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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Non-adiabatic capillary tubes in high efficiency household refrigerator: an experimental study

Bardoulet, Laëtitia Véronique 21 November 2018 (has links)
El tubo capilar con intercambio de calor líquido-succión (CT-LSHX) es un componente ampliamente utilizado en refrigeradores domésticos. Trabajos recientes han indicado que la entrada del tubo capilar era bifásica, aunque condiciones subenfriadas estaban medidas a la salida del condensador. El objetivo de esta tesis doctoral es examinar las condiciones reales a la entrada del tubo capilar de un refrigerador doméstico mediante el uso de un banco de pruebas innovador. Se instalaron tubos transparentes a la salida del condensador y a la entrada del tubo capilar con el fin de visualizar el flujo. La campaña de visualización experimental revela que el flujo a la entrada del tubo capilar era bifásico a pesar de la medición de un cierto subenfriamiento, independientemente de la posición del filtro instalado a la entrada del capilar (horizontal o vertical), la dirección del flujo (hacia arriba o hacia abajo) y la carga de refrigerante. Este estudio demuestra también que el filtro no estaba actuando como un acumulador ya que el nivel de líquido del capilar siempre siguió la entrada del tubo capilar, independientemente de la longitud del tubo capilar dentro del filtro. Se plantearon dos hipótesis para explicar el fenómeno: una condición de no equilibrio del refrigerante y/o un desequilibrio entre el caudal másico del compresor y del capilar, es decir, el sistema estaría equipado con un capilar no bastante restrictivo en comparación con las necesidades del compresor. El condensador original refrigerante-aire fue reemplazado por un condensador refrigerante-agua para evaluar, a partir del balance de calor en el condensador de agua, las condiciones del refrigerante a la salida del condensador y, por lo tanto, a la entrada del tubo capilar. Las mediciones indican un flujo bifásico no equilibrado compuesto de vapor y líquido subenfriados a la entrada del tubo capilar. Para verificar si la presencia de flujo bifásico se debía a un desequilibrio entre el caudal másico del compresor y del capilar, el diseño del banco de prueba se modificó utilizando un diámetro de tubo capilar más pequeño y aumentando la velocidad del compresor. Con esta nueva configuración, se alcanzó a llenar de líquido el filtro y, por lo tanto, tener condiciones exclusivamente líquidas a la entrada del tubo capilar. Se realizó una comparación de prestaciones entre un flujo bifásico y un flujo únicamente líquido a la entrada del capilar. Los resultados revelan que el COP fue mayor cuando la entrada del capilar era sólo líquida. / El tub capil·lar amb intercanvi de calor líquid-succió (CT-LSHX) és un component àmpliament utilitzat en refrigeradors domèstics. Treballs recents han indicat que l'entrada del tub capil·lar era bifàsica, encara que condicions sub-refredades estaven mesurades a l'eixida del condensador. L'objectiu d'aquesta tesi doctoral és examinar les condicions reals a l'entrada del tub capil·lar d'un refrigerador domèstic mitjançant l'ús d'un banc de proves innovador. Es van instal·lar tubs transparents a l'eixida del condensador i a l'entrada del tub capil·lar amb la finalitat de visualitzar el flux. La campanya de visualització experimental revela que el flux a l'entrada del tub capil·lar era bifàsic malgrat el mesurament d'un cert sub-refredament, independentment de la posició del filtre instal·lat a l'entrada del capil·lar (horitzontal o vertical), la direcció del flux (cap amunt o cap avall) i la càrrega de refrigerant. Aquest estudi demostra també que el filtre no estava actuant com un acumulador ja que el nivell de líquid del capil·lar sempre va seguir l'entrada del tub capil·lar, independentment de la longitud del tub capil·lar dins del filtre. Es van plantejar dues hipòtesis per a explicar el fenomen: una condició de no equilibri del refrigerant i/o un desequilibri entre el cabal màssic del compressor i del capil·lar, és a dir, el sistema estaria equipat amb un capil·lar no bastant restrictiu en comparació amb les necessitats del compressor. El condensador original refrigerant-aire va ser reemplaçat per un condensador refrigerant-aigua per a avaluar, a partir del balanç de calor en el condensador d'aigua, les condicions del refrigerant a l'eixida del condensador i, per tant, a l'entrada del tub capil·lar. Els mesuraments indiquen un flux bifàsic no equilibrat compost de vapor i líquid sub-refredats a l'entrada del tub capil·lar. Per a verificar si la presència de flux bifàsic es devia a un desequilibri entre el cabal màssic del compressor i del capil·lar, el disseny del banc de prova es va modificar utilitzant un diàmetre de tub capil·lar més xicotet i augmentant la velocitat del compressor. Amb aquesta nova configuració, es va aconseguir omplir de líquid el filtre i, per tant, tindre condicions exclusivament líquides a l'entrada del tub capil·lar. Es va realitzar una comparació de prestacions entre un flux bifàsic i un flux únicament líquid a l'entrada del capil·lar. Els resultats revelen que el COP va ser major quan l'entrada del capil·lar era només líquida. / Capillary tube with liquid-to-suction heat exchanger (CT-LSHX) is a component widely used in household refrigerators. Recent works have indicated that even when measuring subcooled conditions at the condenser outlet, the actual capillary tube inlet is two phase-flow. The aim of this PhD thesis is to examine the actual conditions at the capillary tube inlet of a household refrigerator by using an innovative test bench. Transparent tubes were set up at the condenser outlet and capillary tube inlet. The experimental visualisation campaign reveals that the capillary tube inlet was two-phase flow despite the measurement of a certain subcooling, regardless of the filter position (horizontal or vertical), flow direction (upward or downward) and refrigerant charge. This study also demonstrates that the filter was not acting as an accumulator since the liquid level of the capillary always followed the capillary tube entrance, regardless of the capillary tube length inside the filter. Two hypotheses were then posed to explain the phenomenon: a non-equilibrium condition of the refrigerant and/or an unbalanced matching between compressor and capillary tube, that is, the system would be equipped with a capillary tube with a notably large expansion capacity compared to the needs of the compressor. The original refrigerant-to-air condenser was replaced by a refrigerant-to-water condenser to assess, from the heat balance at the water condenser, the refrigerant conditions at the condenser outlet and therefore, at the capillary tube inlet. Measurements indicate a non-equilibrium two-phase flow composed of subcooled vapour and liquid at the capillary tube inlet. To verify if the presence of two-phase flow was due to unbalanced matching between the capillary tube and compressor, the test bench design was modified by using a smaller capillary tube diameter and increasing compressor speed. Fully liquid conditions at the capillary tube inlet were reached with this new configuration. A performance analysis comparison between a capillary tube inlet composed of vapour and liquid and a capillary tube inlet composed of only liquid was also performed. Results reveal that COP were higher in cases of fully liquid conditions at the capillary tube inlet. / Bardoulet, LV. (2018). Non-adiabatic capillary tubes in high efficiency household refrigerator: an experimental study [Tesis doctoral no publicada]. Universitat Politècnica de València. https://doi.org/10.4995/Thesis/10251/113170 / TESIS

Point of View : The Impact of Background Conditions on Distinguishability of Visualised Data in Detailed Virtual Environments

Larsson, Clara January 2021 (has links)
Data visualisation in a virtual environment (VE) opens up new ways of presenting data and makes it possible for the observer to explore data in an immersive way. However, it also comes with a number of challenges. One of these challenges is data distinguishability. The data needs to be distinguishable against the background, but in a VE where the user can move around and observe the data from different perspectives, the backdrop will be constantly changing. This thesis studies this challenge and contributes knowledge to current research about data visualisation in VEs. The research question When in a detailed virtual environment, what impact does the varying background have on distinguishability of visualised data? is answered using a digital self -completion questionnaire and four hypotheses.  The data were not able to clearly determine if one of the colourmap used (YellowRed, Rainbow) was overall more effective than the other one. However, the rainbow colourmap did have marginally better results and was chosen by more participants as their preferred colourmap. The results did show that a larger number of participants disagreed that the light background made the data easier to distinguish in comparison to a dark backdrop. The results showed that more participants found it easier to see the data when seen from above than when from below. The two colourmaps were not equally effective regarding how well they could show both the VE and the data: The results indicating that the YellowRed colourmap was better at showing the details of the VE but not as good at distinguishing the data, whilst the Rainbow colourmap had the reverse results being better at distinguishing the data but less effective at showing the background.  The thesis concludes that it has fulfilled its goal of establishing a starting point for further studies, further studies that, according to the author, is woefully needed.

Webová aplikace pro systém detekce rizikových situací na železničním přejezdu / Web application for the detection system of risk situations at the railway crossing

Bachorec, Jan January 2021 (has links)
The thesis deals with the complete design, development and implementation of the server solution and graphical user interface for an autonomous system for detecting risk situations at a railway crossing. The server solution consists of a server service and a database. The .NET Core platform was used to develop the server service and its purpose is to perform the collection, processing and storage of information about risky traffic situations recorded by the camera modules. The service uses a Cassandra cluster database for secure data storage, and the database schema was designed with a focus on high performance. The own user interface is implemented with a web application built on Razor Pages technology. This application presents recorded traffic incidents to the user, using its own REST API service as a data source. REST API implements all logical operations on the data in the database.

Saisir l’économie par le(s) sens: Une approche critique et sorcière de la visualisation de données économiques par le design

Sabatier, Fabrice 15 November 2021 (has links) (PDF)
La recherche interroge, par la création de projets de design et par une thèse écrite, le rôle et le pouvoir de la visualisation de données dans l’approche des problématiques économiques. Dans cette étude critique et théorique, je me demande d’abord en quoi les visualisations de données qui construisent des accès aux informations et aux questionnements économiques façonnent des représentations et des comportements singuliers. Je fais l’hypothèse que les « technologies intellectuelles » (Goody) qui rendent visibles ces données – les diagrammes, les réseaux, les cartes – ont construit depuis le début du XIXe siècle, une vision particulièrement étroite, désincarnée et dépolitisante de l’économie. Cependant, le design dispose de moyens favorisant, dans certaines conditions, la réappropriation des sujets économiques par les non-expert·e·s. Il s’agit alors de comprendre, en étudiant l’évolution de ses méthodes, la nature du régime contemporain de visualisation des phénomènes économiques, que je qualifie de néolibéral, et d’explorer ensuite les espaces d’intervention du design où des alternatives peuvent se déployer.Dans un second temps, au-delà de décrire, de comprendre ou de faire comprendre des phénomènes économiques, il m’a semblé que le rôle du design dans la visualisation de données était d’opérer des actes de « saisie » : saisir les données et les phénomènes, sur le plan cognitif, pour les comprendre ; mais aussi saisir les phénomènes économiques, dans leur sens, leur signification et leur raison d’être, le sens de l’économie et les objectifs qu’elle poursuit ; enfin, saisir par les sens, sur le plan sensoriel et sensible, en nous rappelant qu’au-delà de l’œil et de la vue, c’est le corps tout entier qui peut opérer la saisie. Ne parvenant pas à saisir l’économie, en me concentrant sur la performance cognitive ou communicationnelle des visualisations de données, l’hypothèse d’une « emprise sorcière » (Stengers et Pignarre), s’est alors imposée comme un terrain d’expérimentation fécond et comme une clé de lecture précieuse pour positionner, dans mon travail, l’imagination, les corps, les sens, les représentations mentales en tant qu’éléments essentiels pour penser l’économie. La magie qui habite nos rapports à l’économie m’oriente d’abord vers le pouvoir de rendre visible l’invisible, que détiennent les visualisations de données, et m’amène à questionner leur puissance liée à leur nature d’image. J’esquisse ensuite, avec la magie des liens (Bruno), une théorie de la visualisation comme pouvoir de relier et introduit la méthode des microcosmogrammes. Enfin, avec la sorcellerie, c’est la capacité à rendre tangible l’impalpable qui est examinée et confrontée au concept de désorcèlement (Favret-Saada), d’où j’extrais des principes méthodologiques et un questionnement sur la figure de la ou du designer-désorceleur. / Through the creation of design projects and a written thesis, the research questions the role and power of data visualisation in the approach to economic issues. In this critical and theoretical study, I first wonder how data visualisations that construct access to economic information and issues, shape specific representations and behaviours. I hypothesise that the 'intellectual technologies' (Goody) that make these data visible – charts, diagrams, networks, maps – have built a particularly narrow, disembodied and depoliticising view of the economy since the early nineteenth century. However, under certain conditions, design has the means to encourage the reappropriation of economic subjects by non-experts. I try to understand, by studying the evolution of its methods, the nature of the contemporary regime of visualisation of economic phenomena, which I describe as neoliberal. I then explore the design spaces where alternatives can be deployed.Secondly, beyond describing, understanding or making economic phenomena understood, it seemed to me that the role of design in data visualisation was to allow to grasp: to grasp data and phenomena, on a cognitive level, in order to understand them; but also to grasp economic phenomena, in their meaning, their significance and their raison d'être, the meaning of the economy and the objectives it pursues; finally, to grasp through the senses, on a sensory and sensitive level, reminding us that beyond the eye and the sight, it is the whole body that can carry out the grasping. As I was unable to grasp the economy by focusing on the cognitive or communicative performance of data visualisations, the hypothesis of a 'sorcerer's capture' (Stengers and Pignarre), became a fertile field of experimentation and as a precious key to understanding. It has allowed to position, in my work, imagination, bodies, senses and mental representations as essential elements for thinking about the economy. Firstly, with the magic that inhabits our relationship to the economy, I focus on the power of data visualisations to make the invisible visible, and then I question their power linked to their nature as images. Then, with the magical bondings (Bruno), I sketch a theory of visualisation as a power to bind and introduce the method of microcosmograms. Finally, with witchcraft, it is the capacity to touch the impalpable that is examined and confronted with the concept of unbewitching (Favret-Saada), from which I extract methodological principles and a questioning of the figure of the designer-unbewitcher. / Doctorat en Art et Sciences de l'Art / info:eu-repo/semantics/nonPublished

Pomník hasičů / Firefighters' Memorial

Krhánek, Adam Unknown Date (has links)
Figural sculpture and 3d real-time visualisation.

A Relation/Topic-Based Visualisation to Aid Exploratory Search in Large Collections / A Relation/Topic-Based Visualisation to Aid Exploratory Search in Large Collections

Herrmannová, Drahomíra January 2012 (has links)
This MSc Thesis was performed during a special practice at The Open University, Milton Keynes, UK. In recent years a number of new approaches for visualising and browsing document collections have been developed. These approaches try to address the problems associated with the growing amounts of content available and the changing patterns in the way people interact with information. Users now demand better support for exploring document collections to discover connections, compare and contrast information. Although visual search interfaces have the potential to improve the user experience in exploring document collections compared to textual search interfaces, they have not yet become as popular among users. The reasons for this range from the design of such visual interfaces to the way these interfaces are implemented and used. This work studies these reasons and determines the factors that contribute to an improved visual browsing experience. Consequently, by taking these factors into account, a novel visual search interface that improves exploratory search and the discovery of document relations is designed, implemented and evaluated.

An interaction Continuum for 3D Dataset Visualization / Un continuum d'interaction pour la visualisation de données 3D

Besançon, Lonni 14 December 2017 (has links)
Un nombre croissant de paradigmes d'interaction et de dispositifs ont été développés et étudiés pour les manipulations 3D.Ce développement bénéficie, en particulier, aux domaines scientifiques tels que la visualisation qui s'appuie sur la manipulation de données 3D.De nombreuses études ont démontré les avantages de chacun d'entre eux pour des tâches spécifiques liées à la visualisation. Pourtant, les interfaces utilisateur graphiques classiques ainsi que la souris et les claviers prédominent toujours dans la plupart des environnements interactifs: de tels environnements sont toujours utiles pour des tâches spécifiques et parce qu'ils sont facilement disponibles et accessibles par rapport aux nouveaux paradigmes d'interaction et aux dispositifs innovants. Contrairement à l'approche habituelle qui consiste à créer ou étudier un nouveau paradigme, une nouvelle technique ou un nouveau dispositif d'interaction, les travaux présentés dans cette thèse ouvrent la voie à un continuum d'interaction: la possibilité de passer d'un paradigme d'interaction à l'autre et de combiner deux ou plusieurs paradigmes d'interaction pour en tirer profit. Pour atteindre cet objectif, nous prenons plusieurs mesures. Tout d'abord, en se basant sur l'observation que la souris et le clavier, l'interaction tactile et l'interaction tangible sont maintenant des normes ou se rapprochent d'être des paradigmes d'interaction standard pour les cas d'utilisation occasionnelle ou spécifique, cette thèse étudie et compare leurs avantages et limites inhérents aux manipulations 3D.Sur la base de ce travail, nous créons ensuite un paradigme d'interaction hybride tactile et tangible. Basé sur les besoins de la visualisation scientifique pour la mécanique des fluides, nous mettons en œuvre des techniques spécifiques d'interaction exploratrice 3D avec le paradigme hybride et les évaluons avec des experts du domaine. La mise en œuvre prototypique de ce paradigme hybride est une tablette tactile capable de quantifier ses propres mouvements (rotations et translations). Sur la base des retours d'expérience des experts du domaine, une telle combinaison est plus flexible que l'état de l'art et permet des manipulations 3D précises. Avec le potentiel de ce paradigme hybride, nous abordons ensuite la tâche complexe de la sélection des sous-ensembles 3D ---une étape initiale majeure pour la compréhension des données. Alors que la sélection de sous-ensembles 3D est généralement effectuée avec une entrée 2D initiale étendue ultérieurement par la machine, notre combinaison d'interactions tactiles et tangibles permet aux utilisateurs d'avoir une technique de sélection entièrement manuelle avec la même tablette: un lasso 2D peut être dessiné avec une entrée tactile qui peut ensuite être étendue en 3D lors du déplacement de la tablette. Non seulement cette combinaison comble-t-elle un vide dans la taxonomie des techniques de sélection de sous-ensembles 3D, mais est, qui plus est, plus précise que les solutions partiellement automatisées, quoique plus lentes. Enfin, en nous appuyant sur l'observation selon laquelle une interaction tangible avec un dispositif localement couplé pourrait nécessiter des ajustements de facteur de gain, nous proposons d'utiliser un aspect spécifique de l'interaction tactile, la détection de pression, pour contrôler les facteurs de gain des manipulations tangibles. Les travaux présentés dans cette thèse démontrent donc le potentiel d'un continuum d'interaction pour la visualisation en proposant des paradigmes d'interaction hybrides dans une configuration facile à maintenir, facile à intégrer et abordable. Il fournit les premières étapes nécessaires pour un continuum d'interaction qui, espérons-le, inspirera la création de plus de techniques d'interaction hybrides pour l'interaction de données 3D. / An increasing number of interaction paradigms and devices are being developed and studied for 3D manipulations. This development benefits, in particular, scientific domains such as visualization which rely on manipulation of 3D data. Numerous studies have proven the benefits of each one of them for specific tasks involved in visualization. Yet, classical graphical user interfaces as well as mouse and keyboards still prevail in most interactive settings: such environments are still useful for specific tasks and because they are readily available and accessible when compared to innovative interaction paradigms and devices. In contrast to the usual approach to create or study a new interaction paradigm, technique, or device, the work presented in this thesis paves the way towards an interaction continuum: the possibility to transition between and combine two or more interaction paradigms to benefit from their inherent advantages. To achieve this goal we take several steps. First, building on the observation that mouse and keyboard, tactile interaction and tangible interaction are now standards or are getting close to being standard interaction paradigms for casual or specific use cases, this thesis studies and compares their inherent advantages and limitations for 3D manipulations. Based on this work, we then create a hybrid tactile/tangible interaction paradigm. Based on the needs of scientific visualization for fluid dynamics, we implement specific 3D explorative interaction techniques with the hybrid paradigm and evaluate them with domain experts. The prototypical implementation of this hybrid paradigm is a tactile-enabled and spatially-aware tablet. Based on the feedback from domain experts, such a combination is more flexible than the state of the art and still facilitates precise 3D manipulations. With the potential of this hybrid paradigm, we then tackle the complex task of 3D subsets selection---a major initial step for data understanding. While 3D subset selection is usually conducted with an initial 2D input later extended by the machine, our combination of tactile and tangible interaction allows users to have a fully manual selection technique with the same spatially-aware tablet: a 2D lasso can be drawn with tactile input which can then be extended into 3D when moving the tablet. Not only does this combination fill in an empty space in the taxonomy of 3D subset selection techniques, but we also found it to be more precise than partially-automated solutions---albeit being slower. Finally, building on the observation that tangible interaction with a locally-coupled device might need gain factor adjustments, we propose to use a specific aspect of tactile interaction, pressure-sensing, to control the gain factors of tangible manipulations. The work presented in this thesis thus demonstrates the potential of an interaction continuum for visualization by proposing hybrid interaction paradigms in an easy-to-maintain, easy-to-integrate, and affordable setup. It provides the necessary initial steps for an interaction continuum that will hopefully inspire the creation of more hybrid interaction techniques for 3D data interaction.

VAMPIR: Visualization and Analysis of MPI Resources

Nagel, Wolfgang E., Arnold, Alfred, Weber, Michael, Hoppe, Hans-Christian, Solchenbach, Karl 04 February 2010 (has links)
Performance analysis most often is based on the detailed knowledge of program behavior. One option to get this information is tracing. Based on the research tool PARvis, the visualization environment VAMPIR was developed at KFA which now supports the new message passing standard MPI. VAMPIR translates a given trace file into a variety of graphical views, e.g., state diagrams, activity charts, time-line displays, and statistics. Moreover, it supports an animation mode that can help to locate performance bottlenecks, and it provides flexible filter operations to reduce the amount of information displayed. The most interesting part of VAMPIR is the powerful zooming feature that allows to identify problems at any level of detail.

Dreidimensionale Darstellung und Kombination multimodaler Bilddaten in der Neurochirurgie

Meyer, Tobias, Podlesek, Dino, Kuß, Julia, Uhlemann, Falk, Leimert, Mario, Simank, Marita, Steinmeier, Ralf, Schackert, Gabriele, Morgenstern, Ute, Kirsch, Matthias 11 October 2008 (has links)
In der Neurochirurgie werden für die prä-, intra- und postoperative medizinische Bildgebung dreidimensionale Daten unterschiedlicher Modalitäten überlagert, segmentiert und visualisiert. Durch die Verknüpfung der multimodalen Daten erhofft man einen Informationsgewinn für Diagnose und Therapie. Dabei wird großer Wert auf die intuitive Handhabbarkeit und Verständlichkeit der Software gelegt. In einem neu entwickelten 3-D-Planungssystem wird insbesondere die Erfassung komplexer räumlicher Strukturen und die neurochirurgische Operationsplanung durch aktuelle 3-D-Interaktions- und Visualisierungstechnologien vereinfacht. Das Anwendungsspektrum des Systems wird durch die Entwicklung spezieller Algorithmen kontinuierlich erweitert, z. B. der automatischen Segmentierung und elastischen Registrierung von multimodalen Bilddaten, und kann somit an neue klinische Fragestellungen angepasst werden. / In neurosurgery, three-dimensional data from different modalities are registered, segmented and visualised for pre-, intraand post-operative medical imaging. A combination of the multimodal data sets provides additional information for the analyses of anatomic and functional correlations and for surgical planning. For routine use, it is important to design a software application that is simple and intuitive to use. A neurosurgical operation planning system is realised in combination with novel 3D-interaction and visualisation technologies. The development of additional functions, such as automatic segmentation and elastic registration, enhances the usability of the systems to approach further clinical objectives.

Visual Models of Business Ecologies : The Role of Business Ecology Visualisations as Boundary Objects / Affärsekologivisualiseringar : Affärsekologiers Roll som Gränsöverbryggande Objekt

Johansson, Henrik, Hubertsson, Oscar January 2020 (has links)
Within the area of Digitisation and Management at Linköping University, a focus is the interconnectivity of management and IT. This can be manifest in a multitude of different ways, such as exploring the consequences of digitisation, transferal of information between individuals and the strategic application of management control theory in organisations where the use of IT plays a significant role. This thesis, Visual Models of Business Ecologies – The role of business ecology visualisations as boundary objects, is written by Oscar Hubertsson and Henrik Johansson. It is presented as our master’s thesis in Digitisation and Management at the Department of Management and Engineering, Linköping University. It delves into the application of a business ecology perspective, a technique within strategy and management control to define the relevant organisation, and how visualisations of the understanding gained through this technique can be used to facilitate discussions, understanding and joint problem solving. To gain a firmer understanding of this phenomena this thesis is used to explore how individuals discuss, solve problems, and gain firmer understanding through the lens of boundary objects, representations of knowledge used as instrumentalities to cross boundaries of knowledge that appear between different groups. This thesis aims to make contributions to management control theory by exploring the replicable applicability of a business ecology perspective, the resulting visualisations of any gained understanding and how these visualisations can be used as boundary objects.

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