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Automatisering av markbedömning för nya kraftledningar med GIS : Metodutveckling med MKA / Automated land use suitability assessment for power lines in GIS : Method Development with MCABondesson, Anton, Wessman, Lisa January 2022 (has links)
The Swedish power grid is facing challenging times to cope with the transition to green renewable energy and to ensure safe and sustainable transportation through the country. The need to upkeep with maintenance and reconstruction as well as construction of new power lines requires planning and overhead power lines require extensive areas of safe zones below the power lines. In the planning stage of these streaks there are multiple areas of interest that require careful consideration and therefore evaluations of the area of interest are necessary.This bachelor thesis aims to develop a prototype for an automated tool in the initial suite selection of possible streaks for new power lines. The project is done in collaboration with NEKTAB who want to investigate the potential of developing their own tool for standardized evaluations of suite selections and to reduce workload. By utilizing multicriteria analysis (MCA) and geographical information systems (GIS), two software packages are used and compared, i.e. FME and ArcGIS Pro. Prototypes are developed from a reference project Eon is working on alongside NEKTAB. A sophisticated weighting system to evaluate areas of interest against each other is designed using the weighing method SWING and MCA-method weighted linear combination (WLC). The two prototypes from the software are compared through grid comparisons and by utilizing a predefined classification. The results show limited differences between the software though greater disparity when it comes to stability and the capability to manage larger amounts of data.The conclusions of the development and comparisons of the software and results show that both are capable in managing large amounts of data and accomplish the task, though the stability and functions are better within FME thus being more suitable for further optimization. Further development is required as the prototypes still do not manage all the requested features. Further developments are also required with the weighing system to meet expectations on a larger scale with more local and national areas of interest. / Det svenska elnätet står inför en enorm utmaning för att klara omställningen till grön energi och för att säkert transportera elen genom landet. Många kraftledningar är i behov av underhåll, ombyggnad och nybyggnation och när de gäller nybyggnation kräver luftledningar breda ledningsgator som tar stora arealer i anspråk. Det finns dock ett stort antal intressen som riskerar hamna i konflikt med etablering av kraftledningar och därför krävs en undersökning av aktuella markområden.Detta examensarbete syftar till att ta fram prototyper på automatiserade verktyg för ett första urval av möjliga etableringsområden. Arbetet utförs tillsammans med företaget NEKTAB som vill undersöka förutsättningarna för att utveckla ett eget verktyg för att standardisera urvalet och korta ned arbetstiden, detta genomförs med multikriterieanalys (MKA) och geografiska informationssystem (GIS). I arbetet med att ta fram automatiska modeller har två programvaror jämförts, ArcGIS Pro och FME, utifrån ett referensprojekt med Eon. För att uppnå detta har en viktningsmodell tagits fram som implementeras med MKA metoden weitghted linear combination (WLC). De två prototyperna jämförs genom celljämförelser utifrån en definierad klassning, framtagen utifrån referensprojektet och resultatet av jämförelsen visar på små skillnader mellan FME och ArcGIS Pro, men större skillnader i programmens stabilitet och hur de hanterar större datamängder.Slutsatser som dras är att både FME och ArcGIS Pro är användbara kandidater för ett generaliserat och utvecklat verktyg men att stabiliteten är bättre hos FME och därför mer lämplig att använda. Fortsatt arbete kommer krävas i den fortsatta utvecklingen av prototyperna tillsammans med en vidareutveckling av viktningen för att säkerställa att denna fungerar på större skala, med fler lokala och nationella intresseområden.
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Identification of Suitable Areas for Offshore Macroalgae CultivationNunes da Silva Ramos, Filipe José January 2016 (has links)
Research in sustainable macroalgae aquaculture has been gaining hype (e.g. Seafarm) to provide advancements in new significant sources of food, feed, materials and bio-energy. Despite the fact that in Asia the offshore production of macroalgae is established for many decades, in Europe is still in its infancy. The issue on where to find suitable cultivation areas without conflicting with current uses to respect the environment and the socio-economic activities is a great challenge. This Master of Science thesis aimed to find suitable offshore areas in order to facilitate implementations of macroalgae cultivations in the Swedish West Coast. Thirteen criteria in environmental, economic and social sustainability aspects were identified and employed (e.g. Depth, Distance to Ports, and Natural and Preserved areas (NPAs)), and the tools Geographic Information Systems (GIS) and Multi-criteria Analysis (MCA) were used in the form of GIS-MCDA, an integrated method available in Idrisi. To aggregate the criteria, Boolean and Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) techniques were applied. The results showed that Boolean areas cover 537 km2 (6,98% of the study area). The best suitable areas, possessing the maximum suitability index 10, that resulted from two WLC models comprise 5 km2 (0,07% of the study area) and 26 km2 (0,34% of the study area) including and excluding the criterion NPAs as constraint, respectively. The results further indicated that GIS-MCDA models excelled in providing an overview for effective spatial decision-making. Both techniques play a role in suitability analysis and complement each other in finding an optimal site which could be carefully selected out of the identified areas. It is recommended that areas with a suitability index 10 be chosen inside Boolean suitable areas. Moreover, this study could act as a driving force to build a resilient planning framework that would boost sustainable placement and development of offshore macroalgae cultivations.
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An Agent-based Order Review And Release System In Make-to-order ProductionAktug, Onur 01 December 2004 (has links) (PDF)
Workload control (WLC) systems constitute a framework mainly for the inputoutput control systems which regulate both jobs&rsquo / queues into the workshop and the flow of finished goods out of the workshop. This study is concerned with the job entry and release level of WLC which maintains a pool of unreleased jobs for the controlled release of jobs. While most of the studies in WLC concepts deal with the centralized workload control, our study decentralizes the job entry and release control and makes workstations more powerful in schedule decision making. Job&rsquo / s information is sent to the workstations by mediator which is the supervisor of the workstation. Both mediator and work stations are represented by agents in a distributed system. Jobs&rsquo / routing information is assumed to be known in advance. The developed system is verified and validated by means of test runs. Results are analyzed as well.
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