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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Odkanalizování odpadních vod z průmyslového areálu ve městě Hulín / Drainage of waste water from the industrial area in Hulin city

Dohnal, Radek January 2015 (has links)
The subject of this thesis is to implement the passport of sewer system installation, technical assessment and evaluation of the technical condition of the entire sewer network in the industrial area, along with focus and plotting the current leadership of the sewerage system. It was also developed a hydraulic model of the entire solution sewer system. In the second part of the study is a proposal for an appropriate treatment system of wastewater. It was also developed a hydraulic model of the entire solution sewer system. In the second part of the study is a proposal for an appropriate treatment system of wastewater. In conclusion there is a financial assessment and comparison of different variants cleaning system in terms of investment and operating costs.

Možnosti zpracování kalu z výroby papíru a celulózy / Sludge Utilisation from Pulp and Paper Plant

Zemanová, Kateřina January 2008 (has links)
The contens of diploma thesis is description of paper and pulp production and analysis of contemporary problems with disposal of sludges rising on industrial waste water treatment plant. Accent is focuses on description of waste water treatment technique, characteristics of rising sludge and the ways of his liquidation in particular plant for pulp production. Fundamental part of this project is evaluation of power and economics balance of current sludge technology in company Biocel Paskov a.s. and suggested sludge management technology. Balances are based on data gained from measurement in laboratory and on data gained from literary research.

Metody termického zneškodnění čistírenských kalů / Methods of sewage sludge thermal treatment

Rosendorfová, Lenka January 2008 (has links)
The first part of this diploma thesis targets in the formation of summary of methods of sewage sludge thermal treatment. Sludge is dangerous material rising from water treatment. Original water pollution is concentrated in sludge. Spectrum of the different methods of sludge disposal is very vast, thermal methods belong to the most advanced ones. Nowadays, legislative rules and regulations make more restrictive, hence sludge disposal is problematic because of economic and ecological view of point. The second part of this diploma thesis is dealt with perspective sludge management at the Central Waste Water Treatment Plant Prague concerning sludge drying and consequent sludge incineration.

Komplexní hospodaření s vodou v objektu rodinného domu bez možnosti napojení na kanalizační síť / Comprehensive water management in a family house without connection to the wastewater disposal system

Plhák, Jiří January 2016 (has links)
Czech Republic is called roof of the Europe, several rivers rise here and many of them flow away and continue to other countries. That's why I find, that’s extremely important to manage out water sources properly and carefully, because for example the weather has a huge impact on our limited sources and can affect them especially in a dry periods. These issues can be improved by finding a use for used water, good storm water management as well as using greywater. In my diploma thesis, I'll be mainly focused on an overall water management in an ordinary family house. It has two parts as theoretical part and practical part. The theoretical part is then split into another three parts. The first part covers a storm water management, the second is about waste water management. The third explains greywater management. In practical part of my diploma thesis, there's my study of not disposing rain water into a drain with other waste water, but making both waters useful. In this my particular subject in village called Plesnice, is projected a waste water treatment plant. Treated water will be accumulate together with rain water. Accumulated water will be used for irrigation. For a waste water treatment is projected a constructed wetland with vertical flow (down flow reed beds) and facility for sludge management. This is example of extensive technology. Irrigation system consists of storage tank with mechanical pre-treatment and pump valve shaft, sprinklers for lawns, drip irrigation decorative surfaces and everything is controlled by a control unit. Thanks to irrigation and rainwater remains in effect, which is important for local microclimate and save drinking water. This study is an example of that in water management is not necessarily a need for global action, but you can start with individuals and individual houses, which in total could have a significant effect on water retention in the landscape and to slow down and reduce the peak flow in rivers.

Studie odkanalizování vybraného stokového systému v urbanizovaném povodí / The study of selected sewer network in an urbanized catchment

Korytář, Ivo January 2017 (has links)
This paper deals the case study of the chosen sewer system in the village Starý Mateřov. The study solves passportization of sewer, what is the base for creating technical condition mainly for three selected sections. According to the results from the technical conditions of the three selected sections were suggested suitable options of redevelopment. The options are compared in financial way. The last chapter suggests two possibilities how to deal with the sewage. The first option consists of the transferring waste water to the waste water treatment plant in Pardubice - Semtín. The second option suggests building a new waste water treatment plant in Starý Mateřov. The options are compared in financial way.

Evaluation of sorption behavior of two reactive filter materials using dual column laboratory investigation.

Megersa, Daniel January 2015 (has links)
Phosphorous and nitrogen are vital elements for the well-being of biological life. Industrial discharges, waste water infiltration systems, conventional waste water collection and treatment systems, agricultural runoffs and landfill leachates had been emitting significant quantity of these nutrients into water bodies. These induced negative consequences to the environment including eutrophication of aquatic water bodies, toxicity to marine life and depletion of phosphate resources. Reactive filter technology is developed based on the need to remove and retain nutrients from waste water while improving the quality of effluents from emission sources. Reactive filter materials are used to build filter bed systems that treats domestic waste water, storm water, landfill leachates and contaminated subsurface water to the desired quality. In the past natural minerals such as zeolites and industrially produced polonite had been subject to laboratory study for the sorption of ammonium, heavy metals and phosphorous. The following paper is based on the results of experiment consisting of two columns packed with mordenite and polonite reactive materials filtering in series to reduce NH4 and PO4 content of a waste water. Septic tank effluent pre filtered using 0.45 μm filter is used as influent waste water into the dual columns. The dual column filtered a total of 24.07l s (372PV) and 23.42 ls (496PV) of the waste water. Sampling of the feed water and filtrates of both columns were done every second day with measurement of pH, conductivity and temperature. Analyzed samples confirmed that the dual column filtration resulted in re-moval efficiency of 84.39 % (PO4), 67.98 % (NH4) and -37.762.8 % (NOx). Filtration in the first (mordenite) column resulted in relatively larger proportion of the influent ammonium ion exchange than sorption of phosphate while the filtration in the second (polonite) column sorbed quite high amount of phosphorous than ammonium from effluent of the first column. Saturation of mordenite occurred faster even though there was sorption potential for few more of influent ammonium. All PO4 removal in mordenite column occurred above breakthrough condition. Polonite packed column was in a condition of a third of it’s saturation potential for PO4 removal at the end of the experiment. pH of samples was the parameter which is correlated significantly with filtration in polonite column than temperature and electrical conductivity. The performance of polonite was higher at higher pH than at lower pH. The mean concentrations of the dual column effluent were 0.77 mg-PO4/l and 11.13 mg-NH4/l. This is acceptable by the standards of environmental laws. The result of the experiment is valuable in prediction of performance and designing of real time filter bed.

Présence et devenir des alkylphénols, de leurs dérivés et des composés pharmaceutiques dans les effluents : intérêt des échantillonneurs passifs

Soulier, Coralie 27 November 2012 (has links)
Le milieu aquatique est le réceptacle ultime de la pollution environnementale. De nombreux micropolluants y sont présents et montrent des effets toxiques envers les systèmes aquatiques. La Directive Cadre Eau (DCE) a comme objectif la restauration du bon état écologique et chimique des milieux aquatiques d’ici 2015. Pour cela, elle impose des Normes de Qualités Environnementales (NQE) faibles et une surveillance accrue des masses d’eau. Au-delà des micropolluants réglementés, certains dits « émergents » ont été détectés à de faibles concentrations (ng.L-1) dans les systèmes aquatiques. Sous ce terme, sont regroupés les composés pharmaceutiques, certains pesticides, les hormones, etc. L’ensemble de ces micropolluants sont introduits dans l’environnement par plusieurs sources : dépôts atmosphériques, lessivage des sols, lixiviation et rejets industriels et/ou domestiques. Ces travaux de thèse ont porté plus précisément sur les alkylphénols, présents sur la liste des contaminants prioritaires dangereux de la DCE, leurs dérivés éthoxylés, le bisphénol A et les composés pharmaceutiques. Dans un premier temps, une attention particulière a été portée à l’analyse de ces composés. Les méthodes analytiques de chromatographie liquide couplée à la spectrométrie de masse simple (LC-MS) et en tandem (LC-MS/MS) pour les alkylphénols ont été optimisées en améliorant les contrôles qualités et en portant une attention particulière à l’extraction des composés sensibles aux contaminations extérieures (manipulateur, ambiance, etc.). Pour pallier aux problèmes liés à la contamination des échantillons par ces composés lors de l’extraction, la microextraction sur phase solide (SPME) et une méthode d’analyse par chromatographie en phase gazeuse couplée à la spectrométrie de masse simple (GC-MS) ont été dévelopées. Dans un second temps, le devenir et le comportement des alkylphénols, de leurs dérivés éthoxylés et des composés pharmaceutiques dans les stations d’épuration (STEP), sources d’introduction dans les systèmes aquatiques avérées, ont été étudiés. Cette étude a permis de mettre en évidence que les concentrations diminuent au cours des traitements dans les STEP pour tous les composés étudiés sauf pour l’acide alkylphénoxy acétique (NP1EC) qui est formé au cours des traitements secondaires ; la carbamazépine et dans une moindre mesure le diclofénac restent stables. Seuls les traitements tertiaires permettent une élimination significative de ces composés. La présence à plus de 50% des alkylphénols et de leurs dérivés éthoxylés dans la phase particulaire entraînent une adsorption non négligeable de ces composés dans les boues. Dans le but d’améliorer le suivi environnemental, les POCISTM standard (« Polar Organic chemical Integrative SamplersTM ») de configuration « pharmaceutiques » ont été développés lors d’expérimentations menées en laboratoire pour l’échantillonnage des alkylphénols, de leurs dérivés éthoxylés, du bisphénol A et des composés pharmaceutiques. Les alkylphénols et leurs dérivés éthoxylés sont accumulés avec un temps de latence dans les POCISTM standard montrant l’influence de la membrane sur le transfert de masse de ces composés. Les POCISTM standards ont été optimisés en changeant la nature des membranes pour l’échantillonnage des alkylphénols et de leurs dérivés éthoxylés. Ces nouveaux outils sont nommés POCISTM-like. Les POCISTM-Nylon 0,1 µm et 30 µm sont les POCISTM-like montrant un fort pouvoir concentrateur des alkylphénols, de leurs dérivés éthoxylés et du Bisphénol A tout en éliminant le temps de latence observé dans leur accumulation dans les POCISTM standards. Ces POCISTM-like ont par la suite été validés en mésocosmes puis dans le milieu naturel afin de mettre en évidence leur caractère intégratif, permettant ainsi de s’affranchir de l’effet matriciel et de détecter certains composés à des concentrations inférieures aux limites de quantification. / The aquatic environment is the ultimate receptacle of environmental pollution. Many micro-pollutants are present and show toxic effects to aquatic systems (bioaccumulation in tissues, inhibition of growth, endocrine dysfunction, etc.). The Water Framework Directive (WFD) aims to restore the good ecological and chemical quality of aquatic environments by 2015. For this, it imposes low Environmental quality standards (EQS) and increased monitoring of water bodies. Beyond regulated micro-pollutants, some "emerging" have been detected at low concentrations (ng L-1) in aquatic systems. Under this term are grouped pharmaceutical compounds, some pesticides, hormones, etc. All of these micro-pollutants are introduced into the environment through several sources: atmospheric deposition, soil leaching and industrial or domestic discharges.This work is specifically focused on alkylphenols, present on the list of priority hazardous compounds in the WFD, their ethoxylated derivatives, bisphenol A and pharmaceutical compounds. As a first step, particular attention was paid to the analysis of these compounds. Analytical methods of liquid chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (LC / MS) and tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS) for alkylphenols were optimized by improving quality controls and paying attention to the extraction of sensitive compounds toward contamination (manipulator, atmosphere, etc.). To overcome the problems associated with sample contamination by these compounds during the extraction, solid phase microextraction (SPME) and a method of analysis by gas chromatography coupled to mass spectrometry (GC-MS) was developed. In a second step, the fate and behavior of alkylphenols, their ethoxylated derivatives and pharmaceutical compounds in sewage treatment plants (WWTPs), sources of introduction into aquatic systems proved, were studied. This study has allowed showing the decrease of concentrations during treatment in WWTPs for all compounds studied except for alkylphenoxy acetic acid (NP1EC) which is formed during secondary treatment, carbamazepine, and to a lesser extent diclofenac remain stable. Only tertiary treatments allow significant removal of these compounds. The presence of more than 50% of alkylphenols and ethoxylated derivatives in the particulate phase lead to significant adsorption of these compounds into sludges. In order to improve environmental monitoring, during experiments conducted in the laboratory POCISTM standard (Polar Organic Chemical Integrative Samplers), "pharmaceuticals" configuration, have been developed for sampling alkylphenols, their ethoxylated derivates, bisphenol A and pharmaceutical compounds. Alkylphenols and their ethoxylated derivatives are accumulated with a lag phase in standard POCISTM showing the influence of the membrane on the mass transfer of these compounds. The standard POCISTM were optimized by changing the nature of the membranes for sampling alkylphenols and their ethoxylated derivatives. These new tools are named POCISTM-like. The POCISTM-Nylon 0.1 µm and 30 µm are POCISTM-like showing a strong power concentrator for alkylphénols, their ethoxylated derivatives and BPA while eliminating the lag phase observed in standard POCISTM. These POCISTM-like were subsequently validated in mesocosms and in the environment in order to highlight their integrative nature, allowing to overcome the matrix effect and to detect some compounds at concentrations below the limits of quantification.

Komplexní hospodaření s vodou v obytném objektu v obci Pařezov / All-embracing water management in a residential object in a Pařezov village

Királ, Martin January 2018 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with sound water management and is divided into theoretical and practical part. The theoretical part is divided into three main chapters. The first part focuses on rainwater, its quality characteristics and utilization. The second chapter focuses on the management of waste water, its properties, the amount of waste water and natural ways of wastewater treatment. The last chapter is devoted to the gray waters and their utilization. The practical part focuses on the study of the draft comprehensive management of sewage and rainwater in the village Pařezov district Domažlice. It focuses on wastewater treatment using constructed wetlands, using rainwater for irrigation and infiltration of the remaining water.

A Statistical Analysis of Hydrocyclone Parameters

Hsiang, Thomas C. H. 12 1900 (has links)
Both Part I and Part II are included. / The separation of a mixture of glass spheres in water using 2 inch hydrocyclones was studied. <p> Three operating parameters were investigated: feed concentration, volume split and feed flow rate. In addition, three design parameters were cone angle, inlet diameter, and vortex finder length. The performance criterion parameters were the efficiency with which the solids were separated from the liquid, and the energy required per unit mass flowing through the hydrocyclone. </p> <p> First the experimental data were analyzed by three different statistical methods and the results compared in an attempt to determine which statistical method was most suitable for this two criteria system. The three methods were principal component analysis, canonical correlation analysis and multiple regression analysis. The theory behind these methods is briefly outlined. Our conclusion is that using all three methods give much more insight than could be obtained from any individual method. </p> <p> Second, an analysis of the above eight hydrocyclonc parameters of hydrocyclones with cylindrical sections indicated that for the range of parameters covered in this work, feed flow rate and inlet diameter influenced the energy loss most; volume split influenced the separation efficiency the most. Energy loss and separation efficiency are quite independent; this means that it is possible to design and run a hydrocyclone with high separation efficiency and low energy loss. The dilute concentrations used in this work indicate that a hydrocyclone of conventional design can be used in waste water treatment. When the parameters were correlated, a power model gave more consistent interpretation than a linear model. </p> <p> Third, the effect of the three operating parameters on hydrocyclones with three different body shapes suggested that the most efficient cyclone was one with a straight cone and no cylindrical section. The body shape dictated which parameters would significantly affect performance. </p> / Thesis / Master of Engineering (ME)

Design and Development of a Novel Remediation Process for Metal Production From Berkeley Pit Acid Mine Drainage

Ghabel, Vahid Reza January 2007 (has links)
No description available.

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