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アンカーテキストを用いたWebディレクトリの構築鈴木, 祐介, Suzuki, Yusuke, 松原, 茂樹, Matsubara, Shigeki, 吉川, 正俊, Yoshikawa, Masatoshi 07 1900 (has links)
No description available.
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A Meaningful Candidate Approach to Mining Bi-Directional Traversal Patterns on the WWWChen, Jiun-rung 27 July 2004 (has links)
Since the World Wide Web (WWW) appeared, more and more useful information has
been available on the WWW. In order to find the information, one application of data
mining techniques on the WWW, referred to as Web mining, has become a research
area with increasing importance. Mining traversal patterns is one of the important
topics in Web mining. It focuses on how to find the Web page sequences which are
frequently browsed by users. Although the algorithms for mining association rules
(e.g., Apriori and DHP algorithms) could be applied to mine traversal patterns, they
do not utilize the property of Web transactions and generate too many invalid candidate
patterns. Thus, they could not provide good performance. Wu et al. proposed
an algorithm for mining traversal patterns, SpeedTracer, which utilizes the property
of Web transactions, i.e., the continuous property of the traversal patterns in the Web
structure. Although they decrease the number of candidate patterns generated in the
mining process, they do not efficiently utilize the property of Web transactions to
decrease the number of checks while checking the subsets of each candidate pattern.
In this thesis, we design three algorithms, which improve the SpeedTracer algorithm,
for mining traversal patterns. For the first algorithm, SpeedTracer*-I, it utilizes the
property of Web transactions to directly generate and count all candidate patterns
from user sessions. Moreover, it utilizes this property to improve the checking step,
when candidate patterns are generated. Next, according to the SpeedTracer*-I algorithm,
we propose SpeedTracer*-II and SpeedTracer*-III algorithms. In these two
algorithms, we improve the performance of the SpeedTracer*-I algorithm by decreasing
the number of times to scan the database. In the SpeedTracer*-II algorithm,
given a parameter n, we apply the SpeedTracer*-I algorithm to find Ln first, and
use Ln to generate all Ck, where k > n. After generating all candidate patterns, we
scan the database once to count all candidate patterns and then the frequent patterns
could be determined. In the SpeedTracer*-III algorithm, given a parameter n, we also
apply the SpeedTracer*-I algorithm to find Ln first, and directly generate and count
Ck from user sessions based on Ln, where k > n. The simulation results show that
the performance of the SpeedTracer*-I algorithm is better than that of the Speed-
Tracer algorithm in terms of the processing time. The simulation results also show
that SpeedTracer*-II and SpeedTracer*-III algorithms outperform SpeedTracer and
SpeedTracer*-I algorithms, because the former two algorithms need less times to scan
the database than the latter two algorithms. Moreover, from our simulation results,
we show that all of our proposed algorithms could provide better performance than
Apriori-like algorithms (e.g., FS and FDLP algorithms) in terms of the processing
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An Exploratory Study of an Internet-based English Learning ProjectChen, Yi-Ju 24 August 2000 (has links)
The lack of a real English environment in Taiwan and big class teaching had long limited the opportunities for Taiwanese English learners to use English. Due to thriving development of internet technology in recent years, the predicament has been broken through. Internet not only opens a new communicational channel for teachers and students, but also creates an authentic environment for English learners. As the new curriculum policy ¡§coherence curriculum of civil education¡¨, which emphasizes on setting information instruction into each subjects, is taken into practice, learning English with internet tools must will become a trend in the future. Therefore, this research examines the distance between the ideal and the reality using an internet-based English teaching project, and probe into some feasible ways to conduct similar program in the future. There were four purposes of this research:
1. To find out the key factors of success in internet-based English teaching from relative theories and former researches.
2. To understand the teacher¡¦s and students¡¦ performances and the students¡¦ reflections during the first half year joining an internet-based English teaching project.
3. To probe into the merits and defects of the internet-based English teaching project, AJET.
4. To discover the difficulties and feasible ways for senior high schools to carry out internet-based English teaching.
The subjects of this research were a senior high school class and their teacher who first joined an internet-based English teaching project named ¡§Advanced Joint English Teaching¡¨ (AJET) in Kaohsiung. All 44 students were male. During the research period, they participated in six internet-based teaching activities, which were ¡§group e-mailing,¡¨ ¡§web-based course,¡¨ ¡§e-mail writing program,¡¨ ¡§English homepage design,¡¨ ¡§video conference¡¨ and ¡§chatroom discussion.¡¨ The researcher traced the students¡¦ performances and collected their work pieces mainly through e-mail, AJET homepage and telephone during the research period.
A questionnaire was given to elicit relevant information on the participants¡¦ perception of, and attitudes towards, using the internet technology to complete their Internet-based English projects. Follow-up interview with 10 students and 2 teachers were also collected at the end of the research to understand their reflections on the project. In addition, the students¡¦ performances at the second homepage contest were also recorded.
After data collection, the quantitative and qualitative methods were performed. The quantitative statistic analysis was employed using descriptive analysis to investigate the learners¡¦ perceptions towards the Web-based project. The qualitative analysis made from the student responses to the open-ended questions and the researcher¡¦s observation, provided the opportunity to uncover deeper issues than might have been apparent in a quantitative study. Students¡¦ responses to the open-ended questions were broken down into excerpts, where each excerpt represented one complete answer to a question, including any follow-up questions or clarification by student interviews.
The main findings and conclusions of this research are as follows:
1. The students¡¦ participation and interaction were not good, and need the teacher¡¦s supervision to help them to form active learning habits.
2. The teacher was overloaded in the project and found it difficult to do both administration and teaching. There is a need of others¡¦ coordination.
3. The students liked and approved of English learning through internet, but differed in their opinions about its benefits to English learning.
4. The project provided the students an opportunity to experience new technologies, felt the pleasure of learning and increased their learning possibilities.
5. To carry out an internet-based English project, the project must spread relative concepts, consider the teacher¡¦s and students¡¦ loads, design each activity with proper number of participants, conduct relative training, and enhance the equipment and communicational efficiency.
To sum up, although there is a distance between the ideal and the reality in the internet-based English teaching project, this way of English teaching is worth developing and expanding. Finally, according to the findings of this research, the researcher provides some suggestions for future organizations, teachers and researchers who are interested in this field.
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Design eller innehåll : vad är viktigast för en webbportal?Dafid, Susanna January 2001 (has links)
<p>Användningen av Internet har ökat kraftigt de senaste åren och begreppet webbportal har blivit allt vanligare. Syftet med det här arbetet är att undersöka om det är en webbportals design som är det avgörande vid valet av webbportal eller om det är innehållet och tjänsterna. Kanske är det en kombination av design och tjänster som värdesätts högst.</p><p>I detta arbete utförs en heuristisk utvärdering av ett antal bostadsförvaltningsportaler för att undersöka både eventuella användbarhetsproblem samt hur väl designade portalerna är. I arbetet görs även en enkätundersökning hos ett antal utvalda hyresgäster hos AB Skövdebostäder för att undersöka inställningen till designen av företagets webbplats samt dess innehåll och tjänster.</p><p>Resultatet visar att webbportalers tjänster är viktigare än designen men att designen inte är helt oviktig. Några generella slutsatser kan dock inte dras av detta arbetes undersökningar eftersom både antalet medverkande portaler och hyresgäster är allt för få.</p>
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Korrelationen mellan användares effektivitet och subjektiva uppfattning på world wide webWendelius, Mikael January 2002 (has links)
<p>Inom Human- Computer Interaction är användbarhet ett mycket centralt</p><p>begrepp. Användbarhet kan i sin tur delas upp i effektivitetsmått och</p><p>subjektiv uppfattning. Det råder idag delade meningar i forskarvärlden huruvida det existerar en korrelation mellan dessa två mått. Om denna korrelation existerar kanske vidare forskning visar att någon av de två inte utgör en nödvändig del av användbarhetsbegreppet. Om så är fallet skulle detta kunna leda till enklare och billigare design och utvärderingsprocesser. Den här undersökningen syftar till att undersöka om det existerar en korrelation mellan effektivitet och subjektiv uppfattning på world wide web samt att undersöka om det råder skillnader i denna korrelation mellan experter och noviser. För att undersöka detta har en användbarhetsutvärdering med 31 försöksdeltagare genomförts på en webbsida publicerad på www. Resultatet av undersökningen visar inte på några samband eller korrelationer och resultaten är endast marginellt signifikanta. Inga klara slutsatser kan därför dras utifrån resultaten.</p>
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Erarbeitung einer grafischen Benutzerschnittstelle fuer das Intensive ComputingSchumann, Merten 21 June 1995 (has links) (PDF)
Entwicklung einer grafischen Nutzerschnittstelle auf der
Basis von WWW, um Jobs fuer das Batchsystem DQS zu
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Thèse de doctorat : SCIENCES APPLIQUEES : EVRY VAL D ESSONNE : 1999. / Existe aussi sous forme de microf. de 392 images 105x148 mm. 1999EVRY0010. 83 REF.
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"Webscraps" -- A Tool to Manage Web Information Gathering TasksMankowski, Timothy 13 April 2011 (has links)
Online tasks that involve information gathering, those ranging from academic research to vacation planning, often present challenges to users such as information management, clutter and information overload. Studies have shown that users who return to online tasks after an absence have difficulty remembering why particular websites they had saved were useful. This work presents "Webscraps", an innovative web browser extension for Mozilla Firefox, designed to improve information gathering on the Web. Participants in a 30-person user study, significantly preferred Webscraps over webpage "thumbnails" for information gathering tasks that involved comparing information from different websites and remembering important text. / Dr. Keselj was the external to my supervision.
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GURU : uma ferramenta para administrar banco de dados através da webScherer, Adriana Paula Zamin January 2002 (has links)
Antigamente as informações que as organizações utilizavam durante a sua gestão eram suficientemente armazenadas em arquivos. A própria aplicação era responsável pela manipulação dos dados e pela função de guardá-los de maneira segura. No entanto, a sociedade evoluiu com tamanha rapidez que as organizações começaram a gerar uma quantidade cada vez maior de informação e, também, a rapidez de acesso às informações armazenadas tornou-se cada vez mais importante. Os antigos sistemas de arquivos tornaram-se complexos sistemas de armazenamento de informações responsáveis por gerir grandes volumes de dados, chamados Sistemas Gerenciadores de Banco de Dados - SGBD’s. Devido à complexidade dos bancos de dados e à necessidade de sua operação ininterrupta surge a tarefa do Administrador, cuja função é assegurar que os bancos de dados permaneçam operantes, íntegros e rápidos. Para realizar suas tarefas o Administrador precisa contar com boas ferramentas de modo a tornar as intervenções no banco de dados rápidas e seguras. Existem no mercado, boas ferramentas para administração de banco de dados. No entanto, são todas proprietárias, possuem custo elevado e apresentam deficiências quando o DBA e o BD estão localizados logicamente em redes de dados distintas. Para tentar resolver este problema, este trabalho se propõe a desenvolver uma ferramenta de administração de banco de dados que o DBA possa utilizar para gerenciar os bancos de dados, utilizando a Web como instrumento.
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Atributos favoráveis à motivação para visitação de um site : estudo de um portal educacionalDorfman, Patricia Favorito January 2003 (has links)
Esta pesquisa tem como foco principal os atributos favoráveis à motivação de uso de um site, especificamente um portal educacional. Concentra-se no levantamento de atributos usuais para a construção de sites na Internet, sendo primeiramente levantados em bibliografias e, paralelamente, junto a profissionais responsáveis pela construção de um portal educacional para o mercado brasileiro. Com a definição dos atributos mais importantes, buscou-se a constatação de seu uso em três portais educacionais, dois deles concorrentes ao portal estudado, por meio do uso da ferramenta de benchmarking. Com os dados sobre os atributos, partiu-se para a fase de avaliação de tais atributos com usuários finais de um portal educacional, para a verificação se tais atributos eram relevantes na busca e uso de tal site. A pesquisa concentrou-se em um grupo fechado de respondentes, por serem efetivos usuários do portal educacional e poderem, com suas respostas, colaborar de forma significativa para o avanço da pesquisa. Os resultados obtidos revelam importantes considerações sobre a construção de sites – especificamente portais educacionais – mas por serem atributos gerais podem formar uma base para analise de outros sites em construção.
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