Spelling suggestions: "subject:"water footprint"" "subject:"later footprint""
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[pt] O crescimento da população mundial junto de mudanças no estilo de vida
resulta em uma crescente demanda por culturas de alimentos e energia. O Brasil
tem aumentado cada vez mais a produção e o fornecimento destas culturas para
outras partes do mundo. O Cerrado tornou-se o centro da indústria de soja do Brasil.
A savana natural foi substituída pelo cultivo de monoculturas que estão associadas
ao uso intensivo de fertilizantes e pesticidas sintéticos. Este estudo determina em
que medida a aplicação de agroquímicos no cultivo de soja contribui para a poluição
dos corpos hídricos no Cerrado. Como medida para quantificar este impacto, a
pegada hídrica cinza (GWF) do cultivo da soja em uma fazenda típica no município
de Correntina-BA foi calculada para 5 anos de cultivo. O poluente mais
significativo para todos os anos foi o pesticida 2,4-D. O GWF do cultivo da soja
para o estudo de caso no período variou de 7.661 a 13.587 m3 por hectare e 2.441 a
7.651 m3 por tonelada de soja. O valor médio do nível de poluição da água (WPL)
associado com a produção desta cultura na bacia hidrográfica foi de 48,6 por cento com
valores que variaram de 36 por cento a 83 por cento. Os valores de GWF e WPL calculados
mostram uma grande variação entre os diferentes períodos. O GWF em 2013/2014
teve valores discrepantes sendo 43,6 por cento maior do que os valores em 2010/2011. A
diferença é devida principalmente a uma maior aplicação do pesticida, de 0,80
kg/ha para 1,42 kg/ha. O WPL em 2013/2014 chegou a 83 por cento. Os resultados indicam
que com a tendência de crescimento da agricultura de grande escala na região a
poluição por agrotóxicos dissolvidos dos corpos hídricos se intensificará a tal ponto
que é provável que viole em breve o padrão de qualidade de água local. / [en] The growing world population, coupled with changes in lifestyle, result in an
increasing demand for food, feed and energy crops. Brazil is increasingly producing
and supplying these crops for other parts of the world. The Cerrado has become the
centre of Brazil s soybean industry. The natural savannah has been replaced by crop
monocultures which are associated with intensive use of synthetic fertilizers and
pesticides. This study determines to which extent the application of agrochemicals
in the cultivation of soybean contributes to the pollution of local river basins in the
Cerrado. As a measure to quantify this impact, the grey water footprint (GWF) of
soybean cultivation in a typical farm in the municipality of Correntina-BA is
calculated for 5 cropping years. The most significant pollutant for all years was the
pesticide 2,4-D. The GWF of soybean cultivation for the case study in the period
ranged from 7,661 to 13,587 m3 per hectare and 2,441 to 7,651 m3 per tonne of
soybean. The average water pollution level (WPL) associated with the production
of this crop at river basin level was 48.6 percent. The average water pollution level
(WPL) associated with the production of this crop at river basin level was 48.6 percent
with values ranging from 36 percent to 83 percent. The calculated GWFs and WPLs show a
large variation among different cropping seasons. The GWF in 2013/2014 had
discrepant values, being 43.6 percent higher than the value in 2010/2011. This difference
is mainly due to a higher application of the pesticide, from 0.80 kg/ha to 1.42 kg/ha.
The WPL in 2013/2014 reached 83 percent . The results indicate that following the local
trend of further intensification of large scale agriculture, the pollution of local water
bodies with dissolved agrochemicals will increase to the point that it is likely to
soon violate the local water quality standards.
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Development of Regional Optimization and Market Penetration Models For Electric Vehicles in the United StatesNoori, Mehdi 01 January 2015 (has links)
Since the transportation sector still relies mostly on fossil fuels, the emissions and overall environmental impacts of the transportation sector are particularly relevant to the mitigation of the adverse effects of climate change. Sustainable transportation therefore plays a vital role in the ongoing discussion on how to promote energy insecurity and address future energy requirements. One of the most promising ways to increase energy security and reduce emissions from the transportation sector is to support alternative fuel technologies, including electric vehicles (EVs). As vehicles become electrified, the transportation fleet will rely on the electric grid as well as traditional transportation fuels for energy. The life cycle cost and environmental impacts of EVs are still very uncertain, but are nonetheless extremely important for making policy decisions. Moreover, the use of EVs will help to diversify the fuel mix and thereby reduce dependence on petroleum. In this respect, the United States has set a goal of a 20% share of EVs on U.S. roadways by 2030. However, there is also a considerable amount of uncertainty in the market share of EVs that must be taken into account. This dissertation aims to address these inherent uncertainties by presenting two new models: the Electric Vehicles Regional Optimizer (EVRO), and Electric Vehicle Regional Market Penetration (EVReMP). Using these two models, decision makers can predict the optimal combination of drivetrains and the market penetration of the EVs in different regions of the United States for the year 2030. First, the life cycle cost and life cycle environmental emissions of internal combustion engine vehicles, gasoline hybrid electric vehicles, and three different EV types (gasoline plug-in hybrid EVs, gasoline extended-range EVs, and all-electric EVs) are evaluated with their inherent uncertainties duly considered. Then, the environmental damage costs and water footprints of the studied drivetrains are estimated. Additionally, using an Exploratory Modeling and Analysis method, the uncertainties related to the life cycle costs, environmental damage costs, and water footprints of the studied vehicle types are modeled for different U.S. electricity grid regions. Next, an optimization model is used in conjunction with this Exploratory Modeling and Analysis method to find the ideal combination of different vehicle types in each U.S. region for the year 2030. Finally, an agent-based model is developed to identify the optimal market shares of the studied vehicles in each of 22 electric regions in the United States. The findings of this research will help policy makers and transportation planners to prepare our nation*s transportation system for the future influx of EVs. The findings of this research indicate that the decision maker*s point of view plays a vital role in selecting the optimal fleet array. While internal combustion engine vehicles have the lowest life cycle cost, the highest environmental damage cost, and a relatively low water footprint, they will not be a good choice in the future. On the other hand, although all-electric vehicles have a relatively low life cycle cost and the lowest environmental damage cost of the evaluated vehicle options, they also have the highest water footprint, so relying solely on all-electric vehicles is not an ideal choice either. Rather, the best fleet mix in 2030 will be an electrified fleet that relies on both electricity and gasoline. From the agent-based model results, a deviation is evident between the ideal fleet mix and that resulting from consumer behavior, in which EV shares increase dramatically by the year 2030 but only dominate 30 percent of the market. Therefore, government subsidies and the word-of-mouth effect will play a vital role in the future adoption of EVs.
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Problémy s vodou, zejména její nedostatek a znečištění, ovlivňují každodenní lidský život a hospodářský vývoj. Globální změny klimatu zvyšují pravděpodobnost a četnost extrémních událostí jako jsou sucho a záplavy. Rostoucí problémy s nepravidelnou dostupností a znečištěním vody vyžadují pokročilejší metodiky hodnocení vodních zdrojů, které povedou k efektivnímu využití a hospodaření s vodou. Tato práce se zabývá rozšířenými metodikami pro hodnocení vody z pohledu její kvality a kvantity a pro hodnocení spotřeby energie a produkce emisí souvisejících s vodou. Tři hlavní metodiky jsou navrženy na základě konceptu vodní stopy (Water Footprint) a pinch analýzy vody (Water Pinch Analysis) pro posouzení kvantitativních a kvalitativních hledisek využití a spotřeby vody. Použití těchto metod je rovněž demonstrováno pomocí numerických a empirických případových studií zaměřených na hodnocení a optimalizaci využití regionálních a průmyslových vodních zdrojůDále jsou diskutovány souvislosti mezi vodou a energií (Water-Energy Nexus) za účelem analýzy problémů týkající se vody z širší perspektivy. Z pohledu vody a vodních zdrojů je provedeno počáteční zhodnocení energetické náročnosti a produkce emisí skleníkových plynů v problematice odsolování mořské vody. Výsledky prezentované v této práci navazují na současné metodiky hodnocení vodních zdrojů. Stopa dostupnosti vody (Water Availability Footprint) byla navržena pro zohlednění dopadu degradace kvality vody ve stávajících postupech pro posuzování nedostatku vody, ve kterých nebyla dříve řešena. Druhým přínosem této práce je návrh konceptu kvantitativní-kvalitativní vodní stopy (Quantitative-Qualitative Water Footprint - QQWFP), ve kterém je definována vodní stopa z pohledu nákladů a následně je stanovena v souvislosti s celkovými náklady na spotřebu vody a odstraňování kontaminantů, které se do vody dostávají v průběhu jejího využití. Vodní stopa založená na nákladech poskytuje výsledky, které jsou intuitivnější jak pro management vodních zdrojů tak i pro veřejnost. Tento přístup umožňuje lépe kontrolovat a řídit průmyslové a regionální využívání a správu vody. Třetím přínosem této práce je rozšíření pinch analýzy nedostatku vody (Water Scarcity Pinch Analysis - WSPA), ve které je aplikována pinch analýzy vody na makroúrovni se zaměřením na regionální hodnocení a optimalizaci zdrojů a využívání vody. Všechny tři navržené metody jsou zaměřeny na stanovení dopadů využití vody z hlediska jejího množství a kvality, analýzy QQWFP a WSPA také pokrývají dopady vícečetných kontaminantů. Kromě hledání řešení se tato práce také pokouší naznačit potenciální směry pro budoucí výzkum v dané oblasti. Mezi významná potenciální témata k diskuzi patří 1) pokročilejší metoda kvantifikace vlivu více kontaminantů a 2) implementace a analýza ekonomické proveditelnosti přístupů WSPA a QQWFP s lokalizovanými daty s cílem nalézt přizpůsobené řešení pro optimální využití regionální a průmyslové vody.
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Textilproduktionens miljöpåverkan : en studie om koldioxidavtryck, vatten- ochenergianvändning mellan två hemtextil produkter i bomull från olika länder / The environmental impact of textile production : a study on carbon footprint, water andenergy use between two home textile products in cotton from different countriesTran, Jenny, Nguyen, Linda January 2022 (has links)
Textil- och klädindustrin är identifierad som en av dem största bidragande faktorerna som frigör växthusgaser över hela världen. Produktionen har en lång och komplex försörjningskedja vilket redan från råvaruutvinning släpper ut enorma mängder växthusgaser. Den här kandidatuppsatsen går igenom hela försörjningskedjan för hemtextilsektorn vad gäller olika processer från fiber till färdiga produkter och deras miljöpåverkan. Den undersöker miljöpåverkan från olika stadier i textilprodukters livscykel från vaggan till graven. Uppsatsen belyser också konceptet och principerna för mätning av koldioxidavtryck, vatten och energianvändning för hemtextilprodukter, metoder för att mäta det och dess tillämpning i textilförsörjningskedjan. I produktens livscykelanalys beräknas avtrycket från resursutvinning (vagga) till fabriksporten (grind), i de faserna inkluderas försörjning av fiber, trim och förpackning, textilbearbetning, transporter i produktion, lagring och förpackning, samt distribution. Syftet med arbetet är att beräkna koldioxidavtryck, vatten- och energianvändning och jämföra mellan två påslakanset i 100% bomull tillverkade i två olika länder. Studien ämnar ge en bättre förståelse kring koldioxidutsläppen och miljöpåverkan som dessa produkter frigör under produktion. För att senare kunna jämföras, analyseras och föreslå eventuella förbättringar för att minska produktionens utsläpp. / The textile and clothing industry has been identified as one of the biggest contributing factors to greenhouse gas emissions worldwide. Production has a long and complex supply chain, which already emits enormous amounts of greenhouse gases from raw material extraction. This bachelor's thesis goes through the entire supply chain for the home textile sector in terms of various processes from fiber to finished products and their environmental impact. It examines the environmental impact from different stages in the life cycle of textile products from the cradle to the grave. The thesis also highlights the concept and principles for measuring carbon footprint, water and energy use for home textile products, methods for measuring it and its application in the textile supply chain. The product life cycle analysis calculates the footprint from resource extraction (cradle) to the factory gate (gate), in which phases supply of fiber, trim and packaging, textile processing, transport in production, storage and packaging, and distribution are included. The purpose of the work is to calculate the carbon footprint, water and energy use and compare between two duvet cover sets in 100% cotton made in two different countries. The study aims to provide a better understanding of the carbon dioxide emissions and environmental impact that these products release during production. In order to later be able to compare, analyze and suggest possible improvements to reduce production emissions.
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Water security and ecosystem-based adaptation in the headwaters of Cantareira Water Supply System, Brazil / Segurança hídrica e adaptação baseada em ecossistemas nas bacias de cabeceira do Sistema Cantareira, BrasilTaffarello, Denise 26 August 2016 (has links)
Water quantity, availability and, particularly, quality of Brazilian freshwater is under progessive degradation due to Anthropocene\'s environmental changing conditions. Strategies of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) are essential to mitigate these impacts. This Ph.D. thesis proposes a new model of water resources management, thereby integrating selfpurification and ecohydrologic processes to evaluate ecosystem services from watershed under change. In Chapter 2, this thesis examinates the payment for hydrologic cosystem services (Water-PES) in Brazilian Atlantic Forest and points ecohydrologic variables useful for assessing and further valuing hydrologic services. In Chapter 3, this thesis discusses proposals for freshwater monitoring plan which integrate quali-quantitative aspects for EbA and Water-PES projects. Therefore, in Chapter 4 experimental quali-quantative freshwater data from in-situ field observations are investigated according land-use/land-cover (LULC) in headwaters of water supply systems. In Chapter 5, through simulated impacts on freshwater yield from scenarios of LULC change, the grey water footprint (greyWF) is assessed, as well as environmental sustainability of sub-basins is depicted from a new ecohydrologic index for assessing hydrologic services. The methodology is performed using through field sampling and lab-analysing of physico-chemical, biologic and hydraulic variables in nested sub-basins draining to the Cantareira Water Supply System, in Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais states, Brazil. These areas participate in the Water-PES projects Water Producer/PCJ and Water Conservator at headwaters of Piracicaba watershed, during recent severe drought conditions between years 2013-15. The greyWF is estimated from outputs of time series simulated through ecohydrologic model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Under assumption of continuity of Water-PES projects, and using the same series of hydrometorological records for a common period (2008-2014), freshwater quali-quantitative impacts are performed through three LULC scenarios: past situation \"S1\" (year 1990), current situation \"S2\" (year 2010) and future situation \"S2+EbA\" (year 2035). From these scenarios, flow and load duration curves, mean water yields, greyWF and seasonal variabilities, were simulated. Through this research, continuous-monitoring Data Collecting Stations were installed in public-private partnership encompassing EESC/USP, ANA, CPRM, CEMADEN, SMA, TNC, WWF and local mayors. This continuous monitoring is addressed to increase the system resilience, based on better decision-making for water security, in strategic headwaters not only for water supply, but also for environmental conservation. This doctoral thesis brings contributions to a better comprehension of anthropic impacts on water resources and for strategies of EbA in front of progressive rates of losses of ecosystem services. This PhD. thesis was part of three research initiatives which partly granted activities: (1) Thematic Project FAPESP 2008/58161-1 \"Assessment of Impacts and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Brazil and Strategies for Adaptation Options\"; (2) \"INCLINE - INterdisciplinary CLimate INvEstigation Center\" (NapMC/USP Núcleo de Apoio às Pesquisas em Mudanças Climáticas) and (3) \"Água Brasil\" Project, Banco do Brasil Foundation, WWF Brazil, ANA & FIPAI/EESC-USP. / A quantidade, a disponibilidade e, em particular, a qualidade da água doce está em degradação progressiva devido às mudanças ambientais no Antropoceno. Estratégias de adaptação baseadas em ecossistemas (EbA) são essenciais para reduzir estes impactos. Propõe-se um novo modelo de gerenciamento de recursos hídricos que integre a pegada hídrica cinza e processos ecohidrológicos para avaliação dos serviços hidrológicos em bacias hidrográficas sob mudanças. As etapas da pesquisa são: Capítulo 2 – análise dos projetos de pagamentos por serviços ambientais de proteção às bacias hidrográficas na Mata Atlântica brasileira e, no contexto de EbA, indicação de variáveis ecohidrológicas úteis na quantificação e futura valoração dos serviços hidrológicos; Capítulo 3 – desenvolvimento de plano de monitoramento ecohidrológico que integra aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos dos recursos hídricos para projetos de EbA; Capítulo 4 – provisão de dados experimentais de qualidade e quantidade da água, além de observações in-situ, para investigação das influências das mudanças de uso e ocupação do solo nas cabeceiras de mananciais, estratégicos para o abastecimento público e a conservação ambiental; Capítulo 5 – estimativas da pegada hídrica cinza para nitrato, fósforo total e sedimentos a partir do monitoramento de variáveis quali-quantitativas em bacias com diferentes condições de uso e ocupação de solo. Foi realizada a instalação de três Plataformas de Coleta de Dados, por meio de parceria entre EESC, ANA, CPRM, CEMADEN, SMA, TNC e WWF, visando aumentar a resiliência do sistema, decorrente de futuro aprimoramento da gestão, para a segurança hídrica. A metodologia incluiu coletas em seis diferentes períodos, durante dois anos, e análises das variáveis condutividade elétrica, cor, DQO, DBO5,20, nitrato, nitrito, nitrogênio amoniacal, fosfato, pH, turbidez, sólidos totais, coliformes termotolerantes, Escherichia coli, medidas de vazões e velocidades médias em seções transversais. O método foi aplicado em microbacias participantes dos projetos Produtor de Água/PCJ e Conservador das Águas, dentre outras, com áreas de drenagem entre 7 e 1.000 km2, que contribuem para a bacia do rio Piracicaba (12.530 km2). Dados primários, medidos em recente período de severa estiagem no Sistema Cantareira (2013-14), foram integrados aos bancos de dados de órgãos gestores federais e estaduais. A produção de água foi maior em sub-bacias menos florestadas. Foi possível aprimorar a regionalização de cargas poluidoras por área de drenagem na região do Cantareira. A pegada hídrica cinza (WF) foi estimada a partir de simulações no modelo ecohidrológico Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Curvas de permanência de vazões e carga poluidora por área de drenagem foram elaboradas. Supondo-se a continuidade dos projetos \"Produtor de Água/PCJ\" e \"Conservador das Águas\", foram investigados os impactos de cenário futuro de uso do solo. Finalmente, foi desenvolvido novo índice ecohidrológico para quantificação dos serviços hidrológicos e avaliação a sustentabilidade das sub-bacias, a partir da pegada hídrica cinza composta. Assim, usando ferramentas de vanguarda tecnológica (SWAT e WF), a tese fornece subsídios para uma melhor compreensão dos impactos antropogênicos sobre os recursos hídricos e novas estratégias de adaptação baseada em ecossistemas, frente às progressivas taxas de perda de serviços ambientais. Esta tese esteve vinculada a três projetos de pesquisa, dos quais obteve apoio financeiro: (1) Projeto Temático FAPESP 2008/58161-1 \"Assessment of Impacts and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Brazil & Strategies for Adaptation Options\"; (2) \"INCLINE - INterdisciplinary CLimate INvEstigation Center\" (NapMC/USP) e (3) Projeto \"Água Brasil\", Fundação Banco do Brasil, WWF Brasil, ANA e FIPAI/EESC-USP.
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Water security and ecosystem-based adaptation in the headwaters of Cantareira Water Supply System, Brazil / Segurança hídrica e adaptação baseada em ecossistemas nas bacias de cabeceira do Sistema Cantareira, BrasilDenise Taffarello 26 August 2016 (has links)
Water quantity, availability and, particularly, quality of Brazilian freshwater is under progessive degradation due to Anthropocene\'s environmental changing conditions. Strategies of Ecosystem-based Adaptation (EbA) are essential to mitigate these impacts. This Ph.D. thesis proposes a new model of water resources management, thereby integrating selfpurification and ecohydrologic processes to evaluate ecosystem services from watershed under change. In Chapter 2, this thesis examinates the payment for hydrologic cosystem services (Water-PES) in Brazilian Atlantic Forest and points ecohydrologic variables useful for assessing and further valuing hydrologic services. In Chapter 3, this thesis discusses proposals for freshwater monitoring plan which integrate quali-quantitative aspects for EbA and Water-PES projects. Therefore, in Chapter 4 experimental quali-quantative freshwater data from in-situ field observations are investigated according land-use/land-cover (LULC) in headwaters of water supply systems. In Chapter 5, through simulated impacts on freshwater yield from scenarios of LULC change, the grey water footprint (greyWF) is assessed, as well as environmental sustainability of sub-basins is depicted from a new ecohydrologic index for assessing hydrologic services. The methodology is performed using through field sampling and lab-analysing of physico-chemical, biologic and hydraulic variables in nested sub-basins draining to the Cantareira Water Supply System, in Sao Paulo and Minas Gerais states, Brazil. These areas participate in the Water-PES projects Water Producer/PCJ and Water Conservator at headwaters of Piracicaba watershed, during recent severe drought conditions between years 2013-15. The greyWF is estimated from outputs of time series simulated through ecohydrologic model Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Under assumption of continuity of Water-PES projects, and using the same series of hydrometorological records for a common period (2008-2014), freshwater quali-quantitative impacts are performed through three LULC scenarios: past situation \"S1\" (year 1990), current situation \"S2\" (year 2010) and future situation \"S2+EbA\" (year 2035). From these scenarios, flow and load duration curves, mean water yields, greyWF and seasonal variabilities, were simulated. Through this research, continuous-monitoring Data Collecting Stations were installed in public-private partnership encompassing EESC/USP, ANA, CPRM, CEMADEN, SMA, TNC, WWF and local mayors. This continuous monitoring is addressed to increase the system resilience, based on better decision-making for water security, in strategic headwaters not only for water supply, but also for environmental conservation. This doctoral thesis brings contributions to a better comprehension of anthropic impacts on water resources and for strategies of EbA in front of progressive rates of losses of ecosystem services. This PhD. thesis was part of three research initiatives which partly granted activities: (1) Thematic Project FAPESP 2008/58161-1 \"Assessment of Impacts and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Brazil and Strategies for Adaptation Options\"; (2) \"INCLINE - INterdisciplinary CLimate INvEstigation Center\" (NapMC/USP Núcleo de Apoio às Pesquisas em Mudanças Climáticas) and (3) \"Água Brasil\" Project, Banco do Brasil Foundation, WWF Brazil, ANA & FIPAI/EESC-USP. / A quantidade, a disponibilidade e, em particular, a qualidade da água doce está em degradação progressiva devido às mudanças ambientais no Antropoceno. Estratégias de adaptação baseadas em ecossistemas (EbA) são essenciais para reduzir estes impactos. Propõe-se um novo modelo de gerenciamento de recursos hídricos que integre a pegada hídrica cinza e processos ecohidrológicos para avaliação dos serviços hidrológicos em bacias hidrográficas sob mudanças. As etapas da pesquisa são: Capítulo 2 – análise dos projetos de pagamentos por serviços ambientais de proteção às bacias hidrográficas na Mata Atlântica brasileira e, no contexto de EbA, indicação de variáveis ecohidrológicas úteis na quantificação e futura valoração dos serviços hidrológicos; Capítulo 3 – desenvolvimento de plano de monitoramento ecohidrológico que integra aspectos qualitativos e quantitativos dos recursos hídricos para projetos de EbA; Capítulo 4 – provisão de dados experimentais de qualidade e quantidade da água, além de observações in-situ, para investigação das influências das mudanças de uso e ocupação do solo nas cabeceiras de mananciais, estratégicos para o abastecimento público e a conservação ambiental; Capítulo 5 – estimativas da pegada hídrica cinza para nitrato, fósforo total e sedimentos a partir do monitoramento de variáveis quali-quantitativas em bacias com diferentes condições de uso e ocupação de solo. Foi realizada a instalação de três Plataformas de Coleta de Dados, por meio de parceria entre EESC, ANA, CPRM, CEMADEN, SMA, TNC e WWF, visando aumentar a resiliência do sistema, decorrente de futuro aprimoramento da gestão, para a segurança hídrica. A metodologia incluiu coletas em seis diferentes períodos, durante dois anos, e análises das variáveis condutividade elétrica, cor, DQO, DBO5,20, nitrato, nitrito, nitrogênio amoniacal, fosfato, pH, turbidez, sólidos totais, coliformes termotolerantes, Escherichia coli, medidas de vazões e velocidades médias em seções transversais. O método foi aplicado em microbacias participantes dos projetos Produtor de Água/PCJ e Conservador das Águas, dentre outras, com áreas de drenagem entre 7 e 1.000 km2, que contribuem para a bacia do rio Piracicaba (12.530 km2). Dados primários, medidos em recente período de severa estiagem no Sistema Cantareira (2013-14), foram integrados aos bancos de dados de órgãos gestores federais e estaduais. A produção de água foi maior em sub-bacias menos florestadas. Foi possível aprimorar a regionalização de cargas poluidoras por área de drenagem na região do Cantareira. A pegada hídrica cinza (WF) foi estimada a partir de simulações no modelo ecohidrológico Soil and Water Assessment Tool (SWAT). Curvas de permanência de vazões e carga poluidora por área de drenagem foram elaboradas. Supondo-se a continuidade dos projetos \"Produtor de Água/PCJ\" e \"Conservador das Águas\", foram investigados os impactos de cenário futuro de uso do solo. Finalmente, foi desenvolvido novo índice ecohidrológico para quantificação dos serviços hidrológicos e avaliação a sustentabilidade das sub-bacias, a partir da pegada hídrica cinza composta. Assim, usando ferramentas de vanguarda tecnológica (SWAT e WF), a tese fornece subsídios para uma melhor compreensão dos impactos antropogênicos sobre os recursos hídricos e novas estratégias de adaptação baseada em ecossistemas, frente às progressivas taxas de perda de serviços ambientais. Esta tese esteve vinculada a três projetos de pesquisa, dos quais obteve apoio financeiro: (1) Projeto Temático FAPESP 2008/58161-1 \"Assessment of Impacts and Vulnerability to Climate Change in Brazil & Strategies for Adaptation Options\"; (2) \"INCLINE - INterdisciplinary CLimate INvEstigation Center\" (NapMC/USP) e (3) Projeto \"Água Brasil\", Fundação Banco do Brasil, WWF Brasil, ANA e FIPAI/EESC-USP.
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The Influence of Management Strategies on the Water Productivity in Dairy Farming and Broiler ProductionKrauß, Michael 21 November 2017 (has links)
Die Wasserproduktivität in der Tierhaltung ist von vielen Faktoren abhängig. Die Futterproduktion hat den größten Anteil am Wasserbedarf von tierischen Produkten. Weitere Einflussfaktoren sind die Leistung, die Reproduktion und der Gesundheitsstatus der Tiere, das Management und die Haltungsbedingungen. In dieser Arbeit sollte untersucht werden, wie sich diese Faktoren auf die Wasserproduktivität von Milch und Geflügelfleisch in Nord-Ost-Deutschland auswirken. Zehn unterschiedliche Futtermittel wurden hinsichtlich ihres Wasserbedarfes untersucht. Aus diesen Futtermitteln wurden die Rationen für die Tiere erstellt. Die Milchleistung der Kühe wurde zwischen 4.000 und 12.000 kg Milch pro Kuh und Jahr in 2.000 kg Schritten variiert. Für jedes Leistungsniveau wurden zwölf verschiedene Fütterungsstrategien untersucht, welche auf der Erhöhung einzelner Bestandteile der Ration basieren. Der Wasserbedarf von Leitungswasser im Stall wurde mit 38 Wasserzählern ermittelt. Für die Wasserproduktivität des Geflügelfleisches wurden vier verschieden intensive Mastverfahren untersucht.
Die Wasserproduktivität steigt mit steigender Milchleistung der Kühe. Das Maximum wird bei 10.000 kg Milch pro Kuh und Jahr und Rationen mit einem hohem Gras- bzw. Maissilageanteil erreicht.
Die Kühe, die im automatischen Melksystem gemolken wurden, nahmen mehr Tränkwasser zu sich, als die Kühe im Fischgrätenmelkstand. Dies ist durch die höhere Milchleistung bedingt. Im automatischen Melksystem wurden im Mittel 28,6 Liter Reinigungswasser pro Kuh und Tag benötigt. Für die Reinigung des Fischgrätenmelkstandes wurden 33,8 Liter pro Kuh und Tag genutzt.
Die untersuchten Broilermastverfahren zeigten keine Unterschiede hinsichtlich der Wasserproduktivität. Die intensivere Aufzucht und bessere Futterverwertung wurde durch eine niedrigere Wasserproduktivität des Futters kompensiert.
Der Anteil des technischen Wassers macht in der Milchkuh- und Broilerhaltung nur einen kleinen Teil am Gesamtwasserbedarf aus. / Livestock production is the main user of water resources in agricultural production. Water is used in animal production for producing feed, watering the animals, and cleaning and disinfecting barns and equipment. The objective of this dissertation was to quantify the effects of management strategies, such as feeding, intensity of production and the replacement process on the water productivity of milk and poultry meat in Germany.
Water productivity in milk and broiler production systems was calculated based on the methodology of Prochnow et al. (2012). Own measurements of the drinking and cleaning water demand in milk production were conducted in a dairy cow barn. The study was based on site conditions of North-East Germany with common variations in farm operations.
The feed production is the main contributor to water input in dairy and poultry production. The water productivity of milk increased with an increasing milk yield. The most beneficial conditions related to water productivity in dairy farming were found to be with a milk yield of approximately 10,000 kg fat corrected milk and a grass silage and maize silage based feeding. The total technical water use in the barn makes only a minor contribution to water use. Former regression functions of the drinking water intake of the cows were reviewed and a new regression function based on the ambient temperature and the milk yield was developed. In broiler production the intensification of the fattening systems did not increase water productivity.
An increase of water productivity in animal production can be achieved with various management strategies with their specific influence on the production process. The feed management should be a focus of the strategies.
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