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Securely Consume Web Services Using PHPVo, Sonny Tran-Hai 19 December 2008 (has links)
The PHP: Hypertext Preprocessor language (PHP) has evolved to a sophisticated mainstream programming language for rapid development of significant Web applications at major sites including Facebook.com, Wikipedia.org and Yahoo.com. Leading software vendors such as Oracle and IBM are rushing in providing tools that bridge their products to PHP. However, we have observed a gap in facilitating PHP to utilize Web services efficiently. This thesis reports our efforts in design and implementation of PHP applications that consume Web services. In doing so, I have proposed a framework facilitating PHP programs to utilize Web services with high performance capability. In addition, a number of Web service standards including WS-Addressing and those in WS-Security are integrated into my PHP implementation. Examples of using various Amazon Web Services are provided with details.
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Automation of the Client Side of Web Services Using PHPMedjkane, Menad 20 December 2009 (has links)
Web Services have been the dominant technology in business integration and implementation of service oriented architectures. PHP is a server-side language popular for development of applications. A significant advantage of PHP is its light weight development for feature-rich web applications. Typically, PHP is used for making good-looking front end user interfaces; Java or other programming languages are used to develop the back end application. A secure and robust way for PHP programs to call back-end services is by Web Services. However, when the Web Service operations have complex interfaces, writing PHP client code can be difficult and error-prone. This thesis research seeks to develop a Web service-PHP program middleware that automatically handles the client-side Web Service calls. Two Web Services are developed, as well as two Web applications that consume the two Web Services, and experiments that demonstrate the usage of the WS-PHP middleware component are conducted.
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Aktuální problémy webových služeb a stav nabídky v ČR / The Current Issues of Web Services and the Supply of Web Services in the Czech RepublicZelenka, Dušan January 2006 (has links)
Tato diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku webových služeb, především pak na jejich komunikační a interakční protokol SOAP, který tvoří jejich klíčovou část. Úvod je věnován především terminologii webových služeb a jejich koncepci. Další část je již plně zaměřena na protokol SOAP a pojednává o historickém vývoji SOAPu a standardizačních aktivit okolo něj. Dále pak obsahuje rozbor základních aspektů protokolu SOAP. Další a nejpodstatnější částí této práce je rozbor problémů současných webových služeb, především jejich problémů s interoperabilitou. Tato práce tyto problémy nejen shrnuje a popisuje, ale zároveň se snaží navrhnout i řešení těchto problémů. Dále pak obsahuje i metodický postup pro hledání a odstraňování problémů interoperability webových služeb. Poslední část je věnována analýze nabídkové strany trhu webových služeb v ČR.
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Trh web services v ČR / Web Services Market in the Czech RepublicMaleček, David January 2007 (has links)
Cílem této diplomové práce je popsat trh webových služeb v České republice a poskytnout přehled předních dodavatelů a jejich produktů. Práce je rozdělena na tři hlavní části, které jsou dále členěny do jednotlivých kapitol. První část je věnována vymezení pozice a úlohy webových služeb v rámci celého IS/ICT. Popisuji zde hlavní oblasti uplatnění této technologie. Zároveň se věnuji jejím výhodám a vlastnostem. Ve druhé části se zabývám dvěma pohledy na webové služby ? pohledem vývojáře a pohledem architekta IS. Zde také čtenáře seznamuji s jednotlivými standardy, na kterých jsou webové služby založeny (SOAP, WSDL, UDDI). Třetí část je zaměřena na přehled předních dodavatelů webových služeb a jejich produktů. Součástí je také přehled některých implementací webových služeb v ČR a softwarových firem, které tyto implementace zajišťují. Také zde popisuji úroveň podpory webových služeb v ERP systémech dostupných na současném českém trhu. Následuje zhodnocení situace na trhu webových služeb. Při psaní této práce jsem se opíral jednak o vlastní znalosti a jednak o odbornou literaturu a zdroje na Internetu.
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Kundregisterbaserat kalkylprogram för lokal och serveransluten användningLindberg, Matthias January 2008 (has links)
<p>Byggnadsautomation har i dagsläget ett kalkylprogram gjort i Excel som är helt fristående från deras kvalitetsprogram. Dom vill i och med detta få ett två delat system som användaren både ska kunna köra med eller utan anknytning till Internet. Programmet har tillgång till en befintlig kund och komponentregister som man kommer åt via en Web Service. Om det inte finns någon Internet uppkoppling så kommer dessa register att sparas lokalt för att sedan synkroniseras när det finns tillgång till Internet. En kalkyl ska kunna sparas och öppnas antingen på servern eller lokalt som i detta fall är en SQLite databas. Själva applikationen kommer att utvecklas i .NET miljö i C#.</p>
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A Framework for Next Generation Enterprise Application IntegrationRoszko, Andrew January 2004 (has links)
In addition to storing 70-75% of their data and business logic in legacy mainframe systems, global corporations have countless custom applications and off-the-shelf ERP products residing within their networks. Increasing competition and shrinking budgets have left managers scouring for innovative, cost-effective methods to maximize the potential of these enormous sunk costs. There is, as a result, an overwhelming need to not only web enable these existing legacy assets in order to quickly and cost-effectively deliver data to both customers and business partners alike, but also to amalgamate these disparate systems into a unified, homogeneous, real-time enterprise. Integration efforts to date, focused predominantly on the development of proprietary point-to-point adapters, have unfortunately proven to be a daunting task with countless failed projects and losses in the millions. The advent of XML web services does, however, have the potential to revolutionize existing integration strategies; the cost savings and ease of implementation associated with wrapping virtually all systems, past, present and future, with standardized, code-independent, data-centric interfaces is truly astounding. As the future success of this platform is, however, strictly dependent upon the interoperability of its endpoints, we have proposed several fundamental amendments to the existing flawed WSDL specification. A generic reference architecture, leveraging both this improved web services model as well as established component middleware technologies, is then proposed for the web enablement of legacy assets on an enterprise scale. In order to ensure the adoption of this methodology, a toolkit designed to automate the transformation has also been devised. This new paradigm will not only allow information to flow freely from deep within the enterprise, but will ultimately serve as the cornerstone of a new generation of enterprise integration solutions.
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Improving reusability with Web ServicesPersson, Anders January 2006 (has links)
<p>This master’s thesis discusses the evolution of DataPartner’s application "Inventera". Inventera is designed to do inventory of stock on handheld computers and integartes with SPCS Administration. Inventera is enhanced with a wireless connection and the SPCS API is wrapped with Web Services. The theoretical part of this thesis examines diffrent possibilities to increase reusability by using web service technology when developing software. A case study of the SPCS API is used in order to study differences between using no Web Services at all, static web services or dynamic web services.</p>
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Elektroninio verslo centro tinklo paslaugų sistema / Web Services in E-Commerce HubJuzvikas, Aivaras 16 January 2006 (has links)
There are more and more incompatible systems with the growing number of services provided by computers. The user has to chose between expensive huge systems, offered by large companies like Microsoft or Oracle and losing competition. While these huge systems have a lot of possibilities, small and middle sized companies can only use a small portion of options offered there. With the increasing pressure from competitors, this forces users to choose other technologies like Web Services, in order to survive rivalry. WSDL (Web Services Description Language) was invented to describe Web Services in the most simple way there is. Web Service is a collection of protocols and standards used for exchanging data between applications or systems. Software applications written in various programming languages and running on various platforms can use web services to exchange data over computer networks like the Internet in a manner similar to inter-process communication on a single computer. In this work the methods are suggested for creation of stand-alone E-Commerce Hub and combining other systems into it. By the help of Web Services, users of Internet Stores, and other systems based on product and service data, are able to share their information with others through the E-Commerce Hub. It is easily automated and requires no maintenance.
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Interneto paslaugų sistemų projektavimo metodika / Method for development of systems comprised of servicesRimavičiūtė, Laura 25 May 2005 (has links)
Web services are widely used in banking, finance, insurance, tourism, e-business sectors and so on. Web services have emerged only recently, so the issues are typical for new technologies: ideas had arisen on technological level, and methods for modeling and development are coming only later. Existing development processes and notations such as Object-Oriented Analysis and Design (OOAD), Enterprise Architecture (EA) frameworks, and Business Process Modeling (BPM) provide us with capabilities to identify and describe appropriate architectural abstractions, but it’s not enough for realization of Service Oriented Architecture (SOA).
In this work the methodology is proposed for design of stand-alone services and combining them into larger system. Proposed methodology joins main principles of Object-Oriented Analysis and Design, Enterprise Architecture frameworks, and Business Process Modeling. This methodology allows to describe service-oriented models using UML diagrams and to combine them with each other. Stages of designing stand-alone services are: business modeling, requirements analysis, identification of interfaces, analysis of interface interaction, specification of components, service model (WSDL diagram) design. Designing services systems consists of following steps: use case modeling, services identification, choreography modeling, business modeling and composite service modeling.
The examples of proposed methodology for designing stand-alone services and combining... [to full text]
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Spezifikation von interoperablen Webservices mit XQueryVenzke, Marcus. Unknown Date (has links) (PDF)
Techn. Universiẗat, Diss., 2003--Hamburg.
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