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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Grip A (H1N1) PDM09: Malaltia moderada i greu en el pacient pediàtric. Utilitat de la càrrega viral com a biomarcador de gravetat

Launes Montaña, Cristian 05 July 2012 (has links)
INTRODUCCIÓ L’abril de 2009 s’identifica un nou virus de la grip, l’A (H1N1) pdm09, en humans. El juny del mateix any, l’Organització Mundial de la Salut declara l’estat de pandèmia a nivell mundial. La malaltia pel nou virus va afectar centenars de nens al nostre medi durant la temporada 2009-2010. OBJECTIUS - Descriure l'espectre de malaltia per grip A (H1N1) pdm09 moderat i greu (aquells casos que requeriren ingrés en un hospital pediàtric de tercer nivell) en la població pediàtrica en el nostre medi. - Descriure la malaltia per grip A (H1N1) pdm09 en pacients pediàtrics en tractament per leucèmia limfàtica aguda, tant els ingressats com els que es va optar per tractar i seguir ambulatòriament. - Descriure els valors de càrrega viral de grip A (H1N1) pdm09 al moment del diagnòstic en relació amb variables epidemiològiques i clíniques en els pacients ingressats amb clínica respiratòria. PACIENTS I MÈTODES - Es dissenyen tres estudis amb recollida prospectiva de dades epidemiològiques, clíniques, analítiques i microbiològiques de nens amb malaltia confirmada amb detecció del material genètic del virus de la grip A (H1N1) pdm09 en aspirat nasofaringi. Els tres estudis es realitzen en un hospital pediàtric de tercer nivell (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, Universitat de Barcelona) i els resultats es presenten en la memòria d’aquesta tesi. La recollida de dades es porta a terme durant la temporada pandèmica 2009-2010. S'efectuen els procediments estadístics pertinents per al tractament de dades. RESULTATS - El perfil del nen ingressat amb malaltia per grip A (H1N1) pdm09 és el d'un nen prèviament sa preescolar o bé el d'un nen d'edat escolar amb malaltia de base. La dificultat respiratòria i la hipoxèmia són el motiu principal d'ingrés, encara que també s'observen manifestacions extrapulmonars (neurològiques i cardíaques principalment). Les malalties cròniques pulmonars i neurològiques són els grups més importants de pacients que tenen malaltia de base i que requereixen ingrés. D'entre ells, els pacients amb malalties neurològiques suposen el principal grup de malalties cròniques d'entre els que requereixen ingrés a la Unitat de Cures Intensives Pediàtriques (UCIP). En els pacients que requereixen ingrés en UCIP trobem un major temps d'evolució de la malaltia abans d'iniciar el tractament amb oseltamivir i aquest retard en l'inici del tractament antiviral es relaciona amb una major risc d'ingrés en UCIP en el model multivariant. - Els nens amb leucèmia limfàtica aguda en fases de tractament més intensiu presenten una malaltia per grip més greu (broncopneumònia). Els nens en tractament de manteniment no presenten cap complicació amb tractament amb oseltamivir. - Els valors de càrrega viral al diagnòstic es correlacionen negativament amb el temps de durada de la clínica en el moment de fer la recollida de la mostra. Tenir una càrrega viral alta havent passat 5 o més dies des de l'inici de la clínica es relaciona amb un major risc de malaltia greu per grip A (H1N1) pdm09 (necessitat de tractament amb ventilació mecànica invasiva o no invasiva). / “INFLUENZA A(H1N1)PDM09: MODERATE AND SEVERE DISEASE IN THE PEDIATRIC PATIENT. VIRAL LOAD AT DIAGNOSIS AS A BIOMARKER OF SEVERITY.” TEXT: INTRODUCTION A new influenza virus was identified in April 2009 in humans. The influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 disease affected hundreds of children in our country during the pandemic season (2009-2010). OBJECTIVES - To describe the moderate and severe influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 disease (cases requiring for admission in a tertiary pediatric hospital) in children of our setting. - To describe the influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 disease in pediatric patients with acute lymphatic leukemia. - To describe the influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 viral load values at diagnosis in hospitalized children with respiratory symptoms and their relations with epidemiological and clinical variables. PATIENTS AND METHODS - Three different studies were designed and their results are presented. The studies were performed in a tertiary pediatric hospital (Hospital Sant Joan de Déu, University of Barcelona). Data collection was carried out during the pandemic season (2009-2010) in children with confirmed infection with a real-time RT-PCR. RESULTS - A previously healthy infant or a school-aged patient with underlying disease was the profile of the hospitalized child with influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 infection. Respiratory distress and hypoxemia were the main reasons for admission, although extrapulmonary manifestations were also observed (mainly neurological and cardiac). Children with chronic pulmonary diseases or with neurological disorders were the most important groups of patients with an underlying disease of those who required hospitalization. Patients with neurological chronic diseases more often required admission to the Pediatric Intensive Care Unit (PICU). Delays in starting treatment with oseltamivir were associated with an increased risk of admission to PICU in a multivariate model. - Children with acute lymphatic leukemia in intensive treatment phases developed a more severe influenza disease. Children in maintenance treatment phase had not complications. All of them were treated with oseltamivir. - The values of viral load at diagnosis were correlated negatively with the duration of the symptoms at the moment of sampling. To have a high viral load after 5 or more days of the onset of clinical symptoms was associated with an increased risk of severe illness (requiring for mechanical ventilation) due to influenza A (H1N1) pdm09 infection.

Immune correlates of viral control in chronic HIV infection

Huang, Kenneth Hsing-Chung. January 2008 (has links)
There are currently an estimated 33.2 million people living with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) worldwide. For these individuals, long-term use of combination antiretroviral therapy (cART) is not feasible for a variety of reasons including major adverse complications, multi-drug resistance, poor adherence, and high cost. Hence, development of novel therapeutic strategies that can reduce the life-long dependency on cART is highly desired. In order to develop effective therapeutic strategies such as a therapeutic vaccine, we need to have a greater understanding of the immune correlates of viral control in chronic HIV infection. In this thesis, we used treatment interruption (TI) as a tool to test the efficacy of several therapeutic approaches and immune parameters for their association with effective control of viral replication. / In Chapter 2 we showed that cART intensification and Remune vaccination resulted in reduced viral load (VL) plateau during sequential TIs. Although HIV-specific immune responses measured by interferon-gamma (IFN-gamma) enzyme-linked immunospot assay (ELISPOT) increased in the same time frame, neither their breadth nor magnitude correlated with the decrease in VL plateau. In Chapter 3 the effect of ALVAC-vCP1425 plus Remune vaccination on HIV proteome-wide HIV-specific responses was monitored using a dual color IFN-gamma/interleukin-2 (IL-2) ELISPOT assay. We observed an increase in the magnitude of HIV-specific IFN-gamma/IL-2 responses, as well as in the breadth of Gag-specific IFN-gamma responses in the vaccinated groups compared to placebo groups. A shift towards an increased contribution of Gag-specific responses to total HIV-specific vaccine induced immune response was associated with longer delay to viral rebound during TI. In Chapters 4 and 5, we examined baseline pre-TI immune parameters and their association with viral rebound and CD4 count change during TI in HIV-infected individuals in the chronic phase of infection experiencing virologic failure before TI (Chapter 4) or with different levels of VL control while on therapy prior to TI (Chapter 5). We saw that chronic antigen stimulation from persistent viremia as well as co-infections such as with cytomegalovirus are associated with T-cell senescence, which may result in less favourable clinical outcomes during TI. / Consequently, results from this thesis contribute to further understanding of immune correlates of viral control in chronic HIV infection. New therapeutic vaccines and interventions should induce polyfunctional HIV-specific immune responses, broad Gag-specific immune responses, as well as reducing chronic antigen stimulation to prevent irreversible T-cell exhaustion. Taken together, these insights could potentially lead to the development of novel treatment interventions that could effectively control viral replication off cART.

Aids and endemic kaposi's sarcoma development : comparison by histopathology, virology (HHV-8/KSHV) and cytogenetics /

Pyakurel, Pawan, January 2005 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2005. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Perinatal HIV-1 infection : aspects on clinical presentation, viral dynamics and epidemiology /

Navér, Lars, January 2004 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karol. inst., 2004. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

Evaluation of reverse transcriptase assay for viral load monitoring /

Corrigan, Gary E., January 2007 (has links)
Diss. (sammanfattning) Stockholm : Karolinska institutet, 2007. / Härtill 5 uppsatser.

A Novel, Low-Cost Viral Load Diagnostic for HIV-1 and Assessing Barriers to Adoption of Technology in Tanzania

January 2011 (has links)
abstract: HIV/AIDS is the sixth leading cause of death worldwide and the leading cause of death among women of reproductive age living in low-income countries. Clinicians in industrialized nations monitor the efficacy of antiretroviral drugs and HIV disease progression with the HIV-1 viral load assay, which measures the copy number of HIV-1 RNA in blood. However, viral load assays are not widely available in sub-Saharan Africa and cost between 50-$139 USD per test on average where available. To address this problem, a mixed-methods approach was undertaken to design a novel and inexpensive viral load diagnostic for HIV-1 and to evaluate barriers to its adoption in a developing country. The assay was produced based on loop-mediated isothermal amplification (LAMP). Blood samples from twenty-one individuals were spiked with varying concentrations of HIV-1 RNA to evaluate the sensitivity and specificity of LAMP. Under isothermal conditions, LAMP was performed with an initial reverse-transcription step (RT-LAMP) and primers designed for HIV-1 subtype C. Each reaction generated up to a few billion copies of target DNA within an hour. Presence of target was detected through naked-eye observation of a fluorescent indicator and verified by DNA gel electrophoresis and real-time fluorescence. The assay successfully detected the presence of HIV in samples with a broad range of HIV RNA concentration, from over 120,000 copies/reaction to 120 copies/reaction. In order to better understand barriers to adoption of LAMP in developing countries, a feasibility study was undertaken in Tanzania, a low-income country facing significant problems in healthcare. Medical professionals in Northern Tanzania were surveyed for feedback regarding perspectives of current HIV assays, patient treatment strategies, availability of treatment, treatment priorities, HIV transmission, and barriers to adoption of the HIV-1 LAMP assay. The majority of medical providers surveyed indicated that the proposed LAMP assay is too expensive for their patient populations. Significant gender differences were observed in response to some survey questions. Female medical providers were more likely to cite stigma as a source problem of the HIV epidemic than male medical providers while males were more likely to cite lack of education as a source problem than female medical providers. / Dissertation/Thesis / Ph.D. Molecular and Cellular Biology 2011

Caractérisation moléculaire et sérologique de l'infection à Epstein-Barr virus chez les patients porteurs du VIH souffrant d'un lymphome / Molecular and serological characterization of the Epstein-Barr virus infection in patients living with HIV and suffering from lymphoma

Duc, Touyana 29 September 2016 (has links)
En 2016, les lymphoproliférations malignes [lymphome malin non hodgkinien (LNH) et lymphome de Hodgkin (LH)] restent un problème majeur chez les patients porteurs du VIH (PPVIH) car chaque année de 1 à 6 % de ces patients développent des lymphomes. Ces pathologies apparaissent actuellement comme une des principales causes de mortalité chez les PPVIH.Le virus d’Epstein-Barr (EBV), connu de longue date pour son pouvoir immortalisant des lymphocytes B et les propriétés oncogènes de certaines de ses protéines, apparait comme un cofacteur favorisant plus ou moins important de ces lymphomes chez les PPVIH. Quand le virus est présent dans la cellule tumorale ; on parle de cancer associé à l’EBV.Une des questions toujours en suspens est de savoir si la quantification de l’ADN viral EBV (charge virale) et le profil sérologique EBV dans le sang des PPVIH peuvent aider à mieux comprendre la physiopathologie de ces lymphomes et à mieux prendre en charge les PPVIH qui en souffrent.Ce travail de thèse effectuée en co-tutelle entre l’université de Grenoble-Alpes et l’université médicale d’Irkoutsk vise à contribuer à répondre à cette question.La partie bibliographique de cette thèse synthétise (i) les connaissances actuelles sur l’épidémiologie et la physiopathologie des LH (synthèse non publiée en français) et sur le rôle de l’EBV dans les LNH chez les PPVIH (article publié en russe dans « Siberian Medical Journal » en 2015); (ii) les études publiées sur la mesure de la charge virale et la sérologie EBV chez les PPVIH.La partie expérimentale de cette thèse est constituée de trois articles. Le premier article publié dans Journal of Clinical Microbiology en 2016 rapporte la démonstration que l’utilisation d’un standard international développé par l’OMS peut améliorer la précision de la mesure de la charge virale EBV dans le sang. Le deuxième article en cours d’écriture concerne les résultats préliminaires d’une étude de cohorte mise en place par l’ANRS qui suit des PVVIH atteints de LH. Dans cette étude, l’objectif principal était de savoir si la charge virale et la sérologie EBV lors de la découverte du LH pouvaient constituer des marqueurs pronostiques de cette maladie comme cela été décrit dans des LH survenant chez des patients non infectés par le VIH. Nos résultats préliminaires ne vont pas dans ce sens et ces marqueurs ne semblent donc pas utiles pour une amélioration de la prise en charge des LH chez les PPVIH. Le troisième article publié en russe en 2015 dans « HIV infection and Iimmunosuppressive Disorders » décrit l’épidémiologie des lymphomes chez PPVIH de l’Université Médicale d’Irkoutsk. Il montre une importante augmentation des LNH chez les PPVIH entre 2000 et 2014 liée à une épidémie VIH non contrôlée dans cette région de Russie. / In 2016, malignant lymphoproliférations [non Hodgkin's (NHL) and Hodgkin's lymphomas (HL)] remain a major concern in patients living with HIV (PLHIV), that each year 1-6% of these patients develop lymphomas. Lymphomas are the major cause of mortality in this population.Epstein-Bar Virus (EBV), long known for his immortalizing B cells power and oncogenic properties of some of its proteins, emerges as a cofactor favoring lymphoproliferations, more or less important, depending on the type of lymphoproliferation.One of the outstanding questions is whether the molecular and/or serological characterizations of EBV infection may help to better understand the pathophysiology of these diseases and better manage patients suffering from HIV-associated lymphomas.This dissertation under joint supervision between the University Grenoble Alpes and Irkutsk State Medical University aims to answer this question.The literature review of this thesis summarizes: (i) the role of EBV in LNH development in PLHIV (article published in Russian journal “Siberian Medical Journal” in 2015) and the current knowledge on the epidemiology and pathophysiology of Hodgkin's lymphoma (non published in French); (ii) published studies on the EBV viral load and serological evolutions in PLHIV.The experiments consist of three articles. The first article published in Journal of Clinical Microbiology in 2016, reports the demonstration that the application of international standard EBV developed by WHO can improve the quantification of EBV viral load in whole blood. The second study (in writing for publication) contains preliminary results of French National Agency for Research of HIV and hepatitis cohort study investigating PLHIV suffering from Hodgkin's lymphoma. The study focuses on whether the EBV viral load and serology of newly diagnosed lymphoma could provide prognostic information for this disease, as has been described in HIV-negative patients with HL. Our preliminary results don’t support this hypothesis; than EBV markers don’t can be used for best management of HL in PLHIV. The third study published in Russian Journal “HIV infection and Immunosuppressive disorders” (2015) describes the epidemiology of HIV-associated lymphoma in Irkutsk Oblast. The article shows that non-Hodgkin lymphoma incidence rates in PLHIV during 2007-2014 are probably due to HIV epidemic non-controlled in this Russian region.

Estudo da resistência genotípica primária aos antirretrovirais nos pacientes com vírus da imunodeficiência humana (HIV-1) no município de Santos/SP-Brasil / Study of the Primary Antiretroviral Genotypic Resis tance in Patients with Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV u 1) in Santos city / SP u Brazil

Gagliani, Luiz Henrique [UNIFESP] January 2009 (has links) (PDF)
Made available in DSpace on 2015-12-06T23:47:59Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 0 Previous issue date: 2009 / Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP) / Uma das principais causas de falência terapêutica é o surgimento de cepas resistentes aos inibidores da transcriptase reversa (IRT) e da protease (IP). O processo de replicação do vírus HIV – 1 promove alta taxa de mutação devido aos erros inerentes à atividade da transcriptase reversa. Portanto, é comum em indivíduos sob tratamento e com carga viral detectável, o surgimento e seleção de cepas resistentes. O Estado de São Paulo é considerado como um dos epicentros da epidemia de Aids no Brasil, sendo que o município de Santos possui um dos maiores portos da América Latina e devido às rotas de comércio internacional atua como introdutor e difusor do HIV – 1 no sudeste brasileiro, com uma alta incidência de infecção, alta prevalência da resistência antirretroviral primária e de alta prevalência de vírus recombinante B/F. Tem sido também reconhecido que a falência virológica ao tratamento antirretroviral é alta nesta cidade, entretanto, não existem dados recentes e abrangentes a respeito da caracterização genotípica, da freqüência dos subtipos e resistência primária do HIV – 1. O objetivo do estudo foi avaliar os perfis virológico e imunológico e a resistência primária em pacientes virgens de tratamento aos medicamentos antirretrovirais e os fatores relacionados à falência virológica após 48 semanas de HAART nesta população. Foram analisados os prontuários dos pacientes recém diagnosticados e cadastrados no ano de 2000 e 2001, num total de 594 pacientes. Destes pacientes estudados no período citado, apenas 315 realizaram os exames de quantificação da carga viral e a contagem da subpopulações dos linfócitos TCD4+/TCD8+ no momento do seu diagnóstico. Posteriormente dos 315 pacientes foram selecionados 80 virgens de tratamento aos antirretrovirais, para a realização do exame de genotipagem, no qual foram comparados os perfis demográficos do HIV – 1 entre os indivíduos com sucesso virológico versus falência virológica após 48 semanas de iniciação aos antirretrovirais. Os pacientes que realizaram a genotipagem (N=80), foram divididos em dois grupos: Grupo 1 (N=43) são os pacientes que após a introdução do tratamento aos antirretrovirais não conseguiram atingir os níveis de quantificação de carga viral abaixo de 50 cópias/mL, isto é a carga viral se manteve detectável após seis meses de tratamento. Grupo 2 (N=37) são os pacientes que conseguiram se manter com os níveis de quantificação da carga viral, indetectáveis após seis meses de tratamento. Todos os indivíduos estudados iniciaram HAART, sendo que foram considerados aderentes aos antirretrovirais, de acordo com a frequência que obtiveram as suas medicações prescritas pelo médico e a partir de uma farmácia centralizada. O HIV - 1 foi seqüenciado na região pol a partir do plasma em amostras armazenadas a – 80° C, coletadas imediatamente antes do início do tratamento. Ao avaliar os pacientes (N=315) a contagem média das células TCD4+ foi de 320 células/µL. Destes pacientes 98 (31%) tinham TCD4+ menor que 200 células/µL, 69 (22%) TCD4+ entre 200 e 350 células/µL; 57 (18%) TCD4+ entre 350 e 500 células/µL e 91 (29%) com TCD4+ acima de 500 células/µL, mostrando a importância do diagnóstico. Em relação a carga viral a média foi de 180.000 cópias/ml e o “log” médio foi de 4,28. Ainda referente a quantificação da carga viral avaliou-se que 40,2% estavam, acima de 30.000 cópias/mL e 22% maior que 100.000 cópias/mL, indicando uma imunossupressão e mostrando a importância do diagnóstico precoce do vírus HIV-1. A determinação da contagem das subpopulações dos linfócitos TCD4+ e a quantificação da Carga viral do HIV – 1, ambos exames representam a pedra angular no acompanhamento, estadiamento e a avaliação da resposta terapêutica dos antirretrovirais. Deve-se considerar também que a determinação da contagem das subpopulações dos linfócitos TCD4+ é um indicador do estágio evolutivo da doença, bem como o determinante fundamental na terapêutica. Avaliar as condições imunológicas dos pacientes recém diagnosticados, que chegam ao serviço de referência em Aids de Santos, é de grande valia, no momento que inicia o tratamento médico, sendo justificado pelos resultados apresentados, no qual destacamos que 53% dos pacientes tinham contagem de TCD4+ menor que 350 células/µL do total estudado (N=315), indicando uma imunossupressão, mostrando nitidamente a importância do diagnóstico precoce pelo HIV-1, sabendo que, segundo os critérios do Consenso Nacional Brasileiro de tratamento para a infecção pelo vírus HIV -1, os mesmos já deveriam estar fazendo uso de medicações antirretrovirais. Quando analisamos a resistência primária dos pacientes do Grupo 1 (N=43) 21 (48,8%) comparada com o Grupo 2 (N=37) 6 (16,2%), ao longo de 48 semanas concluímos que os pacientes do grupo 1 por apresentarem maior prevalência de mutações relacionadas à resistência aos fármacos antirretrovirais prescritos (p<0,005), eles não conseguiram atingir os níveis de quantificação de carga viral abaixo de 50 cópias/mL, isto é, a carga viral se manteve detectável após seis meses de tratamento até final do estudo. Em relação às classes dos medicamentos antirretrovirais, os pacientes do grupo 1 e 2 apresentaram resistência de 16.2% aos IRTNN; 20% aos IRTN e 2,5% aos IP. Quanto a resistência de pelo menos duas classes de ARVs (IRTNN e IRTN) foram 5% e não foi observado nenhum paciente resistente as três classes de ARVs. Na determinação da prevalência dos subtipos do HIV – 1 baseada nas seqüências do gene pol, a classificação filogenética das seqüências puras foi de 80% do subtipo B e 7,5% F. Quanto as seqüências recombinantes B/F foi de 12,5% mostrando uma preocupação epidemiológica na cadeia de transmissão porque essas cepas recombinantes estão infectando novos indivíduos e predominando nos pacientes recém diagnosticados. Não foram encontradas diferenças significativas basais observadas na carga viral e níveis de TCD4+ com relação aos antirretrovirais utilizados ou a demografia entre os 2 grupos, pacientes portadores de vírus resistentes e tipo selvagem. A prevalência de 33,7% de resistência primária aos antirretrovirais entre os pacientes foi considerada extremamente elevada nesta região, portanto, em regiões atípicas como a cidade de Santos, seria de grande valia apoiar o conceito de realizar exames de genotipagem antes de iniciar o tratamento antirretroviral, fato fundamental, efetivo e econômico para o serviço público, embora alguns indivíduos com resistência primária têm conseguido uma supressão viral empírica sob HAART, a estreita associação entre a resistência primária e falência virológica pode sugerir que essa resistência dificulte gradativamente a atividade dos antirretrovirais. / One of the main causes of therapeutic failure is the appearance of strains resistant to reverse transcriptase inhibitors (NRTIs) and protease (PI). The process of replication of HIV - 1 promotes high rate of mutation due to errors inherent in the activity of reverse transcriptase. Therefore, it is common in individuals under treatment and with detectable viral load, the appearance and selection of resistant strains. The State of São Paulo is considered one of the epicenters of the AIDS epidemic in Brazil, and the city of Santos has one of the biggest ports of Latin America and because the routes of international trade acts as a diffuser and introducer of HIV -1 in the Southeast Brazil, with a high incidence of infection, high prevalence of primary antiretroviral resistance and high prevalence of recombinant viruses B/F. It has also been recognized that virological failure to antiretroviral treatment is high in this city, however, there are no recent and comprehensive data on the genetic characterization of the frequency of subtypes and primary resistance of HIV–1. The objective of the study was to evaluate the virological and immunological profiles and primary resistance in patients naïve to antiretroviral drugs treatment and the factors related to virological failure after 48 weeks of HAART in this population. We analyzed the charts of newly diagnosed patients registered in 2000 and 2001, as a total of 594 patients. From these patients studied during the period cited, only 315 were tested for quantification of viral load and counts of lymphocyte subpopulations of CD4+T cells/+ TCD8 at the time of diagnosis. Later among the 315 patients were selected 80 naïve to antiretroviral treatment, for the test for genotyping, in which were compared the demographic profiles of HIV-1 among individuals with virological success versus virological failure after 48 weeks of initiation of antiretroviral. Patients in which we performed genotyping (n = 80) were divided into two groups: Group 1 (N=43) are the patients that after the introduction of antiretroviral treatment failed to achieve the quantification levels of viral load below 50 copies/mL, in other words, the viral load remained detectable after six months of treatment. Group 2 (N=37) patients who were able to remain with the quantification of viral load on undetectable levels after six months of treatment. All studied subjects started HAART, which were considered adherent to antiretroviral according to how often they obtained their medications prescribed by a doctor and from a centralized drugstore. The HIV-1 was sequenced in the pol region from plasma samples stored at – 176ºC, collected immediately before starting treatment. When evaluating the patients (N=315) the average cell count CD4+T cells was 320 cells/µL. 98 (31%) of these patients had CD4+T cells below 200 cells/µL, 69 (22%) CD4+T cells between 200 and 350 cells/µL, 57 (18%) CD4+T cells between 350 and 500 cells/µL and 91 (29%) with CD4+T cells above 500 cells/µL, showing the importance of diagnosis. In relation to the average viral load was 180,000 copies/mL and the "log" average was 4.28. Still concerning the quantification of viral load assessed that 40.2% were above 30,000 copies/mL and 22% higher than 100,000 copies/mL, indicating an immunosuppression and showing the importance of early diagnosis of HIV-1. The determination of the counts of lymphocyte subpopulations of CD4+T cells and quantification of viral load of HIV-1, both tests represent a cornerstone in monitoring, staging and assessment of antiretroviral therapeutic response. One should also consider that the determination of the counts of lymphocyte subpopulations of CD4+T cells is an indicator of the stage of the disease, and the decisive role in therapy. To evaluate the immunological conditions of patients newly diagnosed who come to the referral service on AIDS of Santos, is of great value in the moment you start the treatment, being justified by the results presented, in which is highlighted that 53% of patients had counting CD4+T cells below 350 cells/ul from the total studied (N=315), indicating a immunosuppression, showing clearly the importance of early diagnosis of HIV-1, knowing that according to the criteria of the Brazilian Consensus for the treatment of HIV-1 infection, they should already be using antiretroviral medications. When we analyze the primary resistance of the patients in Group 1 (N = 43) 21 (48.8%) compared with Group 2 (N = 37) 6 (16.2%) during over 48 weeks we conclude that group 1 patients, due to higher prevalence of mutations associated with resistance to antiretroviral drugs prescribed (p<0.005), failed to achieve the quantification of viral load below 50 copies/mL, in other words, viral load remained detectable after six months of treatment by the end of the study. Concerning the classes of antiretroviral drugs, patients in group 1 and 2 showed resistance of 16.2% to IRTNN; 20% to IRTN and 2.5% to PI. Regarding the resistance of at least two classes of ARVs (IRTNN and IRTN) were 5% and there was no studied patient resistant to at least two of the three classes of ARVs. In determining the prevalence of subtypes of HIV -1 based on the pol gene sequences, the phylogenetic classification of pure sequences was 80% of subtype B and 7.5% F. As the sequences recombinant B/F it was 12.5% showing a concern in the epidemiological chain of transmission because these recombinant strains are infecting new individuals and are predominant in newly diagnosed patients. No significant baseline differences were observed in viral load and levels of CD4 + T cells regarding the antiretroviral used or the demographics between the 2 groups, patients with resistant virus and patients with the wild type. The 33.7% prevalence of primary resistance to antiretroviral among patients was considered extremely high in this region, so as atypical regions in the city of Santos, would be of great value to support the concept of conducting examinations of genotyping before starting treatment antiretroviral, indeed essential, effective and economical for the public service, although some individuals with primary resistance have achieved an empirical viral suppression under HAART, the close association between primary resistance and virological failure may suggest that this resistance make the activity of antiretroviral gradually difficult. / FAPESP: 2004/15856-9 / BV UNIFESP: Teses e dissertações

An?lise quantitativa das c?lulas CD4 e sua import?ncia no diagn?stico de les?es orais em pacientes HIV positivos

Pacheco, Domingos Fl?vio Saldanha 29 February 2008 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2014-12-17T15:32:15Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 DomingosFSP.pdf: 731079 bytes, checksum: 34227edce19370fe33978251a3b3add9 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2008-02-29 / Coordena??o de Aperfei?oamento de Pessoal de N?vel Superior / The oral manifestations due to HIV infection are, a lot of times, the first clinical signs of the disease. These injuries may also function as beepers and sentries of the curse and progression of the HIV infection and AIDS. The objective of this work was to evaluate the prevalence of the oral injuries in HIV positive patients, relating them with the CD4+ cells counting and the viral load in patients from the Hospital of Infected contagious Gizelda Trigueiro in Natal-RN. One hundred and one patients were evaluated, where after the clinical exam of the oral cavity, these ones were conducted to the peripheral blood collection for the counting of CD4+ lymphocytes. We observed a prevalence of 25,6%, that is, 31 cases. The Oral Candidiasis was the most commum injure, followed by Oral Hairy Leukoplakia, linear gingival erytema, lips herpes, gingivitis and periodontitis - HIV. The average counting of cells CD4+ of the injury carrying patients was of 250 cells/mm3. We did not observe relation between the presence of injuries and the viral load of the individuals / As manifesta??es bucais da infec??o pelo HIV s?o, muitas vezes, os primeiros sinais cl?nicos da doen?a. Estas les?es tamb?m podem funcionar como sinalizadores e sentinelas do curso e progress?o da infec??o pelo HIV e AIDS. O objetivo desse trabalho foi avaliar a preval?ncia das les?es orais em pacientes HIV positivos, relacionando-as com a contagem de c?lulas CD4+ e a carga viral em pacientes do Hospital de Doen?as Infectocontagiosas Gizelda Trigueiro em Natal-RN. Foram avaliados 121 pacientes, onde ap?s exame cl?nico da cavidade oral, estes eram conduzidos ? coleta de sangue perif?rico para contagem dos linf?citos CD4+. Observamos uma preval?ncia de 25,6%, de les?es orais, totalizando 31 casos. A candid?ase foi a les?o mais comum, seguida da leucoplasia pilosa, eritema gengival linear, herpes labial, periodontite ulcero-necrosante e gengivite ulcero-necrosante. A contagem m?dia das c?lulas CD4+ dos pacientes portadores de les?o foi de 250 c?lulas/mm3. N?o observamos rela??o entre a presen?a de les?es e a carga viral dos indiv?duos

Comparação entre BDNA e PCR na detecção da carga viral do HIV-1

Passos, Daniela Ferreira January 2013 (has links)
Introdução: A AIDS (Síndrome da Imunodeficiência Adquirida) é caracterizada por uma disfunção grave no sistema imunológico causada por uma infecção por HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). A quantificação da viremia (carga viral) é uma ferramenta muito útil no monitoramento dos pacientes infectados pelo HIV, sendo um marcador de progressão da doença e eficácia do tratamento. A estimativa incorreta da carga viral pode levar à decisão terapêutica equivocada, portanto métodos acurados de quantificação se fazem necessários. Diversas técnicas comerciais estão disponíveis para a quantificação da carga viral do HIV-1: a maioria destas se baseiam na detecção de ácidos nucléicos e outras na detecção de enzimas e antígenos. O grau de automação varia nas diferentes técnicas assim como os procedimentos de isolamento, amplificação e detecção. A correlação e a concordância entre estas técnicas têm sido estudadas e há relatos de discordância entre os valores de carga viral produzidos por diferentes métodos. O conhecimento sobre o efeito das variações entre as técnicas se faz necessário para assegurar a interpretação adequada dos resultados. A interpretação dos resultados correta é particularmente importante quando estes estão próximos a pontos de corte utilizados para definições de rebote viral e falha virológica. Objetivos: O objetivo deste estudo é comparar as técnicas de PCR (Cobas AmpliPrep TaqMan HIV-1 v2.0) e b-DNA (Siemens Versant HIV-1 RNA 3.0) para quantificação do HIV-1. Métodos: 1000 amostras recebidas no HIV/GUM Research Laboratory do Chelsea and Westminster Hospital para quantificação da carga viral do HIV-1 durante os meses de Dezembro de 2009 e Janeiro de 2010 foram testadas pelos métodos de PCR (Cobas AmpliPrep TaqMan HIV-1 v2.0) e b-DNA (Siemens Versant HIV-1 RNA 3.0). Resultados: Uma superquantificação sistemática foi observada nos resultados testados por PCR. Esta superquantificação ficou evidente nos resultados entre 50 e 250 cópias. Uma concordância elevada foi observada na análise dos pontos de corte de 500 e 1000 copias/mL. Uma correlação linear forte foi observada entre estas técnicas na análise das amostras que obtiveram resultados dentro do limite comum de detecção de ambas as técnicas, porém o nível de concordância foi insatisfatório. Conclusão: A superquantificação observada nos resultados obtidos pelo Cobas AmpliPrep TaqMan HIV- 1 v2.0 em relação ao bDNA Siemens Versant HIV-1 RNA 3.0 é provavelmente o resultado de uma sensibilidade aumentada desta técnica. Nós recomendamos cautela quando resultados de duas metodologias diferentes são comparados, especialmente quando se comparam metodologias convencionais com aquelas baseadas em PCR em tempo real. / Introduction: AIDS (Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome) is characterised by a severe immune dysfunction caused by the HIV (Human Immunodeficiency Virus). The HIV viral load quantification is an essential tool to monitor HIV-infected patients. The HIV quantification is a disease progression marker and it is a key indicator in treatment efficacy. Inaccurate viral RNA values may subsequently lead to inappropriate treatment decisions hence accurate quantification methods are necessary. Several different methodologies are available to quantify the HIV viral load: a number of them are based on nucleic acid detection and others in detection of enzymes and antigens. Automation is also variable among these methods in addition to differences in isolation, amplification and detection. Several studies have been carried out to evaluate their correlation and agreement and some have evidenced discordant viral load values assessed by different assays. The knowledge about these differences should be taken in to account when analysing viral load results, particularly when low-level viraemia is concerned or those close to endpoints employed for definition of virological failure. Objectives: In this study, two methods to quantify viral load are evaluated: one is based on real-time PCR (AmpliPrep TaqMan HIV-1 v2.0) and the other is based on branched-DNA technology (Siemens Versant HIV-1 RNA 3.0). Methods: 1000 plasma samples received at the HIV/GUM Research Laboratory within Chelsea and Westminster Hospital for HIV-1 viral load quantification between December 2009 and January 2010 were tested by both Cobas AmpliPrep TaqMan HIV-1 v2.0 and Siemens Versant HIV-1 RNA 3.0 methods. Results: Results obtained show that Cobas AmpliPrep TaqMan HIV-1 v2.0 PCR systematically overquantifies the viral loads results when compared to bDNA Siemens Versant HIV-1 RNA 3.0. Conclusion: The overquantification by Cobas AmpliPrep TaqMan HIV-1 v2.0 over bDNA Siemens Versant HIV-1 RNA 3.0 is likely to be a result of its increased sensitivity. We recommend caution when comparing results from different methodologies, especially when a conventional assay and a real-time PCR assay are concerned.

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