Spelling suggestions: "subject:"caso"" "subject:"paso""
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Magnetic Resonance Investigations of Physiological Effects related to Functional InhibitionDevi, Ratnamanjuri 11 February 2025 (has links)
Sustained decreases of the Blood Oxygenation Level Dependent (BOLD) signal have been observed in unstimulated areas of the cortex and sub-cortex in response to certain stimuli. However, the physiological basis of these task-based negative BOLD responses or NBRs is not as well understood as that of the more common positive BOLD response (PBR) employed for mapping functional brain activity. Low signal-to-noise ratio (SNR), high variability, and methodological discrepancies have led to competing results, and to this date, the NBR’s physiological and neuronal bases are still debated. The inherently low SNR of the functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) techniques employed to measure related functional changes of cerebral blood flow (CBF), cerebral blood volume (CBV) and cerebral metabolic rate of oxygen consumption (CMRO2) is also further reduced in regions of NBR and hampers a comprehensive, non-invasive investigation of its underlying physiology. To this effect, the dissertation attempts to bring about a better understanding of the NBR by enhancing the fidelity and sensitivity of techniques measuring the associated changes in CBF and CBV. Vascular contributions to surround NBR of likely neuronal origin in the human visual cortex have hence been investigated in relation to those of a simultaneously occurring, spatially adjacent PBR.
Variants of Arterial Spin Labeling (ASL) and VAscular Space Occupancy (VASO) known for their higher sensitivity of detecting functional changes in CBF and CBV, respectively, at 3 T, were carefully optimized and employed in conjunction with a multi-echo center-out Echo Planar Imaging (EPI) readout called ME-DEPICTING. The functional sensitivities of the CBF and CBV signals measured concurrently with PBR in this manner were first compared with those of a standard ME-EPI, the current workhorse for fMRI measurements. The much shorter echo times of ME-DEPICTING were found to substantially reduce BOLD contaminations and improve the sensitivity of the respective CBF and CBV measurements while providing concurrent BOLD measurements of sensitivity equivalent to that of ME-EPI. The more sensitive and reliable ME-DEPICTING data were then employed for a thorough investigation of the functional changes in CBF and CBV (and to a smaller extent, CMRO2) occurring in regions of both PBR and NBR.
The improvement in SNR allowed for a much better characterization of the CBF and CBV signals than previously accomplished. The findings confirm the undeniable role of vasoconstriction in the NBR and provide a clearer understanding of the shapes of the vascular signals and their coupling ratios, indicating a more arterial and deeper laminar origin of the NBR compared to PBR. Moreover, the study sheds light on the controversial vascular contribution to the post-stimulus undershoot in PBR. Lastly, the application of a neuronal flow-metabolism model suggests intriguing differences in the concentration of inhibitory neurons and/or their control of CBF in regions of NBR. These significant findings contribute to the current understanding of the vascular physiology of the BOLD responses and open up many exciting possibilities for further research.
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Implication du stress oxydant dans la physiopathologie de la drépanocytose : crises vaso-occlusives, taux d'anticorps anti-bande 3 et oxydation du globule rouge / Implication of oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of sickle cell disease : vaso-occlusive crisis, antiband 3 antibodies levels and red blood cell oxidationHierso, Régine 08 July 2015 (has links)
A partir du défaut premier de la drépanocytose, la polymérisation de l’hémoglobine S (HbS), se développe toute une série de processus anormaux qui contribuent au développement d’une réponse inflammatoire et d’un stress oxydant dus à une hypoxie-reperfusion traumatisante et à l’auto-oxydation de l’HbS. L’exacerbation du stress oxydatif semble participer de manière active aux mécanismes physiopathologiques de la maladie et jouer un rôle dans la survenue des crises vaso-occlusives (CVO). Les travaux menés dans le cadre de cette thèse avaient pour objectif de mieux documenter les effets délétères du stress oxydant sur le globule rouge et son impact dans le développement des CVO. Nous avons, en premier lieu, évalué in vitro l’impact du stress oxydant sur la rhéologie sanguine des patients drépanocytaires SS et SC à l’aide d’un agent à fort potentiel oxydant, le t-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP). Nous avons montré que les globules rouges des patients drépanocytaires (GR SS) produisent en présence du TBHP davantage de radicaux libres que les GR provenant de sujets contrôles (GR AA) et que ces GR SS présentent un système de défense anti-oxydant diminué. L’induction d’un stress oxydant accentue les altérations rhéologiques déjà présentes chez les patients drépanocytaires (i.e, déformabilité diminuée, diminution de l’indice d’agrégation, augmentation du seuil de désagrégation) tandis qu’il induit chez les sujets contrôles un profil hémorhéologique altéré proche de celui déjà préexistant chez les patients drépanocytaires. Ces résultats suggèrent que le stress oxydant, en participant aux anomalies hémorhéologiques associées à la drépanocytose, pourrait être l’un des facteurs favorisant la survenue des complications drépanocytaires. Nous nous sommes de plus attachés à documenter directement l’impact du stress oxydant dans le développement des CVO en analysant des prélèvements sanguins provenant de patients drépanocytaires SS en crise et à l’état de base. Il s’agissait : 1) de tester l’hypothèse selon laquelle la protéine bande 3, protéine de la membrane du GR, est une cible majeure des espèces réactives de l’oxygène qui provoquent au niveau de cette protéine l’apparition d’épitopes de senescence reconnus par des auto anticorps anti-bande 3 ; 2) d’évaluer l’évolution de marqueurs moléculaires et cellulaires pro- et anti-oxydants ; 3) d’étudier l’évolution des paramètres hémorhéologiques ; 4) d’explorer l’activité du système nerveux autonome, considéré comme un marqueur potentiel de sévérité. Nous avons mis en évidence au cours des CVO : 1) une exacerbation du stress oxydant ; 2) une diminution du taux d’anticorps anti-bande 3 et une augmentation de la concentration plasmatique de microparticules érythrocytaires, suggérant que ces deux processus sont liés au phénomène de clusterisation de la protéine bande 3 déclenché par le stress oxydant ; 3) une exacerbation des anomalies hémorhéologiques se traduisant par une réduction de la déformabilité érythrocytaire, une augmentation de l’agrégation érythrocytaire et du seuil de désagrégation ; 4) une altération du système nerveux autonome marqué par un retrait de l’activité parasympathique, ce déséquilibre étant accentué au cours des CVO. Les travaux de cette thèse se traduisent par à une meilleure compréhension de la physiopathologie extrêmement complexe de la drépanocytose en précisant l’impact du stress oxydant dans le déclenchement des CVO, première cause d’hospitalisation des sujets drépanocytaires. Les données obtenues, qui mettent en évidence des marqueurs pertinents de ce stress oxydant au cours de la CVO du sujet drépanocytaire, pourront favoriser la mise en œuvre de nouvelles pistes thérapeutiques anti-oxydantes et une amélioration in fine de la prise en charge des patients. / Besides the primary defect of sickle cell disease, hemoglobin S (HbS) polymerization, other abnormal processes may contribute to the development of an inflammatory response and to an oxidative stress caused by traumatic hypoxia-reperfusion and autoxidation of HbS. The exacerbation of oxidative stress seems to participate actively in the pathophysiology of the disease and play a role in vaso-occlusive crisis (VOC). The aim of this thesis was to document the deleterious effects of oxidative stress on the red blood cell and its impact in the development of VOC. First, we have evaluated the impact of tert-butyl hydroperoxide-induced oxidative stress on blood rheology of SS and SC sickle cell patients. We have shown that sickle red blood cells (SS RBC) produce more free radicals in the presence of tert-butyl hydroperoxide (TBHP) than control subject red blood cells (AA RBC). Furthermore, SS RBC have a decreased anti-oxidant defense system. Induction of oxidative stress increases the rheological alterations already present in sickle cell patients (ie, decreased deformability, reduced aggregation, increased disaggregation threshold). In control subjects, oxidative stress induces an altered hemorheological profile close to that already present in sickle cell patients. These results suggest that oxidative stress by modulating the hemorheological abnormalities associated with sickle cell disease, could be one of the factors promoting the occurrence of sickle cell complications. Then, we have studied the impact of oxidative stress in the development of VOC, analyzing blood samples from SS patients in crisis and at steady state. 1) We have tested the hypothesis that the protein band 3 of RBC, is a major target of reactive oxygen species, which cause the appearance of senescence epitopes of this protein recognized by auto anti-band 3 antibodies; 2) We have evaluated pro- and anti-oxidants molecular and cellular markers; 3) We have studied the evolution of hemorheological parameters; 4) We have explored the activity of the autonomic nervous system, seen as a potential marker of severity. Our results show during VOC: 1) an exacerbation of the oxidative stress; 2) a decrease in anti-band 3 antibodies levels and an increase in the plasma concentration of erythrocyte microparticles, suggesting that these two processes are linked to the clustering phenomenon of band 3 protein triggered by oxidative stress; 3) an exacerbation of hemorheological abnormalities resulting in a reduction of SS RBC deformability, increased aggregation and disaggregation threshold; 4) an impairment of the autonomic nervous system marked by a withdrawal of parasympathetic activity and this imbalance is accentuated during VOC. This work allows a better understanding of the complex pathophysiology of sickle cell disease, highlighting the impact of oxidative stress in the development of VOC, the leading cause of hospitalization of sickle cell subjects. The data obtained, which reveal relevant markers of oxidative stress during VOC, could promote the implementation of new antioxidant therapeutic approaches and help improving sickle cell patients care.
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[pt] A presente pesquisa se propõe a estudar o significado das expressões paulinas: um vaso para honra, e outro para desonra [...] vasos de ira, que foram preparados para a destruição, [...] vasos de misericórdia, os quais preparou de antemão para a glória, no texto de Rm 9,19-29. O objetivo é entender se, nesta passagem bíblica, o Apóstolo Paulo trataria realmente de predestinação dupla ou absoluta, como foi compreendido pela maioria dos reformadores protestantes do século XVI. Para a pesquisa, primeiramente foi levantado o status quaestionis (estado da questão), com a interpretação de vários exegetas sobre estas expressões difíceis da perícope. Em seguida, é realizada a exegese do texto de Rm 9,19-29, lançando-se para isso mão dos seguintes dois métodos: Histórico-Crítico e Análise Retórica Bíblico-Semítica. Finalmente, é feito um comentário bíblico-exegético-teológico da perícope, com aplicação do Método do Uso do Antigo Testamento no Novo Testamento. / [en] The present thesis proposes to study the meaning of the Pauline expressions: a vessel for honor, and another for dishonor [...] vessels of wrath, which were prepared for destruction, [...] vessels of mercy, whose were prepared for glory beforehand, in the text of Rm 9,19-29. The objective is to understand whether, in this biblical passage, the Apostle Paul would really deal with double or absolute predestination, as was understood by most Protestant reformers of the sixteenth century. For research, the status quaestionis (state of the matter) was first raised, with the interpretation of several exegetes on these difficult expressions of the pericope. Then, the exegesis of the text of Rm 9,19-29 is carried out, using the following two methods: Historical-Critical and Biblical-Semitic Rhetorical Analysis. Finally, a biblical-exegetical-theological comment is made on the pericope, applying the Method of the Use of the Old Testament in the New Testament.
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Paleobiologia da Formação Bocaina (Grupo Corumbá), Ediacarano, Mato Grosso do SulSoares, Luana Pereira Costa de Morais 05 April 2013 (has links)
O Grupo Corumbá, SW Brasil, documenta uma etapa importante na evolução da vida por causa de seu registro fóssil de microbialitos, microfósseis, e organismos multicelulares indicativos da complexidade cada vez maior da biosfera no final do período Ediacarano. A importância paleobiológica da Formação Bocaina, inserido no meio do Grupo Corumbá, e datado em cerca de 560 Ma, é embasada em sua diversidade de microbialitos e registro de significativo evento fosfogenético, associados a supostos \"microfósseis em forma de vaso\", semelhantes à tecamebas, interpretadas como os primeiros protistas heterótrofos. Estes fósseis, bem como formas semelhantes reconhecidos em outras unidades geológicas do mundo, precedem o registro da explosão de organismos multicelulares macroscópicos esqueléticos (Cloudina, Corumbella) na formação sobrejacente Tamengo (543 Ma). A morfologia do microbialitos fornece evidências de variação local do nível do mar durante a deposição da Form ação Bocaina. As análises morfológicas e químicas dos microfósseis usando microscopia óptica e eletrônica de varredura, EDS e espectroscopia Raman ajudaram a esclarecer a natureza biológica desses objetos e, assim, contribuir para a compreensão da importância da evolução da vida no Ediacarano, na Formação Bocaina, Grupo Corumbá. / The Corumbá Group, SW Brazil, documents an important stage in the evolution of life because of its fossil record of microbialites, microfossils, and early multicellular organisms indicative of the rapidly increasing complexity of the biosphere at the very end of the Ediacaran period. The paleobiological importance of the Bocaina Formation, in middle of the Corumbá Group and dated at about 560 Ma, lies in its diversity of microbialites and its record of a significant phosphogenesis event with associated putative \"vase-shaped microfossils\", similar to testate amoebae, interpreted as early protistan heterotrophs. Th ese fossils, as well as similar forms recognized in other geologic units in the world precede the record of the explosion of macroscopic multicellular skeletal organisms (Cloudina, Corumbella) in the overlying Tamengo Formation (543 Ma). The morphology of microbialites provides evidence of local sea level variation during deposition of the Bocaina Formation. Morphological and chemical analyses of the microfossils using optical and scanning electron microscopy, EDS and Raman spectroscopy helped clarify the biological nature of these objects and thereby contribute to the understanding of the importance of the Bocaina Formation the evolution of late Ediacaran life in the Corumbá Group.
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Approche biomimétique de la vaso-occlusion dans la drépanocytose: production de vésicules et microfluidiqueLoiseau, Etienne 09 December 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Les vésicules sont des bicouches lipidiques refermées sur elles même, séparant ainsi un volume intérieur du milieu extérieur. Elles sont donc utilisées dans de nombreuses applications nécessitant l'encapsulation d'une substance mais également pour la construction d'objets biomimétiques. Une nouvelle méthode simple, appelée continuous Droplet Interface Crossing Encapsulation (cDICE), a été développée pour la fabrication de vésicules de taille et de contenu finement contrôlés. Ainsi, des vésicules dans la gamme de taille 5-70 μm de diamètre et encapsulant des solutions aussi variées que des colloïdes micrométriques, protéines, cellules, solutions visqueuses (40 mPas) ou solutions salines (>300 mosm), sont produites de façon continue et à fréquence élevée (∼ 150 Hz). Des vésicules " drépanocytaires " ont également pu être produites grace à cette méthode. La drépanocytose ou anémie falciforme est une maladie génétique dont la principale conséquence est la vaso-occlusion de la circulation sanguine. La conception de canaux microfluidiques se rapprochant au mieux des conditions physiologiques (vitesse d'écoulement, concentration d'oxygène, hématocrite...) de la microcirculation a permis une approche biomimétique de la vaso-occlusion, mettant en évidence l'importance de paramètres physiques tels que la géométrie de l'écoulement, le taux d'oxygène, la présence de globules blancs et l'hémoglobine libre en solution sur la formation d'agrégats cellulaires qui pourraient jouer un rôle dans la vaso-occlusion.
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Histamine as a Potential Initiator of Sickle Pain crisis by Mediation of Sickle Erythrocyte Adherence in a Shear-Dependent MannerWagner, Matthew Christian 11 April 2006 (has links)
The genetic disorder sickle cell anemia causes hemolytic anemia and sickle pain crisis, episodes of microvascular occlusion resulting in painful ischemic tissue damage. Pain crisis is thought to occur when sickle erythrocytes adhere in the post-capillary venule, partially occluding the vessel. The resulting slowed blood flow causes more extensive cell adherence and entrapment of rigid, deoxygenated erythrocytes until the vessel is entirely occluded. It was hypothesized that the inflammatory mediators histamine and tumor necrosis factor-, factors known to cause endothelial expression of adhesive ligands, might significantly increase sickle erythrocyte adhesion, and thus be capable of initiating sickle pain crisis. It was also hypothesized that the perfusion shear stress environment of the endothelium, known to be oscillatory and reduced in sickle cell patients, was a significant mediating factor of sickle cell adhesion. An in-vitro flow chamber using cultured endothelial cells and erythrocytes from blood samples of sickle cell anemic patients was used to quantify sickle erythrocyte adherence to stimulated and unstimulated endothelial cells under shear stresses from 1.0 to 0.1 dyne/cm2. Results showed that both endothelial stimulation and reduction of the perfusion shear stress increased sickle erythrocyte adherence. In combination, the use of inflammatory stimulation with reduced shear stress resulted in further increased adhesion, but only when above the range of 0.1 V 0.2 or 0.4 dyne/cm2, depending on the inflammatory mediator. Adhesion below this level of shear is not significantly increased by endothelial stimulation. The mechanism by which histamine mediates adhesion was investigated, and found to involve the endothelial H2 and H4 receptors and expression of the P-selectin ligand. These data suggest that irregular flow, typical of sickle microvasculature, may act in conjunction with the pro-inflammatory state of sickle vasculature and the histaminergic nature of some pain treatments to initiate or propagate sickle vaso-occlusion. Findings concerning histamine, tumor necrosis factor-alpha, and shear stress effects on adherence are discussed in relation to their possible applicability to patient health, future studies are outlined to confirm the relation of in vitro data to in vivo patient condition, and proposals are made for applying these methodologies to other potential mediators of sickle erythrocyte adhesion.
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Análise de criticidade de descontinuidade em um bocal de um vaso de pressãoMachado, Ronaldo de Oliveira January 2011 (has links)
Vasos de pressão e tubulações são equipamentos essenciais em industrias químicas, petroquímicas, refino de petróleo, entre outras. A operação segura deste tipo de equipamento é um fator determinante, visto que falhas podem variar desde grandes perdas financeiras até consequências catastróficas. Avaliação de descontinuidades encontradas em inspeções podem ser realizadas através de metodologias de fitness for service, as quais são baseadas na mecânica da fratura, que teve grande desenvolvimentos nos últimos 40 anos. Estas metodologias são consagradas como sendo seguras para garantir a integridade de equipamentos em operação. Este trabalho utilizará primeiramente a metodologia de “fitness for service” empregando o guia BS7910 para avaliar um caso de um bocal de oito polegadas de diâmetro unido a um casco de dezesseis polegadas de diâmetro com uma grande descontinuidade do tipo falta de penetração em sua solda. A metodologia de fitness for service será comparada com o resultado do teste experimental, o qual foi realizado através de um teste hidrostático destrutivo monitorado através do ensaio de emissão acústica. Por fim, será realizada uma análise não linear utilizando não linearidade física e geométrica através do método de elementos finitos. A comparação dos resultados numéricos, experimentais e os analíticos obtidos pela aplicação da BS7910 permitiram a obtenção de várias conclusões que são expostas neste trabalho. A metodologia de ajuste ao uso utilizando a BS7910 foi conservativa para o caso estudado. O modo de falha dominante utilizando a BS7910 foi o colapso plástico que foi coerente com o teste experimental. O ensaio de emissão acústica não teve correlação entre a energia acumulada dos sinais captados e a criticidade de descontinuidades entre um bocal e um tampo, o que salientou que para aplicações semelhantes os dados devem ser analisados cuidadosamente uma vez que regiões sujeitas a colapso plástico como no caso do bocal estudado podem emitir sinais de menor intensidade que descontinuidades onde existe a interação entre os modos de fratura e colapso plástico. A análise não linear utilizando não linearidades física e geometria teve o resultado 5,8% maior que a pressão de ruptura no teste experimental que foi de 14,7MPa, o que pode ser considerado um resultado com um bom grau de aproximação. / Pressure vessels and pipes are essential equipment in the chemical, petrochemical, petroleum refining, among others. The safety operation of this equipment is an important aspect, since failures can vary from large financial losses to catastrophic consequences. Evaluation discontinuity found in inspections can be perfomed by fitness for service methodology which is based on fracture mechanics, which had great developments in the last 40 years. These methodologies are known as being the best way to ensure the integrity of equipment while in operation. This work first uses the fitness for service methodology according BS7910 guide to evaluate lack of weld penetration in eight-inch nozzle attached to a shell with sixteen inches in diameter. The methodology of fitness for service was compared with the experimental test result, which was performed by a destructive hydrostatic test monitored by acoustic emission test. Finally, finite element method was performed using nonlinearity physical and geometric tecniques. The comparison of numerical, experimental and analytical results obtained by the application of BS7910 allowed us to obtain several conclusions that are exposed in this work. The methodology using the BS7910 was conservative for the case study. The dominant failure mode using the BS7910 was the collapse of plastic that was consistent with the experimental test. The acoustic emission technique had no correlation between the stored energy of the picked up signals and criticality of discontinuities between a nozzle and a head, which pointed out that for similar applications data must be analyzed carefully since in regions subjected to plastic collapse such as in the case studied nozzle can generate signals of lower intensity that discontinuities where there is an interaction between the modes of fracture and plastic collapse. The nonlinear analysis result using physics and geometry nonlinearities was 5.8% higher than the rupture pressure of the experimental test was 14.7 MPa, being considered a result with a good degree of accuracity.
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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / The aim of this study was to analyze the development of cravina culture in substrate ash
rice husk in different vessel sizes and under varying levels of water availability, observing its
response as the height of the stems developed, number of nodes per stem; fresh weight and
dry weight of stems and number of flower buds developed per stem. The cultivar used in the
experiment was a hybrid of series 'Melody', the seedlings were obtained by cutting a die
makers deployed specifically for this purpose. The seedlings were first planted in rooting
where they remained for 30 days and were then transplanted in black plastic pots, 8 and 18
liters, filled with a substrate of rice husk ash, and kept 100% 80% 60% and 40% of the
capacity of water retention of the vessels. Maintenance of the water vessel was performed by
the method of weighting, with added amounts of water to keep the vessel in your weight limit.
The water consumption of plants was determined by the method of weighing over two crop
cycles. Results showed that the water consumption of this species is highly influenced by the
weather; is recommend the use vessel of lower capacity and maintenance water in 40% of
the capacity to retain water; it is preferable to growing the cravina in just a cycle, since the
rods obtained in the second exhibit features not fit for commercialization. / O objetivo do presente trabalho foi analisar o desenvolvimento da cultura da cravina em
substrato de cinza de casca de arroz em diferentes tamanhos de vaso e sob variados níveis
de disponibilidade hídrica, observando sua resposta quanto à altura das hastes
desenvolvidas; número de nós por haste; peso fresco e peso seco das hastes e número de
botões florais desenvolvidos por haste. A cultivar utilizada no experimento foi o híbrido
interespecífico série Melody , sendo que as mudas foram obtidas por meio de estaquia de
um matrizeiro implantado especificamente para tal objetivo. As mudas obtidas
primeiramente foram plantadas em bandejas de enraizamento onde permaneceram por 30
dias, sendo após transplantadas em vasos plásticos pretos de 8 e 18 litros, preenchidos com
substrato de cinza de casca de arroz, e mantidas em 100%, 80%, 60% e 40% do limite da
capacidade de retenção hídrica dos vasos. A manutenção da umidade dos vasos foi
realizada a partir do método de pesagens, sendo acrescentadas quantidades variáveis de
água para manter o vaso no peso estipulado. O consumo de água das plantas também foi
determinado através do método de pesagens, ao longo de dois ciclos de cultivo. Os
resultados obtidos mostraram que o consumo hídrico dessa espécie é altamente
influenciado pelas condições meteorológicas; recomenda-se o uso do vaso de menor
capacidade e a manutenção da disponibilidade hídrica em 40% da capacidade de retenção
de água; é preferível o cultivo da cravina em apenas um ciclo, já que as hastes obtidas no
segundo apresentam características não próprias para a comercialização.
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Análise de criticidade de descontinuidade em um bocal de um vaso de pressãoMachado, Ronaldo de Oliveira January 2011 (has links)
Vasos de pressão e tubulações são equipamentos essenciais em industrias químicas, petroquímicas, refino de petróleo, entre outras. A operação segura deste tipo de equipamento é um fator determinante, visto que falhas podem variar desde grandes perdas financeiras até consequências catastróficas. Avaliação de descontinuidades encontradas em inspeções podem ser realizadas através de metodologias de fitness for service, as quais são baseadas na mecânica da fratura, que teve grande desenvolvimentos nos últimos 40 anos. Estas metodologias são consagradas como sendo seguras para garantir a integridade de equipamentos em operação. Este trabalho utilizará primeiramente a metodologia de “fitness for service” empregando o guia BS7910 para avaliar um caso de um bocal de oito polegadas de diâmetro unido a um casco de dezesseis polegadas de diâmetro com uma grande descontinuidade do tipo falta de penetração em sua solda. A metodologia de fitness for service será comparada com o resultado do teste experimental, o qual foi realizado através de um teste hidrostático destrutivo monitorado através do ensaio de emissão acústica. Por fim, será realizada uma análise não linear utilizando não linearidade física e geométrica através do método de elementos finitos. A comparação dos resultados numéricos, experimentais e os analíticos obtidos pela aplicação da BS7910 permitiram a obtenção de várias conclusões que são expostas neste trabalho. A metodologia de ajuste ao uso utilizando a BS7910 foi conservativa para o caso estudado. O modo de falha dominante utilizando a BS7910 foi o colapso plástico que foi coerente com o teste experimental. O ensaio de emissão acústica não teve correlação entre a energia acumulada dos sinais captados e a criticidade de descontinuidades entre um bocal e um tampo, o que salientou que para aplicações semelhantes os dados devem ser analisados cuidadosamente uma vez que regiões sujeitas a colapso plástico como no caso do bocal estudado podem emitir sinais de menor intensidade que descontinuidades onde existe a interação entre os modos de fratura e colapso plástico. A análise não linear utilizando não linearidades física e geometria teve o resultado 5,8% maior que a pressão de ruptura no teste experimental que foi de 14,7MPa, o que pode ser considerado um resultado com um bom grau de aproximação. / Pressure vessels and pipes are essential equipment in the chemical, petrochemical, petroleum refining, among others. The safety operation of this equipment is an important aspect, since failures can vary from large financial losses to catastrophic consequences. Evaluation discontinuity found in inspections can be perfomed by fitness for service methodology which is based on fracture mechanics, which had great developments in the last 40 years. These methodologies are known as being the best way to ensure the integrity of equipment while in operation. This work first uses the fitness for service methodology according BS7910 guide to evaluate lack of weld penetration in eight-inch nozzle attached to a shell with sixteen inches in diameter. The methodology of fitness for service was compared with the experimental test result, which was performed by a destructive hydrostatic test monitored by acoustic emission test. Finally, finite element method was performed using nonlinearity physical and geometric tecniques. The comparison of numerical, experimental and analytical results obtained by the application of BS7910 allowed us to obtain several conclusions that are exposed in this work. The methodology using the BS7910 was conservative for the case study. The dominant failure mode using the BS7910 was the collapse of plastic that was consistent with the experimental test. The acoustic emission technique had no correlation between the stored energy of the picked up signals and criticality of discontinuities between a nozzle and a head, which pointed out that for similar applications data must be analyzed carefully since in regions subjected to plastic collapse such as in the case studied nozzle can generate signals of lower intensity that discontinuities where there is an interaction between the modes of fracture and plastic collapse. The nonlinear analysis result using physics and geometry nonlinearities was 5.8% higher than the rupture pressure of the experimental test was 14.7 MPa, being considered a result with a good degree of accuracity.
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Análise de criticidade de descontinuidade em um bocal de um vaso de pressãoMachado, Ronaldo de Oliveira January 2011 (has links)
Vasos de pressão e tubulações são equipamentos essenciais em industrias químicas, petroquímicas, refino de petróleo, entre outras. A operação segura deste tipo de equipamento é um fator determinante, visto que falhas podem variar desde grandes perdas financeiras até consequências catastróficas. Avaliação de descontinuidades encontradas em inspeções podem ser realizadas através de metodologias de fitness for service, as quais são baseadas na mecânica da fratura, que teve grande desenvolvimentos nos últimos 40 anos. Estas metodologias são consagradas como sendo seguras para garantir a integridade de equipamentos em operação. Este trabalho utilizará primeiramente a metodologia de “fitness for service” empregando o guia BS7910 para avaliar um caso de um bocal de oito polegadas de diâmetro unido a um casco de dezesseis polegadas de diâmetro com uma grande descontinuidade do tipo falta de penetração em sua solda. A metodologia de fitness for service será comparada com o resultado do teste experimental, o qual foi realizado através de um teste hidrostático destrutivo monitorado através do ensaio de emissão acústica. Por fim, será realizada uma análise não linear utilizando não linearidade física e geométrica através do método de elementos finitos. A comparação dos resultados numéricos, experimentais e os analíticos obtidos pela aplicação da BS7910 permitiram a obtenção de várias conclusões que são expostas neste trabalho. A metodologia de ajuste ao uso utilizando a BS7910 foi conservativa para o caso estudado. O modo de falha dominante utilizando a BS7910 foi o colapso plástico que foi coerente com o teste experimental. O ensaio de emissão acústica não teve correlação entre a energia acumulada dos sinais captados e a criticidade de descontinuidades entre um bocal e um tampo, o que salientou que para aplicações semelhantes os dados devem ser analisados cuidadosamente uma vez que regiões sujeitas a colapso plástico como no caso do bocal estudado podem emitir sinais de menor intensidade que descontinuidades onde existe a interação entre os modos de fratura e colapso plástico. A análise não linear utilizando não linearidades física e geometria teve o resultado 5,8% maior que a pressão de ruptura no teste experimental que foi de 14,7MPa, o que pode ser considerado um resultado com um bom grau de aproximação. / Pressure vessels and pipes are essential equipment in the chemical, petrochemical, petroleum refining, among others. The safety operation of this equipment is an important aspect, since failures can vary from large financial losses to catastrophic consequences. Evaluation discontinuity found in inspections can be perfomed by fitness for service methodology which is based on fracture mechanics, which had great developments in the last 40 years. These methodologies are known as being the best way to ensure the integrity of equipment while in operation. This work first uses the fitness for service methodology according BS7910 guide to evaluate lack of weld penetration in eight-inch nozzle attached to a shell with sixteen inches in diameter. The methodology of fitness for service was compared with the experimental test result, which was performed by a destructive hydrostatic test monitored by acoustic emission test. Finally, finite element method was performed using nonlinearity physical and geometric tecniques. The comparison of numerical, experimental and analytical results obtained by the application of BS7910 allowed us to obtain several conclusions that are exposed in this work. The methodology using the BS7910 was conservative for the case study. The dominant failure mode using the BS7910 was the collapse of plastic that was consistent with the experimental test. The acoustic emission technique had no correlation between the stored energy of the picked up signals and criticality of discontinuities between a nozzle and a head, which pointed out that for similar applications data must be analyzed carefully since in regions subjected to plastic collapse such as in the case studied nozzle can generate signals of lower intensity that discontinuities where there is an interaction between the modes of fracture and plastic collapse. The nonlinear analysis result using physics and geometry nonlinearities was 5.8% higher than the rupture pressure of the experimental test was 14.7 MPa, being considered a result with a good degree of accuracity.
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