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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Vícevrstvá Yagiho anténa pro pásmo 60 GHz / Stacked Yagi antenna for 60 GHz frequency band

Janečka, Martin January 2013 (has links)
This diploma thesis deals with the design and simulation of multi-layer stacked Yagi antenna at the frequency of 60 GHz. At work are proposed and compared two ways of antenna feeding methods. Based on the results obtained, antenna is fed by substrate integrated waveguide. The proposed antenna has been optimized in terms of gain and impedance matching at the specified frequency. The correct functionality of the antenna was verified by simulation program CST MWS 2011. Simulation results were verified experimentally.

Textilní vlnovod / Textile waveguide

Pelikán, Michal January 2017 (has links)
Diploma thesis is focused on manufacturing process of waveguide filter. Thesis is divided to 8 chapters. There is summarized theory of possible execution of waveguide filter, used materials, their influence and risks during production. Then are described possible steps of realization and necessary relations for its design, simulation and also practical realization. At conclusion are summarized, compared and described reached results.

On millimeter and submillimeter wave focal plane arrays implemented with MEMS waveguide switches

Frid, Henrik January 2017 (has links)
This thesis presents research towards enabling micromachined millimeter and submillimeter wave focal plane arrays (FPAs). The FPAs operate under the following principle: a switch network consisting of microelectromechanical (MEMS) switches, integrated with micromachined waveguides, is used to feed an array of antenna elements, located in the focal plane of a high-gain quasi-optical system. Hence, it is possible to switch between a set of narrow beams in different directions. Such beam steering systems are needed for future millimeter and submillimeter wave imaging and communication systems. The contributions to future MEMS-switchable FPAs presented here are organized in three papers, as described below. Paper I presents a criterion on the spacing between adjacent FPA elements which results in -3 dB overlap between the switched beams, for the special case when an extended hemispherical dielectric lens is used as the optical system. A key step towards this criterion is a closed-form relation between the scan angle and the FPA element's position, which results in an expression for the effective focal length of extended hemispherical lenses. A comparison with full-wave simulations demonstrates an excellent agreement with the presented theoretical results. Finally, it is shown that the maximum feasible FPA spacing when using an extended hemispherical lens is about 0.7 wavelengths. Paper II presents a numerical study of silicon-micromachined planar extended hemispherical lenses, with up to three matching regions used to reduce internal reflections. The effective permittivity of the matching regions is tailor-made by etching periodic holes in the silicon wafer. The optimal thickness and permittivity of the matching regions were determined using TRF optimization, in order to yield the maximum wide-band aperture efficiency and small side-lobes. We introduce a new matching region geometry, referred to as shifted-type matching regions, and it is demonstrated that using three shifted-type matching regions results in twice as large aperture efficiency as compared to using three conventional concentric-type matching regions. Paper III presents a submillimeter-wave single-pole single-throw (SPST) 500-750 GHz MEMS waveguide switch, based on a MEMS-reconfigurable surface inserted between two waveguide flanges. A detailed design parameter study is carried out to select the best combination of the number of horizontal bars and vertical columns of the MEMS-reconfigurable surface, for achieving a low insertion loss in the transmissive state and a high isolation in the blocking state. A method is presented to model the non-ideal electrical contacts between the vertical cantilevers of the MEMS surface, with an excellent agreement between the simulated and measured isolation. It is shown that the isolation can be improved by replacing an ohmic contact by a new, capacitive contact. The measured isolation of the switch prototype is better than 19 dB and the measured insertion loss is between 2.5 and 3 dB. / Denna avhandling presenterar forskning som syftar till att möjliggöra fokalplans-gruppantenner (FPAs) för våglängder i millimeter och submillimeterområdet. Principen för en sådan FPAs funktion är följande: ett nätverk bestående av mikroelektromekaniska (MEMS) switchar, används för att välja mellan de olika antenn-elementen i en gruppantenn, som placerats i fokalplanet av ett optiskt system. Därmed blir det möjligt att välja från en uppsättning av smala lober i olika riktningar. Sådana lob-styrningssystem behövs för framtida radar- och kommunikationssystem i millimeter och submillimeterområdet. Resultaten är uppdelade i tre vetenskapliga artiklar, som beskrivs nedan. I den första artikeln (Paper I) presenteras ett villkor för avståndet mellan närliggande FPA-element som resulterar i -3 dB överlappning mellan de switchade loberna, för specialfallet då en förlängd hemisfärisk lins används som optiskt system. Det viktigaste steget mot att hitta detta villkor är att bestämma en analytisk relation mellan avsökningsvinkeln och FPA-elementens position. Detta resulterar i ett uttryck för den effektiva fokallängden för denna typ av lins. En utmärkt överensstämelse har funnits mellan dessa relationer och simuleringar. Slutligen visas det att de största möjliga FPA-avstånden för en förlängd hemisfärisk lins är ungefär 0.7 våglängder, vilket uppnås för linser med låg permittivitet. I den andra artikeln (Paper II) presenteras en numerisk studie av plana förlängda hemisfäriska linser, som kan produceras från en kiselskiva. Linserna har upp till tre matchningsregioner, som används för att reducera interna reflektioner. Den effektiva permittiviteten av de matchande regionerna skräddarsys genom etsning av periodiska hål i kiselskivan. Den optimala tjockleken och permittiviteten av de matchande regionerna har bestämts med hjälp av TRF-optimering, för att ge maximal bredbandig direktivitet och minimala sidlober. En ny geometri introduceras för matchningsregionerna, som vi kallar matchningsregioner av skiftad typ. Vi visar att användning av tre matchningsregioner av skiftad typ resulterar i en dubbelt så hög apertur-effektivitet, jämfört med att använda tre konventionella matchningsregioner av koncentrisk typ. I den tredje artikeln (Paper III) presenteras en MEMS-switch för rektangulära vågledare, för frekvensområdet 500-750 GHz. Baserat på en designparameterstudie har den bästa kombinationen av antalet horisontella rader och vertikala kolumner hos den MEMS-konfigurerbara ytan valts ut, för att uppnå låga förluster i det öppna tillståndet och hög isolation i det blockerande tillståndet. I artikeln presenteras en metod för att modellera icke-perfekta elektriska kontakter mellan de fixerade och de rörliga delarna i MEMS-ytan. Denna metod uppvisar en utmärkt överensstämmelse mellan den simulerade och den uppmätta isolationen. Vi visara att isolationen kan förbättras med hjälp av en ny typ av kapacitiv kontakt. Den uppmätta isolationen hos den presenterade switch-prototypen är högre än 19 dB, och den uppmätta förlusten är mellan 2.5 och 3 dB. / <p>QC 20161206</p>

A Travelling Wave Slot Array based on a Double-Layer Lens for 77 GHz Automotive Radar

Ugle, Ashray January 2023 (has links)
Automotive radars have gained considerable interest in recent years for applications of road safety for vulnerable road users. The use of multipleinput and multiple-output (MIMO) technology in automotive radar has helped in realising a virtual aperture greater than the physical aperture of the antenna which has reduced the size of the overall radar module. But increasing the number of MIMO channels for greater angular resolution can introduce increased computational complexity, processing time and latency. A new type of radar using the multiple input multiple steered output (MIMSO) radar can alleviate these concerns by replacing the angle-FFT with beamforming by means of a lens. A double-layer lens with a beamforming layer and a radiating layer with a radiating aperture on the 2-D footprint of the lens is proposed as an antenna system for this new radar technique. This work focuses on the radiating aperture which has been realised as a travelling wave planar slotted array in gap waveguide technology due to its benefit of low losses and ease of manufacturing. A ridged gap waveguide is chosen for the reduction of the waveguide size and to avoid the appearance of grating lobes in the visible range for large scan angles. The planar slotted array is synthesised in the travelling wave configuration and reflection cancelling notches are used in the ridge to cancel the reflections from the slots. The aperture is chosen to be of a circular shape for a compact design and to maximise aperture efficiency. The planar array is verified with a full-wave simulation with a bandwidth of 76 to 81 GHz and a realised gain of 27.7 dBi at the centre frequency. The array can be scanned up to ±50◦ with a scan loss of 2.4 dBi. / Fordonsradarer har fått stort intresse under de senaste åren för tillämpningar av trafiksäkerhet för utsatta trafikanter. Användningen av MIMO-teknik (multipleinput och multiple-output) i bilradar har hjälpt till att realisera en virtuell bländaröppning som är större än antennens fysiska bländaröppning, vilket har minskat storleken på den totala radarmodulen. Men att öka antalet MIMOkanaler för större vinkelupplösning kan introducera ökad beräkningskomplexitet, bearbetningstid och latens. En ny typ av radar som använder MIMSO-radarn (multiple input multiple steered output) kan lindra dessa problem genom att ersätta vinkel-FFT med strålformning med hjälp av en lins. En dubbelskiktslins med ett strålformande skikt och ett strålande skikt med en strålande bländare på linsens 2D-fotavtryck föreslås som ett antennsystem för denna nya radarteknik. Detta arbete fokuserar på strålningsöppningen som har realiserats som en plan slitsad array i gap-vågledarteknologi på grund av dess fördel med låga förluster och enkel tillverkning. En vågledare med räfflade gap väljs för att minska vågledarstorleken och för att undvika uppkomsten av gitterlober i det synliga området för stora avsökningsvinklar. Den plana uppsättningen syntetiseras i den vandringsvågkonfigurationen och reflektionsupphävande skåror används i åsen för att eliminera reflektionerna från slitsarna. Bländaren är vald för att ha en cirkulär form för en kompakt design och för att maximera bländareffektiviteten. Planar arrayen verifieras med en helvågssimulering med en bandbredd på 76 till 81 GHz och en realiserad vinst på 27, 7 dBi vid mittfrekvensen. Arrayen kan skannas upp till ±50◦ med en skanningsförlust på 2, 4 dBi.

Solutions et matériaux nouveaux pour guide d'onde Térahertz / Novel solutions and materials for Terahertz wave guiding

Malek Abadi, Seyed Ali January 2014 (has links)
Dans cette thèse, une étude approfondie sur des matériaux et des solutions pratiques est réalisée afin de répondre aux difficultés rencontrées dans la propagation des ondes à des fréquences térahertz (THz). Deux matériaux ont été identifiés comme étant prometteur: le graphène et le silicium à haute résistivité (HR-Si). Une première solution, basée sur des guides d’ondes à plaques parallèles (parallel plate waveguide-PPWG) avec des conditions de fermetures conducteur parfait (perfect electric conductor-PEC) -- graphène et graphène -- graphène a été analysée dans un premier temps. En considérant l'excitation du graphène par un champ électrique seulement, puis par un champ électromagnétique statique, les équations de Maxwell ont été résolues sous ces deux conditions et les constantes de propagations des différents modes ont été extraites. La démonstration de l'existence d'un mode propagatif hybride à l'intérieur du guide est faite dès que le graphène est excité par un champ magnétique. De plus, il est montré que l'intensité de chaque type de modes, transverse électrique (TE) ou transverse magnétique (TM), peut être ajustée suivant les champs d'excitation du graphène. Bien que le guide à plaques parallèles utilisant du graphène permette d'avoir des propriétés agiles, soit le contrôle des modes selon l'excitation du graphène, il n'en reste pas moins vrai que la faible conductivité intrinsèque au graphène conduit à un problème d'atténuation importante de l'onde. De plus, la difficulté d'obtenir des couches de graphène de taille adéquate entrave le développement de composants et de circuits fonctionnels, utilisables et à un coût raisonnable. La thèse porte ensuite sur l’étude du silicium haute résistivité pour guider des ondes aux fréquences térahertz. Tout d’abord, un guide composé d'une couche de HR-Si, de section rectangulaire dont la largeur est très grande par rapport à la hauteur, est caractérisé en utilisant un système de spectroscopie dans le domaine du temps, système permettant d'obtenir un large spectre de fréquences dans le domaine THz. Par cette caractérisation, les faibles pertes et la faible dispersion du HR-Si est démontrée. Cependant, il est aussi démontré que la géométrie du guide n'est pas optimale, conduisant à des pertes par dispersion de l'onde à l'intérieur du guide au fur et à mesure de sa propagation. Aussi, pour éviter cette dispersion, un confinement de l'onde est proposé en réduisant la largeur de la couche HR-Si pour la rendre de l'ordre de la hauteur (confinement en x et y, propagation en z) conduisant ainsi à la réalisation d'un guide d’ondes diélectrique en ruban (dielectric ribbon waveguide-DRW). Une analyse approfondie de la propagation d'une telle structure a conduit à concevoir un guide à faibles pertes d'une part, mais également à propagation monomode sur une large bande de fréquence. Une méthode de fabrication simple a été développée pour réaliser ce type de guide et un banc de mesure spécifique a été mis en place pour caractériser ce nouveau guide. Les mesures réalisées utilisent un analyseur de réseaux vectoriel (un PNA-X d'Agilent) auquel est branché deux têtes de mesure de la compagnie Virginia Diode Inc's (VDI) pour obtenir les bandes de fréquences désirées. Les sorties sont alors en guide rectangulaire standard, soit WR-8, soit WR-5 selon la plage de fréquence visée. Les résultats des mesures se comparent très bien avec les simulations réalisées avec un logiciel utilisant la méthode des éléments finis en trois dimensions (HFSS de la compagnie ANSYS) permettant d'obtenir les paramètres de la matrice de diffraction (S) mesurée par l'analyseur de réseau vectoriel. Finalement, dans le chapitre 6, un filtre passe-bande est développé comme preuve de concept pour l'utilisation du guide DRW utilisant le matériau HR-Si. Outre les faibles pertes et la propagation monomode d'un tel guide DRW, il est aussi montré dans cette thèse la facilité du processus de fabrication, le faible coût de ce procédé ainsi que la possibilité d'intégration avec d'autres composants passifs et actifs. Avec toutes ces caractéristiques très intéressantes sur différents plans, le guide DRW en HR-Si apparaît comme une solution très compétitive pour devenir un standard dans la bande de fréquence des THz.

Thermal and Quantum Analysis of a Stored State in a Photonic Crystal CROW Structure

Oliveira, Eduardo M. A. 20 November 2007 (has links)
"Photonic crystals have recently been the subject of studies for use in optical signal processing. In particular, a Coupled Resonator Optical Waveguide (CROW) structure has been considered by M. F. Yanik and S. Fan in “Stopping Light All Optically” for use in a time-varying optical system for the storage of light in order to mitigate the effects of waveguide dispersion. In this thesis, the effects of the thermal field on the state stored in such a structure is studied. Through simulation, this thesis finds that when this structure is constructed of gallium arsenide cylinders in air, loss of the signal was found to be caused by free-carrier absorption, and the decay of the signal dominates over thermal spreading of the optical signal’s spectrum."

Technology for photonic components in silica/silicon material structure

Wosinski, Lech January 2003 (has links)
The main objectives of this thesis were to develop a lowtemperature PECVD process suitable for optoelectronicintegration, and to optimize silica glass composition forUV-induced modifications of a refractive index in PECVDfabricated planar devices. The most important achievement isthe successful development of a low temperature silicadeposition, which for the first time makes it is possible tofabricate good quality low loss integrated components whilekeeping the temperature below 250oC during the entirefabrication process. Two strong absorption peaks thatappear at1.5 mm communication window due to N-H and Si-H bonds have beencompletely eliminated by process optimization. This openspossibilities for monolithic integration with other,temperature sensitive devices, such as semiconductor lasers anddetectors, or polymer-based structures on the common siliconplatform. PECVD technology for low loss amorphous silicon inapplication to SiO2/Si based photonic crystal structures hasbeen also optimized to remove hydrogen incorporated during thedeposition process, responsible for the porosity of thedeposited material and creation of similar to silica absorptionbands. Change of the refractive index of germanium doped silicaunder UV irradiation is commonly used for fabrication of UVinduced fiber Bragg gratings. Here we describe our achievementsin fabrication of fiber Bragg gratings and their application todistributed sensor systems. Recently we have built up a laserlab for UV treatment in application to planar technology. Wehave demonstrated the high photosensitivity of PECVD depositedGe-doped glasses (not thermally annealed) even without hydrogenloading, leading to a record transmission suppression of 47dBin a Bragg grating photoinduced in a straight buried channelwaveguide. We have also used a UV induced refractive indexchange to introduce other device modifications or functions,such as phase shift, wavelength trimming and control ofpolarization birefringence.The developed low temperature technology and the UVprocessing form a unique technology platform for development ofnovel integrated functional devices for optical communicationsystems. A substantial part of the thesis has been devoted tostudying different plasma deposition parameters and theirinfluence on the optical characteristics of fabricatedwaveguides to find the processing window giving the besttrade-off between the deposition rate,chamber temperatureduring the process, optical losses and presence of absorptionbands within the interesting wavelength range. The optimalconditions identified in this study are low pressure (300-400mTorr), high dilution of silane in nitrous oxide and high totalflow (2000 sccm), low frequency (380 KHz) RF source and high RFpower levels (800-1000 W). The thesis provides better understanding of the plasmareactions during the deposition process. RF Power is the keyparameter for increasing the rate of surface processes so as toaccommodate each atomic layer in the lowest energy statepossible. All the process conditions which favor a moreenergetic ion bombardment (i.e. low pressure, low frequency andhigh power) improve the quality of the material, making it moredense and similar to thermal oxide, but after a certain pointthe positive trend with increasing power saturates. As theenergy of the incoming ion increases, a competing effect setsin at the surface: ion induced damage and resputtering. Finally, the developed technologies were applied for thefabrication of some test and new concept devices for opticalcommunication systems including multimode interference (MMI)-based couplers/splitters, state-of-the-art arrayed waveguidegrating-based multi/ demultiplexers, the first Bragg gratingassisted MMI-based add-drop multiplexer, as well as moreresearch oriented devices such as a Mach-Zehnder switch basedon silica poling and a Photonic Crystal-based coupler. <b>Keywords:</b>silica-on-silicon technology, PECVD, plasmadeposition, photonic integrated circuits, planar waveguidedevices, UV Bragg gratings, photosensitivity, arrayed waveguidegratings, multimode interference couplers, add-dropmultiplexers.

Design, Simulation and Characterization of Some Planar Lightwave Circuits

Shi, Yaocheng January 2008 (has links)
Optical devices based on planar lightwave circuit (PLC) technology have the advantages of small size, high reliability, possibility for large scale production, and potential integration with electronics. These devices are widely employed in optical telecommunications, sensing, data storage, imaging, and signal processing. This thesis focuses on some selected PLC based devices, such as power splitters, demultiplexers, triplexers and polarization beam splitters. First, the basic principle of the waveguides and the simulation methods for PLC devices are discussed. A novel effective index method is introduced to reduce a two-dimensional structure to a one-dimensional one, and can be implemented for arbitrarily shaped waveguides. Numerical methods, such as finite-difference mode solver, beam propagation method, finite-difference time-domain method are introduced to analysis the mode profile of the waveguides, and the propagation properties of light in PLC devices. Multimode interference (MMI) couplers are widely used in many PLCs, such as power splitters, ring lasers, optical switches, and wavelength division multiplexers/demultiplexers. In this work, concepts for improving the self-imaging quality of MMI couplers are analyzed and new designs are proposed. A significant improvement in performance together with compact sizes were obtained with taper sections at the input/output of MMI couplers based on SOI, and deeply etched ridges in MMI couplers based on SiO2. A polarization insensitive dual wavelength demultiplexer based on sandwiched MMI waveguides was presented. Novel devices including triplexers and polarization beam splitters were realized by using photonic crystal (PhC) structures. Two stages of directional couplers based on PhC waveguides are cascaded to form an ultracompact triplexer. The special decoupling property of the PhC waveguide based directional coupler was utilized in the design. A novel polarization beam splitter was realized by combining a MMI coupler and a PhC which works as a polarization sensitive reflector. Finally, fabrication and optical characterization of an ultra-compact directional coupler and PhC structures in InP are presented. In a single etching step, by using the lag-effect in inductively coupled plasma reactive ion etching, a compact directional coupler (55 μm) is demonstrated. Carrier life times in PhC structures etched by chemically assisted ion beam etching were investigated, for emitter and switching applications. / QC 20100909

Technology for photonic components in silica/silicon material structure

Wosinski, Lech January 2003 (has links)
<p>The main objectives of this thesis were to develop a lowtemperature PECVD process suitable for optoelectronicintegration, and to optimize silica glass composition forUV-induced modifications of a refractive index in PECVDfabricated planar devices. The most important achievement isthe successful development of a low temperature silicadeposition, which for the first time makes it is possible tofabricate good quality low loss integrated components whilekeeping the temperature below 250oC during the entirefabrication process. Two strong absorption peaks thatappear at1.5 mm communication window due to N-H and Si-H bonds have beencompletely eliminated by process optimization. This openspossibilities for monolithic integration with other,temperature sensitive devices, such as semiconductor lasers anddetectors, or polymer-based structures on the common siliconplatform. PECVD technology for low loss amorphous silicon inapplication to SiO2/Si based photonic crystal structures hasbeen also optimized to remove hydrogen incorporated during thedeposition process, responsible for the porosity of thedeposited material and creation of similar to silica absorptionbands.</p><p>Change of the refractive index of germanium doped silicaunder UV irradiation is commonly used for fabrication of UVinduced fiber Bragg gratings. Here we describe our achievementsin fabrication of fiber Bragg gratings and their application todistributed sensor systems. Recently we have built up a laserlab for UV treatment in application to planar technology. Wehave demonstrated the high photosensitivity of PECVD depositedGe-doped glasses (not thermally annealed) even without hydrogenloading, leading to a record transmission suppression of 47dBin a Bragg grating photoinduced in a straight buried channelwaveguide. We have also used a UV induced refractive indexchange to introduce other device modifications or functions,such as phase shift, wavelength trimming and control ofpolarization birefringence.The developed low temperature technology and the UVprocessing form a unique technology platform for development ofnovel integrated functional devices for optical communicationsystems.</p><p>A substantial part of the thesis has been devoted tostudying different plasma deposition parameters and theirinfluence on the optical characteristics of fabricatedwaveguides to find the processing window giving the besttrade-off between the deposition rate,chamber temperatureduring the process, optical losses and presence of absorptionbands within the interesting wavelength range. The optimalconditions identified in this study are low pressure (300-400mTorr), high dilution of silane in nitrous oxide and high totalflow (2000 sccm), low frequency (380 KHz) RF source and high RFpower levels (800-1000 W).</p><p>The thesis provides better understanding of the plasmareactions during the deposition process. RF Power is the keyparameter for increasing the rate of surface processes so as toaccommodate each atomic layer in the lowest energy statepossible. All the process conditions which favor a moreenergetic ion bombardment (i.e. low pressure, low frequency andhigh power) improve the quality of the material, making it moredense and similar to thermal oxide, but after a certain pointthe positive trend with increasing power saturates. As theenergy of the incoming ion increases, a competing effect setsin at the surface: ion induced damage and resputtering.</p><p>Finally, the developed technologies were applied for thefabrication of some test and new concept devices for opticalcommunication systems including multimode interference (MMI)-based couplers/splitters, state-of-the-art arrayed waveguidegrating-based multi/ demultiplexers, the first Bragg gratingassisted MMI-based add-drop multiplexer, as well as moreresearch oriented devices such as a Mach-Zehnder switch basedon silica poling and a Photonic Crystal-based coupler.</p><p><b>Keywords:</b>silica-on-silicon technology, PECVD, plasmadeposition, photonic integrated circuits, planar waveguidedevices, UV Bragg gratings, photosensitivity, arrayed waveguidegratings, multimode interference couplers, add-dropmultiplexers.</p>

Laser a fibra dopada com Érbio com múltiplos comprimentos de onda e múltiplos regimes de operação simultâneos

Santos, Cláudia Barros dos 21 January 2011 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-03-15T19:37:34Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 Claudia Barros dos Santos.pdf: 3294972 bytes, checksum: b848d69d9c6a8c824e5142a4e3659d37 (MD5) Previous issue date: 2011-01-21 / In this work, we inserted two Arrayed Waveguide Gratings (AWGs), in an Erbium doped fiber ring cavity laser, where a single gain medium at room temperature can emit laser in multiples wavelengths, simultaneous and individualy controlled. The setup allowed us to check different functions in the ring cavity. Here we show emission in CW regime, Passive Mode-Locking, using Carbon Nanotubes as saturable absorbers and finally Active mode-locking at 7GHz, simultaneously. / Neste trabalho, fez-se a inserção de duas grades de difração matriciais com guias de onda, ou AWGs (Arrayed Waveguide Gratings) em uma cavidade laser de fibra dopada com Érbio, onde um único meio de ganho em temperatura ambiente pode gerar ação laser em múltiplos comprimentos de onda, com emissões simultâneas e controladas individualmente. A configuração utilizada permitiu o teste com diferentes regimes de operação simultâneos dentro da cavidade. Mostramos a possibilidade de emissão laser em regime CW, em regime de mode-locking passivo, com o uso de nanotubos de carbono como absorvedor saturável e, por último, em regime de modelocking ativo com uma freqüência de modulação de 7 GHz.

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