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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Implantação de tecnologias alternativas de saneamento como forma de garantir água de qualidade, quantidade e higiene no semiárido moçambicano : caso do distrito de Funhalouro

Herculano, Lário Moisés Luís January 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como o objetivo o estudo das condições hidrológicas, higiênicas e sanitárias no distrito de Funhalouro, localizada na província de Inhambane, em Moçambique. Esse distrito caracteriza-se por ser rural com clima semi-árido e nele residem cerca de 37.856 habitantes correspondentes a 8058 famílias com uma densidade populacional de 2,78 habitante/km². O abastecimento de água no local de estudo é precário. Com relação a fonte de água para o consumo, 53,9% das famílias utilizam poços a céu aberto, 37,5% poços protegidos sem qualquer tipo de tratamento e os restantes consomem água das lagoas existentes, fontanários e cisternas. Aliado a tal, levantamentos realizados apontaram que 78% destes agregados familiares não possuem sequer uma latrina, 18,1% possuem uma latrina tradicional não melhorada e o restante usam a latrina melhorada. Os habitantes que não possuem latrinas em suas moradias compartilham as mesmas com os moradores que as possuem, ou então, praticam o fecalismo a céu aberto. O diagnóstico mostra ainda que a população consome água fora dos padrões estabelecidos pela OMS e pela legislação moçambicana. Para agravar, no distrito de Funhalouro os resíduos sólidos são enterrados ou queimados nas próprias casas. A falta de higiene também é característica em muitas casas e em algumas fontes de água do distrito de Funhalouro. O consumo da água imprópria e as condições insalubres são algumas das causas de várias doenças na região, principalmente as diarréias e a malária, sendo a última a principal causa de morte em Moçambique. Para superar todos os entraves à melhoria das condições sanitárias e de vida, o presente trabalho propôs sistemas alternativos de tratamento de águas com eficiência e baixo custo, considerados não convencionais ou simplificados, como o uso da moringa, desinfecção solar (SODIS), cloração e fervura. Sugeriu-se também, a construção de latrinas tradicionais melhoradas, tecnologias simples de coleta de água das chuvas e educação ambiental e sanitária. As sugestões propostas consideram a riqueza, a diversidade e, principalmente, a tradição do povo em estudo . O trabalho recomendou ainda uma cooperação, na qual participem instituições envolvidas na gestão de recursos hídricos, ONGs, instituições religiosas e comunidade local, e que a teoria política seja aplicada. / This work aimed at studying the hydrologic, hygiene and sanitation conditions in the district of Funhalouro, located in Inhambane province, Mozambique. This is a rural district characterized by semi-arid climate, with approximately 37,856 inhabitants, 8058 households and a population density of 2.78 inhabitants /km ². The water supply in the area of study is poor. Water consumption covers 53.9% of households that use open wells, 37.5% use protected wells without treatment of any king and the remaining population consumes water from the existing ponds, fountains and cisterns. Allied to this, surveys showed that 78% of these households do not even have a latrine, 18.1% have an unimproved latrine and the remaining population uses improved latrines. People who do not have latrines in their homes share the same latrines with those who have, or defecate in the open air. The diagnosis also shows that the population consumes water that is out of the standards set by WHO and the Mozambican legislation. To make it worse, the district of Funhalouro lacks any rain water drainage system and solid waste is buried or burned in their homes. The lack of hygiene is also feature in many homes and in some water sources in the district of Funhalouro. The consumption of unsafe water and the unsanitary conditions are some of the causes of various diseases in the region, especially diarrhea and malaria, the latter being the leading cause of death in Mozambique. To overcome all obstacles to the improvement of health and living conditions, this study proposed highly efficient and low cost alternative systems of water treatment considered as unconventional or simplified, by using moringa, solar disinfection (SODIS), chlorination and boiling. It was also suggested the construction of improved traditional latrines, simple technologies for water collection and environmental and health education. The proposed suggestions were designed to be in line with the richness, diversity, and especially the tradition of the people under study. The study also recommended further cooperation, with participation of institutions engaged in water resources management, NGOs, religious institutions and local community, and applying the political theory.

Implantação de tecnologias alternativas de saneamento como forma de garantir água de qualidade, quantidade e higiene no semiárido moçambicano : caso do distrito de Funhalouro

Herculano, Lário Moisés Luís January 2012 (has links)
O presente trabalho teve como o objetivo o estudo das condições hidrológicas, higiênicas e sanitárias no distrito de Funhalouro, localizada na província de Inhambane, em Moçambique. Esse distrito caracteriza-se por ser rural com clima semi-árido e nele residem cerca de 37.856 habitantes correspondentes a 8058 famílias com uma densidade populacional de 2,78 habitante/km². O abastecimento de água no local de estudo é precário. Com relação a fonte de água para o consumo, 53,9% das famílias utilizam poços a céu aberto, 37,5% poços protegidos sem qualquer tipo de tratamento e os restantes consomem água das lagoas existentes, fontanários e cisternas. Aliado a tal, levantamentos realizados apontaram que 78% destes agregados familiares não possuem sequer uma latrina, 18,1% possuem uma latrina tradicional não melhorada e o restante usam a latrina melhorada. Os habitantes que não possuem latrinas em suas moradias compartilham as mesmas com os moradores que as possuem, ou então, praticam o fecalismo a céu aberto. O diagnóstico mostra ainda que a população consome água fora dos padrões estabelecidos pela OMS e pela legislação moçambicana. Para agravar, no distrito de Funhalouro os resíduos sólidos são enterrados ou queimados nas próprias casas. A falta de higiene também é característica em muitas casas e em algumas fontes de água do distrito de Funhalouro. O consumo da água imprópria e as condições insalubres são algumas das causas de várias doenças na região, principalmente as diarréias e a malária, sendo a última a principal causa de morte em Moçambique. Para superar todos os entraves à melhoria das condições sanitárias e de vida, o presente trabalho propôs sistemas alternativos de tratamento de águas com eficiência e baixo custo, considerados não convencionais ou simplificados, como o uso da moringa, desinfecção solar (SODIS), cloração e fervura. Sugeriu-se também, a construção de latrinas tradicionais melhoradas, tecnologias simples de coleta de água das chuvas e educação ambiental e sanitária. As sugestões propostas consideram a riqueza, a diversidade e, principalmente, a tradição do povo em estudo . O trabalho recomendou ainda uma cooperação, na qual participem instituições envolvidas na gestão de recursos hídricos, ONGs, instituições religiosas e comunidade local, e que a teoria política seja aplicada. / This work aimed at studying the hydrologic, hygiene and sanitation conditions in the district of Funhalouro, located in Inhambane province, Mozambique. This is a rural district characterized by semi-arid climate, with approximately 37,856 inhabitants, 8058 households and a population density of 2.78 inhabitants /km ². The water supply in the area of study is poor. Water consumption covers 53.9% of households that use open wells, 37.5% use protected wells without treatment of any king and the remaining population consumes water from the existing ponds, fountains and cisterns. Allied to this, surveys showed that 78% of these households do not even have a latrine, 18.1% have an unimproved latrine and the remaining population uses improved latrines. People who do not have latrines in their homes share the same latrines with those who have, or defecate in the open air. The diagnosis also shows that the population consumes water that is out of the standards set by WHO and the Mozambican legislation. To make it worse, the district of Funhalouro lacks any rain water drainage system and solid waste is buried or burned in their homes. The lack of hygiene is also feature in many homes and in some water sources in the district of Funhalouro. The consumption of unsafe water and the unsanitary conditions are some of the causes of various diseases in the region, especially diarrhea and malaria, the latter being the leading cause of death in Mozambique. To overcome all obstacles to the improvement of health and living conditions, this study proposed highly efficient and low cost alternative systems of water treatment considered as unconventional or simplified, by using moringa, solar disinfection (SODIS), chlorination and boiling. It was also suggested the construction of improved traditional latrines, simple technologies for water collection and environmental and health education. The proposed suggestions were designed to be in line with the richness, diversity, and especially the tradition of the people under study. The study also recommended further cooperation, with participation of institutions engaged in water resources management, NGOs, religious institutions and local community, and applying the political theory.

Impacto da irrigação na bacia hidrográfica do ribeirão dos Marins / Impact of irrigation at the Marins stream watershed

Ariovaldo Antonio Tadeu Lucas 17 September 2007 (has links)
Atualmente a água é o recurso mais limitante para o desenvolvimento urbano, industrial e principalmente agrícola devido à constante contaminação em função da falta de planejamento e uso inadequado dos recursos hídricos pela humanidade. Assim o presente trabalho teve o objetivo de estudar o impacto ambiental da irrigação nos recursos hídricos da microbacia hidrográfica do ribeirão dos Marins e testar a capacidade do modelo hidrológico MIKE SHE em pequenas áreas irrigadas da microbacia e conseqüentemente detectar problemas relacionados à irrigação e a falta de manejo da água nessas áreas. Avaliou-se a qualidade da água de irrigação utilizada na produção de hortaliças; a qualidade da irrigação praticada pelos produtores, a quantidade de água na microbacia hidrográfica e simulou-se a área irrigada da microbacia. Os parâmetros de qualidade de água analisados foram: sedimentos em suspensão, pH, condutividade elétrica, alcalinidade, turbidez, potássio, cálcio, magnésio, cobre, ferro, manganês, zinco, sódio, fósforo, sulfato, cloreto, nitrogênio amoniacal e nitrato, durante 10 meses. A qualidade da irrigação foi avaliada através do manejo da irrigação via tensiômetros, instalados em duas propriedades agrícolas e em duas profundidades, e avaliação do coeficiente de uniformidade de Christiansen (CUC) foi feito em quatro propriedades agrícolas. A avaliação do impacto ambiental foi feito por meio dos indicadores de qualidade da água e do CUC. Os dados coletados e avaliados permitiram concluir que a agricultura irrigada provoca pouco impacto na microbacia hidrográfica. De acordo com as classificações de Ayers e Westcot e USDA a água pode ser considerada boa para ser utilizada na agricultura. Observou-se que a umidade do solo no período amostrado ficou próxima da saturação. O uso do modelo para a simulação da área irrigada permitiu economia de água quando o manejo da irrigação foi utilizado. / Nowadays the water is the most limiting resource to the urban, industrial and agricultural development due to constant contamination and inadequate water use by the mankind. Then this work aimed to study the environmental impact of irrigation at the Marins stream watershed and to check the ability of the model MIKE SHE in small irrigated area, consequently, to detect problems related with irrigation operations at the small watershed. It were evaluated the water quality used in the horticultural production, the irrigation quality practiced by the farmers, water quantity in the watershed and simulation was done for the irrigated area. The parameters analyzed were physicals and chemicals: suspense sediments, pH, electric conductivity, alkalinity, turbidity, potassium, calcium, magnesium, cupper, iron, manganese, zinc, sodium, phosphorus, sulfate, chlorine, ammonia nitrogen, and nitrate, during 10 months. The irrigation quality was evaluated through the irrigation management by tensiometers installed in two properties and two depths and by the Christiansen uniformity coefficient (CUC) measured in four properties. The environmental impact of irrigation was made by the water quality indicators and the CUC. The results permitted to conclude that irrigated agricultural causes few impact at the Marins stream watershed. The water showed a acceptable quality when compared with the classification proposed by Ayers & Westcot and USDA to irrigation. It was observed that the soil wet was near the saturation. The model allowed to save water when water management was used.


Colin, Sonny, Erneland, Michael January 2023 (has links)
This study has looked at two separate locations, Malmö in Sweden, and Medellin in Colombia, and what the possibilities of rainwater harvesting are in those locations. The paper investigated data gathered by low-cost sensors in Malmö region, as well as sampling and measurements of rainwater collected in Malmö and Medellin, analysed by laboratories in both countries. Important data for the paper are quantity, quality, as well as environmental benefits and the economical perspective of rainwater harvesting. There are several steps that can be taken towards a more sustainable use of the Earth’s resources, and rainwater harvesting is included in the possibilities already at hand. But there is need for further development of monitoring and ways to qualify water for different purposes. It is possible to utilize rainwater for many things, and with that, ease the pressure on the local water supply infrastructure. This study has shown some important parts of that process, and that even low-cost sensors can help in gathering essential data for further evaluation of the usability of the rainwater. By collecting parts of the rainwater, flooding due to extensive downpour can be mitigated to some extent. Moreover, considering the low price of the sensors tested in this study, it is possible to use several low-cost sensors to determine the usability to some extent. Had the measurements rendered in values being too low compared to the laboratory results, the risk would have been greater. The consequence is that usable water could be regarded as not usable since the sensors returned an overall higher value compared to the laboratory results. Furthermore, the research found that the environmental benefit can be substantial. But there are more positive implications when gathering water for usage locally. For example, the water supply can become more distributed and with that, less prone to cause events such as water leaks, polluted water, and extreme events that have rendered an unserviceable infrastructure.

"Prospects for a Shared Management of Transboundary Wastewater Israel-Palestine a case"

Yaqob, Eyad Y. A., Ph.D. 27 May 2016 (has links)
No description available.

An Ecosystem Approach to the Sustainability of Urbanizing Watersheds

Raposa, Sarah L 01 January 2011 (has links) (PDF)
Political boundaries make watershed planning difficult despite the influence of many state and federal programs. Broad, top-down, watershed initiatives fail to reach many municipalities due to human resources, time and legalities. Thus, a watershed ecosystem based approach to city planning should be utilized in order to integrate a holistic and scientific foundation for land use decisions. However, there is a need for research for developing and applying a watershed approach to urbanizing watersheds. The goal of this study is to provide a series of science based transferable recommendations upon which municipalities can make land use planning decisions. These recommendations are informed by a watershed modeling and prioritization study conducted with the community of Northampton, Massachusetts. Analyses of water resource planning options were made concerning future development scenarios using an approach which links water quality and quantity, land use and government. A required component of the ecosystem approach, stakeholder participation, applied the Deliberative Attribute Prioritization Procedure (DAPP) for the first time in this context to assess the relative of different environmental concerns. The results of these stakeholder focus groups showed the importance of several key attributes including land use, water quality, water quantity, and impacts to neighborhing communities that were utilized in the watershed models. This thesis provides an integrated tool for water resource planning at the municipal level. However, without the effective transfer of these recommendations into existing policies like zoning, the results of the study have limited use. Therefore implementation of recommendations within municipal planning documents is an important component. This information will be utilized to evaluate priority water resource protection overlays by providing quantitative information and decision making within a community. A citywide watershed model and analysis used to guide policy-making and decision-making will assist in fulfilling the community of Northampton’s continuing commitment to work toward economic, environmental, and equitable sustainability, as well as provide a model for other communities.

Integração de um modelo matemático de quantidade de água em rede de fluxo (ACQUANET) com um modelo matemático de qualidade de água em represas (CE-QUAL-R1) - Estudo de Caso: Represa Jaguari-Jacareí - Sistema Cantareira. / Integration of a water quantity mathematical net-flux model (ACQUANET) with a water quality mathematical reservoir model (CE-QUAL-R1) - Case Study: Jaguari-Jacarei Reservoir – Cantareira System.

Albano, Gustavo Doratioto 16 September 2004 (has links)
Desenvolveu-se uma metodologia para integração de dois modelos matemáticos, um de quantidade de água, em rede de fluxo, denominado ACQUANET com outro de qualidade de água, de uma dimensão, aplicado a represas, denominado CE-QUAL-R1. Para tanto, foi elaborada uma INTERFACE em linguagem de programação possibilitando que as vazões resultantes, simuladas pelo ACQUANET, servissem como dados de entrada ao CE-QUAL-R1 para simular a distribuição vertical das variáveis de qualidade de água em uma represa. Essa metodologia foi aplicada à Represa Jaguari-Jacareí no Sistema Cantareira em São Paulo, Brasil, como alternativa de gerenciamento quali-quantitativo, além de possibilitar o uso de retirada de água em diferentes profundidades, através da operação de tomadas d’água seletivas existentes. / A methodology was developed for the integration of two mathematical models, one of water quantity in network named ACQUANET with other of water quality, in one dimension, applied in revervoirs, named CE-QUAL-R1. In order to achieve this goal, an INTERFACE was developed to link the CE-QUAL-R1 with ACQUANET outflow results. It should be highlighted that ACQUANET has been used for beginning values of CE-QUAL-R1 and to simulate the vertical distribution of water quality variables in a reservoir. This methodology was applied to Jaguari-Jacarei Reservoir, of Cantareira System in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as a management quality and quantity tool of the system and it showed the use possibility of withdrawal of outflowing waters from different depths, through existing selective withdrawals ports operation.

Integração de um modelo matemático de quantidade de água em rede de fluxo (ACQUANET) com um modelo matemático de qualidade de água em represas (CE-QUAL-R1) - Estudo de Caso: Represa Jaguari-Jacareí - Sistema Cantareira. / Integration of a water quantity mathematical net-flux model (ACQUANET) with a water quality mathematical reservoir model (CE-QUAL-R1) - Case Study: Jaguari-Jacarei Reservoir – Cantareira System.

Gustavo Doratioto Albano 16 September 2004 (has links)
Desenvolveu-se uma metodologia para integração de dois modelos matemáticos, um de quantidade de água, em rede de fluxo, denominado ACQUANET com outro de qualidade de água, de uma dimensão, aplicado a represas, denominado CE-QUAL-R1. Para tanto, foi elaborada uma INTERFACE em linguagem de programação possibilitando que as vazões resultantes, simuladas pelo ACQUANET, servissem como dados de entrada ao CE-QUAL-R1 para simular a distribuição vertical das variáveis de qualidade de água em uma represa. Essa metodologia foi aplicada à Represa Jaguari-Jacareí no Sistema Cantareira em São Paulo, Brasil, como alternativa de gerenciamento quali-quantitativo, além de possibilitar o uso de retirada de água em diferentes profundidades, através da operação de tomadas d’água seletivas existentes. / A methodology was developed for the integration of two mathematical models, one of water quantity in network named ACQUANET with other of water quality, in one dimension, applied in revervoirs, named CE-QUAL-R1. In order to achieve this goal, an INTERFACE was developed to link the CE-QUAL-R1 with ACQUANET outflow results. It should be highlighted that ACQUANET has been used for beginning values of CE-QUAL-R1 and to simulate the vertical distribution of water quality variables in a reservoir. This methodology was applied to Jaguari-Jacarei Reservoir, of Cantareira System in Sao Paulo, Brazil, as a management quality and quantity tool of the system and it showed the use possibility of withdrawal of outflowing waters from different depths, through existing selective withdrawals ports operation.

Caractérisation et impact de la pollution dans les rejets urbains par temps de pluie (RUTP) sur des bassins versants de l'agglomération Orléanaise. / Characteristics and impact of urban runoff pollution on subwatersheds of the Orléans agglomeration

Al-Juhaishi, Mohammed 25 June 2018 (has links)
L’objectif de cette thèse est de caractériser les Rejets Urbains par Temps de Pluie (RUTP) et leur flux au niveau des exutoires d’eaux pluviales de trois sous-bassins majeurs de l'agglomération orléanaise. Pour cela des prélèvements ponctuels d’eau ont été effectués et un modèle conceptuel a été utilisé. Les trois sous-bassins : La Corne (463 ha), l'Egoutier (2080 ha) et Ormes (2256 ha) ont des occupations du sol différentes.D’une manière générale, la conductivité, la demande chimique en oxygène (DCO), la demande biochimique en oxygène (DBO5 et la DBO28), le carbone organique dissout (COD), l'azote total(NT), et les concentrations en anions et cations majeurs étaient plus élevés par temps sec que par temps de pluie indiquant un effet de dilution par les précipitations. Il a été mis en évidence un mélange des eaux pluviales avec des eaux usées dans le sous bassin d’Ormes. L’occupation des sols et les activités anthropiques influencent de manière significative la qualité du ruissellement. Par exemple, dans le sous-bassin de l’Egoutier, la présence d’une zone imperméable (industries et habitations) importante (40% de la surface) est responsable d’une augmentation des paramètresDBO5, DBO28, COD et NT.Les flux aux exutoires des différents paramètres de qualité de l’eau ont été évalués et comparés à ceux issus des quatre principales stations d’épuration (STEP) et à ceux de la Loire. La charge destrois sous-bassins urbains représente environ 166,61% de la charge des quatre STEP. Les trois sous bassins ont un faible impact sur la Loire en termes de flux annuels (environ 1,62% pour les MES par temps de pluie).Deux versions d’un modèle conceptuel dit d'accumulation/lavage-transport ont été évaluées pour estimer les flux de ruissellement des polluants ; la version classique et une version modifiée dans laquelle le paramètre accumulation des polluants a une forme logarithmique. Les performances des modèles étaient acceptables pour les MES et la DCO. Les coefficients de corrélation étaient supérieurs à 90% pour le sous bassin de l’Egoutier, par exemple. Pour les éléments traces métalliques en phase particulaire, la corrélation avec l’expérience était bonne également. D’une manière générale, lorsqu'un flux mesuré était inférieur à 1 kg.ha-1, les modèles n’étaient plus applicables.Des premiers essais de simulation de la qualité et la quantité de RUTP ont été effectués à partir de MIKE URBAN, qui équipe les deux logiciels de modélisation MOUSE et SWMM. Les hydrogrammes ont indiqué que le débit maximum obtenu avec SWMM était toujours inférieur à celui obtenu avec MOUSE. La qualité de l’eau (masse de MES) était toujours plus fortement impactée par le lessivage des MES dans le modèle MOUSE que dans SWMM.Ce travail constitue la première étape du travail d'évaluation de RUTP pour l'Agglomération orléanaise. Il constitue une base solide pour un futur programme de surveillance continue. / The objective of this thesis was to characterize urban runoff water at the level of stormwater outletson three major urban sub-basins of the Orléans agglomeration, covering land areas ranging in size from463 to 2257 ha and with contrasted land use. 11 individual rain events were sampled at runoff outletsbetween April 2015 and June 2017 and 10 campaigns were also carried out in dry weather.In general, it was observed that the conductivity, chemical oxygen demand (COD), biochemicaloxygen demand (BOD5 and BOD28), dissolved organic carbon (DOC), total nitrogen (NT), anions andmajor cations were found to be higher in dry weather conditions than in rainy weather. These resultsindicate a dilution effect due to precipitation.A mixture of rainwater and wastewater was also identified in the sub-basin of Ormes. Land use andhuman activities in the sub-basin studied were found to significantly influence the quality of the resultedrunoff from rainfall events. For example, in the Egouttier sub-basin 2, the presence of a large imperviouszone (industrial and residential, 40% of the surface area) was responsible for an increase in the parametersBOD5, BOD28, COD and NT.The flows at the outlets of the different water quality parameters were evaluated and compared withthose from the four main wastewater treatment plants (WWTP) and those from the Loire. The estimatedloads of the three sub-urban basins accounts for approximately 166.61% of the load of the four WWTP.The three sub-basins have a small impact on the Loire in terms of annual flows (about 1.62% for wetweather case).Two versions of a conceptual model of accumulation / washoff were evaluated to estimate pollutantrunoff; the classical version and a modified version in which the pollutant accumulation parameter has alogarithmic form. The performances of the models were found acceptable for the MES and the COD. TheNash-Sutcliffe (NS) coefficients were found as 0.84 and 0.85 for the two versions at the Egouttier subbasin.For trace elements in particulate phase, the correlation with the experimental measured value wasfound good as well. In general, when a measured flow was less than 1 kg.ha-1, the modified model was nolonger applicable.The first simulation tests of the quality and quantity of urban runoff were carried out with MIKEURBAN, which equips both MOUSE and SWMM modeling software. For water quantity, the hydrographsindicated that the maximum flow obtained with SWMM was always lower than that obtained with MOUSE.For water quality, TSS mass was still more strongly impacted by the leaching of TSS in the MOUSE modelthan in the SWMM model.This work can be considered as the first step of the evaluation work of RUTP for the Orléansagglomeration. It provides a solid foundation for a future monitoring program.

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