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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

Digitální vodoznačení obrazu / Digital image watermarking

Číka, Petr January 2009 (has links)
Digital image watermarking has developed for the purpose of protecting intellectual property rights to multimedia data. The focus of this thesis is searching for an alternative solution of digital image watermarking methods. A detailed analysis of watermarking methods particularly in the frequency domain, and the modification of these methods are the main aim of this work. Improved performance in watermark extraction is one of the main goals. First, the common static image watermarking methods, possible attacks on the watermarked data and techniques for objective measurement of watermarked image quality are shortly introduced. Techniques which use the space domain for watermarking ar described in the next part of this work. It is about techniques which insert the watermark into the least significant bits of an image both in the RGB domain and in the YUV domain. The main part of the thesis depicts modified and newly developed static image watermarking methods in the frequency domain. These methods use various transforms and error-correction codes, by means of which the watermark robustness increases. All the methods developed are tested in MATLAB. Results together with tables and graphs are one part of work. The end of the thesis is devoted to a comparison of all the developed methods and their evaluation.

Detekce elektrického oblouku / Arc Fault Detection

Fendrychová, Michaela January 2016 (has links)
Diplomová práce je zaměřena na problematiku analýzy signálů za účelem detekce poruchového oblouku, přičemž analýza signálů je prováděna v časové, frekvenční a smíšené časově-frekvenční oblasti. Práce stručně shrnuje existující normy pro zařízení pro detekci poruchového oblouku. Práce dokumentuje testy a měření, které byly realizovány v souladu s normami IEC 62606:2013 a UL 1699B. Z důvodu nedostatečnosti stávajících norem je v práci popsána nová metoda iniciace poruchového oblouku. naměřená data byla analyzována s využitím rychlé Fourierovy transformace, krátkodobé Fourierovy transformace a vlnkové transformace. Na základě provedeného literárního průzkumu a s využitím výsledků provedených analýz signálu je v práci proveden návrh nové detekční metody pro účely detekce poruchového oblouku v systémech napájených střídavým i stejnosměrným napětím.

Hromadné generování grafických prezentací / Batch generation of graphical presentations

Semerák, Jakub January 2016 (has links)
This thesis describes design and implementation of system that allows batch generation of graphical presentations. The system also includes modules for image quality evaluation using no-reference blur metric and salient object detection. Selected methods for evaluation of image quality are described in detail and implemented in corresponding chapters, including proposed modifications and changes. Blur detection is based on wavelet transform, and salient object detection is achieved by investigating image contrast. Capabilities of these modules are evaluated on suitable image datasets.

Automatická klasifikace digitálních modulací / Automatic Classification of Digital Modulations

Kubánková, Anna January 2008 (has links)
This dissertation thesis deals with a new method for digital modulation recognition. The history and present state of the topic is summarized in the introduction. Present methods together with their characteristic properties are described. The recognition by means of artificial neural is presented in more detail. After setting the objective of the dissertation thesis, the digital modulations that were chosen for recognition are described theoretically. The modulations FSK, MSK, BPSK, QPSK, and QAM-16 are concerned. These modulations are mostly used in modern communication systems. The method designed is based on the analysis of module and phase spectrograms of the modulated signals. Their histograms are used for the examination of the spectrogram properties. They provide information on the count of carrier frequencies in the signal, which is used for the FSK and MSK recognition, and on the count of phase states on which the BPSK, QPSK, and QAM-16 are classified. The spectrograms in that the characteristic attributes of the modulations are visible are obtained with the segment length equal to the symbol length. It was found that it is possible to correctly recognize the modulation with the known symbol length at the signal-to-noise ratio at least 0 dB. That is why it is necessary to detect the symbol length prior to the spectrogram calculation. Four methods were designed for this purpose: autocorrelation function, cepstrum analysis, wavelet transform, and LPC coefficients. These methods were algorithmized and analyzed with signals disturbed by the white Gaussian noise, phase noise and with signals passed through a multipass fading channel. The method of detection by means of cepstrum analysis proved the most suitable and reliable. Finally the new method for digital modulation recognition was verified with signals passed through a channel with properties close to the real one.

Videokodek - komprese videosekvencí / Videocodec - Videosequence Compression

Bařina, David January 2009 (has links)
This thesis deals with modern methods of a lossy still image and video compression. Wavelet transformation and SPIHT algorithm also belong to these methods. In second half of this thesis, a videocodec is implemented based on acquired knowledge. This codec uses Daubechies wavelets to analyse an image. Afterwards there is a modified SPIHT algorithm applied on gained coefficients. A lot of effort was put in order to optimize this computation. It is possible to use the created codec in Video for Windows, DirectShow and FFmpeg multimedia frameworks. At the end of this thesis, commonly used codecs are compared with newly created one.

Automatic post-fault analysis based on disturbance data stored in substation devices : Approach towards the preventive maintenance / Automatisk analys av felhändelser baserad på störningsdata lagrad i ställverksenheter : Tillvägagångssätt för förebyggande underhåll

Yalda, Riad, Urosevic, Miroslav January 2019 (has links)
This report studies the possibilities of minimizing unplanned maintenance work and improving the availability of power supply by enabling preventive maintenance in power systems, without having to make additional investments in the existing systems. This was done using information from COMTRADE files (disturbance recording files) that are created in the event of a fault in the power system. The IEC 61850 standard facilitates the process of retrieving and analyzing the disturbance files by standardizing their format and the way they are stored. By creating a software solution that automatically reads and analyses the COMTRADE files, deteriorating performance of the power system equipment can be detected and preventive maintenance suggested. The result of the project is a software solution that reads and analyses COMTRADE files in an automated way. The software identifies fault events (fault start, trip signal sent, circuit breaker open, auto-reclose command, circuit breaker closed) from the recorded signals using wavelet transform as the main method. It then calculates the times of relay and circuit breaker operations. The calculated times are compared to threshold values and warnings are generated if they exceed the thresholds. / Denna rapport studerar möjligheten att minimera oönskade underhållsarbeten och öka tillgången på strömförsörjning genom att möjliggöra förebyggande underhåll i kraftsystemet, utan att behöva göra ytterligare investeringar för sina befintliga system. Detta gjordes med hjälp av information från COMTRADE-filer (filer för inspelning av störningar) som skapades vid ett fel i elnätet. IEC 61850-standarden underlättar processen för att hämta och analysera störningsfilerna genom att standardisera sitt format och hur de lagras. Genom att skapa en programvarulösning som automatiskt läser och analyserar COMTRADE-filerna, kan försämrad prestanda hos strömsystemets utrustning detekteras och förebyggande underhåll föreslås. Resultatet av projektet är en mjukvarulösning som läser och analyserar COMTRADE-filer på ett automatiserat sätt. Programvaran identifierar felhändelser (fel start, sänd bryt-signal, brytare öppen, automatisk återstängnings kommando, strömbrytare stängd) från de inspelade signalerna med wavelettransformen som huvudmetod. Därefter beräknas driftstiderna för relä och brytare. De beräknade tiderna jämförs med tröskelvärden och varningar genereras om de överskrider tröskelvärdena.

Vibration-Based Health Monitoring of Rotating Systems with Gyroscopic Effect

Gavrilovic, Nenad 01 March 2015 (has links) (PDF)
This thesis focuses on the simulation of the gyroscopic effect using the software MSC Adams. A simple shaft-disk system was created and parameter of the sys-tem were changed in order to study the influence of the gyroscopic effect. It was shown that an increasing bearing stiffness reduces the precession motion. Fur-thermore, it was shown that the gyroscopic effect vanishes if the disk of system is placed symmetrically on the shaft, which reduces the system to a Jeffcott-Ro-tor. The second objective of this study was to analyze different defects in a simple fixed axis gear set. In particular, a cracked shaft, a cracked pinion and a chipped pinion as well as a healthy gear system were created and tested in Adams. The contact force between the two gears was monitored and the 2D and 3D frequency spectrum, as well as the Wavelet Transform, were plotted in order to compare the individual defects. It was shown that the Wavelet Transform is a powerful tool, capable of identifying a cracked gear with a non-constant speed. The last part of this study included fault detection with statistical methods as well as with the Sideband Energy Ratio (SER). The time domain signal of the individual faults were used to compare the mean, the standard deviation and the root mean square. Furthermore, the noise profile in the frequency spectrum was tracked with statistical methods using the mean and the standard deviation. It was demonstrated that it is possible to identify a cracked gear, as well as a chipped gear, with statistical methods. However, a cracked shaft could not be identified. The results also show that SER was only capable to identify major defects in a gear system such as a chipped tooth.

Vibroacoustic Analysis of an OLTC Diverter Switch for Condition Monitoring : Time frequency analysis with Fourier and wavelet transform in combination with multivariate logistic regression for condition monitoring of OLTC diverter switch

Persson, Simon January 2023 (has links)
Vibrations are everywhere around us all the time and we often recognise them as sounds that we can hear and analyse with our brain. In this thesis, data that has been gathered from a diverter switch (DS) in a controlled environment, is analysed. This data consists of vibroacoustic measurements and information to indicate what is happening inside the DS as the vibroacoustic data is gathered. The frequency properties of vibroacoustic data from the DS gathered before this thesis are displayed using a wavelet transformation model. This means the frequency properties of the signal can be approximated for all times in the operation with a certain accuracy. As the DS is built from many different components, the frequency properties of these components are compared to the time-frequency picture of the full DS operation. This sort of comparison ends up not being feasible as the complexity of the DS frequency pattern is much more than that of a sum of its component’s frequency pattern. A second approach of analysing the gathered vibroacoustic data is by using a classification model. The information about what is happening inside of the DS is used to train a logistic regression model on different defined regions of the vibroacoustic data. Before the training is preformed though, the different defined regions are transformed into frequency space with help of the fast Fourier transform. With this, a classification model is produced, where vibroacoustic data of any time region can be fed into the model and the model will classify which defined region this vibroacoustic data belongs to. The results are promising, and the model can be used both for classification of the defined regions and potentially used to determine if the vibroacoustic properties of the DS has changed due to wear of the mechanical components or transformer oil.

Advanced MIMO-OFDM technique for future high speed braodband wireless communications. A study of OFDM design, using wavelet transform, fractional fourier transform, fast fourier transform, doppler effect, space-time coding for multiple input, multiple output wireless communications systems

Anoh, Kelvin O.O. January 2015 (has links)
This work concentrates on the application of diversity techniques and space time block coding for future high speed mobile wireless communications on multicarrier systems. At first, alternative multicarrier kernels robust for high speed doubly-selective fading channel are sought. They include the comparisons of discrete Fourier transform (DFT), fractional Fourier transform (FrFT) and wavelet transform (WT) multicarrier kernels. Different wavelet types, including the raised-cosine spectrum wavelets are implemented, evaluated and compared. From different wavelet families, orthogonal wavelets are isolated from detailed evaluations and comparisons as suitable for multicarrier applications. The three transforms are compared over a doubly-selective channel with the WT significantly outperforming all for high speed conditions up to 300 km/hr. Then, a new wavelet is constructed from an ideal filter approximation using established wavelet design algorithms to match any signal of interest; in this case under bandlimited criteria. The new wavelet showed better performance than other traditional orthogonal wavelets. To achieve MIMO communication, orthogonal space-time block coding, OSTBC, is evaluated next. First, the OSTBC is extended to assess the performance of the scheme over extended receiver diversity order. Again, with the extended diversity conditions, the OSTBC is implemented for a multicarrier system over a doubly-selective fading channel. The MIMO-OFDM systems (implemented using DFT and WT kernels) are evaluated for different operating frequencies, typical of LTE standard, with Doppler effects. It was found that, during high mobile speed, it is better to transmit OFDM signals using lower operating frequencies. The information theory for the 2-transmit antenna OSTBC does not support higher order implementation of multi-antenna systems, which is required for the future generation wireless communications systems. Instead of the OSTBC, the QO-STBC is usually deployed to support the design of higher order multi-antenna systems other than the 2-transmit antenna scheme. The performances of traditional QO-STBC methods are diminished by some off-diagonal (interference) terms such that the resulting system does not attain full diversity. Some methods for eliminating the interference terms have earlier been discussed. This work follows the construction of cyclic matrices with Hadamard matrix to derive QO-STBC codes construction which are N-times better than interference free QO-STBC, where N is the number of transmit antenna branches.

Automated Complexity-Sensitive Image Fusion

Jackson, Brian Patrick January 2014 (has links)
No description available.

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