Spelling suggestions: "subject:"ariable valve timing"" "subject:"aariable valve timing""
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Simulation and Analyis of a Continuous Variable Cam Phasing Internal Combustion EngineHammarlund, Pär January 2008 (has links)
<p>The development of fuel efficient internal combustion engines (ICE)have resulted in a variety of different solutions. One of those are the variable valve timing and an implemenation of such is the Continuous Variable Cam Phasing (CVCP). This thesis have used a simulation package, psPack, for the simulation of the gas exchange process for an ICE with CVCP. The purpose of the simulations was to investigate what kind of design parameters, e.g. the length of an intake pipe or the duration of combustion, that were significant for the gas exchange process with the alternation of intake pressure, engine speed and valve setting. The parameters that showed a vast impact were those who affected the amount of residual gas and the temperature of the air charge. Furthermore a validation was made between simulation data acquired from psPack and measured data provided in Heywood (1988). The validation showed that for the general behaviour the simulation results from psPack corresponded well to the measured data.</p>
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Estimation of Air Mass Flow in Engines with Variable Valve TimingFantenberg, Elina January 2018 (has links)
To control the combustion in an engine, an accurate estimation of the air mass flow is required. Due to strict emission legislation and high demands on fuel consumption from customers, a technology called variable valve timing is investigated. This technology controls the amount of air inducted to the engine cylinder and the amount of gases pushed out of the cylinder, via the inlet and exhaust valves. The air mass flow is usually estimated by large look-up tables but when introducing variable valve timing, the air mass flow also depends on the angles of the inlet and exhaust valves causing these look-up tables to grow with two dimensions. To avoid this, models to estimate the air mass flow have been derived. This has been done with grey-box models, using physical equations together with unknown parameters estimated by solving a linear least-squares optimization problem. To be able to implement the models in the electronic control unit in the future, only sensors implemented in a commercial vehicle are used as much as possible. The work has been done using an inline 6-cylinder diesel engine with measurements from steady-state conditions. All four models derived in this project are based on the estimation methods in use today with fix cam phasing, and are derived from the ideal gas law together with a volumetric efficiency factor. The first three models derived in this work only include sensors provided in commercial engines. The measurements needed as input signals are engine rotational speed, crank angle resolved pressure in the intake manifold, intake and exhaust valve angles and intake manifold temperature. The fourth and last model is divided into three sub-models to model different parts of the four-stroke engine cycle. This model also includes crank angle resolved exhaust manifold pressure and exhaust manifold temperature, where the temperature is the only sensor used in this project that is not provided in a commercial engine. It has been concluded how influential it is to use correctly measured values for the input signals. Since the manifold pressure and the cylinder volume vary during one four-stroke cycle, it is essential that these signal measurements are taken at the right crank angle degree. With wrong crank angle degree, the estimation is worse than if the cylinder volume is constant for all operating points and the pressure signals are taken as a mean value over the whole four-stroke cycle. Further development to reach better estimation results with lower relative error is needed. However, for the work in this thesis, the model with best model fit is estimating the air mass flow well enough to use it as a basis for further control.
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Simulation and Analyis of a Continuous Variable Cam Phasing Internal Combustion EngineHammarlund, Pär January 2008 (has links)
The development of fuel efficient internal combustion engines (ICE)have resulted in a variety of different solutions. One of those are the variable valve timing and an implemenation of such is the Continuous Variable Cam Phasing (CVCP). This thesis have used a simulation package, psPack, for the simulation of the gas exchange process for an ICE with CVCP. The purpose of the simulations was to investigate what kind of design parameters, e.g. the length of an intake pipe or the duration of combustion, that were significant for the gas exchange process with the alternation of intake pressure, engine speed and valve setting. The parameters that showed a vast impact were those who affected the amount of residual gas and the temperature of the air charge. Furthermore a validation was made between simulation data acquired from psPack and measured data provided in Heywood (1988). The validation showed that for the general behaviour the simulation results from psPack corresponded well to the measured data.
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Analytical target cascading framework for engine calibration optimisationKianifar, Mohammed R., Campean, Felician January 2014 (has links)
Yes / This paper presents the development and implementation of an Analytical Target Cascading (ATC) Multi-disciplinary Design Optimisation (MDO) framework for the steady state engine calibration optimisation problem. The case is made that the MDO / ATC offers a convenient framework for the engine calibration optimisation problem based on steady state engine test data collected at specified engine speed / load points, which is naturally structured on 2 hierarchical levels: the “Global” level, associated with performance over a drive cycle, and “Local” level, relating to engine operation at each speed / load point. The case study of a gasoline engine equipped with variable camshaft timing (VCT) was considered to study the application of the ATC framework to a calibration optimisation problem. The paper describes the analysis and mathematical formulation of the VCT calibration optimisation as an ATC framework, and its Matlab implementation with gradient based and evolutionary optimisation algorithms. The results and performance of the ATC are discussed comparatively with the conventional two-stage approach to steady state calibration optimisation. The main conclusion from this research is that ATC offers a powerful and efficient approach for engine calibration optimisation, delivering better solutions at both “Global” and “Local” levels. Further advantages of the ATC framework is that it is flexible and scalable to the complexity of the calibration problem, and enables calibrator preference to be incorporated a priori in the optimisation problem formulation, delivering important time saving for the overall calibration development process. / The research work presented in this paper was funded by UK Technology Strategy Board (TSB) through the CREO (Carbon Reduction through Engine Optimisation) project.
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Influence of asymmetric valve timing strategy on in-cylinder flow of the internal combustion engineButcher, Daniel S. A. January 2016 (has links)
Variable Valve Timing (VVT) presents a powerful tool in the relentless pursuit of efficiency improvements in the internal combustion engine. As the valves have such ultimate control over the gas exchange processes, extensive research effort in this area has shown how valve event timing can be manipulated to reduce engine pumping losses, fuel consumption and engine out emissions. Pumping losses may be significantly reduced by use of throttleless strategies, making use of intake valve duration for load control, while alternative cycles such as the Miller cycle allow modification of the effective compression ratio. More recently, the value of single valve operation in part load conditions is exploited, bringing with it the concept of asymmetric valve lifts. Work in this area found the side effect of asymmetric valve operation is a significant change in the behaviour of the in-cylinder flow structures, velocities and turbulence intensity. Work presented in this thesis exploits asymmetric valve strategies to modify the in-cylinder flow conditions. The Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD) is a method employed in the fluids dynamics field to facilitate the separation of coherent motion structures from the turbulence. In the presented work, the application of POD to in-cylinder flow analysis is further developed by the introduction of a novel method for identifying the POD modes representative of coherent motion and those representative of the turbulence. A POD mode correlation based technique is introduced and developed, with the resulting fields showing evidence of coherence and turbulence respectively. Experimental tests are carried out using a full length optically accessible, single cylinder research engine equipped with a fully variable valve train (FVVT) to allow full control of both valve timing and lift. In-cylinder flow is measured through the use of Particle Image Velocimetry (PIV) at several crank angle timings during the intake stroke whilst the engine is operated under a range of asymmetric valve strategies. The exhaust valves and one intake valve have their respective schedules fixed, while the second intake valve schedule is adjusted to 80\%, 60\%, 40\%, 20\%, 0\% lift. The resulting PIV fields are separated into coherent motion and turbulence using the developed technique, allowing for analysis of each constituent independently. The coherent element gives insight to large scale flows, often of the order of magnitude of the cylinder. These structures not only give a clear indication of the overall motion and allow assessment of flow characteristics such as swirl and tumble ratio, but the variation in the spatial location of these structures provides additional insight to the cyclic to cycle variation (CCV) of the flow, which would not otherwise be possible due to the inclusion of the turbulent data. Similarly, with the cyclic variation removed from the turbulent velocity field, a true account of the fluctuating velocity, u' and derived values such as the Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) may be gained. Results show how manipulation of a one intake valve timing can influence both the large scale motions and the turbulence intensity. By the reduction of lift, the swirl ratio is increased almost linearly as the typical counter-rotating vortex pair becomes asymmetric, before a single vortex structure is observed in the lowest lift cases. A switching mechanism between the two is identified and found to be responsible for increased levels of CCV. With the reduction in lift, TKE is observed not only to increase, but change the spatial distribution of turbulence. Of course, the reduction in valve lift comes with the penalty of a reduced valve curtain area. However, it was identified both in literature and throughout this study that the reduction in lift did not negatively influence the engine breathing as the same trapped mass was achieved under all cases with no adjustment of manifold pressure. While literature shows both bulk motion and turbulence are key in liquid fuel break-up during the intake stroke, the mixing effects under port-injected natural gas were investigated experimentally using Laser Induced Fluorescence (LIF). The valve strategy was found to have no significant effect on the mixture distribution at the time of spark.
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Implementation of a Model Predictive Controller in a Spark-Ignition EngineMann, Gustav, Luedtke, Jakob January 2021 (has links)
The propulsion of the spark-ignition engine has been investigated and developed during the past century to improve driveability, minimize fuel consumption and emissions, resulting in highly engineered and computerized powertrains. Well balanced engine maps containing coordinated set-points and model-based information sharing have solved the cross-coupling between different control loops. During transitions between the operating conditions a disadvantageous transient behavior that affects the engine performance may occur. By implementing an MPC as a superior controller a nearly optimal control solution was accomplished. A digital twin of the SI engine was designed through collected measurements and system modeling. The twin made it possible to investigate and elaborate different cost functions in a simulation environment before applying the controller in real-time. By utilizing MPC together with the engine maps a strong relationship between the throttle and iVVT actuator was achieved, which removed the cross-coupling between the actuator control loops and reduced the unfavorable transient behavior.
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Development and validation of a virtual engine model for simulating standard testing cyclesAuñón García, Ángel 05 July 2021 (has links)
[ES] Las nuevas regulaciones en materia de emisiones de efecto invernadero y calidad del aire han conducido la evolución tecnológica de los motores de combustión interna durante los últimos años. Las mejoras en el proceso de la combustión, la sobrealimentación, la gestión térmica, los sistemas de post tratamiento y técnicas como la recirculación de gases de escape, han permitido que los motores de combustión interna de hoy en día sean cada vez más limpios. La adopción en Europa del nuevo ciclo de homologación WLTP, que considera un ciclo de conducción más realista que su predecesor el NEDC, así como la necesidad de evaluar las emisiones contaminantes en diferentes escenarios de temperatura ambiente y de altitud, suponen un desafío para los fabricantes a la hora de diseñar y optimizar sus motores. En este contexto, el modelado unidimensional del motor ofrece la posibilidad de desarrollar y probar diferentes soluciones con la suficiente precisión,a la vez que permite agilizar el proceso de diseño del motor y reducir los costes de éste.
El objetivo de esta tesis es el de desarrollar un modelo completo de motor virtual que permita simular condiciones transitorias de régimen de giro y grado de carga, así como diferentes condiciones ambientales de presión y temperatura. Con este modelo de motor se pretende predecir las principales variables termo-fluidodinámicas en diferentes puntos del motor y las emisiones contaminantes liberadas en el escape.
Por otra parte, el arranque en frío y el funcionamiento a bajas temperaturas están asociados a un mayor consumo, mayores emisiones de hidrocarburos (HC) y monóxido de carbono (CO), así como mayores emisiones de óxidos de nitrógeno (NOx) debido a la desactivación de los sistemas de recirculación de gases de escape. Para paliar estos efectos adversos, una opción es lograr que el sistema de postratamiento alcance su temperatura de activación lo más pronto posible. En este trabajo se aborda este objetivo mediante dos soluciones. Por un lado, se ha explorado la posibilidad de elevar la temperatura de los gases en el escape mediante un sistema de distribución variable. Con este método se pueden reducir las emisiones de CO y HC en torno a un 40-50 % y las emisiones de NOx hasta un 15 % durante la primera fase del ciclo WLTC, a costa de una penalización en el consumo de combustible. Por otro lado, también se ha estudiado la posibilidad de aislar térmicamente el sistema de escape. En este caso, es posible reducir las emisiones de CO y HC en torno a un 30 % sin mejorar las de NOx. / [CA] Les noves regulacions en matèria d'emissions d'efecte d'hivernacle i qualitat de l'aire han conduït la evolució tecnològica dels motors de combustió interna durant els darrers anys. Les millores en el procés de la combustió, la sobrealimentació, la gestió tèrmica, els sistemes de postractament i tècniques com la recirculació de gasos d'escapament, han permès que els motors de combustió interna d'avui dia siguen cada vegada més nets. L'adopció a Europa del nou cicle d'homologació WLTP, que considera un cicle de conducció més realista que el seu predecessor el NEDC, així com la necessitat d'avaluar les emissions de gasos contaminants en diferents escenaris de temperatura ambient i humitat, suposen un repte per als fabricants a l'hora de dissenyar i optimitzar els seus motors. En aquest context, el modelatge unidimensional del motor ofereix la possibilitat de desenvolupar i provar diferents solucions amb la suficient precisió, al mateix temps que agilitza el procés de disseny del motor i reduïx els costos derivats d'aquest.
L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi és el de desenvolupar un model complete de motor virtual que permeta simular condicions transitòries de règim de gir i grau de càrrega, així com diferents condicions ambientals de pressió i temperatura. Amb aquest model de motor es pretén predir les principals variables termo-fluidodinàmiques en diferents punts del motor i les emissions contaminants alliberades en l'escapament.
Per altra banda, l'arrancada en fred i el funcionament a baixes temperatures están associats a un major consum, majors emissions d'hidrocarburs (HC) i monòxid de carboni (CO), així com majors emissions d'òxids de nitrògen (NOx) degudes a la desactivació dels sistemes de recirculació de gasos d'escapament. Per a pal·liar aquestos efectes indesitjats, una opció és aconseguir que el sistema de postractament arribe a la seua temperatura d'activació el més prompte possible. En aquest treball, aquest objectiu s'aborda mitjançant dues solucions. Per una banda, s'ha investigat la possibilitat d'augmentar la temperatura dels gasos en l'escapament per mitjà d'un sistema de distribució variable. Amb aquest mètode s'ha aconseguit reduïr les emissions de CO i HC al voltant d'un 40-50 % i les emissions de NOx fins a un 15 % durant la primera fase del cicle WLTC, acosta d'una penalització en el consum de combustible. Per altra banda, també s'ha estudiat la possibilitat d'aïllar tèrmicament el sistema d'escapament. En aquest cas, és possible reduir les emissions de CO i HC vora un 30 % sense millorar les de NOx . / [EN] The new regulations regarding greenhouse emissions and air quality have led the technological progress of the internal combustion engines during the recent years. Improvements in the combustion process, turbocharging, thermal management, after-treatment systems and techniques such as the exhaust gases recirculation, have resulted in cleaner internal combustion engines. The adoption of the new type approval test in Europe, so-called WLTP, which represents a more realistic driving cycle than its forerunner the NEDC, as well as the need to evaluate pollutant emissions at different conditions of ambient temperature and altitude, represent a challenge for manufacturers when it comes to design and optimise their engines. In this context, one-dimensional engine models offer the possibility to develop and test different solutions with enough accuracy, while hastening the engine design process and reducing its costs.
The main objective of this thesis is to develop a complete virtual engine model able to simulate transient conditions of engine speed and load, as well as different ambient conditions of pressure and temperature. The engine model is used to predict the main thermo-and fluid dynamic variables at different engine locations and the tailpipe pollutant emissions.
Furthermore, engine cold start and its operation at low temperature is associated to a greater fuel consumption, hydrocarbon (HC) and carbon monoxide (CO) emissions; as well as more nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions due to the deactivation of the exhaust gases recirculation systems. A solution to mitigate these negative effects is to heat up the after-treatment system so as to achieve its activation temperature as soon as possible. In the work presented, this goal is addressed through two different standpoints. On the one hand, variable valve timing systems have been studied as a way to increase the exhaust gases temperature. With this option it is possible to reduce CO and HC emissions by 40-50 % and NOx emissions by 15 % during the first stage of the WLTC cycle, at the expense of a penalty in the fuel consumption. On the other hand, the thermal insulation of the exhaust system has also been studied with the same objective. In this case, it is possible to reduce CO and HC emissions by 30 %, while not improving NOx ones. / The author wishes to acknowledge the financial support received through the FPI S2 2018 1048 grant of Programa de Apoyo para la Investigación y Desarrollo (PAID) of Universitat Politècnica de València. / Auñón García, Á. (2021). Development and validation of a virtual engine model for simulating standard testing cycles [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/168906
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Assessment of fuel consumption reduction strategies on a gasoline turbocharged direct injection engine with a cooled EGR systemRivas Perea, Manuel Eduardo 01 September 2016 (has links)
[EN] This research work presents the study of a low pressure EGR loop influence on a SI gasoline turbocharged direct injection engine in steady and transient testing conditions, with an optimization process of the original engine calibration in order to minimize the engine fuel consumption when cooled EGR is introduced in steady testing conditions. The cooled EGR strategy was also evaluated operating in synergy with other fuel consumption reduction strategies, such as: lean burn, multi-injection, higher coolant temperature and in-cylinder induced swirl motion.
To fulfill the main objectives of this research work, firstly, a methodical process was followed, where a global methodology was first developed in order to obtain high accuracy engine tests, based on the experimental tools chosen that could comply with the requirements of the testing conditions, and the appropriate theoretical tools and procedure to post-process the tests performed. Secondly, a specific methodology was developed for each stage of the study and testing conditions, taking into account optimization processes or parametric tests in order to study the effect of a single parameter on engine's outputs or optimize an engine parameter in order to minimize the engine fuel consumption.
As a first stage of the study, a basic analysis of the impact of cooled EGR on the engine combustion, performance, air management and exhaust emissions is presented. Afterwards, an optimization of the combustion phasing in order to minimize the fuel consumption was performed, and therefore the potential of cooled EGR in order to reduce the engine fuel consumption was observed for low load, part load and full load engine conditions, for two different engine speeds. In addition, a study in transient conditions of the engine operating with cooled EGR was performed. NEDC cycles were performed with different EGR valve openings and therefore a comparison of different cooled EGR rates influence on the engine performance, air management and accumulated exhaust emissions was presented.
The second stage, consisted in a methodology developed to optimize the VVT setting and injection timing, for part load engine conditions, in order to maximize the cooled EGR potential to reduce engine fuel consumption. After this optimization, a synergy analysis of the optimum engine condition operating with cooled EGR and three other engine fuel consumption reduction strategies was performed. These strategies were tested to investigate and evaluate the potential of increasing the cooled EGR operational range to further decrease the engine fuel consumption. Furthermore, a basic study of the potential to reduce the engine fuel consumption and impact on combustion, air management and exhaust emissions of a lean burn strategy, in part load engine conditions, was presented as introduction of the final study of the cooled EGR strategy operating in synergy with the lean burn strategy in order to investigate the potential to control the exhaust emissions and reduce the engine fuel consumption. / [ES] El objetivo de este trabajo de investigación es estudiar la influencia de un lazo de baja presión de EGR en las prestaciones de un motor de gasolina de encendido provocado turbosobrealimentado e inyección directa, en condiciones de ensayos estacionarios y transitorios, con un proceso de optimización de la calibración original del motor para minimizar el consumo de combustible del motor. La estrategia de "cooled EGR" fue también evaluada operando en sinergia con otras estrategias usadas para reducir el consumo de combustible del motor, entre ellas: mezcla pobre, múltiples inyecciones, operación a alta temperatura del fluido refrigerante del motor y movimiento de "swirl" inducido en el cilindro.
Para cumplir con los objetivos mencionados, se siguió un proceso metódico donde previamente se desarrolló una metodología global para obtener resultados de indudable calidad, basados en el uso de herramientas experimentales que cumplieran con los requerimientos de las condiciones de ensayo, y las apropiadas herramientas teóricas y procedimiento para post-procesar los ensayos realizados. En segundo lugar, se desarrolló una metodología específica para cada etapa del estudio, teniendo en cuenta los procesos de optimización o estudios paramétricos que se pudieran realizar.
Como primera etapa, se presenta un estudio básico del impacto del "cooled EGR" en la combustión, prestaciones, renovación de la carga y emisiones contaminantes del motor. Seguidamente, se procedió a la optimización del centrado de la combustión con la finalidad de minimizar el consumo de combustible del motor y poder analizar el potencial del "cooled EGR" como estrategia de reducción de consumo de combustible. El estudio presentado se realizó para baja, media y alta carga del motor con dos diferentes regímenes de giro del motor. Adicionalmente, se llevó a cabo un estudio del motor operando en condiciones transitorias con "cooled EGR". Se realizaron una serie de ensayos usando el ciclo NEDC como base y se probaron diferentes estrategias sencillas de control de la apertura de la válvula de EGR para analizar la influencia del "cooled EGR" en condiciones transitorias.
La segunda etapa consiste en el desarrollo de una metodología para optimizar los parámetros del diagrama de distribución (VVT) y el inicio de inyección, para cargas medias del motor, con la finalidad de maximizar el potencial de reducción de consumo de combustible de la estrategia "cooled EGR". Una vez realizada la optimización, se llevó a cabo un estudio usando la configuración óptima encontrada, operando en sinergia con otras tres estrategias usadas para reducir el consumo de combustible del motor. Estas estrategias fueron evaluadas con la finalidad de incrementar el rango de operación de la estrategia "cooled EGR" para lograr reducir aún más el consumo de combustible del motor. Adicionalmente, se llevó a cabo un estudio básico sobre la influencia de operar con mezcla pobre en la combustión, prestaciones, renovación de la carga y emisiones contaminantes del motor, como introducción al último estudio llevado a cabo sobre la posibilidad de usar la estrategia de mezcla pobre en conjunto con la estrategia de "cooled EGR", con la finalidad de analizar el potencial de controlar las emisiones contaminantes y reducir el consumo de combustible del motor al mismo tiempo. / [CA] L'objectiu d'este treball d'investigació és estudiar la influència d'un llaç de baixa pressió d'EGR en les prestacions d'un motor de gasolina d'encesa provocat turbosobrealimentat i injecció directa, en condicions d'assajos estacionaris i transitoris, amb un procés d'optimització del calibratge original del motor per a minimitzar el consum de combustible del motor. L'estratègia de "cooled EGR" va ser també avaluada operand en sinergia amb altres estratègies usades per a reduir el consum de combustible del motor, entre elles: mescla pobra, múltiples injeccions, operació a alta temperatura del fluid refrigerant del motor i moviment de `"swirl" induït en el cilindre.
Per a complir amb els objectius mencionats, es va seguir un procés metòdic on prèviament es va desenrotllar una metodologia global per a obtindre resultats d'indubtable qualitat, basats en l'ús de ferramentes experimentals que compliren amb els requeriments de les condicions d'assaig, i les apropiades ferramentes teòriques i procediment per a post- processar els assajos realitzats. En segon lloc, es va desenrotllar una metodologia específica per a cada etapa de l'estudi, tenint en compte els processos d'optimització o estudis paramètrics que es pogueren realitzar.
Com a primera etapa, es presenta un estudi bàsic de l'impacte del "cooled EGR" en la combustió, prestacions, renovació de la càrrega i emissions contaminants del motor. A continuació, es va procedir a l'optimització del centrat de la combustió amb la finalitat de minimitzar el consum de combustible del motor i poder analitzar el potencial del "cooled EGR" com a estratègia de reducció de consum de combustible. L'estudi presentat es va realitzar per a baixa, mitja i alta càrrega del motor amb dos diferents règims de gir del motor. Addicionalment, es va dur a terme un estudi del motor operand en condicions transitòries amb "cooled EGR". Es van realitzar una sèrie d'assajos usant el cicle NEDC com a base i es van provar diferents estratègies senzilles de control de l'obertura de la vàlvula d'EGR per a analitzar la influència del "cooled EGR" en condicions transitòries.
La segona etapa consistix en el desenrotllament d'una metodologia per a optimitzar els paràmetres del diagrama de distribució (VVT) i l'inici d'injecció, per a càrregues mitges del motor, amb la finalitat de maximitzar el potencial de reducció de consum de combustible de l'estratègia "cooled EGR". Una vegada realitzada l'optimització, es va dur a terme un estudi usant la configuració òptima trobada, operant en sinergia amb altres tres estratègies usades per a reduir el consum de combustible del motor. Estes estratègies van ser avaluades amb la finalitat d'incrementar el rang d'operació de l'estratègia "cooled EGR" per a aconseguir reduir encara més el consum de combustible del motor. Addicionalment, es va dur a terme un estudi bàsic sobre la influència d'operar amb mescla pobra en la combustió, prestacions, renovació de la càrrega i emissions contaminants del motor, com a introducció a l'últim estudi dut a terme sobre la possibilitat d'usar l'estratègia de mescla pobra en conjunt amb l'estratègia de "cooled EGR", amb la finalitat d'analitzar el potencial de controlar les emissions contaminants i reduir el consum de combustible del motor al mateix temps. / Rivas Perea, ME. (2016). Assessment of fuel consumption reduction strategies on a gasoline turbocharged direct injection engine with a cooled EGR system [Tesis doctoral]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/68497
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