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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Pokročilé metody pro zabezpečení multimediálních dat / Advanced Methods to Multimedia Data Protection

Mikulčík, Ondřej January 2014 (has links)
To protect the the copyright of multimedia works have been developed watermarking techniques, that insert an invisible watermark to the original data. The aim of this thesis was to explore modern watermarking techniques, choose three of them and realize them. Also test them, evaluate their properties and possibly improve them. All methods insert a watermark into luminance component of the original image, and work with binary or black and white watermark. All techniques work in the frequency domain using discrete wavelet transform. For the implementation of methods, have been developed software named "Watermarking" that has been programmed in JAVA Version 7. The first chapter describes the types of watermarks, the general process of insertion and extraction, watermarking systems and important feature requests of embedded water- marks. In addition, qualitative methods are mentioned for their comparisons and testing. The chapter also contains a theoretical description of the used transformations and functions. In the second chapter is described the user interface of the software "Water- marking". Chapters three and four contain a theoretical description of the implemented methods and description of implementation of insertion and extraction processes of the watermark. Also there are discussed the exact procedures for testing, the sample data, and the results which are clearly displayed in the tables. The fifth chapter discusses in detail the results obtained in testing the robustness of the watermark, using the software StirMark. In the conclusion are evaluated the advantages and disadvantages of methods and quality parameters.

Pokročilé možnosti zabezpečení medicínských obrazových dat / Advanced Security Methods of Medical Image

Roček, Aleš January 2017 (has links)
Medical institutions adapt digital based archiving of patients records images to fulfil its advantages like availability, easy sharing, high resolution etc. Digital form of records brings apart from advantages also disadvantages at security risks. It is easier attacking, stealing, using without authorization etc. This thesiss deals with this security issues, describes the needs and approaches to security, explains the reasons for deployment of watermarking. It names three main methods of medical image watermarking and compares their plus and cons: zero, reversible and watermarking in Region Of Non Interest (RONI). New method of Zero-reversible-RONI watermarking, that combine advantages of described methods, is proposed. For practical tests of properities of proposed method was used huge database of medical images. Application of the proposed method on this database delivers very promising results. Practical results discussion and comparison with other medical imaging watermarkikng methods are at the end of this thesis.

Power Side-Channel DAC Implementations for Xilinx FPGAs

Savory, Daniel Chase 24 April 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis presents a novel power side-channel DAC (PS-DAC) which is constructed from user-controllable short circuits in FPGAs and which manipulate overall system power through dynamic power dissipation. Alternately, similar PS-DACs are created using shift-register primitives(SRL16E) which manipulate system power through switching logic, for means of comparison with short-circuit-based PS-DACs. PS-DACs are created of various sizes using both short-circuit-based and shift-register-based methods. These PS-DACs are characterized in terms of output linearity,monotonicity, and frequency distortion. Applications explored in this thesis which use PS-DAC technology include a Simple Power Analysis (SPA) side-channel transmitter, and a frequency watermarking application. These applications serve as proof-of-concept for PS-DAC use in sidechannel communication applications.

Reading watermarks with a camera phone from printed images

Pramila, A. (Anu) 13 February 2018 (has links)
Abstract There are many reasons for sharing a photo of a printout. The intention might be to copy the image for personal use or experience an interesting ad with friends. With watermarking, the images can also carry side information and with specialized watermarking methods the information can be read with a mobile device camera. In digital image watermarking, information is hidden on an image in such a way that a computer can read the hidden information but a human cannot discern it. The aim of this thesis is to research the process in which the watermarked image is printed and then read with a digital camera or a camera phone from the printed image. In order to survive the process, the watermark must survive multiple attacks. Some of the attacks occur during printing as the image is halftoned, others when the image is recaptured with a camera, in which case the camera might be rotated around multiple axis. These attacks may cause a loss of synchronization of the watermark and make the extraction impossible. The main objective of the thesis is thus to develop methods that are robust to the printing and capturing process, especially for the situations when the capturing angle is large. This problem contains the circumstances in which the synchronization is lost and the camera lens is not focused properly. In this work, research on digital image watermarking, computational photography and mobile phones are combined. The contributions of this thesis lie in two main parts: First, two print-cam robust methods are proposed, one based on a frame and the other on autocorrelation for synchronization. These two are then used as a basis for an algorithm that recovers the watermark even after camera rotation and image blurring caused by the narrow depth of focus of the lens. The algorithm is later refined and implemented for a mobile phone. The results show that the method is highly robust to capturing the watermark without errors in angles up to 60° with processing times acceptable for real-life applications. / Tiivistelmä On olemassa useita syitä tulosteesta otetun valokuvan jakamiseen. Aikomuksena voi olla kopioida kuva omaan käyttöön tai jakaa mielenkiintoinen ilmoitus ystävien kanssa. Vesileimauksessa kuvaan voidaan sijoittaa lisätietoa ja erityisillä menetelmillä tieto voidaan myöhemmin lukea mobiililaitteen kameralla. Digitaalisten kuvien vesileimauksen tavoite on piilottaa tietoa kuvaan siten, että tietokone pystyy lukemaan piilotetun informaation, siinä missä ihminen ei pysty sitä havaitsemaan. Tämän väitöskirjan tavoitteena on tutkia prosessia, missä vesileimattu kuva tulostetaan ja vesileima luetaan digitaalisella kameralla tai kamerapuhelimella tulosteesta. Selviytyäkseen tästä prosessista, vesileiman on kestettävä useita hyökkäyksiä. Osa hyökkäyksistä esiintyy tulostuksen aikana, kun kuva rasteroidaan, ja osa valokuvatessa, jolloin kamera voi olla kiertynyt. Näiden hyökkäysten seurauksena vesileiman synkronointi voi kadota, jolloin vesileiman lukeminen ei enää onnistu. Väitöskirjan päätavoitteena on siis kehittää tulostuksen ja valokuvauksen kestäviä vesileimausmenetelmiä erityisesti niitä tilanteita varten, jolloin kuvauskulma on suuri. Tämä ongelma sisältää olosuhteet, joissa synkronointi menetetään, ja kun kameran linssi ei ole kohdistunut oikein. Työssä yhdistetään digitaalinen kuvien vesileimaus, laskennallinen valokuvaus ja matkapuhelimet. Tutkimus voidaan jakaa kahteen osa-alueeseen: Ensimmäisessä kehitetään kaksi tulostuksen ja valokuvauksen kestävää menetelmää, joista toinen perustuu kehykseen ja toinen autokorrelaatioon synkronoinnin säilyttämiseksi. Toisessa osassa näitä menetelmiä hyödynnetään algoritmissa, joka kykenee vesileiman lukemiseen myös silloin kun kameran kiertyminen on voimakasta ja objektiivin kapea tarkennussyvyys aiheuttaa sumeita alueita kuvassa. Tutkimustyön lopussa tätä algoritmia viedään eteenpäin ja testataan matkapuhelinalustalla. Tulokset osoittavat menetelmän kestävän kameran kiertymistä 60°:seen saakka suoritusajoilla, jotka ovat hyväksyttäviä sovelluskäyttöön.

Neviditelné značení digitálních signálů / Invisible watermarking of digital signals

Pacura, Dávid January 2016 (has links)
Cílem téhle práce je navrhnutí nových technik pro robustní neviditelné značení digitálních signálů. Nejdříve je prezentován současný stav tohoto odvětví a dostupné softwarové řešení. Poté následuje návrh několika algoritmů pro neviditelné značení, přičemž každý z nich je založen na jiném principu. Dále je připravena sada digitálních testovacích signálů společně s testovacím softwarem pro otestování navržených řešení a jejích porovnání s vybraným dostupným softwarem. Poté následuje srovnání naměřených výsledků, výkonu a jejích diskuze.

General Purpose Computing in Gpu - a Watermarking Case Study

Hanson, Anthony 08 1900 (has links)
The purpose of this project is to explore the GPU for general purpose computing. The GPU is a massively parallel computing device that has a high-throughput, exhibits high arithmetic intensity, has a large market presence, and with the increasing computation power being added to it each year through innovations, the GPU is a perfect candidate to complement the CPU in performing computations. The GPU follows the single instruction multiple data (SIMD) model for applying operations on its data. This model allows the GPU to be very useful for assisting the CPU in performing computations on data that is highly parallel in nature. The compute unified device architecture (CUDA) is a parallel computing and programming platform for NVIDIA GPUs. The main focus of this project is to show the power, speed, and performance of a CUDA-enabled GPU for digital video watermark insertion in the H.264 video compression domain. Digital video watermarking in general is a highly computationally intensive process that is strongly dependent on the video compression format in place. The H.264/MPEG-4 AVC video compression format has high compression efficiency at the expense of having high computational complexity and leaving little room for an imperceptible watermark to be inserted. Employing a human visual model to limit distortion and degradation of visual quality introduced by the watermark is a good choice for designing a video watermarking algorithm though this does introduce more computational complexity to the algorithm. Research is being conducted into how the CPU-GPU execution of the digital watermark application can boost the speed of the applications several times compared to running the application on a standalone CPU using NVIDIA visual profiler to optimize the application.

Digital Watermarking Based Image and Video Quality Evaluation

Wang, Sha 02 April 2013 (has links)
Image and video quality evaluation is very important. In applications involving signal transmission, the Reduced- or No-Reference quality metrics are generally more practical than the Full-Reference metrics. Digital watermarking based quality evaluation emerges as a potential Reduced- or No-Reference quality metric, which estimates signal quality by assessing the degradation of the embedded watermark. Since the watermark contains a small amount of information compared to the cover signal, performing accurate signal quality evaluation is a challenging task. Meanwhile, the watermarking process causes signal quality loss. To address these problems, in this thesis, a framework for image and video quality evaluation is proposed based on semi-fragile and adaptive watermarking. In this framework, adaptive watermark embedding strength is assigned by examining the signal quality degradation characteristics. The "Ideal Mapping Curve" is experimentally generated to relate watermark degradation to signal degradation so that the watermark degradation can be used to estimate the quality of distorted signals. With the proposed framework, a quantization based scheme is first implemented in DWT domain. In this scheme, the adaptive watermark embedding strengths are optimized by iteratively testing the image degradation characteristics under JPEG compression. This iterative process provides high accuracy for quality evaluation. However, it results in relatively high computational complexity. As an improvement, a tree structure based scheme is proposed to assign adaptive watermark embedding strengths by pre-estimating the signal degradation characteristics, which greatly improves the computational efficiency. The SPIHT tree structure and HVS masking are used to guide the watermark embedding, which greatly reduces the signal quality loss caused by watermark embedding. Experimental results show that the tree structure based scheme can evaluate image and video quality with high accuracy in terms of PSNR, wPSNR, JND, SSIM and VIF under JPEG compression, JPEG2000 compression, Gaussian low-pass filtering, Gaussian noise distortion, H.264 compression and packet loss related distortion.

Papier als historische Informationsquelle

Mackert, Christoph 06 October 2010 (has links) (PDF)
Seit 2003 wird am Leipziger Handschriftenzentrum systematisch eine Belegsammlung von Wasserzeichen aus den katalogisierten Handschriften aufgebaut. Die Leipziger Belegsammlung ist inzwischen auf 2.500 Einzelmarken angewachsen. Da diese leider nur zu internen Recherchezwecken zur Verfügung stehen, wurde 2006 im Rahmen eines DFG-Projektes eine Datenbanklösung geschaffen, mit der dezentral Wasserzeichenbelege erschlossen und zentral in einheitlicher Form präsentiert werden können.

Digital Watermarking Based Image and Video Quality Evaluation

Wang, Sha 02 April 2013 (has links)
Image and video quality evaluation is very important. In applications involving signal transmission, the Reduced- or No-Reference quality metrics are generally more practical than the Full-Reference metrics. Digital watermarking based quality evaluation emerges as a potential Reduced- or No-Reference quality metric, which estimates signal quality by assessing the degradation of the embedded watermark. Since the watermark contains a small amount of information compared to the cover signal, performing accurate signal quality evaluation is a challenging task. Meanwhile, the watermarking process causes signal quality loss. To address these problems, in this thesis, a framework for image and video quality evaluation is proposed based on semi-fragile and adaptive watermarking. In this framework, adaptive watermark embedding strength is assigned by examining the signal quality degradation characteristics. The "Ideal Mapping Curve" is experimentally generated to relate watermark degradation to signal degradation so that the watermark degradation can be used to estimate the quality of distorted signals. With the proposed framework, a quantization based scheme is first implemented in DWT domain. In this scheme, the adaptive watermark embedding strengths are optimized by iteratively testing the image degradation characteristics under JPEG compression. This iterative process provides high accuracy for quality evaluation. However, it results in relatively high computational complexity. As an improvement, a tree structure based scheme is proposed to assign adaptive watermark embedding strengths by pre-estimating the signal degradation characteristics, which greatly improves the computational efficiency. The SPIHT tree structure and HVS masking are used to guide the watermark embedding, which greatly reduces the signal quality loss caused by watermark embedding. Experimental results show that the tree structure based scheme can evaluate image and video quality with high accuracy in terms of PSNR, wPSNR, JND, SSIM and VIF under JPEG compression, JPEG2000 compression, Gaussian low-pass filtering, Gaussian noise distortion, H.264 compression and packet loss related distortion.

Robust Data Hiding Scheme With Turbo Codes

Unal, Baris 01 December 2005 (has links) (PDF)
ABSTRACT ROBUST DATA HIDING SCHEME WITH TURBO CODES &Uuml / NAL, BariS M.S., Department of Electrical And Electronics Engineering Supervisor: Prof. Dr. R&uuml / yal ERG&Uuml / L December 2005, 127 pages This study describes the design and implementation of a robust data hiding algorithm which is provided by turbo codes. As the digital technology grows up, it is getting easy to copy and distribute multimedia products without getting legal permission. This has forced researchers to study in digital watermarking areas. Along with watermarking researches, data hiding studies have gained interest in the last decade. Different watermark and data hiding algorithms have been proposed considering different requirements and properties such as robustness, fidelity, invisibility and data hiding capacity. In this thesis, robustness of watermarking systems and fidelity requirement in watermark models are considered and use of turbo codes is proposed with data embedding systems to improve system performance in terms of robustness. Fundamental watermarking algorithms in DCT domain are analyzed and simulated. Their performances in terms of robustness are presented. Data hiding algorithm which is based on projection and perturbation in transform domain is implemented in visual C. Then turbo codes are applied to this algorithm to improve system robustness. Improvement provided by turbo codes is demonstrated and compared with other discussed watermarking systems.

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