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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Zur Treffsicherheit von Wachstumsprognosen : prognostizierte und tatsächliche Wachstumsraten des Bruttoinlandsprodukts Deutschlands 1950-2004 /

Antholz, Birger. January 2005 (has links)
Zugl.: Lüneburg, Universiẗat, Diss., 2005.

Structural and compositional effects on tree-water relation / Strukturelle und Zusammenseztungseffekte auf die Beziehung zwischen Baum und Wasser

Kumar, Manish January 2024 (has links) (PDF)
Forests are essential sources of tangible and intangible benefits, but global climate change associated with recurrent extreme drought episodes severely affects forest productivity due to extensive tree die-back. On that, it appeals to an urgency for large-scale reforestation efforts to mitigate the impact of climate change worldwide; however, there is a lack of understanding of drought-effect on sapling growth and survival mechanisms. It is also challenging to anticipate how long trees can survive and when they succumb to drought. Hence, to ensure success of reforestation programs and sustainable forest productivity, it is essential to identify drought-resistant saplings. For that, profound knowledge of hydraulic characteristics is needed. To achieve this, the study was split into two phases which seek to address (1) how the hydraulic and anatomical traits influence the sapling’s growth rate under drought stress. (2) how plant water potential regulation and physiological traits are linked to species’ water use strategies and their drought tolerance. The dissertation is assembled of two study campaigns carried out on saplings at the Chair of Botany II, University of Würzburg, Germany. The first study involved three ecologically important temperate broadleaved tree species — saplings of 18-month (Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula pendula, and Sorbus aucuparia) — grown from seeds in contrasting conditions (inside a greenhouse and outside), with the latter being subjected to severe natural heat waves. In the second study, two additional temperate species (Fagus sylvatica and Tilia cordata) were added. The drying-out event was conducted using a randomised blocked design by monitoring plant water status in a climate-controlled chamber and a greenhouse. In campaign I, I present the result based on analysed data of 82 plants of temperate deciduous species and address the juvenile growth rate trade-off with xylem safety-efficiency. Our results indicate biomass production varies considerably due to the contrasted growing environment. High hydraulic efficiency is necessary for increased biomass production, while safety-efficiency traits are decoupled and species-specific. Furthermore, productivity was linked considerably to xylem safety without revealing a well-defined pattern among species. Moreover, plasticity in traits differed between stressed and non-stressed plants. For example, safety-related characteristics were more static than efficiency-related traits, which had higher intra-specific variation. Moreover, we recorded anatomical and leaf traits adjustments in response to a stress condition, but consistency among species is lacking. In campaign II, I combined different ways to estimate the degree of isohydry based on water potential regulation and connected the iso-anisohydric spectrum (i.e., hydroscape area, HSA) to hydraulic traits to elucidate actual plant performance during drought. We analysed plant water potential regulation (Ψpd and Ψmd) and stomatal conductance of 28-29 month saplings of five species. I used a linear mixed modelling approach that allowed to control individual variations to describe the water potential regulation and tested different conceptual definitions of isohydricity. The combined methods allowed us to estimate species' relative degree of isohydry. Further, we examined the traits coordination, including hydraulic safety margin, HSM; embolism resistance, P88; turgor loss, Ψtlp; stomata closure, Ps90; capacitance, C; cuticular conductance, gmin, to determine time to hydraulic failure (Thf). Thf is the cumulative effect of time to stomata closure (Tsc) and time after stomatal closure to catastrophic hydraulic failure (Tcrit). Our results show the species' HSA matches their stomatal stringency, which confirms the relationship between stomatal response and leaf water potential decline. Species that close stomata at lower water potential notably had a larger HSA. Isohydric behaviour was mostly associated with leaf hydraulic traits and poorly to xylem safety traits. Species' degree of isohydry was also unrelated to the species' time to death during drying-out experiments. This supports the notion that isohydry behaviours are linked to water use rather than drought survival strategies. Further, consistent with our assumptions, more isohydric species had larger internal water storage and lost their leaf turgor at less negative water potentials. Counter to our expectations, neither embolism resistance nor the associated hydraulic safety margins were related to metrics of isohydry. Instead, our results indicate traits associated with plant drought response to cluster along two largely independent axes of variation (i.e., stomatal stringency and xylem safety). Furthermore, on the temporal progression of plant drought responses, stomatal closure is critical in coordinating various traits to determine species' hydraulic strategies. Desiccation avoidance strategy was linked to Tsc and coordinated traits response of Ps90, Ψtlp, and HSA, whereas desiccation tolerance was related to Tcrit and traits such as lower P88 value, high HSM, and lower gmin. Notably, the shoot capacitance (C) is crucial in Thf and exhibits dichotomous behaviour linked to both Tsc and Tcrit. In conclusion, knowledge of growth rate trade-offs with xylem safety-efficiency combined with traits linked to species’ hydraulic strategies along the isohydry could substantially enhance our ability to identify drought-resistant saplings to ensure the success of reforestation programs and predicting sensitivity to drought for achieving sustainable forest ecosystems. / Wälder sind wichtige Quellen materieller und immaterieller Vorteile, aber der globale Klimawandel, der mit wiederkehrenden extremen Dürreperioden einhergeht, beeinträchtigt die Produktivität der Wälder aufgrund des starken Absterbens von Bäumen erheblich. Deshalb werden dringend groß angelegte Aufforstungsmaßnahmen gefordert, um die Auswirkungen des Klimawandels weltweit abzumildern. Allerdings fehlt es an Kenntnissen über die Auswirkungen von Dürre auf das Wachstum und die Überlebensmechanismen von Jungbäumen. Es ist auch schwierig, vorherzusehen, wie lange Bäume überleben können und wann sie der Trockenheit erliegen. Um den Erfolg von Wiederaufforstungsprogrammen und die nachhaltige Produktivität der Wälder zu gewährleisten, ist es daher unerlässlich, trockenheitsresistente Setzlinge zu identifizieren. Dazu ist eine profunde Kenntnis der hydraulischen Eigenschaften erforderlich. Um dies zu erreichen, wurde die Studie in zwei Phasen aufgeteilt, in denen untersucht werden soll, (1) wie die hydraulischen und anatomischen Merkmale die Wachstumsrate der Setzlinge unter Trockenstress beeinflussen. (2) wie die Regulierung des pflanzlichen Wasserpotenzials und die physiologischen Merkmale mit den Wassernutzungsstrategien der Arten und ihrer Trockentoleranz zusammenhängen. Die Dissertation setzt sich aus zwei Studienkampagnen zusammen, die am Lehrstuhl für Botanik II der Universität Würzburg an Setzlingen durchgeführt wurden. In der ersten Studie wurden drei ökologisch wichtige Laubbaumarten der gemäßigten Zonen - 18-monatige Setzlinge (Acer pseudoplatanus, Betula pendula und Sorbus aucuparia) - aus Samen unter unterschiedlichen Bedingungen (in einem Gewächshaus und im Freien) aufgezogen, wobei letztere schweren natürlichen Hitzewellen ausgesetzt waren. In der zweiten Studie wurden zwei weitere gemäßigte Arten (Fagus sylvatica und Tilia cordata) hinzugefügt. Der Austrocknungsversuch wurde in einem randomisierten Blockdesign durchgeführt, bei dem der Wasserhaushalt der Pflanzen in einer klimatisierten Kammer und einem Gewächshaus überwacht wurde. In Kampagne I präsentiere ich die Ergebnisse, die auf den analysierten Daten von 82 Pflanzen gemäßigter Laubbaumarten basieren, und gehe auf den Kompromiss zwischen der Wachstumsrate von Jungpflanzen und der Sicherheitseffizienz des Xylems ein. Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die Biomasseproduktion aufgrund der unterschiedlichen Wachstumsbedingungen stark variiert. Eine hohe hydraulische Effizienz ist für eine erhöhte Biomasseproduktion notwendig, während die Sicherheitseffizienz entkoppelt und artspezifisch ist. Darüber hinaus war die Produktivität in erheblichem Maße mit der Xylemsicherheit verknüpft, ohne dass sich ein klar definiertes Muster zwischen den Arten ergab. Darüber hinaus war die Plastizität der Merkmale zwischen gestressten und nicht gestressten Pflanzen unterschiedlich. So waren beispielsweise sicherheitsbezogene Merkmale statischer als effizienzbezogene Merkmale, die eine stärkere intra-spezifische Variation aufwiesen. Darüber hinaus haben wir Anpassungen der anatomischen Merkmale und der Blatteigenschaften als Reaktion auf eine Stressbedingung festgestellt, aber es fehlt die Konsistenz zwischen den Arten. In Kampagne II kombinierte ich verschiedene Methoden zur Schätzung des Isohydrierungsgrads auf der Grundlage der Wasserpotenzialregulierung und verknüpfte das iso-anisohydrische Spektrum (d. h. die Hydroscape-Fläche, HSA) mit hydraulischen Merkmalen, um die tatsächliche Leistung der Pflanzen bei Trockenheit zu ermitteln. Wir analysierten die Regulierung des pflanzlichen Wasserpotenzials (Ψpd und Ψmd) und die stomatäre Leitfähigkeit von 28-29 Monate alten Setzlingen von fünf Arten. Ich verwendete einen linearen gemischten Modellierungsansatz, der die Kontrolle individueller Variationen zur Beschreibung der Wasserpotenzialregulierung ermöglichte, und testete verschiedene konzeptionelle Definitionen der Isohydrizität. Die kombinierten Methoden ermöglichten es uns, den relativen Grad der Isohydrizität der Arten zu schätzen. Darüber hinaus untersuchten wir die Koordination der Merkmale, einschließlich der hydraulischen Sicherheitsspanne (HSM), des Embolieresistenz (P88), des Turgorverlustes (Ψtlp), des Spaltöffnungsgrades (Ps90), der Kapazität (C) und des kutikulären Leitwertes (gmin), um die Zeit bis zum hydraulischen Versagen (Thf) zu bestimmen. Thf ist der kumulative Effekt der Zeit bis zum Schließen der Spaltöffnungen (Tsc) und der Zeit nach dem Schließen der Spaltöffnungen bis zum katastrophalen hydraulischen Versagen (Tcrit). Unsere Ergebnisse zeigen, dass die HSA der Arten mit ihrer Spaltöffnungsintensität übereinstimmt, was die Beziehung zwischen der Spaltöffnungsreaktion und dem Rückgang des Wasserpotenzials der Blätter bestätigt. Arten, die ihre Spaltöffnungen bei einem niedrigeren Wasserpotenzial schließen, hatten einen deutlich größeren HSA. Das isohydrische Verhalten stand hauptsächlich mit den hydraulischen Eigenschaften der Blätter in Verbindung und kaum mit den Sicherheitsmerkmalen des Xylems. Der Grad der Isohydrierung der Arten stand auch in keinem Zusammenhang mit der Zeit bis zum Absterben der Arten während der Austrocknungsversuche. Dies unterstützt die Annahme, dass das Isohydrie-Verhalten eher mit der Wassernutzung als mit Überlebensstrategien bei Trockenheit zusammenhängt. Darüber hinaus wiesen isohydrische Arten, wie von uns angenommen, einen größeren internen Wasserspeicher auf und verloren ihren Blattturgor bei weniger negativen Wasserpotentialen. Entgegen unseren Erwartungen standen weder die Embolieresistenz noch die damit verbundenen hydraulischen Sicherheitsspannen in Zusammenhang mit Isohydratisierungsmerkmalen. Stattdessen deuten unsere Ergebnisse darauf hin, dass sich die Merkmale, die mit der Reaktion der Pflanzen auf Trockenheit in Verbindung stehen, entlang zweier weitgehend unabhängiger Variationsachsen (d. h. stomatäre Strenge und Xylem-Sicherheit) gruppieren. Was den zeitlichen Verlauf der pflanzlichen Reaktionen auf Trockenheit betrifft, so ist der Stomataverschluss für die Koordinierung der verschiedenen Merkmale entscheidend, um die hydraulischen Strategien der Arten zu bestimmen. Die Strategie zur Vermeidung von Austrocknung war mit Tsc und koordinierten Merkmalen wie Ps90, Ψtlp und HSA verbunden, während die Austrocknungstoleranz mit Tcrit und Merkmalen wie einem niedrigeren P88-Wert, einem hohen HSM und einem niedrigeren gmin zusammenhing. Insbesondere die Sprosskapazität (C) ist für Thf entscheidend und zeigt ein dichotomes Verhalten, das sowohl mit Tsc als auch mit Tcrit zusammenhängt. Zusammenfassend lässt sich sagen, dass das Wissen um die Wechselwirkungen zwischen der Wachstumsrate und der Sicherheitseffizienz des Xylems in Verbindung mit Merkmalen, die mit den hydraulischen Strategien der Arten entlang der Isohydrie zusammenhängen, unsere Fähigkeit, trockenheitsresistente Setzlinge zu identifizieren, erheblich verbessern könnte, um den Erfolg von Aufforstungsprogrammen zu gewährleisten und die Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Trockenheit vorherzusagen, um nachhaltige Waldökosysteme zu erreichen.

Vergleich der Bakterienlast in vivo und Wachstumskinetik in vitro hyperletaler Meningokokkentypen / Comparison of bacterial load in vivo and growth characteristics in vitro of highly lethal meningococcal types

Leitenberger, Karolin January 2020 (has links) (PDF)
Die invasive Meningokokkenerkrankung stellt weltweit mit einer Letalität von 5-10% trotz antibiotischer Therapie eine Herausforderung dar. Ein spezifisches Virulenzgen, welches die Schwere der Meningokokkenerkrankung bestimmt, konnte bisher nicht definiert werden. Vorangegangene Studien zeigen eine Korrelation der Letalität mit der Bakterienlast, Unterschiede bezüglich der Letalität je nach Serogruppe, eine erhöhte Letalität bei Infektionen mit sogenannten hyperletalen Feintypen (bisher nicht veröffentlichte Daten des NRZMHi) sowie einen Unterschied in der maximal in Flüssigkultur erreichten Konzentration der Bakterien zwischen invasiven Stämmen und Trägerstämmen. In dieser Arbeit wurden mögliche Gründe für die Hyperletalität bestimmter Meningokokkentypen experimentell untersucht. Insbesondere wird die Frage analysiert, ob die hyperletalen Meningokokkentypen mit einer höheren bakteriellen Last im Blut assoziiert sind und ob sie andere Wachstumscharakteristiken im Vergleich zu ihren Kontrollstämmen in vitro zeigen. Hierzu erfolgte mittels quantitativer Echtzeit-Polymerase-Kettenreaktion die Bestimmung der bakteriellen Last in 62 Blutproben von Patienten mit bestätigter invasiver Meningokokkenerkrankung über den Nachweis des ctrA-Gens. Darunter waren elf Proben des hyperletalen Feintyps B:P1.7-2,4:F1-5 und fünf Proben des hyperletalen Feintyps C:P1.5,2:F3-3. Die Wachstumsversuche wurden mit 30 zufällig gewählten Stämmen der hyperletalen Feintypen B:P1.7-2,4:F1-5, C:P1.5-1,10-8:F3-6 und C:P1.5,2:F3-3 mit ihren jeweiligen nach Alter und Geschlecht abgeglichenen nicht zu der Gruppe der hyperletalen Feintypen gehörenden Kontrollstämmen in dem Medium PPM+ durchgeführt. Die Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit μ sowie die Kapazität A (maximale Konzentrationszunahme als Logarithmus der gemessenen OD im Verhältnis zur Ausgangsdichte ODT0) wurden durch nicht-lineare Regression anhand der modifizierten Gompertz-Funktion ermittelt. Die Messung der optischen Dichte erfolgte alle 30 Minuten über 16 Stunden bei 620nm durch das Gerät TECAN Infinite 200 Pro (Tecan Group Ltd., Männedorf / Schweiz). Die Methode wurde anhand einer publizierten Studie zwischen Trägerstämmen und invasiven Stämmen (Schoen et al., 2014) validiert und bestätigte einen marginalen Unterschied in der optischen Dichte (p=0,057, Wilcoxon-Test) zwischen den Gruppen. Es zeigte sich kein Unterschied in der Wachstumsgeschwindigkeit. Aus den Ergebnissen dieser Arbeit können drei wesentliche Schlussfolgerungen gezogen werden: 1.) Die Bakterienlast in dieser Stichprobe ist, entgegen der Literatur, nicht abhängig von der Serogruppe und dem Feintyp, jedoch von der Krankheitsmanifestation. 2.) Die Kapazität A ist in der Gruppe der „hyperletalen“ Typen im Vergleich zu den Kontrollstämmen möglicherweise höher. 3.) Größere Stichproben (Nativmaterial, Stämme) sind erforderlich, um die Beobachtungen dieser Studie zu bestätigen. / The invasive meningococcal disease still has a case fatality rate of 5 to 10 percent despite antibiotic treatment. A specific virulence gene, which determines disease severity could not be determined so far. Earlier studies have shown a correlation between lethality and bacterial load, differences in lethality between serogroups, a disproportionately high lethality of infections with distinct meningococcal finetypes (data not yet published by the NRZMHi) as well as a difference in the maximum concentration of bacteria in fluid culture between invasive and carrier strains. This dissertation analyses possible causes for the higher fatality rate of certain meningococcal finetypes. It tries to answer the question whether the so called highly lethal meningococcal finetypes are associated with a higher bacterial load in blood and whether they show different growth characteristics in comparison to their control strains in vitro. Bacterial loads in 62 blood samples from patients with confirmed invasive meningococcal disease were measured by real-time polymerase chain reaction targeting the ctrA gene. The samples contained eleven samples of the highly lethal meningococcal finetype B:P1.7-2,4:F1-5 and five samples of the highly lethal meningococcal finetype C:P1.5,2:F3-3. Growth characteristics of 30 randomly selected strains pertaining to the highly lethal finetypes B:P1.7-2,4:F1-5, C:P1.5-1,10-8:F3-6 and C:P1.5,2:F3-3 were compared to strains from age- and sex- matched controls in proteose-peptone-medium (PPM+). Growth rates (μ) and maximum densities (A) were estimated by non-linear regression on the basis of the modified Gompertz function. Optical density at 620nm was measured every 30 minutes over 16 hours using a heatable plate reader (Tecan, Maennedorf, Switzerland). The method was validated on a published sample of invasive and carrier strains (Schoen et al., 2014) confirming marginally significant differences in maximal densities (p=0,057, Wilcoxon test), yet not growth rates, between groups. In summary we conclude: 1. The bacterial load in this sampling is not dependent on serogroup and finetype, but on the clinical picture. This finding contrasts the current literature. 2. The maximum density A is possibly higher in the group of highly lethal finetypes in comparison to the control strains. 3. Larger samples of both patient material and bacterial strains are required to confirm the observations of this study.

Growth and metal uptake capacity of microalgae under exposure to chromium

Thanh, Son Dao, Nguyen, Hong-Son Le, Vo, Tan-Minh, Vo, Thi-My-Chi, Phan, The-Huy, Bui, Thi -Nhu-Phuong 16 January 2019 (has links)
Microalgae play a key function in aquatic ecosystems. Their development and growth are strongly regulated by trace metals as essential elements. However, trace metals could cause negative effects when exceeding certain concentrations in the environment. In this study we tested the development and growth rate of two freshwater microalgae, the cyanobacterium Pseudanabeana mucicola and the green alga Pediastrum duplex, from Vietnam over the period of 14 days exposing to chromium (Cr) at the concentrations up to 1,936 μg L-1. Besides, the Cr uptake and absorption by P. mucicola were evaluated over 7 days incubated in medium containing 422 μg Cr L-1. The results showed that Cr at the concentrations up to 1,078 μg L-1 did not inhibit the development and growth rate of P. mucicola. Similarly, concentration of 224 μg Cr L-1 had no adverse effects on growth of P. duplex. The cyanobacterium P. mucicola could make a reduction up to 71% of Cr in the test medium, hence become a distinguished candidate for metal phytoremediation. To the best of our knowledge this is the first investigation on the responses and absorption of Cr by freshwater microalgae from Vietnam. / Vi tảo đóng vai trò quan trọng trong hệ sinh thái thủy vực. Sự sinh trưởng và phát triển của chúng được điều tiết mạnh mẽ bởi kim loại vi lượng như những yếu tố thiết yếu. Tuy nhiên, những kim loại vi lượng này có thể gây ra những ảnh hưởng tiêu cực khi vượt quá nồng độ nhất định trong môi trường. Trong nghiên cứu này, chúng tôi thử nghiệm sự phát triển và tốc độ phát triển của hai loài vi tảo nước ngọt: loài tảo lam Pseudanabeana mucicola và loài tảo lục Pediastrum duplex có nguồn gốc từ Việt Nam trong thời gian 14 ngày phơi nhiễm với crôm (Cr) tại nồng độ lên tới 1.936 μg L-1. Bên cạnh đó, sự hấp thu Cr của P. mucicola cũng đã được đánh giá trong thời gian 7 ngày nuôi trong môi trường chứa 422 μg Cr L-1. Kết quả cho thấy Cr tại nồng độ lên tới 1.078 μg L-1 không kìm hãm sự phát triển và tốc độ sinh trưởng của P. mucicola. Tương tự, tại nồng độ 224 μg Cr L-1 không có bất kì ảnh hưởng tiêu cực đến sự phát triển của P. duplex. Loài tảo lam P. mucicola có thể làm giảm 71% hàm lượng Cr trong môi trường thí nghiệm, vì vậy được xem là ứng viên sáng giá cho quá trình xử lý môi trường ô nhiễm kim loại bằng thực vật . Theo hiểu biết của nhóm tác giả, đây là nghiên cứu đầu tiên về đáp ứng và hấp thu Cr bởi những vi tảo nước ngọt có nguồn gốc từ Việt Nam.

Growth of duckweed upon exposure to aluminum and atrazine in the laboratory conditions

Vo, Thi-My-Chi, Dao, Minh-Phap, Dao, Thanh-Son 16 January 2019 (has links)
The trace metals and pesticides are commonly found in surface water receiving industrial and agricultural effluents. However, the potential negative effects of these compounds on aquatic ecosystems have not been deeply studied. Hence, the aim of this study is to assess the single and combined effects of aluminum (Al) and atrazine on the development and growth rate of duckweed, Lemna minor L. The single exposures were implemented with either Al or atrazine at the concentration of 5, 50 and 500 μg L-1 and a binary exposure was conducted with 50 μg L-1 of Al and 5 μg L-1 of atrazine for two weeks. The results revealed that both Al and atrazine at the concentration of 500 μg L-1 strongly inhibited the development and growth rate of the duckweed. On the contrary, the mixture of Al and atrazine showed antagonistic effects on the plant. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the combined effects of these two contaminants on the duckweed. Therefore, our results could be useful for environmental managers in setting up and adjusting the safe guideline values in Vietnam for Al and atrazine in natural waters in term of ecological health protection. / Kim loại nặng và thuốc trừ sâu thường được tìm thấy trong các nguồn nước mặt, nơi tiếp nhận nước thải công nghiệp và nông nghiệp. Tuy nhiên, những ảnh hưởng tiềm tàng mang tính tiêu cực của những hợp chất này đối với hệ sinh thái thủy vực chưa được nghiên cứu đầy đủ. Do đó, mục tiêu của nghiên cứu này nhằm đánh giá những ảnh hưởng riêng lẻ và kết hợp của nhôm (Al) và atrazine lên sự phát triển và tốc độ sinh trưởng của bèo tấm, Lemma minor L. Sự phơi nhiễm riêng lẻ với Al hoặc atrazine được thực hiện ở các nồng độ 5, 50 và 500 μg L-1, trong khi đó, quá trình phơi nhiễm kết hợp được tiến hành với Al tại nồng độ 50 μg L-1 và atrazine tại nồng độ 5 μg L-1 trong hai tuần. Kết quả cho thấy cả Al và atrazine ở nồng độ phơi nhiễm 500 μg L-1 kìm hãm mạnh mẽ sự phát triển và tốc độ sinh trưởng của bèo tấm. Ngược lại, sự kết hợp Al và atrazine dẫn kết tác động triệt tiêu trên bèo tấm. Theo sự hiểu biết của chúng tôi, đây là ghi nhận đầu tiên về những ảnh hưởng kết hợp của hai chất gây ô nhiễm này lên bèo tấm. Vì vậy, những kết quả này có thể hữu ích cho các nhà quản lý môi trường tại Việt Nam trong việc thiết lập và điều chỉnh các giá trị an toàn đối với Al và Atrazie trong môi trường nước tự nhiên về khía cạnh bảo vệ sức khỏe sinh thái.

Single and binary effects of atrazine, copper and chromium on duckweed

Nguyen, Vu, Nguyen, Thi Thuy Trang, Vo, Thi My Chi, Dao, ThanhSon 13 May 2020 (has links)
Recently, the agricultural, industrial and mining activities have led to increase in contaminant emission. Trace metals or herbicides are among the pollutants to be concerned in the world. In this study we evaluated the effects of the herbicide atrazine (at the concentrations of 5, 50 and500 µg L-1) and its combination with copper (Cu, 50 µg L-1) and chromium (Cr, 50 µg L-1) on duckweed over the period of 10 days in the laboratory conditions. We found that 50 and 500 µg atrazine L-1 severely impacted on the growth or even caused the death of the plants, whereas there was no statistically significant difference in the duckweed growth rate between the 5 µg atrazine L-1 exposure and control. In the combined treatments (50 µg atrazine L-1 with Cu; with Cr or with both Cu and Cr), the plant growth rate of atrazine with either Cu or Cr was strongly reduced. However, the mixture of atrazine with Cu and Cr did not significantly decrease the development and growth rate of duckweed. Besides, atrazine and investigated heavy metals resulted in turning whiteof duckweek leaves that evidence ofthe chlorophyll degradation. Our results showed the negative influences of the herbicide atrazine and metals on development and morphology of duckweed. / Gần đây, những hoạt động nông nghiệp, công nghiệp và khai khoáng đã và đang dẫn đến sự gia tăng phát thải các chất gây ô nhiễm. Kim loại nặng hoặc thuốc diệt cỏ là những chất gây ô nhiễm đang được quan tâm trên thế giới. Trong nghiên cứu này, chúng tôi đánh giá ảnh hưởng của thuốc diệt cỏ atrazine (nồng độ 5, 50 và 500 µg/L) và sự kết hợp của chất này với đồng (Cu, 50 µg/L) và crom (Cr, 50 µg/L) lên bèo tấm trong thời gian 10 ngày trongđiều kiện phòng thí nghiệm. Chúng tôi nhận thấy atrazine tại nồng độ 50 và 500 µg/L đã gây nên những ảnh hưởng nghiêm trọng lên sự phát triển hay thậm chí làm cho bèo tấm bị chết, trong khi đó, không ghi nhận được bất kì sự khác biệt có ý nghĩa thống kê về tốc độ tăng trưởng của bèo tấm giữa lô thí nghiệm phơi nhiễm 5 µg atrazine / L và lô đối chứng. Trong những lô phơi nhiễm kết hợp (50 µg atrazine / L với Cu, với Cr hoặc với đồng thời Cu và Cr), tốc độ tăng trưởng của bèo tấm khi phơi nhiễm với atrazine và Cu hoặc Cr bị giảm mạnh, tuy nhiên, việc phơi nhiễm đồng thời atrazine với Cu và Cr đã không làm giảm đáng kể sự phát triển và tốc độ tăng trưởng của bèo tấm. Bên cạnh đó, atrazine và kim loại nặng đã làm cho màu của lá bèo tấm chuyển sang màu trắng, điều này chứng tỏ có sự suy giảm chlorophyll. Kết quả nghiên cứu này đã cho thấy những ảnh hưởng tiêu cựccủa thuốc diệt cỏ atrazine và kim loại lên sự phát triển và hình thái của bèo tấm.

Variational and Ergodic Methods for Stochastic Differential Equations Driven by Lévy Processes

Gairing, Jan Martin 03 April 2018 (has links)
Diese Dissertation untersucht Aspekte des Zusammenspiels von ergodischem Langzeitver- halten und der Glättungseigenschaft dynamischer Systeme, die von stochastischen Differen- tialgleichungen (SDEs) mit Sprüngen erzeugt sind. Im Speziellen werden SDEs getrieben von Lévy-Prozessen und der Marcusschen kanonischen Gleichung untersucht. Ein vari- ationeller Ansatz für den Malliavin-Kalkül liefert eine partielle Integration, sodass eine Variation im Raum in eine Variation im Wahrscheinlichkeitsmaß überführt werden kann. Damit lässt sich die starke Feller-Eigenschaft und die Existenz glatter Dichten der zuge- hörigen Markov-Halbgruppe aus einer nichtstandard Elliptizitätsbedingung an eine Kom- bination aus Gaußscher und Sprung-Kovarianz ableiten. Resultate für Sprungdiffusionen auf Untermannigfaltigkeiten werden aus dem umgebenden Euklidischen Raum hergeleitet. Diese Resultate werden dann auf zufällige dynamische Systeme angewandt, die von lin- earen stochastischen Differentialgleichungen erzeugt sind. Ruelles Integrierbarkeitsbedin- gung entspricht einer Integrierbarkeitsbedingung an das Lévy-Maß und gewährleistet die Gültigkeit von Oseledets multiplikativem Ergodentheorem. Damit folgt die Existenz eines Lyapunov-Spektrums. Schließlich wird der top Lyapunov-Exponent über eine Formel der Art von Furstenberg–Khasminsikii als ein ergodisches Mittel der infinitesimalen Wachs- tumsrate über die Einheitssphäre dargestellt. / The present thesis investigates certain aspects of the interplay between the ergodic long time behavior and the smoothing property of dynamical systems generated by stochastic differential equations (SDEs) with jumps, in particular SDEs driven by Lévy processes and the Marcus’ canonical equation. A variational approach to the Malliavin calculus generates an integration-by-parts formula that allows to transfer spatial variation to variation in the probability measure. The strong Feller property of the associated Markov semigroup and the existence of smooth transition densities are deduced from a non-standard ellipticity condition on a combination of the Gaussian and a jump covariance. Similar results on submanifolds are inferred from the ambient Euclidean space. These results are then applied to random dynamical systems generated by linear stochas- tic differential equations. Ruelle’s integrability condition translates into an integrability condition for the Lévy measure and ensures the validity of the multiplicative ergodic theo- rem (MET) of Oseledets. Hence the exponential growth rate is governed by the Lyapunov spectrum. Finally the top Lyapunov exponent is represented by a formula of Furstenberg– Khasminskii–type as an ergodic average of the infinitesimal growth rate over the unit sphere.

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