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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Junge Menschen in einer sich ändernden afrikanischen Gesellschaft: eine Fallstudie über die presbyterianische Jugendarbeit und die Akan von Südghana

Knispel, Martin 31 July 2005 (has links)
Text in German / This doctoral thesis deals with the changes the youth grapple with in Southern Ghana today. These changes permeate all fabrics of society, from the traditional society with its values to the modern society that is undergoing radical social changes. The First Part presents to the reader the traditional Akan Society. It points out how it has assisted young people to get into the world of the adult. It gives an insight into the traditional religions, the rites and practices associated with them and their relation to young people. The Second Part deals with the History of the Presbyterian Youth Work from its inception to the present day. The Presbyterian Church of Ghana was set up in the early 20th Century from the toils of the Basel Mission and the United Free Church of Scotland. This new Christian way of life brought a clash between two world views: the traditional African Religion (ATR) and the Christian Religion that brought about, so to say, farreaching consequences to the culture and the development of the country. Part three focuses attention on the present changes in the Ghanaian Society. It shows the effects of migration and the economic conditions on the Ghanaian Society at the turn of the 21st Century especially for young people. Part four sums up the findings and discusses them on the basis of two leading concepts: Contextualization and Identity. I evaluated a contextualization project of a church parish in southern Ghana. Here are, in my opinion, the first signs that could show the way into the future, i.e. a way of preaching the Gospel within the context of the traditional mindset of the local people by taking into account the Ghanaian Culture and with due regard to the feelings of the youth. / Christian Spirituality, Church History and Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Refleksief-teologiese besinning oor kerklike onderrig aan adolessente

Voges, Johannes Hendrik 11 1900 (has links)
Summaries in Afrikaans and English / Text in Afrikaans / Hierdie proefskrif is die resultaat van kwalitatiewe navorsing oor bestaande en veronderstelde teoriee en praktyke in die kerklike onderrig van die Ned. Geref. Kerk aan adolessente. 'n Teologies-refleksiewe benadering is gevolg waaruit die oortuiging na vore gekom het, dat antwoorde vir effektiewe kerklike onderrig gesoek moet word in die proses van vernuwing (agogie) wat binne elke geloofsgemeenskap plaasvind; 'n proses wat lei tot 'n bedieningsmodel wat uniek vir daardie geloofsgemeenskap is. Die vernuwingsproses sal veral in die sinode, kerkrade en gemeentes se verstaan en toepassing van kerklike onderrig moet plaasvind. Hierdie vernuwing sal uiteindelik binne die konteks van die plaaslike gemeente moet realiseer, maar dan as 'n vernuwing wat meer is as hoe die praktyk moet verander om by die teorie van die status quo aan te pas, dit sou net die status quo tot ideologie verhef. Netso min beteken vernuwing dat dit wat in praktyk werk tot norm verhef kan word, ongeag die veronderstelde teoriee of metodes daaragter, dit sou die gevaar loop van ongeoorloofde pragmatisme. Ook mag verandering en vernuwing nie met mekaar verwar word nie, want nie alle veranderinge wat aangebring word, het noodwendig enige vernuwing tot gevolg nie. In die vernuwingsproses gaan dit nie oor die greep wat die kerk op jongmense moet kry nie, maar om hulle die kans te gun om hul eie geloofsvisie in hul gemeente te ontdek; daarom vra dit 'n gedifferensieerde onderrig benadering, vanwee die differensiasie gedurende adolessensie; die kerk moet leer om die taal te praat wat in die daaglikse werklikheid van adolessente sin maak en hulle die ruimte gun om hul ervarings en vrae te kan leer verwoord in die taal van godsdiens. In die kerk se onderrig aan adolessente is geloofskommunikasie en geloofsbelewing soms belangriker as die deurgee van geloofskennis. Die ontwikkel ingsprosesse tydens adolessensie, hul geloofsvorming en die kerk- 1 ike onderrig wat hulle ontvang, bepaal grootliks hul uiteindelike geloofsvolwassenheid en spiritualiteit. Ten einde die kerk se verantwoordelikheid teenoor adolessente na te kom, sal kerklike onderrig binne die konteks van adolessensie verstaan moet word in terme van die kognitiewe, affektiewe en konatiewe ontwikkeling en behoeftes van adolessente, soos wat dit binne hul leef- en portuurgroepkonteks voorkom. / This thesis is the result of a qualitative research on theories and practices which are followed or assumed to be followed in the religious education of the Dutch Reformed Church. The research was done by means of a theological reflective approach. The study concludes that the solution for effective teaching by the church lies within the process of renewal (and change) within each congregation; a process that leads to a model of ministry that will be unique to that congregation. This process of renewal must take place in the understanding and practice of church education by the synod, church councils and congregations. Ultimately this takes place within the context of the local church. But then as a renewal that should be more than just another way to change the praxis to accommodate the status quo, for this would transform the status quo into an ideology. Renewal is likewise not a quest to sanctify that which seems to work, irrepective of the theories and methods which are implicated, this would lead to an illegal pragmatism. Nor should renewal be confused with change, for not all changes necessarily causes any renewal per se. An important aspect in this process of renewal, is not the grip that the church has on its youth, but the chance(s) they are given to discover their own religious convictions in their congregation; this needs a differentiated education approach because of the differentiation during adolescence; the church will have to learn to speak in a language which make sense in their daily reality and to give them the chance to express their own experiences and questions in the language of religion. This means that the church will have to understand their context of lifestyle and peergoup influences and accordingly address the cognitive, affective and conative aspects of religious education. In the church religious education to adolescents, communicating and experiencing religion is sometimes more important than the knowledge they should obtain. The developmental processes of adolescents, the shaping of their convictions of faith and the teaching of the church strongly influences their ultimate religious maturity and spirituality. / Philosophy, Practical and Systematic Theology / D. Th. (Praktiese Teologie)

Transitional difficulties among foster youth: A look at social support and attachment

Brady, Ashley Megan, Dotter, Kyra Kristine 01 January 2007 (has links)
The purpose of this study is to examine the level of social support in a sample of foster youth nearing emancipation. Additionally this study seeks to examine if a relationship between social support and anxious and/or avoidant attachment styles can be observed.

The involvement of faith based organizations with sexually abused adolescent females in the Paarl community

Thirion, Melanie 08 1900 (has links)
This research explores reasons why congregations in Paarl community are not involved, as faith based organizations (FBO's), with the support of female adolescent victims of sexual abuse. The researcher conducts a literature review concerning the developmental phase of adolescence and issues regarding sexuality that emerge from this phase. The researcher discusses the nature and effects of sexual abuse and statistics regarding this abuse. Different church leaderships' statements regarding the prevalence of sexual abuse are also viewed. Based on the literature study, empirical research is conducted to explore why congregations in Paarl are not involved as FBO's with the support of adolescent female victims of sexual abuse. The researcher uses basic individual interviews with several leaders of congregations in Paarl to gather the data needed. Lastly, the data is analyzed and discussed. Based on this discussion, the researcher offers some guidelines for congregations to become more involved as FBO's with adolescent female victims of sexual abuse. / Social Work / M.Diac.(Direction: Youth Work)

Geloofsgebaseerde organisasies en werkloosheid: 'n empiriese ondersoek binne die Paarl-Wellington-gemeenskap

Cloete, Anita Louisa 30 November 2007 (has links)
The central focus of this study is the role of the church as a faith-based organisation in dealing with unemployment. Following an introductory chapter in which the research methodology and modus operandi are being explained, Chapter 2 is devoted to a discussion, in the light of recent literature, of the concept of unemployment and the effect of unemployment on the individual, the family and society. In Chapter 3 the discussion focuses on the involvement of faith-based organisations in addressing unemployment as part of social development. In Chapter 4 the empirical survey, conducted by means of semi structured interviews with church leaders in the Paarl-Wellington-area, is described. The interpreted results are discussed in Chapter 5 according to main themes, sub themes and categories. A literature control is carried out simultaneously. Based upon the literature study and the findings of the empirical survey, certain conclusions are drawn and recommendations are made in chapter 6. These recommendations are specifically aimed at activating the church in the form of local congregations to get actively involved in dealing with unemployment in their environment and community. / Social Work / D.Diac. (Youth Work)

Transformative Jugenarbeit: eine Emperisch-theologische Untersuchung zu Boschs "Mission in creative tension" im Kontext einer Evangelischen Jugendarbeit in Solingen gendarbeit in Soligen / Transformative youth work: an empirical-theological study on Bosch's "mission in creative tension" in the context of Protestant youith work in Solingen

Arzt, Wolfgang 11 1900 (has links)
The objective of this research study is the examination of the ideas about youth work found within the leadership team for the youth work of the Evangelical St. Reinoldi Chapel, Rupelrath. It investigates the way in which the team leaders' subjective understanding of youth work is affected by theological tensions, following David Bosch's approach “Mission in Creative Tension”. Following the Empirical-Theological Praxis Cycle, a qualitative analysis is carried out within the context of the youth leadership team of the Evangelical youth work. Data collection is undertaken in the form of a group workshop, data analysis in accordance with Grounded Theory. The results are utilised in order to develop a Dialogical Model for Transformative Youth Work as well as guiding principles for youth work with a missiological foundation. This study also aims to contribute to the development of a missiological rationale for youth work. / Philosophy & Systematic Theology

Die implikasies van Pierre Babin se boek The new era in religious communication vir 'n kontemporêre jeugbedieningsmodel

Roux, Anton 11 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Die Jeugbediening binne die Nederduitse Gereforrneerde Kerk verkeer tans in 'n stroomversnelling, en roep om vemuwing en verandering. Onderliggend aan bierdie krisis wat ontstaan het, le die tydsgees van die postmodemisme. Laasgenoemde het 'n beslissende invloed op die wyse waarop die jongmense vandag die evangelie hoor en leer. Dit het ook 'n deurslaggewende invloed op geloofskommunikasie. Pierre Babin beredeneer in sy boek The New Era in Religious Communication vyf konsepte wat lig werp op die nuwe era wat aangebreek het in geloofskommunikasie en spreek daarrnee die krisis in hierdie nuwe era bevredigend aan. Hy benadruk die volgende hoofkonsepte, naamlik: • Die verskuiwing van die Gutenberg-era na die Oudiovisuele era • Die impak van die elektroniese media op geloof • Die weg van skoonheid • Die simboliese weg • Stereo-kategese. Die skrywer is van mening dat die hoofkonsepte, soos uitgewerk deur Babin, die basis le vir 'n effektiewe, kontemporere jeugbedieningsmodel vir die Suid-Afrikaanse konteks. / The ministering of the gospel to the youth within the Dutch Reformed Church finds itself in a rapid at present and is calling for rejuvenation and change. Underlying to this crisis, is the spirit of the times known as Post Modernism. The latter has a decisive influence on the way the youth of today hear and learn the gospel. It also has a conclusive impact on communicating religion. Pierre Babin argued in his book The New Era in Religious Communication five concepts which cast light on the new era which has arrived in the communication of religion. These address the crisis of the new era effectively. He emphasizes the following main concepts: • The shift from the Gutenberg era to the audiovisual era • The impact of the electronic era on faith • The way of beauty • The symbolic way • Stereo catechesis. The author is of the opinion that these concepts, as formulated by Babin, pave the way for an effective, contemporary model for ministering the gospel to the youth within the South African context. / Practical Theology / M. Diac. (Youth work)

Teologiese elemente van lofprysings en aanbidding in kontemporêre jeugbediening

Taljaard, Dirk Cornelis 12 1900 (has links)
Text in Afrikaans / Lofprysing en aanbidding, wat die kern behoort le vorm van elke erediens, omdat God sentraal staan daarin, en wat ook die middelpunt van die erediens van die !ewe behoort le wees, omdat dit die reaksie van dankbaarheid op God se goedheid is, word in die Gereformeerde tradisie heel dik els met groot skeptisisme bejeen. Deels gebeur dit omdat die begrippe "lofprysing" en "aanbidding" dalk nog nie duidelik gedefinieer is nie en daar dikwels baie subjektiewe betekenis daaraan gegee word. Dis 'n groat jammerte omdat dit baie van die vreugde, die hartlikheid en die warmte van byeenkomste van die geloofsgemeenskap ontneem. Verder het dit tot gevolg dat sommige lid mate - en veral jongmense - hulle heil elders gaan soek, waar hulle behoeftes aangespreek word. Aangesien hierdie 'n studie is wat fokus op die Skriftuurlike en teologiese begronding van lofprysing en aanbidding, asook die behoeftes van jongmense, word aandag geskenk aan belangrike tendense wat 'n invloed uitoefen op hulle behoeftes, voor- en afkeure en algemene lewensuitkyk. Sake wat aan die orde kom is onder andere kultuur - met verwysing na subkulture en pop-kultuur - die sogenaamde Generasieteoriee en spiritualiteitstipes. Laastens word aanbevelings gemaak oor hoe gemeentes en kerke, met in agneming van veral die behoeftes van jongmense, lofprysing en aanbidding op 'n Skriftuurlike en teologiese verantwoorde wyse kan beplan en aanbied, terwyl jongmense in die proses bemagtig word om mede-verantwoordelikheid daarvoor te aanvaar. / Praise and worship, central to every church service, as a grateful response to God's goodness and mercy, is frequently met with scepticism within the Reformed tradition. This is, partly, due to different definitions, resulting in a variety of subjective interpretations. It deprives the faith community of the joy and warmth expected to be experienced at gatherings. It furthermore results in youth having to seek alternative pastures for their specific needs. This research focuses on the Scriptural and theological foundation of praise and worship, as well as the needs of the youth, relevant trends influencing their needs, their preferences and dislikes as well as their attitude towards life in general. Aspects such as culture and the so called Generational theories and types of spirituality will come under scrutiny. Lastly recommendations are made for planning and presentation of Scriptural sound praise and worship, whilst, at the same time, empowering them to take joint responsibility. / Philosophy, Practical & Systematic Theology / M. Diac. (Jeugwerk)

Discerning an African missional ecclesiology in dialogue with two uniting youth movements

Nel, Reginald Wilfred 02 1900 (has links)
Churches are confronted with the reality of younger, mobile generations challenging existing understandings of church and witness. They seem to live according to a different (postcolonial) script. This study probes the question as to how these churches are to understand and respond meaningfully, but also missiologically, to these transformations. Coming as a missiologist from a particular ecclesiological, theological, cultural background, I had two rationales for this study, namely to review the current theories we have about church and mission, i.e., missiological ecclesiology, and in order to do this, we need to craft a sensitive and creative dialogue, in the form of a missiological methodology with younger people. I address these rationales, guided by a research question: How can I design a creative dialogue with younger generations, to pick up the impulses, in order to discern a Southern African missional ecclesiology. Working with the metaphor of ―remixing‖, this discernment process started off where I engaged my own embeddedness. These were the older ―samples‖ to work with, in order to produce something new and in tune with the sensibilities, the ―soul‖ of newer communities. I then attempt to understand the current social transformations that younger generations are responding to. Through this, I want to design a methodology for a creative dialogue with these youth movements on the basis of an intersubjective epistemology. Using this methodology, I could develop a thick description from the dialogue with the two uniting youth movements. Lastly, I present the engagement (remixing) between these rich new impulses with the old (the existing), in carving out an appropriate missional ecclesiology for the audiences I‘ve been with. Starting with an outdated and colonial gereformeerde missionary ecclesiology, but then also the anti-colonial ecclesiologies and a postmodern (predominantly Western) emerging missionary ecclesiology, I discern a particular postcolonial African ecclesiology, which I call a Southern African missional ecclesiology. Instead of exclusion, I propose remixing church in terms of five dimensions as social network, spiritual home, mobile community, movement in the Holy Spirit and as story. These can serve as a map to guide Southern African congregations in their dialogue with younger generations. / Christian Spirituality, Church History & Missiology / D. Th. (Missiology)

Church teaching and the views of youth on sexual practices : a study amongst Anglican youth of the Cape Town diocese aged 12-19

Mash, Rachel 12 1900 (has links)
Thesis (M. Th.)--University of Stellenbosch, 2006. / ENGLISH ABSTRACT: This research aims to establish if church-going young people adhere to the principle of ‘no sex before marriage’, or if there are competing ‘voices’ and pressures that young people succumb to. Are they practising risky sexual behaviour, with multiple partners, using no protection or experiencing sexual violence? We conducted a survey in order to understand the gravity of the challenge, and to identify ways in which the Anglican Church might become more effective in dealing with issues of sexuality among young people. The field research was undertaken between October 2004 and January 2005 and involved a detailed questionnaire survey (with 1,306 responses analysed), and three different focus group discussions. Respondents were between 12 and 19 years of age, both male and female, and demographically representative of the Anglican Church of Cape Town Diocese. It is hoped that the results of this survey will be informative for church leaders and those involved in ministry with young people. Our research reveals that church-going young people are not excluded from the risks faced by others in society. Of the respondents 30.5% have had sex (40% Male and 21% Female; Black 44%, White 26% and Coloured 30%). This is irrespective of geographical location (32% Rural and 30% Urban). Young people are practising vaginal, oral and anal sex or any combination. During their first sexual experience, only 35% used contraceptives. Ninety percent of their first partners are friends or schoolmates and when it came to venue, 75% had sex at home or at their partner’s place. Casual sex was common and 33% of those who have had sex have been with four or more sexual partners. Sexual violence also occurred as 6% of the respondents were forced to have sex (Black 7.1%, White 6.5% and Coloured 5.4%). Of this coerced group, 12% have themselves demanded sex from somebody else. There is thus a gap between the Church’s traditional teaching of ‘no sex before marriage’ and the realities of the way in which our young people live. Hence, we should no longer hide our heads in the sand and pretend that our young people are not at risk. This research has certainly identified several areas of concern. Nonetheless, it has also revealed encouraging information, as young people are interested in changing the situation. In order to increase its effectiveness in addressing the sexuality of young people, the Anglican Church should be prepared to act decisively. The approach recommended from this study should be multifaceted, given the increasingly complex landscape in which young people live. There is an urgent need to support young people in building healthy relationships. Parental workshops are an important intervention in order to enable parents to communicate with their children about sexuality, using an ageappropriate approach. Peer education should be adopted: that is training key opinion leaders in each church so that they can provide positive peer pressure. In addition, the church should take a stand against sexual messages seen in the media; silence implies consent. The church must clearly communicate its opposition to these unhealthy sexual messages to society at large. / AFRIKAANSE OPSOMMING: The doel van die navorsing is om jongmense war kerklik meelewend is se siening en persepsies oor die standpunt van die Anglikaanse kerk, naamlik geen seks voor die huwelik , te ondersoek en te toets aan die hand van sekere teologiese kriteria. Dit wil vasstel of daar ander moontlike faktore of stemme is wat jongmense se standpunt oor seks en seksualiteit bepaal. Van die belangrike vrae wat ondersoek is: beoefen jongmense hoë risiko, seksuele gedrag met meervoudige bedmaats? Tree hulle genoegsaam voorkomend op? Is hulle blootgestel aan seksueel-geweldadige gedrag? ‘n Empiriese ondersoek (Oktober 2004 en Januarie 2005) is geloots ten einde die uitdagings waarvoor die Anglikaanse Kerk ten opsigte van seks-onderrig te staan kom, vas te stel. Die projek beoog om die kerk se bediening op te skerp en meer relevant gefokus te raak op die seksuele orientasie van jongmense. ‘n Vraelys is opgestel en uitgestuur.Drie verskillende diskussiegroepe was betrokke.1306 response is ontleed. Respondente was tussen 12 en 19 jaar, gender-gemeng en demografies verteenwoordigend van die Anglikaanse Kerk se bedieningsopset binne die Cape Town Diocese. Die navorsing toon duidelik dat jongmense aan risikos blootgestel is met implikasies vir die MIV pandemie. Van die respondente het 30.5% seks gehad (40% mans; 21% vrouens; swart 44%; wit 26% en bruin 30%). Wat geografiese verspreiding aan betref (stad 30%, platteland 32%) was daar nie beduidende verskille nie. Daar bestaan ‘n kombinasie van seks-praktyke, vanaf vaginale, orale en anale seks. Gedurende die eerste seks-ervaring het net 35% kontraseptiewe middels/metodes gebruik. 90% van die eerste bedmaats was maats, vriende of skoolmaats. 75% van die kontakte het tuis plaas gevind. Toevallige seks was algemeen en 33% van die respondente het seks met vier of meer pesone gehad. Seksuele geweld kom voor. 6% van die repondent was geforseer om seks te beoefen (swart 7.1%; wit 6.5%; bruin 5.4%). Vanuit hierdie groep het 12% seks geeis van iemand anders. Daar bestaan ‘n groot gaping tussen die leer van die kerk: geen seks voor die huwelik en die lewensrealiteit van jongmense. Jongmense is belis ‘n hoë risikogroep. Die navoring het verkeie areas geïdentifiseer wat dringend die kerk se aandag verg. Van belang is die feit dat jongmense duidelik ‘n behoefte toon aan konstruktiewe begeleiding. Ten einde the problematiek van seksuele gedrag onder jongmense in die kerk sinvol aan te spreek, sal relevante programme ontwikkel moet word wat multi-faktoreel gestruktureer en kontekstueel moet wees. ‘n Belangrike bedieningstrategie is die skep van ouerbegeleidingsgroepe en werkswinkels ten einde ouers toe te rus hoe om sinvol met jongmense oor seksuele gedrag en seksualiteit te kommunikeer. Daar moet gefokus word op verskillende ouderdomsgroepe en hoe om jongmense by te staan om gesonde verhoudinge te bou. Die seksopvoeding en voorligting moet jongmense inskakel. Leiers onder jongmense wat kan help, moet geïdentifiseer word en ook opgelei word. Destruktiewe groepsdruk moet aangespreek word. Die kerk sal ook leiding moet gee oor die wyse waarop die media seksualiteit hanteer. Op hiedie wyse moet die kerk betrokke raak by die publieke diskoers en negatiewe tendens aanspreek.

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