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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Purpose in life among very old people

Hedberg, Pia January 2010 (has links)
The aim of this thesis is to explore purpose in life among very old people. The proportion of elderly is increasing in Sweden, especially among the group of very old aged over 85 years. Ageing has been associated from some perspectives with health, wisdom, maturity, and inner strength. Ageing can also, however, lead to reduced physical function, cognitive impairments, and loss of purpose in life. A loss of purpose in life can lead to mental health problems such as depression. This thesis is part of the Umeå 85 + study/GERDA begun in 2000. Half of all 85-year-olds, all 90-year-olds, and all those 95 years of age or older living in the municipality of Umeå were invited to the larger study, which was expanded in 2002 to include five rural municipalities in Västerbotten County with the same inclusion criteria. The Umeå 85 + study/GERDA is a collaborative project between several departments at Umeå University. Selection criteria for participants in the thesis were the ability to answer Likert-type questionnaires and the ability to participate in interviews. A follow-up study was conducted in Umeå in 2005 and in Västerbotten County in 2007. Paper I is a cross-sectional study with 189 participants (120 women and 69 men) who had responded to several questionnaires including the Purpose in Life test (PIL). In the results women scored significantly lower on the PIL test than men; attitudes towards one’s own aging were associated with purpose in life for both men and women; and musculoskeletal disorders were associated with lower purpose in life in women. Paper II includes the 189 participants from study I. In results at baseline the 40 who were diagnosed with depression had significantly lower purpose in life, and women were diagnosed with depression more often than men (32/120 women and 8/69 men). The 40 participants with a diagnosis of depression were excluded five years later, when 78 of 149 participants were available for the follow-up, 21 of whom (26.9%) had developed depression. There was no difference in the mean scores on the PIL test between those who had developed depression and those who had not. Purpose in life does not seem to protect very old people from developing depression. Paper III includes 51 people who responded to the PIL test on two occasions five years apart, and its results show that purpose in life decreased after five years. There was no difference in mean PIL scores at baseline between those with a diagnosis of depression and those without depression, but purpose in life declined significantly over the five years in those with diagnosed depression. In study IV, to gain a deeper understanding of purpose in life, content analysis was conducted on interviews from 30 women. To obtain 5 variety and breadth in the stories we selected 10 women with low estimated purpose in life, 10 women with undecided estimated purpose, and 10 women with high estimated purpose in life. The results show that despite the fact that women estimated their purpose in life lower than men, their stories were positive. The women experienced purpose in their daily life where social relations was important and on a spiritual level. However, there were also expressions of experiencing life as simply existing. In Study V we included 23 men who had responded to a question about purpose in life. Their answers were subjected to content analysis and the results show that for men work is an important part of purpose in life. All men except one had a positive outlook on life, and the men found purpose in life most strongly in memories of when they were younger. Lack of purpose in life can result in mental disorders like depression. Stereotypes of older people can affect their views of their own ageing, which in turn can weaken their purpose in life. To prevent mental illness it is important to experience purpose in life throughout life. Society at large and the health care system must consider purpose in life integral to mental health and work to combat ageist stereotypes to support purpose in life through the entire lifespan. / Det övergripandet syftet med avhandlingen är att utforska livsmening hos de allra äldsta. Andelen äldre ökar i Sverige, och de allra äldsta över 85 år har under åren 1990-2007 ökat med 40 %. Att åldras har beskrivits från olika perspektiv som att ha hälsa, mogna till visdom samt att ha inre styrka. Att åldras kan också innebära en försämrad rörelse förmåga, kognitiva nedsättningar samt förlust av livsmening. En förlust av livsmening kan leda till psykisk ohälsa vilket kan leda till depression. Avhandlingen är en del av Umeå 85+ studien/GERDA vilken utgår från Umeå och startade år 2000. Hälften av alla 85 åringar, alla 90 åringar samt alla som var 95 år och äldre boende i Umeå kommun inbjöds till studien. Studien utvidgades år 2002 med att innefatta fem inlandskommuner i Västerbottens län med samma urvalskriterier. Umeå 85+ studien är ett samarbetes projekt mellan ett flertal institutioner vid Umeå Universitet. Urvalskriterierna för deltagarna i avhandlingen var att de skulle kunna svara på frågeformulär av Likert karaktär samt att de skulle orka delta i intervjuer. En uppföljning genomfördes år 2005 i Umeå kommun samt år 2007 i Västerbottens inland. Delarbete I är en tvärsnitts studie och innefattar 189 personer fördelat på 120 kvinnor och 69 män, alla deltagarna hade svarat på ett flertal frågeformulär varav ett av formulären var test för livsmening. Resultatet visar att kvinnor skattar livsmeningen signifikant lägre än män. Egna attityder mot åldrande var starkast associerat med livsmening för både kvinnor och män, för kvinnor var även muskeloskeletala besvär associerat med lägre livsmening. Delarbete II innefattar vid baslinjen de 189 personerna från studie I. Resultatet vid baslinjen visar att de 40 deltagarna av de 189 deltagarna som var diagnostiserade som deprimerade hade signifikant lägre livsmeningen. Kvinnor var diagnostiserade som deprimerade i högre utsträckning än män (32 kvinnor och 8 män). De 40 deltagarna med en depressions diagnos uteslöts och ingick inte i analysen 5 år senare. Efter 5 år fanns 78 personer av 149 deltagare tillgängliga, av dem hade 21 personer (26.9%) utvecklat depression, det var ingen skillnad mellan män och kvinnor i andelen som utvecklade depression. Det var ingen skillnad i medelvärdet på test för livsmening bland de som hade utvecklat depression efter 5 år jämfört med de som inte utvecklat depression. Det förefaller som att livsmening inte skyddar riktigt gamla människor från att utveckla depression. Delarbete III innefattar 51 personer vilka svarat på test för livsmening vid två tillfällen med 5 års mellanrum. Resultatet visar att livsmeningen minskar efter 5 år i högre grad bland kvinnorna jämfört med männen. Det var ingen skillnad i medelvärdet i livsmening vid baslinjen mellan de som hade en depression diagnos och de som inte hade en, men bland de med en depressionsdiagnos hade livsmeningen minskat signifikant efter 5 år. För att fördjupa kunskapen om livsmening analyserades intervjuer från 30 kvinnor med hjälp av innehållsanalys i delarbete IV. För att få en variation i berättelserna valdes 10 kvinnor som skattat livsmeningen som låg, 10 kvinnor som skattat livsmeningen som medel samt 10 kvinnor som skattat livsmeningen som hög. Kvinnornas berättelser om att åldras och vara gamla var positiva. De upplevde livsmening i både vardagen där sociala relationer var viktiga samt i kontakt på ett andligt plan. Det uttrycktes även i berättelserna att det inte fanns någon livsmening. I delarbete V ingår 23 män vilka alla hade svarat på en fråga om livsmening, svaren analyserades med hjälp av innehålls analys och resultatet visar att för männen var arbete en viktig del för livsmening. Alla utom en man hade en positiv syn på livet, männen berättade om livsmening främst i relation till minnen från när de var yngre. Sammanfattningsvis visar studierna att inte uppleva livsmening kan resultera i psykisk ohälsa vilket kan leda till depression. Livsmening måste beaktas både i samhället och i sjukvården för att förebygga psykisk ohälsa. Det är av stor betydelse att uppleva livsmening under hela livet samt att samhällets syn på äldre människor är sannolikt en viktig aspekt för att de allra äldsta ska uppleva livsmening.

Estilo de vida e sua associação com a longevidade de idosos muito velhos de Aracaju, SE / Lifestyle and its association to longevity of very old elderly of Aracaju, SE

Lima, Wilma Resende 25 April 2014 (has links)
A longevidade é um processo inevitável, irreversível e de extrema importância para a civilização. A população de idosos de 80 anos ou mais tem aumentado, demandando atenção e compromisso por parte dos profissionais de saúde. Conhecer o processo de envelhecimento envolve o estudo de vários fatores, dentre eles, o estilo de vida que pode estar relacionado a maior longevidade desses idosos muito velhos. Portanto, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi avaliar o estilo de vida e sua associação com a longevidade de idosos muito velhos do município de Aracaju-SE. Metodologia: estudo descritivo-exploratório, transversal, com abordagem quantitativa. O cenário de estudo foi o município de Aracaju, uma das capitais do nordeste que apresentou crescimento acelerado do número de idosos nos últimos 40 anos. Os critérios de inclusão para a população foram: idosos cadastrados nas Unidades de Saúde da Família, de ambos os sexos, com 80 anos ou mais, que deveriam atingir o mínimo de 19 pontos no Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). Foram realizadas entrevistas estruturadas por meio de três formulários: um com dados do MEEM; outro com dados socioeconômico e demográfico, de saúde, de nutrição e de longevidade e o terceiro com dados do Perfil do Estilo de Vida Individual (PEVI)-Pentáculo do Bem-Estar. Para a análise dos dados, foi aplicada a estatística descritiva. Para a análise da associação entre PEVI e perfil socioeconômico e demográfico, de saúde, de nutrição e de longevidade, bem como para o conhecimento da consistência interna do formulário PEVI, foram utilizados testes estatísticos. Resultados: Foram entrevistados 524 idosos muito velhos, a faixa etária variou de 80 a 108 anos, com prevalência de idosos entre 80 a 85 anos, predominância do sexo feminino, baixa escolaridade, mais da metade eram viúvos, aposentados, católicos, residentes em casa própria. Com relação ao PEVI Pentáculo do Bem-estar - a maioria obteve referência para um bem-estar positivo para os determinantes nutrição, comportamento preventivo, relacionamento sociale controle do stress. Somente o determinante atividade física apresentou predominância de índice negativo para o bem-estar. Houve associação estatisticamente significativa com a longevidade para as variáveis: idade, escolaridade, consumo diário de verduras e legumes, de feijão, de hortaliças, ingestão de água, de leite integral ou semi-desnatado, de suco natural, chá e de café, a condição de saúde e ter plano de saúde. Quanto aos fatores de longevidade que tiveram associação significativa temos: avós/bisavós que viveram mais de 80 anos, contato pessoal familiar e atividade social. Os resultados do PEVI apresentaram adequada consistência interna, com medidas psicométricas confiáveis para avaliar o estilo de vida de idosos nesta faixa etária. Conclusões: A aplicação do instrumento PEVI em uma faixa etáriaaté então pouco explorada mostrou a possibilidade de identificar e diagnosticar o perfil do estilo de vida dos idosos muito velhos, permitindo estabelecer uma associação entre os componentes do pentáculo com a longevidade. Dessa forma, os resultados proporcionaram o perfil do estilo de vida desses idosos que podem constituir uma base de informações para que os profissionais de saúde realizem intervenções de saúde, seja no cuidado, orientação e planejamento, buscando proporcionar um envelhecimento saudável e de qualidade. / Longevity is an unavoidable process, irreversible and of extreme importance to civilization. The population of over-80 elderly has increased, demanding attention and commitment of health professionals. Learning about the aging process involves the study of several factors, among them, lifestyle which can be related to greater longevity of these very aged elderly. Therefore, the general objective of this study was to evaluate lifestyle and its association to longevity or very old elderly of Aracaju-SE (Brazil). Methodology: descriptive-exploratory study, cross-sectional, quantitative approach. Study setting was the City of Aracaju, one of the capitals of Brazilian Northeast which showed a rapid growth in the number of elderly in the last 40 years. Inclusion criteria to population were: elderly registered in Family Health Unities, from both sexes, over-80, 19 or more points in Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Structured interviews were performed by means of three forms: one with MMSE data; another with socioeconomic, demographic, health, nutrition and longevity data and a third one with Individual Lifestyle Profile data, Welfare Pentacle (PEVI). To data analysis, descriptive statistics was applied. To analysis of association between PEVI and socioeconomic, demographic, nutrition and longevity profile, as well as knowledge about internal consistence of the PEVI form, statistical tests were used. Results: 524 very old elderly were interviewed, their age group between 80 and 108 years-old, with 80-85 elderly prevalence, female predominance, low schooling, most of them widowers, retired, catholic, living in own home. On what concerns PEVI Welfare Pentacle most of them obtained reference of a positive welfare for the determiners of nutrition, preventive behavior, social relationship and stress controlling. Only determiner physical activity presented predominance of negative index to welfare. There was statistically significant association to longevity to the variable: age, schooling, daily consumption of vegetables, beans and greenery, water, whole or semi-skimmed milk, natural juice, tea and coffee intake, the healthy condition and having health insurance. On what concerns longevity factors which had significant association, we have: great-grandparents and grandparents which lived 80 years or more, personal family contact and social activity. PEVI results showed appropriate internal consistency, with reliable psychometric measures to assess elderly lifestyle in this age group. Final thoughts: PEVI instrument application to an age group until then underexplored showed the possibility of identifying and diagnosing very old elderly lifestyle, allowing the establishment of an association between the pentacle components and longevity. This way, results provided the lifestyle profile of these elderly which can constitute a basis of information for health professionals to perform health interventions in care, orientation or planning, targeting to provide a healthy and quality aging.

Estudo dos fatores preditores de envelhecimento sem incapacidade funcional entre os idosos em velhice avançada no município de São Paulo / Predict factors´ study for aging without disability among very old people in Sao Paulo city

Francisco, Célia Maria 27 November 2006 (has links)
O envelhecimento é um fenômeno mundial, resultado da diminuição progressiva das taxas de fecundidade e mortalidade e do aumento da expectativa de vida. O grupo de idosos, no Brasil e em países em desenvolvimento, segundo a OMS, é constituído por pessoas a partir dos 60 anos. Dentre desse grupo, a população que mais rapidamente cresce são os denominados idosos em velhice avançada (80 anos e mais) cujas demandas específicas ainda são desconhecidas em nosso meio. O envelhecimento pode ser acompanhado por um declínio funcional progressivo que pode estar associado a quadros de dependência responsáveis por demandas assistenciais específicas. A dependência em si constitui o maior temor dos idosos. Assim, conhecer os fatores preditores do alcance das idades mais longevas com independência funcional torna-se primordial e constitui o objetivo desse estudo que é parte do Estudo SABE - Saúde Bem-estar e Envelhecimento na América Latina e Caribe. Esse estudo, realizado no ano 2000, foi coordenado pela Organização Pan-Americana de Saúde (OPAS) e desenvolvido simultaneamente em sete países da dessa região com o objetivo de traçar as condições de vida e saúde dos idosos aí residentes. No Brasil, foi desenvolvido na zona urbana do Município de São Paulo com uma amostra de 2.143 idosos representativa da população residente na região no período. Para o desenvolvimento desse estudo, foi utilizada a parcela dos idosos com 80 anos e mais que foi subdividida segundo seu estado funcional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória. Do total dos idosos em velhice avançada, 9,9% eram funcionalmente independentes nas atividades de vida diária, básicas e instrumentais. Desses 66,4% eram mulheres, 33,6% eram homens, 75% eram nascidos no Brasil, 25,6% eram analfabetos e 63,1% estudaram entre 1e 6 anos, 10,1% ainda trabalhavam. Quanto ao estado marital, 71,1% eram viúvos e 26,5 % eram casados; 53,6% viviam sozinhos e a maioria (68,6%) tiveram pais que faleceram com 80 anos ou mais. Com relação a renda 38% se enquadravam no primeiro quintil, no entanto, 44,1% referiram que a renda era suficiente. Quanto aos hábitos de vida, 43,2% praticavam atividade física, 41,6% praticavam atividades de lazer, 70,4% nunca beberam e 68,9% nunca fumaram. Em relação às condições de vida e saúde na infância, 47,7% referiram que saúde e 35,2% boas condições econômicas. Quanto ao estado de saúde atual, 63,5% referiram ter saúde excelente, 43,5% referiram a presença de HAS, 34,7% de DPOC e de 7,3% DM e 95,1% apresentavam capacidade cognitiva preservada. Quanto a assistência à saúde, 81,2% referiam ter procurado por assistência médica nos doze meses anteriores à entrevista sendo que 83,8% referiram uma ou duas consultas. Quanto a história laboral 50,2% trabalharam como empregados e 37,3% como autônomos. Entre as mulheres 50% referiram ter trabalhado porque gostavam e 85% dos homens porque necessitavam. 97,5% deles sentiram-se capacitados para realizar os testes de flexibilidade e mobilidade. Essa variáveis foram submetidas à analise multivariada através da Regressão Logística, utilizando-se um nível de significância (µ = 0,05). As variáveis foram agrupadas em blocos temáticos de interesse, sendo submetidas à analise univariada, mostrando-se significantes diabetes referida, companhia e atividade física. Essas variáveis foram agrupadas e submetidas à análise múltipla de forma a constituir o modelo do estudo. Os testes estatísticos mostraram que a presença da diabetes diminui por um fator de 0.14 vezes o odds para não ter dificuldades nas ABVDs e/ou AIVDS. Viver acompanhado diminui esse risco por um fator de 0.15. Não praticar atividade física diminui os odds para não ter dificuldade de 0.13 vezes. Apesar dos idosos conseguirem chegar na velhice avançada sem incapacidades, o estudo mostrou que poucos são fatores que possam influenciar neste processo. Pode ser porque estes fatores já tenham feito diferença entre os idosos mais “jovens", mas com a idade avançada, os “muito velhos" tendem a igualar estas diferenças / Aging is a world phenomenon and it is a result of the progressive decrease of the fecundity and mortality rates and of the increase of life expectation. The elderly group, in Brazil, is composed by people since 60 years. Inside this group, the population which grows very fast is called very old people (80 years and more) whose specific demand are yet unknown. Aging is normally associated with progressive functional decrease which creates attendance demands and a lot of dependent scene, the great fear of this population. So, to know the factors associated with functional independence become primordial and compose the aim of this study. In this context, predict factors are considered important for the elaboration of preventive acts that alter disability events, responsible for dependence. Aiming to clarify the health load that may come up from a population that has grown old too fast, the Pan-American Health Organization developed a multi central study called SABE, involving seven countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. In Brazil, it was developed at an urban area of Sao Paulo city in 2000 with a total final sample of 2.143 elderly people representing the population who live in this region in this period. The elderly with 80 years and more, were used to develop this study. This is a descriptive and exploratory research. Of the total of the elderly in advanced old age, 9,9% were functionally independents in the activities of daily living. Of these 66.4% were women, 33.6% were men, 75% were born in Brazil, 25.6% never went to school, 10.1% have already worked. Concerning the marital condition 71.1% were widow and 26.5 % were marriage; 53.6% were living alone and the most of them (68.6%) have had parents who died with 80 years or more. Concerning the income 38% were in the first quintile, meanwhile, 44.1% had reported that the income was sufficient. Concerning the life habits, 43.2% had practiced physical activity, 41.6% had practice leisure activities, 70.4% had never drunken and 68,9% had never smoked. In relation to life conditions in childhood 47.7% had reported that they had good health and 35.2% good economical conditions. Concerning the health condition current, 63.5% had reported to have excellent health, 43.5% had reported the presence of hypertension, 34.7% chronicle pulmonary disease and 7.3% diabetes. 95.1% had shown preserved cognitive ability. These variables were submitted to the multivariety analysis through Logistical Regression, using a significance level (µ = 0,05). The variables were gather in thematic blocks of interested, being submitted to the univariety analysis, showing itself meaning diabetes reported, fellowship and physical activity. Regarding to the predict factors for aging without disability, data was submitted to multivaried analysis through Logistic Regression, using a significance level of 5% (a=0.05). These variables were grouped and submitted to multiple analyses in order to constitute the model of the study. The statistical analysis have shown that the presence of diabetes decreases by a factor of 0.14 times the odds for do not have the difficulties in the ADL. To live with company decreases this risk by a factor of 0.15. The odds decrease if there is not the practice of physical activity. The study shows that factors are few and these can influence in this process. This can happen because these factors have already been difference among the “younger" elderly, but among the very old people, the “older" tends to equalize these differences

Depression among the very old

Bergdahl, Ellinor January 2007 (has links)
Emotional suffering in old age is largely caused by various psychiatric conditions, of which depression is the most common. Depression is associated with a decline in both well-being and daily functioning and reduces both morale and social capacity among the very old, which may produce high health and social costs for society. The overall aim of the thesis was to study the prevalence of depression among the very old, to identify factors associated with depression and to evaluate the prognosis of depression among the very old. In total, 363 people were evaluated for depression, 242 from an urban municipality in the year 2000 and 121 from five rural municipalities in 2002. In 2005, those still alive in the urban municipality were asked to participate again, and were therefore re-evaluated. The prevalence of depression was 27% in the urban municipality, 34% in the rural municipalities and 29% in the total sample. Of those depressed, about 67% were receiving antidepressive treatment, and of those, approximately 50% had responded to treatment. In the rural municipality, the depressed were less often treated with Selective Serotonin Re-uptake Inhibitor medications, receiving instead Tri-Cyclic Antidepressants. In the rural municipalities, only 38% of the depressed had responded to treatment. A higher proportion of women were diagnosed as depressed, 33% vs. 19%, p=0.006, although the response rate was the same for men and women. Depression was twice as common among those with dementia, 44% vs. 23%. There were discrepancies concerning associated factors between the depressed participants with dementia and those without. Experiencing the death of a child during the preceding ten years was associated with depression and independently associated with depression among men and participants with dementia. In all the studies, the depressed were less often able to go outside independently and to visit others. They also received fewer visits from others and often experienced loneliness. The great majority of those who were depressed in 2000 died during the subsequent five years, only 13 out of 65, 22%, were still alive in 2005, compared to 41% of those who were not depressed, p=0.003. Of 13 who survived, only two had recovered. Twenty-four out of 70 non-depressed people, 34%, had developed depression during the five years (2000-2005), and the total prevalence in year 2005 was 42% (35 out of 83 participants). Ten out of the 24 who had developed depression were prescribed antidepressants. Of those ten, four were regarded as responders. In the group with persistent depression, nine out of eleven were receiving antidepressants and 67% were responders. In conclusion, a large proportion of the very old suffer from under-diagnosed and undertreated depression. The response rate to treatment seems to be low, and the quality of treatment and follow-up also seems to be poor. The mortality rate among the depressed was high. The spectrum of factors associated with depression in people with dementia is different from that associated with depression among non-demented. Depression among the very old clearly emerges as a common and serious public health problem, with probably the most serious impact on quality of life. More efforts have to be made to improve the quality of assessments, treatment and research regarding depression among the very old.

Health Maintenance in Very Old Age : Medical Conditions, Functional Outcome and Nutritional Status

Dong, Huan-Ji January 2014 (has links)
The overall aim of this thesis was to provide better understanding of the underlying factors related to health maintenance in very old people, with a focus on medical conditions, functional outcome and nutritional status. Data were gathered from the ELSA 85 project (Elderly in Linköping Screening Assessment). The ELSA 85 project was started in 2007 with a population-based survey of 85-year-old individuals (n = 650) residing in Linköping municipality, Sweden. During the study period from 2007 to 2010, we conducted surveys by postal questionnaire, home visits, geriatric clinic visits, and reviews of electronic medical records as well as the database of health service consumption. A series of cross-sectional analyses were performed on multimorbidity, health service consumption, activities of daily living (ADLs), physical functioning and nutritional status. Of 650 eligible individuals, 496 (78% of those alive) completed the questionnaire (Paper I). Despite the prevalence of multimorbidity (68%) and frequent use of assistive technology for mobility (40%), the majority managed self-care (85%), usual activities (74%) and had high self-rated health (>60/100, visual analogue scale). Factors associated with in-patient care were an increased number of general practitioner visits, more use of assistive technology, community assistance, multimorbidity (≥2 chronic diseases) and/or heart failure and arrhythmia. Cluster analyses (n = 496, Paper II) revealed five clusters: vascular, cardiopulmonary, cardiac (only for men), somatic–mental (only for men), mental disease (only for women), and three other clusters related to ageing (one for men and two for women). Heart failure in men (odds ratio [OR], 2.4; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1–5.7) and women (OR, 3; 95% CI, 1.3–6.9) as a single morbidity explained more variance than morbidity clusters in models of emergency room visits. Men’s cardiac cluster (OR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1–2.7) and women’s cardiopulmonary cluster (OR, 1.7; 95% CI, 1.2–2.4) were significantly associated with hospitalization. The combination of the cardiopulmonary cluster with the men’s cardiac cluster (OR, 1.6; 95% CI, 1–2.4) and one of the women’s ageing clusters (OR, 0.5; 95% CI, 0.3–0.8) showed interaction effects on hospitalization. In Paper III, overweight (body mass index [BMI], 25–29.9 kg/m2) and obese (BMI, ≥30 kg/m2) individuals (n = 333) perceived more difficulty performing instrumental ADL (IADL) and had more comorbidities than their normal weight counterparts (BMI, 18.5–24.9 kg/m2). After controlling for socio-demographic factors, obese but not overweight individuals were more likely to perceive increased difficulty in performing outdoor activities (OR, 2.1; 95% CI, 1.1–4) and cleaning (OR, 2.2; 95% CI, 1.2–4.2) than their normal weight counterparts. Although obesity was also associated with multimorbidity (OR, 3; 95% CI, 1.2–8), the health service cost of each case of multimorbidity (n = 251) was highest in individuals of normal weight and nearly three times as much as in obese individuals (ratio, 2.9; 95% CI, 1.1–8.1). In Paper IV, 88-year-old obese women (n = 83) had greater absolute waist circumference, fat mass (FM) and fat-free mass (FFM), and lower handgrip strength (HS) corrected for FFM and HS-based ratios (HS/weight (Wt), HS/BMI, HS/FFM and HS/FM) than their normal weight and overweight counterparts. After adjusting for physical activity levels and the number of chronic diseases, the HS-based ratios explained more variance in physical functioning in Short Form-36 (R2, 0.52–0.54) than other single anthropometric or body composition parameters (R2, 0.45–0.51). Waist circumference, HS, and two HS-based ratios (HS/Wt and HS/FFM) were also associated with the number of IADL with no difficulty. In conclusion, the ELSA 85 population showed a fairly positive image of healthy perception, good functional ability as well as low use of health care among the majority of participants. Patterns of cardiac and pulmonary conditions were better associated than any single morbidity with hospitalization. Heart failure as a single morbidity was better associated than multimorbidity patterns with emergency room visits. For 85-year-olds, being obese, as opposed to overweight, was associated with self-reported activity limitations and comorbidities. Overweight elderly living in their own homes in this population had similar well-being to those of normal weight. In the cohort of 88-year-olds, obese women had high waist circumference, but their HS was relatively low in relation to their Wt and FFM. These parameters were better than BMI for predicting physical function and independent daily living. / Att åldras innebär inte bara en utveckling över tid utan också en förändring av människans fysiologi och funktion. Vi har många olika bilder av åldrandet. Ofta överväger de negativa bilderna som betonar sjuklighet och höga samhällskostnader för vård och omsorg. ELSA 85, en förkortning av the Elderly in Linköping Screening Assessment, påbörjades 2007 med avsikt att kartlägga 85-åringars hälsotillstånd och funktion. Syftet med denna avhandling var att fördjupa kunskapen om faktorer med betydelse för bevarande av hälsa hos dessa 85-åringar. Populationsstudien genomfördes via enkätutskick (bl.a. livssituation, livskvalitet), hembesök (bl.a. aktiviteter i dagliga livet (ADL), kognitiva funktioner) och mottagningsbesök (bl.a. nutritionsstatus, rörelseförmåga, kroppslig undersökning, blodprover, läkemedel) under perioden mars 2007 till mars 2008. Vi kartlade även deltagarnas sjukvårdsbesök samt sjukvårdskostnader. Tre år senare, när individerna var 88 år, analyserades även kroppssammansättningen hos delar av populationen. Totalt 496 Linköpingsbor födda 1922, deltog i studien. Andelen som svarade på enkäten var 78 % av alla då levande 85-åringar. Resultaten visar att majoriteten av 85-åringarna klarade att sköta sin hygien (85%) samt huvudsakliga aktiviteter (74%). Sextio procent skattade sin hälsorelaterade livskvalitet som hög trots förekomst av flera kroniska sjukdomar och frekvent användning av hjälpmedel för att förbättra rörligheten. Oberoende riskfaktorer för slutenvård var multipla besök hos distriktsläkare, användande av flera hjälpmedel, förekomst av minst två sjukdomar eller förekomst av hjärtsvikt och arytmi. Multimorbiditet (förekomst av minst två kroniska sjukdomar) var vanligt hos 85-åringarna (68%). Olika kombinationer av sjukdomar hade varierande betydelse för behovet av sjukvård. I clusteranalys, där man försöker gruppera diagnoser med hög sannolikhet att förekomma hos en enskild individ, fann vi några cluster som var starkare relaterade till inläggning i slutenvård än andra. Clustren såg dessutom olika ut mellan män och kvinnor. För män var t.ex. kardiella och för kvinnor t.ex. hjärt-lung-cluster starkare relaterade till slutenvård än enskilda diagnoser. Personer med fetma (body mass index (BMI) ≥30 kg/m2) hade mer problem med rörlighet och instrumentell ADL (IADL) jämfört med de med normal- eller övervikt. Trots ett klart samband mellan fetma och multimorbiditet hade de normalviktiga individerna nästan tre gånger så höga hälso-sjukvårds kostnader som personer med fetma. Bland 88-åriga kvinnor, hade personer med fetma högre bukomfång, mer fettmassa (FM) och mer fettfri massa (FFM) men lägre handstyrka (HS) än de normal- eller överviktiga. Relativ HS, handstyrka i form av kvoter (HS/Vikt, HS/BMI, HS/FFM and HS/FM) hade starkare samband med fysisk funktion (Short Form-36, SF-36PF) än andra enskilda parametrar. Två enskilda parametrar (bukomfång och HS) samt HS/Vikt och HS/FFM var associerade med antal aktiviteter utan svårighet i IADL. Sammanfattningsvis är 85-åringarna inte så skröpliga som de ofta beskrivs. Studien ELSA 85 visar en övervägande positiv bild med bevarad hälsa och funktion för en övervägande del av populationen. De flesta 85-åringarna klarar sig ganska bra trots förekomst av flera sjukdomar. Vissa mönster av multimorbiditet med hjärt- och lungsjukdomar är mer relaterade till slutenvård medan hjärtsvikt hade hög risk för akutmottagningsbesök. Därför är det viktigt att beakta en komplexitet av sjukdomar, inte bara enskilda diagnoser eller antalet diagnoser, i planeringen av den framtida vården. Personer med normal- eller övervikt klarar sin funktion bättre och lever mer självständigt än de som lider av fetma. Den betydande andelen feta med begränsad rörlighet och funktion bland äldre kan komma att påverka behovet av tyngre omsorgsinsatser för den gruppen och är således en varningssignal inför framtiden. / 【目的】      通过研究高龄老人的医疗情况,躯体功能和营养状态,提高对高龄老人健康维护相关因素的理解。 【方法】      ELSA 85 项目(林雪平老年人普查,Elderly in Linköping Screening Assessment)是一个以瑞典林雪平城市中85岁高龄老人(1922年出生, n = 650)为研究对象的人群研究。(1) 2007/03–2008/03:通过邮寄问卷,家庭访问及门诊检查的三个步骤, 我们搜集的数据包括:个人和家庭的背景信息(居住情况,既往的学历和工作程度,健康相关的生活质量EQ-5D等),身体机能(日常生活活动能力ADL评定,移动性测试等)和营养状态(人体测量等)。我们同时还阅览了所有注册的电子病历和每位老年人的年卫生费用。(2) 2010/06–2010/10: 在3年后的随访中,我们对所有88岁的女性老年人增加了人体组成测定和SF-36健康调查量表之生理功能子量表(SF-36PF)的评估。 ELSA 85 项目还包括了其他医学检查项目以及为期一年的随访(2008–2009), 但这些数据统计并未列入本论文中。 【结果】      论文1:共496人(参与率78%)回寄并参与了问卷调查。总体而言,虽然慢性多病以及日常生活中频繁使用辅助身体移动的器具在85岁高龄老人中非常普遍,多数老年人仍然能够完成个人卫生自理和常规日常活动。他们在健康相关评价问卷中的评估自身健康状态多为良好 (EQ-5D评估)。与住院相关的风险因素包括:全科医生的年就诊次数,有共患疾病(存在两种或两种以上的慢性病征),或者是心力衰竭和心律失常两个单病种。 论文 2:运用聚类分析和性别分层对共患疾病归类,生成男女组各五个集群:血管性类疾病集群,心肺疾病集群,心源性疾病集群(只存于男性组内),躯体-精神心理疾病集群(只存于男性组内),精神心理性疾病集群(只存于女性组内),以及三个和老化过程有关的集群(男性组内1组,女性组内2组)。心力衰竭 (男性组内的比值比 OR = 2.4,95% 的可信区间CI = 1–5.7;女性组内 OR = 3,95% CI = 1.3–6.9) 作为单一病种在预测急诊就诊的模型中比任一共患疾病集群都能解释更多的变量值。男性组内的心源性疾病集群 (OR = 1.6,95% CI = 1–2.7) 和女性组内的心肺疾病集群(OR = 1.7,95% CI = 1.2–2.4)与预测是否住院显著有关。在住院模型中, 心肺疾病集群与男性的心源性疾病集群(OR = 1.6,95% CI = 1–2.4), 或与女性组内的老化相关集群(OR = 0.5,95% CI = 0.3–0.8)具有显著的交互作用。 论文3:超重(体重指数 BMI:25–29.9 kg/m2)和肥胖(BMI ≥30 kg/m2)者在工具性日常生活活动评定(IADL)比正常体重者(BMI: 18.5–24.9 kg/m2)有更多的困难,再者也比正常体重者有更高伴发疾病的风险。但是在控制了混杂变量(社会人口因素)后,对照正常体重组,只有肥胖者而不是超重者的IADL(户外活动:OR= 2.1,95% CI=1.1–4;居室清洁:OR= 2.2,95% CI= 1.2–4.2)存在更大的困难。虽然肥胖与共患疾病相关(OR= 3,95% CI=1.2–8),有共患疾病的正常体重者的卫生服务消费却是共患疾病的肥胖者的近三倍(ratio= 2.9,95% CI= 1.1–8.1)。 论文 4:88岁女性肥胖组相比正常体重和超重组而言,其腰围值、脂肪群值和祛脂肪群值较大。肥胖者的绝对握力值在校正祛脂肪群后以及握力比值(握力/体重,握力/BMI,握力/祛脂肪群,等等)都较其他两组低。在控制个体的体力活动程度和慢性疾病数量后,握力比值对生理功能(SF-36PF)的解释度(R2:0.52–0.54)高于任何单一人体测量指标或人体组成成分的测定值(R2:0.45–0.51)。腰围值、绝对握力值及握力比值(握力/体重和握力/祛脂肪群)与IADL中无困难的活动项目数显著相关。 【结论】      ELSA 85 人群研究显示了一个相对健康的,个体功能良好的,且使用卫生服务较低的高龄老年群体。心源性和肺部疾病的共患与住院风险相关,而心力衰竭作为单一病种与急诊就诊有显著相关。对85岁高龄老人而言,肥胖(但不是超重)与个体的活动限制和伴发疾病有关。居住于自己住所内的超重高龄老人,其健康水平与正常体重者相近。在88岁女性高龄老人中,肥胖者有较大的腰围值和较低的握力比值(握力/体重和握力值/祛脂肪群)。这些指标比体重指数更好地反映了生理功能及高龄老人的日常独立生活能力。 / Elderly in Linköping Screening Assessment, ELSA 85

Estudo dos fatores preditores de envelhecimento sem incapacidade funcional entre os idosos em velhice avançada no município de São Paulo / Predict factors´ study for aging without disability among very old people in Sao Paulo city

Célia Maria Francisco 27 November 2006 (has links)
O envelhecimento é um fenômeno mundial, resultado da diminuição progressiva das taxas de fecundidade e mortalidade e do aumento da expectativa de vida. O grupo de idosos, no Brasil e em países em desenvolvimento, segundo a OMS, é constituído por pessoas a partir dos 60 anos. Dentre desse grupo, a população que mais rapidamente cresce são os denominados idosos em velhice avançada (80 anos e mais) cujas demandas específicas ainda são desconhecidas em nosso meio. O envelhecimento pode ser acompanhado por um declínio funcional progressivo que pode estar associado a quadros de dependência responsáveis por demandas assistenciais específicas. A dependência em si constitui o maior temor dos idosos. Assim, conhecer os fatores preditores do alcance das idades mais longevas com independência funcional torna-se primordial e constitui o objetivo desse estudo que é parte do Estudo SABE - Saúde Bem-estar e Envelhecimento na América Latina e Caribe. Esse estudo, realizado no ano 2000, foi coordenado pela Organização Pan-Americana de Saúde (OPAS) e desenvolvido simultaneamente em sete países da dessa região com o objetivo de traçar as condições de vida e saúde dos idosos aí residentes. No Brasil, foi desenvolvido na zona urbana do Município de São Paulo com uma amostra de 2.143 idosos representativa da população residente na região no período. Para o desenvolvimento desse estudo, foi utilizada a parcela dos idosos com 80 anos e mais que foi subdividida segundo seu estado funcional. Trata-se de uma pesquisa descritiva e exploratória. Do total dos idosos em velhice avançada, 9,9% eram funcionalmente independentes nas atividades de vida diária, básicas e instrumentais. Desses 66,4% eram mulheres, 33,6% eram homens, 75% eram nascidos no Brasil, 25,6% eram analfabetos e 63,1% estudaram entre 1e 6 anos, 10,1% ainda trabalhavam. Quanto ao estado marital, 71,1% eram viúvos e 26,5 % eram casados; 53,6% viviam sozinhos e a maioria (68,6%) tiveram pais que faleceram com 80 anos ou mais. Com relação a renda 38% se enquadravam no primeiro quintil, no entanto, 44,1% referiram que a renda era suficiente. Quanto aos hábitos de vida, 43,2% praticavam atividade física, 41,6% praticavam atividades de lazer, 70,4% nunca beberam e 68,9% nunca fumaram. Em relação às condições de vida e saúde na infância, 47,7% referiram que saúde e 35,2% boas condições econômicas. Quanto ao estado de saúde atual, 63,5% referiram ter saúde excelente, 43,5% referiram a presença de HAS, 34,7% de DPOC e de 7,3% DM e 95,1% apresentavam capacidade cognitiva preservada. Quanto a assistência à saúde, 81,2% referiam ter procurado por assistência médica nos doze meses anteriores à entrevista sendo que 83,8% referiram uma ou duas consultas. Quanto a história laboral 50,2% trabalharam como empregados e 37,3% como autônomos. Entre as mulheres 50% referiram ter trabalhado porque gostavam e 85% dos homens porque necessitavam. 97,5% deles sentiram-se capacitados para realizar os testes de flexibilidade e mobilidade. Essa variáveis foram submetidas à analise multivariada através da Regressão Logística, utilizando-se um nível de significância (µ = 0,05). As variáveis foram agrupadas em blocos temáticos de interesse, sendo submetidas à analise univariada, mostrando-se significantes diabetes referida, companhia e atividade física. Essas variáveis foram agrupadas e submetidas à análise múltipla de forma a constituir o modelo do estudo. Os testes estatísticos mostraram que a presença da diabetes diminui por um fator de 0.14 vezes o odds para não ter dificuldades nas ABVDs e/ou AIVDS. Viver acompanhado diminui esse risco por um fator de 0.15. Não praticar atividade física diminui os odds para não ter dificuldade de 0.13 vezes. Apesar dos idosos conseguirem chegar na velhice avançada sem incapacidades, o estudo mostrou que poucos são fatores que possam influenciar neste processo. Pode ser porque estes fatores já tenham feito diferença entre os idosos mais “jovens”, mas com a idade avançada, os “muito velhos” tendem a igualar estas diferenças / Aging is a world phenomenon and it is a result of the progressive decrease of the fecundity and mortality rates and of the increase of life expectation. The elderly group, in Brazil, is composed by people since 60 years. Inside this group, the population which grows very fast is called very old people (80 years and more) whose specific demand are yet unknown. Aging is normally associated with progressive functional decrease which creates attendance demands and a lot of dependent scene, the great fear of this population. So, to know the factors associated with functional independence become primordial and compose the aim of this study. In this context, predict factors are considered important for the elaboration of preventive acts that alter disability events, responsible for dependence. Aiming to clarify the health load that may come up from a population that has grown old too fast, the Pan-American Health Organization developed a multi central study called SABE, involving seven countries of Latin America and the Caribbean. In Brazil, it was developed at an urban area of Sao Paulo city in 2000 with a total final sample of 2.143 elderly people representing the population who live in this region in this period. The elderly with 80 years and more, were used to develop this study. This is a descriptive and exploratory research. Of the total of the elderly in advanced old age, 9,9% were functionally independents in the activities of daily living. Of these 66.4% were women, 33.6% were men, 75% were born in Brazil, 25.6% never went to school, 10.1% have already worked. Concerning the marital condition 71.1% were widow and 26.5 % were marriage; 53.6% were living alone and the most of them (68.6%) have had parents who died with 80 years or more. Concerning the income 38% were in the first quintile, meanwhile, 44.1% had reported that the income was sufficient. Concerning the life habits, 43.2% had practiced physical activity, 41.6% had practice leisure activities, 70.4% had never drunken and 68,9% had never smoked. In relation to life conditions in childhood 47.7% had reported that they had good health and 35.2% good economical conditions. Concerning the health condition current, 63.5% had reported to have excellent health, 43.5% had reported the presence of hypertension, 34.7% chronicle pulmonary disease and 7.3% diabetes. 95.1% had shown preserved cognitive ability. These variables were submitted to the multivariety analysis through Logistical Regression, using a significance level (µ = 0,05). The variables were gather in thematic blocks of interested, being submitted to the univariety analysis, showing itself meaning diabetes reported, fellowship and physical activity. Regarding to the predict factors for aging without disability, data was submitted to multivaried analysis through Logistic Regression, using a significance level of 5% (a=0.05). These variables were grouped and submitted to multiple analyses in order to constitute the model of the study. The statistical analysis have shown that the presence of diabetes decreases by a factor of 0.14 times the odds for do not have the difficulties in the ADL. To live with company decreases this risk by a factor of 0.15. The odds decrease if there is not the practice of physical activity. The study shows that factors are few and these can influence in this process. This can happen because these factors have already been difference among the “younger” elderly, but among the very old people, the “older” tends to equalize these differences

Estilo de vida e sua associação com a longevidade de idosos muito velhos de Aracaju, SE / Lifestyle and its association to longevity of very old elderly of Aracaju, SE

Wilma Resende Lima 25 April 2014 (has links)
A longevidade é um processo inevitável, irreversível e de extrema importância para a civilização. A população de idosos de 80 anos ou mais tem aumentado, demandando atenção e compromisso por parte dos profissionais de saúde. Conhecer o processo de envelhecimento envolve o estudo de vários fatores, dentre eles, o estilo de vida que pode estar relacionado a maior longevidade desses idosos muito velhos. Portanto, o objetivo geral deste estudo foi avaliar o estilo de vida e sua associação com a longevidade de idosos muito velhos do município de Aracaju-SE. Metodologia: estudo descritivo-exploratório, transversal, com abordagem quantitativa. O cenário de estudo foi o município de Aracaju, uma das capitais do nordeste que apresentou crescimento acelerado do número de idosos nos últimos 40 anos. Os critérios de inclusão para a população foram: idosos cadastrados nas Unidades de Saúde da Família, de ambos os sexos, com 80 anos ou mais, que deveriam atingir o mínimo de 19 pontos no Mini-Exame do Estado Mental (MEEM). Foram realizadas entrevistas estruturadas por meio de três formulários: um com dados do MEEM; outro com dados socioeconômico e demográfico, de saúde, de nutrição e de longevidade e o terceiro com dados do Perfil do Estilo de Vida Individual (PEVI)-Pentáculo do Bem-Estar. Para a análise dos dados, foi aplicada a estatística descritiva. Para a análise da associação entre PEVI e perfil socioeconômico e demográfico, de saúde, de nutrição e de longevidade, bem como para o conhecimento da consistência interna do formulário PEVI, foram utilizados testes estatísticos. Resultados: Foram entrevistados 524 idosos muito velhos, a faixa etária variou de 80 a 108 anos, com prevalência de idosos entre 80 a 85 anos, predominância do sexo feminino, baixa escolaridade, mais da metade eram viúvos, aposentados, católicos, residentes em casa própria. Com relação ao PEVI Pentáculo do Bem-estar - a maioria obteve referência para um bem-estar positivo para os determinantes nutrição, comportamento preventivo, relacionamento sociale controle do stress. Somente o determinante atividade física apresentou predominância de índice negativo para o bem-estar. Houve associação estatisticamente significativa com a longevidade para as variáveis: idade, escolaridade, consumo diário de verduras e legumes, de feijão, de hortaliças, ingestão de água, de leite integral ou semi-desnatado, de suco natural, chá e de café, a condição de saúde e ter plano de saúde. Quanto aos fatores de longevidade que tiveram associação significativa temos: avós/bisavós que viveram mais de 80 anos, contato pessoal familiar e atividade social. Os resultados do PEVI apresentaram adequada consistência interna, com medidas psicométricas confiáveis para avaliar o estilo de vida de idosos nesta faixa etária. Conclusões: A aplicação do instrumento PEVI em uma faixa etáriaaté então pouco explorada mostrou a possibilidade de identificar e diagnosticar o perfil do estilo de vida dos idosos muito velhos, permitindo estabelecer uma associação entre os componentes do pentáculo com a longevidade. Dessa forma, os resultados proporcionaram o perfil do estilo de vida desses idosos que podem constituir uma base de informações para que os profissionais de saúde realizem intervenções de saúde, seja no cuidado, orientação e planejamento, buscando proporcionar um envelhecimento saudável e de qualidade. / Longevity is an unavoidable process, irreversible and of extreme importance to civilization. The population of over-80 elderly has increased, demanding attention and commitment of health professionals. Learning about the aging process involves the study of several factors, among them, lifestyle which can be related to greater longevity of these very aged elderly. Therefore, the general objective of this study was to evaluate lifestyle and its association to longevity or very old elderly of Aracaju-SE (Brazil). Methodology: descriptive-exploratory study, cross-sectional, quantitative approach. Study setting was the City of Aracaju, one of the capitals of Brazilian Northeast which showed a rapid growth in the number of elderly in the last 40 years. Inclusion criteria to population were: elderly registered in Family Health Unities, from both sexes, over-80, 19 or more points in Mini-Mental State Examination (MMSE). Structured interviews were performed by means of three forms: one with MMSE data; another with socioeconomic, demographic, health, nutrition and longevity data and a third one with Individual Lifestyle Profile data, Welfare Pentacle (PEVI). To data analysis, descriptive statistics was applied. To analysis of association between PEVI and socioeconomic, demographic, nutrition and longevity profile, as well as knowledge about internal consistence of the PEVI form, statistical tests were used. Results: 524 very old elderly were interviewed, their age group between 80 and 108 years-old, with 80-85 elderly prevalence, female predominance, low schooling, most of them widowers, retired, catholic, living in own home. On what concerns PEVI Welfare Pentacle most of them obtained reference of a positive welfare for the determiners of nutrition, preventive behavior, social relationship and stress controlling. Only determiner physical activity presented predominance of negative index to welfare. There was statistically significant association to longevity to the variable: age, schooling, daily consumption of vegetables, beans and greenery, water, whole or semi-skimmed milk, natural juice, tea and coffee intake, the healthy condition and having health insurance. On what concerns longevity factors which had significant association, we have: great-grandparents and grandparents which lived 80 years or more, personal family contact and social activity. PEVI results showed appropriate internal consistency, with reliable psychometric measures to assess elderly lifestyle in this age group. Final thoughts: PEVI instrument application to an age group until then underexplored showed the possibility of identifying and diagnosing very old elderly lifestyle, allowing the establishment of an association between the pentacle components and longevity. This way, results provided the lifestyle profile of these elderly which can constitute a basis of information for health professionals to perform health interventions in care, orientation or planning, targeting to provide a healthy and quality aging.

Estudo dos centenários de Ribeirão Preto - Brasil / Ribeirão Preto - Brazil, centenarians study

Duarte, Paulo de Oliveira 10 November 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Centenários são indivíduos que atingiram um século de vida, ou seja, viveram cerca de 20 anos a mais do que a expectativa de vida média da população de países desenvolvidos e 25 anos a mais do que em países em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil. Eles fazem parte do segmento populacional que mais cresce no mundo, sendo estimados aproximadamente 3,8 milhões de idosos nessa faixa etária até a metade deste século. O entendimento das bases da longevidade e do envelhecimento saudável ainda permanece como grande desafio das ciências biológicas no século 21. Objetivos: 1) Conhecimento das características físicas, cognitivas, psíquicas, funcionais e nutricionais da população de centenários presentes na cidade de Ribeirão Preto-SP. 2) Comparar os diversos resultados obtidos entre os centenários com e sem síndrome demencial, desnutridos e não-desnutridos e com independência ou dependência funcional para Atividades Básicas de Vida Diária (ABVDs) pela escala de KATZ. 3) Analisar a expressão gênica transcricional (por qPCR em tempo real) dos genes de interesse IGF1, IGF2, IGF1R, APOE-4, FOXO1 e FOXO3, em linfócitos de sangue periférico dos idosos centenários. Casuística e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal de base populacional com idosos centenários residentes em Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram obtidas as medidas de peso, altura e pressão arterial, bem como a bioimpedância elétrica. Foi realizada avaliação geriátrica global, por meio de diversas escalas consagradas e análise do desempenho físico e do risco nutricional desses centenários. Numa segunda oportunidade, os pacientes receberam a visita, em jejum, para a coleta de exames laboratoriais, que foram enviados para análise da expressão genética dos genes de interesse. Resultados e Conclusões: Dos 59 centenários residentes na cidade, foram avaliados 33, com média de idade de 101 anos, sendo 27 (81,8%) do sexo feminino, 12 deles (36%) com capacidade cognitiva preservada, assim como independência para ABVDs. Quatorze (58,3%) dos pacientes que responderam a Escala de Depressão Geriátrica não apresentaram sintomas de depressão e demonstraram autopercepção de saúde satisfatória. Do ponto de vista nutricional, 33,3% deles puderam ser classificados como desnutrição instalada, por meio da Mini Avaliação Nutricional (MAN), aumentando para 84,8%, se somados aqueles em risco nutricional. O desempenho físico dos idosos, medido por meio da Short Physical Performance Battery, está significativamente correlacionado, de maneira inversa, ao Fator de Necrose Tumoral, à Interleucina-6, PCR ultra sensível, alfa 1 glicoproteína ácida, velocidade de hemossedimentação e Homocisteína, assim como, de maneira direta, à albumina e ao HDL Colesterol. Os centenários apresentaram elevadas taxas de deficiência de vitamina D e aumento de Homocisteína. Os resultados mostraram que na população estudada não houve diferença significativa na expressão dos genes IGF1R, IGF1, FOXO1, FOXO3 e APOE-4 na comparação entre os grupos demência e não-demência, entre os grupos independência e dependência para ABVDs e entre os desnutridos e não-desnutridos. Houve tendência de diferença na expressão do gene IGF1 entre os grupos demência e não-demência (p=0.07) / Introduction: Centenarians are individuals who have reached one century of life. They live about 20 years longer than the population average life expectancy of developed countries and 25 years longer than developing countries like Brazil. They are part of the fastest growing population segment in the world and it is estimated about 3.8 million seniors in this age group by mid-century. Understanding the longevity basis and the healthy aging remain as great challenges of life sciences in the 21st century. Objectives: 1) The knowledge of physical, cognitive, psychological, functional and nutritional status of Ribeirão Preto centenarians. 2) Compare results between centenarians with and without dementia, malnourished or not, and independent for basic activities daily living (BADL) or not. 3) Analyze the transcriptional gene expression (by real-time PCR) of genes IGF1, IGF2, IGF1R, APOE-4, FOXO1 and FOXO3 in peripheral blood lymphocytes of centenarians. Casuistic and Methods: This is a cross-sectional population-based study of community-dwelling centenarians living in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. Ages were confirmed by birth certificate. Weight, height and blood pressure measurements were obtained, as well the bioimpedance, the global geriatric assessment through various consecrated scales, the physical performance and nutritional risk of centenarians. A second chance, patients received one visit for the collection of fasting laboratory tests and sending the genetic material for analysis of gene expression. Results and Conclusions: Thirty three centenarians with an average age of 101 years, 27 (81.8%) of them were females, 12 (36%) of them with no dementia and independent for BADLs. Fourteen (58.3%) of volunteers who responded the Geriatric Depression Scale showed no symptoms of depression and 14 had the same self-perception of satisfactory health. Regarding nutrition state, 33.3% of patients could be classified as installed malnutrition by the Mini Nutritional Assessment, rising to 84.8% if we add those at nutritional risk. The performance measured by Short Physical Performance Battery was inversely correlated to the Tumor Necrosis Factor, Interleukin-6, ultra sensitive PCR, alpha-1 acid glycoprotein, ESR and homocysteine, and as a direct manner correlated to albumin and HDL Cholesterol. The centenarians showed high levels of vitamin D deficiency and hyperhomocysteinemia. The results showed no significant difference in the IGF1R, IGF1, FOXO1, FOXO3 and APOE-4 expression between Dementia and No dementia groups, between Independent and Dependent groups for BADL and between Malnourished and no malnourished groups. There is a tendency of difference in the expression of IGF1 gene between Dementia and No dementia groups (p=0.07)

Estudo dos centenários de Ribeirão Preto - Brasil / Ribeirão Preto - Brazil, centenarians study

Paulo de Oliveira Duarte 10 November 2015 (has links)
Introdução: Centenários são indivíduos que atingiram um século de vida, ou seja, viveram cerca de 20 anos a mais do que a expectativa de vida média da população de países desenvolvidos e 25 anos a mais do que em países em desenvolvimento, como o Brasil. Eles fazem parte do segmento populacional que mais cresce no mundo, sendo estimados aproximadamente 3,8 milhões de idosos nessa faixa etária até a metade deste século. O entendimento das bases da longevidade e do envelhecimento saudável ainda permanece como grande desafio das ciências biológicas no século 21. Objetivos: 1) Conhecimento das características físicas, cognitivas, psíquicas, funcionais e nutricionais da população de centenários presentes na cidade de Ribeirão Preto-SP. 2) Comparar os diversos resultados obtidos entre os centenários com e sem síndrome demencial, desnutridos e não-desnutridos e com independência ou dependência funcional para Atividades Básicas de Vida Diária (ABVDs) pela escala de KATZ. 3) Analisar a expressão gênica transcricional (por qPCR em tempo real) dos genes de interesse IGF1, IGF2, IGF1R, APOE-4, FOXO1 e FOXO3, em linfócitos de sangue periférico dos idosos centenários. Casuística e Métodos: Trata-se de um estudo transversal de base populacional com idosos centenários residentes em Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brasil. Foram obtidas as medidas de peso, altura e pressão arterial, bem como a bioimpedância elétrica. Foi realizada avaliação geriátrica global, por meio de diversas escalas consagradas e análise do desempenho físico e do risco nutricional desses centenários. Numa segunda oportunidade, os pacientes receberam a visita, em jejum, para a coleta de exames laboratoriais, que foram enviados para análise da expressão genética dos genes de interesse. Resultados e Conclusões: Dos 59 centenários residentes na cidade, foram avaliados 33, com média de idade de 101 anos, sendo 27 (81,8%) do sexo feminino, 12 deles (36%) com capacidade cognitiva preservada, assim como independência para ABVDs. Quatorze (58,3%) dos pacientes que responderam a Escala de Depressão Geriátrica não apresentaram sintomas de depressão e demonstraram autopercepção de saúde satisfatória. Do ponto de vista nutricional, 33,3% deles puderam ser classificados como desnutrição instalada, por meio da Mini Avaliação Nutricional (MAN), aumentando para 84,8%, se somados aqueles em risco nutricional. O desempenho físico dos idosos, medido por meio da Short Physical Performance Battery, está significativamente correlacionado, de maneira inversa, ao Fator de Necrose Tumoral, à Interleucina-6, PCR ultra sensível, alfa 1 glicoproteína ácida, velocidade de hemossedimentação e Homocisteína, assim como, de maneira direta, à albumina e ao HDL Colesterol. Os centenários apresentaram elevadas taxas de deficiência de vitamina D e aumento de Homocisteína. Os resultados mostraram que na população estudada não houve diferença significativa na expressão dos genes IGF1R, IGF1, FOXO1, FOXO3 e APOE-4 na comparação entre os grupos demência e não-demência, entre os grupos independência e dependência para ABVDs e entre os desnutridos e não-desnutridos. Houve tendência de diferença na expressão do gene IGF1 entre os grupos demência e não-demência (p=0.07) / Introduction: Centenarians are individuals who have reached one century of life. They live about 20 years longer than the population average life expectancy of developed countries and 25 years longer than developing countries like Brazil. They are part of the fastest growing population segment in the world and it is estimated about 3.8 million seniors in this age group by mid-century. Understanding the longevity basis and the healthy aging remain as great challenges of life sciences in the 21st century. Objectives: 1) The knowledge of physical, cognitive, psychological, functional and nutritional status of Ribeirão Preto centenarians. 2) Compare results between centenarians with and without dementia, malnourished or not, and independent for basic activities daily living (BADL) or not. 3) Analyze the transcriptional gene expression (by real-time PCR) of genes IGF1, IGF2, IGF1R, APOE-4, FOXO1 and FOXO3 in peripheral blood lymphocytes of centenarians. Casuistic and Methods: This is a cross-sectional population-based study of community-dwelling centenarians living in Ribeirão Preto, São Paulo, Brazil. Ages were confirmed by birth certificate. Weight, height and blood pressure measurements were obtained, as well the bioimpedance, the global geriatric assessment through various consecrated scales, the physical performance and nutritional risk of centenarians. A second chance, patients received one visit for the collection of fasting laboratory tests and sending the genetic material for analysis of gene expression. Results and Conclusions: Thirty three centenarians with an average age of 101 years, 27 (81.8%) of them were females, 12 (36%) of them with no dementia and independent for BADLs. Fourteen (58.3%) of volunteers who responded the Geriatric Depression Scale showed no symptoms of depression and 14 had the same self-perception of satisfactory health. Regarding nutrition state, 33.3% of patients could be classified as installed malnutrition by the Mini Nutritional Assessment, rising to 84.8% if we add those at nutritional risk. The performance measured by Short Physical Performance Battery was inversely correlated to the Tumor Necrosis Factor, Interleukin-6, ultra sensitive PCR, alpha-1 acid glycoprotein, ESR and homocysteine, and as a direct manner correlated to albumin and HDL Cholesterol. The centenarians showed high levels of vitamin D deficiency and hyperhomocysteinemia. The results showed no significant difference in the IGF1R, IGF1, FOXO1, FOXO3 and APOE-4 expression between Dementia and No dementia groups, between Independent and Dependent groups for BADL and between Malnourished and no malnourished groups. There is a tendency of difference in the expression of IGF1 gene between Dementia and No dementia groups (p=0.07)

Stroke and depression in very old age / Stroke och depression i mycket hög ålder

Hörnsten, Carl January 2016 (has links)
Background The prevalence and incidence of stroke are known to increase with age, which, combined with demographic change, means that very old patients with stroke are a growing patient group. Risk factors for incident stroke among very old people have not been widely investigated. The impact of depression on mortality in very old people who have had a stroke also remains unclear.  The aim of this thesis was to investigate the risk factors for incident stroke, the epidemiology of stroke and depression, and the consequences of having had a stroke regarding the risk of depression and mortality among very old people. Methods A randomly selected half of 85-, all 90-, and all ≥95-year-olds in certain municipalities in Västerbotten County, Sweden, and Pohjanmaa County, Finland were targeted in a population-based cohort study from 2000-2012. The 65-, 70-, 75-, and 80-year-olds in all the rural and random samples from the urban municipalities in the same counties were furthermore targeted in a survey in 2010. In the cohort study patients were assessed in their homes, by means of the 15-item Geriatric Depression Scale (GDS-15) and other assessment scales, as well as blood pressure measurements, several physical tests, and a review of medical diagnoses appearing in the medical charts. Incident stroke data were collected from medical charts guided by hospital registry records, cause of death records, and reassessments after 5 years. Depression was defined as a GDS-15 score ≥5. A clinical definition of all depressive disorders, based on assessment scale scores and review of medical charts was also used. A specialist in geriatric medicine evaluated the diagnoses. The survey included yes/no questions about stroke and depression status, and the 4-item Geriatric Depression Scale. Associations with mortality and incident stroke were tested using Cox proportional-hazard models.  Results In the ≥85-year-olds examined in 2005-2007 (n=601), the stroke prevalence was 21.5%, the prevalence of all depressive disorders was 37.8% and stroke was independently associated with depressive disorders (odds ratio 1.644, p=0.038). The prevalence of depression according to GDS-15 scores was 43.2% in people with stroke compared with 25.0% in people without stroke (p=0.001). However, in ≥85-year-olds examined in Sweden from 2000-2012 (n=955), from all past data collections in the study, depression was not independently associated with incident stroke.  In ≥65-year-olds who responded to a survey in 2010 (n=6098), the stroke prevalence rose with age from 4.7% among the 65- to 11.6% among the 80-year-olds (p<0.001). The prevalence of depression rose from 11.0% among the 65- to 18.1% among the 80-year-olds (p<0.001). In the group with stroke, depression was independently associated with dependence in personal activities of daily living and having a life crisis the preceding year, while in the non-stroke group, depression was independently associated with several additional demographic, social and health factors. In ≥85-year-olds examined in 2005-2007 with valid GDS-15 tests (n=452), having had a stroke was associated with increased 5-year mortality [hazard ratio (HR) 1.53, 95% confidence interval (CI) 1.15-2.03]. Having had a stroke and depression was associated with increased 5-year mortality compared with having only stroke (HR 1.90, 95% CI 1.15-3.13), having only depression (HR 1.59, 95% CI 1.03-2.45), and compared with having neither stroke nor depression (HR 2.50, 95% CI 1.69-3.69). Having only stroke without a depression did not increase mortality compared with having neither stroke nor depression. In ≥85-year-olds examined in Sweden from 2000-2012 (n=955), from all past data collections in the study, the stroke incidence was 33.8/1000 person-years during a mean follow-up period of about three years. In a comprehensive multivariate model, atrial fibrillation (HR 1.85, 95% CI 1.07–3.19) and higher systolic blood pressure (SBP; HR 1.19, 95% CI 1.08–1.30 per 10-mmHg increase) were associated with incident stroke overall. In additional multivariate models, diastolic blood pressure (DBP) ≥90 mmHg (HR 2.45, 95% CI 1.47–4.08) and SBP ≥160 mmHg (v. <140 mmHg; HR 2.80, 95% CI 1.53–5.14) were associated with incident stroke. Conclusion The prevalence of both stroke and depression increased with age, and rates were especially high among very old people. Having had a stroke was independently associated with a higher prevalence of depression among very old people, however, depression was not independently associated with a higher incidence of stroke. Having had a stroke was associated with increased all-cause mortality among very old people, but only among those who were also depressed. High SBP (≥160 mmHg), DBP (≥90 mmHg) and atrial fibrillation were the only consistent independent risk factors for incident stroke among very old people. / I västvärlden inklusive Sverige så ökar gruppen av människor som uppnår åldern 80 år eller äldre. Människorna som uppnår denna mycket höga ålder har en hög förekomst av kardiovaskulära riskfaktorer, har ofta flera samtidiga sjukdomar och ofta funktionsnedsättningar. Medicinska behandlingsåtgärder är ofta mindre effektiva och förknippade med biverkningar i åldersgruppen. Stroke är en sjukdom som beror på skada av hjärnvävnad till följd av minskad blodtillhörsel till delar av hjärnan. Det är känt att såväl förekomsten av och insjuknandet i stroke ökar med stigande ålder. Den som drabbas av stroke löper risk att få en bestående funktionsnedsättning och att dö i förtid. En vanlig komplikation efter att ha drabbats av stroke är nedstämdhet eller depression. Vetenskapliga studier om stroke har tidigare negligerat mycket gamla människor, vilket i takt med den pågående demografiska utvecklingen framstått som allt mer orimligt. Det är ej helt klarlagt vilka riskfaktorer som leder till att insjukna med stroke i mycket hög ålder. Överdödligheten förknippad med att drabbas av depression efter stroke är också oklar i åldersgruppen. Det är också oklart vad som skiljer depression efter stroke från depression bland den övriga befolkningen av åldrade människor. Den populations-baserade kohortstudien GErontologisk Regional DAtabas (GERDA) inleddes år 2000 för att kartlägga faktorer förknippade med gott åldrande bland mycket gamla människor. Hälften av 85-åringarna, alla 90-åringar och alla ≥95-åringar i utvalda kommuner i Västerbotten erbjöds att delta i studien. Därefter har återbesök hos tidigare deltagare i sina nya åldersgrupper och rekrytering av nya deltagare genomförts vart femte år. Studien utvidgades med utvalda kommuner i Österbotten, Finland vid den första femårsuppföljningen. Datainsamlingen i studien bestod av demografiska frågor, skattningsskalor, blodtrycksmätning och kognitiva test genomförda vid ett hembesök i deltagarens hem, samt genomgång av journalhandlingar. År 2010 skickades även en enkät ut till 65-, 70-, 75- och 80-åringar i alla kommuner i Västerbotten och Österbotten. Enkäten innehöll frågor om demografi, hälsa, sjukdomar och intressen. Bland deltagarna i kohortstudien bestämdes förekomsten av tidigare stroke baserat på genomgång av journaluppgifter och uppgifter från hembesöken. Förekomsten av depression bestämdes baserat på poängsättning från en validerad skattningsskala för depression, samt baserat på en sammanvägning av journaluppgifter och skattningsskalor. En specialist i geriatrik fattade det slutliga beslutet om diagnoser. Insjuknande i stroke bestämdes baserat på journalgenomgång av individer med stroke-relaterade diagnoskoder i sjukhusregistret, i dödsorsaksregistret eller uppgift om stroke vid femårsuppföljningen i studien. Bland deltagarna i enkätstudien bestämdes förekomsten av tidigare stroke baserat på självrapportering, och förekomsten av depression bestämdes baserat på en sammanvägning av självrapportering och en skattningsskala för depression.  Förekomsten av stroke i enkätstudien steg med ålder, från 4.7% bland 65-åringar till 11.6% bland 80-åringar. Förekomsten av stroke var omkring 20% bland ≥85-åringar, med minimal variation mellan 85-, 90- och ≥95-åringar. Förekomsten av depression var högre bland dem med stroke jämfört med de övriga deltagarna, både gällande den sammavägda diagnosen och baserat endast på poängsättning. Stroke och sömnproblem var oberoende associerade med depression. Bland ≥65-åringar i enkätstudien var funktionsnedsättning och genomgången livskris associerade med depression hos dem med en tidigare stroke. Bland deltagare utan stroke var ett antal ytterligare externa faktorer, inklusive subjektiv upplevelse av dålig ekonomi och att inte ha någon att anförtro sig till, associerade med depression. Både stroke och depression var associerade med ökad dödlighet bland ≥85-åringar. De med stroke utan depression hade en dödlighet i linje med normalbefolkningen utan stroke eller depression. Förekomsten av samtidig stroke och depression var associerad med högre dödlighet än normalbefolkningen, jämfört med dem med enbart stroke eller enbart depression. Högt systoliskt blodtryck (≥160 mmHg), högt diastoliskt blodtryck (≥90 mmHg) och förmaksflimmer var oberoende riskfaktorer för att insjukna i stroke bland ≥85-åringarna. Sambandet mellan blodtryck och strokerisk försvagades ej hos människor med kognitiv eller funktionell nedsättning. Tidigare stroke, hjärtsvikt, kognitiv nedsättning, näringsbrist, depressiva symtom och låg gånghastighet var också associerade med att insjukna i stroke, men ej oberoende av varandra. Sammanfattningsvis så stiger förekomsten av stroke med åldern och är särskilt hög bland mycket gamla människor. Depression är betydligt vanligare hos mycket gamla människor med stroke, även justerat för störningsfaktorer. Depression är främst associerat med funktions-nedsättning hos människor med stroke, men med ett större antal externa faktorer hos människor utan stroke. Mycket gamla människor med stroke har särskilt hög dödlighet om de samtidigt är deprimerade, men en dödlighet i linje med normalbefolkningen om de inte är deprimerade. Högt systoliskt och diastoliskt blodtryck samt förmaksflimmer är viktiga och behandlingsbara orsaker till att drabbas av stroke i mycket hög ålder.

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