Spelling suggestions: "subject:"calues."" "subject:"5values.""
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A critical examination of African leadership and leadership effectiveness among the Churches of Christ in Meru, KenyaGranberg, Stanley Earl January 2000 (has links)
No description available.
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Legal education : experiencing the dynamics of law teachingMytton, Elizabeth January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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The Port of Bristol 1919-1939 : a study of a municipally owned portKelly, Kieran Patrick January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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A study on the nature of capitalist modernity in contemporary Japan : man and company under restructuring and globalisationMatanle, Peter Charles Derek January 2001 (has links)
No description available.
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探討半純函數指定兩個值之相關問題 / On meromorphic functions with two prescribed values張靜華, Chang, Ching Hua Unknown Date (has links)
在這篇論文裡,我們探討半純函數指定兩個值之相關問題。特別地,我們探討純函數指定0-1集,同時,我們論證了有關離散型複數數列之一些有趣的結果,利用它們得到關於指定0-1集純函數存在性的必要條件。 / In this thesis, we study meromorphic functions with two prescribed values. Especially, entire functions with prescribed zero-one sets. Also, we develop the growth criterion for discrete complex sequences and obtain some interesting results. Using the order of discrete sequences, we obtain a necessary condition for the existence of entire functions with prescribed zero-one set.
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Using Harry Potter to Discuss Moral Values and Equality in the English Language ClassroomHildingsson, My January 2013 (has links)
Den här uppsatsen tittar på hur Harry Potter-böckerna kan användas för att diskutera moralfrågor i skolan. Syftet är att belysa användbara delar av Harry Potter-böckerna och ge exempel på hur och varför de är användbara för att diskutera rasism och jämlikhet mellan kön. Analysmetoden är en tematisk analys, där alla sju Harry Potter-böckerna har lästs noggrant för att plocka ut teman som överensstämmer med sådana teman man bör diskutera i skolan enligt läroplanen. Det jag kommer fram till är att Harry Potter-böckerna mycket väl skulle kunna användas för att diskutera frågor som rasism och jämlikhet mellan kön då detta är centrala teman i böckerna. Baserat på tidigare forskning kring litteratur och klassrumsdiskussioner av moraliska frågor kommer jag fram till att Harry Potter-böckerna skulle fungera väl i undervisningssituationer där man diskuterar moraliska dilemman eller dylikt.
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The Assessment Practices of Teacher CandidatesMills, Adam 03 October 2013 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to explore what teacher candidates (n=156) believe will be their primary assessment purposes, summative assessment practices, and assessment formats in their classrooms, their values and beliefs surrounding assessment, and what contextual factors influence teacher candidates’ assessment beliefs and practices. The results are placed in the context of previous research into the assessment practice of teachers and compared to the recommended assessment practices identified in research and what the Ministry of Education of Ontario expects its teachers to do through its assessment document, Growing Success (O.M.E., 2010). The survey instrument used in the study was composed of questions original to this research in combination with a revised version of the instrument used by McMillan (2001) and Duncan and Noonan (2007). Teacher candidates were divided into different groups based on their grade level, academic level, subject area, and B. Ed program (concurrent, or consecutive). Descriptive statistics were generated for each question by group and overall.
A Principal Components Analysis was used to reduce the 35 items in the summative assessment practices section into 5 scales for ease of interpretation. Inferential statistics (paired samples t-tests, Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) were used to determine if there were statistically significant differences between groups. The results of my research indicate that the teacher candidates report having values and beliefs supportive of the orientation towards assessments reported in the research literature and Growing Success (O.M.E., 2010). Teacher candidates’ responses regarding purpose and format were also in alignment with practices supported in the research literature and Growing Success (O.M.E., 2010). In contrast, teacher candidates’ uses of non-academic criteria in making assessment decisions were not in line with recommendations found in the research literature and Growing Success (O.M.E., 2010). Only two statistically significant differences were noted between groups: Grades 7 and 8 teacher candidates reported using constructed response items more frequently than Grades 11 and 12 teacher candidates in their summative assessment practices; and concurrent education program teacher candidates reported their coursework as being less of an influence on their future practice than their consecutive education program peers. / Thesis (Master, Education) -- Queen's University, 2013-10-01 11:48:19.26
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Colour trends in Marketing : The case of companies' logosProust, Marine, Di Folco, Maëlle January 2014 (has links)
A good communication is a strategic marketing issue for all companies. This communication can be led through several assets such as logos. A well-built logo allows company’s identification in a world which is surrounded by brands. The logo consists in two key aspects: shape and colour. This paper proposes a reflexion concerning the use of colours in marketing following all the factors that affect it such as trends, culture and values. The study of companies’ logos colours may lead to a model which could help companies to decide on the colours they will use according to the message they want to transmit to the target population. After studying three hundred logos of companies all over the world, some clusters appear which gather companies sharing the same colours usage, values, culture and time vision through their logos. This reflexion leads to a set of colours trends which can be followed by companies afterwards.
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The calling of the church and the role of the state in the moral renewal of the South African community / Motshine A. SekhauleloSekhaulelo, Motshine A January 2007 (has links)
The main mm of this study was to investigate the prophetic calling of the Church and the role of the state in the moral renewal of the South African community.
The method of research followed in this study was to study primary and secondary sources, as well as appropriate biblical teachings and theological principles relevant to this study and to systematize the information therein.
The gist of the study was to outline the profile and manifestation of moral decay in South African community and, to define the role of the Church and state towards moral regeneration. What transpired was that due to the profile of moral decay within the South African context, the Church and state should play a critical and positive role towards the renewal of morality in South Africa.
In conclusion, the fact that the Church and the state each have a particular role to play as driving agents for moral regeneration of South African was confirmed. It is also important to stress the fact that the State cannot be value free or neutral. The word of God speaks of human governments in two-fold way: in a normative way, and in a descriptive way; telling us what they ought to do and be and what they actually turn out to do and be. Both these elements in God's word are reflected in of the Reformed Confession. Therefore, the modern-day concept of a neutral or secular state can be questioned. / Thesis (M.A. (Ethics))--North-West University, Potchefstroom Campus, 2008.
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Production traits and market values of Welsh black cattleUlutas, Zafer January 1998 (has links)
No description available.
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