Company Market Value. Theoretical part contains elementary knowledge from literature and possiblities for Estimation of the Company Value. Practical part includes estamation of real company market value by profit method of discounted cash flow.

Essays on the effects of investor protection and financial structure on firm decisions and outcomes

Tan, I. (Irene) 31 July 2018 (has links)
Abstract The laws and financial structure of a country can affect firm decisions and outcomes by affecting financial constraints and agency problems. Power theories of credit suggest that the legal rights of creditors, such as the ability to grab collateral in bankruptcy, increase the willingness of lenders to extend credit. Shareholder protection can reduce information asymmetry and agency problems by mandating quality disclosures, stipulating approval procedures for potentially conflicted transactions and facilitating the private litigation process. The bank-based financial structure can reduce moral hazard by alleviating the free-rider problem in monitoring. This dissertation contains various novel results. The first essay presents evidence of an inverse relation between creditor rights and the value of cash. This is consistent with financial constraints increasing the marginal value of cash, and creditor rights alleviating financial constraints. The second essay suggests that the bank-based financial structure improves the operating performance of large investments especially for diffusely held firms, consistent with the less prevalent free-rider problem in monitoring. The third essay shows that shareholder protection raises investment hazard for the smallest firms. This is consistent with the notion that shareholder protection alleviates those asymmetric information-related problems that delay investment, such as cash flow diversion by corporate insiders. In addition to contributing to the scientific literature, the results of this dissertation can have practical implications for companies, suppliers of finance and policymakers. A value-maximizing company should take into account its legal environment when deciding on cash holdings. Suppliers of finance should consider the interplay between financial structure and ownership structure when evaluating the profitability of investments. Policymakers often encourage investments due to their effect on employment and tax income. The results of this dissertation show that investor protection increases the frequency of large investments and their profitability. / Tiivistelmä Maan lait ja rahoitusrakenne voivat vaikuttaa yrityksen päätöksentekoon rahoitusrajoitteiden ja agenttiongelmien kautta. Velkojien vaikutusvaltaan perustuvien teorioiden mukaan velkojan oikeudet, kuten oikeus vakuuteen konkurssin yhteydessä, lisäävät velanantajan lainaamishalukkuutta. Osakkeenomistajia suojaavat lait voivat puolestaan vähentää yrityksen ja sijoittajien välistä epäsymmetristä informaatiota ja agenttiongelmia esimerkiksi vaatimalla laadukkaita ilmoituksia ja hyväksymisprosesseja koskien potentiaalisesti eturistiriitoja sisältäviä transaktioita sekä mahdollistamalla yksityisen kanteen nostamisen. Lisäksi maan pankkiperusteinen rahoitusrakenne voi vähentää moraalikatoa lievittämällä vapaamatkustajaongelmaa yritysjohdon monitoroinnissa. Tämä tutkielma sisältää useita uusia tuloksia. Ensimmäisessä esseessä havaitaan käänteinen yhteys velkojien oikeuksien ja kassan arvon välillä. Johdonmukainen selitys tälle havainnolle on, että rahoitusrajoitteet lisäävät kassan marginaaliarvoa ja velkojien oikeudet lieventävät rahoitusrajoitteita. Toisen esseen tulosten mukaan pankkiperusteinen rahoitusrakenne parantaa suurten investointien vaikutusta operatiiviseen tulokseen eritysesti hajaantuneen omistusrakenteen omaavien yritysten osalta. Tämä voi johtua pankkiperusteisen rahoitusjärjestelmän vapaamatkustajaongelmaa vähentävästä vaikutuksesta. Kolmannen esseen tulosten mukaan osakkeenomistajansuoja kohottaa suurten investointien hasardifunktiota pienimpien yritysten osalta. Tämä puolestaan voi johtua siitä, että osakkeenomistajansuoja lievittää investointeja hidastavia epäsymmetrisen informaation ongelmia, kuten yrityksen sisäpiiriläisten mahdollista taipumusta ohjata yrityksen kassavirtoja heitä itseään hyödyttäviin kohteisiin. Tieteellisen kontribuution lisäksi tutkimustuloksia voidaan hyödyntää yritysten, rahoittajien ja politiikkojen päätöksenteossa. Yrityksen arvoa maksimoivan johtajan tulisi kassan suuruutta päättäessään ottaa huomioon maassa vallitseva lakiympäristö. Rahoittajien tulisi puolestaan huomioida maan rahoitusrakenteen ja yrityksen omistusrakenteen vaikutus investointien kannattavuuteen. Politiikkojen yleinen tavoite on lisätä yritysten investointeja, koska ne parantavat työllisyyttä ja synnyttävät verotuloja. Tämän tutkielman mukaan sijoittajansuoja lisää suurten investointien frekvenssiä ja kannattavuutta.

家族企業接班與現金持有政策 / Family Succession and Cash Holding Policy

王湘綺, Wang, Hsiang Chi Unknown Date (has links)
本研究旨在探討家族企業接班與接班人類型對於公司現金來源及現金價值的影響。本研究使用於1992年至2015年被列於S&P 1500指數的公司為樣本進行實證研究。實證結果顯示家族企業接班後將減少使用發行股票為公司現金的來源。此外,當接班人為家族成員時,企業接班後的邊際現金價值會較低;然而於財務限制的家族企業,企業接班將使當年度的邊際現金價值提高。本研究結果顯示資本市場對於家族企業接班投以較高的關注,尤其當接班人為家族成員時程度更為顯著。 / This study examines the effect of succession on the cash saving behavior and the value of cash holdings for family firms. By examining the Standard and Poor 1500 indexed firms from 1992 to 2015, we find that cash savings from equity issuance decrease around successions, and the decreasing effect lasts longer with family related successors. In addition, the marginal value of cash holdings will be lower after succession if the successor is associated with the family. But if family firms are financial constrained, the marginal value of cash holdings will be higher with family firms with succession at the year of succession but not after. These findings indicate that the capital markets are concerned with the succession implication for family firms more than non-family firms, especially when the successors are family members.

Financial Analysis and Company Valuation of Lufthansa Group / Finanční Analýza a Ohodnocení Společnosti Lufthansa

Hamacek, Michaela Maria January 2015 (has links)
The aim of the thesis is to provide investors and other stakeholders with an approach how to calculate the fair value of a company and its stocks to make an investment decision. As stock market prices are influenced by many events, they rarely reflect the true underlying value of the company. The company investigated in this thesis is the German airline company Lufthansa. A strategic, a financial and a ratio analysis are performed before the fair value is assessed using the discounted cash flow method under three future scenarios. The analyses revealed a possible undervaluation of the company, which led to a buy recommendation for shares of Lufthansa.

Ocenenie skupiny AAA Auto Group N.V. / Valuation of AAA Auto Group N. V.

Tatár, Dávid January 2012 (has links)
The objective of diploma thesis is about to define a value of a international group AAA Auto Group N. V. which operates on the czech, slovak and russian market with used cars and analysis of an ability to increase shareholder's value in the future. It is structured as an expert opinion. It defines purpose, subject and exact date of valuation, valuation method's overview, strategic (macro and micro) and financial group analysis on the main markets. Consolidated financial plan was created as a prediction with a quick financial analysis. Group was evaluated by three discounted-based method - free cash flow to firm, free cash flow to equity, discounted economic value added as they were compared to market capitalization method. Final group value AAA Auto Group N. V. to 7th of December 2012 was defined by free cash flow to equity method and compared to market capitalization method, which is determined by the market.

Hodnocení ekonomické efektivnosti projektů dopravní infrastruktury / Economic Efficiency Evaluation of Transport Infrastructure Projects

Vojdášová, Ivona Unknown Date (has links)
The diploma thesis is focused on evaluation of the economic efficiency of investment projects of transport infrastructure in the Czech Republic. These projekcts are evaluated according to the methodological documents of the Ministry of Transport of the Czech Republic, the State Fund for Transport Infrastructure and thr Directorate of Roads and Motorways of the Czech Republic. The diploma thesis also deals with the comparison od individual methodological procedures and their influence on the resulting indicators of economic efficiency of transport infrastructure condtructions.

未雨綢繆:公司現金持有的預防性動機與價值 / Saving for a rainy day: Precautionary motives and the value of cash holdings

盧建霖 Unknown Date (has links)
在現今關於公司現金決策的文獻中,多數文獻以預防性動機 (precautionary motive) 或是代理問題動機 (agency motive) 來解釋公司為何要存錢,但至今對於公司存錢的動機仍未有一致的定論。在本篇文章中,我們用籌資不易公司 (financially constrained firm) 在2000年網路泡沫以及2008年金融海嘯的表現來證明現金的預防性價值。我們發現事先有存錢的公司在上述事件期間仍能維持其原有的投資支出,反之事先沒存錢的公司在上述期間會擁有較低的股票報酬以及較高的違約風險。此外,本研究也發現曾在2000年網路泡沫期間遭遇資金問題的公司比較容易在2000年後開始存錢,這些預先存錢的公司在2008年金融海嘯來臨時也有相對較小的違約風險,顯示了公司在現金管理方面的學習行為及其好處。綜上所述,本文以外生事件突顯了現金的預防性價值,證明公司的未雨綢繆確實有用。 / This article examines the role of pre-saved cash in helping financially constrained firms during the 2000 dot-com crash and the 2008 financial crisis, both of which were exogenous shocks to industrial firms. The results show that constrained firms tended to increase capital investments during these severe economic downturns if they had pre-saved more cash. Constrained firms instead exhibited lower excess returns and incurred higher likelihoods of financial distress during the severe downturns if they had saved less cash prior to the events. Firms that experienced the 2000 dot-com crash and saved cash thereafter were less likely to default during the 2008 financial crisis, indicating the existence and benefit of learning effects. This study supports a precautionary motive for cash savings, showing that pre-saved cash helps financially constrained firms fund investment and reduces the likelihood of financial distress during severe market downturns. It demonstrates that saving for a rainy day really is valuable.

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