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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Jenny Lind : röstens betydelse för hennes mediala identitet, en studie av hennes konstnärsskap 1838-49

Tägil, Ingela January 2013 (has links)
Jenny Lind was an opera singer in the years 1838–49. During this time she was given the status f an icon mainly due to her image. She was almost sanctified by the press. Her “private personality” was assigned a saintly purity, and she became a stereotype symbol of femininity. This dissertation investigates what factors interacted that made this possible, and highlight the importance of Lind’s voice for her image. Jenny Lind’s voice was a high soprano, but not very powerful. By positioning herself in a singing tradition that corresponded to her voice’s advantages, she managed to develop an equilibrium, which she used well. Lind’s voice was often perceived as unusual; she had a particular voice timbre. She also had a vocal defect. Her tones from f’–a’ are described as “husky”, and sometimes hoarse. This means that her voice let through more air than her vocal cords could use. My argument is that it was the voice damage that created unique timbre that the contemporary critics perceived as particularly “feminine”. Lind’s weak and damaged voice corresponds to the nineteenth century’s female ideal: fragile and weak. Moreover, Lind needed to adept her roles to her damage voice and the consequence was that also her interpretations were perceived “feminine”. In other words, Lind exerted a gender performative voice processing. All of Jenny Lind’s roles became representatives of femininity, regardless of whether it was the role’s purpose or not. Lind adapted all her interpretations to her weak voce, it's strength being high notes, pianissimo dynamics and equilibrism, and gave all her roles a genderstereotyped voice.

An edition of William of Malmesbury's Treatise on the miracles of the Virgin Mary : with an account of its place in his writings and in the development of Mary legends in the twelfth century

Carter, Peter Noel January 1960 (has links)
No description available.

Orörd eller Oerfaren? : Gymnasieungdomars syn på oskuldsbegreppet

Gutsch, Maria January 2015 (has links)
I den svenska skolan är jämlikhet ett viktigt begrepp i skolans värdegrundsplan när det gäller såväl etnicitet, kön som sexualitet. Därav har jag valt att titta på två specifika begrepp för att se hur elever på två gymnasieskolor ser på dem. Begreppet är ”oskuld” samt ”mödomshinna”. Detta är normer och myter som kan motverka just jämställdhet och integritet hos eleven och där av anser jag det viktigt att se hur eleverna ställer sig till de utvalda begreppen. Två skolor, totalt 6 klasser i Stockholms län medverkar i denna enkät som skickas ut, totalt 95 stycken elever valde att besvara enkäten. De enkätsvar som kom in analyserades genom en diskursanalys och tolkas sedan med hjälp av genusteoretiska perspektiv. Det går att se såväl likheter som skillnader, något som återkommer är dock sättet att se på oskuld, de ord eleverna främst förknippar med oskuld är ”orörd” samt ”ren”. En intressant sak sker när frågan om oskuld ställs om och riktas åt att handla om ett specifikt kön. Då skedde en skillnad, tjejer som är oskuld anses fortfarande vara ”orörda” och ”rena” precis så som eleverna tolkar begreppet i allmänhet. Men en kille som är oskuld, han är istället oerfaren och cool. I denna uppsats redovisas resultatet av vad eleverna anser att en oskuldsnorm står för samt hur de tolkar mödomshinnan. / Equality is an important concept in the core values in Sweden. Both in terms of ethnicity, gender and sexuality. I have chosen to look at two specific concepts to see how the students at two high schools see it. The two concepts are “virgin” and “hymen”. These are norms and myths that can counteract equality and integrity amongst the students, this is why I believe it is important to see the students’ attitude towards the concept. Two schools, a total of six classes in the county of Stockholm contribute in the survey of the two concepts that had been sent out, totally 95 students chose to participate in the survey. The answers that came in where analyzed by a discourse analysis and are then interpreted with the help of gender perspectives. You can see both similarities and differences; something recurring is the way to see the concept ”virgin”. The words that the students mostly associate with virgin are “untouched” and “pure”.  But an interesting thing happened when the question of virgin is switched and directed to be about a specific gender.  Then there was a difference, girls being virgins is still considered to be “untouched” and “pure” as the students interpret the concept in general. But a guy being a virgin is instead “unexperienced” and “cool”. In this essay the results of what the students believe a virgin-norm and hymen stands for is presented.


Lamb, Kelsey Ellen 01 January 2017 (has links)
The research within this thesis sought to determine the ability of various animal derived fats and plant derived oils to support the survival of several pathogenic cocktails over a multitude of storage times. The Salmonella study explored the survival rate of a four strain Salmonella cocktail in beef tallow, pig lard, duck fat, coconut oil, and extra virgin olive oil over seven days at 26˚C and 37˚C storage. The animal fats and the coconut oil supported the survival of the bacteria until the conclusion of the study. The Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli study explored the survival rate of a five strain STECs cocktail in extra virgin olive oil over seven days at 26˚C and 37˚C storage. The two Listeria studies explored the survival rate of a four strain Listeria monocytogenes cocktail in extra virgin olive oil over several time periods with different frequencies of sample mixing. In vitro, all genuses showed a 2.5-log cfu/mL to ≥ 7-log cfu/mL reduction in the extra virgin olive oil by the conclusion of the experiments. Extra virgin olive oil was then applied to cooked pork tenderloin, cheddar cheese snack squares, and turkey lunchmeat in hopes of inhibiting the L. monocytogenes cocktail. No reduction was observed.

Towards a Homeland Security strategy for the United States Virgin Islands : the terrorism and natural disasters planning group

Alperen, Martin J. 03 1900 (has links)
CHDS State/Local / The VI is under-prepared for major natural disasters and terrorism. Many emergency plans are incomplete, based on inaccurate information, wrongly optimistic and assume an infrastructure that does not exist. The VI is at risk to a direct terrorist attack and also subject to whatever secondary consequences result from a stateside attack, because virtually one hundred percent of food, fuel, medicine, and oil used to make electricity and potable water - and tourists, the economy's lifeblood -- are imported. Also, (1) geographically, help is not readily available from any neighboring city or state; (2) the VI's first responders are likely to be affected by the same disaster they are responding to and unable to assist; (3) the VI must assume more of the emergency preparedness functions that would typically be shared between neighboring communities; (4) the VI must have more funding than similar communities on the mainland; and (5) preparedness planning must include the importing of mainland resources. The purpose of this thesis is to point out how the VI is different from the mainland U.S. This thesis documents vulnerabilities and shows how the Government's existing infrastructure is inadequate. Included is discussion of how the police, social issues, and existing VI Government leadership affect the vulnerabilities. It examines existing preparedness plans. One chapter discusses how management can harm Homeland Security while another chapter deals with change and proposes a Terrorism and Natural Disasters Planning Group. Lastly is an Action Plan listing things that can be done immediately. / Assistant Attorney General / Chief of Asset Forfeiture, Virgin Islands Department of Justice

Applying Movement Success Models to Marian Apparition Movements

Bobbitt, Rachel 27 June 2008 (has links)
This research seeks to explore Marian apparition movements as applied to movement success models. Among the numerous reports of the Virgin Mary appearing to the faithful, a select number of these experiences have developed into social movements. These movements take on similar patterns in their development and are contingent upon group involvement and support. This analysis researches how certain cases of Marian apparitions transition from lone psychic experience into a social movement and seeks to expand upon existing movement success models.

A emergência do sistema olivícola no Estado do Rio Grande do Sul

Rodrigues, Rodrigo Maldonado January 2016 (has links)
As preocupações, desejos e necessidades dos consumidores à jusante tendem a guiar, cada vez mais, as iniciativas dos produtores à montante e esta é uma realidade também na agricultura, com a seleção de alimentos mais saudáveis, saborosos e com valor agregado por parte dos compradores, gerando um ambiente propício para produtos com estas características. O azeite extra virgem de oliva, cujas características se enquadram nos novos hábitos alimentares, vem assumindo uma posição de destaque entre os consumidores do mundo todo e não é diferente no Brasil. A despeito da pouca tradição na produção olivícola, o Brasil e em especial o Rio Grande do Sul, ao longo da última década tem iniciado uma produção concreta deste alimento, o qual vem chegando lentamente às gôndolas dos supermercados locais e nacionais gozando de uma reputação excelente. Diante, portanto, da possível emergência deste sistema de produção agrícola, da demanda potencial deste produto e da possibilidade de satisfazê-la por meio da produção local em contraposição às importações, entendeu-se que um estudo deste fenômeno recente e por conseguinte pouco analisado pode lançar as bases teóricas para a sua compreensão. Assim, teorias ligadas à governança foram utilizadas para a identificação da organização e coordenação do sistema. Para a análise dos elementos básicos do sistema, o referencial teórico utilizado foi o de sistemas complexos e para a compreensão da relação dos elementos básicos na formação de um sistema complexo, aplicou-se o ferramental da economia institucional evolucionária. Em função deste referencial teórico e da problemática a ser trabalhada, optou-se por um método reconhecidamente institucional com uma abordagem qualitativa, ou seja, um estudo de caso em modo exploratório, realizando entrevistas com participantes considerados chave no sistema e submetendo posteriormente os dados colhidos no campo aos dados secundários e ao referencial teórico. Os resultados encontrados apontam para um gradual florescimento da organização do sistema, com a coordenação não mercadológica do setor, entende-se governança, a cargo dos governos estadual e federal, mas não foram encontrados, até o momento, indícios de uma governança por parte da base, isto é, dos produtores. No que tange ao relacionamento dos elementos para a emergência do sistema, verificou-se que esta se dá por meio das trocas de informações constantes e transações que ocorrem entre os agentes e a economia local, influenciando uns aos outros em uma dinâmica base-topo e no sentido inverso, topo-base, quando o sistema reage às influências e inicia a estimular as estruturas de governança e infra-estrutura institucional. Nesta perspectiva, entende-se que os elementos do sistema que está efetivamente emergindo foram caracterizados, bem como sua relação com a economia local e que é imprescindível, para os participantes, que este sistema complexo seja entendido e tratado como tal, com intervenções adequadas, de modo que possa, desta forma, propiciar ganhos a todos os envolvidos. / Consumers concerns, desires and necessities in downstream tend to increasingly guide initiatives of producers in the upstream and this is a reality also in agriculture, with the selection of healthier, tastier, and with higher market value food, which generates a welcoming environment for products with such characteristics. Extra virgin olive oil, whose characteristics fit in the new dietary habits, has been assuming a highlighted position among consumers from the whole world, which is not different in Brazil. Despite having little tradition in olive cultivation, Brazil, especially the state of Rio Grande do Sul, has started since the last decade a solid production of this product, which has slowly reached national and international supermarkets’ shelves while receiving an excellent reputation. Therefore, with the possible emergence of this agricultural production system, and by the high demand of the product as well as the possibility of fulfilling this demand through local production instead of imports, we assume that a study about this recent, and consequently little studied, phenomenon can provide theoretical basis for its comprehension. Hence, governance theories were used to identify the system’s organization and coordination. In order to analyze basic elements of the system, the theoretical background used was that of complex systems; for the comprehension of the basic elements’ relation in the formation of a complex system, the apparatus of institutional-evolutionary economics was applied. Having in mind this theoretical background and the problem studied, we opted for a method acknowledgedly institutional with a qualitative approach i.e. an exploratory case study conducting interviews with participants considered as fundamental in the system, submitting afterwards the data collected in field to the secondary data and the theoretical background. The results obtained point to a gradual blooming of the system’s organization, with coordination not subjected to the market action of the sector, by which is understood governance, of Federal and State responsibility. However, until the moment evidences were not found of a governance of the base i.e. the producers. In reference to the relationship of the elements for the system’s emergence, it was verified that this occurs by means of constant information exchange and transactions that occur between the agents and the local economy. The agents and the local economy influence each other reciprocally in a bottom-up dynamics and in the reverse, topdown, when the system reacts to influences and begins to stimulate governance structures and institutional infrastructure. In this perspective, it is understood that the system’s elements that are effectively emerging were characterized, as well as their relation with local economy. It is crucial for the participants that this complex system can be understood and treated as so, with adequate interventions in a way that it can propitiate gains to all parts involved.

Virgin mega store headquarters (HK).

January 1997 (has links)
Hui Tsun Yin Daniel. / "Architecture Department, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Master of Architecture Programme 1996-97, design report." / INTRODUCTION - / PROJECT DESCRIPTION - / PROJECT ANALYSIS - / PROCESS - / FINAL DESIGN -

The Prince and the Priestess: Artistically Elevating Charles de Valois' Authority in Fifteenth-Century France

Dyer, Sarah James 01 March 2016 (has links)
Charles de Valois (1446-1472) was a prince in fifteenth-century France. During his short lifetime, Charles endeavored to gain more authority while in conflict with his brother Louis XI, who was king. Although a minor political character in French history, Charles did demonstrate his power in several artistic ways. One commission by the young royal was a manuscript now known as the Hours of Charles of France. Two pages of this text, the Annunciation to the Virgin, are decorated with rich imagery and iconography used to exhibit Charles' desire for greater authority. The manuscript has only been discussed stylistically, and therefore this thesis examines the content of these pages in terms of secular imagery, religious symbolism, and the prince's connection to the priestly Virgin Mary. These aspects all relate to Charles' display of authority. To fully understand Charles' propaganda, this thesis first examines secular imagery within the manuscript pages. The analysis of worldly symbols of power, such as knighthood, fashion, ornamentation, and architecture, present Charles' desire for greater wealth and power. In addition, this thesis discusses the Virgin Mary in connection with the prince's political imaging. By looking at religious imagery that supports Mary in her role as priestess, this thesis considers how Charles attaches himself to her heightened power. Through both secular and spiritual characteristics, Charles' authority was elevated during a period of political uncertainty and monarchical unrest.

British Virgin Islands Tourists' Motives to Travel, Destination Image, and Satisfaction

Augustine, Sherrine Natahsa 01 January 2017 (has links)
The turbulent events of the world have resulted in a decline in the number of travelers since 2011. Nevertheless, approximately one billion international tourists still travel annually.Tourist activity plays an important role in the global economic activity. The purpose of this correlational study was to examine if a relationship exists between destination images, push and pull motives to travel, and tourists' satisfaction. The target population consisted of noncitizen and nonresident tourists of the British Virgin Islands (BVI) between March 2017 and April 2017. Oliver's expectancy-disconfirmation theory that the individual will act in a particular way because the expectation that a certain outcome follows the act formed the theoretical framework for this study. Data were collected through a self-developed paper survey using existing Likert-scale questions based on prior research to measure the study variables. A convenience sample of 257 noncitizen and nonresident tourists of the BVI resulted in 247 participants with useable responses. Standard multiple regression analysis determined whether there was a relationship between destination image, push and pull motives to travel, and BVI tourists' satisfaction. The results indicated the 2 predictors, destination image and push and pull motives to travel, accounted for approximately 17% of the variation in tourist satisfaction (R2= .166, F(2,244)= 24.233, p<.001). Either destination image and push and pull motives to travelor both predictors had a significant relationship with tourist satisfaction. The implications for positive social change include employment opportunities through various tourism sectors and for the future development of tourism profitability and sustainability benefiting the local community.

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