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  • The Global ETD Search service is a free service for researchers to find electronic theses and dissertations. This service is provided by the Networked Digital Library of Theses and Dissertations.
    Our metadata is collected from universities around the world. If you manage a university/consortium/country archive and want to be added, details can be found on the NDLTD website.

KARATEFYLLA VS VATTENFLASKA : En kvantitativ studie gällande lagidrottande pojkars alkohol- och narkotikavanor samt idrottens påverkan av utövarnas psykiska hälsa

Swartling, Marcus, Almstedt, Simon January 2018 (has links)
I denna studie undersöker vi vilka samband som finns mellan lagidrott och temana, narkotika, välbefinnande, alkohol samt motivation. Data har samlats in från 78 respondenter i urvalsgruppen, pojkar i åldrarna 15–18 år aktiva inom lagidrott, samt jämförts med kontrollgruppen i samma ålder och könskategori från Centralförbundet för alkohol- och narkotikaupplysning CAN (Gripe & Thor, 2017) gällande temana alkohol och narkotika. Relevant tidigare forskning och teorin socialisation har nyttjats vid analys och diskussion kring resultatet i vår studie. Resultatet tyder på att det finns en mängd positiva effekter förknippade med lagidrott och att de motivationsfaktorer och orsaker respondenterna valt är kopplade till deras välbefinnande. Dessa positiva effekter och det ökade välbefinnande kan antas leda till ett lägre bruk av alkohol och narkotika då våra respondenter utmärker sig i att de ligger under genomsnittet i kontrollgruppen.

Caregiver wellbeing in psychosis services

Butler, Lucy January 2016 (has links)
The study aimed to examine the relationship between wellbeing, burden, distress and third-wave factors, including self-compassion and psychological flexibility, in caregivers of people with psychosis. The study secondly aimed to trial a new brief group intervention, combining Acceptance and Commitment Therapy (ACT) and Compassion-focused Therapy (CFT) for this population. Twenty-nine participants were assessed at baseline on primary measures of wellbeing, distress, psychological flexibility and self-compassion. Secondary factors including burden and mindfulness were also collected. Correlation analyses were used. Fourteen participants completed the group in intervention and follow-up measures, and pre-post investigations were employed. Lower levels of psychological flexibility and self-compassion were related to lower levels of wellbeing and higher levels of burden and distress. There was a potential mediating effect of psychological flexibility on the relationship between self-compassion and wellbeing. The group intervention was acceptable to caregivers, and there were significant positive changes in self-compassion, distress, burden and mindfulness. The study adds to the existing data regarding wellbeing and burden in caregivers of people with psychosis. This study provides new insights into the factors of self-compassion and psychological flexibility within this population. The ACT with Compassion intervention is a promising, brief intervention which would benefit from further application and evaluation.

Understanding the dynamic nature of well-being: a multilevel SEM framework to capture intra- and inter-individual associations across multiple timescales and levels of analysis

Rush, Jonathan 18 May 2018 (has links)
The study of well-being has a long history of investigation from a nomothetic (between-person) perspective that aimed to understand characteristic levels of well-being and individual difference variables that account for stable differences across people. Recent investigations have demonstrated that levels of well-being have the capacity to rapidly fluctuate within people over short intervals and also exhibit slower changes over longer intervals, highlighting the importance of considering the ideographic (within-person) nature of well-being. The aim of this dissertation was to help build on such within-person understanding by demonstrating how theories of well-being may be empirically evaluated using innovative research designs (e.g., intensive repeated measurement designs) and analytic techniques (e.g., multilevel structural equation models [MSEM]) that can fully capture the complexity and dynamic nature of well-being. Three distinct research studies employing intensive repeated measurement designs and an MSEM analytic framework addressed a variety of research questions concerning intra- and inter-individual predictors of well-being. Study one (Chapter 2) simultaneously examined the multilevel moderation and mediation effects of cognitive interference on stress reactivity estimated in a 14-day daily diary design. Study two (Chapter 3) utilized measurement burst data from a large U.S. sample of adults, assessed across multiple time-scales, to examine long-term changes in short-term within-person associations. Random within-person slopes were specified as exogenous predictor variables of individual differences in global levels of psychological well-being. Study three (Chapter 4) used simulation data to examine the conditions where specifying within-person measurement scales as latent variables compared to unit-weighted composite scores optimized detection of within-person effects. This dissertation demonstrates the importance of innovative design and analysis to appropriately model and understand the complex, dynamic associations that operate within and across individuals in predicting their experiences of well-being. / Graduate / 2019-05-14

Shrimp-prawn farming in Bangladesh : impacts on livelihoods, food and nutritional security

Mamun, Abdullah-Al January 2016 (has links)
The overarching aim of this research was to improve understanding of the synergies and trade-offs between economic and domestic food security benefits associated export-oriented shrimp and prawn aquaculture in a fragile developing country environmental context. The research scope covers the entire ‘seafood system’ incorporating production, distribution, trading and consumption in the south-west coastal region under greater Khulna District, Bangladesh. The primary research objective was to understand causal factors in variation of seafood nutritional quality and health outcomes, exploring correlations with seafood consumption across a range of agro-ecological, aquatic farming systems and socio-economic conditions. The study also focused on differences in intra-household allocation with a special focus on adolescent girls, being amongst the most vulnerable members of society. These objectives necessitated a highly inter-disciplinary approach to understand complex interactions between biophysical aspects (e.g. where and which species are most effective in supplying essential nutrients) and the social norms of food allocation. Fieldwork was conducted in Satkhira, Khulna, and Bagerhat Districts of Khulna Province over 17 months during 2012 to 2015. Four villages across a peak-annual surface water salinity gradient; high saline (>10 ppt), medium saline (>5<10 ppt), low saline (<5 ppt) and freshwater (<0.5 ppt) were selected for case-studies. The thesis begins with a literature review of the evolution of shrimp and prawn farming in Bangladesh and the wider region and identification of knowledge gaps. Research resolved from district to community to household level. Key informant (KI) interviews were used to establish well-being criteria (based on a range of 5 social and economic assets) at community level. In each community a census of households (n=1082 households) were derived from the same interviews and KIs asked to ranked households on the established well-being criteria. Results were validated through a short interview of all the identified households (HH). This sample-frame provided the based for two concurrent survey efforts. Stratified-random selection of 160 HH on two well-being categories (better-off and worse-off) for ‘farm level’ analysis using a semi-structured questionnaire. Key topics included inputs/outputs characteristics, economic benefits and the fate of farmed products were evaluated. Another 240 households with single adolescent girls were selected from the same frame, again with randomized-stratified sampling based on well-being categories for ‘intra-household’ analysis. This resulted in selection of 60 HH per community consisting of 30 ‘better-off’ and 30 worse-off households (further analysis was conducted on a range of secondary sampling outcomes based on livelihood options, intra-household food distribution and aquatic farming assets). A 24-hour food recall method, food frequency questionnaire, food photography and measuring cup sets were used to estimate individual members’ food consumption at the household level. Anthropometric measures (stunting, wasting, BMI, MUAC) and biomarkers (omega-3 index in RBC and LC n-3 PUFA/LC PUFA in whole blood cell) were used to assess food security outcomes of adolescent girls (n=200 subject). In an entirely separate effort, samples of shrimp/prawn and fish polyculture species (57 species and 9 by-products, 1 live feed; n=672) were collected from the major agro-ecologies (four saline gradients; HS, MS, LS and FW) and culture systems (extensive, semi-intensive, intensive, organic and pocket gher). At least 3 sites from each saline gradient (3×4=12 sites) were selected for sampling and pooled samples to represent all the culture system in the region. The major macro and micronutrients of the collected species were analysed and these datasets were used to know the nutritional distribution among the family members in household level study. Two aggregate indices of wealth (or well-being) and aquaculture were developed based on a range of quantitative (ordinal and interval) measures. Principle Component Analysis (PCA) was used to understand how aquaculture influences on wealth gain. Wealth index of the same social well-being did not differ among the agro-ecologies. However, the aquaculture index was varied in agro-ecologies. Most of the households (60-80%) were involved directly in aquaculture however, a majority portion of the households was worse-off (48-64%). Both HS and LS area had more livelihood options due to their proximity to mangrove forest Sundarbans and city amenities, respectively compared to MS and FW area. Ownership of the land did not influence any involvement in aquaculture and yields but he willingness and risk-absorbing capacity of the farmers were the main factor to get involve in aqauculture. In aquatic farming system the importance of export-oriented shellfish yield gradually decreased from HS to FW area (55-20% by volume). The intentional stocking of finfish and PLs were common across the saline areas however the wild caught juveniles and hatchery originated fingerlings were usual in higher and lower saline areas, respectively. The low priced tilapia took the place of wild recruited mangrove fishes in MS area. Diseases, especially the devastating white spot virus (WSSV), frequency were higher in higher saline areas. The indicators like wild recruitment, salinity, water productivity and water management also a vital factor to gain yield. The integration of aquatic and terrestrial crops (rice and dyke crop) in the lower saline areas provide higher yield compared to higher saline areas. However, the net economic returns were largely determined by the aquatic products. The income of ghers in FW and MS area was sensitive to the lower prices of freshwater finfish and tilapia. The protein content in shellfish was higher than the other finfish, however, lower in other essential nutrients. Species living in the higher saline areas contained higher total n-3 PUFA (in weight) and LC n-3 PUFA/LC-PUFA compared to the same species living in lower saline areas. Small Indigenous Species (SIS) and Self-Recruiting Species (SRS) were proven to provide higher micronutrients and total n-3 PUFA than larger fish. Seafood that destined for the international markets contained less n-3 PUFA and micronutrients in comparison to the domestically consumed fish. Customary intra-household food distribution disparity (mainly fish) still exists at household levels where females, especially adolescent girls, were deprived. Fish consumption (>77 g /capita/day) and fish originated protein supply (>25% of total protein intake) was higher than the other part of Bangladesh. The protein consumption of adolescents was 2-3 times higher than the Recommended Nutritional Intake (RNI). However, the energy intake was lower than the required level. High protein, low energy consumption was not reflected in body mass. Micronutrients (zinc) consumption was above the RNI level. However, iron and calcium consumption was less than the RNI. The n-3 PUFA in RBC of adolescent girls accurately reflected their access to, and availability of, oily fish. In the omega-3 index (n-3 PUFA in red blood cell) both HS and MS areas, adolescent females were in the intermediate stage (4-8%), and rest of the two areas were in the undesirable stage (<4%). The n-3 LC-PUFA was around 20-30% of total LC-PUFA content in whole blood and gradually decreased from higher saline to lower saline areas. The thesis concludes that the gher based aquatic animal farming in S-W Bangladesh is a dynamic system operated by both rich and poor. The salinity level and the presence of mangrove forest make the farming system dynamic. The holistic scenario suggested aquaculture in ghers is a family driven small scale polyculture where varieties of aquatic foods are produced both for global and local value chain. Higher amounts of valued products (both in terms of nutrition and price), less disease susceptibility, more alternative livelihood options both in HS and LS were found in better position than the other two sites, however the nutritional content of fish and its manifestation in adolescents strongly mirrors agro-ecologies irrespective of social position of households. The thesis provides an important, grounded importance of the system and the linkage of the community people for livelihoods, food production and food security. The dynamic systems were understood and effective messages formulated for the policy makers. In doing so, the thesis contributes to an understanding of how small-scale polyculture equally benefited local food security and macroeconomic growth of a developing country.

Sambandet mellan socialdans och upplevd lycka / The relationship between social dancing and perceived happiness

Lama, Parash January 2017 (has links)
Dans är aktivitet som väcker positiva emotioner och förknippas med bland annat högtider, musik, social gemenskap, motion och andra positiva händelser, vilka är faktorer som kan bidra till lycka. Exempelvis har forskningsvärldens nyfikenhet på fritidsaktiviteter lett till att pardans, som generellt setts som en social och kulturell aktivitet, numera blivit accepterad som alternativ behandlingsform mot psykisk ohälsa såsom stress, ångest och depression. Dock fann jag i min litteraturundersökning att det var få studier som var gjorda där man undersökte socialdansen (pardans utan tävlingsinslag) och dess påverkan på friska människors lycka. Därför ämnade föreliggande studie undersöka sambandet mellan socialdans och lycka. För att besvara frågeställningarna mättes de oberoende variablerna duration, intensitet och frekvens i socialdans med de två beroende variablerna livstillfredsställelse (kognitiv lycka) och välbefinnande (affektiv lycka). Självskattningsskalan SWLS användes för att mäta livstillfredsställelse och PANAS C för att mäta upplevt välbefinnande. Deltagarna var 136 socialdansare i åldrarna 19–70 år, från olika delar av Sverige, med en medelålder på 37,83 år (SD = 12,138 år), där 68 procent var kvinnor och 43 procent var män. Multipel linjär regression användes för dataanalysen. Resultaten visade att endast variabeln duration uppvisade signifikant värde gällande prediktion av kognitiv lycka (livstillfredsställelse). Däremot visade också resultaten av samtliga oberoende variabler; duration, frekvens och intensitet, signifikanta värden gällande prediktion av affektiv lycka (välbefinnande). / Dance is an activity that evokes positive emotions and is associated with, among others: festivals, music, community, exercise and other positive occasions; factors that seem to contribute to happiness. The research community's curiosity within the field of recreational activities has for instance led to the fact that ballroom dancing, commonly viewed as a social and cultural activity, now has been accepted as an alternate form of treatment for mental illness, such as stress, anxiety and depression. However, in my literature overview I found that there were few studies on social dancing (basically ballroom dancing without the competitive components) and its effects on healthy human beings' happiness. Therefore, this study endeavors to investigate the relation between social dancing and happiness. To answer the questions, the independent variables duration, intensity and frequency in social dancing were measured and related to the dependent variables of perceived happiness, life satisfaction (cognitive happiness), and general well-being (affective happiness). The selfreport scale SWLS was used to measure life satisfaction and PANAS C to measure perceived well-being. The participants were 136 social dancers 2 between the ages of 19-70 years, with an average age of 37.8 years (SD = 12.1 years); 68 percent were women and 43 percent were men. Multiple linear regression was used for data analysis. The results show that only the variable duration showed significance in predicting cognitive happiness, i.e. satisfaction of life. However, the results showed that all the independent variables of duration, intensity and frequency showed a significant value for prediction of affective happiness, i.e.general well-being.

Životní cíle v mezigeneračním srovnání / Life Goals - An Intergenerational Comparison

Morávková, Kateřina January 2017 (has links)
This thesis deals with the subject of life goals. It presents selected life goal theories and possible life goal classifications. Attention is also paid to developmental characteristics of life goals in the context of Theories of life-span development. Another related subject is meaningfulness of life - which is closely related to life goals. It outlines philosophical roots of this concept and some psychological theories. The last subject of the theoretical part is psychological construct of well-being, which is presented by selected theories. Empirical part of this thesis is trying to verify the hypothesis that there is a significant difference between the content of important goals of younger and older adults. It also examines the connexion between intrinsic and extrinsic aspirations and Life satisfaction. In order to attain this aim, we used two methods trough two different questionnaires - Satisfaction with Life Scale and Aspiration Index (AI). Samples were made by assessing answers of 962 Czech adult respondents, and the survey packet was distributed to participants online. We found significant differences between younger and older adults in the importance attributed to different goals which concerned: Affiliation, Sense of community, Physical health, Financial Success, Image, Popularity,...

Tendence k vyhledávání mimořádných zážitků a její vztah k životní spokojenosti / Sensation seeking tendency and its relationship to well-being

Šuk, Oleg January 2015 (has links)
In the first part, diploma thesis presents theoretical background of well-being and sensation seeking tendency concepts. By analysing available resources in Czech and foreign literature it presents current theoretical understanding of these concepts and discusses their relationship to other psyche phenomena. In the empirical part, research hypotheses about existence of the relationship between well-being represented by SWLS questionnaire (Satisfaction With Life Scale; Diener et al., 1985) and sensation seeking tendency represented by SSS V scale (Sensation Seeking Scale V; Zuckerman, 1979) are examined. As support, Ten-item personality inventory TIPI (Gosling et al., 2003) is used. Two groups of respondents participated in the study: Czech (N = 137) and Slovak (N = 181) which were considered one sample (N = 318). Pearson correlation and hierarchical regression analysis showed negligible significant relationship (r = 0,12; p < 0,05) between sub-scale Experience Seeking (ES) and SWLS. However, EC score did not predict SWLS variance. Overall, study failed to accept hypothesis of existence of the relationship between SWLS and SSS V and hypothesis of mutual independence was accepted. Furthermore, the thesis deals with closer analysis of the results and personality predictors of SWLS. Keywords:...

Spokojenost dospívajících s životem v doplněné rodině ve vztahu k zahájení samostatného života / Well-being of adolescents in a stepfamily related to the start of independent life

Barborová, Jana January 2015 (has links)
This thesis deals with adolescence of individual in the context of a family milieu of step family. It is focused on perceiving of contentment of an adolescent with his life in a step family as a determinant in relation to the start of independent life. The thesis consists of theoretical and empirical character. The introduction deals with the theoretical anchoring of each key concept. Individual chapters are dedicated to the step family concept definition. This is done from point of view of terminology, meaning of content, typology and related problems, theoretical framework of adolescence process and definition of basic theoretical life-satisfaction concept. The empirical part is devoted to the quantitative survey which was carried out through a questionnaire survey. The aim of this research was to find out whether the satisfaction/dissatisfaction of adolescent with the life in a step family influences the tendency to start an independent life. Key words: Stepfamily, adolescent, well - being, become independent

Měření subjektivní duševní pohody učitelů na základní škole s využitím metody ukotvujících vinět / Measuring subjective well-being of teachers at elementary schools with using the anchoring vignette method

Vlčková, Petra January 2016 (has links)
The diploma thesis deals with evaluation of subjective well-being of elementary school teachers with use of anchoring vignettes. General goal of the thesis is to research actual subjective well-being of teachers and find out what factors are affecting it. Theoretical part characterizes subjective well-being and its components, its interconnection with life satisfaction, quality of life and happiness. Theoretical part also consists of explanation of the anchoring vignettes method including description of its application in particular researches. Empirical part of the thesis uses an existing survey method called Diener's satisfaction with life scale supplemented by anchoring vignettes. The research refers to high level of subjective well-being among teachers. Some variables (eg. family status, work in city or village) which make differences between levels of satisfaction were found. Application of anchoring vignettes method confirmed results of self-assessing questions in most cases. Keywords: subjective well-being, life satisfaction, quality of life, anchoring vignette, teacher survey

Does Lone Motherhood Decrease Women's Happiness? Evidence from Qualitative and Quantitative Research

Baranowska-Rataj, Anna, Matysiak, Anna, Mynarska, Monika January 2014 (has links) (PDF)
This paper contributes to the discussion on the effects of single motherhood on happiness. We use a mixed-method approach. First, based on indepth interviews with mothers who gave birth while single, we explore mechanisms through which children may influence mothers' happiness. In a second step, we analyze panel survey data to quantify this influence. Our results leave no doubt that, while raising a child outside of marriage poses many challenges, parenthood has some positive influence on a lone mother's life. Our qualitative evidence shows that children are a central point in an unmarried woman's life, and that many life decisions are taken with consideration of the child's welfare, including escaping from pathological relationships. Our quantitative evidence shows that, although the general level of happiness among unmarried women is lower than among their married counterparts, raising a child does not have a negative impact on their happiness.

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