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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Toward [Re]generative Environmental Design

Oesch, H. Frederick 18 December 2000 (has links)
Even with all the knowledge and wisdom we can acquire, combined with the best of collective intentions, it will always be the case, that ultimately we have to balance what’s desirable with what’s possible. But what’s possible always proceeds us, like a carrot in front of our nose. Yet yesterday's dreams, could have been today’s reality... and perhaps todays dreams, can become real tomorrow. “Too often budget restrictions are used as the reason why good design is not possible, but the vernacular demonstrates over and over that fine, low-budget, small-scale design is possible if the designer [builder and inhabitant] cares.” [Wayne Attoe: The Architecture of Ricardo Legorreta] In this case, the project is a new rural family residence for a couple and their son, with an adjacent cottage for their aging parents. With a collective desire to design, build and live in the most ecologically responsible manner possible, the challenge is to integrate as many environmentally beneficial principles as logistics and budget constraints will allow. The result is a collaborative choreography of site, structure, materials selection, and sequence. The appropriate criteria by which a given structural system or material should be specified, is relative to the total system performance and longevity. Optimized performance is achieved through the correct interrelationship of elements, to maximize the greatest cumulative benefit. For example, the high embodied energy and pollution from the manufacture of extruded polystyrene [XPS] insulation is undesirable. However, because of its high R-value, moisture resistance, compressive strength, and dimensional stability, it is currently the best insulation available for below grade applications. Its use makes a living sod roof practical, which may have an enormous overall positive impact, but otherwise might not even be possible. "The most elegant design solutions... those that reduce complexity while solving multiple problems... won't be found by considering each item in isolation." [Alex Wilson and Nadav Malin: Environmental Building News, 10.95] In keeping with the principles and intentions cited earlier, the decision was made to build a [passive solar / straw bale and heavy timber / living roof] home. / Master of Architecture

Determinants of school success in disadvantaged environments

Mampuru, Marisane Edward 30 June 2003 (has links)
Learners in disadvantaged environments are less likely to do well at school. Yet some of the most successful schools operate in such environments. The purpose of this study was to establish the relative influence of various determinants of school success in disadvantaged environments. To this end literature study was done in two phases. The first resulted in a taxonomy of success factors, which was then used to guide the second in-depth phase. Thereafter an empirical study was done, involving qualitative field work at four successful schools in disadvantaged environments. Empirically it was discovered that there is no single most important success factor because all success factors are interrelated and interdependent. The over-arching success factor discovered in this study which was involvement of all stakeholders. / Education / M.Ed.

Prakties-teologiese teorie vir leierskap vanuit 'n kerkgroei perspektief

Basson, Gert Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die kerk, in sy bree gesien, is tans in 'n 'nie-groei-kultuur' vasgeval. Daar is by min gemeentes 'n opregte las vir verlorenes te bespeur. Leiers het 'n gemaksone van professionalisme en instandhouding betree waar die groei van gemeentes me hoog op hul agenda geplaas word nie. Hierdie instandhoudingsingesteldheid en derhalwe 'n uitsluitlik na-binne-gerigte bedieningsfilosofie, het grootliks tot geringe groei en soms ook agteruitgang bygedra. Die omvangryke veranderinge in die samelewing gaan nie deur die kerk vrygespring word nie. Vandag kan kerke nie meer vanselfsprekend op die tradisionele ondersteuning en lojaliteit van mense sowel as die samelewing aanspraak maak nie. Die kerk is in 'n groot mate uitgeskuif en geniet nie meer dieselfde kollig as in die verlede nie. Groot 'kerklike grondgebied' is reeds afgestaan. Leiers is deel, en gevolglik ook 'n produk, van die huidige kerklike situasie waar belangeloosheid ten opsigte van gemeentegroei dikwels 'n algemene verskynsel is. Vanwee strukture soos die herder-kudde-model, is lidmate vir jare buite bedieningsgeleenthede gehou. Die bediening was as die verantwoordelikheid van leiers beskou. Die rol van lidmate is tans besig om groot veranderinge te ondergaan, aangesien gewone lidmate toenemend in dienswerk opgeneem word. Vrae wat reeds gevra word, is: Wat gaan die unieke rol van leiers in die toekoms wees? Wie is vir groei-inisiatief verantwoordelik? Die probleem waarmee leiers tans te make het, is hul behendigheid om die uitdagings en eise van 'n nuwe kerklike paradigma te ontmoet, veral in 'n mondering wat vir 'n uitgaande paradigma bedoel is. Baie kritiek word teen opleidingsmodelle gerig, maar wesenlik is die probleem in 'n gevestigde "mind-set" gesetel. Groeiende gemeentes wereldwyd toon dat hul leiers 'n sleutelrol in die groeipotensiaal van die gemeente speel en leiers van hierdie gemeentes het die voortou geneem om nuwe moontlikhede en modelle van leierskap uit te stal. Daar sal totaal nuut oor leierskap gedink moet word indien ons die groei van gemeentes ten doel het. In hierdie navorsing word leierskaptendense in die algemeen, asook leierskaptendense spesifiek in groeiende gemeentes, ondersoek. 'n Teorie vir 'groei-leierskap' word dan hieruit ontwikkel en aangebied. / The church is not experiencing a lot of growth at the moment. A number of congregations have no urge to find the lost ones. Growth is not a priority, due to leaders maintaining instead of expanding the congregation. This philosophy to maintain resulted into an inward practice which contributed to little growth, more seriously even a decline in total membership. The numerous changes experienced by the community at large will also fall the church to victim. The church has lost support simply because of a total lack in the so-called traditional loyalty and support. The church is no more the focus as in the past, it has been side-lined. The church has already lost greatly. Church leaders, as such products of the present day situation in the church, have been part of this culture of non-interest in the growth of the congregation. The typical evangelistic model of shepherd and flock left the ordinary members of the congregation out in the cold. The ministry was the responsibility of the church leaders, however the role of the ordinary members of the congregation is changing as they too are becoming more involved in ministry. Questions such as the following come to the fore: What is the unique role of church leaders going to be in future? Who's going to be responsible for growth inisiatives in the church in future? The problem facing church leaders of the day, is their total lack to meet the challenges and demands. The new evangelistic paradigm especially calls for an outgoing approach. Criticism has been given against the training of leadership but most probably the problem lies within their established mind-set". Globally, congregations which are experiencing large growth, has proved their leaders to play a paramount role in exploiting their growth potential. Such leaders were in the forefront of new leadership exhibiting the same qualities. If the growth of the various congregations is of importance, then the whole issue around leadership will have to be adapted and renewed. This research contains leadership tendencies in general, as well as leadership tendencies in growing congregations. A theory for "growth-leadership" will be developed and presented from this. / Practical Theology / Th.D. (Practical theology)

Natural strange beatitudes : Geoffrey Hill's The Orchards of Syon, poetic oxymoron and post-secular poetics, and, An Atheist's Prayer-Book

Wooding, Jonathan January 2015 (has links)
Geoffrey Hill’s The Orchards of Syon (2002) occupies a contradictory position in twenty-first century poetry in being a major religious work in a post-religious age. Contemporary secular and atheistic insistence on the fundamentally crafted and flawed nature of religious faith has led Hill not to the abandoning of religious vision, but to a theologically disciplined approach to syntax, grammar and etymology. This dissertation examines Hill’s claim to a poetics of agnostic faith that mediate his alienation from a cynical and debased Anglophone contemporaneity. The oxymoronic nature of a faith co-existent with existential loss is the primary focus. The semantic distinction between paradox and poetic oxymoron is examined, and the agonistic and aporetic dimensions of the oxymoron are considered as affording theological significance. Poetic oxymoron as site of both foolish babbling and Pentecostal exuberance is made explicit, as is Hill’s relation to the oxymoronic nature of beatitudinous expression and the Kenotic Hymn. Hill’s reading of and relation to other theologically engaged poets is outlined. Thomas Hardy’s tragic-comic vision, Gerard Manley Hopkins’ restrained rapture in ‘The Windhover’, and T. S. Eliot’s expression of kenotic dissolution in ‘Marina’ are read as precursors to Hill’s revisionary God-language. William Empson’s significant difficulties with aspects of Hopkins’ and Eliot’s poetics is appraised as evidence of an oxymoronic and theological dimension within poetic ambiguity. Hill’s imperative to embody and enact theological vision and responsibility is tested in a reading of The Orchards of Syon. Paul Ricoeur’s perception of the religious significance of atheism is provocation for my own creative practice, as is the performative theology implicit in both Graham Shaw’s hermeneutic approach, and Hill’s visionary philology. Creative process draws on Simone Weil’s notion of decreation, the kenotic paradigm as exemplified in the life and writings of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, and the continuing secular vitality of the apostrophic lyric mode.

Vision Giftfri miljö : Hinder och utvecklingsmöjligheter för Sveriges fjärde miljökvalitetsmål / Vision of A Non Toxic Environment : Barriers and development opportunities for Sweden's fourth environmental quality goal

Broman, Emma, Johansson, Malin January 2016 (has links)
Denna uppsats syftar till att undersöka vilka problem och möjligheter Kemikalieinspektionens anställda upplever i arbetet medmiljömålet Giftfri miljö och dess delmål. Detta för att bättre förstå komplexiteten i miljömålsarbetet och vilka drivkrafter och barriärer som finns iarbetet. För att göra detta har fem respondenter från Kemikalieinspektionen genom ett strategiskt urval valts ut till kvalitativa semistruktureradeintervjuer som varade mellan ca 30-60 min i omfattning. Som komplement till dessa intervjuer har även fyra rapporter från Naturvårdsverketanalyserats. Dessa är: uppföljningsrapporterna från 2005, 2010, 2015 och den fördjupade utvärderingsrapporten för 2015. Detta med avgränsningtill de kapitel som behandlande Giftfri miljö och etappmålen. Materialet har sedan analyserats och tematiserats med inriktning på de problem ochmöjligheter som vi kunnat se. Resultatet av denna analys gav tillslut 9 teman som är: Giftfri miljö, Etappmålen för farliga ämnen, Samordning,Företagsansvar, Produktionsökning och diffusa produktinnehåll, Det komplexa Reach, Styrmedel, Skadliga ämnen i miljön, EU och EUkommissionen.Det största hindret för miljökvalitétsmålet Giftfri miljö, är att det egentligen inte alls är ett definierat mål utan snarare en vision,vilket alla våra respondenter förtydligade under intervjuerna. 2020 har aldrig vart en realistisk tidsram för att miljömålet ska kunna bli uppnått.Problematiken som vi ser det med att nå Giftfri miljö ligger i målets struktur. Efter denna studie ser vi i stället hur etappmålen kan fungera som ettsteg på vägen men att miljökvalitetsmålet är allt för orealistiskt och kanske istället borde formuleras om till en vision. / This paper aims to examine the problems and opportunities that the employees at The Swedish Chemicals Agency experience in theirwork with the environmental objective A Non- Toxic Environment. We want to get a better understanding of the complexity of the environmentalobjectives and the driving forces and barriers that exist in the workfield. To do this, five respondents from The Swedish Chemicals Agency wasselected through strategic selection and later interviewed through qualitative semi-structured interviews, which lasted between 30-60 minutes. As acomplement to these interviews four reports by the Environmental Protection Agency has also been analyzed. These are: annual monitoring reportsfrom 2005, 2010, 2015, and one the in-depth evaluation report from 2015. We have limited ourselves to the chapters about toxic environment andits environmental objective milestones. The material has then been analyzed and thematized with a focus on the problems and opportunities thatwe have seen through analyze. The result of this analysis eventually gave 9 themes: The environmental objective Non-toxic environment, Theenvironmental objective milestones for harmful substances, Coordination, Company responsibility, Production increase and diffuse productcontent, The complex REACH, Policy instruments, Harmful substances in the environment, and EU and the European Commission. The biggestobstacle to the objective of non-toxic environment is that it is not really a defined goal but rather a vision, which all of our respondents expressedduring the interviews. 2020 has never been a realistic time frame for this quality objective Non-toxic environment. The problem as we see it has todo with the structure of the environmental quality objective in question. By this we mean that none of the respondents actually see theenvironmental objective as anything that can be achieved. After this study we can see how the environmental objective milestones can serve as astepping stone, but that the environmental quality objective is unrealistic and should instead be made into a vision.

Nikάw as an over-arching motif in Revelation

Kim, Dong Yoon January 2009 (has links)
This study has attempted to show the overarching significance of the conquering motif in relation to discourse dynamics of the entire book of Revelation and the significance of salvific history for its syntagmatic understanding. Based on language-in-use as a whole between the model author and the model audience, syntagmatic analysis (i.e., SVU analysis) and associative analysis (i.e., sign-intertextual reading) are eclectically and concertedly utilized by means of sampling analysis. Utilizing this integrative method, the findings are as follows: (1) the interwoven network of the prologue (Rev 1:1-8) programmatically provides the paradigmatic reading strategy for understanding the key paraenetic motif in the rest of the book against the background of salvific history; (2) by summarizing the churches’ earthly prophetic roles – withdrawal and witness through martyrdom – in terms of conquering, the model author alerts his audience to the military significance of their daily actions or choices in their ordinary earthly lives through visionary communication; (3) just as the prologue preliminarily guides, the ever-forward-moving historical framework serves as an incentive device for the paraenetic-imperative in Rev 2-3 and 4-22.

Conceptual expression and depictive opacity: Changing attitudes towards architectural drawings between 1960 and 1990

Kim, Hoyoung 07 January 2016 (has links)
This dissertation is a study of a remarkable change that came about in the kind of drawings that architects used to present their work between the decades of 1960 and 1990. Drawings in this period, visually rich and compositionally complex, seemed to mark an entirely new sensibility towards their function; their goal seemed to be not so much to clearly depict the forms of a proposed building, but to instead focus on its conceptual aspects. In fact, in several cases, drawings seemed to be treated as graphic projects in their own right, over and above the work they presented. This trend was accompanied by two other developments. Around the same time, there was a sudden increase in theoretical interest in drawings within the architectural community leading to a flurry of published articles, essays and books on the topic. And all this happened to coincide with the time that the Postmodern movement came to dominate architecture. The study aims to understand the relationship between these trends, and to develop a better understanding of the reasons for these changes to have occurred. It does so by, first, developing a theoretical framework to help understand the nature and impact of the changes in drawings. Next, it presents a detailed historical account of these changes. This is followed by an in-depth study of a single architect, James Stirling, to show how the new types of drawings were not simply a means to present ideas, but played a formative role in design as well. Apart from developing a contextualized historical account of an important development in contemporary architectural history, the study also finds that the change in the drawing practice and the theoretical interests were not simply an outcome of Postmodern cultural theory of the period, but were instigated by concerns that arose from within architecture itself. It thus offers a useful case-study on how changes in disciplinary practice are brought about.

Determinants of school success in disadvantaged environments

Mampuru, Marisane Edward 30 June 2003 (has links)
Learners in disadvantaged environments are less likely to do well at school. Yet some of the most successful schools operate in such environments. The purpose of this study was to establish the relative influence of various determinants of school success in disadvantaged environments. To this end literature study was done in two phases. The first resulted in a taxonomy of success factors, which was then used to guide the second in-depth phase. Thereafter an empirical study was done, involving qualitative field work at four successful schools in disadvantaged environments. Empirically it was discovered that there is no single most important success factor because all success factors are interrelated and interdependent. The over-arching success factor discovered in this study which was involvement of all stakeholders. / Education / M.Ed.

Prakties-teologiese teorie vir leierskap vanuit 'n kerkgroei perspektief

Basson, Gert Johannes 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die kerk, in sy bree gesien, is tans in 'n 'nie-groei-kultuur' vasgeval. Daar is by min gemeentes 'n opregte las vir verlorenes te bespeur. Leiers het 'n gemaksone van professionalisme en instandhouding betree waar die groei van gemeentes me hoog op hul agenda geplaas word nie. Hierdie instandhoudingsingesteldheid en derhalwe 'n uitsluitlik na-binne-gerigte bedieningsfilosofie, het grootliks tot geringe groei en soms ook agteruitgang bygedra. Die omvangryke veranderinge in die samelewing gaan nie deur die kerk vrygespring word nie. Vandag kan kerke nie meer vanselfsprekend op die tradisionele ondersteuning en lojaliteit van mense sowel as die samelewing aanspraak maak nie. Die kerk is in 'n groot mate uitgeskuif en geniet nie meer dieselfde kollig as in die verlede nie. Groot 'kerklike grondgebied' is reeds afgestaan. Leiers is deel, en gevolglik ook 'n produk, van die huidige kerklike situasie waar belangeloosheid ten opsigte van gemeentegroei dikwels 'n algemene verskynsel is. Vanwee strukture soos die herder-kudde-model, is lidmate vir jare buite bedieningsgeleenthede gehou. Die bediening was as die verantwoordelikheid van leiers beskou. Die rol van lidmate is tans besig om groot veranderinge te ondergaan, aangesien gewone lidmate toenemend in dienswerk opgeneem word. Vrae wat reeds gevra word, is: Wat gaan die unieke rol van leiers in die toekoms wees? Wie is vir groei-inisiatief verantwoordelik? Die probleem waarmee leiers tans te make het, is hul behendigheid om die uitdagings en eise van 'n nuwe kerklike paradigma te ontmoet, veral in 'n mondering wat vir 'n uitgaande paradigma bedoel is. Baie kritiek word teen opleidingsmodelle gerig, maar wesenlik is die probleem in 'n gevestigde "mind-set" gesetel. Groeiende gemeentes wereldwyd toon dat hul leiers 'n sleutelrol in die groeipotensiaal van die gemeente speel en leiers van hierdie gemeentes het die voortou geneem om nuwe moontlikhede en modelle van leierskap uit te stal. Daar sal totaal nuut oor leierskap gedink moet word indien ons die groei van gemeentes ten doel het. In hierdie navorsing word leierskaptendense in die algemeen, asook leierskaptendense spesifiek in groeiende gemeentes, ondersoek. 'n Teorie vir 'groei-leierskap' word dan hieruit ontwikkel en aangebied. / The church is not experiencing a lot of growth at the moment. A number of congregations have no urge to find the lost ones. Growth is not a priority, due to leaders maintaining instead of expanding the congregation. This philosophy to maintain resulted into an inward practice which contributed to little growth, more seriously even a decline in total membership. The numerous changes experienced by the community at large will also fall the church to victim. The church has lost support simply because of a total lack in the so-called traditional loyalty and support. The church is no more the focus as in the past, it has been side-lined. The church has already lost greatly. Church leaders, as such products of the present day situation in the church, have been part of this culture of non-interest in the growth of the congregation. The typical evangelistic model of shepherd and flock left the ordinary members of the congregation out in the cold. The ministry was the responsibility of the church leaders, however the role of the ordinary members of the congregation is changing as they too are becoming more involved in ministry. Questions such as the following come to the fore: What is the unique role of church leaders going to be in future? Who's going to be responsible for growth inisiatives in the church in future? The problem facing church leaders of the day, is their total lack to meet the challenges and demands. The new evangelistic paradigm especially calls for an outgoing approach. Criticism has been given against the training of leadership but most probably the problem lies within their established mind-set". Globally, congregations which are experiencing large growth, has proved their leaders to play a paramount role in exploiting their growth potential. Such leaders were in the forefront of new leadership exhibiting the same qualities. If the growth of the various congregations is of importance, then the whole issue around leadership will have to be adapted and renewed. This research contains leadership tendencies in general, as well as leadership tendencies in growing congregations. A theory for "growth-leadership" will be developed and presented from this. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / Th.D. (Practical theology)


Ribeiro, Luiz Felipe Coimbra 16 March 2005 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-08-03T12:18:46Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Capa.pdf: 17992 bytes, checksum: 3c71ef92a3a9b10e9f9ed1102745b9ee (MD5) Previous issue date: 2005-03-16 / Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico / The proposal of the dissertation is an interchange between the New Cultural History and the Search for the Historical Jesus. The problems presented to the contemporary historiography by the Postmodernity, the question of subjectivity in the epistemological processes of historic construction and the recognition of the complexity of social actions, ask for a methodology that would find a way out of the dualism rationalism- irrationalism, the opposition between positivists approaches and the refusal to interpret historic objects. The project presents the Italian Microhistory as a solution to these Chimeras. Thus, the question for Jesus of Nazareth wont be initiated by theoretical schemes such as the permanent structures of the Mediterranean, the so called common Judaism , or the ethos of Lower Galilee but by the intensive, detailed observation of a significant microphenomenon of Jesus life, his symbolic demonstration at the Temple (Mk 11:15-19 and parallels). The microanalysis will skillfully multiply the symbolic action s causal relations and from them infer Jesus religious outlines and his relationship towards the Great Spiritual Center, Herod s Sanctuary. The variation between the macroscopic and microscopic observation scales will also be fundamental to the construction of plausible images of Jesus. Inferences on the cultural and religious context of Galilee will be experimented from Jesus micro-action the understanding that individuals are, in one way or another, representatives of whole historical periods and cultural layers won t be taken for granted. This project hypothesizes that Jesus demonstration at the Temple, far from being an attempt of purification, was the actualization of a mythic structure centered on Jeremiah 7 (a mitopraxis) guided by an archaic imaginary that pictures heaven as a temple. This imaginary was abundant in the literary images of apocalypticism and in the incipient mysticism that will lead to Hekhalot literature. As a final experiment, it will be proposed a connection between Jesus heaven-temple imaginary and his alleged visionary experiences of heavenly ascent. / A dissertação tem como proposta um intercâmbio entre a Nova História Cultural e a Pesquisa pelo Jesus Histórico. Os problemas colocados à historiografia atual pela pósmodernidade, a questão da subjetividade nos processos epistemológicos de construção histórica e a necessidade de reconhecimento da complexidade das ações sociais, pedem por uma metodologia que encontre uma saída à contraposição entre racionalismo e irracionalismo, entre o positivismo e a recusa em interpretar os objetos históricos. O projeto propõe a Micro- história italiana como tentativa de superar estas quimeras. A busca pelo Jesus de Nazaré funcionará assim não a partir de esquemas teóricos ge rais as estruturas permanentes do Mediterrâneo, o common judaism , ou o ethos da Baixa Galiléia mas pelo estudo fino, detalhado de um microfenômeno bastante representativo de Jesus, a sua demonstração simbólica no Templo narrada em Mc 11:15-19 e paralelos. A microanálise tratará de controlar a multiplicação da grande teia de relações causais da ação simbólica em Jerusalém e inferirá a partir delas que tipo de religioso foi Jesus e como se relacionou ao grande centro religioso do Santuário de Herodes. A variação entre as escalas microscópicas e macroscópicas de observação será também fundamental na construção das imagens plausíveis de Jesus. Inferências sobre o contexto cultural e religioso da Galiléia também serão experimentadas a partir da microação analisada o corolário de que os indivíduos são, de uma forma ou de outra, representativos de períodos históricos e de estratos culturais será levado bastante a sério. A hipótese do presente trabalho é a de que a demonstração de Jesus no Templo, longe de uma tentativa de purificação, fora a atualização de um estrutura mítica centrada em Jeremias 7 (uma mitopráxis) orientada pelo imaginário plurissecular do céu-templo, abundante nas imagens literárias da apocalíptica e no misticismo incipiente que culminará na literatura Hekhalot. Como experimento final, propor-se-á uma conexão entre supostas experiências visionárias de ascensão aos céus de Jesus de Nazaré e o seu imaginário do céu-templo.

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