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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Soroush Aramideh (8072786) 05 December 2019 (has links)
Understanding flow and transport in porous media is critical as it plays a central role in many biological, natural, and industrial processes. Such processes are not limited to one length or time scale; they occur over a wide span of scales from micron to Kilometers and microseconds to years. While field-scale simulation relies on a continuum description of the flow and transport, one must take into account transport processes occurring on much smaller scales. In doing so, pore-scale modeling is a powerful tool for shedding light on processes at small length and time scales.<br><br>In this work, we look into the multi-phase flow and transport through porous media at two different scales, namely pore- and Darcy scales. First, using direct numerical simulations, we study pore-scale Eulerian and Lagrangian statistics. We study the evolution of Lagrangian velocities for uniform injection of particles and numerically verify their relationship with the Eulerian velocity field. We show that for three porous media velocity, probability distributions change over a range of porosities from an exponential distribution to a Gaussian distribution. We thus model this behavior by using a power-exponential function and show that it can accurately represent the velocity distributions. Finally, using fully resolved velocity field and pore-geometry, we show that despite the randomness in the flow and pore space distributions, their two-point correlation functions decay extremely similarly.<br><br>Next, we extend our previous study to investigate the effect of viscoelastic fluids on particle dispersion, velocity distributions, and flow resistance in porous media. We show that long-term particle dispersion could not be modulated by using viscoelastic fluids in random porous media. However, flow resistance compared to the Newtonian case goes through three distinct regions depending on the strength of fluid elasticity. We also show that when elastic effects are strong, flow thickens and strongly fluctuates even in the absence of inertial forces.<br><br>Next, we focused our attention on flow and transport at the Darcy scale. In particular, we study a tertiary improved oil recovery technique called surfactant-polymer flooding. In this work, which has been done in collaboration with Purdue enhanced oil recovery lab, we aim at modeling coreflood experiments using 1D numerical simulations. To do so, we propose a framework in which various experiments need to be done to quantity surfactant phase behavior, polymer rheology, polymer effects on rock permeability, dispersion, and etc. Then, via a sensitivity study, we further reduce the parameter space of the problem to facilitate the model calibration process. Finally, we propose a multi-stage calibration algorithm in which two critically important parameters, namely peak pressure drop, and cumulative oil recovery factor, are matched with experimental data. To show the predictive capabilities of our framework, we numerically simulate two additional coreflood experiments and show good agreement with experimental data for both of our quantities of interest.<br><br>Lastly, we study the unstable displacement of non-aqueous phase liquids (e.g., oil) via a finite-size injection of surfactant-polymer slug in a 2-D domain with homogeneous and heterogeneous permeability fields. Unstable displacement could be detrimental to surfactant-polymer flood and thus is critically important to design it in a way that a piston-like displacement is achieved for maximum recovery. We study the effects of mobility ratio, finite-size length of surfactant-polymer slug, and heterogeneity on the effectiveness of such process by looking into recovery rate and breakthrough and removal times.


JULIANA VIANNA VALERIO 04 June 2007 (has links)
[pt] As informações sobre a sensibilidade da solução de um dado escoamento mediante a perturbações infinitesimais é importante para o seu completo entendimento. A análise de estabilidade de escoamentos pode ser utilizada na otimização de processos industriais. Na indústria de revestimento o controle da estabilidade é fundamental, uma vez que o escoamento na região de aplicação da camada de líquido sobre o substrato, de um modo geral, tem que ser laminar, bidimensional e em regime permanente. O objetive é determinar, dentro do espaço de parâmetros de operação, a região onde o escoamento é estável e conseqüêntemente a camada a ser revestida uniforme. Porém, por ser uma análise complexa, só é usada na indústria em estudos mais apurados. O sistema linear que descreve a estabilidade vai ser discretizado com o método de Galerkin / elementos finitos, dando origem a um problema de autovalor generalizado.Tanto para escoamentos com líquidos newtonianos como para escoamentos com líquidos viscoelásticos, uma das matrizes do problema de autovalor generalizado é singular e alguns autovalores se encontram no infinito. No escoamento com líquidos viscoelásticos parte do espectro é contínuo, aumentando o grau de dificuldade da análise numérica para encontrá-lo. Nesse trabalho, vamos apresentar um método baseado em transformações lineares tirando vantagem das estruturas matriciais e transformando-as em um problema de autovalor clássico com dimens são, pelo menos, três vezes menor que o original. O método elimina os autovalores infinitos do problema com um baixo custo computacional. A estabilidade de um escoamento de Couette unidimensional de líquido newtoniano é analisada como um primeiro exemplo. Depois, o início do estudo da estabilidade em um escoamento de Couette bidimensional e também um escoamento pistonado com o mesmo líquido. Generaliza-se o método para o escoamento de Couette de um líquido viscoelástico, os resultados para o escoamento de um líquido cujo comportamento mecânico é descrito pelo modelo de Maxwell são apresentados e comparados com a solução analítica de Gorodtsov & Leonov, 1967. A relação entre os autovetores do problema transformado e do original é apresentada. / [en] Steady state,two-dimensional flows may become unstable under two and three-dimensional disturbances, if the flow parameters exceed some critical values. In many practical situations, determining the parameters at which the flow becomes unstable is essential. The complete understanding of viscous and viscoelastic flows requires not only the steady state solution of the governing equations, but also its sensitivity to small perturbations. Linear stability analysis leads to a generalized eigenvalue problem, GEVP. Solving the GEVP is challenging, even for Newtonian liquids, because the incompressibility constraint creates singularities that lead to nonphysical eigenvalues at infinity. For viscoelastic flows, the difficulties are even higher because of the continuous spectrum of eigenmodes associated with differential constitutive equations. The complexity and high computational cost of solving the GEVP have probably discouraged the use of linear stability analysis of incompressible flows as a general engineering tool for design and optimization. The Couette flow of UCM liquids has been used as a classical problem to address some of the important issues related to stability analysis of viscoelastic flows. The spectrum consists of two discrete eigenvalues and a continuous segment of eigenvalues with real part equal to -1/We (We is the Weissenberg number). Most of the numerical approximation of the spectrum of viscoelastic Couette flow presented in the literature were obtained using spectral expansions. The eigenvalues close to the continuous part of the spectrum show very slow convergence. In this work, the linear stability of Couette flow of a Newtonian and UCM liquids were studied using finite element method, which makes it easier to extend the analysis to complex flows. A new procedure to eliminate the eigenvalues at infinity from the GEVP that come from differential equations is also proposed. The procedure takes advantage of the structure of the matrices involved and avoids the computational effort of common mapping techniques. With the proposed procedure, the GEVP is transformed into a smaller simple EVP, making the computations more effcient. Reducing the computational memory and time. The relation between the eigenvector from the original problem and the reduced one is also presented.

Slow Flow of Viscoelastic Fluids Through Fibrous Porous Media

Yip, Ronnie 12 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis reports on an experimental study of slow viscoelastic flow through models of fibrous porous media. The models were square arrays of parallel cylinders, with solid volume fractions or ‘solidities’ of 2.5%, 5.0%, and 10%. An initial study using a Newtonian fluid provided a baseline for comparison with results for two Boger fluids, so that the effects of fluid elasticity could be determined. Boger fluids are elastic fluids that have near constant viscosities and can be used in experiments without having to account for shear-thinning effects. The experimental approach involved measurements of pressure loss through the three arrays and interior velocity measurements using particle image velocimetry (PIV). For the Newtonian flows, pressure loss measurements were in good agreement with the analytical predictions of Sangani and Acrivos (1982). PIV measurements showed velocity profiles which were symmetrical and independent of flow rate. Pressure loss measurements for the Boger fluid flows revealed that the onset of elastic effects occurred at a Deborah number of approximately 0.5, for both fluids and the three arrays. Flow resistance data collapsed for the two Boger fluids, and increased with solidity. For all three models, the flow resistance increased monotonically with Deborah number, reaching values up to four times the Newtonian resistance for the 10% model. PIV measurements showed that the transverse velocity profiles for the Newtonian and Boger fluids were the same at Deborah numbers below the elastic onset. Above onset, the profiles became skewed. The skewness, like the flow resistance, was observed to increase with both Deborah number and solidity. In the wake regions between cylinders in a column, periodic flow structures formed in the spanwise direction. The structures were staggered from column to column, consistent with the skewing. As either Deborah number or solidity increased, the flow structures became increasingly three-dimensional, and the stagger became more symmetric. An analysis of fluid stresses reveals that the elastic flow resistance is attributed to additional normal stresses caused by shearing, and not by extension.

Slow Flow of Viscoelastic Fluids Through Fibrous Porous Media

Yip, Ronnie 12 January 2012 (has links)
This thesis reports on an experimental study of slow viscoelastic flow through models of fibrous porous media. The models were square arrays of parallel cylinders, with solid volume fractions or ‘solidities’ of 2.5%, 5.0%, and 10%. An initial study using a Newtonian fluid provided a baseline for comparison with results for two Boger fluids, so that the effects of fluid elasticity could be determined. Boger fluids are elastic fluids that have near constant viscosities and can be used in experiments without having to account for shear-thinning effects. The experimental approach involved measurements of pressure loss through the three arrays and interior velocity measurements using particle image velocimetry (PIV). For the Newtonian flows, pressure loss measurements were in good agreement with the analytical predictions of Sangani and Acrivos (1982). PIV measurements showed velocity profiles which were symmetrical and independent of flow rate. Pressure loss measurements for the Boger fluid flows revealed that the onset of elastic effects occurred at a Deborah number of approximately 0.5, for both fluids and the three arrays. Flow resistance data collapsed for the two Boger fluids, and increased with solidity. For all three models, the flow resistance increased monotonically with Deborah number, reaching values up to four times the Newtonian resistance for the 10% model. PIV measurements showed that the transverse velocity profiles for the Newtonian and Boger fluids were the same at Deborah numbers below the elastic onset. Above onset, the profiles became skewed. The skewness, like the flow resistance, was observed to increase with both Deborah number and solidity. In the wake regions between cylinders in a column, periodic flow structures formed in the spanwise direction. The structures were staggered from column to column, consistent with the skewing. As either Deborah number or solidity increased, the flow structures became increasingly three-dimensional, and the stagger became more symmetric. An analysis of fluid stresses reveals that the elastic flow resistance is attributed to additional normal stresses caused by shearing, and not by extension.

A Numerical Study of Droplet Dynamics in Viscoelastic Flows

Arun, Dalal Swapnil January 2016 (has links) (PDF)
The polymers are integral part of vast number of products used in day to day life due to their anomalous viscoelastic behaviour. The remarkable flow behaviour exhibited by the polymeric fluids including rod climbing, extrudate swell, tube-less siphon, viscoelastic jet, elastic recoil and sharkskin instability is attributed to the complex microstructures in the polymeric liquids that arise due to the interactions of long chain polymer molecules with each other and with the surrounding fluid particles. The significance of polymer in transportation, packaging, pharmaceutical, chemical, biomedical, textiles, food and polymer processing industries highlights the requirement to comprehend the complex rheology of polymeric fluids. First, we investigate the flow features exhibited by different shear thinning vis-coelastic fluids in rectangular cavities over a wide range of depth to width ratio. We have developed a viscoelastic flow solver in order to perform numerical simulations of highly elastic flow of viscoelastic fluids. In particular, we discuss the simulations of flows of constant viscosity Boger and shear thinning viscoelastic fluids in the complex flow problems using different constitutive equations. The effects of elasticity and inertia on the flow behaviour of two shear thinning vis-coelastic fluids modeled using Giesekus and linear PTT constitutive equations in rectangular cavities is studied. The size of the primary eddies and critical aspect ratio over which the corner eddies merge to yield a second primary eddy in deep cavities is discussed. We demonstrate that the flow in the shallow and deep cavities can be characterized using Weissenberg number, defined based on the shear rate, and Deborah number, specified based on the convective time scale, respectively. The study of flow in driven cavities is important in understanding of the mixing process during synthesis of blends and composites. Next, we study two phase polymeric flow in confined geometries. Nowadays, polymer processing industries prefer to develop newer polymer with the desired material properties mechanically by mixing and blending of different polymer components instead of chemically synthesizing fresh polymer. The microstructure of blends and emulsions following drop deformation, breakup and coalescence during mixing determines its macroscopic interfacial rheology. We developed a two phase viscoelastic flow solver using volume conserving sharp interface volume-of-fluid (VOF) method for studying the dynamics of single droplet subjected to the complex flow fields. We investigated the effects of drop and matrix viscoelasticity on the motion and deformation of a droplet suspended in a fully developed channel flow. The flow behaviour exhibited by Newtonian-Newtonian, viscoelastic-Newtonian, Newtonian-viscoelastic and viscoelastic-viscoelastic drop-matrix systems is presented. The difference in the drop dynamics due to presence of constant viscosity Boger fluid and shear thinning viscoelastic fluid is represented using FENE-CR and linear PTT constitutive equations, respectively. The presence of shear thinning viscoelastic fluid either in the drop or the matrix phase suppresses the drop deformation due to stronger influence of matrix viscoelasticity as compared to the drop elasticity. The shear thinning viscoelastic drop-matrix system further restricts the drop deformation and it displays non-monotonic de-formation. The constant viscosity Boger fluid droplet curbs the drop deformation and exhibits flow dynamics identical to the shear thinning viscoelastic droplet, thus indicating that the nature of the drop viscoelasticity has little influence on the flow behaviour. The matrix viscoelasticity due to Boger fluid increases drop deformation and displays non-monotonic deformation. The drop deformation is further enhanced in the case of Boger fluid in viscoelastic drop-matrix system. Interestingly, the pressure drop due to the presence of viscoelastic drop in a Newtonian matrix is lower than the single phase flow of Newtonian fluid. We also discuss the effects of inertia, surface tension, drop to matrix viscosity ratio and the drop size on these drop-matrix systems. Finally, we investigate the emulsion rheology by studying the motion of a droplet in the square lid driven cavity flow. The viscoelastic effects due to constant viscosity Boger fluid and shear thinning viscoelastic fluid are illustrated using FENECR and Giesekus rheological relations, respectively. The presence of viscoelasticity either in drop or matrix phase boosts the drop deformation with the drop viscoelasticity displaying intense deformation. The drop dynamics due to the droplet viscoelasticity is observed to be independent of the nature of vis-coelastic fluid. The shear thinning viscoelastic matrix has a stronger influence on the drop deformation and orientation compared to the Boger fluid matrix. The different blood components, cells and many materials of industrial importance are viscoelastic in nature. Thus, the present study has significant applications in medical diagnostics, drug delivery, manufacturing and processing industries, study of biological flows, pharmaceutical research and development of lab-on-chip devices.

Modelling the nonlinear dynamics of polymer solutions in complex flows

Omowunmi, Sunday Chima January 2011 (has links)
The flow of polymer solutions in the high Elasticity number, El, regime in complex geometries may lead to strong viscoelastic behaviour and eventually become unstable as the Weissenberg number, Wi, is increased beyond a critical level. So far, the success of numerical simulations in predicting the highly non-linear behaviour of polymer solutions in complex flows has been limited. In this thesis, selected constitutive models are evaluated under the high El flow regime in the cross-slot and contraction benchmark flows using a numerical technique based on the finite volume method. The numerical technique is implemented within the OpenFOAM framework and thoroughly validated in the benchmark flow. A modification to the FENE dumbbell model based on the non-affine deformation of polymer solutions is proposed, which enabled the prediction of some non-linear material functions and also enhanced numerical stability, allowing a higher Wi to be attained. Asymmetric flow instability in the cross-slot flow has been studied. Time-dependent stability diagrams were constructed based on Wi and the strain, ε, both of which govern the stretching of a polymer chain. In the contraction flow, elastic instability is simulated for the first time in this geometry. Substantial time-dependent asymmetric flow patterns were predicted as seen in experiments. The effect of the contraction ratio is investigated through a stability diagram. Three-dimensional finite element simulations were also carried out to study the effect of the aspect ratio in the contraction flow of a Phan-Thien-Tanner fluid. The simulations suggest that a lip vortex mechanism is a signature for the onset of strong viscoelastic behaviour.


[pt] O deslocamento de um líquido em um tubo capilar pela injeção de um gás ocorre em muitas situações, tais como na recuperação avançada de petróleo, no revestimento de conversores catalíticos e na moldagem assistida por injeção de gás. Geralmente o líquido deslocado é uma solução polimérica ou uma dispersão, que é não Newtoniana. Forças viscoelásticas alteram o balanço de forças em várias partes do escoamento e, conseqüentemente, alteram a eficiência do deslocamento, isto é, mudam a quantidade de líquido deixada na parede do capilar. Modelos de tais escoamentos devem se basear em teorias que levem em consideração o comportamento diferenciado de líquidos com microestrutura complexa, tanto no cisalhamento quanto na extensão. Além do mais, escoamentos de deslocamento envolvem uma superfície livre, e o domínio no qual as equações diferenciais são resolvidas é desconhecido a priori, fazendo parte da solução. Estas duas características tornam o problema extremamente complexo. Este problema foi estudado aqui tanto experimentalmente quanto teoricamente. Os experimentos consistiram da visualização do escoamento e medição da massa deslocada pela passagem de uma bolha de gás através de um tubo capilar preenchido por um líquido viscoelástico. Várias soluções de baixo peso molecular de Polietileno Glicol (PEG) e de alto peso molecular de Óxido de Polietileno (PEO) em água foram usadas a fim de avaliar os efeitos do comportamento viscoelástico no escoamento. As propriedades reológicas das soluções foram avaliadas tanto em cisalhamento quanto em extensão. Na análise teórica, o escoamento com superfície livre bidimensional próximo µa interface gás- líquido foi modelado usando três equações diferenciais constitutivas distintas que aproximam o comportamento viscoelástico de soluções poliméricas diluídas, as quais são os modelos Oldroyd-B, FENE-P e FENE-CR, juntamente com as equações de conservação de massa e de quantidade de movimento linear. O sistema de equações foi resolvido pelo Método dos Elementos Finitos. O sistema de equações algébricas não-lineares resultante foi resolvido pelo método de Newton. Os resultados mostram o efeito do caráter viscoelástico do líquido na forma da superfície livre e a espessura do filme líquido deixado na parede. / [en] Displacement of a liquid in a capillary tube by gas injection occurs in many situations, like enhanced oil recovery, coating of catalytic converters and gas-assisted injection molding. Generally the liquid being displaced is a polymeric solution or dispersion, which is not Newtonian. Viscoelastic forces alter the force balance in various parts of the flow and consequently change the amount of liquid left attached to the capillary wall. Models of such flows must rely on theories that can account for the different behavior of microstructured liquids in simple shear and extensional flow. Moreover, displacement flows involve a free surface, and the domain where the differential equations are posed is unknown a priori being part of the solution. These two characteristics make the problem extremely complex. This problem was analyzed here both by experiments and theory. The experiments consisted of flow visualization and measurement of mass displaced by a gas bubble in a capillary tube filled with a viscoelastic liquid. Various solutions of low molecular weight Polyethylene Glycol (PEG) and high molecular weight Polyethylene Oxide (PEO) in water were used in order to evaluate the effect of viscoelastic behavior on the flow. The rheological properties of the solutions were evaluated both in simple shear and predominantly extensional flows. In the theoretical analysis, the two- dimensional free surface flow near the gas-liquid interface was modelled using three different differential constitutive equations that approximate viscoelastic behavior of dilute polymer solutions, namely Oldroyd-B, FENE-P and FENE-CR, together with momentum and continuity equations. The equation system was solved with the Finite Element Method. The resulting non- linear system of algebraic equations was solved by Newton`s method. The results show the effect of the viscoelastic character of the liquid on the free surface shape and the film thickness attached to the capillary wall.

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