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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Numerical Study Of The Complex Dynamics Of Sheared Nematogenic Fluids

Chakraborty, Debarshini 01 1900 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, we have tried to explain the regular and irregular(chaotic) dynamics of worm like micellar solutions on applying shear, through a detailed study of the equation of motion of a nematic order parameter tensor coupled to a hydrodynamic velocity field. We have assumed spatial variations only along one direction i.e. the gradient direction(1D model). The resulting phase diagram shows various interesting steady states or phases such as spatiotemporal chaos, temporal and spatiotemporal periodicities, and alignment of the director axis along the imposed flow field. The coupling of the orientational degrees of freedom of the order parameter with the hydrodynamic flow field holds the key to the appearance of dynamic shear bands in the system. We have solved numerically a set of coupled nonlinear equations to obtain the order parameter stress developed in the system; the magnitude of the order parameter tensor, the biaxiality parameter and the orientation of the director axis of the nemato gens under shear have also been studied in detail. To study the phase diagram obtained by time integration of the equation of motion mathematically, a stability analysis of the fixed point of motion for various parameter values has been performed so that the location of the chaotic-to-aligned phase boundary is verified. Also in the periodic region of the phase diagram, the stability of limit cycles is tested by analysing the fixed point of the corresponding Poincare map. Stability analysis of the periodic orbits leads to the observation that in the parameter space, there are regions of phase coexistence where chaotic or spatiotemporally intermittent behaviour coexists with periodic behaviour. When corrections in the imposed velocity field due to the order parameter stress were taken into account and the order parameter response was looked into at several points in the parameter space, the modified equations of motion were found to reproduce the earlier behaviour in all the different regimes if the value of a dimensionless viscosity parameter is taken to be such that the bare viscous stress overrides the order parameter stress. The phase boundaries are however different from the ones seen in the earlier model. However, for a choice of the viscosity parameter such that the order parameter stress and the bare viscous stress are comparable, we see two distinctly different attractors: a banded, periodic one that is common to both α1equalto 0, and not equal to 0 and a banded chaotic one for α1not equal to 0. Here, α1is a parameter that governs the nonlinearity in the stretching of the order parameter tensor along the direction of the applied shear. Quantitative analysis of the various chaotic attractors throws up not only positive Lyapunov exponents but also that the banded chaos is a “flip-flop” kind of chaos where the switching between two long-lived states of high and lows hear stress is chaotic, where as the behaviour in either of the two states is periodic, with either a single, isolated frequency or a bunch of harmonics. Also, the spatial correlation of the shear stress in the chaotic attractors is of much larger range than the temporal correlation, the latter being almost delta-function-like. On increasing the temperature of the system till it is above the isotropic–nematic transition temperature in the absence of shear, we find that under shear, similar attractors as those in the nematic case are observed, both for passive advection and for the full 1D hydrodynamics. This is an encouraging result since actual experiments are performed at a temperature for which the system is in the isotropic phase in the absence of shear. Thus for the 1D system, the parameter space has been explored quite extensively. Considering spatial variations only along the gradient axis of the system under shear is not enough since experiments have observed interesting behaviour in the vorticity plane in which Taylor velocity rolls were noted. Hence taking the system to 2D was necessary. Our numerical study of the 2D system under shear is incomplete because we came across computational difficulties. However, on shorter time scales we have seen a two-banded state with an oscillating interface and Taylor velocity rolls as well. The methodology used for the 2D study can also be used to reproduce the 1D results by the simple step of taking initial condition with no variation in the vorticity direction. This automatically ensures that no variation in the vorticity direction ever builds up because the equations of motion ensure that these variations in the system do not grow by themselves unless fed in at the start. Using this method, we were able to reproduce all the attractors found in the 1D calculation. Thus the 1D attractors have been observed using two different methods of calculation. Further work on the full 2D numerics needs to be done because we believe that spatiotemporally complex steady-state attractor s exist in the 2D system also for appropriate values of the parameters.

Větrání kabiny osobního automobilu – výzkum charakteru proudění z rozmrazovací mřížky předního skla a účinnost tohoto systému. / Ventilation in a light duty vehicle – research on defrost of windshield and its efficiency.

Hapala, Radim January 2009 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with research of the jet issuing from the defrost duct of Skoda Octavia car. Components of velocity and turbulence intensity were measured using hot wire anemometry. Obtained data were presented in graphs and contour maps. Results were confronted with previous research.

Porovnání měření rychlosti vodoměrnou vrtulí a laserovým anemometrem / Comparison of speed measurement by hydrometric propeller and laser anemometer

Kosík, Ondřej January 2022 (has links)
This final thesis deals primarily with the comparison of two calibration approaches. It determines the degree of mutual agreement and tries to answer the reasons of their deviations. This agreement was measured by the LDA method. It was found that the calibration approach based on the reference framework of values of the previous bachelor thesis differs systematically from the calibration using calibration equations obtained from certified laboratories by -2 %. The causes of this deviation were investigated using LDA and PIV. Although a significant number of measurements were performed, all tested hypotheses were refuted and therefore it was not possible to determine their cause.


[pt] O estudo do escoamento intermitente de gás e líquido é de enorme relevância. Devido a sua vasta ocorrência em diversos problemas industriais, como na indústria do petróleo, em escoamentos de água e vapor em trocadores de calor e em sistemas de refrigeração de usinas nucleares, diversos estudos experimentais e numéricos buscam obter um conhecimento mais profundo deste complexo fenômeno. Devido a esta complexidade, se fazem necessários experimentos detalhados de maneira a dar suporte aos modelos matemáticos desenvolvidos. O presente trabalho descreve um estudo experimental de um escoamento turbulento gás-líquido no regime intermitente para tubo horizontal. As técnicas de velocimetria por imagem de partícula estereoscópica de alta frequência (SPIV ) e fluorescência induzida por laser (LIF) foram usadas para medir todos os três componentes do vetor de velocidade em diferentes seções do tubo, referenciadas pelo nariz da bolha de gás. A seção de testes consistiu de uma tubulação de acrílico com diâmetro interno de 40mm e 17,7m de comprimento. Os fluidos de trabalho utilizados foram água e ar, com velocidades superficiais de jL igual 0,3 0,4 e 0,5m/s e jG igual 0,5m/s que formaram o padrão de escoamento intermitente. Um sistema de sensores fotossensíveis foi utilizado para medir a velocidade de translação da bolha de gás, além de acionar o sistema SPIV. Desta forma, foi possível determinar os campos médios das três componentes de velocidade da fase líquida do escoamento turbulento gás-líquido em regiões de interesse na vizinhança da bolha alongada. Os dados obtidos revelaram a influência das bolhas de gás de maior velocidade, na dinâmica do campo de velocidade do líquido. Tais dados contém informações valiosas que contribuem não apenas para uma melhor compreensão da física que rege o escoamento, mas também como forma de validação e aprimoramento de modelos numéricos. / [en] The analysis of gas-liquid intermittent flow in horizontal pipes is of great relevance importance due its applications in many industrial problems, such as in the petroleum industry, boiler and heat exchanger tubes and cooling systems of nuclear power plants. A considerable number of experimental and analytical studies have been carried out on the pursuit of a deeper knowledge of this complex phenomenon. The present work describes an experimental study of a horizontal, gas-liquid pipe flow in the intermittent regime. Experimental techniques such as high frequency stereoscopic particle image velocimetry (SPIV ) and laser induced fluorescence (LIF), were applied in order to obtain all three components of the velocity vector at different pipe sections, referred to the gas bubble nose tip. A 40mm inner diameter, 17.7m long acrylic pipe was used as test section (L/D approximately 450). The working fluids, water and air formed the intermittent flow pattern, with superficial velocities of jL equal 0.3, 0.4 and 0.5 m/s and jG equal 0.5 m/s. A set of three photogate sensors, equally-spaced along the pipe, were used to measure the bubble translational velocities, and to trigger the SPIV system, allowing for the determination of ensemble-averaged, threecomponent velocity fields of the turbulent liquid flow in cross-stream planes around the gas bubble. The original data obtained revealed the influence of the faster-moving gas bubbles on the dynamics of the liquid velocity field, providing valuable information that contribute to a better understanding of the physics governing the flow, also serving for the validation of numerical simulations.

Cyclones dans une bulle de savon / Hurricanes in a soap bubble

Meuel, Tinihau 23 July 2014 (has links)
Au cours de cette thèse nous avons caractérisé les tourbillons quasibidimensionnels générés par convection thermique turbulente dans une demi-bullede savon. La loi de puissance en temps sur leur déplacement quadratique moyen estégalement valide pour les cyclones terrestres. Cette loi permet la prévision detrajectoire de cyclones assortie du cône de prévision comparable aux cônesexistants. Ainsi, les incertitudes de prédiction de trajectoire et les fluctuations decette trajectoire par rapport à une trajectoire moyenne sont liées. Par ailleurs, l’étudede l’intensité des tourbillons de la bulle a montré qu’ils pouvaient être décrit par unmodèle de tourbillon de type Lamb. Le suivi lagrangien de particules de fluide dans letourbillon de la bulle a permis d’en suivre des phases d’intensification et de déclin.Nous proposons une loi d’intensification commune aux tourbillons de la bulle et auxcyclones terrestres. L’influence de la rotation de la bulle sur le nombre de tourbillons,sur leur durée de vie, sur leur trajectoire et sur la loi de puissance de leurdéplacement quadratique moyen a également été étudiée. Nous nous sommes aussiintéressés à l’influence de la rotation sur les propriétés statistiques du champ defluctuations de température. Les fonctions de structures de la température semblentse raidir avec la rotation de la bulle et leurs exposants passeraient d’un régime de loide puissance en n/3 à n/2. / This thesis aims at the characterisation of quasi two dimensionalvortices stemming from turbulent thermal convection in a half soap bubble heatedfrom below. The power law in time for their mean square displacement is also validfor Earth hurricanes. This law allows simple hurricane trajectory prediction with itstrack forecast cone wich compares very well to already available cones. In this way,track prediction uncertainty and track fluctuations around a mean track are linked.The intensity of the soap bubble vortices is also studied by the mean of particleimages velocimetry and shows that their velocity field profiles are well described by aLamb type model. The Lagrangian tracking of fluid praticles in a bubble vortex allowsus to follow its intensification and decline phases. We propose an intensification lawfor both soap bubble vortices and Earth hurricanes. Rotation influence on the vorticesnumber, on their life-time, on their trajectory and on the power law of their meansquared displacement is also gauged. The statistical properties of the temperaturefield fluctuations also seem to change with rotation. The exponent of the temperaturestructure functions present a scaling transition from n/3 to n/2.

Aplikace rychlostní sondy se žhavenými drátky při měření rychlostního pole za automobilovou vyústkou / Application of an anemometric hot-wire probe to the measurement of a velocity field downstream of an automotive ventilation outlet

Šíp, Jan January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the research of the flow in front of the benchmark automotive vent. Using thermoanemometry, the velocity field in the area in front of the vent was measured in detail and the intensity of the turbulence was calculated. Computational fluid dynamics of the air flow from the vent was also performed using the STAR-CCM + program. In addition, the influence of the surrounding surfaces simulating the real environment of the automobile on the air flow from the vent was investigated. The diploma thesis contains the calculation of measurement uncertainty. The purpose of this thesis is to obtain complex data on the velocity field and to use them for validation of Computational fluid dynamics.

Experimentální analýza proudu vzduchu z ofukovače osobního vozu s využitím žárového anemometru a návrh hodnocení kvality ofukovače / Experimental analysis of automobile ventilating outlet air flow using hot wire anemometry and draft of outlet quality rating

Ležovič, Tomáš January 2011 (has links)
The master’s thesis deals with air flow in the interior of automobile Škoda Octavia. The attention is focused only at a side ventilating outlet. Author’s effort was to propose the appropriate criteria for evaluation and assessment of ventilating outlet quality and elaborate the methodology of measurement for these criteria. Then follows the application of the methodology and measurement of velocity field of air flow from the outlet by the method of hot wire anemometry. The thesis also contains comparison of the results with the results attained by the smoke visualization.

Design and characterization of gas-liquid microreactors / Design et caractérsation des micro-réacteurs gaz-liquide

Völkel, Norbert 04 December 2009 (has links)
Cette étude est dédiée à l'amélioration du design des microréacteurs gaz-liquide. Le terme de microréacteur correspond à des appareils composés de canaux dont les dimensions sont de l’ordre de quelques dizaines à quelques centaines de microns. Grâce à la valeur importante du ratio surface/volume, ces appareils constituent une issue prometteuse pour contrôler les réactions rapides fortement exothermiques, souvent rencontrées en chimie fine et pharmaceutique. Dans le cas des systèmes gaz-liquide, on peut citer par exemple les réactions de fluoration, d’hydrogénation ou d’oxydation. Comparés à des appareils conventionnels, les microréacteurs permettent de supprimer le risque d’apparition de points chauds, et d’envisager le fonctionnement dans des conditions plus critiques, par exemple avec des concentrations de réactifs plus élevées. En même temps, la sélectivité peut être augmentée et les coûts opératoires diminués. Ainsi, les technologies de microréacteurs s’inscrivent bien dans les nouveaux challenges auxquels l'industrie chimique est confrontée ; on peut citer en particulier la réduction de la consommation énergétique et la gestion des stocks de produits intermédiaires. Les principaux phénomènes qui doivent être étudiés lors de la conception d’un microréacteur sont le transfert de matière et le transfert thermique. Dans les systèmes diphasiques, ces transferts sont fortement influencés par la nature des écoulements, et l'hydrodynamique joue donc un rôle central. Par conséquent, nous avons focalisé notre travail sur l’hydrodynamique de l’écoulement diphasique dans les microcanaux et sur les couplages constatés avec le transfert de masse. Dans ce contexte, nous nous sommes dans un premier temps intéressés aux régimes d’écoulement et aux paramètres contrôlant la transition entre les différents régimes. Au vu des capacités de transfert de matière et à la flexibilité offerte en terme de conditions opératoires, le régime de Taylor semble le plus prometteur pour mettre en œuvre des réactions rapides fortement exothermiques et limitées par le transfert de matière. Ce régime d'écoulement est caractérisé par des bulles allongées entourées par un film liquide et séparées les unes des autres par une poche liquide. En plus du fait que ce régime est accessible à partir d’une large gamme de débits gazeux et liquide, l'aire interfaciale développée est assez élevée, et les mouvements de recirculation du liquide induits au sein de chaque poche sont supposés améliorer le transport des molécules entre la zone interfaciale et le liquide. A partir d'une étude de l’hydrodynamique locale d’un écoulement de Taylor, il s’est avéré que la perte de charge et le transfert de matière sont contrôlés par la vitesse des bulles, et la longueur des bulles et des poches. Dans l’étape suivante, nous avons étudié l'influence des paramètres de fonctionnement sur ces caractéristiques de l’écoulement. Une première phase de notre travail expérimental a porté sur la formation des bulles et des poches et la mesure des champs de vitesse de la phase liquide dans des microcanaux de section rectangulaire. Nous avons également pris en compte le phénomène de démouillage, qui joue un rôle important au niveau de la perte de charge et du transfert de matière. Des mesures du coefficient de transfert de matière (kLa) ont été réalisées tandis que l'écoulement associé était enregistré. Les vitesses de bulles, longueurs de bulles et de poches, ainsi que les caractéristiques issues de l’exploitation des champs de vitesse précédemment obtenus, ont été utilisées afin de proposer un modèle modifié pour la prédiction du kLa dans des microcanaux de section rectangulaire. En mettant en évidence l'influence du design du microcanal sur l’hydrodynamique et le transfert de matière, notre travail apporte une contribution importante dans le contrôle en microréacteur des réactions rapides fortement exothermiques et limitées par le transfert de matière. De plus, ce travail a permis d'identifier certaines lacunes en termes de connaissance, ce qui devrait pouvoir constituer l'objet de futures recherches. / The present project deals with the improvement of the design of gas-liquid microreactors. The term microreactor characterizes devices composed of channels that have dimensions in the several tens to several hundreds of microns. Due to their increased surface to volume ratios these devices are a promising way to control fast and highly exothermic reactions, often employed in the production of fine chemicals and pharmaceutical compounds. In the case of gas-liquid systems, these are for example direct fluorination, hydrogenation or oxidation reactions. Compared to conventional equipment microreactors offer the possibility to suppress hot spots and to operate hazardous reaction systems at increased reactant concentrations. Thereby selectivity may be increased and operating costs decreased. In this manner microreaction technology well fits in the challenges the chemical industry is continuously confronted to, which are amongst others the reduction of energy consumption and better feedstock utilization. The main topics which have to be considered with respect to the design of gasliquid μ-reactors are heat and mass transfer. In two phase systems both are strongly influenced by the nature of the flow and thus hydrodynamics play a central role. Consequently we focused our work on the hydrodynamics of the two-phase flow in microchannels and the description of the inter-linkage to gas-liquid mass transfer. In this context we were initially concerned with the topic of gas-liquid flow regimes and the main parameters prescribing flow pattern transitions. From a comparison of flow patterns with respect to their mass transfer capacity, as well as the flexibility offered with respect to operating conditions, the Taylor flow pattern appears to be the most promising flow characteristic for performing fast, highly exothermic and mass transfer limited reactions. This flow pattern is characterized by elongated bubbles surrounded by a liquid film and separated from each other by liquid slugs. In addition to the fact that this flow regime is accessible within a large range of gas and liquid flow rates, and has a relatively high specific interfacial area, Taylor flow features a recirculation motion within the liquid slugs, which is generally assumed to increase molecular transport between the gas-liquid interface and the bulk of the liquid phase. From a closer look on the local hydrodynamics of Taylor flow, including the fundamentals of bubble transport and the description of the recirculation flow within the liquid phase, it turned out that two-phase pressure drop and gas-liquid mass transfer are governed by the bubble velocity, bubble lengths and slug lengths. In the following step we have dealt with the prediction of these key hydrodynamic parameters. In this connection the first part of our experimental study was concerned with the investigation of the formation of bubbles and slugs and the characterization of the liquid phase velocity field in microchannels of rectangular cross-section. In addition we also addressed the phenomenon of film dewetting, which plays an important rôle concerning pressure drop and mass-transfer in Taylor flow. In the second part we focused on the prediction of gas-liquid mass transfer in Taylor flow. Measurements of the volumetric liquid side mass transfer coefficient (kLa-value) were conducted and the related two-phase flow was recorded. The measured bubble velocities, bubble lengths and slug lengths, as well as the findings previously obtained from the characterization of the velocity field were used to set-up a modified model for the prediction of kLa-values in μ-channels of rectangular cross-section. Describing the interaction of channel design hydrodynamics and mass transfer our work thus provides an important contribution towards the control of the operation of fast, highly exothermic and mass transfer limited gas-liquid reactions in microchannels. In addition it enabled us to identify gaps of knowledge, whose investigation should be items of further research.

Comportement de fluides complexes sous écoulement : approche expérimentale par résonance magnétique nucléaire et techniques optiques et simulations numériques / Behaviour of complex fluids flow : experimental study by nuclear magnetic resonance and optical techniques and numerical simulation

Rigal, Claire 23 May 2012 (has links)
Cette thèse est une contribution à la fois expérimentale, théorique et numérique à l'étude des écoulements bidimensionnels de fluides complexes dans une conduite cylindrique présentant des singularités et dans une géométrie annulaire à cylindres excentrés. Le fluide utilisé est une solution de xanthane à différentes concentrations présentant un caractère non newtonien rhéofluidifiant. L'objectif principal de cette thèse est la caractérisation de l'influence des propriétés rhéofluidifiantes sur le comportement des zones de recirculation, en terme de morphologie, de positionnement et d'intensité, par l'utilisation et le développement de techniques de mesures non intrusives et performantes. La première méthode expérimentale utilisée une technique laser classique: la vélocimétrie par images de particules. La seconde technique mise en oeuvre est une méthode originale: la vélocimétrie par imagerie par résonance magnétique. Elle est utilisée pour la première fois au laboratoire pour la mesure de champ de vitesse d'écoulement de fluides complexes en conduite cylindrique, représentant l'intérêt majeur de cette thèse. La première partie de notre travail consiste en une description rhéologique complète de nos fluides modèles avec la détermination de leur loi de comportement et la mise en évidence de leurs propriétés viscoélastiques, par ailleurs négligeables. Par la suite les mesures de champ de vitesse des écoulements bidimensionnels étudiés et la représentation des lignes de courant montrent que les propriétés rhéofluidifiantes influencent très fortement la structure et la morphologie de ces écoulements et le comportement des zones de recirculation. Par une étude fine nous observons qu'il existe une compétition entre les effets d'inertie et les effets rhéofluidifiants induisant un champ de contrainte variable qui modifie le positionnement et la taille de la zone de recirculation. Nous montrons également que l'augmentation du caractère rhéofluidifiant affaiblit son intensité de la zone de recirculation. Enfin, des simulations numériques utilisant la loi de comportement macroscopique déterminée par rhéométrie classique ont été réalisées avec le logiciel Fluent. Une bonne concordance est observée entre les résultats de ces simulations numériques et les expérimentaux. Cette comparaison permet ainsi de valider le code de calcul et la loi de comportement, utilisée pour les simulations numériques au travers de sa modélisation suivant la loi de Cross, pour les écoulements considérés / This thesis is an experimental and numerical study of structured fluids bidimensional flows in a cylindrical pipe with singularity and in an annular geometry with eccentric cylinders. The objective of this thesis is to characterize the influence of the shear thinning properties on the recirculation zones by using efficient and non-intrusive techniques: particle image velocimetry and velocimetry by nuclear magnetic resonance imaging. Materials are xanthane solutions at different concentrations. In the first part, we determine the rheological and viscoelastic properties of the fluids used. The second part concerns the measured velocity field. It is shown that the shear thinning behavior have a strongly influence on the structure and the morphology of these flows and the pattern of the recirculation zones. Simultaneously, numerical simulations performed by Fluent and using the rheological behavior. A good concordance is observed between the experimental and numerical results. For the flows considered here, this comparison allows to validate the computational code and the behavior law used in the numerical simulations and modelling by a Cross model

Groundwater purification using functionalised magnetic nanoparticles (electromagnetic separation)

Aigbe, Uyiosa Osagie 01 1900 (has links)
Most developing countries are faced with drinking water problems, with conditions becoming more severe due to water pollution. Meeting the growing demands for clean water in most countries, there are difficult challenges as the availability and supply of drinkable water are diminishing. Due to economic and environmental concerns, development of additional physical means for the removal of organic compounds from wastewater using permanent magnets, electromagnetic coils, electrodes and ultrasonic pretreatment is desirable. Improving the adsorption and separation process, magnetic field exposure method has progressively drawn consideration. Magnetic field exposure method has demonstrated its capacity for increasing the adsorptive elimination of contaminants from water as static magnetization is suitable, simple and cost-effective. The polypyrrole magnetic nanocomposite use for adsorption experiments influenced by exter-nal magnetic field was prepared using the in-situ polymerization method, which was charac-terized using TEM, SEM, EDX, XRD, BET, FTIR, VSM, and ESR spectrophotometers. The magnetic nanocomposite (PPy/Fe3O4) was observed to have an average particle size of 10 nm with the elementary composition of carbon, oxygen, nitrogen, chloride and iron. The magnetic nanocomposite had a crystalline structure of face-centred cubic lattice of Fe3O4, an adsorption-desorption isotherm shape indicating a typical type-IV mesoporous material with a surface area of 28.77 m2/g. Characteristic peaks of Fe3O4 and PPy were also observed using FTIR spectro-photometer. From the VSM and ESR characterization, the synthesized superparamagnetic ma-terial was shown to have a saturation magnetization of 23 emu/g and an effective g-value of 2.25 g which was attributed to Fe3+ spin interaction. An enhanced removal of Cr(VI), fluoride and congo red dye were observed under the influence of magnetic field, with parameters like pH, adsorbent dosage, the initial concentration of ad-sorbate, magnetic field and magnetic exposure time been varied. The enhanced adsorption of contaminants using magnetic field is attributed to the increase in the magnetic field induced on the particles over a magnetic exposure time, resulting in the rotating particles forming aggre-gates due to the increased magnetic force and torque on the particles from the PSV results. This leads to increase in the chain collision and area of particle interaction with the aqueous solution of hexavalent chromium, fluoride and congo red dye. / Physics / Ph. D. (Physics)

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