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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Understanding the emergence of adaptive water governance: a case study of the Cache River watershed of Southern Illinois

Hancock, Jodie 01 August 2017 (has links)
The sustainable management of coupled social-ecological systems, such as water resource systems, requires institutional mechanisms for managing uncertainties and building more resilient social-ecological systems. Adaptive governance is an outcome of the search for a way to manage uncertainties and complexities within social-ecological systems. The concept of adaptive governance has emerged as a product of resilience theory and theoretical insights on common pool resources management. Adaptive governance refers to flexible multi-level institutions that connect state and non-state actors to facilitate a collaborative and learning-based approach to ecosystem management. As such, it has the potential to integrate social considerations into the decision process while also dealing with uncertainties in complex water resource systems. However, little is understood on how transitions toward adaptive governance systems take place and what criteria qualify a given institutional mechanism as an adaptive governance regime. This thesis presents results on a study that was aimed at understanding the process and outcomes of transitions toward adaptive water governance by using the Cache River Joint Venture Partnership (CRWJVP) within the Cache River Watershed in Southern Illinois as a case study. Qualitative data for the study were generated through key informant interviews among members of the CRWJVP and other knowledgeable actors, document review, and participant observation. The results revealed that the transformation of the governance of the Cache River watershed through the emergence of the CRWJVP was the result of ecological crises that began a citizen-led effort to preserve the Cache River wetlands. Additionally, the transition process was facilitated through trust-building, incentives, leadership, enabling legislation, and the role of bridging organizations. The results also showed that when compared to the attributes of an adaptive governance system, the current governance system of the Cache River watershed does not fully exhibit all the ideal attributes. However, the CRWJVP is moving towards an adaptive governance regime through the recent utilization of decision-making processes for recognizing and managing conflicts and uncertainties in the management of the watershed. Barriers in the transition process and recommendations for overcoming them are also discussed in the thesis. In all, findings from this study should be of relevance to scientists and decision-makers interested in understanding and enhancing transitions toward adaptive governance for the sustainable management of land and water resources in the Cache River watershed and elsewhere.

Leadership Dynamics in Collaboration: Lessons from the Middle Fork John Day River Intensively Monitored Watershed Collaboration

Dutterer, Andrew 27 October 2016 (has links)
This study explores leadership dynamics in collaborative governance. The research features a collaboration case study of sixteen federal and state agency and NGO stakeholders. The collaboration is conducting a ten-year, basin-scale monitoring project of salmonid habitat restoration projects in the Middle Fork John Day (MFJD) River basin in Eastern Oregon. The monitoring project is known as an intensively monitored watershed (IMW), one of sixteen throughout the Pacific Northwest. The research is guided by the following question: How do leadership dynamics in the MFJD IMW collaborative governance structure facilitate effective collaborative process or create limitations to that process? This study uses qualitative research methods in evaluating multiple research sources. Insights from this study may prove valuable in providing guidance on effectively structuring and managing basin-scale collaborative habitat monitoring projects, including future IMW projects. This study further aims to contribute to research on collaborative leadership for the greater scholarship on collaboration.

"Compartilhando a gestão dos recursos hídricos: Joinville e o Rio Cubatão". / Sharing watershed management: Joinville and the Cubatão River case study

Marina Eduarte Pereira 08 April 2005 (has links)
Joinville é uma cidade industrial catarinense que na década de 1990 viveu a polêmica acerca da instalação de uma usina hidrelétrica na cabeceira do Cubatão, rio que abastece 70% de sua população. Apesar de o governo municipal e estadual e grande parte do poder econômico da cidade estarem em favor da obra, e de esta ter obtido algumas licenças governamentais para a instalação, a população não se convenceu da segurança da obra e achou que o dano ambiental seria grande demais – e a usina não foi concretizada. Através da mobilização da comunidade, da convocação para a participação de entidades com mais poder técnico e político sobre a questão e da exigência por maior transparência e participação no processo, conseguiu-se impedir a consecução da obra – uma vez que esta não provou sua necessidade, viabilidade e a ausência de riscos decorrentes. Considerando o associativismo na cidade e a capacidade para a ação coletiva mostrada no caso, imaginamos que o comitê de bacia hidrográfica do rio Cubatão, criado no ano 2000, apresentasse um bom estoque de capital social, sinergia e desempenho institucional. Procedemos a aplicação de questionários utilizando perguntas referentes aos componentes do capital social e do desempenho institucional aos membros do comitê, e este se mostrou permeável à participação, capaz de mobilizar recursos, favorecer a comunicação, a confiança e a cooperação entre os membros dos diversos setores, melhorar o nível de informação de seus membros e arbitrar conflitos: apresentou-se como um organismo que dispõe de bom desempenho institucional relacionado ao capital social. O desempenho institucional depende também de outros fatores: o poder governamental deveria estar muito mais presente, principalmente através de órgãos municipais, que têm grande parte das vagas no comitê, mas sofrem com a falta de recursos financeiros e técnicos para a consecução de suas atividades. O capital social e a capacidade para a ação coletiva provaram ter resistido ao fim da mobilização em torno do debate sobre a usina, penetrado no comitê e continuado através e para além dele. Iniciativas locais para despoluição de rios e reconstituição de mata ciliar conjugadas com a preocupação com as condições socioeconômicas dos habitantes da bacia hidrográfica, construindo parcerias através do comitê, evidenciam que este funciona como uma arena mobilizadora de recursos sociais, constituindo um instrumento para o gerenciamento de recursos hídricos mais eficaz e justo e para a governança da água. / In the 1990´s, Joinville, an industrial city settled in the brazilian State of Santa Catarina, has watched a controversy about the installation of a hidroelectric plant near the source of Cubatao river – responsible for 70% of the city water supply. Despite of the fact that city and State government were favourable to the plant, and that it has obtained some of the environmental licences required to its installation, Joinville’s population was not sure about the absence of its risks, and concluded that the environmental costs would be too high – and the powerplant was never constructed. Making use of leadership, convoking organisms with more political and technical capabilites about the question and demanding for more transparency and participation in the decisory process, mobilization has managed to impeach the plant installation. Taking into consideration the partnership and the capacity of collective action showed in the mobilization, we presumed that the Cubatao River Watershed Committee, created in the year 2000, would have a good level of social capital, sinergy, and good institutional performance. A survey was conducted to assess social capital and institutional performance within the committee, and it showed permeability to social participation, capacity to mobilize resources, to enlarge communication and information between its members and ability in arbitrating conflicts – presenting institutional performance related to social capital. Institutional performance, however, depends also on other factors, such as more participation of government officials in the committee. Social capital and capacity for collective action was mobilized around Cubatao watershed, acting through and beyond the comitee. Local initiatives to revert pollution process and to make forestry recovering, combined with concerning about socioeconomical aspects within the comunity, has constructed partnerships and collaboration through the committee and proved that it works as a space for mobilizating social resources, improving watershed management and acting as a tool for a more efficient and fair political decisory process, as for water governance.

Processos hidrobiogeoquímicos de carbono e nitrogênio em diferentes usos da terra nas mesobacias dos rios Jaguari e Camanducaia / Hydrobiogeochemical processes of carbon and nitrogen in different land uses in the Jaguari and Camanducaia rivers watershed

Cristiane Formigosa Gadelha da Costa 12 January 2018 (has links)
O objetivo deste estudo foi compreender o efeito das mudanças no uso da terra na distribuição e transporte de carbono e nitrogênio, em rios de diferentes ordens nas bacias hidrográficas dos rios Jaguari e Camanducaia. O rio Jaguari tem o rio Camanduacia como um dos seus principais afluentes, e é um importante supridor do sistema de reservatórios \"Cantareira\", que abastece cerca de seis milhões de habitantes da Região Metropolitana de São Paulo, Brasil. Em cada sub-bacia, iniciou-se em janeiro de 2015 um estudo de um ano hidrológico, para monitoramento de parâmetros de qualidade da água, como pH, condutividade elétrica (CE), oxigênio dissolvido e porcentagem (OD), carbono orgânico e inorgânico dissolvido (DOC e DIC), nitrato (NO3-), amônio (NH4+), nitrito (NO2-), nitrogênio orgânico (NOD), nitrogênio total (TN), temperatura do ar e da água (T °C) e vazão (Q) para monitoramento do ambiente, além de taxa de respiração (TR), demanda bioquímica de oxigênio (DBO), excesso de CO2 (Excess-CO2), utilização aparente de oxigênio (AOU) para análise do metabolismo do rio, e &delta;13C e &delta;15N para o entendimento da origem do material orgânico particulado. Para isso, 19 estações de amostragem foram selecionadas ao longo dos canais do rio Camanducaia (8 estações) e Jaguari (11 estações), duas estações nos seus principais afluentes Mosquito e Camanducaia Mineiro, respectivamente, e outras duas estações em pequenos riachos nas áreas de cabeça do Jaguari e as bacias hidrográficas de Camanducaia. A exportação de elementos pela mesobacia do rio Jaguari foi avaliada pelos fluxos de carbono, nitrogênio e material particulado em suspensão fino e grosso. Não foi verificado características de anaerobiose nos rios Jaguari e Camanducaia, apesar de terem ocorrido eventos em que Excess-CO2 ultrapassou 250 &mu;M. Verificou-se a CE variando entre 15 e 156 &mu;S cm-1 no rio Jaguari, e de 27 a 175 &mu;S cm-1 no rio Camanducaia. Os pontos amostrais de áreas preservadas foram em média 5,8 e 3,7 vezes menores que os pontos a jusante no rio Jaguari e Camanducaia, respectivamente. A ACP reduziu as 9 variáveis relacionadas a variação espacial do carbono em 2 componentes, com alto nível de explicação (p<0,05), chamadas de qualidade de água (69,5%) e metabolismo do rio (16%). Os pontos a jusante dos rios foram altamente correlacionados entre si, e com as variáveis químicas (DOC, DIC e DBO) e número de habitantes. Para a dinâmica do nitrogênio relacionada ao uso da terra, covariáveis como CE, NOD, N-NH4+ TR e Q, apresentaram relação com os processos oxidativos e foram bons preditores para o nitrato. Ocorreu variação de N-NO3- de 3 a 139 &mu;M no rio Jaguari e entre 3 e 199 &mu;M no rio Camanducaia, obtendo correlação positiva com a CE (r=0,7), NOD (r=0,3) e inversa com o OD (r=-0,2). Assim, as diferentes zonas (cabeceira, trecho médio e jusante) da mesobacia do rio Jaguari influenciaram na distribuição de carbono e nitrogênio e essas estão associadas ao tipo de uso da terra, alterando a origem das fontes de N e C da matéria orgânica particulada. / The objective was to understand the effect of changes in land use on the distribution and transport of carbon and nitrogen in rivers of different orders in the Jaguari and Camanducaia river basins. The Jaguari River has the Camanduacia River as one of its main tributaries, and is an important supplier of the \"Cantareira\" reservoir system, which supplies about six million inhabitants of the Metropolitan Region of São Paulo, Brazil. In each medium-sized basin, a hydrological one-year study was initiated in January 2015 to monitor water quality parameters such as pH, electrical conductivity (CE), dissolved oxygen and percentage (OD), organic and inorganic carbon dissolved (DOC; DIC), total nitrogen (TN), air and water temperature (T °C), and flow rate (Q) were determined by the inorganic organic matter (DOC and DIC), nitrate (NO3-), ammonium (NH4+), nitrite (BOD), excess of CO2 (Excess-CO2), apparent oxygen used (AOU) for the analysis of river metabolism, &delta;13C and &delta;15N to understand the origin of the particulate organic material. For this purpose, 19 sampling stations were selected along the channels of the Camanducaia River (8 stations) and Jaguari (11 stations), two stations in their main tributaries Mosquito and Camanducaia Mineiro, respectively, and two stations in small streams in the headwater of the Jaguari and Camanducaia watersheds. The exportation of elements by the Jaguari river basin was evaluated by the fluxes of carbon, nitrogen and particulate matter in fine and coarse. No anaerobic characteristics were observed in the Jaguari and Camanducaia rivers, although events occurred in which Excess-CO2 exceeded 250 &mu;M. CE varied from 15 to 156 &mu;S cm-1 in the Jaguari River and from 27 to 175 &mu;S cm-1 in the Camanducaia River. The sample points of preserved areas were on average 5.8 and 3.7 times lower, than in the downstream points in the Jaguari and Camanducaia rivers, respectively. The ACP reduced the 9 variables related to the spatial variation of the carbon in 2 components, with a high level of explanation (p<0.05), called water quality (69.5%) and river metabolism (16%). The points downstream of the rivers were highly correlated with each other, and with the chemical variables (DOC, DIC and BOD) and number of inhabitants. For nitrogen dynamics related to land use, covariates such as EC, NOD, NH4+-N, TR and Q, were related to oxidative processes and were good predictors for nitrate. There was a variation of NO3- N between 3 and 139 &mu;M in the Jaguari River and 3 to 199 &mu;M in the Camanducaia River, obtaining a positive correlation with EC (r=0.7), NOD (r=0.3) and inverse OD (r=-0.2). Thus, the different zones (headwater, middle strecth and downstream) of the basin of the Jaguari River influenced the distribution of carbon and nitrogen and these are associated with the type of land use, changing the origin of N and C sources of particulate organic matter.

Stakeholder participation in the establishment of the Berg Catchment Management Agency, South Africa

Gueze, Humberto January 2007 (has links)
Magister Philosophiae - MPhil / Enacted in 1998, the New South African Water Act has introduced a new approach to water resource management, founded on the principle of decentralization of the management of water resources to regional and local levels and the public participation. The approach has been captured in the new National Water Act (Act 36 of 1998), which allows the establishment of Catchment Management Agencies. The overall purpose of this study was to understand the trends of public participation in the establishment of Catchment Management Agencies in South Africa, by presenting the case of the Berg Catchment Management Agency. / South Africa

An erosion and sediment delivery model for semi-arid catchments

Bryson, Louise Kay January 2016 (has links)
Sedimentation has become a significant environmental threat in South Africa as it intensifies water management problems in the water-scarce semi-arid regions of the country. As South Africa already allocates 98% of available water, the loss of storage capacity in reservoirs and degraded water quality has meant that a reliable water supply is compromised. The overall aim of this thesis was to develop a catchment scale model that represents the sediment dynamics of semi-arid regions of South Africa as a simple and practically applicable tool for water resource managers. Development of a conceptual framework for the model relied on an understanding of both the sediment dynamics of South African catchments and applicable modelling techniques. Scale was an issue in both cases as most of our understanding of the physical processes of runoff generation and sediment transport has been derived from plot scale studies. By identifying defining properties of semi-arid catchments it was possible to consider how temporal and spatial properties at higher levels emerged from properties at lower levels. These properties were effectively represented by using the Pitman rainfall-runoff model disaggregated to a daily timescale, the Modified Universal Soil Loss Equation (MUSLE) model incorporating probability function theory and through the representation of sediment storages across a semi-distributed catchment. The model was tested on two small and one large study catchment in the Karoo, South Africa, with limited observed data. Limitations to the model were found to be the large parameter data set and the dominance of structural constraints with an increase in catchment size. The next steps in model development will require a reduction of the parameter data set and an inclusion of an in-stream component for sub-catchments at a larger spatial scale. The model is applicable in areas such as South Africa where water resource managers need a simple model at the catchment scale in order to make decisions. This type of model provides a simple representation of the stochastic nature of erosion and sediment delivery over large spatial and temporal scales.

The politics of development in rural Rajasthan (India) : evidence from water conservation and watershed development initiatives since the early 1990s

Gupta, Saurabh January 2009 (has links)
No description available.

A comparative assessment of stormwater runoff from a coastal and interior log yard

Fikart, Alena 11 1900 (has links)
Stormwater runoff from log yards in different BC regions can affect aquatic habitats to varying degrees given differences in weather, water quality and tree species. The objective of this thesis was to compare runoff quality and total runoff loadings from a coastal and interior log yard. Chemical analyses, toxicity tests and treatments were conducted. Data were compared to criteria, statistically compared between sites and assessed for seasonal trends. Export coefficients (ECs) were compared between sites. Relationships between toxicological and chemical variables were explored statistically. Runoff toxicity was similar between sites and fairly low. LC50s for 48-hour Ceriodaphnia dubia tests ranged from 32.95 to > 100 and 58.70 to > 100 for coastal and interior runoff, respectively. Microtox ®.5 minute EC50s ranged from 27.12 to > 100 for coastal runoff and 22.22 to > 100 for interior runoff. Several metals and dehydroabietic acid (DHA) exceeded criteria in runoff from both sites. Biochemical oxygen demand, alkalinity, pH and metals were significantly higher (p < 0.05) at the interior site. Sodium and conductivity were higher at the coastal site. No seasonal differences in runoff quality were observed. Therefore, acute effects would occur during periods of high runoff, during autumn at the coastal site and late winter at the interior site. The unpaved interior site generated less runoff per square meter due to ground infiltration. ECs were comparable to the paved coastal site. Exceptions to this include tannins and lignin (11 fold higher at the coastal site) and DHA (9 fold higher at the interior site). C. dubia toxicity was partially associated with TSS for both sites. Tannins and lignins were correlated (r² =0.91) with C. dubia toxicity for coastal runoff. Tannin and lignin concentrations ranged from 45 to 263 mg/L and 43 to 75 mg/L in coastal and interior samples, respectively. Since results suggest that TSS is partially responsible for toxicity, and since contaminants are often bound to TSS, source control and treatment options for TSS should be implemented. / Science, Faculty of / Resources, Environment and Sustainability (IRES), Institute for / Graduate

Determination of priority areas for the re-establishment of the forest cover, based on the use of geotecnologies: Una waterched case study, Taubaté, SP / Determinação de áreas prioritárias para o restabelecimento da cobertura florestal apoiada no uso de geotecnologias: estudo de caso da bacia hidrográfica do rio Una em Taubaté, SP

Celso de Souza Catelani 08 October 2007 (has links)
The determination of priority areas for the re-establishment of forest cover in watersheds is directly associated with probability of effective success in forestry project implementation. However, considering analysis complexity and the amount of spatial data necessary to accomplish that goal, state of the art technology tools capable of providing multi-criteria analysis to support decision make are necessary. This research was developed in an area of 476km that corresponds to the Una River basin in the municipality of Taubaté, SP. A multi-criteria analysis was based on continuous classification and paired comparisons using AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process) techniques, available in the GIS package called SPRING v. 4.3.2 (Georeferenced Information Processing System). A map of priority areas for the reestablishment of forest cover in that watershed was obtained, and results revealed a large area (26.6% of the total watershed area) with extreme priority for forest cover re-establishment. This indicates the urgent need of environmental restoration in this basin. This indicates a strategy improving making decision process in the practical manner toward resource application only on priority areas. / A determinação de áreas prioritárias para o restabelecimento da cobertura florestal nativa em bacias hidrográficas se constitui numa ferramenta diretamente associada à necessidade de otimizar os parcos recursos eventualmente disponíveis, para se obter o sucesso efetivo na implantação de projetos dessa natureza. No entanto, para atender a essa finalidade, a complexidade no tratamento e o volume de dados ambientais espacializados necessários requerem um aparato tecnológico capaz de processar uma análise multicriterial como ferramenta de suporte à decisão, no estado da arte das geotecnologias aplicáveis. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho desenvolvido para uma área de 476km correspondentes à área da Bacia Hidrográfica do Rio Una no município de Taubaté, SP, aborda uma análise multicriterial baseada na classificação contínua e na técnica de comparação pareada AHP (Analytical Hierarchy Process), incorporados ao SIG completo denominado SPRING v. 4.3.2 (Sistema de Processamento de Informações Georreferenciadas), para a obtenção de um mapa de áreas prioritárias para o restabelecimento da cobertura florestal nativa na bacia. Os resultados obtidos revelaram uma grande área, correspondente a 26,6% da área da bacia, classificada como Prioridade Extrema. Isso indica a necessidade de recuperação ambiental da bacia. Os resultados permitem de forma prática subsidiar a tomada de decisão na alocação de recursos e projetos dessa natureza nessas áreas prioritárias.

Application of SWAT and Development of a Water Quality Predictive Model for Water Resources Management in Rural Basins / 農村流域における水資源管理のためのSWATの適用と水質予測モデルの開発

BAOBAB, KIBET KIMENGICH 23 September 2020 (has links)
京都大学 / 0048 / 新制・課程博士 / 博士(農学) / 甲第22785号 / 農博第2428号 / 新制||農||1081(附属図書館) / 学位論文||R2||N5305(農学部図書室) / 京都大学大学院農学研究科地域環境科学専攻 / (主査)教授 藤原 正幸, 教授 村上 章, 教授 中村 公人 / 学位規則第4条第1項該当 / Doctor of Agricultural Science / Kyoto University / DFAM

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