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  • About
  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.


Jobson, Katie, 0000-0002-9078-2733 12 1900 (has links)
Infancy is a period of significant change for both the brain and behavior. During the first two years of life, the brain experiences an explosion of synaptic connections and myelination, alongside rapid development in motor, linguistic, and social behavioral abilities. Understanding the relationship between brain development and behavioral outcomes can provide insight into critical periods and early indicators of developmental delays. One brain region that plays a crucial role during this time and is closely linked to various behavioral domains is the cerebellum. In this study, we explored the cerebellum’s potential influence on behavioral outcomes at 18 months of age. We utilized the developing Human Connectome Project (dHCP) dataset, an open-source neuroimaging resource that includes MRI scans at birth and a behavioral assessment at 18 months. We analyzed the diffusion-weighted MRI scans using Neurite Orientation Dispersion and Density Imaging (NODDI), allowing us to approximate neuronal morphology within the cerebellum. These NODDI metrics were then incorporated into a generalized additive model (GAM), revealing that we could predict 3% to 6% of the variance in motor and language outcomes. Our findings suggest that the composition of specific cerebellar lobules at birth, such as right VIIIa and left V, is important for the development of expressive language, as well as fine motor skills. This highlights the cerebellum’s role as a key hub in the development of motor and language functions from birth. / Psychology / Accompanied by 1 .pdf document: 1) Apendices: Appendix_G4_Appendices_Jobson2024_updated)

Expressing Context-Free Tree Languages by Regular Tree Grammars

Teichmann, Markus 29 May 2017 (has links) (PDF)
In this thesis, three methods are investigated to express context-free tree languages by regular tree grammars. The first method is a characterization. We show restrictions to context-free tree grammars such that, for each restricted context-free tree grammar, a regular tree grammar can be constructed that induces the same tree language. The other two methods are approximations. An arbitrary context-free tree language can be approximated by a regular tree grammar with a restricted pushdown storage. Furthermore, we approximate weighted context-free tree languages, induced by weighted linear nondeleting context-free tree grammars, by showing how to approximate optimal weights for weighted regular tree grammars.

Weighted Unranked Tree Automata over Tree Valuation Monoids

Götze, Doreen 16 March 2017 (has links) (PDF)
Quantitative aspects of systems, like the maximal consumption of resources, can be modeled by weighted automata. The usual approach is to weight transitions with elements of a semiring and to define the behavior of the weighted automaton by mul- tiplying the transition weights along a run. In this thesis, we define and investigate a new class of weighted automata over unranked trees which are defined over valuation monoids. By turning to valuation monoids we use a more general cost model: the weight of a run is now determined by a global valuation function. Besides the binary cost functions implementable via semirings, valuation functions enable us to cope with average and discounting. We first investigate the supports of weighted unranked tree automata over valuation monoids, i.e., the languages of all words which are evalu- ated to a non-zero value. We will furthermore consider the support of several other weighted automata models over different structures, like words and ranked trees. Next we prove a Nivat-like theorem for the new weighted unranked tree automata. More- over, we give a logical characterization for them. We show that weighted unranked tree automata are expressively equivalent to a weighted MSO logic for unranked trees. This solves an open problem posed by Droste and Vogler. Finally, we present a Kleene- type result for weighted ranked tree automata over valuation monoids.

Exploration par IRM multimodale des tumeurs cérébrales de l'enfant et de l'adulte. : Lésions épileptogènes, tumeurs oligodendrogliales et glioblastome

Fellah, Slim 12 November 2012 (has links)
L'IRM conventionnelle est considérée comme l'outil non invasif de référence pour le diagnostic, le bilan pré-thérapeutique et le suivi post-thérapeutique des tumeurs cérébrales de l'enfant et de l'adulte. Cependant, en raison de son manque de spécificité aussi bien pour certains diagnostics différentiels que pour l'évaluation de la réponse radiologique, différentes modalités d'IRM sont aujourd'hui ajoutées à l'examen conventionnel dans le but d'affiner l'exploration de ces tumeurs. L'utilisation d'une modalité unique n'est malgré tout pas suffisante pour établir une évaluation diagnostique ou pronostique optimale des tumeurs cérébrales. C'est pourquoi nous nous sommes intéressés à la combinaison de données issues des différentes modalités d'IRM dans le but d'obtenir une meilleure caractérisation, en termes de différenciation et d'évolutivité de ces néoplasmes. Dans ce contexte, nous avons investigué par IRM multimodale 1) les tumeurs épileptogènes de l'enfant, pour lesquelles il est crucial de déterminer le diagnostic préopératoire afin d'aider à la prise en charge chirurgicale ; 2) les tumeurs oligodendrogliales de l'adulte, difficilement distinguables et dont les décisions thérapeutiques reposent sur la détermination du grade et du profil moléculaire ; et enfin 3) la réponse des glioblastomes aux traitements anti-angiogéniques. / Conventional MRI is considered as the gold standard method for the non-invasive diagnosis, pretherapeutic assessment and follow-up of brain tumors in adults and in children. However, due to its lack of specificity for both differential diagnosis and evaluation of the response to treatment, several MR modalities are now added to the conventional exam in order to refine the exploration of these tumors. The use of a single modality is however not yet sufficient to establish an accurate diagnosis or prognosis for brain tumors. For this reason, we were interested in the combination of data from different MR modalities in order to obtain a better characterization of these neoplasms. In this context, we used multimodal MRI to investigate 1) pediatric epileptogenic tumors, for which it is crucial to establish a preoperative diagnosis in order to make appropriate surgical and therapeutic decisions; 2) oligodendroglial tumors in adults, hardly distinguishable and which therapeutic decisions are mainly based on the determination of the tumoral grade and molecular profile; and 3) the response of glioblastoma to anti-angiogenic treatments. Through this work, we have shown that the association of different imaging modalities provides a significant contribution to the differential pre-therapeutic diagnosis of epileptogenic brain lesions in children and also of oligodendroglial tumors in adults as well as a support for the early assessment of tumoral response to anti-angiogenic therapies.

Alterações de difusão e perfusão cerebral por RM em angioplastia carotídea com \"stent\" sob proteção cerebral por filtros / Changes in diffusion and perfusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging in carotid angioplasty with stenting under cerebral protection by filters

Sá Júnior, Antenor Tavares de 09 October 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A angioplastia carotídea com stent (ACS) sob proteção cerebral é opção terapêutica em pacientes com estenose carotídea. Existe o risco de embolia apesar da utilização do filtro e as modificações na perfusão cerebral após tratamento da estenose carotídea não são claras. O propósito deste estudo é avaliar, após ACS sob proteção cerebral por filtros, modificações nas seqüências de RM de difusão (DWI) e perfusão (PWI), correlacionando-as com os aspectos técnicos da ACS, com as características da estenose e com dados demográficos dos pacientes. MÉTODO: Trinta e seis pacientes portadores de estenose carotídea com idade média de 72,08 anos foram submetidos a exame de RM um dia antes e até 72 horas após a ACS com filtro de proteção. Todos os pacientes eram assintomáticos após a ACS. Áreas de restrição na DWI após a ACS foram correlacionadas com aspectos demográficos, com aspectos da técnica de angioplastia e com a presença de infartos prévios por RM. Os parâmetros CBV volume sanguíneo cerebral, MTT tempo de trânsito médio e TTP tempo para o pico são empregados para análise por PWI. RESULTADOS: Na DWI, 18 de 36 (50,00%) pacientes apresentaram novos focos (NF) de restrição na DWI após ACS. Todos os NF foram clinicamente silenciosos (100%). Estes NF eram localizados em território cerebral nutrido pela artéria carótida submetida à ACS em 77,19% e menores que 10 mm em 91,53%. Os NF em território cerebral não irrigado pela artéria carótida submetida à angioplastia correspondiam a 22,81% destes. A presença de infartos cerebrais prévios na RM foi o único fator com influência no aparecimento de NF (p=0,037). Fatores demográficos e aspectos relacionados com a técnica de angioplastia não tiveram importância na gênese dos NF. Na PWI foi observada melhora nos parâmetros temporais TTP (p<0,001) e MTT (p=0,019) quando comparados de forma normalizada em relação ao território contralateral. CONCLUSÃO: Os novos focos de restrição na DWI após ACS (NF) foram mais comuns no território ipsilateral (77,19%), no entanto houve NF no território contralateral à ACS (22,81%), possivelmente, associados ao cateterismo diagnóstico. Os NF, na sua maioria, são de pequeno diâmetro (<10 mm em 91,53%). Melhora precoce na PWI, observada nos dados normalizados, foi demonstrada nos parâmetros temporais (TTP e MTT). / INTRODUCTION: Carotid angioplasty with stent (CAS) under cerebral protection is a therapeutic option in patients with carotid stenosis. There is a risk of embolism even with a filter, and changes in cerebral perfusion after treatment are not clearly understood. The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in diffusion- (DWI) and perfusion- (PWI) weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences correlating them with the technical aspects of CAS, stenosis characteristics and patient demographic data. METHODS: Thirty-six carotid stenosis patients with an mean age of 72.08 years were submitted to MRI exam one day before and up to 72 hours after CAS with filter protection. All patients were asymptomatic after CAS. Areas of restriction on DWI were correlated to demographic aspects, technique of angioplasty as well the presence of previous stroke by MRI. The parameters, CBV - cerebral blood volume; MTT - mean transit time, and TTP- time to peak, are used for PWI analysis. RESULTS: Eighteen of the 36 patients (50.00%) presented new focus (NF) of restriction by DWI after CAS. All new focus were clinically silent. The NF were located in the cerebral area fed by the carotid artery submitted to CAS in 77.19% and smaller than 10mm in 91.53%. NF in cerebral area not irrigated by carotid artery submitted by angioplasty correspond to 22,81 %. The presence of previous ischemic lesion on MRI was the only factor which influenced the appearance of NF (p=0.037). Demographic factors and aspects related to angioplasty technique had no importance on NF genesis. Improvement in PWI timing parameters - TTP (p<0.001) and MTT (p=0.019) were observed in relation to the contralateral territory (normalized data). CONCLUSION: The restriction NF in the DWI after CAS are more common in the ipsilateral territory (77.19%), however there were some NF in the contralateral territory to the CAS (22.81%), possibly associated with diagnostic catheterization. Most of the NF were small in diameter (<10mm in 91.53%). Short-term improvement in PWI were demonstrated by normalized timing parameters (TTP and MTT).

Étude et implémentation d'une architecture temps réel pour l'optimisation de la compression H.264/AVC de vidéos SD/HD / Study and implementation of a real-time architecture for the optimization of H.264/AVC compression of SD/HD videos

Vidal, Eloïse 15 April 2014 (has links)
La vidéo sur IP a connu un essor rapide ces dernières années allant de la diffusion télévisuelle en haute qualité via des réseaux dédiés à la diffusion sur internet de contenus vidéo grand public. L’optimisation de l’encodage vidéo H.264/AVC permet aux différents acteurs du marché de se différencier en proposant des solutions pour réduire le débit nécessaire à la représentation d’un flux vidéo ainsi que pour améliorer la qualité perçue par les utilisateurs. C’est dans ce contexte de vidéo professionnelle en haute qualité que s’inscrivent ces travaux de thèse CIFRE réalisés au sein de l’entreprise Digigram, proposant des encodeurs vidéo temps réel pour des diffusions professionnelles en direct. Nous proposons deux solutions de prétraitement pour répondre aux problématiques du secteur de la distribution vidéo. Les deux solutions considèrent les caractéristiques du système visuel humain en exploitant un modèle de JND (Just Noticeable Distortion) définissant des seuils de perception en fonction d’une analyse du contenu des séquences vidéo à encoder. La première solution utilise un préfiltre adaptatif indépendant de l’encodeur, contrôlé par un modèle JND afin d'éliminer le contenu perceptuellement non pertinent et ainsi réduire le débit sans altérer la qualité ressentie. Une analyse approfondie de plusieurs filtres de la littérature, dont le filtre AWA (Adaptive Weighted Averaging) et le filtre bilatéral, nous a également amené à définir deux nouveaux filtres à support étendu qui permettent d’exploiter au mieux les corrélations dans les images haute définition. A l’aide de tests subjectifs, nous montrons que les préfiltres perceptuels proposés permettent en moyenne de diminuer le débit en sortie du codeur d'environ 20% pour une qualité constante en encodage VBR (débit variable) Intra et Inter-image. Finalement, une deuxième solution s’attache à améliorer la qualité perçue dans un contexte d’encodage CBR (débit constant) en intégrant un modèle JND dans l’une des implémentations de la norme H.264/AVC la plus reconnue, le codec x264. Une quantification adaptative perceptuelle est ainsi proposée permettant d’améliorer les performances du codec x264 en améliorant le codage de l’information de contour à moyen et bas débits en encodage intra et inter-image. / The use of digital video over IP has increased exponentially over the last years, due to the development of high-speed networks dedicated to high quality TV transmission as well as the wide development of the nonprofessional video webcast. Optimization of the H.264/AVC encoding process allows manufacturers to offer differentiating encoding solutions, by reducing the bandwidth necessary for transmitting a video sequence at a given quality level, or improving the quality perceived by final users at a fixed bit rate. This thesis was carried out at the company Digigram in a context of professional high quality video. We propose two solutions of preprocessing which consider the characteristics of the human visual system by exploiting a JND profile (Just Noticeable Distortion). A JND model defines perceptual thresholds, below which a distortion cannot be seen, according to the video content. The first solution proposes an adaptive pre-filter independent to the encoder, controlled by a JND profile to reduce the perceptually non-relevant content and so reduce the bitrate while maintaining the perceived quality. By analyzing the state-of-the-art literature, the AWA (Adaptive Weighted Averaging) and Bilateral filters have been selected. Then we define two new filters using a large convolution mask, which enable to better exploit correlations in high-definition video contents. Through subjective tests, we show that the proposed perceptual prefilters give an average bitrate reduction of 20% for the same visual quality in VBR (Variable Bitrate) H.264/AVC Intra and Inter encoding. Finally, the second solution enables to improve the perceived quality in CBR (Constant Bitrate) encoding, by integrating the JND profile into the x264 codec, one of the best implementation of the H.264/AVC standard. Thus, we propose a perceptual adaptive quantization which enhances the x264 performance by improving edge information coding in low and middle bitrate applications.

Application of resting-state fMRI methods to acute ischemic stroke

Lv, Yating 14 November 2013 (has links) (PDF)
Diffusion weighted imaging (DWI) and dynamic susceptibility contrast-enhanced (DSC) perfusion-weighted imaging (PWI) are commonly employed in clinical practice and in research to give pathophysiological information for patients with acute ischemic stroke. DWI is thought to roughly reflect the severely damaged infarct core, while DSC-PWI reflects the area of hypoperfusion. The volumetric difference between DWI and DSC-PWI is termed the PWI/DWI-mismatch, and has been suggested as an MRI surrogate of the ischemic penumbra. However, due to the application of a contrast agent, which has potentially severe side-effects (e.g., nephrogenic systemic fibrosis), the DSC-PWI precludes repetitive examinations for monitoring purposes. New approaches are being sought to overcome this shortcoming. BOLD (blood oxygen-level dependent) signal can reflect the metabolism of blood oxygen in the brain and hemodynamics can be assessed with resting-state fMRI. The aim of this thesis was to use resting-state fMRI as a new approach to give similar information as DSC-PWI. This thesis comprises two studies: In the first study (see Chapter 2), two resting-state fMRI methods, local methods which compare low frequency amplitudes between two hemispheres and a k-means clustering approach, were applied to investigate the functional damage of patients with acute ischemic stroke both in the time domain and frequency domain. We found that the lesion areas had lower amplitudes than contralateral homotopic healthy tissues. We also differentiated the lesion areas from healthy tissues using a k-means clustering approach. In the second study (see Chapter 3), time-shift analysis (TSA), which assesses time delays of the spontaneous low frequency fluctuations of the resting-state BOLD signal, was applied to give similar pathophysiological information as DSC-PWI in the acute phase of stroke. We found that areas which showed a pronounced time delay to the respective mean time course were very similar to the hypoperfusion area. In summary, we suggest that the resting-state fMRI methods, especially the time-shift analysis (TSA), may provide comparable information to DSC-PWI and thus serve as a useful diagnostic tool for stroke MRI without the need for the application of a contrast agent.

Variational Approximations and Other Topics in Mixture Models

Dang, Sanjeena 24 August 2012 (has links)
Mixture model-based clustering has become an increasingly popular data analysis technique since its introduction almost fifty years ago. Families of mixture models are said to arise when the component parameters, usually the component covariance matrices, are decomposed and a number of constraints are imposed. Within the family setting, it is necessary to choose the member of the family --- i.e., the appropriate covariance structure --- in addition to the number of mixture components. To date, the Bayesian information criterion (BIC) has proved most effective for this model selection process, and the expectation-maximization (EM) algorithm has been predominantly used for parameter estimation. We deviate from the EM-BIC rubric, using variational Bayes approximations for parameter estimation and the deviance information criterion (DIC) for model selection. The variational Bayes approach alleviates some of the computational complexities associated with the EM algorithm. We use this approach on the most famous family of Gaussian mixture models known as Gaussian parsimonious clustering models (GPCM). These models have an eigen-decomposed covariance structure. Cluster-weighted modelling (CWM) is another flexible statistical framework for modelling local relationships in heterogeneous populations on the basis of weighted combinations of local models. In particular, we extend cluster-weighted models to include an underlying latent factor structure of the independent variable, resulting in a novel family of models known as parsimonious cluster-weighted factor analyzers. The EM-BIC rubric is utilized for parameter estimation and model selection. Some work on a mixture of multivariate t-distributions is also presented, with a linear model for the mean and a modified Cholesky-decomposed covariance structure leading to a novel family of mixture models. In addition to model-based clustering, these models are also used for model-based classification, i.e., semi-supervised clustering. Parameters are estimated using the EM algorithm and another approach to model selection other than the BIC is also considered. / NSERC PGS-D

Alterações de difusão e perfusão cerebral por RM em angioplastia carotídea com \"stent\" sob proteção cerebral por filtros / Changes in diffusion and perfusion weighted magnetic resonance imaging in carotid angioplasty with stenting under cerebral protection by filters

Antenor Tavares de Sá Júnior 09 October 2009 (has links)
INTRODUÇÃO: A angioplastia carotídea com stent (ACS) sob proteção cerebral é opção terapêutica em pacientes com estenose carotídea. Existe o risco de embolia apesar da utilização do filtro e as modificações na perfusão cerebral após tratamento da estenose carotídea não são claras. O propósito deste estudo é avaliar, após ACS sob proteção cerebral por filtros, modificações nas seqüências de RM de difusão (DWI) e perfusão (PWI), correlacionando-as com os aspectos técnicos da ACS, com as características da estenose e com dados demográficos dos pacientes. MÉTODO: Trinta e seis pacientes portadores de estenose carotídea com idade média de 72,08 anos foram submetidos a exame de RM um dia antes e até 72 horas após a ACS com filtro de proteção. Todos os pacientes eram assintomáticos após a ACS. Áreas de restrição na DWI após a ACS foram correlacionadas com aspectos demográficos, com aspectos da técnica de angioplastia e com a presença de infartos prévios por RM. Os parâmetros CBV volume sanguíneo cerebral, MTT tempo de trânsito médio e TTP tempo para o pico são empregados para análise por PWI. RESULTADOS: Na DWI, 18 de 36 (50,00%) pacientes apresentaram novos focos (NF) de restrição na DWI após ACS. Todos os NF foram clinicamente silenciosos (100%). Estes NF eram localizados em território cerebral nutrido pela artéria carótida submetida à ACS em 77,19% e menores que 10 mm em 91,53%. Os NF em território cerebral não irrigado pela artéria carótida submetida à angioplastia correspondiam a 22,81% destes. A presença de infartos cerebrais prévios na RM foi o único fator com influência no aparecimento de NF (p=0,037). Fatores demográficos e aspectos relacionados com a técnica de angioplastia não tiveram importância na gênese dos NF. Na PWI foi observada melhora nos parâmetros temporais TTP (p<0,001) e MTT (p=0,019) quando comparados de forma normalizada em relação ao território contralateral. CONCLUSÃO: Os novos focos de restrição na DWI após ACS (NF) foram mais comuns no território ipsilateral (77,19%), no entanto houve NF no território contralateral à ACS (22,81%), possivelmente, associados ao cateterismo diagnóstico. Os NF, na sua maioria, são de pequeno diâmetro (<10 mm em 91,53%). Melhora precoce na PWI, observada nos dados normalizados, foi demonstrada nos parâmetros temporais (TTP e MTT). / INTRODUCTION: Carotid angioplasty with stent (CAS) under cerebral protection is a therapeutic option in patients with carotid stenosis. There is a risk of embolism even with a filter, and changes in cerebral perfusion after treatment are not clearly understood. The purpose of this study was to evaluate changes in diffusion- (DWI) and perfusion- (PWI) weighted magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) sequences correlating them with the technical aspects of CAS, stenosis characteristics and patient demographic data. METHODS: Thirty-six carotid stenosis patients with an mean age of 72.08 years were submitted to MRI exam one day before and up to 72 hours after CAS with filter protection. All patients were asymptomatic after CAS. Areas of restriction on DWI were correlated to demographic aspects, technique of angioplasty as well the presence of previous stroke by MRI. The parameters, CBV - cerebral blood volume; MTT - mean transit time, and TTP- time to peak, are used for PWI analysis. RESULTS: Eighteen of the 36 patients (50.00%) presented new focus (NF) of restriction by DWI after CAS. All new focus were clinically silent. The NF were located in the cerebral area fed by the carotid artery submitted to CAS in 77.19% and smaller than 10mm in 91.53%. NF in cerebral area not irrigated by carotid artery submitted by angioplasty correspond to 22,81 %. The presence of previous ischemic lesion on MRI was the only factor which influenced the appearance of NF (p=0.037). Demographic factors and aspects related to angioplasty technique had no importance on NF genesis. Improvement in PWI timing parameters - TTP (p<0.001) and MTT (p=0.019) were observed in relation to the contralateral territory (normalized data). CONCLUSION: The restriction NF in the DWI after CAS are more common in the ipsilateral territory (77.19%), however there were some NF in the contralateral territory to the CAS (22.81%), possibly associated with diagnostic catheterization. Most of the NF were small in diameter (<10mm in 91.53%). Short-term improvement in PWI were demonstrated by normalized timing parameters (TTP and MTT).

Avaliação multicriterial na definição de áreas protegidas, no município de Piedade - SP / Multicriteria evaluation in the definition of protected areas in the municipality of Piedade, SP

Sumida, Simone Sayuri 08 November 2013 (has links)
Made available in DSpace on 2016-06-02T19:26:22Z (GMT). No. of bitstreams: 1 SUMIDA_Simone_Sayuri_2013.pdf: 1095632 bytes, checksum: 44723f2f9f3d3c463660010f25ea0e0d (MD5) Previous issue date: 2013-11-08 / Fragmentation, degradation of habitats, overexploitaton of species and introduction of exotic species are some of the main threats to biodiversity, as a consequence of the human consumption and expansion needs. The local preservation or preservation in situ , through the establishment of legally protected areas is one way to mitigate the expansion of these activities. Piedade municipality presents a set of favorable conditions to establish protected areas: the urbanization is relatively low, native forest remnants occupy approximately 25% of the municipal area, and there are two relevant protected areas with portions within its boundaries: the Environmental Protection Area of Itupararanga, in the northeastern part, and, the State Park of Jurupará, in the southeastern portion. The protected areas in general occupy extensive areas, with different patches, forming a landscape mosaic, and can be studied by Geospatial Technologies, specially through one of its main techniques, the Geographic Information System (GIS), which allows the aggregation of factors through different approaches. Multicriteria evaluation (MCE) is one of those approaches, which transforms and combines different factors, considering their relevance and their respective levels of influence on the production of solutions / alternatives for decision making. In this context, the purpose of this study was to define priority areas for protection, in the Piedade municipality, through the Multicriteria evaluation (MCE). The specific objective was to identify the importance and influence of the selected factors on the decision support process and to evaluate which methods of MCE is appropriated to this study: Weighted Linear Combination (WLC) or Ordered Weighted Averaging (OWA). We defined the criteria and theirs weights using the Participatory Technique. The result was one map of priority areas through WLC and two maps through OWA, with similar degrees of tradeoffs and different degrees of risk to the decision support. The methods (WLC and OWA) enable the definition of priority areas for protection, although the WLC proposes a less detailed solution, which can result in uncertainties in landscape planning. The OWA offers different solutions, considering the risk-taking and factors tradeoffs, providing a greater number of possible answers to the question of interest. The map with low risk-taking was the more appropriated to define priority areas for protection in the Piedade municipality, SP. / Fragmentação, degradação de habitats, superexploração de espécies, introdução de espécies exóticas são algumas das principais ameaças à biodiversidade, devido às necessidades de consumo e expansão humana. Uma das formas de mitigar a expansão dessas atividades e proteger a diversidade biológica, em longo prazo, é a preservação local, ou in situ, por meio do estabelecimento de áreas legalmente protegidas. O município de Piedade apresenta um conjunto de condições favoráveis à consolidação de áreas protegidas, como a urbanização relativamente baixa, a presença de valiosos remanescentes florestais que ocupam aproximadamente 25% da área do município e a existência de duas relevantes Unidades de Conservação com porções dentro de seus limites: a Área de Proteção Ambiental (APA) de Itupararanga na região nordeste do município e o Parque Estadual (PE) do Jurupará, na região sudeste. As áreas protegidas são, em geral, extensas e compostas por diferentes elementos na paisagem e podem ser estudadas por meio do Geoprocessamento, em especial, por uma de suas principais técnicas, o Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG), o qual permite a agregação de fatores por meio de diferentes abordagens. A Avaliação Multicriterial (AMC) é uma dessas abordagens, a qual transforma e combina diferentes fatores considerando a relevância dos mesmos e os seus respectivos níveis de influência, produzindo soluções/alternativas para a tomada de decisão. Nesse contexto, o presente trabalho teve por objetivo geral identificar áreas prioritárias à proteção, no município de Piedade, por meio da Avaliação Multicriterial (AMC). Os objetivos específicos foram identificar os fatores, e seus pesos, importantes à definição dessas áreas prioritárias, para as condições da área de estudo e avaliar qual método de AMC, se a Combinação Linear Ponderada (CLP) ou se a Média Ponderada Ordenada (MPO), é o mais apropriado ao objetivo do presente estudo. Por meio da Técnica Participatória, definiu-se os critérios e seus respectivos pesos. Obteve-se um mapa de áreas prioritárias por meio de CLP e outros dois mapas, com valores de compensação semelhantes e diferentes graus de risco para a tomada de decisão. Tanto a CLP quanto a MPO possibilitam a identificação de áreas propensas a se tornarem protegidas, porém a CLP forneceu soluções mais gerais e menos detalhadas que, se não forem bem avaliadas, podem acarretar em incertezas no planejamento da paisagem. A MPO permitiu obter distintas soluções para o processo decisório, por considerar os riscos e as compensações entre os fatores, fornecendo uma maior quantidade de possíveis respostas à questão de interesse. O mapa obtido por meio da MPO, com risco baixo de tomada de decisão, foi considerado o mais adequado para a definição de áreas prioritárias à proteção no município de Piedade, SP.

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