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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Reklambilder med ett hållbart budskap : förvirrande, förvillande eller fängslande? / Advertising with a sustainable message : confusing, confounding or captivating?

Nyberg, Emma, Ulfsdotter, Antonia, Perman, Elsa January 2021 (has links)
Syftet med denna studie är att öka förståelsen angående hur kvinnor i åldrarna 20 till 30 år uppfattar visuella- och verbala element i modeföretags gröna marknadsföring. Speciellt den hållbarhetskommunikation som modeföretag använder för att marknadsföra sina produkter som hållbara. Studien avser att bidra till en ökad förståelse för reklambilders betydelse för att främja framtida marknadsföringsstrategier. Tidigare forskning visar att grön marknadsföring blivit allt vanligare och flertalet reklamer innefattas av liknande visuella- och verbala element. Färgen grönt är ett tydligt exempel på ett element som används inom grön marknadsföring för att skapa en koppling till hållbarhet. På grund av dessa liknande element kan konsumenter ha svårt att se vilken grön marknadsföring som gör legitima gröna påståenden och vilka som inte gör det. Det saknas dock förklaring till varför konsumenterna tolkar den gröna marknadsföringen på detta sätt och varför konsumenter uppfattar de olika elementen som trovärdiga eller inte. Inom studien kommer teorin symbolisk interaktionism användas som ett sätt att förstå vilka bakomliggande meningar eller betydelser som visuella- samt verbala element har. För att baserat på interaktion och definition skapa en gemensam definition. Studien är av kvalitativ metod och utförs med 3 stycken fokusgrupper med urvalet kvinnor i åldern 20-30. Fokusgrupperna fick se reklambilder med ett hållbart budskap från modeföretag som valts ut baserat på visuella- och verbala elementen som framträder inom bilderna. Respondenterna fick därefter frågor som de gemensamt diskuterat och reflekterat över. Resultatet visar att visuella element skapar en känsla som ger tydligare koppling till hållbarhet än logiken bakom verbala element. Denna studie ger en ökad förståelse för varför vissa element, exempelvis naturnära miljöer och färger skapar tydliga kopplingar till hållbarhet än andra. Studien visar även på hur situationen, interaktionen inom grupperna samt framträdande symboler inom bilderna påverkar. Förslag till fortsatta studier kan vara en utveckling av resultatet från denna studie. Resultatet visar på att interaktionen är ett effektivt sätt att öka kunskap, men har inte kunnat konstateras på grund av avvikande från studies syfte. / The purpose of the study is to increase understanding of how women between the ages of 20 and 30 perceive visual- and verbal elements in fashion companies' green marketing. In particular the sustainability communication that fashion companies use to market their products as sustainable. The study aims to contribute to an increased understanding of the power of the advertising image in marketing. Previous research shows that green marketing has become increasingly common and most advertisements include similar visual- and verbal elements. The color green is an example of an element used in green marketing to create a link to sustainability. Because of these similar elements, consumers may find it difficult to see which green marketing is making legitimate green claims and which are not. However, there is no explanation as to why consumers interpret green marketing in this way and why consumers perceive the various elements as credible or not. In the study, the theory of symbolic interactionism will be used as a way of understanding the underlying significance or meanings of visual and verbal elements. To create a common definition based on interaction and definition. The study is of a qualitative method and is performed with 3 focus groups with a sample of women aged 20-30. The focus groups got to see sustainability communication from fashion companies that were selected based on the visual and verbal elements that appear in the images. The respondents were then asked questions that they jointly discussed and reflected on. The results show that visual elements create a feeling that provides a clearer connection to sustainability than the logic behind verbal elements. This study provides an increased understanding of why certain elements, such as environments close to nature and colors, create clear connections to sustainability than others. The study also shows how the situation, the interaction within the groups and prominent symbols within the images affect. Suggestions for further studies may be a development of the results from this study. The results show that the interaction is an effective way to increase knowledge, but could not be ascertained due to deviations from the purpose of the study.

Évaluation de la communication chez l'enfant en termes d'actes de langage : stratégies multimodales d'interaction utilisées par l'enfant face à l'adulte / Evaluación de la comunicación del niño en términos de actos de habla : estrategias multimodales de interacción utilizadas por el niño en situación de comunicación con el adulto / Evaluation of the child's communication in terms of speech acts : multimodal interaction strategies used by the child at communicating with adults

Barraza Bizama, Jéssica 30 November 2015 (has links)
Parler une langue ou communiquer avec des gestes signifie adapter un comportement déterminé par des règles complexes dans une situation de communication donnée. Notre recherche porte l'intérêt sur l'occurrence de trois gestes conventionnels: pointage, affirmation et négation gestuels et la possibilité de distinguer leurs différentes fonctions en prenant en compte la combinaison de ces gestes et les actes de langage en tant que vecteurs de la direction de l'intention, à partir de la classification de Searle et Vanderveken (1985). Nous serons spectateurs du passage de l'étape pré-linguistique à l'étape linguistique et nous observerons comment l'enfant mobilise toutes ses capacités communicatives pour manifester ses états mentaux et atteindre ses objectifs en utilisant différentes stratégies en interaction avec l'adulte. Le cadre théorique sur lequel nous nous basons pour analyser les aspects étudiés s'appuie sur les travaux de Searle et Vanderveken (1985), Bernicot (1992, 1998), Bruner (2002), Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2001) et Guidetti (2003). Ce travail utilise une méthodologie qualitative et quantitative pour l'analyse de données. On travaille en deux temps, d'abord on fait une analyse transversale, ainsi on observera la production de ces éléments dans les interactions de six enfants entre dix-huit mois et six ans. Le corpus est composé de deux tranches d'âge. Dans un deuxième temps, on fera l'analyse d'une étude de cas pour rendre compte de l'évolution diachronique des éléments étudiés. / To speak a language or communicate with gestures means adapting a behavior determined by complex rules in a given communication situation. This research focuses on the occurrence of three conventional gestures: pointing, gestures of affirmation and negation. Using the classification of Searle and Vanderveken (1985), it also takes into account combinations of those gestures and speech acts that help the speaker convey their intention, combinations which also enable us to distinguish the gestures' various functions. The shift from the pre-linguistic to the linguistic stage has been under scrutiny, and we'll study how children use all their communicative abilities to express their mental state and reach their objectives by using different strategies in their interactions with adults. The theoretical frame on which this study is based relies on the works of Searle and Vanderverken (1985), Bernicot (1992, 1998), Bruner (2002), Kerbat-Orecchioni (2001) and Guidetti (2003). For this work, the data has been analyzed both quantitatively and qualitatively. There have been two phases in this work: first, we make a transversal analysis to observe the production of these elements in the interactions of six children aged between 18 months and six years old. The corpus has been divided into two age groups. Second, we've analyzed a case study to account for the diachronic evolution of the studied elements. / Hablar una lengua o comunicarse a través de gestos significa adaptar un comportamiento determinado por reglas complejas en una situación específica. Nuestra investigación se centra en la ocurrencia de tres gestos convencionales : la señalización (pointage), la afirmación y negación gestuales, y la posibilidad de distinguir diferentes funciones, tomando en cuenta la combinación de estos gestos y los Actos de Lenguaje como vectores de la dirección de la intención, a partir de la clasificación de Searle y Vanderveken (1985). Seremos espectadores de la transición de la etapa pre-lingüística a la etapa lingüística, y observaremos cómo el niño moviliza todas sus capacidades comunicativas para manifestar sus estados mentales y logra sus objetivos utilizando diferentes estrategias en las interacciones con los adultos. El marco teórico para el análisis de los aspectos estudiados se apoya en los trabajos de Searle y Vanderveken (1985), Bernicot (1992, 1998), Bruner (2002), Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2001) et Guidetti (2003). Este trabajo utiliza una metodología cualitativa y cuantitativa para el análisis de datos. Expondremos una análisis transversal, de esta manera observaremos la producción de estos elementos en las interacciones de 6 niños entre 18 meses y 6 años. El corpus esta compuesto por dos segmentos etarios. Luego se realiza el análisis de un estudio de caso para dar cuenta de la evolución diacrónica de los elementos estudiados.

O dêitico gestual como processo comunicativo no discurso interativo de sala de aula. / Deitic gesture as communicative process in the interactive speech of classroom.

Oliveira, Cristiano Lessa de 08 February 2008 (has links)
This master work has the objective to discuss the deitic gesture, observing like the indicate, element which is considered a communicative act, at the moment of its discharges, in classroom, it can contribute to the construction of knowledge, as helping in the interactive process between classroom speech participants - teacher and students. In this discussion work, we understand that the act of pointing out doesn t work as an identificatory behavior, but also like something which permits the construction of sense. We developed an ethnographic study in the speech which happened in a public school in the city of Maceió - AL. The corpus was definided by Sciences video recordings classes from the sixth grade basically studies, orthographic transcriptions and captivation of pictures. Among the gesture categories, we chose as the observation focus the deitic gesture or the indicate (CAVALCANTE, 1994; MONDADA, 2005) because this gesture turned an important element, catching the speakers attention (students) turning the access of the discursive topic more accessiful, knowed, motivated, justified, legitimating its introduction. Our investigation has the theorical base the studies of the non-verbal and verbal elements, centered on the Conversation Analyses. In this sense, we followed the contributions of Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2006), Marcuschi (1997), Knapp & Hall (1999), and others. For these studies, we also used a literature which treats reference phenomena and deixis, taking the dates provided by Mondada (2005), Levinson (2007), and others. The results pointed diversity in the referential-gesture action, which allowed us to get the following classification: 1) conventional indicating; 2) pointing with the hand; 3) pointing for insistention gesture; 4) pointing with all the hand and fingers semi-manageable; and 5) pointing with objects among the fingers. The types of observed indicates contributed to the teacher to barter the texts sense done by her, especially when it was necessary to emphasize a particular term of the discursive topics. Pedagogically, the referential-gesture actions helped the speakers involvement, because they get possible the construction of knowledge developing an interactive habitat where was possible the students learning. / Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior / Este trabalho teve por objetivo analisar os gestos dêiticos, observando como o apontar, elemento que consideramos um ato comunicativo, no momento de sua deflagração, em sala de aula, pôde contribuir para a construção de conhecimento, bem como auxiliar no processo interativo entre os participantes do discurso escolar - professor e alunos. Partindo de uma perspectiva que entende que o ato de apontar não funciona apenas como um comportamento identificatório, mas também como algo que permite a construção de sentido, desenvolvemos um estudo de cunho etnográfico do discurso que aconteceu em uma escola pública da cidade de Maceió AL. O corpus foi definido por gravações em vídeo de aulas de Ciências da 6ª série do ensino fundamental, transcrições ortográficas e captações de imagens. Entre os muitos tipos de categorias gestuais, selecionamos como foco de observação o gesto dêitico ou de apontar (CAVALCANTE, 1994; MONDADA, 2005) pelo fato de esse gesto ter se mostrado um importante elemento, servindo para obter a atenção dos interlocutores (alunos), tornando o acesso ao tópico discursivo mais acessível, reconhecido, motivado, justificado, legitimando sua introdução. Nossa investigação teve como base teórica os estudos dos elementos não-verbais e verbais, centrados na Análise da Conversação. Nesse sentido, perseguimos as contribuições de Kerbrat-Orecchioni (2006), Marcuschi (1997), Knapp & Hall (1999), dentre outros. Fizemos uso também de uma literatura que trata dos fenômenos referenciais e da dêixis, tomando os dados fornecidos por Mondada (2005), Levinson (2007), dentre outros. Os resultados apontaram para uma diversidade na ação gestual-referencial, o que nos permitiu chegar à seguinte classificação: 1) apontar convencional; 2) apontar com toda a mão; 3) apontar para insistência gestual; 4) apontar com toda a mão e dedos semifletidos; e 5) apontar com objeto entre os dedos. Os tipos de apontar observados contribuíram para que a professora negociasse os sentidos dos textos por ela veiculados, principalmente, quando se fazia necessário destacar algum termo em particular dos tópicos discursivos. Pedagogicamente, as ações gestualreferenciais ajudaram no envolvimento dos interlocutores, uma vez que possibilitaram a construção de conhecimento, desenvolvendo um ambiente interativo propício à aprendizagem dos alunos.

Elementos de packaging del sector aguas y su relación con la decisión de compra en Lima Metropolitana / Packaging elements of the water bottle industry and its relationship with the purchase decision in lima metropolitan area

Alva Valdez, Luz Marbellita 18 August 2020 (has links)
El objetivo de esta investigación es conocer el grado de influencia de los elementos visuales, verbales y beneficios del packaging en la decisión de compra. Para dicho estudio se consideran los elementos visuales asociados al color, las imágenes, gráficos, forma y tamaño, los elementos verbales como el nombre, los ingredientes y la información en el packaging, asimismo, los beneficios como funcional, social, emocional y ambiental. Para comprobar las hipótesis propuestas se utilizó un cuestionario (n = 250) para determinar el nivel de influencia de los elementos. Los datos se analizan utilizando IBM SPSS Statistics. La investigación contribuye a una comprensión más amplia del uso de los elementos del packaging y el grado de influencia de estos en la decisión de compra. / The objective of this research is to know the degree of influence of the visual and verbal elements and advertised health benefits of packaging in purchase decisions. For this study, the visual elements are associated with color, images, graphics, shape and size. Verbal elements such as the name, ingredients and information on the packaging are considered, as well as advertised benefits such as functional, social, emotional and environmental. To check the proposed hypotheses, a questionnaire (n = 250) was used to determine the level of influence of the elements. The data is analyzed using IBM SPSS Statistics. The research contributes to a broader understanding of the use of packaging elements and the degree of influence they have on the purchase decision. / Trabajo de investigación

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